
How to cook spaghetti - the secrets of Italian chefs. Varieties, time and methods of cooking pasta

Of course, there is nothing complicated in cooking spaghetti. However, in order to properly cook spaghetti, you need to know a few secrets. The main secret is that they need to be slightly undercooked. Slightly undercooked - they will reach readiness on their own, thanks to the preservation of high temperature after you have removed them from the fire and drained the water. If, however, it is still cooked to readiness, then as a result they will turn out to be overcooked. So how to cook spaghetti correctly?

  • spaghetti 500 grams;
  • butter 100 grams;
  • salt 1 tablespoon;
  • sunflower (olive oil) 1 tablespoon.

Cooking time is 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 300 kcal.

The recipe is for 4 servings.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. We take a large (3-5 liter) pan and pour about ⅔ of water into it. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then, in a pot of water, add 1 tablespoon of sunflower (olive) oil. This is done so that the spaghetti does not stick together during cooking. In addition, they will be more fragrant.
  2. Also, add 1 tablespoon of salt to boiled water.
  3. Now put spaghetti in the form of a fan in a pot of boiling water and cook. How long does spaghetti cook? Approximate cooking time is 6-12 minutes. The exact time depends on the quality, variety and size. You can specify it on the packaging. If the exact cooking time is not indicated on the package, then you need to constantly try, while removing the pan from the heat each time. When they are almost ready, quickly drain the water.
  4. The first two minutes of cooking must be constantly stirred so that they do not stick to the walls of the pan or stick together with each other.
  5. As soon as your pasta is ready, drain the water, throwing them into a colander, and let the excess water drain.
  6. While excess water drains from them, put a piece of butter in the same pan (in which they cooked).
  7. Then, the spaghetti is poured back into the pan with the butter. Now cover the pan with a lid (+ it is advisable to cover the top with a towel so as not to burn your hands) and mix thoroughly by shaking. Set for 1-2 minutes and repeat the process.

Tip: if you have already put your spaghetti in boiling water and completely forgot to add vegetable oil there, you should not add it anymore. Simply, when you wake up almost ready spaghetti in a colander, do not drain all the water, add a little bit to the butter in the pan.

See how to cook spaghetti correctly:

And I never add sunflower oil to spaghetti at all, only butter, it seems to me so tastier

Cooking spaghetti is actually not difficult. The main thing is that the spaghetti themselves are made from good flour.

It really tastes better with butter. I didn’t add it at all before, neither creamy nor sunflower ..

I add oil as a matter of course. Because if you don't, it won't taste good. And everything will stick together instantly.

I don’t understand those people who don’t add oil to spaghetti at all.

I always add olive oil afterwards. It tastes better and they don't stick together.

The duration of frying depends on what kind of wheat the pasta is made from. It takes me an average of 20 minutes to cook.

I always add vegetable oil and bay leaf. They make amazing spaghetti.

In general, it seems to me that you can’t do without oil at all, I tried to cook with oil, and then without it I liked it more with oil

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It would seem that it could be easier than cooking spaghetti. Anyone can do it. But not all spaghetti turn out delicious, even if you strictly follow the instructions on the package. So let's turn to the very origins, how do Italian chefs cook spaghetti in the homeland of this wonderful dish? Over the centuries, clear rules have been developed for the success of cooking delicious spaghetti. So, before you start cooking, let's take a look at the tips of Italian chefs:

1. For every 100 grams of spaghetti, there should be 1 liter of water. Otherwise, spaghetti can stick together and cook unevenly.

2. It is better to take a thick-walled and high pan. Fill it with water no more than half, because the spaghetti is dipped in boiling water. Spaghetti water should not reach the edges of the pan.

3. In the process of cooking spaghetti, you need to constantly stir so that they do not stick together. Do it better with a wooden spoon.

4. Salt water should be when it boils and before dipping spaghetti into it. For 1 liter water is usually 10 g of salt. In the same water, you can add a little (1 tsp per 1 liter) vegetable oil.

5. Spaghetti is a little undercooked until fully cooked. They should be "Al dente" as the Italians say. Being completely cooked inside, spaghetti retains its internal elasticity when bitten. And before removing the spaghetti from the fire, you need to make a test.

That's all the basic rules for cooking delicious spaghetti. Let's move on from practice to delicious business.


  • a pack of spaghetti in 400 g;
  • 4 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 40 g salt.

Pour 4 liters of water into a deep saucepan and bring to a boil. Add vegetable oil and salt, mix. Spread spaghetti in boiling water whole, do not break. Lightly stir with a spoon in a clockwise direction and press on the ends of the spaghetti sticking out of the water so that they quickly go under the water.

Cook for the time indicated on the package. Stir constantly so that the spaghetti does not stick together.

Drain in a colander and let excess liquid drain.

Put the spaghetti in a bowl, add a piece of butter.

Mix with two spoons. Spaghetti, like other types of pasta, is served steaming on the table. Ready-made spaghetti with butter can be served as a side dish for second courses, see recipes with photos. In Italian cuisine, spaghetti is also served with a variety of pasta sauces. Choose what you like! Bon appetit!

What could be easier than boiling a pack of spaghetti? I poured pasta into boiling water, boiled and can be caught. As practice shows, it is not easy to cook spaghetti according to all the rules so that the pasta does not stick together and boil well. How to find the golden mean and how to cook spaghetti, we will learn further.

The traditional way to cook spaghetti

How to cook pasta the right way. Tips from experienced chefs:

  • Requirements for dishes: it should be a wide spacious pan with the same bottom.
  • The proportions of liquid and pasta: for 1 liter of water you need 100 g of spaghetti. As for salt, you need to add it to the water before laying the main product. The amount of salt - from 10 g.
  • We are waiting for the water to boil, add sea or table salt, mix. Place pasta in boiling water without breaking. Bookmark - fan.
  • Cook spaghetti, stirring occasionally. To make sure the pasta does not stick together, you can add a little bit of olive oil to the water.
  • Do not close the lid while cooking spaghetti.
  • As for the cooking time for spaghetti, read the information on the package carefully.
  • Do not miss the most important point: it is important to remove the pasta from the stove slightly undercooked - “al dente”.
  • Spaghetti is not washed! Drain the water and quickly drain the pasta into a colander. Everything, you can season spaghetti with oil and serve.
  • Rinsing with cold water is only allowed if spaghetti is used for making cold cuts.
  • Serving plate - deep, slightly warmed. Spaghetti spread in the center in a slide, sauce is added on top.
  • For 1 person take 100 g of spaghetti. If you need to feed a family of 3 people, then the amount of the main product must be multiplied by 3, you get 300 g and 3 liters of water.

How to cook spaghetti so that the pasta does not stick together

What you need to do to cook spaghetti properly:

  • add vegetable oil (preferably olive) to the water during cooking in the amount of 1 tbsp;
  • do not allow pasta to stick to the walls and bottom of the pan, so you need to periodically mix the pasta;
  • spaghetti is not washed;
  • after boiling, you need to throw the pasta into a colander, which should be on the pan. Shake the colander vigorously several times. This will remove excess fluid.

What to do if spaghetti sticks together?

How to save the finished product:

  • if the pasta sticks together, it means that you did not wait until the water boils;
  • in this case, you need to try to spread the pasta with a spoon, add vegetable oil and continue cooking;
  • spaghetti, as soon as it gets wet, immediately stick together, so you need to spread the pasta in a fan way. If this moment is missed, then you need to try to separate the sticky lump with a spoon or fork. If unsuccessful, discard;
  • overcooked pasta should be thoroughly washed, all water removed, vegetable oil added, mixed, fried in a pan with a small amount of oil.

How to eat spaghetti

If the pasta was cooked according to all the rules, most likely attempts to catch the elusive pasta from the plate will be in vain. In Italy, it is customary to eat pasta with a fork, grabbing one piece at a time with your lips and pulling it in. You need a spoon to help grab a portion of spaghetti on a fork. Hold a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other. Spaghetti is wound on a fork, hanging - cut off.

They eat spaghetti from a deep plate, then it will turn out to wind a few pasta on a fork. Do not try to wind up to 10 spaghetti at once.

If winding pasta on a fork is not for you, try simply cutting spaghetti with a fork and taking the right portion.

It seems not a tricky thing to cook spaghetti, but sometimes it turns out that the dish fails. What rules you need to know in order for this dish to turn out not only tasty, but also aesthetically pleasing. There are basic rules and little secrets, adhering to which, spaghetti will turn out - you will lick your fingers.

Ideal ratio of water and vermicelli

You need to decide on the amount of spaghetti that will be cooked. For one person, one third of a standard pack of the product (500 grams) is enough, respectively, it will be 166 grams. For this amount of spaghetti, you need two liters of water. It turns out that a pack of 500 grams needs six liters of water. This ratio of liquid and pasta will allow them not only to boil evenly, but also not to stick together during the cooking process.

Culinary connoisseurs say that the more water when cooking, the better. This cannot be argued with. Indeed, in this case, the vermicelli will feel free and, when stirred, will not stick to the walls and bottom of the pan.

What should be the pan

First, let's decide what volume of the pan to choose. To cook a portion for two, a five-liter saucepan is suitable, you need to draw water into it per liter less than it holds, i.e. 4 liters. With this ratio of the volume of the container for cooking, water and pasta, sticking during the cooking process can be avoided.

Now you need to choose the material of the pan. Spaghetti connoisseurs - Italians say that glassware is the best. It does not leave scratches, and it is hypoallergenic. In such dishes, nothing burns and does not stick to the walls. The only negative - glass pans - a rarity in the post-Soviet space.

Ceramic container - has approximately the same characteristics as glass, and is also not very common with us.

Enamelled metal. Pots of this kind are perhaps the most common. But, oddly enough, it is precisely such dishes that are most not suitable for cooking pasta. Very often, scratches, chips and gouges remain on the enameled surface, and vermicelli can stick to them during the cooking process.

An aluminum pan is quite suitable for cooking a dish, but due to the fact that it is very thin, you need to constantly stir the dish during the cooking process, and make the fire minimal.

But stainless steel pots are the second most popular among housewives. This utensil is quite suitable for cooking spaghetti, but due to the specifics of the material, the pan can heat up unevenly and therefore you need to constantly stir its contents during cooking.

Rinse or not?

Many chefs are inclined to believe that spaghetti, with the right
cooking does not need to be rinsed. Here, each hostess must make a choice for herself. It depends on the type of pasta, and on the degree of cooking, and on the amount of water in which the dish was prepared. It is believed that spaghetti cooked in the right amount of water will never stick together and it is enough to drain the water from them and add butter.

Here's what you should know if the spaghetti still needs to be washed: First, rinse the finished vermicelli - only with cold water. Secondly, decant for 1-2 minutes in a colander so that all the liquid is glass. Thirdly, be sure to warm the dish before serving, you can in the same saucepan or in a frying pan with butter.

How to cook spaghetti in a saucepan depending on their variety

Often, on a pack of pasta, not only the composition is indicated, but also the method and time of preparation. Spaghetti connoisseurs - Italians love the finished dish to be a little undercooked. And modern housewives cook vermicelli until cooked - regardless of the recommended cooking time.

There are three main varieties (A, B, C) and three sizes (large, medium, small) of pasta.

The first (A) - the highest quality and beloved by many - from durum wheat. Such spaghetti is cooked on average from 7 to 10 minutes. If the pasta is large, then the cooking time may increase to 12-15 minutes.

The second grade (B) is made from soft vitreous wheat. They need to cook for less than 5 to 8 minutes. And if the vermicelli of this variety is small, then the time will most likely be reduced to 4-6 minutes.

The third grade (B) is soft wheat spaghetti. Their cooking time is from 5 to 6 minutes. And will decrease or increase slightly depending on the size of the product.

I would like to note that there are instant pasta, sometimes it is enough to pour boiling water over them and let it brew.

Little secrets to cook delicious spaghetti in a pot:

  • So that the pasta does not stick together in the water during the cooking process, you can add olive oil at a ratio of 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  • Water must be salted before putting vermicelli into it.
  • Dip spaghetti into boiling salted water, gradually pressing a little on the ends so that they do not break, but twirl in boiling water.
  • Cook the pasta dish over low heat - stirring constantly.
  • If the cooking container is chosen incorrectly, and they have not boiled properly, then they must be washed under cold water, and then poured into a frying pan with preheated butter. Cover the contents with a lid and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutes.
  • So that the ends of the spaghetti do not stick together, you need to gradually lower them into boiling water, so that they do not press against the wall of the pan.
  • When one end of the spaghetti is in the water - the other should be fanned out on the surface - so neither one nor the other will stick together.
  • Colored pasta is prepared in the same way as classic pasta - to be sure, you need to read the recommendations on the package.
  • When cooking, do not cover the pan with a lid.
  • Taste the pasta before turning off the heat. Spaghetti should be a little firm, as if undercooked.
  • Incorrectly cooked spaghetti will save a delicious sauce or dressing.
  • The dish is served hot and cannot be stored, which is why you need to correctly calculate the portion according to the number of people.

How to cook spaghetti so that they do not stick together and are not overcooked? How long to cook spaghetti? In order to properly cook any pasta, including spaghetti, you should know a few simple rules, which, as practice shows, most housewives violate and cook spaghetti in a saucepan incorrectly.

What to cook spaghetti in? For proper cooking, a saucepan, slow cooker, microwave, double boiler are suitable, but most modern housewives prefer classic recipes, boiling long spaghetti in a saucepan.

Italian chefs, and Italy is considered the birthplace of spaghetti, utensils for preparing dough dishes - spaghetti, vermicelli, pasta, nests - use a voluminous, for example, large saucepan.

This is necessary so that during the cooking of spaghetti in the pan there is free space and the pasta enlarged in size during boiling floats freely in the water, does not touch each other and does not stick together.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. A properly selected pot for boiling pasta should be several times larger than the amount of pasta. For a standard pack of packaged long pasta weighing 500 grams, the volume of the pan should be at least 5-6 liters.

To break or not to break spaghetti before cooking? Spaghetti broken into pieces made from durum wheat is a mockery of the pride of Italy and by no means a classic dish, but ordinary boiled vermicelli. At home, you can either short noodles with the same success, and the result will be identical.

Preparation - 15 minutes

Cooking - 30 minutes

Calorie - 124 kcal per 100 grams

Ingredients for cooking spaghetti

  • water - 4-5 liters;
  • spaghetti - 500 grams (1 pack);
  • salt;
  • oil.

How to cook spaghetti in a pan so that they do not stick together

  1. We put a large, spacious pan on the stove, pour filtered water, we count the proportions of water for a whole package or half a pack of durum wheat spaghetti.
  2. We add salt to the water, a pinch of salt is enough to prepare 250 grams of pasta.
  3. As soon as the water boils, we dip long pasta into boiling boiling water, laying them out in full growth with a fan as a whole, without breaking the pasta into pieces
  4. After the gradual immersion of the spaghetti into the water begins, they are softened and bent - this is necessary so that the products are completely hidden under water.

How long to cook spaghetti

  1. We note the time and cook spaghetti for minutes in a saucepan on the stove. The branded packaging of pasta indicates how much to cook durum wheat spaghetti by time in minutes.
  2. Then we throw the pasta into a colander, drain the water. Don't rinse spaghetti. So that they do not stick together, add butter or vegetable oil and mix the finished pasta.

How long to cook spaghetti? The cooking time depends (if there is no packaging) on ​​the thickness of the spaghetti. Thin spaghetti is cooked for 3-4 minutes, medium thickness 7-8 minutes, and the thickest round spaghetti is cooked for 10-12 minutes until fully cooked.

Modern housewives and pasta lovers often cook spaghetti al dente until undercooked. Al dente is achieved by being slightly undercooked, which occurs 30-60 seconds before the pasta is ready.
