
Five-minute strawberry jam for the winter, recipes with photos from wild and garden berries. How to cook strawberry jam: photo step by step

Wild strawberry jam is a delicious dish that takes us back to a distant carefree childhood. Just a spoonful of this delicacy makes you close your eyes and remember how once, together with friends, we went to the forest and picked small red berries in dense thickets of grass. And the more such berries were eaten, the better the body was prepared for low-vitamin seasons. And our grandmothers always closed jam from them, which helped to maintain the body's strength in the cold winter months. So today we want to follow their example and make wild strawberry jam. Let's look at a few recipes.

Strawberry jam is one of the most useful homemade preparations.

cooking recipes

Before you cook wild strawberry jam, you should collect and prepare the berries. The most suitable will be fruits of the same size without damage and traces of rot. The collected berries are sorted out, the sepals are separated and washed in a large amount of running water. As a rule, wild strawberries are rather tender, so it is advisable to wash them in a colander, laying them out in small portions; it is better not to help with fingers.

Further, the washed fruits are combined with sugar and left for 5 hours - during this time, the strawberries should release juice. As for the ratio of berries and sugar, then approximately it should be 1: 1.5. After that, the strawberries, together with the released juice, are transferred to a container with a volume of 2 to 6 liters and boiled. And you can choose the cooking method from the options below.

Five-minute recipe

Five-minute wild strawberry jam is the most useful, since it is known that the less time the berry undergoes heat treatment, the more valuable substances are stored in it.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of strawberries;
  • half a kilo of sugar

Let's start cooking.

  • Combine the berries with sugar and after 4-5 hours, put on fire.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Boil for about 5 minutes, then distribute the mixture into jars and roll up.
  • Let cool for several hours.
  • On a note! This delicacy can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the kitchen cabinet.

    Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

    Prepare ingredients:

    • half a kilo of strawberries;
    • half a kilo of sugar;
    • half a glass of water.

    Let's start cooking.

  • Sort the berries and put them in a container designed for cooking in a slow cooker.
  • Add sugar, water and turn on the multicooker in the "Extinguishing" or "Milk porridge" mode.
  • After 30 minutes, spread the mixture into jars.
  • Turn upside down and let cool to room temperature.
  • Classic recipe

    According to this recipe, you can cook the most common wild strawberry jam, which our grandmothers prepared for the winter.

    Prepare ingredients:

    • 2 kg of strawberries;
    • 3 kg of sugar;
    • 3 g of citric acid, which, if desired, can be replaced with 30 ml of lemon juice.

    Let's start cooking.

  • Sort the berries, rinse, sprinkle with sugar and leave for several hours.
  • When the juice stands out, put everything in a brass basin and put on the smallest fire.
  • Cook, stirring constantly - the sugar should dissolve completely.
  • After, increase the fire, bring the contents of the pelvis to a boil.
  • Boil the mass for 20 minutes.
  • Turn off the gas supply, and after half an hour again bring the mixture to a boil and leave on fire for another 20 minutes.
  • At the end of the process, add citric acid or juice.
  • cold jam

    The following recipe for strawberry jam is anti-cold. Your children will appreciate its taste and aroma, and you no longer have to worry about their health in winter and off-season.
    Prepare ingredients:

    • half a kilo of strawberries;
    • 1 kg of sugar.

    Let's start cooking.

  • Combine the fruits with sugar, grind.
  • Transfer the mass to the pan, put on fire.
  • Warm up - the sugar should completely dissolve.

    Important! Do not boil the mixture!

  • Pour the jam into clean jars, roll up.
  • Little tricks
  • Strawberries are able to convey bitterness to jam. But you can get rid of this in one of the following ways: when cooking, add peeled carrots to the container, combine strawberries with red currants in a ratio of 6: 1, pre-freeze the berries or cook jam in one go.
  • The jam is ready when a drop of syrup does not spread over a cold saucer, and the berries become translucent.
  • If you put a little sugar, then the delicacy will quickly deteriorate - it will ferment and become moldy.
  • Citric acid is necessary so that the jam is not sugared; it is put in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of sugar.
  • The finished product is best poured into glass jars with a capacity of half a liter, 1 or 2 liters.
  • Jam is desirable to cook from freshly picked berries.
  • And do not forget that the main ingredient in any dish is a piece of your soul. Be healthy!

    All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

    Fragrant strawberry jam is not only very tasty, but also an incredibly healthy delicacy. Fresh wild strawberries have one significant drawback: a short fruiting period. In order to enjoy its fragrant aroma even in winter, strawberries can not only be frozen, but also jam can be made.

    Housewives have several ways to harvest delicious fragrant berries for the winter. Write down the best strawberry jam recipes for the winter as soon as possible.

    Wild strawberry jam five minutes

    The fastest way to make jam for the winter, the so-called "five-minute", allows you to save the original appearance of the berries. Also, due to the fact that the berries are subjected to heat treatment for several minutes, it is possible to preserve almost completely the beneficial substances that are contained in the berries.

    And this means that this method of harvesting strawberry jam for the winter is the most gentle, and, given that the amount of sugar is also small, it is also the least calorie option.

    Required Ingredients:

    • wild strawberries and sugar in equal proportions.

    How to cook strawberry jam for five minutes:

    Preparatory stage
    Prepare the necessary dishes and jars for jam. We put the jars to sterilize over steam or in the oven. Place the lids in boiling water for five minutes. We pour spoons, a ladle and other devices for shifting jam for the winter into jars with boiling water.

    Now let's get to the strawberries. We wash the berries, remove the sepals with tails. We put the berries in an enameled container, sprinkling them with sugar. We cover the dishes with a clean cloth and put them in a dark place. Stir occasionally and let it brew for several hours to a day.

    We cook strawberry jam for the winter
    We cook the container with strawberries in sugar syrup for five minutes after boiling, gently stirring with a spoon. Fragrant and healthy strawberry jam for the winter is ready. You can immediately transfer to jars and roll up.

    This incredibly fast method allows not only to preserve all the benefits of wild berries, but also to prepare a real delicacy for the whole winter in a short period of time.

    Classic strawberry jam recipe
    • 0.8 liters of pure water.

    Recipe for strawberry jam:

    Preparing strawberries for jam
    Before direct cooking, strawberries need to be disassembled. It is not permissible to use berries with signs of spoilage, as well as the presence of foreign debris and dirt on them. To facilitate the selection procedure, place the berries in a bowl of cold water.

    Spoiled berries, blades of grass and even gaping insects will float to the surface. We clean the surface of the water and drain the water, otherwise the strawberries will be saturated with water.
    It is also necessary to remove the tails and sepals.

    Cooking jam
    Boil water in an enamel pot. We fall asleep berries and boil. After five to seven minutes, pour sugar, mix.

    You can take a little less sugar, it all depends on how sweet you want to get the jam in the end.

    Boil the berries in sugar syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will take no more than 15 minutes.

    We remove the container with jam from the stove and insist for several hours. Be sure to cover the jar with a clean cloth to keep foreign matter out of the jam.

    As soon as the jam has cooled down, we repeat the cooking stage for another quarter of an hour.

    Be sure to remove the foam from the jam during the cooking process. If a lot of foam has formed, add a small piece of butter to complete the boil.

    Preparing jam for storage for the winter
    During the second stage of cooking strawberries, pour boiling water over the necessary utensils and sterilize jars and lids for jam rolling.

    We lay out the finished jam directly from the stove in jars and twist. For wild strawberry jam, it is better to use small containers, this will prevent the jam from sugaring, and also protect against mold during long-term storage in the open.

    After cooling, place the jars of ready-made strawberry jam in the refrigerator or other cool dark place.

    Strawberry jam with whole berries

    For jam you need to cook:

    • for 1 kg of berries - 1.7 kg of sugar;
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (a pinch of citric acid).

    How to cook wild strawberry jam:

    Preparatory stage
    Strawberries must be carefully sorted out. Berries should be whole, not overripe, without signs of spoilage.

    We place the selected strawberries in a container with cold water to clean it of dirt and get rid of excess debris. We also remove the sepals and tails.

    We put strawberries in an enameled container and sprinkle each layer with sugar. This must be done very carefully so that the berries are not damaged. In order for strawberries to give the maximum amount of juice, we leave a container with berries covered with a cloth for 6-8 hours. During this period, gently shake the container several times.

    We cook strawberries and make preparations for the winter
    After the specified time, put the container with berries in syrup on a slow fire and start cooking. During this time, all the sugar should melt. Immediately after boiling, remove the container from the fire, cover with a clean cloth and leave for a quarter of an hour.

    We repeat the boiling and infusion procedures three more times. This method of cooking will preserve the integrity of the strawberries due to their good impregnation with syrup.

    During cooking, do not use spatulas, spoons or other mixing devices, as this can damage the berries.

    A slight swaying of the pelvis from side to side is enough. Also, do not forget to remove the foam formed during cooking.

    At the final stage of cooking, add lemon juice to the jam.
    We shift the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up the lids. After cooling, the jars of strawberry jam are stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

    Strawberry jam with ponytails

    Few people know that strawberries can be boiled without removing the adjacent greens. This gives a special astringency to the finished jam, and also eliminates the painful and lengthy procedure for removing the sepals.

    For jam you need to cook:

    • 1 kg of berries and granulated sugar;
    • a glass of clean water.


    Boil strawberries in syrup
    Add granulated sugar to the water, put on a small fire and wait for the sugar to dissolve completely.

    Dip the pre-washed and selected strawberries into boiling syrup and cook for five minutes, be sure to remove the resulting foam. Remove the container with jam from the stove and wait for it to cool completely.

    Next, cook the strawberries in syrup for another five minutes, and lay them out in pre-sterilized jars. Roll up the lids.
    You can store jars of strawberry jam with stalks at room temperature in a dark place.

    Video: Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

    Note to housewives: how to cook strawberry jam
    • Properly selected strawberries are the key to a tasty and successfully prepared jam. If you pick wild strawberries yourself, do it in dry weather in the morning. Pay attention to the degree of maturity and size of the fruits, they should be approximately the same. Also, for jam for the winter, it is necessary to select only whole berries without signs of spoilage. By the way, strawberries of the first harvest are the most fragrant and juicy.
    • It is necessary to cook jam on the average power of the burner. Otherwise, the jam may not be cooked or, on the contrary, digested, which will equally badly affect its taste.
    • Be sure to check the readiness of strawberry jam before the final stage of cooking. To do this, simply drip syrup onto a cold saucer. If the drop has retained its shape, then you can lay out the jam in jars.
    • Accurately observe the amount of granulated sugar indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, the finished product may become moldy or, on the contrary, sugary.

    Previously, it seemed to me that making jam from wild strawberries - the most delicious and fragrant berries in the world - is a terrible blasphemy and a crime. The most correct thing is to eat it in handfuls right in the forest “on the spot”, enjoying the great taste and stocking up on vitamins for the coming long winter. But over the years, it became much more interesting for me to collect strawberries in a jar and bring home a rich catch, and not eat them straight from the bush, returning empty-handed. Well, at home, part of the freshly picked berries usually goes to the daughter, and the rest go to baking or harvesting for the winter.

    Wild strawberry jam, unfortunately, is quite rare in stores and is indecently expensive, and from berries picked with one's own hands, it comes out almost for nothing. In addition, it has a lot of useful properties, namely, it strengthens the immune system, prevents colds and speeds up recovery, gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and improves its functioning, and also improves the condition of blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure.

    Today I want to show you how to cook delicious and very fragrant strawberry jam using sugar syrup. This technology allows you to get a product with whole elastic berries and a large amount of thick saturated syrup. During the cooking process, strawberries are subjected to a short heat treatment, which allows them to retain more taste and various useful substances in the berries.

    Strawberry jam, cooked according to this simple recipe, turns out to be unusually tasty, rich and fragrant and is ideal for tea drinking in the cold season. It can be eaten neat or with a slice of white bread, or added to cereals, yogurt or cottage cheese as a substitute for sugar. Whatever option you choose, homemade strawberry jam is sure to bring a lot of benefits and pleasure to you and your loved ones!

    Useful information How to cook strawberry jam for the winter - a recipe for thick and fragrant wild strawberry jam with step by step photos


    • 1 kg wild strawberries
    • 1.7 kg sugar
    • 300 ml water
    • a pinch of citric acid (2 g)


    1. In order to cook delicious strawberry jam for the winter, you must first properly collect and prepare this fragrant forest beauty. Strawberries must be harvested in sunny, dry weather, stored in an open container at room temperature and used within a day after collection.

    2. Before cooking the jam, the strawberries should be carefully sorted out, discarding unripe, overripe and damaged berries, and remove the tails and any forest debris. Then you need to carefully rinse the strawberries under running water and put them in a colander.

    3. Now you need to cook sugar syrup for making strawberry jam. To do this, pour sugar into a large saucepan and pour it with water.

    4. Put the pan on medium heat and cook the sugar syrup for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the resulting foam. The syrup is ready when it becomes completely transparent and stops foaming.

    5. Pour strawberries with hot syrup, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Remove pan from stove for 15 minutes to cool.

    6. Bring the strawberry jam to a boil 4 more times, each time turning off the heat and leaving the jam for 15 minutes. In the process of cooking, the jam should be slightly stirred and the resulting foam removed.
    7. At the last cooking, add citric acid and mix.

    8. Pour strawberry jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, wrap with a warm cloth and leave in this form until completely cooled, then send the jam for storage in a dark place at room temperature.

    In the season of raging colds and viral ailments, our immunity, more than ever, needs support. Strawberries are considered a real vitamin storehouse. In winter, you won’t find it with fire during the day, but you can make strawberry jam for future use in the summer. Such a delicacy retains all the beneficial properties of berries.

    Currently, there are a huge number of options for making strawberry jam. You can use not only berries grown at home, but also wild strawberries. Either way, the benefits will be huge.

    For taste, you can add various spices or citrus fruits. Let's start with a classic recipe.

    • 1 kg of strawberries;
    • 500 g of granulated sugar.
    Let's take a walk through the forest

    If you live near a forest and you have the opportunity to pick wild strawberries, be sure to do so. Wild strawberry jam is very useful. Small children, when they have a cold, are reluctant to drink pills, but they will eat such a sweet medicine with pleasure. In addition, strawberry jam will help strengthen the immune system and cope with the autumn blues.

    Important! If you are picking berries in the forest, be sure to wash them thoroughly. In order for the delicacy to be useful, strawberries must be environmentally friendly.

    • 5 kg of granulated sugar;
    • 5 kg of wild strawberries.
    "Five Minute"

    Wild strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" is prepared, of course, quickly, but not in five minutes. Prepare banks in advance. Be sure to wash them with detergent and sterilize over steam or in the oven.

    • 1.5 kg of fresh strawberries;
    • 0.7 kg of granulated sugar.
  • Prepare strawberries as described in previous recipes.
  • We spread the strawberry fruits in a container in which we will cook jam.
  • Sprinkle the strawberries with granulated sugar and insist in this form for about five hours.
  • When the juice stands out, gently mix the berries and put the jam on the fire.
  • As soon as the strawberry jam boils, we detect exactly five minutes.
  • After this time, we lay out the hot jam in sterilized jars and roll them up with lids.
  • Fragrant jam from miracle berries

    Here's another recipe for strawberry jam in your culinary piggy bank. You can cook a delicacy in a slow cooker. Experienced housewives advise removing the steam valve, as foam will be released during the cooking process. It is also worth paying attention to the volume of the multicooker container. It is desirable to fill it halfway.

    • 0.4 kg of granulated sugar;
    • 0.8 kg of strawberries.
  • Just like in the previous recipes, we will prepare strawberry fruits.
  • We put the prepared strawberries in a multicooker container and add granulated sugar.
  • As you already know, you need to insist strawberries in this form until the juice appears.
  • Gently stir in the jam with a spatula.
  • We close the kitchen gadget, remove the valve.
  • Select the program mode "Extinguishing".
  • As soon as the jam boils, we detect a quarter of an hour.
  • After that, turn off the slow cooker, and put the jam in jars.
  • Vitamin "bomb"

    Many housewives prefer blanks without cooking. Jam that has not been subjected to heat treatment must be stored in a refrigerator.

    • 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
    • 2 kg of granulated sugar.
  • As described above, prepare the strawberries. Be sure to wash them and separate the sepals.
  • We put the strawberries in a convenient bowl and add half the serving of granulated sugar.
  • Using an immersion blender or mortar, grind the berries with granulated sugar. The result is a mass that resembles puree in consistency.
  • In this form, we leave the jam all night, and then transfer it to a sterilized container.
  • On a note! Such a strawberry delicacy can be put in a plastic container and stored in the freezer.

    You need to cook delicious wild strawberry jam at least once in your life. Harvested in the forest or in the fields, this fragrant berry will delight the whole family. And in order to preserve the taste of summer until autumn and winter, jam is made from strawberries.

    It is not difficult to prepare jam from strawberries if you follow the rules of cooking. Strawberries are thoroughly washed before cooking, and the jars are heated in a water bath. You can add spices or berries to the jam if you wish. To make jam, the jam is first boiled, then rubbed through a sieve and boiled again.

    To understand how much to cook sweetness, you need to look at the density of the mixture. Even if the cooking time is up, and it is liquid, then you need to set the jam aside for a while. Gradually, it will begin to thicken.

    How to prepare jars for canning

    Banks are prepared in advance before cooking. First, they are thoroughly washed with detergent and left to dry. The cleaned jars are heated after drying. Warm the jars in a water bath for several minutes to make the glass hot.

    How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

    Fragrant jam is obtained from wild strawberries. It is large and suitable for cooking sweets. Garden or remontant strawberries are also used to make jams, but the flavor will be less intense. From white strawberries it turns out the same as from red.

    The most delicious jam is obtained from meadow or field ripe strawberries.

    The dessert is very flavorful and sweet. Strawberries collected in the fields and meadows are sweeter than wild ones.

    Strawberry Jam Recipes

    There are a large number of recipes for making strawberry jam. It is prepared with the addition of nuts, other berries and spices.

    With added water

    The simplest way to cook strawberry jam is with the addition of water. Cooking in this way allows you to keep the berries whole:

    • Rinse the strawberries and remove the stalks.
    • Transfer to a saucepan, cover with water and add sugar to taste. Put on fire.

    • Stir the jam as it boils and skim off the foam.
    • The jam is cooked within 15-20 minutes. The boiling procedure is repeated 3-4 times.

    When the jam is ready, it is poured into jars and rolled up for the winter.

    A simple five-minute recipe

    Five-minute jam with whole strawberry berries is easy to prepare:

    • For cooking, you need to take strawberries and a sweetener.
    • Cover the berries with sugar and leave them for 12 hours so that they give juice.
    • Then pour the jam into the pan and cook for 5 minutes.

    When the syrup is ready, it is poured into jars or eaten immediately. The finished syrup must be cooled at room temperature so that the liquid does not sugar.

    Strawberry jam without cooking

    Jam without cooking is not only a delicious sweet, but also a healthy product. To prepare, you need to cover strawberries with a sweetener and leave overnight. Then pour into jars and store in the refrigerator with a closed lid. Water is not required for this recipe.

    Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

    If time is short, and you need to cook the sweet urgently, then you can do it with the help of a slow cooker:

    • Strawberries are washed and poured into a slow cooker. Fall asleep with a sweetener and pour water.
    • The cooking technique is similar to cooking in a saucepan. Set the mode "quenching" and cook for about 35 minutes.
    • When everything is ready, the syrup is poured into jars, rolled up with a lid and placed upside down.

    Cool to room temperature and lower into the cellar.

    Strawberry jam with almonds

    You can make jam with the addition of almonds. It will add an unusual flavor:

    • Rinse the strawberries, chop the almonds into flakes.
    • Pour water into a saucepan, add sweetener and lemon juice.
    • Bring liquid to a boil. Then add strawberries.
    • Cook over low heat until boiling for 25-35 minutes. The consistency of the sweetness should be thick.

    At the end of cooking, add 2 tbsp. l. Amaretto and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour into jars and chill.

    Strawberry jam with rum

    To make jam with rum, you need to take 100 g of rum, 10 g of citric acid, sugar and berries:

    • Put strawberries on the bottom of the pan, cover with sweetener and sprinkle with rum.
    • Then again lay out a layer of strawberries, sweetener and rum.
    • Place the berries in the refrigerator overnight.
    • Put on fire, bring to a boil and add citric acid.

    Remove from the stove and wait until the mass cools down. Then boil again.

    Strawberry jam with mint and lemon

    A thick fragrant jam is obtained with the addition of mint and lemon:

    • To prepare sweets, you will need 1 lemon, several sprigs of fresh mint, strawberries and sugar.
    • Sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight. Berries will give juice overnight.
    • The next day, start cooking.
    • Add lemon juice and crushed mint sprigs. Put on fire. Boil 6 minutes.
    • Then strain the syrup and store it separately until it cools down.

    When the mixture reaches room temperature, pour the syrup back and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, add a little more mint.

    Strawberries with gooseberries

    Step-by-step recipe for making sweets with gooseberries:

  • Rinse the berries and sprinkle with sweetener.
  • Put on fire.
  • Cook until boiling.
  • Then remove from heat, arrange in containers, cool and put in a cool place.
  • Strawberry jam with lavender

    Properly preparing jam with lavender is easy. To do this, you need to cover the berries with sugar at night. In the morning, prepare the mixture for 6 minutes. Stir constantly. Remove from stove and set aside. Then add lavender flowers and cook for another 3 minutes. Also add lemon juice.

    Strawberry jam without bitterness

    To cook strawberry jam without bitterness, you need to add currants to it. Strawberries and currants are covered with sugar overnight, and the next morning they start cooking. Put the container on the fire, stirring constantly, cook for 6 minutes. When the mixture boils, take it off the heat and let it cool. Pour into containers, refrigerate or lower into the cellar and leave until winter. And in winter, enjoy the fragrant sweetness.
