
Pineapple recipe from zucchini with pineapple juice. Zucchini-pineapple jam with lemon

Zucchini is a familiar and native vegetable for our country. Over the centuries, the hostesses have invented a lot of recipes for their preparation, everyone will find a dish to their taste. A distinctive feature of zucchini is a certain neutrality of taste, which allows you to create completely unexpected flavor solutions - for example, cook pineapples from zucchini with pineapple juice.

An unusual solution for harvesting zucchini - delicious "pineapple" slices and cubes in syrup

Product selection

An original and unusual recipe will help to diversify the menu and get to know the usual zucchini in a completely new light. In taste, aroma, even appearance, pineapples from zucchini are almost indistinguishable from real ones. At the same time, the delicacy will cost much cheaper than store-bought canned pineapples, and it will be healthier for health.

In order for this appetizer to turn out to be really tasty and healthy, you should responsibly approach the choice of products for it. As a rule, there are two main ingredients - the zucchini themselves and pineapple juice.


The best option would be homemade zucchini grown in your garden. In this case, you can be 100% sure of their quality. But properly selected store-bought vegetables will also work.

For this recipe, you need to select small, young zucchini, in which there are very few seeds. Large, overripe vegetables can also be used, but they have almost the entire core filled with large seeds, so you have to throw it away, which is not very economical. Best suited specimens weighing 120-250 g, no longer than 20 cm.

Important! The color of the stem should be green. If it has dried up, darkened, or is completely absent, most likely the zucchini has been plucked for a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the color, thickness and condition of the skin. It should be quite thin, without external damage (scratches, scuffs). The color of the zucchini can be different - white, green, striped. Color can smoothly move from one shade to another. At the same time, there should not be sharp transitions and spots - they, as a rule, indicate the beginning of rotting of the fetus.

Pineapple juice

When choosing juice for making zucchini like pineapples for the winter, you should not try to save on its quality, because the harvest will have to stand in the cellar or pantry for several months, or even all six months. The ideal option, of course, would be freshly squeezed pineapple juice, however, due to its inaccessibility and high cost, you can limit yourself to store-bought juice.

It is better to choose juice in glass jars, so it is stored longer without loss of quality. Also a good option would be juice in a cardboard box with a foil inner layer.

The composition of the product should be dominated by natural ingredients. Ideally, only juice, without an additional list of preservatives, sweeteners, etc. It should be borne in mind that natural juice without preservatives is stored less.

Recipe Options

You can cook pineapple from zucchini according to different recipes. As a result of small changes in the amount of main ingredients or cooking time, you can get "pineapples" in syrup, jam, compote, or almost candied zucchini.

Tip: some housewives, in order to give the “pineapples” a more suitable color, add a little turmeric to the workpiece.

Zucchini-pineapples for the table and for the winter

You can prepare a delicious snack for the festive table quite quickly and with a minimum set of ingredients:

  • a kilogram of fresh zucchini;
  • 350 ml of pineapple juice;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • two thirds of a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • vanillin (optional)

Washed zucchini is peeled and cut into rings of medium thickness (about 0.7-15 mm). Using a glass or glass, a core with seeds is cut out.

Pineapple juice is mixed with sugar, citric acid and vanilla in a suitable enamel saucepan. Stirring constantly, the mixture is heated until all the sugar has melted. At this stage, it is better to taste the liquid in order to add more sugar if necessary.

Put the zucchini into the boiled syrup, reducing the heat to a slow boil. Rings need to be boiled in one layer, 7 minutes on each side.

Ready pineapples are laid out on a dish along with syrup. It is advisable to let them brew for at least a few hours, so that the zucchini is better saturated with the taste and smell of the syrup. You can serve them to the table as an independent snack for tea or prepare a delicious fruit salad. "False pineapples" are sweet, with a slight sourness and indistinguishable from real ones.

To prepare zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter, you need to slightly change the amount of syrup so that it is enough to completely fill the jars:

  • kilogram of zucchini;
  • 700 ml of juice;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 2/3 tsp citric acid;
  • vanillin (to taste and desire).

For a long-term option, it is better to cut the zucchini into cubes - this way they will lie more tightly in the jar and be better saturated with syrup. Otherwise, the recipe does not differ from the main one. The cubes are boiled for 15 minutes, laid out in sterilized jars, poured with boiling juice-syrup and twisted with sterilized lids.

Zucchini-pineapple jam with lemon

By changing the proportions of the main ingredients, you can cook pineapples from zucchini with pineapple juice in the form of thick jam.

The product ratio is as follows:

  • 2-2.5 kg of fresh young zucchini;
  • 0.5-0.7 l of pineapple juice;
  • 1-2 cups of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • vanillin to taste.

For jam, it is better to cut the zucchini into cubes, you can also use various molds. The main thing is that there are no seeds left on them and all the pieces are approximately the same in size.

Tip: By reducing or increasing the amount of juice, you can change the density of the jam.

Sliced ​​zucchini is placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar and juice is added. Everything is thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for several minutes. Then acid is added to the mixture and the pan is moved to the stove. The fire should be medium, and after boiling it is reduced to low. Cook the jam for 15-20 minutes to make the zucchini soft. You can cook longer, but it is important to ensure that the pieces of vegetable do not boil into porridge.

A few minutes before readiness, vanillin is added to the jam, 1-2 pinches will be enough. You can also check the taste and, if necessary, add sugar. When the zucchini is ready, they will acquire a beautiful golden color, and the delicious smell of pineapples will fill the kitchen.

Put a slice of lemon into sterilized jars, sprinkle it with a pinch of sugar or vanillin. Spread the finished jam on top and roll up the jar. Further, traditionally, it needs to be turned over and wrapped.

Zucchini compote

No less tasty and just as affordable is pineapple-flavoured zucchini compote. In terms of ingredients, it practically does not differ from jam or slices in syrup:

  • 1-1.5 kg of young zucchini;
  • liter of juice;
  • 0.5 st. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • orange.

As in previous recipes, zucchini is peeled and seeds are cut into arbitrary shapes - rings, cubes, triangles, etc. Then they are transferred to a suitable saucepan, poured with pineapple juice and freshly squeezed orange is added. The mixture is insisted for about 50-70 minutes, after which it is covered with sugar, lemon is added and put on medium heat. After boiling, the gas is reduced and the compote is boiled for about 5-10 minutes.

The finished drink is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up and left to brew for several days.

A delicious and original dish will be a great addition to any table. The beauty of zucchini in pineapple juice is the ease of changing the recipe - from one set of ingredients, varying their ratio, you can get several different, but equally tasty snacks. And the availability of these ingredients makes “false pineapples” not only tasty, but also a budget replacement for real canned fruits.

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How to cook zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter

Zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter is a surprisingly tasty and fragrant delicacy. Few people know that such a familiar and nondescript vegetable successfully harmonizes with an exotic fruit. The only thing that is required in cooking is the available ingredients, patience and time.

Recipe for zucchini in pineapple juice

The recipe will serve as a worthy alternative to real pineapple in its own juice. Since zucchini absorbs the taste and aroma of different fruits well, it is difficult to distinguish it from the original. It is important to choose high-quality components so that preservation is stored for a long time. How to cook zucchini in pineapple juice, we will consider further.

Source: Depositphotos

Zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter - imitation of real pineapples


  • zucchini - 2–2.5 kg;
  • pineapple juice - 0.5–0.6 l;
  • granulated sugar - 250–400 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • vanillin - 2–3 g.

Citric acid can be replaced with fresh lemon juice. Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Preservation method:

  1. Cut the washed, peeled and seeded vegetables into pieces.
  2. Place in an enamel pan, sprinkle with sugar, pour in pineapple and lemon juice (citric acid). Let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Turn on medium intensity heating, bring to a boil. Boil 15–20 min. under a closed lid. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you will get a squash mass. The slices should retain their original shape, but be soft and juicy.
  4. The finished jam acquires a thick golden texture. Put lemon slices in jars in advance, add a pinch of vanillin. Lay out the treat and roll up.

After cooling, store in a cool place.

More often, squash-pineapple dessert is served as an independent dish in a duet with tea. Suitable as a filling for pancakes and pancakes, rich pastries. Due to the low calorie content, daily consumption in its pure form will not spoil the figure.

Compote of zucchini and pineapple juice


  • 1–1.5 kg of vegetables;
  • 1 liter of pineapple juice;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid;
  • one orange.

Optionally, you can add vanillin, at the tip of a teaspoon.

Step by step:

  1. Cut the zucchini pulp into rings or cubes (as convenient).
  2. Cook a sweet syrup from sugar and pineapple juice and pour the blanks into it. Continue to boil for 10 minutes. At the end, add lemon powder.
  3. Distribute dense slices of zucchini in a glass container, fill with exotic liquid.

Close the lids and turn upside down. Leave to cool on the table. Place in the refrigerator or cellar the next morning.

Zucchini in an unusual syrup is used as a dessert, added to salads. Due to the delicate sweet and sour taste, they are ideally combined with fish and meat. Put to give taste and aroma when baking in foil.


Zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter- an unusual winter preparation, which is very difficult to distinguish from canned pineapples. In addition to the fact that vanilla squash preservation, prepared according to this step-by-step recipe with a photo, is very similar to such an exotic fruit in taste, these two canned fruits are also incredibly similar in appearance. Believe me, according to this simple recipe, ordinary zucchini really turn out like real pineapples. Not only children, but even many adults will be immensely happy with such an unusual homemade delicacy, so we recommend that absolutely everyone cook such amazing zucchini at home.

One of the main advantages of zucchini is that they are not at all picky to use. It is very convenient to work with them, and thanks to this, each housewife can grind them the way she needs. As for this blank, to create it, zucchini can be cut into cubes and circles. This is unimportant, because it will not affect the taste of this delicacy in any way. It is also worth noting that such pineapples from zucchini are not difficult at all and canned for the winter. This is due to the fact that they can be harvested for future use without sterilization, which often takes a lot of time.

Housewives take note! From such universal ingredients as zucchini and pineapple juice, you can cook at home not only such a wonderful treat, as we offer in this photo recipe, but also a very tasty vitamin compote, which will also not be superfluous in the winter season.

So let's get to cooking!


  • (1 kg)

  • (150 g)

  • (on the tip of a knife)

  • Pineapple juice
    (1/2 l)

  • (1/4 pc.)

Cooking steps

    The first thing to do is to collect on the desktop all the ingredients that are listed in this recipe. Such a component as vanillin is optional in this blank; it is used in the recipe as an additional flavoring agent. Which pineapple juice to use is up to you. You can also buy a whole pineapple and then squeeze your own juice out of it, but this is a very dubious option, because few people will probably be able to afford it. In the event that you forgot to buy lemons or for some reason do not want to use them to prepare this preparation, you can use citric acid. In this case, for such a quantity of ingredients, a third of a teaspoon is required.

    So, as soon as you decide on the choice of ingredients, proceed to the processing of zucchini. First, rinse them thoroughly, then separate from the skin and seeds. Then chop the vegetable in any shape. It is very convenient to cut it into cubes or rings.

    Put the prepared vegetables on the fire and bring to a boil. The delicacy should boil over high heat, after which it can be made quieter.

    Add granulated sugar and vanillin to the boiling mixture, as well as lemon juice or citric acid. Mix everything and leave to languish over low heat for half an hour. While the dessert is being prepared, sterilize the required number of jars in the microwave.

    Arrange the cooked zucchini mixture in prepared jars, then screw them well with iron lids. Place the blanks in a convenient place to cool.

    The next day, delicious canned zucchini with pineapple juice can either be served immediately or moved to the cellar until winter. In any case, it will be very tasty and unusual.!

    Bon appetit!

Have you already made preparations from zucchini for the winter? Most likely, you have overlooked a wonderful recipe for zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter. This is a great treat for kids and adults. And you won’t even notice the difference between real pineapple and zucchini in this version. Fine desserts, salads will become more affordable, because more often when buying a jar of pineapple slices in the store, we risk just drinking juice, and there will be little pulp there. And with this blank, you will provide yourself with everything you need for your creativity in the kitchen.

It should be said right away that when harvesting zucchini like pineapples for the winter with pineapple juice, it is best to use mature zucchini, because. their flesh is more fibrous, more reminiscent of this fruit. Also do not buy too expensive juice, it does not really matter.

Zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter: recipe with photo

The output of the finished product is 3 jars of 720 ml.


  • Pineapple juice - 1 liter,
  • Zucchini (peeled and already without pulp) - 2 kg,
  • Citric acid optional
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Cooking process:

As mentioned above, select mature zucchini and buy pineapple juice. As for citric acid, it's up to you to decide, you can do without it at all, sweet syrup is an excellent preservative, but if you are still that reinsurer, then add citric acid, about 1 - 2 grams per given amount of ingredients.

Remove the skin from the zucchini. This is best done with a vegetable peeler, but if the peel is too hard, arm yourself with a knife.

Remove seeds and fibers from zucchini by cutting them into pieces.

Pour pineapple juice into a deep saucepan and add granulated sugar. Put the container on low heat and cook until boiling. Remember to stir the syrup occasionally.

Slicing, you can prepare at least sticks, at least half rings or even zucchini rings. We used diced.

Dip the zucchini cubes into the pineapple syrup, which has already boiled for a couple of minutes.

Boil the workpiece over high heat until boiling. Then reduce the flame to medium so that the mass boils all the time, cook until cooked for 25 - 30 minutes. Be sure to stir the ingredients during the cooking process!

Arrange ready-made zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter in dry sterilized jars, and close with dry, clean lids.

Store this blank in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

Good luck with your preparations! Bon appetit!

Everyone knows that vegetables are good for the body. But not every person agrees to eat them daily, and sometimes you can’t force children to eat a healthy, but not very tasty vegetable dish. However, there are recipes that allow you to disguise vegetables in the finished dish and make them very tasty. After all, based on vegetables, you can even make jam and other desserts. I will give you a recipe for pineapple from zucchini with pineapple juice.

Zucchini pineapple is a wonderful culinary discovery. Ordinary zucchini can be cooked in such a way that their taste will be very similar to the taste of canned pineapples. It can be eaten on its own or used to prepare other dishes. So it is quite possible to replace pineapples in a salad or in pastries (for example, in meat with pineapples). So the recipes are definitely useful!

In addition, in the recipes, all components are good for health: pineapple juice, the benefits of zucchini, citric acid, vanillin are also beyond doubt, sugar, orange ...

Zucchini Pineapple with Pineapple Juice

To prepare such a culinary miracle, you need to stock up on two and a half kilograms of zucchini, seven hundred and fifty milliliters of pineapple juice (you can use the cheapest juice, but not nectar), one and a half glasses of granulated sugar and one and a half tablespoons of citric acid.

It is best to cook young zucchini, well, if they are not, then they must not be overripe. They need to be washed, peeled, cut into medium cubes and poured with pineapple juice. Leave this mixture overnight so that the zucchini is saturated with the taste and aroma of pineapple, and also secretes the juice itself.

In the morning, add sugar to the zucchini, as well as citric acid. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat and simmer for twenty minutes.

Put the hot mixture into sterilized jars, seal with scalded lids. Turn the jars over, wrap and leave to cool.

Pineapple zucchini rings with pineapple juice

To prepare such an interesting and very tasty dessert, you need to stock up on two kilograms of zucchini, a glass of sugar, seven hundred milliliters of pineapple juice, a teaspoon of citric acid and a small amount of vanillin (literally on the tip of a knife).

Rinse the zucchini and peel them using a vegetable peeler. Weigh the fruits peeled so as not to disturb the proportion. Next, cut them into circles - about half a centimeter thick, no more. Next, cut out circles from the middle from such a blank. To do this, it is convenient to use the sides or any other round shape. So you get rings that look like pineapple.

Prepare a pot of the right size. Pour pineapple juice into it and add sugar, mix, add citric acid and vanillin and mix again. Bring this syrup to a boil, then dip the zucchini rings into it. Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for half an hour. During this time, the zucchini will boil well and soak in the taste and aroma of pineapple juice.

Arrange the rings in sterilized jars, pour in boiling syrup and immediately cork with scalded lids. Wrap the jars with a warm blanket and leave to cool. Such pineapples from zucchini with pineapple juice rings should mislead your guests.

Zucchini Pineapple with Pineapple Juice and Orange

To prepare this version of the dessert, you need to stock up on one and a half kilograms of zucchini, one liter of pineapple juice, one medium orange, half a glass of sugar and half a tablespoon of citric acid.

First of all, clean the zucchini from seeds and peel. Cut it into slices similar to pineapple slices (pieces or circles). Squeeze juice from orange. Mix pineapple juice with orange juice, pour over zucchini with this mixture and leave for one hour.

After that, place the container with your workpiece on medium heat, pour sugar and citric acid into it. Bring the future dessert to a boil and boil for literally three minutes. Then roll up in sterilized jars, cork with scalded lids. Wrap the jars well and leave to cool.

Pineapples from zucchini are an amazing delicacy that will appeal to all family members. And no one will know what became the basis for him until you tell yourself.

Additional Information

Zucchini can also be used to prepare other interesting preparations. So excellent taste is characterized by jam from these vegetables with lemon. To prepare such a delicacy, you will need a minimum of ingredients: one kilogram of zucchini, four hundred grams of sugar and one medium lemon.

First of all, clean the zucchini from the skins and bones. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized cubes (you should get one kilogram of already processed raw materials). Take a lemon, wash it, wipe it dry and grate the zest on a grater. Chop the lemon itself into small cubes. Cover the zucchini with sugar and leave for ten minutes. After that, send the container with zucchini to the stove, bring to a boil and boil on a fire of minimum power for forty-five minutes. Add lemon with zest to the zucchini and boil for another quarter of an hour. Leave the jam overnight, and in the morning boil and boil over low heat for ten minutes, remembering to stir. Turn off the heat and leave the mixture until the evening. Then bring the jam to a thick mass, pour into sterilized jars and cork with scalded lids. Wrap the finished workpiece with a blanket and leave to cool completely.
