
What is confectionery fat. Fats for cooking, confectionery and baking industry

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

federal government agency

higher professional education

Perm State Agricultural Academy

named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikova


in the discipline "Commodity science and examination of edible fats"

on the topic "Confectionery fats"


4th year student

TV-41a groups

Moiseeva Ya. O.


Panyshev A.I.

Perm 2009


1. Production of confectionery fats…………………………………………...4

2. Classification and assortment………………………………………………...5

3. Quality requirements…………………………………………………………….7

4. Identification of cooking fats……………………………………………...9

5. Adulteration of cooking oils……………………………………………11

6. Packing, packaging, storage…………………………………………..……..15

List of used literature……………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Cooking fats in Russia, just like margarine, began to be produced in the early 30s. Time was hungry then, so our scientists decided to create "pork fat for the poor." However, consumers were reluctant to buy this substitute, and cooking oils were mainly used in catering. Many people still remember the taste of Soviet cooking fats, which often cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn.

In the army diet, cooking fats still occupy a worthy place. During the economic crisis in the early and mid-90s of the last century, cooking oils again became in demand. However, due to the rise in living standards, "poor lard for the poor" is no longer in demand, although the range of cooking fats is quite wide. They are often used to fake ghee and natural animal fats.

Therefore, it is possible to conduct a comprehensive examination of the authenticity of all types of cooking oils sold in the food markets of Russia.

1. Production of confectionery fats

The main raw materials for the production of culinary, confectionery, baking fats are edible vegetable and animal lards with a melting point of 31-34 ° C (60%), liquid vegetable oils (25%), rendered animal fats - pork, beef, mutton (15-35 %), interesterified fats to improve consistency. As additives, a phosphatide concentrate, vitamins, antioxidants, flavors, dyes and some other substances are introduced, as in the production of margarine.

The technological scheme for obtaining fats of this group includes the following operations: preparation of prescription components, their dosing, mixing, cooling and crystallization, packaging and packaging. The most important operation is the crystallization of the components. It is based on the property of the fat mixture to remain fluid for some time at a temperature below the pour point, i.e., when supercooled. The fat mixture is fed into the freezer, where it is cooled by 1-2 °C below the pour point. The freezer is a horizontal cylindrical refrigerated apparatus with a refrigerant jacket, equipped with a shaft, a paddle mixer, and knives. Fat enters the cylinder through the hole, moves along it with the help of a stirrer and cools down at the same time. Knives prevent solidification of fat on the walls of the cylinder. From the freezer, the fat mixture is fed into a container, where it crystallizes and acquires a dense consistency.

2. Classification and range

Fats, depending on the purpose, are divided into types: culinary, confectionery, baking.

Cooking fats include Frying, vegetable fat, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Prima, Novinka, Eastern, Norwegian.

For confectionery - for wafer and soft fillings, for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates, solid on a palm kernel basis.

For baking - liquid for the baking industry and phosphatide for bakery products.

Cooking fats are used mainly for cooking at home and in catering establishments. The formulation of these fats includes lard with a melting point of 31-34 ° C (35-75%) and liquid vegetable oil (10-35%). 15-30% of melted pork fat is introduced into Ukrainian fat, beef fat is added to Belarusian fat, and lamb fat is added to East. In Prima, lard with a melting point of 31-35 ° C is used; in New - interesterified fat with a melting point of 25-35 "C. Frying fat is lard with a melting point of 31-34 "C.

Confectionery fats find various applications in the confectionery industry. Fat for chocolate products and sweets is lard with a melting point of 35-36.5 ° C. Biscuit fat includes lard with a melting point of 31-34 ° C (72-74%), melted beef and pork fats, phosphatide food concentrate (3%). Fat for wafer and soft fillings, except for lard, contains coconut or palm kernel oil (20-40%). Vegetable lard, in addition to lard, includes liquid vegetable oil (15-25%). The basis of fat for cakes is coconut or palm kernel oil (79-81%), lard with a melting point of 35-36.5 ° C (18-20%), dyes are used as additives.

Baking fats are used in the manufacture and baking of bread and bakery products. Phosphatide fat contains 17% phosphatide concentrate. Liquid fat for the baking industry - about 80% liquid vegetable oil and 12-14% vegetable fat, the same emulsifier is used to stabilize the fat emulsion as in the production of margarine.

3. Quality requirements

The quality of culinary, confectionery, bakery fats is evaluated by organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators, safety indicators are also determined.

Organoleptic indicators of these fats are taste, smell, texture, color and transparency in the molten state.

The taste and smell of these fats must be clean, characteristic of impersonal fat, without foreign taste and smell. In Ukrainian, Belorussian, Eastern fats, there is a taste of added animal fats, in phosphatide fat - a taste of phosphatides.

The color of cooking and confectionery fats should be from white to light yellow. For confectionery fat, grayish or creamy shades are allowed when using lard from cottonseed and soybean oils. The color of fat with frsfatida is from yellow to gray, liquid for the baking industry is from light yellow to yellow.

The consistency of cooking fats should be homogeneous, solid, plastic or ointment; confectionery - homogeneous, hard, prickly; liquid for the baking industry - homogeneous, mobile.

Defects in this group of fats include surface contamination, unpleasant aftertastes: greasy, rancid, stearic, fishy, ​​oily, soapy. Fats with such defects are not allowed to be sold.

From the physico-chemical parameters of culinary, confectionery, baking fats, the melting point is determined; pour point of liquid and confectionery fats; hardness of confectionery fat; the mass fraction of fat, which for all fats of this group should be at least 99.7%; mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances - no more than 0.3%, for fat with phosphatides - no more than 1.0%.

Acid number (mgKOH), not more than: in culinary without animal rendered fats, confectionery for food concentrates and for wafer and soft fillings - 0.5; culinary products with rendered animal fats - 0.8; confectionery for chocolate products and hard - 0.4; fat with phosphatides - 6.0.

4. Identification of cooking fats

When conducting an examination of authenticity in order to identifying the type of cooking oils the expert must be proficient in modern methods of research of this group of goods. Consider the range of tasks to be solved that a professional expert may have to achieve this goal.

Identification of cooking oils. cooking oil is a product obtained from cheap vegetable oils, animal and fish oils, subjected to hydrogenation (saturation with hydrogen) and then the formation of a highly dispersed water-fat system, which also includes water, milk, salt, sugar, emulsifiers, antioxidants, preservatives, food colors and others Components.

Identification features of pork rendered and culinary are presented in the table

Table 1. Identification differences between rendered animal and cooking fats

Thus, cooking oil can be identified by the following indicators:

1) antioxidants are necessarily present - butylated hydroxytoluene (E 321) and butylated hydroxyanisole (E-320), which cause cancer;

2) useful fatty acids, oleic and linoleic, contained in vegetable oils, from which cooking fats are made, are completely hydrogenated and do not have vitamin-like properties;

3) additional phosphatide emulsifiers were introduced - concentrates that destroy red blood cells (plasmolysis) in human blood;

4) there are chemically modified fatty acids (instead of cis-isomers - trans-isomers), which are not always metabolized in the human body, but contribute to the formation of low-density lipoproteins, from which plaques are formed in the human cardiovascular system;

5) in animal fats, glucose and other sugars may be present in a state associated with lipids, and in cooking fats without the addition of natural fats, sugars are completely absent;

6) they flavor cooking oils with separate food flavorings (in the amount of 1-5), and melted fat, with the exception of margaguselin, usually contains a large set of natural aromatic substances (up to 25 substances).

Thus, cooking fats have significant differences from natural melted fat and in small quantities they can only be used by a healthy person, and they are contraindicated for the nutrition of the sick and especially children.

5. Fake Cooking Fats

Examination of authenticity can also be carried out for the purpose establishing a method of falsification of cooking fats. Despite the fact that cooking oils are themselves a fake for animal fats, there can be the following ways and types of falsification in them.

Assorted falsification of margarine can occur due to the substitution of one type of margarine for another.

Since the difference between the prices of individual cooking oils is not very high and they are in little demand, falsification of them does not bring much income. However, the falsification of cooking oils for the catering, confectionery and baking industries is widespread, and it is very common, for example, to replace cooking oils for chocolate products with lower quality ones. Also, the replacement of "Ukrainian" cooking fat can be carried out, where up to 20% of rendered pork fat is introduced into "Vegetable lard".

High-quality falsification of cooking oils can be carried out in the following ways: violation of production technology; prescription violation; the introduction of foreign additives; administration of high doses of antioxidants.

Violation of the technology for the production of cooking fats can lead to uncontrolled hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids and the production of a highly saturated fat with a high melting point. Such cooking oil leaves an unpleasant, greasy sensation in the mouth and, after consumption, heaviness in the stomach, since the fat can only be fully absorbed in the human body with a melting point below that of the human body. And fat with a higher melting point will be poorly absorbed by the body.

Violation of the prescription composition can be carried out due to: underinvestment of baked pork fat in "Ukrainian", beef fat in "Belorussky" and lamb fat in "Vostochny", dried onion extract in "Margaguselin".

Despite the fact that it is rather difficult to introduce water into cooking fats in an amount of 1-7%, and up to 12% into some types, some manufacturers add water and various emulsifiers (MGD, food phosphatide concentrate, etc.), bringing its content to 12%.

Such falsifications can be revealed only in laboratory conditions, but at present such studies are carried out only in Mosexpertiza, and nothing of the kind is being done in the rest of Russia. There, apart from organoleptic analysis, no examination of the quality of goods is carried out. Many housewives have probably come across such a phenomenon: you put a piece of cooking oil in a pan, the water boils away and little remains of the former piece. This is just in front of you and there is a high-quality falsification of cooking fats!

And here the benefit is greater, perhaps, than in the alcoholic beverage industry. After all, everyone is trying to control vodka in the trade, and many people know how to distinguish counterfeit vodka products from standard ones, but cooking oil used for cooking first and second courses in public catering, for cooking in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, in In the army, in the navy, where this "surrogate" fat is used, no one ever checks, because there are no specialists - commodity experts, and control is assigned to non-specialists in the field of examination of the quality of goods. But all this affects the stomachs of sick people and children.

Therefore, the main production of cooking oils is directed not to retail, where the control is stricter and there are more specialists, but for public catering, the baking and confectionery industries, where it is difficult to control the quality of cooking oils that are then invested in other products. Artificial fats are used, created chemically from cheap vegetable oils (soybean, rapeseed, peanut, palm, cottonseed, etc.), fats of marine and terrestrial animals, fish. From the point of view of the economy, this is a super-profitable business that no one controls, since it is used, as it were, secondary raw materials with an appropriate price. At the same time, the consumer suffers twice: once - when he pays for a dish in which these cooking fats are added, the other time - when he consumes this indigestible fat.

The shelf life of cooking oils is only 30 days at 10-15°C and 2 months at 4-10°C. But with the introduction of antioxidants, the shelf life of cooking oils immediately increases by 1.5 times. And when the packaging indicates that the shelf life of cooking oil is from one to two years, the question immediately arises: "How many different oxidizers do you need to introduce so that this fake can last so long?" After all, the packaging sometimes indicates only which antioxidants are introduced, but there is no information about their quantitative content.

Quantitative adulteration of cooking oils

this is a deception of the consumer due to significant deviations of the packaging parameters (mass), plumb line when buying weight cooking oil, exceeding the maximum allowable deviations. For example, the net weight of a pack of cooking oil weighing 250 g is less than what is written on the package itself, or the weight of the plumb line of cooking oil that you ordered and paid to the seller is reduced. It is quite simple to identify such falsification by first measuring the net weight of a pack of cooking oil or the net weight of the purchase with verified measuring weights.

Information falsification of cooking oils- this is a deception of the consumer with the help of inaccurate or distorted information about the product.

This type of falsification is carried out by distorting information in shipping documents, labeling and advertising.

When falsifying information about cooking fats, the following data is often distorted or inaccurate:

· Name of product;

the manufacturer of the goods;

· quantity of goods;

Introduced food additives - antioxidants, emulsifiers.

If you have cooking oil with a shelf life of more than 2 months and the package does not indicate antioxidant additives (butyl hydroxytoluene, butyl hydroxyanisole), then you have another fake.

Information falsification also includes the falsification of a quality certificate, customs documents, a bar code, the date of production of cooking oil, etc.

6. Packing, packaging, storage

Confectionery and baking fats used for industrial processing are produced in bulk. Cooking fats are packaged or bulk. For retail trade, cooking oil is produced in bars packed in the same way as bar margarine. Bulk solid cooking and confectionery fats are packaged in the same way as margarine. Liquid baking fat is packed in steel barrels and flasks.

Store culinary, confectionery, baking fats in warehouses or refrigerators at temperatures from -20 to 15 ° C, constant air circulation and relative humidity of no more than 80%. It is recommended to store this group of fats at a temperature of -20 to 0 "C. At the same time, cooking and confectionery fats for wafer and soft fillings are stored for no more than 6 months, and other confectionery fats - no more than 12 months. With increasing temperature, the shelf life decreases. storage of fats with antioxidants increases by 1.5 times.It is not allowed to store fats in common warehouses along with products with a pungent odor.

List of used literature

1. Kastornykh M.S., Kuzmina V.A., Puchkova Yu.S. Commodity research and examination of edible fats, milk, dairy products. 2003

2. Matyukhina Z.P., Korolkova E.P. "Food products (commodity science)". 1977

3. Pilipenko T.V. Denisova S.A. "Dietary fats". 1998

Cooking and confectionery fats- this is an anhydrous mixture of lard (vegetable or animal) and natural fats (vegetable oils, animal rendered fats) with the introduction of additives.

These fats are used for the preparation of culinary and confectionery products. In addition, they are expanding the use of vegetable oils and animal rendered fats.

Chemical composition and energy value. Cooking and confectionery fats contain at least 99.7% fat and not more than 0.3% water. The energy value of 100 g of fat is 897 kcal.

Due to the low melting point (28 ... 36 ° C) and due to liquid vegetable oils in their composition, cooking and confectionery fats have a high digestibility (96.5%). The nutritional value of these fats is increased by adding vitamins A, D, phosphatides, which contribute to the formation of a golden crust when frying and baking products.

Raw materials for the production of culinary and confectionery fats. For the production of these fats, edible lards (vegetable and animal) are used; liquid vegetable refined and deodorized oils (sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, etc.); solid vegetable oils (palm kernel, coconut); rendered animal fats (pork, beef, mutton). Depending on the ratio of these fats, a wide range of culinary and confectionery fats is obtained.

Vitamins A, D, antioxidants, flavors, dyes (carotene, annatto), preservatives (benzoic, sorbic acid), phosphatide concentrate are used as additives to these fats, which helps to rise the dough, form a golden crust on the surface of flour products, and reduce the staling of finished products. .

Production of culinary and confectionery fats. The technology for the production of culinary and confectionery fats includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials: refining, deodorization of lard and vegetable fats and their filtration; preparation of a fat mixture according to the recipe; melting and mixing the fat base and additives; cooling and crystallization (thickening) of fat; packaging and packaging of fat.

Assortment of fats. Depending on the purpose and composition, the following fats are produced.

Cooking fats. Frying fat - pure vegetable fat. Melting point 18 ... 25 °C. Used for deep frying dough products.

Vegetable lard - a mixture of vegetable lard with refined vegetable oil (15 ... 25%). Melting point 28... 34 °С. It is recommended for frying meat, fish, dressing second courses, baking pancakes, frying donuts.

"Ukrainian fat" - a mixture of vegetable and animal fats (marine mammals), vegetable oil (20 ... 25%), pork melted fat (30%). The melting point of fat is 28...36 °C. It is used for meat dishes, frying pies, donuts.

"Belarusian fat" - a mixture of vegetable and animal fats, vegetable oil (20 ... 25%), beef melted fat (30%). Melting point 28...36°С. Recommended for frying cutlets, schnitzels and other meat dishes.

"Oriental fat" - a mixture of vegetable and animal fat, vegetable oil (20 ... 25%), mutton melted fat (15%). The melting point of fat is 28 ... 36 ° C. Used for cooking pilaf, frying chebureks and other oriental dishes. Prima - a mixture of interesterified lard, vegetable oil, animal lard.

New - a mixture of lard (vegetable and animal), interesterified fats (45...50%) and vegetable oil (10...15%).

Margaguselin is a mixture of vegetable and animal lard, vegetable oil (10 ... 30%), rendered pork fat (20%), onion oil extract. Fat has a characteristic smell of onions fried in oil. Used for sauteing vegetables for first courses, frying meat, fish.

confectionery fats. Biscuit fat - a mixture of vegetable lard, rendered pork fat (12%), rendered beef fat (12%) and phosphatide concentrate (3%). Melting point 34...36 "C.

Fat for wafers and soft toppings - a mixture of vegetable fat, coconut or palm kernel oil (20 ... 40%). Melting point 26 ... 30 "C.

Fat for muffins - a mixture of lard from cottonseed oil, vegetable oil (80%).

Requirements for the quality of fats. Cooking and confectionery fats according to organoleptic parameters must meet the following requirements.

The taste and smell of fats must be clean, characteristic of this fat. Extraneous tastes and odors are not allowed.

Color depending on the type of fat from white (cooking fats) to light yellow (confectionery fats), uniform throughout the mass.

The consistency of fats at 20 ° C is homogeneous, solid or ointment-like, plastic. When melted, fats are transparent.

Fats with the presence of mold, with a greasy, rancid taste and contaminated are not allowed for production.

Packaging and storage of fats. Cooking and confectionery fats are delivered to public catering establishments in plywood boxes weighing up to 30 kg or in wooden barrels with a capacity of 100 kg, lined with parchment or polymer films.

Packaged fats are delivered in bars weighing from 200 to 500 g, wrapped in parchment or laminated foil, placed in boxes with a capacity of 10 ... 25 kg.

Fats are stored at a temperature of 1 ... 4 ° C and a relative humidity of 80% for up to 4 months, with antioxidants - up to 6 months, at catering establishments - up to 10 days.


1. Why do vegetable oils have a liquid consistency at room temperature?

2. Determine the type of sunflower oil according to the cleaning method according to the following organoleptic indicators:

3. How are vegetable oils preserved from oxidation during storage?

4. What determines the solid consistency and high melting point of animal rendered fats?

5. According to the following organoleptic indicators, determine the type and grade of animal rendered fat:

6. Why are animal fats stored longer than vegetable oils?

7. What is the structure of butter?

8. What kind of butter should be attributed to with a total score of 14 points, including 5 points for taste and smell?

9. Why is ghee kept longer than butter under the same storage conditions?

10. Which oil would you choose for frying donuts: butter or ghee, why?

11. What is lard, what is it obtained from and why is it used in the production of margarine, cooking and confectionery fats?

12. What is margarine and spread, how do they differ from each other?

13. Give a breakdown of the following brands of margarine and what is their use: MT, MTK, MM, MZHK.

14. What is the composition of cooking oils and why are they recommended for all types of frying various products?

15. What fats are called melted mixtures and what is the peculiarity of these fats?

Confectionery fat for bakery products contains a mixture of whale and vegetable lard. Palm oil is used for confectionery fat. Due to which this product has specific properties. A variety of confectionery fat differs due to the content of fats of animal and vegetable origin, but the content of both is mandatory. Confectionery fat is a food additive that binds together all the components and improves the nutritional characteristics of the finished product. Consider confectionery fat for chocolate products and confectionery solid fat.

Confectionery fat for chocolate products includes refined, deodorized, modified vegetable fat, sometimes beef. The chemical composition is not rich - vitamin E and fats. There are no useful trace elements in the product in question, but it is absorbed quickly, therefore, for those who follow the figure, it is necessary to control the amount of food consumed, since you can gain weight very quickly.

Directly for chocolates and products, confectionery fat is produced from peanut or cottonseed oils. It has a homogeneous consistency, and in terms of hardness it exceeds other types of fats. Color - white-yellow, melting point 35-37º C.

100 g of confectionery fat for chocolate products contains:

  • Water - 0.3.
  • Proteins - 0.
  • Fats - 99.7.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Kcal - 897.

Confectionery fat for chocolate products is used for the production of confectionery glaze, chocolates, as a filling for waffles and cookies. This type of fat harmonizes well with milk fat and nut butter. The calorie content and nutritional value of products prepared on the basis of the above ingredients is very high.

Chocolate products prepared with confectionery fat are stored for a long time, retaining moisture.

Confectionery fat is solid vegetable origin, but sometimes with the addition of beef or pork fat, and whale lard is also present in its composition. The most refractory fat is based on palm kernel oil. Baker's fat with phosphatides is hard or thick and greasy. It contains vegetable and whale lard, vegetable oils and phosphatide concentrate. This type is used for bakery products. Color - gray or yellow.

For food concentrates, sweets, chocolate products, the fat consists of high-solid edible tallow of cottonseed and peanut oils. It has a hardness greater than other edible fats by 3.5 times. The color of this type of fat is white or light yellow.

Confectionery fat for making cookies consists of pork and beef fat of the highest grade, phosphatide concentrate and vegetable lard.

For wafer or soft fillings, fat from vegetable fat, palm kernel and coconut oil is used.

100g of solid confectionery fat contains:

  • Water - 0.2.
  • Proteins - 0.
  • Fats - 99.8.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Kcal - 897.

The substances that make up solid confectionery fats have a positive effect on the reactions that take place in the human body.

Harm of confectionery fat

  • The composition of confectionery fat is harmful to the human body, but confectionery production cannot do without this type of fat, since it is the main component of all kinds of cakes, pies, cakes, bakery products and sweet desserts.
  • It is necessary to monitor the amount of products consumed that are made on the basis of confectionery fat, since frequent use can lead to digestive system problems and obesity.
  • The largest amount of confectionery fat is found in chocolates, bar chocolate and icing. Eating these delicacies, a person receives only a lot of calories that are not beneficial for the body. The result is extra weight.

Useful information for those who cannot refuse sweets, while counting calories and grams of their diet:

  • One teaspoon of sweets contains 5g.
  • One tablespoon of sweets contains 17g.
  • One glass of sweets contains 240g.
  • Knowing how much Kcal is contained in 100g of a product, you can easily calculate how much Kcal is eaten.

Margarines intended for the preparation of food products of different categories are cooking oils. They are used for baking, frying and other recipes. Cooking oil is a key ingredient in both homemade baked goods and open food chain bakery and confectionery products.

What is special about cooking oil

There are three main types of cooking oil:

  • combined kitchen fat;
  • frying fat;
  • margoguselin.

Combined fats include animal fats, lard, vitamins, a concentrate of phosphatides - esters of polyhydric alcohols that help increase the shelf life of products and improve the culinary properties of fat. When frying, it is they who need to be thanked for having a beautiful ruddy brown crust.

Margoguselin includes a mixture of vegetable fat, pork fat, as well as fat of geese, ducks, vegetable oil, onion extract. Salomas is a solid fat obtained by hydrogenation of liquid fats (oils).

Fortification of fats is carried out at the rate of 50 units of vitamin A per 1 g of fat.

Melting point - 28 to 34 degrees. A quality product has a density of 160-280 g/cm, the presence of phosphatides, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

Characteristics of confectionery fats

According to GOST standards, confectionery fat is a combination of a group of edible fats of different target directions:

  • for thin wafer sheets and cold fillings with the inclusion of 40% palm kernel or coconut oil;
  • for the production of candy-chocolate items;
  • for the preparation of bakery products.

According to regulatory requirements, the shelf life of confectionery fats at temperatures below 0 degrees is 1 year, at 4 - six months, up to 10 degrees - 60 days, from 10 to 18 degrees - 1 month, up to 25 degrees - three weeks.

What is margarine

The fat-water emulsion used for baking, confectionery and bread products is margarine. It is a high-calorie product (more than 3100 kJ per 100 g) with a good highly digestible characteristic. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are almost 10 times more than in butter. There are dietary margarines that are enriched with a vitamin component.

Classic margarine is obtained from lard, refined oils and milk. The process is a cooling of margarine emulsion, which is subjected to mechanical filtration and further processing. Margarine emulsion is a product that is prepared by combining milk with fat, followed by the addition of emulsifiers. The introduction of the right amount of fat is due to the goal of giving the final product the desired consistency and structure.

Taste, color and aroma are the result of the addition of fermented milk, and giving the product the color of butter is the merit of food coloring. The preservatives that are added to margarine are ascorbic and benzoic acids.

There are three types of margarine:

  1. Sandwich - fat content 62 and 82%. Sandwiches, creams are prepared from it at home and in the catering network.
  2. Table - 72, 75 and 82% fat. Culinary products, rich and lean pastries are prepared from it.
  3. Margarines, which are a product of industrial processing.

The main types of margarine by purpose:

  • liquid form - for bakery production;
  • milky-liquid form - for confectionery;
  • without the use of milk - for industrial processing.

Some groups of table and dairy-free margarines go on sale in two varieties. The highest and 1st grade - contains 62-83% fat, the smell of sour milk, pure milky color, melting point - 34 degrees. In grade 1, a smearing consistency and non-uniform color can be observed.

The main disadvantage of the product is the sour taste and crumbling when cut. Store in a cool room or in a refrigerator from -20 to +15 degrees with good oxygen access. Depending on the variety, type, margarine has a shelf life of 2 days to 3 months.

If mold has appeared on the surface, as well as a bitter and metallic taste, a curdled consistency, the product indicates its unsuitability for food. It can cause significant damage to the work of the intestines.

The leaders in the production of margarine are Belarusian and Ukrainian companies.

Recipe in the piggy bank

Cooking deep-fried fried donuts.


  • flour - 250 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast (dry) - 6 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin;
  • frying oil - 1 pack.


  1. Grind cottage cheese with yeast, salt, vanilla and egg.
  2. Add semolina, 1/2 of flour.
  3. Mix everything and form small donuts. Dip in flour.
  4. Fry in deep fat or combine 15 fat and 1 liter of vegetable oil. Heat up. Dip the donuts into the boiling mass. Fry until a ruddy color is formed.
  5. Remove, let the fat drain, cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar using a sieve.

We also offer delicious biscuits with fat.


  • 1 kg flour (sift 2 times);
  • 100 gr margarine;
  • 300 gr sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 gr of lard;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • lemon peel - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Melt the lard.
  2. Soften margarine at room temperature. Add sugar (1 part), beat.
  3. Separate the eggs from the yolks and beat the whites with sugar separately, and the yolks without sugar.
  4. Add, quickly stirring the egg mass into the margarine with sugar. Add lemon zest.
  5. Add lard, stir until smooth.
  6. Soda extinguish with lemon juice. Add to composition.
  7. Gradually stirring, add flour. You should get a strong dough.
  8. Roll out the dough, cut out cookie shapes.
  9. Bake at 190 degrees for 30 minutes until golden brown.

When deep-frying, cooks advise completely immersing the product in fat or oil.

You need to keep the product deep-fried from a few seconds to 2 minutes no more.

For the preparation of such products, it is better to use a special grid for their immersion.

Fryer can be used several times. To do this, it is cleaned by filtering from the sediment and placed in the refrigerator (shelf life up to 2 weeks).

They are virtually water-free mixtures of various types of natural and processed fats. Fats with desired properties are obtained by selecting recipes. The main raw materials are lard with a melting point of 31-34 ° C (about 60%), vegetable oils (about 25%), some types add rendered animal fats - pork, beef, mutton (15-35%). To improve plasticity, interesterified fats are introduced. In the production of cooking fats, in addition, preservatives, dyes and antioxidants are used (the same as in the production of margarine).

cooking fats the following names are produced: "Frying" - ideal for deep-fried cooking, as it can be used 6-7 times; "Vegetable fat" - it is recommended to use for frying various products; "Prima", "Belarusian" and "Ukrainian" (with the addition of beef fat) are cooking oils of the highest degree of purification, which have neither taste nor their own smell.

Confectionery fats are divided into the following types: for cookies; for wafer and soft fillings; for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates, hard on a palm kernel basis. Fat for wafer and soft fillings consists of a mixture of lard (60-80%) and coconut or palm kernel oil (20-40%). In our country, confectionery fat is produced, which is cotton or peanut high-quality solid fat.

Bakery liquid fat contains about 80% liquid vegetable oil and 12-14% solid vegetable fat, phosphatides are added to it, an emulsifier is used (the same as in the production of margarine).

The quality of cooking, baking and confectionery fats is evaluated by organoleptic indicators : taste, smell, consistency (at 18 ° C), color and transparency (at a temperature of 55-60 ° C in transmitted and reflected light against a white screen).

Taste and smell of these fats must be clean, characteristic of impersonal fat, without foreign tastes and odors (in margaguselin - the characteristic smell of fried onions), in fat with phosphatides for bakery products - a characteristic aftertaste of phosphatides.

Color cooking and confectionery fats should be from white to light yellow, fat with phosphatides for bakery products - from yellow to gray.

By consistency cooking fats should be homogeneous, solid or ointment, confectionery fats - prickly.

From physical and chemical indicators culinary, confectionery and baking fats determine the mass fraction of fat (at least 99.7%); melting point (26-36 °C).

Pack cooking oils in the same way as animal rendered fats.

Cooking fats are stored at a temperature from -20 to +20 °C, with constant air circulation and at a relative humidity of not more than 80%. It is not allowed to store fats in common warehouses along with products that have sharp halls. Shelf life depends on storage temperature, packaging and presence of antioxidants.
