
How to salt tomatoes for the winter. Video: cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter

Almost every one of us remembers the taste of granny salted in a barrel. Their presence on the festive table has already become a tradition. And, besides, not so often in the winter it falls to feast on high-quality fresh tomatoes.

We have to resort to various methods of harvesting this useful. And since pickling tomatoes in a barrel is not available to everyone in our time, experienced hostesses advise stocking up on salted ones, preserved for the winter in jars.

Despite the fact that in the modern world you can buy absolutely everything, preservation prepared by one's own hand is much more valuable than purchased one. So, consider the most popular salting recipes.

The fastest way

Summer is vegetable season. But what you so much wanted in winter, fresh in the summer, has already become boring. Fresh ones are no exception, salads with their participation no longer suit even avid supporters of proper nutrition and diets.

Often you want to diversify the menu. To this end, experienced hostesses came up with a simple and quick recipe for salting jars for the winter. The highlight of this method is that you can enjoy salted tomatoes already 3 days after harvesting and thereby add a new taste to summer dishes.

For the fastest preparation of pickled tomatoes, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • - 1 head;
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • pod;
  • water - 5 l.;
  • greens (, horseradish leaves).

Step-by-step instruction

To implement this salting method, high-quality tomatoes should be selected first. must be fresh and firm, as bruised or soft ones can eventually turn into a slurry in the tomato shell. The most suitable type is cream.

It is advisable to choose tomatoes of approximately the same size, ripeness and variety. must be thoroughly washed and dried.
In parallel with vegetables, jars should be prepared. Wash and sterilize the container. Then we lay the bottom of the cans with herbs, and cut pepper. After that, lay out - they can be cut if desired, so more will fit. Fold another ball of greens on top and.
It remains to pour the folded ingredients with brine. It is prepared as follows: salt and sugar must be diluted in 5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes and pour over it.

Important! A very important point: tomatoes should only be poured with hot brine.

The final touch: close the filled container with lids and leave for a day in a room with a temperature of +20 ° C, and then take it to or put it in the refrigerator. It will be possible to enjoy salted tomatoes after 3 days.
You can increase or decrease the proportions of the ingredients if you wish. You can vary the taste with the help of various spices.

Classic recipe

The relevance of the classic salty recipe for the winter in jars has only increased over the years. After all, high-quality pickles are always a godsend for gourmets.

What you need

To implement this method of preparing sauerkraut, you should arm yourself with the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes (about 2-3 kg);
  • 1 st. l. 1% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. sugar (depending on your taste preferences);
  • cherry, horseradish, currant leaves;
  • , optionally - ;
  • black peppercorns;
  • water.

Cooking instructions

Thoroughly washed components must be folded one by one into prudently sterilized jars. First lay out the greens, peppers and leaves. We put vegetables on the greens. Then another layer of greenery.
All this must be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes. After that, carefully drain the water from the cans, without shaking the contents strongly.

We put the drained liquid on the fire, dilute sugar and salt in it and boil again. Pour the mixture over the vegetables for the second time. As a result, add vinegar and roll up.
The rolled product must be wrapped, turned upside down and wait until it cools to room temperature. After that, place in a cool place and wait for the right opportunity to eat.

Original recipe (salted in sugar)

If you are wondering how to pickle tomatoes for the winter in jars in order to achieve a unique exotic taste, we advise you to use the wayward recipe for salting pickled tomatoes in sugar. As a result, you will delight your family and guests with an unusual delicacy.

Grocery list

As for any other recipe for making salted tomatoes for the winter, tomatoes are the primary ingredient - 10 kg. In second place in importance is not salt, but sugar - 3 kg.

The list of products also includes: tomato puree - 4 kg, currant leaves - 200 g, black pepper - 10 g, salt - 3 tbsp. l. For an amateur, you can use 5 g of cinnamon and cloves.


Washed and sorted by size and level of ripeness, lay out in a container, the bottom of which is covered with greenery and. Sprinkle each layer of tomatoes with sugar. At the top of the jar should be left free about 20 cm.

After that, we prepare tomato puree from prudently selected overripe vegetables (we pass them through a meat grinder). Add the remaining sugar and salt to the puree. Fill the jars with tomatoes with the resulting mixture. It remains to tightly roll up this yummy.

Did you know? Scientists find serotonin in tomato- a hormone of joy: after you eat this vegetable, your mood will certainly improve.

Vinegar Recipe

This method will allow you to enjoy delicious sour tomatoes in the winter, which will be nice to pinch your tongue. This is an excellent, and most importantly, useful addition to any side dish.

Have you decided not to wait until a month has passed, the tomatoes are well salted? Do you want to enjoy a great snack in a few hours? Then you need to pickle the tomatoes according to the instant recipe. You can choose the recipe you like the most from several presented, prepare salted tomatoes of different types. You will need a simmering brine, a little more salt, tomatoes of the same variety and size. It is enough to follow the tips to get very tasty and healthy tomatoes as quickly as possible. Connoisseurs of original tastes should try unusual recipes with the addition of special spices and vegetables. Cook with inspiration and salt your tomatoes quickly!

A few tips: salt the tomatoes correctly
Remember a few nuances to make your salted tomatoes even tastier.
  1. Choosing the right tomatoes Pay special attention to the choice of tomatoes. They should be of the same variety and approximately the same size. If the tomatoes are very different from each other in weight, large ones will remain unsalted.
  2. Salted tomatoes of the same color. Green, yellow tomatoes, along with red ones, should not be salted either - the tastes will mix, you will not catch the desired aroma. In addition, green tomatoes take longer to pickle.
  3. Plum tomatoes. Plum tomatoes are perfect for pickling. Not all housewives have had time to get used to them yet, but they have great taste, they fit well even in small jars. These tomatoes are a cross between ordinary tomatoes and cherry tomatoes.
  4. The smallest. You can also pickle cherry tomatoes. They are tiny, have a delicate taste, delicate skin. You have to be careful not to damage them. Otherwise, you will get not salted tomatoes, but tomato paste with skins. The brine for cherry tomatoes should be weak, the only way you do not oversalt them. It is better not to add spices almost.
  5. No skin damage. Pay special attention: there should be no dents, scratches, or damage on the skin of the tomato. Otherwise, the juice will begin to flow out of the tomatoes, the pulp will be squeezed out. If you need pasta, it's best to peel and crush the tomatoes right away. And salted tomatoes should be whole. You do not need to pierce them to speed up salting! Tomatoes are not cucumbers that can be salted after being pierced with a fork.
  6. Just in moderation. Since tomatoes have a rather delicate taste, you should not add too many different spices and spices. Try to enjoy a more natural taste of tomatoes.
  7. Hot brine is a quick salt. To quickly pickle tomatoes, they need to be poured with boiling brine, use more salt. Then you can taste delicious salted tomatoes in a few hours.
  8. Twisting is not necessary. I would like to note that it is not at all necessary to twist the banks. You just need to use an ordinary jar, a plastic lid, boiling brine. Tomatoes will be tasty and not stale, and hot-salted tomatoes in any case should not be stored for a long time.
Spiced Tomatoes
Prepare all the necessary ingredients:
  • tomatoes of the same variety, size;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar - optional;
  • sprigs of dill with seeds;
  • 2-3 leaves of black currant;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon.
Start pickling your tomatoes.
  1. Wash the tomatoes. Be careful not to damage their skin.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Slightly crush it with a knife, but do not turn it into a mass. Juice should appear.
  3. Soak blackcurrant leaves in a small amount of warm water along with dill sprigs for about half an hour. Salt the water a little.
  4. Place the garlic in the bottom of the jar.
  5. Boil the brine with salt, sugar, vinegar, cinnamon.
  6. Put currant leaves, dill on the bottom of the jar, pour the remaining water from under them there. It should be a little - 2-3 tablespoons.
  7. Carefully place all your tomatoes in a jar. Do not squeeze them or scratch the skin.
  8. Pour the brine over the tomatoes. Close the jar with a lid and leave for 3-6 hours.
After a few hours, you can appreciate the pickled tomatoes according to the instant recipe!

You can use different recipes. The taste will vary depending on the ingredients.

Tomatoes with onion, garlic and bay leaf
Take the following ingredients for your snack:

  • tomatoes;
  • onion, white and red;
  • coarse salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • a little fine salt;
  • sprigs of dill with seeds;
  • small cloves of garlic, best of all - young, 5-10 cloves;
  • a few leaves of black currant;
  • one small bay leaf;
  • three peppercorns.
Then you can start cooking salted tomatoes.
  1. Rinse the tomatoes carefully.
  2. Onion cut into thin rings.
  3. Dill sprigs, peppercorns, blackcurrant leaves and bay leaves put on the bottom of the jar. Add the onion there.
  4. If you have tiny young garlic, just place it in the bottom of the jar. Cut larger garlic into thick plates and sprinkle with fine salt on top. Leave it like that for half an hour, and after that put it on the bottom of the jar.
  5. Put the tomatoes in a jar, but do not squeeze them.
  6. Boil the brine with salt, sugar.
  7. Pour the brine over the tomatoes. Close the jar with a plain plastic lid and leave the tomatoes for 4-6 hours.
Your tomatoes are ready! Choose the time to your taste, after 4 hours the tomatoes will already be salted, but at the same time they will retain a more natural taste, they will not be completely softened.

Various additives for pickling tomatoes
To diversify the table, you can use various compositions for pickling tomatoes. What should be added to tomatoes according to a quick recipe?

  1. Hot pepper. It needs to be taken quite a bit: about 1-2 circles per three-liter jar. But the taste will become noticeably brighter!
  2. Vinegar. Lovers of pickled tomatoes will certainly add vinegar. It is better to take no more than 1 tablespoon per three-liter jar. Of course, if you are used to taking care of your health, you should do without vinegar.
  3. Mustard. Ordinary dry mustard can also significantly change the usual taste of tomatoes. It is fashionable to simply sprinkle the bottom of the jar with mustard, using about 1 tablespoon of the dry mixture, or you can dissolve the mustard in brine.
  4. Bulgarian pepper. Perfect for salting tomato bell pepper. Enough of one dense large pepper, cut into wide ribbons. It must be put on the bottom of the jar before pickling the tomatoes.
  5. Nut leaf. The walnut leaf will complement the flavor bouquet well. It is enough to put 1-2 leaves on the bottom of the jar.
Get creative with the cooking process, follow the recommendations. Thanks to special methods, you can pickle tomatoes according to an instant recipe in just a few hours.

Bon appetit!

In order to salt tomatoes, tomatoes of various degrees of maturity are suitable for you. However, frozen or spoiled fruits should never be used for harvesting. Unsuitable for salting and unripe tomatoes, which have an intense green color: they smell and taste like foliage and contain almost no sugar. But unripe green tomatoes are just right for you.

Grade your crop before salting your tomatoes, as tomatoes that are at different stages of maturity need to be salted separately. In addition, pink and red fruits are best salted in a small container (10-15 liters), brown-colored - in a larger container (20-100 liters), and green tomatoes are salted in a barrel, like cucumbers.

In many ways, the principle of pickling tomatoes is similar to the process of pickling cucumbers. The brine in the selected container should occupy approximately 45% of the volume, and the rest falls on the fruits themselves and various spices. Experienced gardeners for salting are popular with such as Humbert, Bison, San Marzano, Lighthouse, Gribovsky, Alpatovsky.

How to salt tomatoes : recipe 1 (for mature tomatoes)

For 1.5 kg of tomatoes (which is a three-liter jar), take dill (50 g), garlic (5 g), sugar (2 tablespoons), salt (1 tablespoon), vinegar (70 g).

Prepare a brine from water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil the container over hot steam, and boil the lid to it. Put garlic and dill (umbrellas) on the bottom of the jar, and then start laying tomatoes in rows. They should be laid out carefully, but tightly folded into a container (do not throw it so that “barrels” and dents do not form on the fruits). Remember also that tomatoes with wrinkles, moldy cracks are unsuitable for salting. Fill the tomatoes with brine and roll up the jar.

How to salt tomatoes: recipe 2 (for slightly unripe tomatoes)

Boil the brine (take 2 tablespoons of sugar and half the amount of salt per liter of water) and cool. Add mustard (10 g) to the brine, mix and let stand. Arrange the tomatoes in sterilized three-liter jars, sprinkling the rows with blackcurrant and cherry leaves and dill umbrellas. Also put in each jar a bay leaf and 8-10 peas of allspice. When the prepared brine becomes transparent, fill it with tomatoes and close the jars with nylon lids. Store pickles in a cool place.

How to salt tomatoes: recipe 3

Place tomatoes (10 kg) on ​​the bottom of the container, which you first fill with herbs and spices: dill (200 g), garlic (30 g), horseradish root (30 g), bitter capsicum (15 g). For the brine, you will need 8 liters of water and 550 grams of salt.

How to pickle green tomatoes

Recipe 1. Prepare a filling for green tomatoes from water (3 l), sugar (9 tablespoons) and salt (2 tablespoons), bay leaves and allspice peas (10 pcs.) Add 9% vinegar to the finished solution - go (1 glass). Put greens in jars: cherry leaves and currants, parsley, dill (200 g), garlic (1 head) and pour vegetable oil (at the rate: a tablespoon per liter container). Then put green tomatoes (3 kg) in these jars, and chopped onion on top (half a head will be enough for each jar). Fill jars with hot fill and roll up.

Recipe 2. For three 1 liter jars, you will need for filling: water (1 liter), sugar (1 cup), salt (heaped tablespoon), vinegar 9% (0.5 cup), parsley, horseradish, dill. On each green tomato, make incisions in several places, into which insert thin plates of chopped garlic. Arrange the tomatoes in jars and fill with hot solution, roll up. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in something warm (such as a cotton or duvet) and leave until cool. Then you can put the jars in the cellar or other cold place. Salted according to this recipe will surely delight you with its spicy taste.

Salting tomatoes for the winter in jars- This is one of the best ways to harvest vegetables. Due to the content of lactic acid and salt, seamings are stored for several years and retain their excellent taste.

Recipe for pickling tomatoes in jars for the winter

Required products:

Red pepper pod
- red tomatoes - 1.6 kg
- 50 g green dill
- blackcurrant leaves - a couple of pieces
- tarragon, parsley, celery - 15 g each

To prepare the brine:

Salt - about three cups
- 10 liters of water

Cooking features:

Prepare the brine: dilute kitchen salt in a small amount of hot water, combine with cool water. After settling, strain it through a thick cloth. For salting, select pink, identical tomatoes. Wash them well in a basin, changing the water several times. Cut off the stems. Wash all the greens, leave the water to drain. Fold on the bottom, lay the tomatoes. After pouring with brine, transfer to a room with a temperature not higher than 20 degrees. Do not forget to cover with nylon caps and let stand in this form for 2 weeks. This time is enough for lactic fermentation to pass. In this case, the brine will become cloudy and partially absorbed into the vegetables. Remove foam and mold from the surface, add saline solution to the very neck. Now you can sterile seal the lids and transfer to a cool place.

Consider and.

Salting tomatoes for the winter in jars - sweet

You will need:

Sweet peppercorns - one piece per jar
- apples - 3 pcs.
- a handful of grapes, blackberries and currants
- tomatoes
- 3 pieces of bay leaf
- 50 g sugar
- 50 g of table salt
- peppercorns - 10 pcs.

Cooking features:

Chop the apples into slices, put them in the previously prepared container. You can also add a handful of blackcurrants, blackberries and grapes - the taste will be spicy and very interesting. Put the tomatoes in a dense layer in a container. Add peppercorns, cut into 4 pieces. Fill each container with water. Drain the water into a saucepan, boil. Again, fill the jars with boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes. Drain the liquid, prepare the marinade. Add sugar, peppercorns, bay leaf, salt to the water. Boil the marinade, pour into containers, cover with prepared steamed lids. Roll up the container and turn the rolls upside down.

You will like and.

Salting tomatoes in liter jars for the winter

Required components:

25 g tarragon
- 150 g garlic
- horseradish root - 20 g
- tomatoes - 10 kg
- chilli pepper - a few small pieces

For brine:

Salt - 400 g
- 8 liters of water

How to prepare:

Pre-prepare the brine: dissolve table salt in water, let it stand for a while, drain. Prepare clean jars with lids. Select strong tomatoes: rinse in cool water, tear off the stalks. Free the garlic from the husk, rinse in water. Cut large cloves in half. Remove the peel from the horseradish root, rinse, chop into slices. Rinse the peppers with herbs. Spread the tomatoes in a dense layer, layering with spices and herbs. Throw one pepper into each container. Fill with brine and cover with plastic lids. Leave in a warm place for 12 days. Remove moldy foam from the surface, add more clean brine. Close with simple lids, transfer to the cellar. If you want to get a spicy billet, add more horseradish.

Consider and.

Salting tomatoes in jars for the winter is simple

You will need:

Bitter pepper - several small fruits
- 30 g garlic
- 145 g dill greens
- tomatoes - 10 kg
- capsicum bell pepper - 0.25 kg

To prepare the brine:

8 liters of water
- salt - ? kg

How to prepare:

Prepare the brine first: dilute the salt in some water, set aside for a while so that it becomes concentrated. Prepare jar lids ahead of time. Select ripe tomatoes, rinse, pick off the stalks. Remove the husk from the garlic, wash it. Rinse the bell pepper, cut in half, cut out the seed part. Crumble into long slices. Rinse fresh dill in a basin. Arrange tomatoes in a container, layer with herbs, slices of pepper and garlic cloves. Pour the brine on top, transfer to a warm place for ten days. After the end of lactic fermentation, remove possible mold and foam from the surface. Top up with new brine, cover with lids, transfer to warm, seal tightly.

Browse and salting tomatoes for the winter in jars video. From it you will learn a lot of useful things.

Recipe with cinnamon


1.5 teaspoons cinnamon
- 5 g bay leaf
- tomatoes - 10 kg
- 8 liters of water
- half a kilogram of salt

How to cook:

Make a brine in advance: dilute salt in it. After settling it, strain it. Select strong and red tomatoes. Wash them, cut off the stems. Put in a dense layer in jars. But it's not worth accepting. Add cinnamon and lavrushka to each container, evenly distribute the number of tomatoes. Pour in brine, cover with plastic caps, let stand for at least 10 days to infuse. In this case, the room temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

Salting green tomatoes in jars for the winter

Required components:

Sugar - 0.2 kg
- black currant leaves - 90 g
- green tomatoes - 10 kg
- fresh dill - 0.2 kg

To prepare the brine:

Fine table salt - 0.25 kg
- five liters of water

How to prepare:

Make a pickle. After settling, strain it. Select green tomatoes, wash them. Cut off the stems. You can also carefully cut them off. Rinse the greens. In small batches, dip the tomatoes in boiling water, spend two minutes. blanching. Cool them quickly under a stream of cold water. If you exclude heat treatment, then the vegetables turn out to be harsh. Arrange the fruits in a dense layer in a clean container. Top with fresh herbs. Pour sugar into each container. Add brine, leave for a week in a warm room for fermentation. Pour in fresh brine. After corking with capron lids, transfer to a cool place.

Try also

Recipe with tomato paste


Mass of tomato - 10 kg
- currant leaves - 40 pieces
- red tomatoes - 10 kg

How to cook:

Wash good, ripe tomatoes, tear off the tails with the stalk. Rinse the plucked currant leaves in clean water. Line the bottom of the containers with currant leaves, spread the tomatoes, salt. Lay out currant leaves again and vegetables again. Sprinkle again with salt. Fill all containers in the same way. Prepare tomato paste from overripe tomatoes. Wash vegetables in cold water. Cover the container with lids, soak for a week at 20 degrees. After the start of fermentation, transfer to a cooler place.

Salting cherry tomatoes in jars for the winter

You will need:

Cherry - 0.6 kg
- parsley with herbs - 50 g each
- garlic clove - 3 pieces
- aromatic peppercorns - 3 pcs.
- a leaf of lavrushka - 2 pcs.
- bell pepper

To prepare the marinade:

Liter of water
- 0.025 liters of acetic acid
- a couple of tablespoons of salt and spices

Put 2 garlic cloves, chopped herbs and aromatic pepper into the processed container. Cherry prick in the area of ​​​​the stalks, put in containers, starting with large tomatoes. Layer the fruits with parsley and sweet pepper. Add spices and water. Pour into conservation, let stand? hours. Pour back into the saucepan, boil again. Combine the marinade with vinegar, roll up with tin caps. Turn the preservation over, place on lids, wrap in a warm cloth, let cool completely for several weeks.

Salting tomatoes in jars for the winter in a cold way


red tomatoes - kg
- garlic clove - a couple of pieces
- acetic acid - 30 ml
- table salt - 15 g
- a tablespoon of sugar
- water - 500 ml
- greenery
- an aspirin tablet

Place fresh herbs, garlic, parsley and peppercorns in a processed glass jar. Fill the container with ripe, whole tomatoes. They should be tightly pressed against each other. Prepare a brine from cool filtered water and spices. Stir the contents thoroughly, stand for two minutes. Top with cold brine. Crush an aspirin tablet, pour it on top. This will prevent the occurrence of unpleasant mold.

Recipe with cloves

Prepare the following components:

Half a kilo of tomatoes
- a pair of dill umbrellas
- aromatic and black peppercorns
- two sprigs of fresh parsley
- two cloves
- a small spoonful of mustard
- cherry and blackcurrant leaves
- hot pepper pod
- garlic clove - 3 pieces

For brine brewing:

Small spoonful of granulated sugar
- 4.2 st. spoons of salt
- two liters of water
- laurel leaf - 2 pieces

How to cook:

Sort ripe, plum-shaped tomatoes with a firm, whole skin. Wash, tear off the stalks. In a bowl of clean water, rinse the cherry leaves, parsley, dill. Remove the husk from the garlic, wash it. Wash the peppers, cut off the dried husk. Try not to damage the pulp, otherwise the workpiece will turn out to be extremely sharp. Prepare clean containers with lids. Put some of the spices on one. Fill containers with tomatoes. Put a pepper between the fruits. Cover the top layer with mustard seeds and greenfinch. Fill the saucepan with water, throw in the parsley, add granulated sugar and salt. Boil the brine for exactly five minutes. Remove from stove, cool. Pour the contents with cold brine, seal the container with plastic lids. For three weeks, place the seamings in a cool room.

There are a lot of variations of pickled tomatoes. Which one you choose for yourself - it does not matter, because each recipe is original in its own way. The composition of the workpiece can include other vegetables and even fruits with berries. This makes the taste of the blanks even more interesting!

Millions of people around the world love to treat themselves to something salty or sour, especially homemade. That is why every year many families are engaged in canning and salting vegetables. One of the leading positions among homemade preparations and pickles (not only winter, but also summer ones) is occupied by salted tomatoes. Regardless of how you call this type of preparation, whether it be "salted tomatoes", "pickled tomatoes" or "sour tomatoes", they are all often present both at large feasts and at a simple family meal.

There are a lot of recipes for salted tomatoes. Some of them even contain vinegar (below is a recipe for salted tomatoes without vinegar!), Which negatively affects human health. Some recipes require canning tomatoes in a jar under metal lids, while others, on the contrary, do not require seaming the dish under a lid.

I have tried all sorts of pickled tomato recipes in my life, but what I love the most is the simple recipe my mom uses every year. Yes, the recipe that will be discussed is quite simple and does not require much work, boiling the lids and twisting them.

So, below at the Knowledge House with my readers, I will share a simple recipe for delicious pickled tomatoes.

Salted Tomato Ingredients.

To prepare 1 can (3L) of delicious pickled tomatoes, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Tomatoes(preferably medium or small size) - 1.5-1.8 kg
  2. Salt- 90g or incomplete 100g glass
  3. Garlic- 1 clove
  4. Hot chilli pepper- a small piece
  5. horseradish leaves- 1 medium size sheet
  6. Herb tarragon(tarragon) - 1 sprig
  7. black currant leaves- 3 pcs
  8. cherry leaves- 3 pcs
  9. Dill seeds- 2-3 ripe inflorescences or if not - 1 dessert spoon of seeds
  10. Water(peeled or spring) - up to 1.5L per 3L jar or as needed to cover the tomatoes

Pickled Tomato Recipe.

First of all, for salting, select and wash beautiful firm tomatoes of the same size as much as possible. Then peel and wash one clove of garlic. Also rinse horseradish, tarragon, bitter pepper, currant leaves and cherries in cold water to remove dust.

When all the ingredients are prepared, you can start putting them in a clean 3 liter jar.

I usually stack all the ingredients in layers.

Layer #1.

At the bottom of the jar put:

  1. 1/3 of a horseradish leaf
  2. 1/2 sprig of tarragon
  3. 2 cherry leaves
  4. 2 blackcurrant leaves
  5. garlic clove cut into 2 pieces
  6. a piece of hot pepper
  7. dill seeds (I throw everything out as they pop up anyway)

Layer #2.

With the second layer, up to half the jar, I spread the tomatoes. They should lie as close as possible to each other. I usually put the slightly larger tomatoes in first, then cover the empty spots with the smaller ones. It is desirable that the tomatoes lie as tightly as possible in a jar or barrel, as they will still become soft and an empty space will appear between them.

Layer #3.

Put the third layer in the jar:

  1. 1/3 part horseradish
  2. The remaining 1/2 of the tarragon sprig
  3. 1 cherry leaf
  4. 1 blackcurrant leaf

Read also: Sauerkraut.

Layer number 4.

The fourth layer, like the second, consists of tomatoes. They also need to be laid tightly and in height about 1-1.5 cm below the neck of the jar.

Layer number 5.

On top of the tomatoes, you need to put the remaining 1/3 of the horseradish leaf.

This completes the laying of future salted tomatoes. Now it remains only to fill them with brine, consisting of salt and water.

Brine for salted tomatoes.

To prepare the brine in 1 liter of water, dissolve 90 g of salt (an incomplete 100 g glass), then pour it into a jar of tomatoes. If after that the water does not completely cover the tomatoes, then add clean (without salt).
