
Hot alcoholic drinks with tea. Ideal for a winter evening: preparing hot alcoholic drinks

When outside the window is damp and windy autumn or frosty winter, you especially want something warming. The cold season seems to be made for hot alcoholic drinks that can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

We invite you to prepare a delicious punch, grog or mulled wine, wrap yourself in a blanket and turn on the movie that you have been planning to watch for a long time, but everyone did not find the time.

Do not forget to also buy dishes for serving hot drinks. Jugs and decanters in a wide range are presented on the website akval.com.ua/Riedel

Mulled wine is especially suitable for the long evenings of the cold season. This warming alcoholic drink is traditionally brewed from red wine with the addition of sugar or honey and spices (cinnamon and cloves, etc.) Rum, cognac, liquor, and citrus fruits are sometimes added to mulled wine, but in such quantities that these additives taste of the drink do not change, but saturate with aroma and give special flavor notes.


  • red semi-sweet wine - 1 bottle
  • sugar - 3/4 cup
  • zest - dried rind from 1/4 orange
  • ginger - a piece of 2 cm.
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • carnation - 10 pcs.
  • cardamom - a few seeds


1. Add spices (ginger, cinnamon, orange peel, cloves and cardamom) to boiling water (2.5 l) and cook for about 30 minutes over low heat, without a lid.

2. Pour the prepared broth into another pan, strain and mix it with sugar and wine. Add raisins.

3. Then heat over low heat until almost boiling. At the same time, remember that the drink should not boil!

Cognac grog

The classic grog recipe necessarily includes brewed tea, and very strong. The ratio of alcohol to tea according to the classics is 1:4 (one part of alcohol and four parts of tea). Only tea should be hot; in the recipe for this drink, alcohol is not heated and is not set on fire. Grog is used for warming, because it has a warming effect, activates breathing and cardiac activity.

Cognac grog. Ingredients:

  • strong tea - 1 l
  • powdered sugar - 300 g
  • cognac - 250 g

Cognac grog. Cooking:

1. Boil water with powdered sugar.

2. Pour cognac into hot water.

3. To improve the taste, slices of orange, lemon, spices are added to the drink: black pepper, cinnamon, mint, vanilla, etc. according to taste preferences. Some recipes replace hot water with milk or tea.

4. Grog is served in wide glasses or cups made of durable glass.

tea punch

This fragrant warming alcoholic drink became known all over the world thanks to the sailors of England. An unusual cocktail of five components (wine, rum, honey, sugar and fruit juice) was first tasted by sailors on the shores of India. It turned out that brewing punch is a simple matter, so it became a tasty drink for sailors and pirates.

Tea punch. Ingredients:

  • bottle of red wine - 1 pc.
  • rum - 100 g
  • water - 0.75 l
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons (or sugar)
  • ground ginger - 0.5 tsp
  • carnation - 1-2 branches

Tea punch. Cooking:

1. Heat 250 g of water, add ginger and cloves, cook for 10 minutes covered. Then add honey, stirring until dissolved.

2. Strain the resulting liquid through a colander so that spices do not get there.

3. In the remaining 0.5 liters of water, brew tea. Determine the strength of the tea yourself, according to taste preferences. When the tea is ready, strain it.

4. Cut the lemon into slices. Add wine, syrup, lemon slices and rum to the strained tea.

Important! Hot drinks can be consumed only after returning home, and not before going outside - when taking alcoholic drinks, a "rush of heat" is felt, the effect is short-term and deceptive. In fact, the body temperature drops - alcohol dilates the surface blood vessels and increases the body's heat transfer. Since the sensitivity after alcohol is dulled, a person does not feel cold. Often this ends in severe frostbite.

Prepared by Oksana Chudan

It is common for any person to tolerate cold poorly, and with the onset of winter, the problem of “how to keep warm” becomes relevant. Poorly heated homes, offices, work or being outside for a long time in the cold - all this leads to serious illnesses. Not only to warm up, but also to support the body, warming drinks will help - an effective and tasty prevention of colds, vascular and even mild nervous disorders.

Our "Hot Ten" includes both alcoholic and non-alcoholic health drinks, recipes have different national origins. But one thing unites them - these folk remedies have practically no side effects, except for individual intolerance to some of the ingredients that make up their composition. Therefore, you should not experience all these healing drinks for yourself, choose the ones that are suitable for your body and - warm yourself with pleasure!

SOFT DRINKS: "Golden Five"

Many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world use their national drinks not only in rituals, but also in everyday life. Some folk recipes for making a healing drink were generally known only to the initiated. Our "Golden Five" healthy non-alcoholic drinks are not classified, and are not difficult to prepare. Therefore, they are approved by traditional medicine, and people all over the world drink them with pleasure, without going into details of the national origin of healthy cocktails.


This national Russian drink is an excellent prevention of diseases associated with colds. The simplicity of its preparation and the absence of alcohol in the composition allows you to introduce this "Russian seagull" into the daily diet of children and adults.

Pour 5 liters of water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. In boiling water, add: 500 g of honey, 700 g of sugar syrup in water, spices (dried lime blossom, cloves, cinnamon, mint, hops). Boil on low heat for half an hour. Drink like tea.

Hot chocolate

Chocolate healing drinks are loved by all children and sweet tooth, and they are treated with pleasure.

Rinse a large saucepan with cold water, pour in 400 ml of milk and put on fire. As it heats up, add vanillin at the tip of a knife and 2 teaspoons of sugar to the milk. Bring milk to a boil and turn off. Melt any chocolate in hot milk. Drink as soon as the chocolate melts.

Non-alcoholic orange-cranberry punch

In Europe, punch is known as an alcoholic drink, but it came to us from India, where alcohol was never welcomed. The original punch base is fruit juice with many fresh and frozen fruits and berries.

Mix in a large saucepan 3 cups of orange and cranberry (preferably freshly squeezed) juice. Add ¾ cup water, 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons ground cinnamon, 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons ground ginger, a pinch of nutmeg. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and simmer the drink over moderate heat for another 5 minutes. Pour the finished boiling water into glass mugs or bowls, put a couple of frozen cranberries in each, garnish with mint leaves and orange slices. It is drunk hot, but chilled in the summer heat, the drink is also very tasty.

Non-alcoholic hot strawberry Mojito cocktail

Mojito came to us from the hot island of Cuba and it's hard to imagine it hot. However, especially for cocktail fans, a recipe has been invented for how to warm up and enjoy your favorite drink at the same time.

To prepare non-alcoholic Mojito you will need: 20 g strawberry jam or puree (can be prepared from frozen berries), 10 g mint, 20 g mint syrup (sold in supermarkets), 2 lime slices, strawberries for decoration (can be frozen), 150 ml of water.

Mash lime wedges with mint in mint syrup, add strawberry puree, water and heat for a couple of minutes without boiling. Strain the drink, pour into a glass and garnish the cocktail with strawberries and mint sprigs.

Non-alcoholic hot cocktail "Liquid Strudel"

In Austria, Strudel is a floury dish. But since it's a dessert, why shouldn't it be liquid? Moreover, the name is translated as "whirlwind, whirlpool, funnel."

Pour the juice of 1 green apple and 2 lime slices into a saucepan, add 30 ml of cinnamon syrup. Heat the mixture, but do not boil. Pour the drink into a tall glass, put a couple of green apple slices and sprinkle with cinnamon. Without covering, let the cocktail brew for a couple of minutes.


It is generally accepted that alcoholic beverages warm well, which people use with pleasure. But alcohol itself is harmful, and even dangerous in cold weather. However, in combination with some ingredients, it even welcomes alcohol in small quantities. It is not for nothing that many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world have in their collection their own secrets of preparing medicinal and warming alcoholic beverages.

The site site represents the "Golden Five" of healthy alcoholic beverages. These folk recipes are time-tested and popular all over the world.

Mulled wine

The German name Glühwein (gluwein) comes from glühender Wein - flaming, or hot wine. It is believed that varieties of mulled wine originated from Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, but the recipes for these healing drinks were borrowed from Ancient Rome. The only difference is that in ancient times, red wine mixed with spices was not heated.

We offer a classic universally recognized recipe, in which it is important that the wine is of high quality and in no case boils when preparing the drink. The rest of the recipe is simple: warm a bottle of red wine (white can be) in water, dilute with less water in a ratio of 1: 2, add nutmeg and 6-7 clove buds. Heat the cocktail strongly, remove from heat and infuse for 10-15 minutes. You can add a tablespoon of sugar to a strained drink. The drink is consumed warmed up to 70ºС. It is not recommended to prepare a cocktail in aluminum dishes.


Invented by English sailors, a drink from the dank Foggy Albion quickly spread throughout Europe, acquiring dozens of recipes. Everyone can add this classic recipe at their discretion.

Boil 2 cups of water, add the same amount of vodka and 250 g of sugar. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour another glass of slightly warmed vodka and strong brewed tea into the resulting syrup. Vodka can be replaced with cognac, rum or cider. Drink carefully - the drink is very strong!


The punch got its name from the Sanskrit panchan-s, which means "five". That is, the drink involves 5 components. In the classical sense, this is rum, sugar, lemon juice, hot water and tea. Now there are many recipes for making punch, here is one of them.

Pour the juice of 6 lemons into a heated ceramic dish, add 100 ml of sugar syrup and a tablespoon of grated ginger. While stirring over low heat, pour in 0.5 liters of rum, 300 ml of cherry (or any) tincture, 300 ml of cognac, 0.7 liters of hot water. Heat the mixture strongly, without bringing to a boil. Pour into ceramic cups and sprinkle with grated nutmeg.

hot cider

The name comes from the late Latin sicera ("intoxicating drink"), but the French take credit for its invention, calling it Cidre. In Germany, the drink is known as Apfelwein (Apple wine). Also throughout Europe, this champagne low-alcohol drink is well known, which is obtained as a result of the fermentation of apple, pear or any other fruit juice. The classic recipe can be changed and supplemented at your discretion.

Pour a liter of apple cider, juice from 3 oranges into a saucepan, add 6-7 cloves, sliced ​​orange, 2 bay leaves, a tablespoon of honey. Cook for a few minutes over low heat, stirring and not boiling. Strain the resulting drink, serve in tall glasses.

Rum hot chocolate

A real gift for the sweet tooth in the winter is rum chocolate. Mix 125 ml of hot cocoa drink with 25 ml of rum. Serve the drink in a ceramic mug, topped with whipped cream and finely grated chocolate.

Warming up in the winter cold is a normal desire, the main thing is not to overheat. All of these have a good warming effect, but only in moderation. Despite the fact that they are delicious, they should not be abused.

Physiologists say that in cold winter weather, you need to not only dress warmly, but also eat right. Beverages, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic, play an important role here.

The recipes for warming drinks that your grandmother gave you to drink will surely help you endure the autumn slush and winter cold. Let's remember the most useful drinks for us.

A survey conducted on the Internet showed that citizens consider tea and coffee to be a suitable warming winter drink: 53% of respondents - tea and coffee, 22% punch and mulled wine, 15% - vodka and other strong drinks. The remaining 10% prefer to bask in other ways.

Non-alcoholic warming drinks

Let's start with everyone's favorite drink - tea. Black tea contains theophylline, which dilates blood vessels and raises body temperature. Caffeine, which is contained in tea, relieves fatigue and headaches. To enhance the beneficial properties of this drink, add a little black pepper to it.

Hot chocolate It will also keep you warm in cold weather. Liquid and hot chocolate, compared to slab chocolate, is absorbed faster and more completely by the body and leaves a feeling of satiety and warmth for a long time. There are some other wonderful properties of hot chocolate: chocolate contains the hormone serotonin, which improves mood and well suppresses coughing fits.

Here is a recipe for making hot chocolate: in a suitable container, mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder, 300 ml of milk, 3-4 teaspoons of sugar, 50 ml of water, add a pinch of salt, put on the stove, and as soon as it boils, remove.

This is a broth of spices, which is flavored with sugar, molasses or honey - a Russian traditional winter drink. For the first time, sbitna was mentioned in Slavic chronicles, and recipes are already given in Domostroy. The drink has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Sbitnya recipe: mix 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar in a glass of water, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, then add 1.5 teaspoons of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, 2 bay leaves and boil for another 5 minutes, remove from heat and strain.

Alcoholic hot drinks

Punch- a wonderful hot drink. There is an opinion that punch was the first hot alcoholic drink. The recipe for this drink was invented by English sailors sailing to India.

The word punch, in Hindi, but in English transcription, means the number 5. This means that to make a punch, there must be 5 ingredients: rum, wine, fruit juice, honey or sugar and spices (cloves and cinnamon). Today, punch is considered an alcoholic cocktail containing pieces of fruit.

Punch is more difficult to make than tea or sbiten. It is necessary to take grape wine, heat it up to a temperature of 70 ° and add sugar and spices to it. Divide citrus fruits into two parts.

Squeeze out the juice from one part, and cut the other into slices. Then add rum and juice to hot grape wine, strain and pour into a large, preferably transparent bowl. Add chopped fruit and serve. Pour the punch with a ladle into wide cups.

Mulled wine, translated from German as "flaming wine". This is another useful winter warming drink. To prepare it, you need red wine - very useful for the body, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers cholesterol. There are many recipes for making mulled wine. We suggest trying this: add cinnamon, cloves, honey, vanilla, nutmeg to the wine to taste, and heat well.

Grog- a drink that warms English sailors. Grog is not as popular as mulled wine, but it also has its fans. The word grog, in English, is an alcoholic drink made from rum, which is diluted with hot water and sugar. Grog is supposed to be drunk warm.

Today, this drink is made with lemon vodka and cognac. For a special taste, some people add fruit juice and even cream to the grog. But an indispensable condition for the preparation of this warming drink is to dilute it with hot water. Proportion for grog: 1 part alcohol and 4 parts water.

A simple grog recipe: take 50 ml of rum and add a sugar cube, juice of ¼ lemon and 1 glass of boiled water or strong brewed tea to it. Let it brew for 2-3 minutes, then pour into glasses and drink hot.

Doctors advise drinking all winter warming drinks after returning home from frost, and not vice versa. Remember that the warmth that a portion of a strong alcoholic drink gives is short-lived and deceptive. A drunk person does not feel cold and as a result can get severe frostbite.

The first recipes for hot wine (mulled wine) appeared in ancient Rome, then the inhabitants of Medieval Europe fell in love with the drink. Now Europeans cook it in the winter season and for the Christmas holidays. In Russia, little is known about mulled wine, it is customary for us to drink chilled wine. But still, I advise you to implement at least one of the proposed recipes. You should like the taste.

Mulled wine(translated from German as “flaming wine”) is an alcoholic drink that is prepared on the basis of hot (heated) wine with the addition of spices and other ingredients.

Red dry and semi-dry wines are best suited for making mulled wine. There are recipes where rum or cognac is added to the composition of mulled wine, but the taste is specific and not everyone likes it. The alcohol content of mulled wine can vary. For example, in Germany, hot wine must contain at least 7% alcohol.

There are two different ways to prepare mulled wine at home. In the first case, water is added to the drink, in the second - no.

Hot wine recipe without water

One bottle (0.7 l) of red wine (Cabernet, Kindzmaraulli, Khvanchkara or similar is best) is poured into a fireproof dish. Then 6 buds of dried cloves, 5 peas of allspice black pepper, one pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom are added to the wine. Next, add 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey, and juice squeezed from half a lemon.

The drink is heated, stirring occasionally, until the white foam that forms when spices are added disappears. Then the fire is turned off, and the mulled wine itself is covered with a lid and infused for 15-20 minutes. After that, it is ready to serve.

Recipe for hot wine with water

1. Boil 150-200 ml of water for 1 liter of wine.

2. Add spices to the water in the same proportions as in the first recipe. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes.

3. Cool the water, add lemon juice and sugar (honey).

4. Pour red wine into the water.

Separately, you can cook homemade mulled wine with fruit. To do this, in addition to spices, crushed pulp of 1 orange and 1 apple is added to the drink prepared according to the first recipe. If the hot wine is too thick, then it can be thinned with apple juice, cherry liqueur or boiled water.

The method of making hot wine for colds is shown in the video.

Important! In all recipes, mulled wine should not be allowed to boil, otherwise it will lose its taste due to the evaporation of alcohol. Also, you can not add ground spices, otherwise you will have to filter the hot wine later.

Classic hot wine

If there were no winter... We would not only not know about the cold and winter clothes, but we would never have tried the most beautiful invention that appeared in the north of Europe. It was in the snowy countries of the Old World that they first came up with the idea of ​​heating alcohol, and even adding mixtures of spices, fruits and honey to it to get a drink that awakens fire in the blood, gives strength and strengthens the spirit. This secret weapon helps in the fight against winter troops: cold, dullness and despondency.

Every nation that knows what a real winter is has invented its own special recipes for hot alcoholic drinks. Russia also boasts an original recipe, but we will tell you about it a little later.

Those who have never encountered winter strong drinks should take note that:

  • winter alcoholic drinks are never too strong, because after a certain dose, alcohol begins to play on the side of frost;
  • although alcohol is the basis of the drink, it does not play the main invigorating role in the cocktail;
  • it is better to drink a full mug of mulled wine than 50 grams of pure alcohol;
  • alcohol in winter drinks should never be brought to a boil;
  • the number and composition of ingredients for a winter hot cocktail is limited only by your taste and capabilities;
  • if you replace alcohol in a drink with a light syrup, then you can drink it to children, while the invigorating effect will remain;
  • it is better to drink hot drinks indoors, limit yourself to one serving on the street;
  • The main principle of a hot cocktail is to warm and invigorate, not to intoxicate.

mulled wine, gluwine

Basis: fruit and berry wine.

In terms of cooking technology, glögg is very similar to mulled wine, with one significant difference: it is heated twice, allowing it to brew for more than a day between heatings, while mulled wine is always drunk immediately.

Glögg recipes contain the following ingredients: ginger, raisins, almonds, cinnamon, cloves, lemon. The drink is usually served with gingerbread. And since the alcohol from the glögg evaporates during double heating and in a pause between them, it is customary to add syrup from sugar and a strong alcoholic drink to it, usually vodka or rum.


Base: hops and honey.

The honey drink sbitne has been known in Rus' for a very long time: it is mentioned in the annals of 1128. A hot mixture of honey, herbal infusion and hops was sold at all fairs from special knocked down samovars. Sbiten had an invigorating effect, warmed in any frost, cheered up.

The composition of the herbal infusion included St. John's wort and sage, seasoned sbiten with pepper and ginger. Sbiten remained a natural product, because even the alcoholic component was obtained as a result of yeast fermentation and the addition of hops. The canonical sbiten recipes are not easy to repeat, but this drink is still produced by private breweries today.

Puerto Rican coquito

Finally, we share the recipe for another cocktail. This drink is a traditional Christmas cocktail in Puerto Rico, and it is made from rum, egg yolks, coconut milk, condensed milk and spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and ginger). You need to cook it in the usual way: warm up the rum with water, make a mixture of spices and additives separately and combine with a hot drink.

New Year's Eve creates a special holiday mood. Feel free to decorate it with delicious sensations too. And may you be warm and tasty this winter!
