
Is it possible to close the hot jam immediately with a lid. Sterilization of jars and the correct seaming of jam

Cooking jam on ForestMushrooms

Today will teach you how to cook delicious and proper jam. After all, almost every one of us loves this healthy and tasty delicacy. is a delicious dessert from our childhood, which can be easily prepared at home and will not need to buy jam saturated with chemicals in stores. And today, on the LesMushrooms website, you will learn how to properly prepare delicious jam, how to sterilize and roll jars. Follow the step-by-step instructions on our website, so let's go:

Stage one. Sterilization of jars.

First of all, you need to sterilize the prepared jars. they can be of any size, from the smallest to three and five liters. Why sterilize jars? In fact, this is very important, even if the jar seems perfectly clean to you, this does not mean that bacteria do not live there, which will subsequently lead to jam fermentation and spoilage. Also, dust and other small various particles invisible to the eye can spoil the jam.

But still, the first stage occurs due to the simple boiling of berries and sugar. It is necessary to boil the berry as best as possible, so that all the work on sterilizing the cans is not in vain.

There are a lot of ways to sterilize jars. We will tell only about some of them, which are the most effective in our opinion.

Sterilizer - with its help, the most necessary disinfection of jars, containers for storing and cooking jam takes place.

You can also turn to the old ways, which are no less effective. Fill the container with jars and lids with cool water and put on fire. Banks need to boil for at least twenty minutes.

Stage two. We make jam.

In cooking jam, there is nothing complicated and difficult. There are many different ways to make jam. And here is one of them:

First of all, you need to prepare the syrup, which means you need to melt the sugar at a temperature of 120 degrees. You can check if the syrup is ready by dropping a drop of syrup into cool water, and if the drop turns into a soft little ball, then our syrup is ready.

Then in the prepared syrup, you need to add our berries or fruit. Bring to a boil while stirring the future jam. You need to stir the jam for several minutes at the first stage, at least twenty minutes, until the jam turns into the desired consistency (the berries soften, become soft, and the jam is more liquid), do not forget to remove the resulting foam. Try not to move away from the stove for a long time, as a few minutes will be enough for the jam to burn and turn into a lump of burning, which will only be thrown away.

A container for cooking jam, you should choose a copper one. This is the best option, since the heat in such dishes is distributed more evenly and there is less chance of burning. You can also use a stainless steel saucepan or saucepan. It is better to stir the jam that is being prepared, it is better to use a false wooden one, to remove the foam from it, and to transfer it to the jars, it is worth a separate ordinary spoon.

Stage three. Pour the finished jam into jars.

If your jam has reached the consistency we need, it's time to pour it into jars. Jam must be poured to the very edges of the jar, because the cooled jam will settle and the jar will seem half empty. Next, roll up or simply close the lids and turning the jars upside down, put in a dark corner until completely cooled. This method will prevent the air from escaping from the jars, which means that the jam will not liquefy, which again, in turn, will protect the jam from mold. When the jam has cooled down, and this should take no more than 10 minutes, put the jars in a container with cold water. Keep the jam for another twenty minutes. This method will help us to cool the jam faster, the berries to stay in the desired pleasant color.

Stage four. Storage of jam.

Jam, thanks to the high concentration of sugar and careful sterilization< будет храниться долго, но это не означает что стоит пренебрегать простым правилам хранения варенья. Варенье закатанное по банкам, должно стоять в сухом, прохладном и темном месте. Температура помещения не должна превышать 18 градусов. Если вы открыли банку с вареньем, то ее следует переместить в холодильник и хранить там.

The jam is ready to eat as soon as it has cooled, but many advise keeping it closed after cooking for eight days. This period is enough for the jam to be maximally saturated with the aroma of berries.

A few tips.

1) It is better to stick stickers on the jars so that, for example, you do not confuse lingonberry jam with redcurrant jam.

3) Find out if it's ready jam, in the following way: drop a drop of jam on a saucer. If the drop does not drain, then the jam is ready.

4) If you are preparing a small amount of jam, then you do not have to worry about the formation of foam and do not wait for it to be removed. just at the end of cooking jam, add 10 grams of butter and the foam will dissolve itself.

5) So that the bones of raspberries, strawberries and other berries are not hard, as often happens when cooking jam. You should freeze the berry before making jam. And defrost, directly in the syrup on the stove, stirring constantly. Then the bones in the jam will be soft. The same method can be used when making orange and lemon peel jam.

6) It is better to cook jam in small portions than to cook everything at once. If you cook jam in small portions, then the color and taste of jam are preserved, and there are much more useful substances in jam, because cooking jam in small portions requires less time.

7) Bon appetit and remember: do not throw away the existing cans from the house. Store them in a cellar, for example, or a pantry, then you won’t have to buy new jars. Just remember to properly sterilize them.

In the yard it's time for berries, a lot of strawberries, raspberries begin to sing. When a good harvest and everything does not work out from the bush, the question arises of how to preserve this abundance and make preparations.

With berries, the most common option is to cook all sorts of goodies with sugar: jam, preserves, sweets and other goodies.

The main features of cooking

Sweet preparations from berries are divided into those that are boiled with sugar and those that are ground with sugar. Sugar is put in a ratio of one to one in the jam, which is boiled and two to one for the variant with fresh berries. Jam that does not require boiling is richer in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which is destroyed during heat treatment.

In addition, if the boiling technology is chosen, it is necessary to decide how to cook in your own juice or in syrup. The choice depends on the berries and fruits from which the delicacy is prepared. If dry berries or fruits are chosen (chokeberry, dogwood, walnut of milk ripeness, etc.), then syrup is indispensable.

What is the difference between jam, jam and marmalade

In jam, it is easy to guess from what it is cooked, berries and fruits retain their shape. Jam is boiled down so much that there are no whole berries, jam is a homogeneous jelly-like mass. But sweets, this is something between jam and jam, the consistency is jelly-like, but whole berries come across. Jam is a fruit or berry puree boiled with sugar.

There remains the last moment and the essence of our question, in what form to pour into banks. In jars, any of these dishes is poured hot. At least for a reason:

  1. hot is easier to work with, as soon as the sweet delicacy cools down, it will become much thicker and it will be very difficult to place it in a jar, in the case of jam it is almost impossible;
  2. hot jam, jam, etc. sterile, which will help to avoid trouble during storage, otherwise there is a possibility that the sweetness may ferment.

All these sweet goodies will be a good duet for the following dishes.

Jam is a sweet dessert, which is fruits - fruits or berries, boiled whole in sugar or honey syrup. And although jam has been brewed for, perhaps, more than one hundred years, in connection with its preparation, no, no, and various questions arise. Here, for example - pour jam into jars hot or cold?

Indeed, in order for the jam to turn out delicious and be stored for a long time, certain rules must be observed when preparing it.

Secrets of the right jam

A well-prepared jam should have the color and flavor of fresh fruits and berries that were used in its preparation. Such jam preserves the vast majority of vitamins, including a significant part of vitamin C. Jam can be stored for a long time due to the fact that it contains a large amount of sugar - usually about 50%. In such a thick saturated syrup, microorganisms that cause fermentation or mold formation cannot develop. But if you put an insufficient amount of sugar in the jam, then it can easily turn sour. The same happens if you put it in poorly washed or wet jars. Or you do not follow the storage rules - for example, the room in which the jam is stored is poorly ventilated or turns out to be damp.

Jam is made from a wide variety of fruit berries, even from vegetables or nuts. It is only necessary that all these components be approximately the same maturity and the same size. You need to collect berries or fruits for jam in dry sunny weather, avoiding overripe or spoiled fruits.

Do you pour the jam into jars hot or cold?

The answer to this question depends on the way the jam was prepared. The traditional way is to cook the jam for a long time until it thickens. Usually, the readiness of such a jam is checked by whether the drop retains its shape on the saucer. If it blurs, then the jam continues to cook for some more time. If it remains in its original form, then the jam is ready, it can be removed from the heat. Such jam is laid out in jars when cooled, and usually it does not require seaming. It is simply covered with plastic lids or covered with parchment paper and tied with twine.

If the jam is cooked in an accelerated way, the so-called "five minutes" or if less sugar is put in the jam, for example, to reduce its calorie content, then such jam is poured only hot into pre-sterilized jars, and then rolled up with metal lids. Then the jars are turned over and the jam is left to cool in this form. For better preservation of jam, jars of jam are recommended to be additionally pasteurized. In other words, such jam requires mandatory preservation. Otherwise, it will not be stored for a long time. Preservation is also required for “raw” jam, which is, in fact, fruits or berries rubbed with sugar.

Properly cooked and closed for the winter, jam can be stored at home for up to two years or even more. If the jam was cooked or poured into jars incorrectly - for example, into unsterilized, poorly washed or damp dishes, then it will definitely ferment, become moldy or sugary.

How to determine that the jam was cooked incorrectly

Here are the main signs by which you can understand that mistakes were made when cooking jam:

  • the jam changed its color, became too dark, and the aroma of fruits left it - only a sweet taste remained. This is a sure sign that the jam has been overcooked;
  • berries or fruits are not evenly distributed in the syrup, but float to the surface or settle to the bottom. The settled fruits indicate that you put little sugar in the syrup, and it turned out to be too liquid. If the fruits are gathering near the surface, this indicates that you have not cooked the jam. In both cases, the jam can turn sour, so you need to eat it as soon as possible. Or digest.

Jam is one of the most popular preparations for the winter. But it’s not enough to cook a good tasty jam - it still needs to be preserved. Do you know how to properly close the jam? So that the results of your labors do not go to waste, but turn into orderly rows of jars on the shelves of your pantry. If not, then we will tell you about it now.

What is jam

Winter jam can be prepared in many ways. Although, strictly speaking, the classic jam should be cooked in the traditional "grandmother's way. Unfortunately, in such a jam there is a minimum of vitamins, since many of them are destroyed under prolonged exposure to high temperatures. That is why, today, housewives prefer to either cook jam in a “quick” way, keeping it on fire for no more than 7-10 minutes, or even less. Or at all, do not cook jam, but simply grind fresh berries and fruits with sugar. This method allows you to save most of the vitamins and nutrients, but this jam requires mandatory conservation. You can store jam rolled up under tin lids both in the cellar and at normal room temperature, without taking up space in the refrigerator.

How to sterilize jars to close jam

Before pouring jam into jars and using a seamer, these jars must be carefully prepared. First, they need to be washed very well with soda, and not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Sterilization is the process of treating jam jars with high temperatures to kill all bacteria. You can sterilize jars either with steam or simply by placing them in an oven preheated to 100 - 120 degrees. It is also necessary to sterilize the metal lids with which you will close the jars. But with lids it’s easier - they just need to boil for 5-10 minutes in a pan covered with a lid.

How to close the jam

Before pouring jam into jars, make sure they are completely dry on the inside. If you lay out the jam in wet jars, it may turn sour and then all your work will be in vain.

Jam for seaming is recommended to be poured into hot jars, then the jars are rolled up using a special seaming machine, turned upside down and covered with a clean terry towel. In this form, the jam cools down, after which it is sent to a shelf for storage.

Sometimes, for an additional guarantee, it is recommended to pasteurize the jam before sealing the jars. In this case, after you pour the hot jam into the jars, they must be covered with sterilized lids, placed in a pot of hot water and boiled for an additional 10 minutes. Only after that, the jars are finally corked and turned upside down to make sure the packaging is tight. Banks, as in the previous case, are covered with a warm towel and left to cool in this form for 10-12 hours. And then they put it away for storage.

How to close traditional jam

Jam cooked in the traditional way does not require capping under tin lids. Due to the high sugar content, it is perfectly stored even without it, even at normal room temperature. However, if you want, of course, you can cork such a jam, but it will only be a waste of time and effort. In order to preserve the traditional classic jam, it is enough to know how to close it correctly.

As in the previous case, jars for storing jam must be thoroughly washed, sterilized and, no less thoroughly, dried. Remember that jam can only be poured into clean and completely dry jars.

Before laying the jam in jars, unlike the previous case, it must be cooled. You can cool the jam in the same basin in which it was cooked, you just need to cover it with gauze or clean white paper on top. But you don’t need to use a lid, the jam should freely evaporate moisture.

After the jam has cooled, it is laid out in clean jars, making sure that the berries and syrup are evenly distributed. Then, a circle cut out of paper and soaked in alcohol or vodka is placed on the neck of the jar, covered with another sheet of paper on top and tightly tied with twine soaked in hot water. If you don't have twine, you can use cut-out strips. They also need to be moistened with hot water and tightly tied around the neck of the jar. When dry, the twine or fabric will sit down and wrap around the jar even more tightly.

Instead of plain paper, parchment or plastic covers can be used.

If you prefer parchment, then you need to close the jam in the following way: put one piece of parchment on the neck of the jar, place a circle cut out of cardboard on top, close with a second piece of parchment and tie everything tightly with twine.
