
Is it possible to cook compote from fresh rose hips. Rosehip compote recipe

If you took care of your stocks in time, prepared berries, vegetables and much more that a rich summer and autumn offered us, then winter is definitely nothing for you. Today I want to tell you how you can cook very delicious compote from dried rose hips. There are no difficulties in preparing compote, it just takes time. Rosehip is very rich in vitamins, especially it contains enough vitamin C, many trace elements, essential oils, tannins, carotene. Rosehip compote is especially relevant in winter, as it is useful for colds, beriberi and various inflammatory processes in the body, compote gives strength and energy, it completely removes winter or autumn blues. In a word, the drink is healthy, so let's prepare it immediately. See also.

- water 1 liter,
- wild rose - 200 gr.,
- sugar - 3 tablespoons,
- cinnamon - 1 stick,
- lemon - 2-3 slices.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare everything on the list. In advance, you need to prepare rose hips - pour dried berries with clean filtered water - 1-1.2 liters. Now you need to leave the rose hips alone for 8-12 hours, it is convenient to do this in the evening, and cook compote the next day.

After the specified time, be sure to strain the liquid through several layers of gauze, so any possible debris will immediately be eliminated. Pour the strained liquid into a saucepan, add the rose hips there. Before adding the rose hips, lightly crush them, they can also be cut in half, only then remove the seeds and hairs. But you can leave the wild rose as a whole.

Add a few slices of lemon.

For a pleasant aroma, add one stick of cinnamon. If you do not really like this spice, exclude cinnamon from the list of ingredients.

Add granulated sugar to a saucepan with rose hips. Cook rose hips for 10 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave the rosehip alone for 8 hours to infuse.

Strain the finished compote into a decanter, throw in a little rosehip for beauty. That's all, pour compote into glasses and serve. It turns out very tasty and

The plant is known to everyone from early childhood. Ripening of wild rose berries occurs in September. The fruits are sweet and sour in taste, contain a large number of vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, lemon and malic acid. Rosehip with this biological set is successfully used in medicine, food industry. The berry can be used without problems in home kitchen for making compotes. Use it fresh or dried, trying not to subject it to prolonged heat treatment so that it is not lost. useful qualities. You can cook rosehip compote in a slow cooker. It is allowed to add dried fruits, apples, hawthorn, lemon or orange slices. Dried rosehip compote is also good.

Rose hips with apples

The drink prepared according to this recipe will give you the opportunity winter evening enjoy pleasant aromas summer, strengthen immune system protecting against colds. It is recommended to drink such a compote for both adults and children.


1 kg not too large apples;

200 gr dried rose hips

350 gr granulated sugar;

800 ml of water.

Cooking dried rosehip compote recipe:

  1. Before you cook rosehip compote, you should first prepare jars and lids, sterilizing them well. It will depend on this whether your seaming will be stored for a long time or “take off” after a while. To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to carefully rub the jar and the lid on all sides. baking soda, wash thoroughly, put to drain.
  2. Into the pan large sizes Pour water up to half, make the fire under it medium. Bringing to a boil, reduce the flame, put jars and lids in the container and begin sterilization. The processing should take about five minutes. After that, the dishes are taken out and put on a clean towel so that they can drain.
  3. We are preparing apples. To do this, we shift them into a deep cup, wash running water, choose foliage and fruit legs.
  4. We put each apple on the board and with the help of an ordinary toothpick we make punctures in several places. We put the fruits prepared in this way in a cup and forget about them for a while.
  5. We sort out the wild rose berries, removing the remnants of the inflorescences and tails, rinse and let the remaining water drain.
  6. Pour water into two medium-sized pots up to half the volume of each, put on the stove. Bringing to a boil, reduce the flame and begin to blanch the wild rose and apples. Putting them in pots, cook for no more than ten minutes. Next, turn off the fire and proceed to canning.
  7. With a slotted spoon, carefully transfer the berries and fruits into jars, cover with lids.
  8. We take a container, pour water, add sugar, cook over medium heat, stirring and waiting for the complete dissolution of granulated sugar. Bringing to a boil, turn off the flame and filter the syrup through a sieve or clean gauze.
  9. Fill the jars to the brim, roll up the lids, turn upside down and place in a warm place.
  10. Cooling down to room temperature, compote is placed in a dark and cool place.
  11. You can store compote prepared in this way whole year. In winter, you can drink it without diluting it with water. Apples are also allowed to be eaten. To make the compote more tasty, we recommend using paradise apples, giving a peculiar aroma and richness. For convenience in work, storage and use, take one and a half liter jars for compote. The saturation of the drink will depend on the number of berries and fruits in the container.

We cook compote for the winter

Get a drink that helps you with a prescription winter evenings support the body necessary quantity useful elements.


  • dried rose hips - 500 gr;
  • sugar - 700 - 800 gr;
  • one orange for juice and zest;
  • cinnamon - two sticks.

How to cook dried rosehip compote:

  1. Bring water in the amount of one and a half liters to a boil, cool to a state of warm.
  2. We lay dry berries there, leave to infuse for ten hours.
  3. Having finished soaking, we select the wild rose, filter the water through a fine sieve.
  4. We cut each berry, remove the seeds and hairs.
  5. We send water from under the wild rose to the stove, put cinnamon, sugar and zest into it.
  6. Bring to a boil over low heat until sugar dissolves completely.
  7. Lay the rose hips, add orange juice.
  8. We remove the prepared syrup from the stove and let it cool.
  9. We catch the berries and lay them out in small jars.
  10. We send the syrup to the fire, boil and cook for five minutes.
  11. After pouring it into jars, close the lids and sterilize for ten minutes in boiling water, after that - roll up.

If we plan to close the compote for the winter, then the jars should be prepared carefully. They must be washed from the remnants of the previous blanks, the necks should be checked for chips and cracks. Lids are used metal, washed from factory grease and sterilized in boiling water for at least ten minutes.

For making compotes fresh berries only fully ripened specimens are selected that do not have damage from mechanical stress, rotten areas. The final taste and shade of your drink will depend on this.


Compotes prepared different ways, are considered quite healthy drinks. They are served for dessert and are consumed chilled in the summer. In winter, it is useful to drink them warm, replenishing the body with essential vitamins. It is recommended to organize the storage of the prepared drink in a darkened room, the air temperature in which is from zero to twenty degrees Celsius, the amount of humidity does not exceed eighty percent. Shelf life housewives are not advised to exceed more than one calendar year.

With the advent of spring, every self-respecting housewife seeks to pamper her family not only with original, tasty and healthy meals, but also drinks made from a wide variety of products containing a sufficient amount of vitamins necessary at this time of the year. That is why it is worth paying attention to the berries of the last year's harvest, which have retained a large amount of substances so important for the body. For example, an easy-to-prepare rosehip compote, which will be discussed in this article, can become ideal solution, which allows you to quench your thirst and replenish the supply of vitamins, amino acids and other substances that our depleted body needs so much in the spring.

Rosehip is quite deservedly considered one of it. It can be safely called a real storehouse of vitamins. Content ascorbic acid in rose hips reaches six percent of the total weight of the fruit. Also in this product enough you can find carotene, vitamins E, PP, K, P, B2 and a whole "bouquet" of organic acids - linoleic, oleic, citric and malic. In addition, this berry contains molybdenum, zinc, copper, salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and iron, essential oil, tannins and other elements necessary for the body.

From wild rose, many know - there is nothing complicated about it. But how to bring new colors and flavors to a rosehip drink? The recipe can be both simple and complex, so the preparation time for this drink will fluctuate quite a lot.

The easiest way to prepare such an invigorating and healthy drink like rosehip compote will not take long. Enough to cut large berries, clean them from hairs and seeds, rinse the peeled berries, and then blanch them in boiling water for two minutes. Then we add sugar to the resulting drink (about three hundred grams will be needed per liter of water) or honey, and a little citric acid(half a teaspoon and a liter of water). After that, let the compote brew, filter it and cool it. Rosehip compote is ready.

But from the same amount of berries you can cook not just compote, but real masterpiece more like juice. This takes a little more time, but it's worth it.

Let the washed and peeled berries dry a little and boil until softened. We add to our “potion” an apple cut into slices, the juice of one lemon and half a glass of honey (based on two liters of liquid and three hundred and a half kilograms of berries). Bring to a boil, let cool slightly and strain. The resulting pulp must be ground with a blender or pestle and diluted again with the already cooled syrup. The resulting drink is put on slow fire and bring to a boil. Now we get not just rosehip compote, but practically juice. To taste, you can add a little more honey or sugar and citric acid, cool and serve.

It is important to remember that such a decoction not only tastes good, but also has a number of useful and medicinal properties. It is recommended for use in a number of diseases, including whooping cough, pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet fever. Rosehip drink is also advised to be included in the diet for the speedy healing of various wounds and for faster healing of bones in case of fractures.

Rosehip compote will help regulate metabolism, increase resistance to various infections, improve a person's condition after an illness, and help increase efficiency. Such a drink, plus everything else, also regulates the work gastrointestinal tract. And that's not all healing properties such an easy drink to make!

Rosehip compote at first glance is nothing special. And really, what could be in a translucent drink that has practically no smell? However, even in ancient times, wild rose was widely used to prepare a variety of medicinal decoctions. And not in vain, because in its composition this berry of vitamin C alone has more than a lemon. What to say about others useful substances such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, keratin and others.

Compote of their tart berries is recommended to be taken during colds accompanied by an increase in body temperature. He makes it easy general state, reduces temperature and restores immunity. By the way, such a drink is useful for those who suffer from diabetes(in this case, sugar is not added to the compote). Rosehip compote stabilizes sugar levels, removes toxins and helps lower cholesterol.

It is worth noting that rosehip compote can provide both benefit and harm to the body. All the same vitamin C makes it " forbidden fruit» for people suffering hyperacidity, ulcer or gastritis. In addition, rosehip is a diuretic, therefore, with prolonged use, it washes out calcium.

With caution, it is necessary to take a drink for hypertensive patients and people with kidney disease or jaundice.

Rosehip compote recipes use both fresh and dried berries. The fruits are pre-cleaned from the stalk and flowers, sometimes the seeds are also taken out.

Fresh berry compote

To roll up 2 liter jars drink:

Compote of grated berries with honey

In combination with honey, rosehip compote for the winter is a real treasury of vitamins. It will help create reliable protection the body from colds and flu, as well as remove toxins and toxins.

Fresh rose hips in the amount of 1 kg, de-seed and wash. Pour into a saucepan and cover with water to cover the berries. boil them until fully prepared(to completely soften).

Select the berries and grind through a sieve.

Add water to the pot where the rose hips were cooked so that you get 2.5 liters. Add 2 tbsp. honey and grated berry mass. Bring everything to a boil and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up and wrap up.

Dried fruit compote with orange juice

Such a rosehip compote turns out to be very rich and slightly sour. Before use, it can be diluted with water (boiled) in a ratio of 1:1.

To make a drink:

Compote from fresh apples and rose hips by pouring

To enhance the taste, a variety of fruits and berries are added to the drink. You can make a delicious rosehip compote for children using dried berries and fresh apples. It is better to take fruits of small sizes (paradise apples can be used), since they are placed whole.

Wash one kilogram of apples and chop with a toothpick.

Dried rosehip berries (200 g) are peeled and washed.

Pour water into a saucepan and after it boils, blanch the rose hips and apples for 10 minutes.

You can take any variety of apples and cut them.

Arrange the boiled ingredients in sterilized jars with a capacity of 1.5 liters and cover with lids.

Now you should cook sweet syrup:

  • Bring 800 ml of water to a boil;
  • pour 350 g of sugar;
  • let it boil again.

Pour jars of rose hips with hot syrup and roll up and wrap.

Dried fruit drink

Delicious and useful compote from apples and rose hips is obtained if you use dried berries and fruits.

To make the taste sweeter, but not cloying, instead of increasing the amount of sugar, add a little raisin.

So, first you need to properly prepare the dried fruits, otherwise the compote will turn out to be cloudy. To do this, fill hot water and let stand for 10 minutes:

  • 100 g raisins;
  • 0.5 st. dried wild rose;
  • 1 st. apple slices.

Pour the washed berries and fruits into a saucepan and pour 3 liters of water. Bring the compote to a boil and cook until the dried fruits are soft. Then pour 2 tbsp. sugar and simmer for 15 minutes to melt.

Pour the finished rosehip compote into jars and roll up.

Rosehip compote in a slow cooker

A healthy drink can also be prepared in a slow cooker - it will take very little time. The amount of ingredients depends on the size of the bowl of the machine. For example, if it is small:

After the signal to turn off the rosehip compote in the multicooker is ready.

To make up for vitamin reserves and support immunity, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy. After all, homemade blanks made with love with their own hands from useful berries rose hips, no worse than pharmacy vitamins and certainly much more natural. A few jars of compote will not take up much space in the pantry, but they will always come in handy cold winter. Be healthy!

It is difficult to find a good recipe for compote from dried rose hips, because many uninitiated people confuse tea and compote, and strongly recommend steaming berries overnight in a thermos in order to subsequently drink this drink under the guise of compote. There are more than 400 varieties of wild rose, also known as rosehip, and all of them have well-known medicinal properties.

These features of the plant have been used by different civilizations for many centuries. It is recommended to brew it in medicinal purposes both conservative and conventional medicine. Tea and decoction are prepared only from rose hips or added additional ingredients to enhance the effect of brewed berries.

For people with limited financial resources, berries picked in the park can not only replace expensive imported lemons, but also have a more pronounced effect.

Rosehip tea is recommended for many diseases, berries are combined with hawthorn for cores. It is prescribed for those diagnosed with kidney disease as a diuretic, decongestant, and stimulant. Some people steam it with raisins to replenish potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K, which is responsible for the synthesis of prothrombin in the body and prevents the risk of blood clots.

It must be poured out without regret. In fact, such a compote is especially tasty when drunk chilled, but at room temperature it also leaves in the mouth the taste of sweet summer, a tea rose bush and replenishes the body with all useful components, which in such a cooking recipe the plant gives completely.

This compote from dried raw materials - wonderful recipe for children who drink it with great pleasure and ask for more. No additives in the form of lemon or currant are required. This is a real compote, not tea and not a decoction, which must be consumed in doses.

Other compote recipes are simple and delicious

There are many recipes for making rosehip compote. There are even those when the berries roll up for the winter. They certainly contain advice to add a slice of lemon, a cinnamon stick, currants, raspberries and other dominant ingredients that destroy the natural taste of a wild rose.

Only the same dried berries and dried fruits are truly compatible with the fruits of the shrub. They exist separately in the aftertaste, not clogging, but complementing each other. All three variants (hawthorn, dried apples, or a mixture of apples, pears and plums), steamed for 10 hours in a handful in half a liter of water, then boiled for 5 minutes over low heat after boiling.

Then sugar is added, again allowed to boil and tightly covered with a lid. After 3-10 minutes, you can filter, cool and drink. Sugar is added to taste. Someone likes sweet, and someone not so much.

In the same way, you can prepare a drink from dried berries barberry and wild rose. If you add 2 g of citric acid or 2 tbsp. squeezed spoons lemon juice, it successfully replaces cranberry juice, and by palatability, and the content of nutrients.

Compotes have a general tonic, immunostimulating and preventive effect. They quench thirst well and make up for the lack of vitamins. The most delicious and useful - triple boil, with petals. For medicinal purposes, tea or decoction is used. They are served hot and prepared in different ways.
