
How to make juice from victoria. Strawberry - apple juice

favorite berry

Probably, there are few people who do not like strawberries and can safely walk past dishes with these fresh, fragrant, beautiful berries: the hand reaches out to them by itself - I want to take at least one. Strawberries are actively used in confectionery industry, and in cosmetology, and in perfumery, but with all this, few people are familiar with strawberry juice! Meanwhile, just like the berry itself, it consists of seeds, nuts, fiber and juice (by the way, a berry is not quite the right name here, but it’s familiar).

Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice not only tasty, but also very useful, which our ancestors knew very well. Strawberries, and, accordingly, the juice from it, are especially rich in vitamins of group B, as well as: C, PP, A and E. Strawberry juice is indicated for strengthening blood vessels, stimulating appetite, normalizing pressure and action. digestive system, to remove toxins and toxins, as well as increase the immunity of the whole organism as a whole and with anemia. One of the attractive properties of strawberry juice is its rejuvenating effect. In case of a cold, the juice of these berries will act as a diaphoretic and antimicrobial agent.

In general, if you are not allergic to this miracle berry and other contraindications, then you can safely use its juice. For juicing, the fruits are best picked on a cool day or in the morning - if the weather is warm. It is best to do this with the stalks. You need to store strawberries unwashed: in the room for several hours, in the refrigerator under the film - for several days.

How to prepare strawberry juice for the future

To please yourself and your family with fresh strawberry juice cold winter, prepare it for future use in summer or autumn.

1) Recipe for making strawberry juice. Take ripe berries without damage and with stalks, sort and wash them (wash directly with stalks). Then wait until the water drains from the berries and squeeze the juice out of them - this can be done using a press, after placing the strawberries in a gauze bag. The resulting juice must be filtered into an enamel pan, heated to about 85 degrees, kept on fire for about 5 minutes, without boiling and poured into sterilized containers. Then jars or bottles of juice should be sterilized (covered with lids) for about 20 minutes and corked.

2) Another recipe:
- 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
- 1 kg of granulated sugar;
- 1 g of citric acid.
Strawberries need to be washed, dried, the pedicels are separated and the berries are cut in half. Next, sprinkle the berries with sugar and finely crushed citric acid. Leave to insist for 1 hour. Then strawberries with sugar should be poured into a sieve and left for 3 hours to express the juice. Pour the juice obtained in this way into a bottle, close the lid and tie with parchment paper.

strawberry drink recipes

Strawberry Juice Puree:
- boiled and cooled water;
- fresh strawberries;
- granulated sugar.
Take all the ingredients to taste. The more berries - the "strawberry" juice! Sort the berries, rinse, let the water drain from them and separate the pedicels. Then beat the strawberries with a blender or mixer until a homogeneous puree mass is obtained. Gently pour in water and sugar, without turning off the blender, continue to beat. To facilitate even distribution of sugar, it can be pre-dissolved in water. If desired, ice can be added to the juice puree (whisk the drink with ice).

Strawberry Juice Cocktail:
- 2 tbsp. kefir or curdled milk;
- 1 tbsp. strawberry juice;
- 2 tsp granulated sugar;
- ice cubes
Cool the kefir and beat it well with a mixer along with strawberry juice and sugar. Ready cocktail pour into glasses with ice.

Strawberry cocktail:
- 2 tbsp. natural yogurt;
- 400 g fresh strawberries;
- 1/2 tbsp. honey;
- 1/2 tsp cardamom powder;
- ice cubes
Rinse the strawberries, drain and separate the stalks from the berries. Next, mix the strawberries, honey and cardamom with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add yogurt and ice and stir again.
Bon appetit!

- Regular use strawberry juice normalizes digestion and metabolism, reduces the load on the liver and gallbladder;

Thanks to high content manganese in strawberries, juice stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, nourishes nerve and brain cells, promotes the formation of blood and bones; supports sexual function;

Strawberry juice strengthens the immune system, protects the body from pathogenic viruses and bacteria, has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, normalizes arterial pressure and blood sugar levels has a general rejuvenating effect on the entire body - cosmetically, it simply works wonders.

Anthocyanins - natural antibiotics of strawberries, make its juice a powerful anti-inflammatory agent: it is recommended to drink it for rheumatoid arthritis, gout, asthma, cholelithiasis and kidney stones.

Strawberry juice

This is how it is described beneficial features this product.
Don't know. The trouble is that almost no one prepares strawberry juice in Russia.
When our own strawberries appear, we pounce on them like locusts, and hardly anything remains for jam.
Where are the juices, in which the consumption of berries is greater, and the shelf life is shorter.
It is better to eat strawberries right away and store anthocyanins right in your body. For the winter...

Strawberry juice is made quite rarely for one more reason - too delicate taste in this berry, and far from always, it passes into the juice obtained from it. For example, my favorite juicer in this case unsuitable. That is, in principle. Instead of strawberry juice, get something tasteless. Strawberries are increasingly used in jam, jam, well, they are allowed to compote, at worst. But in vain.
As it turned out, when processing strawberries, most of all useful elements preserved during the manufacture of juice. Such juice is good both as an independent drink and as a component in various cocktails.
If you decide to fight for every vitamin, then better juice wring out manually, through gauze. I heard somewhere that from contact with metal, juice loses some of its beneficial properties, oxidizes, or something.
I also use a juicer. Of course, I am also for vitamins, but within reason and taking into account the means of facilitating manual labor.
So let's get started...


For strawberry juice we need:

- strawberries 1 kg;
- granulated sugar 200 g.

Ingredients for our preparation


And once again skip the strawberry cake.

Fill no more than 1/5 of the saucepan with the resulting strawberry juice, because the juice will rise a lot when it boils.

Remove the resulting foam and all the strawberry juice is ready. !Specialists recommend warming up the juice to 85 degrees, do not bring it to a boil, as it loses its properties. I don’t have a thermometer, and boiling gives me peace of mind and confidence that the juice, when stored on an insulated balcony, will not turn out a mash by the winter.

Pour hot jar top with hot juice.

roll up hot cap closing machine.

Delicious, fragrant and natural strawberry juice is ready!

Bon appetit!

Strawberries - juicy garden berry With great taste And delicate aroma. Strawberries ripen in Russia depending on the region, from June to the end of July. Previously, this berry was bred only in the south of Russia, but now, with the help of breeders, varieties of this berry have appeared, which are grown both in Altai and in Far East, and in Siberia. And, the latest achievement of agronomy is hydroponics. Strawberries can be grown in water using greenhouses with a special microclimate, fertilizers and lighting. That's right, in truth - there is no limit to perfection.

Fresh strawberries contain vitamins A, C, E, group B. Of the microelements, strawberries contain iron, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others. Strawberries are useful for hypertension, cancer, anemia. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. IN folk medicine it is believed that in order to purify the blood, it is necessary to eat at least 6 kilograms of fresh strawberries during the season

Strawberry juice prepared for the future for the winter has the same miraculous properties that and berries. So, let's look at how you can prepare strawberry drinks for the winter and with what fruit ingredients.

Natural strawberry juice is produced from strawberries. you can use some sugar. Strawberry juice is good for medical nutrition, for children, if there is no allergy to strawberries, and is also included in the diet of pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. Since during pregnancy, toxicosis is caused by a lack of iron. and in strawberries it is enough. It has long been noticed that strawberries remove salts of heavy metals from the body well. Strawberry juice can be the base for canned strawberries in their own juice.

If you have an excellent harvest in your country house this year, then this recipe is for you.


  • strawberries - 10 kg.
  • sugar 100 gr. per liter of juice.

How to make juice at home:

  1. To prepare the drink, we choose berries of small size, ripe, with a bright color.
  2. We sort the berries, discard overripe, unripe, rotten. Remove the sepals and wash well. We must never forget that strawberries grow very low above the ground and the berries themselves can be heavily polluted with sand or earth.
  3. Put the clean berries in a cloth bag and squeeze under pressure until there is a copious release of liquid.
  4. The resulting juice is poured into a saucepan, heated to a temperature of 85 degrees and poured hot into sterilized jars.
  5. We sterilize jars of juice, depending on the capacity of the container, from 5 to 30 minutes and tightly cork with metal lids.
  6. The remaining pulp can also be used for secondary juice. To do this, pour 5 kilograms of pulp with 1 liter of water, cooled to 40 degrees, stand for about 5 hours. Next, the pulp is again placed in a cloth bag and placed under the press.
  7. Optionally, you can sweeten the secondary juice, or boil syrup on it. Next, pour the cool syrup into boiled water, put a jug of drink in the refrigerator, drink in hot weather.

Frozen strawberry juice

The frozen juice recipe is very simple. Freezing vegetables and fruits is a very productive way of harvesting for the winter. With this method of processing, berries and juices do not lose their beneficial properties. You can use the freezer compartment of a household refrigerator, and even better if you have a separate freezer with multiple levels. You can also use molds for food ice put the frozen cubes separately in a plastic bag.


  • strawberries - 8 kg.

Strawberry juice - preparation:

  1. Strawberries are sorted, processed and passed through a juicer.
  2. We do not sterilize the resulting strawberry juice, but immediately pour it into containers of any capacity and put it in the freezer for freezing.
  3. In winter, we take out containers with juice, defrost them at room temperature and use without boiling depending on how you want to use them.

Strawberry - apple juice

Apple juice has a beneficial effect on the human body, and in addition, when mixed with strawberry juice, which can cause it, it has a slightly softening effect. That's why many parents choose apple-mixed juices for their kids. Juice is very fond of kids and it is suitable for children's holidays and birthdays.


  • strawberries - 6 kg,
  • apples - 4 kg.
  • sugar - 200 gr.

How to make strawberry juice with apples:

  1. Strawberries are processed and distilled into juice as in the recipe described above.
  2. Apples, preferably sweet and juicy, wash, cut in half, remove the seed boxes and cut into slices. Then we pass the apples through the juicer.
  3. Mixing strawberry and Apple juice and, pour them into an enameled pan, warm up to 85 degrees and pour into prepared jars.

Strawberry juice for the winter with blackcurrant

Blackcurrant is one of the leaders (cranberries, rose hips, kiwi) in terms of vitamin C content, which means that the product is useful for increasing the body's resistance to infections. The drink is part of the medical nutrition.


  • strawberries - 5 kg,
  • blackcurrant - 2 kg,
  • sugar - 2 cups,
  • water 400 ml.

How to make strawberry juice with blackcurrant:

  1. We clean the selected strawberries from sepals, wash them, put them in a canvas bag and squeeze out the liquid under pressure, which we then filter.
  2. We cut the blackcurrant from the branches, wash it, knead it with a wooden spoon or a bottle of champagne, put it in a saucepan, pour in a glass of water and cook for several minutes. Then we spread the currants on several layers of gauze and manually squeeze out the liquid.
  3. We prepare syrup from sugar and water.
  4. Pour the strawberry and currant juice, add syrup and heat to 90 degrees. We maintain the drink at this temperature for 5-7 minutes and pour it into sterilized jars.
  5. We sterilize jars of juice depending on the capacity of the container for 12 - 25 minutes and roll them tightly.

If you still have extra blackcurrant berries, then you can cook from them

Recipe for strawberry juice in a juicer with raspberries

Raspberry is a natural antibiotic. The mixed product has an antipyretic effect and is a drink for medical nutrition. Recommended for use during colds, inflammatory processes in the body, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


  • strawberries 2 kg,
  • raspberries - 2 kg,
  • sugar - 200 gr.,

How to make strawberry juice for the winter with raspberries:

  1. We place the prepared strawberries in the grid - the pan of the juicer.
  2. We put the raspberries in a colander and dip it three times in salted water. If there are raspberry bugs in the raspberries, they will float up and are easy to remove with a slotted spoon. Next, mash the berries a little.
  3. Combine strawberries with raspberries, sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Fill the lower container of the juicer with water and bring it to a boil. Then install a saucepan with a hose on top, and a grid with berries on top. Cover the unit with a lid and boil for 45 minutes.
  5. Next, open the hose tap and fill warm jars with juice, then seal the field immediately.

Recipe for making strawberry juice for the winter with cherries

Sweet and fresh tasting cherries go well with sour strawberries. Juice can not even be sweetened. Both strawberries and cherries contain a large number of gland. The juice is useful for low blood hemoglobin, pregnant women and just good as a lunchtime dessert.


  • strawberries - 5 kg,
  • sweet cherry - 3 kg.

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting strawberry juice for the winter:

  1. Strawberry juice is obtained using a press, filtered and poured into an enamel pan.
  2. We wash the cherries, remove the stalks, knead a little with a wooden pestle, put them in a canvas bag and squeeze the juice under pressure.
  3. Pour cherry juice into strawberry juice and heat to 90 degrees, but do not boil.
  4. Pour hot juice into prepared jars and roll up. Then we turn the jars over and, cover with a blanket and cool for about a day.

Strawberry Tropical Nectar

The drink is suitable for festive banquets. For the winter, housewives are harvested in small quantities for especially important occasions. IN mixed drinks, as a rule, one taste should dominate, and the rest should only complement it, introducing a subtle flavor note. In this drink, each of the components has peculiar taste. The taste of this nectar is really for lovers of something unusual, bright and rich. In a word - a drink for gourmets. Juice is served as an independent dessert, diluted with water, it goes well in low-alcohol cocktails with liqueurs and champagne. Suitable for whipped cream, cakes, ice cream.


  • strawberries - 3 kg,
  • pineapple 1 pc.,
  • bananas - 3 pcs.,
  • kiwi - 4 pcs.,
  • pears - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 300 gr.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Strawberry juice is obtained by pressing. You can skip the berries through the juicer, but the amount of pulp will be greater. Not economical.
  2. Peel the skin off the pineapple and cut into small cubes.
  3. We wash the pears, cut out the core and cut into small slices.
  4. Kiwi and bananas are washed, peeled and cut into pieces.
  5. Pass through the juicer pears, kiwi, bananas and pineapple. The resulting juice is filtered, poured into an enamel pan, add sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  6. The resulting nectar is defended for 10 minutes, and then poured into jars, sterilized and tightly closed.

Let's summarize. Strawberry juice is a useful product in all its preparations and works great with various berries and fruits. The strawberry season is quite short. And to prolong it by letting yourself enjoy it excellent taste all year round, this article was written.

The choice of recipe is yours. It remains only to follow the instructions. Good luck!

06/29/2017 1 198 0 ElishevaAdmin

Compotes, juices

In winter, homemade juices, berry, fruit and vegetable, become especially tasty and are perceived as a gift of a generous summer. Juice recipes for the winter fill cookbooks both Internet pages and housewives are not too lazy to spend time on such preparations. At the same time, each time something especially interesting is found, often from old half-forgotten grandmother's methods.

Homemade juices in the winter are not like store-bought ones, they are completely natural, made according to their own, proven recipe. There are many types of juices, as well as recipes for their preparation, but only two main technologies are used for fruit juices.

1. With sugar and without sterilization

The first is that the squeezed juice is boiled with the addition of sugar, about 100 g per 1 liter of liquid. If the fruits are sweet, then citric acid is added. Boiling juice is poured into sterilized hot jars and immediately rolled up.

2. With sterilization

The second technology requires mandatory sterilization. Pure squeezed juice in kind filter, also bring to a boil and pour into hot jars. But, since it does not contain sugar, which has a preservative effect, it is necessary to sterilize the jars for 10-15 minutes. After that, you can roll up, sterilization makes it possible to reliably store the juice for the winter.

Therefore, the second method is also used for sweet juices with pulp, for complex juices and for specific products. More details in the recipes. If vegetable juices, then the issue with sugar and sterilization is decided in each case.

Rolled cans, no matter how the juice rolls, are turned over, put on the lids, laying a towel or a folded napkin. Wrap up, wait until everything cools down naturally.

And then, when the jars have cooled, they unfold the blanket and see if foam has appeared. Those banks that do not have it are sent for storage.

Those that allow air to pass through will not stand - they are opened and the contents are allowed to eat. Or make a second attempt to roll up.

Preparatory procedures for harvesting juices for the winter

Juices for the winter at home are prepared carefully, any little thing can bring down all efforts. This applies to the preparation of containers for preservation and the raw materials themselves.

Whatever method of preservation you choose, the preparation of the container is the same. Banks in both cases are thoroughly washed and roasted in the oven. There they are kept hot until boiling liquid is poured into them. The lids boil, and the hands are protected from hot. The pot in which the juice is boiled must be enamelled.

And the main task is to choose the right products from which you can make high-quality juices for the winter. They should be ripe, juicy, without the slightest sign of rot. They are carefully sorted, washed, dried and prepared to obtain juice.

Some products do not need to be washed, such as raspberries and others. tender berries, especially if they are from their own garden.

Products can be combined with each other, then the juice will turn out with a complex taste. Juices are prepared for the winter, transparent or with pulp, sometimes they are concentrated. Then, before drinking, they are diluted with water.

On the Internet you can find various recipes juices for the winter with a photo, or with a video instruction, or step-by-step, or even simply descriptive. The hostesses willingly share their experience, tell in detail how to make juice for the winter, so that it stays for a long time, retains the maximum of useful properties, and is tasty.

Let's move on to specific recipes, let's make juice for the winter. We will not consider recipes such as freezing, we are interested in conservation.

Lemon juice for the winter


Fresh lemons, no damage

Vodka or other alcohol (optional)

1. Squeeze juice from lemons.

2. Method one: heat the freshly squeezed juice to 38 ° C and roll it up to prevent air from entering. In this case, we choose jars or bottles with a tightly screwed lid for storage.

3. Method two: add alcohol to freshly squeezed juice, in the amount of 10% of the juice volume, bottle it and cork it.

harvest lemon juice for the winter without sugar is very convenient. Housewives use it in salads and sauces, and not only in desserts and baking - and sugar is not needed everywhere. And it is appropriate to put lemon juice with alcohol in the dough, this gives it fluffiness and a special taste.

Pumpkin-carrot juice for the winter


1 kg selected pumpkin pulp

1 kg carrots, also pulp

Sugar from the calculation: 1 tbsp per 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice

1. We cut both carrots and pumpkin into small cubes and load them into a juicer.

2. We warm the squeezed juice, but do not boil it. We pack hot in jars and seal.

3. We wrap, after settling, store in dryness and coolness.

Harvesting pumpkin juice for the winter is very useful, because it has big amount vitamins. Not inferior to him in usefulness and carrot, especially since he loses very little from heat treatment.

If carrot and pumpkin juices are combined together, then the resulting drink will not only be a storehouse of healing substances, but will also acquire a pleasant color and taste.

Birch sap for the winter


Natural sap made from birch

1st method with sugar, per 1 liter of juice:

Sugar, optional, 2 tbsp

Citric acid on the tip of a knife

2nd method with sugar, based on 3 liters of juice:

- ½ tbsp sugar

1 tsp citric acid

1. The most important thing is to collect birch sap.

2. You can simply preserve it: pour it into glass containers and pasteurize it. There will be natural juice.

3. With sugar and sourness, you can cook it in the second way, according to the recipe “1st method with sugar.” In this case, the juice boils and boils a little with sugar and acid. Then it is sterilized (10 minutes) and rolled up.

4. Method 2 with sugar: cook birch sap with sugar and acid for 5 minutes, then roll it up. They say that in this case it turns out to taste like a store-bought one.

Birch sap is called the elixir of health. At the same time, it refers to low calorie drinks and is indicated for many diets. Therefore, harvest Birch juice for the winter - a good thing, many will drink it.

Apricot juice for the winter


8 kg apricots, fresh and ripe

3g citric acid

400 g sugar

1. We disassemble the apricots, discard the seeds, squeeze the juice from the pulp.

2. Boil water with sugar, after dissolving the crystals, pour in the juice and wait for it to boil.

3. Remove the foam, boil the juice for 5 minutes.

4. Packed in hot glass containers and rolled up.

It is advisable to harvest apricot juice for the winter in enough. For some reason, he is very actively drunk during the winter months, especially children are eager for him.

Strawberry juice for the winter


1 kg strawberries large varieties, brightly colored

1 kg sugar

1 g citric acid, crushed into a fine powder

1. Cut the washed and dried berries in half, sprinkle with sugar mixed with citric acid powder. We do not touch the berries for 1 hour.

2. Drain the juice into a bowl, put a sieve on it with strawberries poured into it and wait another 3 hours until it drains all into the bowl.

3. Strawberries from the sieve will be used for culinary purposes, and the juice will be poured into a bottle and put in the refrigerator. Its magical taste, and even chilled, cannot be expressed in words.

Strawberry juice for the winter can be prepared differently.

1. After washing and drying, the berries are immediately sent under the press, putting them in a clean canvas bag.

2. The squeezed juice is filtered, heated to 85°C and kept at this temperature for 5 minutes.

3. Pouring into cans, they are pasteurized (20 minutes at 90°C).

4. Roll up.

Strawberry is a delicate and refined berry, and the juice from it combines amazing taste and undeniable benefits. With its wonderful aroma, it immediately improves mood, and for this alone it would be worth preparing it. It is especially useful to store strawberry juice for the winter, it is an excellent vitamin supplement during the cold winter months.

Orange juice for the winter


1 kg oranges

200 g sugar or 300

700 ml water

1. After washing the oranges, cut the zest with a sharp knife. Then squeeze the juice using a juicer.

2. Cut the zest into smaller pieces, boil, and filter the broth.

3. In enamel saucepan we collect juice squeezed from oranges, and a decoction of zest. After pouring sugar, heat, cook for 15 minutes slowly.

4. Pour the juice into hot jars and roll up.

Homemade orange juice, prepared for the winter according to this recipe, has a sunny bright color, strong citrus aroma reminiscent of tropical countries and rich refreshing taste. In winter, they drink it first of all, so harvest more.

Apple juice for the winter


Juicy apples, 10 kg

Sugar, 1 kg

1. Apples must be washed and run through a juicer. It must be powerful so that 10 kg can pass through it without difficulty. As a rule, such units cope with everything, no need to throw away the seeds or remove the skin.

2. We filter the juice through cheesecloth in several layers, spread on a sieve.

3. Strained juice, pouring sugar into it, warm it up, but do not bring it to a boil.

4. Roll up.

Homemade apple juice is good because in winter, children drink it instead of Coca-Cola and Fanta. It is tasty and quenches thirst well. And mothers often lean on him when they lose weight. It is much healthier than tea or coffee.

Tomato juice recipe for the winter


ripe tomatoes

Salt - 1 tsp per 2 liters of juice

Sugar - 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of juice

1. We grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder with a fine nozzle or pass through a juicer. In this case, the cake can be passed through it twice more.

2. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and set to heat. We put sugar and salt, stir, wait until it boils.

3. After boiling, cook for 2 minutes, removing the foam, and pour into jars.

4. We roll it up, put it on the bottom (at the same time it will become clear if somewhere the seaming was done poorly) and wrap it up.

Home tomato juice for the winter is often a by-product of other tomato preparations. Everything that did not go into business, any non-standard goes to the juice. The size of the fruit, the variety does not really matter, as long as the tomatoes are ripe and healthy.

Redcurrant juice for the winter


3 kg redcurrant berries, fully ripe

450 g sugar

1½ liters of water

1. We wash the branches with berries, then remove the leaves and adhering debris, but do not touch the stems.

2. Putting it in a saucepan, crush and crush the berries, pour water and set it all to heat. When it boils, boil for 10 minutes.

3. Strain the broth through a sieve into a saucepan, put sugar and heat again. The juice should boil for 3-4 minutes over low heat.

4. We roll it into banks.

Redcurrant juice is incredibly beautiful and tasty. It is only necessary to select ripe berries, when they have managed to gain maximum sugar and aroma.

The juice according to this recipe is very concentrated. Using the properties of red currant, you can add gelatin to it in winter and get a great dessert - jelly.

If you just drink juice, then it will have to be diluted with water first.

Blackcurrant juice for the winter


3 kg of berries black currant

1 kg sugar

0.4 l water

1. This juice can be made in stages, several times per season. The reason is that blackcurrant berries do not ripen at the same time, you have to harvest several times. And every time out ripe berries you can prepare a portion of juice for the winter.

2. After washing the berries, pour them into a saucepan, fill with water and set to heat. We will cook slowly, waiting for the berries to release juice.

3. Strain the brew, folding gauze in several layers, squeeze out as much as we can from the squeezes. Let the juice stand for a few hours.

4. Slowly pour the juice into a saucepan, put the sugar and heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. No need to boil yet. But after we strain the juice once again, bring it to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

5. Let's pour it into banks and roll it up.

Blackcurrant is resistant to heat treatment, and its beneficial properties are practically not lost during harvesting. Therefore, the juice from it is not only convenient to harvest for the winter, but also reasonable. Such an excellent vitamin remedy, and even having anti-cold properties, is very useful in winter.

Homemade raspberry juice


2 kg raspberries

0.4 kg sugar

0.3 or 0.4 l of water

1. If the berries are collected in your own garden, then you can not wash them. But, if they are bought on the market, then they will have to be washed, just be careful.

2. Folding the berries in a saucepan, knead with something wooden, or simply use a juicer - we get berry puree. Throw sugar into it and stir.

3. In a saucepan, heat the water to 60ºС, move the berry puree with sugar into it, mix. We heat further, another 5 minutes, then set aside. Let the brew sit covered for about 15 minutes.

4. Strain the juice through cheesecloth folded in several layers and boil. Now you can do two things: immediately roll up or, for insurance, subject the jars to pasteurization at 85ºС. Need to pasteurize liter jars 20 minutes, 3-liter - ½ hour.

Raspberry juice for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, is concentrated. It is drunk, diluted with water in the ratio: 1 part of juice to 5 parts of water. In this case, sugar will have to be added to the glass, or you can immediately, right at harvesting, increase its content.

Strawberry juice for the winter


1 kg strawberries

0.3 kg sugar

0.1 l water

1. Prepare the berries, make them puree.

2. Berry puree dilute with water and heat to 60ºС for about 3-5 minutes. Squeeze juice through gauze. You can not do this, then you get juice with pulp for the winter.

3. Juice, adding sugar to it, pour it directly into jars and send them for sterilization:

Liter cans - for 20 minutes;

2 liter - 25 minutes;

3 liters - 35 minutes.

4. Roll up and put upside down.

Strawberry juice for the winter, the best possible, is obtained from the Victoria variety. In any case, the berries are chosen not pink, but dark, sweet, absolutely ripe, but not overripe.

Cherry juice for the winter, natural, concentrated


5 kg maroon cherries

5 tbsp water

1. Prepare the berries, put them in a saucepan and, adding water, begin to heat.

2. When the water boils, we will cook until the berries are soft.

3. Strain the broth through a smaller sieve, without touching the berries. Let's collect everything that is glass immediately and then from the berries into a saucepan.

4. We will cook the juice slowly until a third of the original volume remains. Let's roll up.

This is one of those options when you can harvest berry juice for the winter without sugar. Cherry is a sweet berry, and its concentrated juice easy to drink, no one thinks to dilute it with water. Why, and so delicious!

But it is very high in calories, 1 glass (250 ml) of juice contains 130 kilocalories. Therefore, diabetics and those who are on a diet should not get involved in them.

Cherry juice for the winter, homemade, with pulp


4 kg juicy cherries

1 kg sugar

1. Take out the bones, chop the berries, but we will not turn them into puree. Fill with water and heat up.

2. When the cherries are soft, rub them through a fine sieve with a wooden spoon. At the exit we get juice with pulp.

3. Pour it into a saucepan, pour in sugar and set to heat. When the sugar melts and the juice boils, we pack it.

4. Banks, covered with lids, set to sterilize for 10 or 20 minutes.

5. Roll up, turn over.

Home Cherry juice, if cooked for the winter according to this recipe, very useful blank. It is drunk with water, because it turns out to be very strong, and therefore it is consumed slowly. In addition, it is convenient to cook jelly from such juice in winter, prepare sweet sauces for pastries, cheesecakes and pancakes.

Pumpkin apple juice for the winter, homemade with pulp


0.6 kg pumpkin pulp

4 kg sour apples

0.3 kg sugar

1. Pumpkin pulp, cut into pieces, steamed. When it is completely softened, rub it through a sieve and get mashed potatoes.

2. Squeeze juice from apples, dilute them pumpkin puree. After adding sugar, put the mixture to heat. After boiling, boil slowly for 5 minutes and roll up.

Pumpkin, literally stuffed with different useful substances, does not find a response in any way at home, especially in children. You need to disguise it somehow, make it attractive. Can cook pumpkin juice, blending it with other, more attractive juices. For example, with apple or citrus.

As for apples, there are always a lot of them, they are available, and everyone loves their juice. Therefore, juice from pumpkin and apples is a pleasant combination.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter


2 oranges

2 kg pumpkin pulp

30 g citric acid

0.2-0.3 kg of sugar

1. Oranges do not need to be peeled, but you will have to select all the seeds.

2. Cut into pieces citrus fruits and pumpkin pulp, put it in an even layer in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it just covers the food.

3. We will cook over medium heat until the pumpkin softens. Throw away orange peels, and turn the remaining mass into a puree: first we grind it with a blender, then rub it through a sieve.

4. Put the puree to heat, add citric acid and sugar, wait until it boils.

5. We pack the juice, roll it up. Banks will turn over and wrap.

Pumpkin juice with oranges is extremely useful, it is simply full of vitamins. And this is exactly what is needed in winter.

Natural homemade juice, apple-pear-raspberry

For this juice, we choose pears and apples juicy, fully ripe.


1 kg pears

1 kg apples

2 kg raspberries

1. Pears and apples are cut into slices, along the way we clean the skin and remove the core with seeds. We squeeze the juice from them separately - into different containers.

2. Two different pots(with apple and pear juice) heat up and wait until both juices boil. Let's stop heating.

3. Raspberries, without washing, put in gauze (several layers) and squeeze the juice. It also needs to be boiled.

4. Mix all 3 types of juice in one saucepan, bring to a boil again, now together. Let's roll up.

If you haven't made this juice yet, you should definitely try it. Crimson magical taste dominates, it is enriched with the aroma of pears and an apple tint. In winter, this is perceived as something unusual.

Apple pear juice, homemade natural


5 kg pears

5 kg apples

1 bunch oregano (or oregano, Italian variety this plant)

1. We cut pears and apples into slices, we get juice from them in any way - a food processor, or a meat grinder, or a juicer.

2. We filter the mass, pour it into a saucepan and start heating. When it boils, note the time, cook for ½ hour.

3. We prepare jars, put a sprig of oregano on the bottom of each. It is not necessary to do this, but with oregano juice will turn out to be more interesting and healthier.

4. Pour boiling juice into jars. If the oregano was not put, you can immediately roll it up. The presence of a sprig of grass will require sterilization:

20 minutes for small cans;

30 or 40 minutes for 3-litre.

5. We put the rolled cans upside down and wrap them up.

Apple pear juice is perceived as a pleasant option vitamin drinks. This is a juice for the winter without sugar, completely natural, when the sharpness of apples and the soft sweetness of pears make a perfect combination.

Grape juice for the winter, homemade, absolutely natural



1. My bunches, pick the berries and squeeze the juice out of them. We filter it additionally, folding gauze in several layers, and pour it into a saucepan.

2. We warm up to 85ºС, pour into 3-liter jars and pasteurize at the same 85ºС for 20 minutes. Let's roll up.

3. The pasteurization procedure can be avoided. In this case, the juice should be allowed to boil and boil a little, and then poured into jars and rolled up immediately.

4. But that's not all: you need to put the jars on the lids, let them stand for at least 2 hours in this position. Then they can be removed in a dark cool place.

We choose grapes ripe and fresh, it does not matter if the clusters are not the most selected. If only it was tasty and juicy, with intact grapes.

Homemade juice recipes for the winter always turn out much tastier than store-bought ones. It is the same with grapes, and with quince, and with any fruits.

There are few people in the world who do not like strawberries. But, her shelf life is catastrophically short, and if the harvest is large, then you urgently have to decide how to prepare strawberries for the winter. Strawberry variety "Victoria" is early variety. And the earliest strawberries are the most delicious and fragrant, but, unfortunately, after heat treatment most of taste and aroma disappears. The only chance to keep fresh taste and the flavor of "Victoria" for the winter is to make juice from it.

Strawberry juice from Victoria can be prepared with or without pulp. Juice with pulp is more healthy and tasty, but juice without pulp looks better in a glass.

To make juice, you need well-ripened berries. Put the berries in a deep bowl, pour cold water, mix a little and immediately catch them in a colander. If you leave Victoria in water for a long time, then the berries will turn sour, water will accumulate and the juice will turn out to be too watery.

Peel the berries from the tails and pass through the juicer.

If you want juice with pulp, then the preparation is over. To prepare filtered juice, it must be filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Do not squeeze too hard, otherwise the pulp will crawl through the gauze, and you will have to filter the juice again.

Do not be upset if a lot of pulp remains after filtration, because this is an excellent cooking base, which can also be harvested for the winter.

Now, the most crucial moment. Strawberry juice cannot be boiled, it must be heated for 5 minutes, at a temperature of +75 degrees. If you do not have a kitchen thermometer, then just be careful. Stir the juice and if it starts to boil, turn down the heat or remove the pan from the stove.

The Victoria variety is already sweet enough, so you can do without adding sugar.

Pour the juice into sterile jars and roll them up with lids. Keep strawberry juice from Victoria in a cool, dark place for 8-10 months.

Also, very rich taste has, but, alas, there is no aroma of fresh berries in it.

How to make strawberry juice, see the video:
