
Favorite childhood treat: jam from plums. Plum jam jam and jam

From ripe and juicy plums, many delicious desserts are obtained. A traditional and beloved delicacy by many is plum jam - you can spread it on toast, put it in pastries, and just eat it with tea. Among the hundreds of existing recipes for this sweet, we have selected some of the simplest and most interesting. You, too, can easily make a fragrant plum jam in your kitchen using our step-by-step instructions with photos and videos.

Seedless plum jam

Before going on experiments in search of new original tastes, we recommend mastering the “timeless classics”.

Advice: as a rule, jams, preserves and jams suggest a 1:1 ratio of fruits and sugar. But plums, especially too ripe, are very sweet in themselves, and therefore the amount of sand can be reduced. But not by much, since it is a preservative, thanks to which seamings can be stored and not deteriorate for more than one year.


Servings: - +

  • plum 1 kg
  • sugar 1 kg
  • water 100 ml

per serving

Calories: 42 kcal

Proteins: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 10.4 g

40 min. Video recipe Print

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Posh! Gotta fix it

Advice: to understand that the jam from the plums is ready for rolling, drip it on a plate and tilt it - ideally it is quite thick and should not spread. If you cook sweetness in a low container, you can check it in another way: just run a spoon along the bottom and see how quickly the “path” left after stirring closes. If slow, the jam is ready.

You can also cook jam from yellow plums. These fruits are very sweet and juicy, but there is one problem: the pulp in them is quite difficult to separate from the stone. But this is real, and it is better to use special devices for such purposes.

There is another option: at the initial stage, add more water, and cook whole plums longer. After that, wipe them through a sieve, and all the bones will remain in it, and along with the skins. As a result, you will get not only tasty, but also a beautiful amber-colored delicacy.

Jam from plums with cocoa

Do you want to get a tastier and healthier homemade analogue of chocolate paste? We offer you a recipe for plum jam with cocoa. Cooking it is no more difficult than the classic one, but the taste is radically different. Here is a step by step recipe.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Servings: 90

  • proteins - 0.2 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.8 g;
  • calorie content - 41 kcal.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g.

Cooking process

  1. Wash the plum, removing the seeds, cut them into small slices. It will be easy to remove the bones from blue ripe fruits with your hands. If the fruit is red or yellow ("white"), use special tools for cleaning.
  2. Puree plums using a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Add granulated sugar to the grated mass, mix well and put on fire.
  4. When the mixture boils, put cocoa into it. It is more convenient to do this this way: pour the cocoa powder into a fine strainer and shake it, holding it over a container with a plum mass. Stir continuously while doing this. This way it will be possible to avoid lumps, and cocoa will be evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  5. Cook jam until it thickens. This may take a different amount of time depending on the variety and juiciness of the plum.
  6. As soon as you remove the dessert from the stove, put it in sterilized jars and roll up the lids with a key. Turn them upside down and wrap them up. Leave for a day, and then put in the basement for storage.

Advice: many housewives include butter in chocolate jam. You need to put it on the volume of ingredients indicated in this recipe, in the amount of 70 g. Be sure to choose good quality oil with a fat content of at least 82%. You need to add it 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Thanks to butter, jam acquires a more delicate taste and texture, and it also becomes more satisfying and nutritious.

Five-minute: preparing plum jam quickly, tasty and easy

This is a "lazy" way of preparing delicious jams, jams and marmalades, which saves a lot of time for housewives. And the product at the same time turns out to be appetizing, healthy and fragrant.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Servings: 100

Energy value of the product

  • proteins - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.9 g;
  • calorie content - 44 kcal.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

  1. Wash the plum, separate the pulp from the seeds.
  2. Cut the fruit into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar, mix and leave for several hours to let the juice flow.
  3. Put the container with plums on a slow fire and wait for it to boil. After that, cook the mass for 5 minutes and remove from the stove.
  4. Let the future jam cool, and then grind it into a homogeneous mass. If you are preparing a dessert in large volumes, it is better to do this with an immersion blender right in the same container where it was cooked.
  5. Again, put the resulting puree on the stove, bring to a boil, hold on a quiet fire for 5-10 minutes, stirring, remove from the stove.
  6. Pour into sterile containers and roll up or screw on the lids tightly. Place the blanks upside down, wrap in a warm blanket and let cool. After that, transfer to storage in the cellar or pantry.

Advice: if it seems to you that the jam turned out to be watery, then instead of a long further boiling, you can put gelatin or agar-agar into it. 40 g or 25 g per kilogram of fruit, respectively. The gelling agent must be added after the puree has been removed from the stove, because if it is digested, it loses its thickening properties.

You can significantly save time and not be attached to the stove for a long time in the process of cooking pitted plum jam if you do it in a slow cooker. The prerequisites and ingredients are the same. Only first, the plum with water and sugar should be cooked for 15 minutes in the "Baking" mode, then pureed with a blender and set the "Stewing" program for another hour.

Plum jam for the winter is not only a very tasty dessert, but also versatile. For example, cooked according to a classic recipe, it can be a good filling for pastries, and "chocolate" is ideal for breakfast sandwiches. And most importantly, a home-cooked product is always unrivaled in its useful qualities.

Prepare and enjoy natural desserts made in your own kitchen! Bon appetit!

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Posh! Gotta fix it

Jam from plums is extremely popular in Transcarpathia, but housewives in other countries do not miss the opportunity to prepare this delicacy for the winter. It is served with tea, cut into pieces or laid out in beautiful vases. They fill pies, croissants and other pastries. Plum jam has a sweet and sour taste that many people like, and if the cooking technology is followed, it is well stored.

Cooking features

Preparing plum jam is relatively easy, but the process takes a lot of time. So that time and effort are not wasted in vain, you need to know a few points.

  • For jam take ripe fruits. It's okay if some of the raw materials are overripe fruits. It is important that they are not spoiled. If you, wanting to save money, add a few plums of dubious quality to the jam, the blanks will quickly deteriorate. As a result, saving will turn into waste.
  • There is enough pectin in plums to boil them to the consistency of jam without using thickeners or even sugar. However, a dessert made without sugar or with a small amount of it can only be stored in the refrigerator, and it takes a particularly long time to evaporate it. Modern housewives prefer simpler recipes, according to which a delicacy is prepared that does not deteriorate even at room temperature.
  • To obtain jam with a delicate texture, the plums are rubbed through a sieve or boiled for a long time, chopping with a blender or meat grinder. With prolonged cooking, the skin of the plums softens greatly and does not make the consistency of jam rough.
  • The more water was used to boil the plum or prepare the syrup in the first stage, the longer the jam will cook. It is believed that the water content in the finished delicacy of this type should be only 25%, no more. If you first boil the plums by 50-60%, and then add sugar, you will be able to achieve this indicator with maximum accuracy.
  • Plum jam will stand well at room temperature if the sugar in its composition is at least 60%. The less sugar, the cooler should be the room in which the fruit dessert made for the winter is stored.
  • Another prerequisite for long-term storage of plum jam is the use of sterilized containers. This also applies to jars and lids. If the dessert will be stored at room temperature, the lids should be metal; nylon lids are also suitable for storage in the refrigerator.

The technology for preparing plum jam according to different recipes may differ slightly, but the general rules outlined above will still be relevant.

Jam from plums in syrup

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • plums - 1.25 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, wash the plums, let them dry.
  • After cutting the fruit in half, remove the seeds.
  • In an enamel basin or other container in which you usually boil jam, heat the water.
  • Adding sugar in glasses and stirring it until the crystals are completely dissolved, cook a thick syrup.
  • Dip the halves of the plums into the syrup, boil them for half an hour. The foam that will protrude on the surface must be removed, otherwise the jam can quickly turn sour.
  • Grind the plum mass with a blender. Continue to boil until the consistency of jam. This will take 30-50 minutes.
  • Sterilize the jars, boil the lids that fit them.
  • Fill the jars with hot jam, seal them tightly.

After the jam has cooled, it can be stored in a pantry or other place where supplies for the winter are located in your house.

Jam from plums, scrolled through a meat grinder

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • pitted plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Peeled halves of plums, turn through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  • Mix with sugar and put in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Part of the sugar will dissolve during this time, the plum puree will acquire a more liquid consistency because of this.
  • Put the plum mass on the fire and cook over low heat, periodically removing the foam and stirring until it thickens sufficiently.
  • Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, roll up.

This plum jam recipe is one of the easiest. The taste of the delicacy made according to it is not inferior to that prepared according to more complex recipes and is just as good at room temperature.

Jam from plums in the oven

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • plums (peeled) - 1 kg;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Remove pits from plums. Do not throw away the bones, but collect 5 pieces and wrap each portion in cheesecloth or place in cloth bags.
  • Pour water into the bottom of the baking dish.
  • Cut the plum pulp into medium-sized slices, put in a mold. Place bags of bones around the perimeter.
  • Put the mold in the oven and turn it on, setting the temperature to 150 degrees.
  • After 1.5 hours, transfer the plums from the mold into a bowl, mix with sugar. Throw away the bones.
  • Cool the form, wash with warm water, wipe dry with a napkin. Cover the form with parchment.
  • Pour the plum mixture into the mold. Return the mold to the oven.
  • Evaporate the plum mass in the oven at a temperature of about 150 degrees for 1.5 hours.
  • Remove the jam from the mold, cut into cubes or rectangles, arrange in prepared jars. Two half-liter jars should be enough for this. It will be convenient to get a delicacy from the jars with culinary tongs.
  • Close the jars tightly with sterilized lids, store them in a pantry or basement.

Jam according to this recipe can be prepared with less sugar (0.2 kg of granulated sugar per 1 kg of plum pulp), but then the preparation time for the delicacy will have to be increased by 1-2 hours, it can only be stored in the refrigerator. Jam from plums in the oven is cooked for a long time, but it has a unique taste and aroma with hints of prunes, so many housewives are not too lazy to make it according to this recipe.

The main ingredient for this jam is, of course, plums, so they must be ripe, but preferably not crushed or crushed. Therefore, before you start cooking jam from plums, carefully inspect your plums for bruises and the presence of worms and other living creatures. Just a couple of spoiled plums can negate all the work of cooking this jam. We want to get a fragrant treat that will remind you of summer, and not throw everything in the trash can. I usually use Hungarian plums for marmalade, but you can use any variety you like.

You can also take any chocolate - milk or bitter - there is no fundamental difference. I took both. Haven't tried it with white. But I like it better with dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 72%.

I thoroughly wash the plums for jam, remove the seeds from them and cut them into pieces of arbitrary size.
I do not remove the skin, it boils soft and completely dissolves in the plum mass.

In a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), I shift the plums, cover them with sugar and add spices.
Any spices will do: cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves, ginger or cardamom. Cinnamon can be taken not ground, but a stick - then just remove it from the saucepan.

This amount of sugar is more than enough for me, but if you have a sweet tooth, then you can safely double the amount of sugar. You can use brown sugar instead of white, it will turn out even tastier and more aromatic.

If the plums are not very juicy, then you can add water - about 0.5-1 cup (200 ml).

I put the saucepan on the fire and wait until my mass boils. Reduce heat and let simmer for 20 minutes. Then I turn off the heat and leave it for an hour and a half, approximately, so that the mass becomes thicker. You can, of course, boil longer (about an hour, constantly stirring), but I still prefer to turn it off and wait.
Now I turn the plums into a puree using a blender.

I break the chocolate into pieces.

I return the saucepan to the fire, add pieces of chocolate and wait until they melt. This takes approximately 5-7 minutes.

Jam is one of the ways to harvest fruits or berries. In this article, we will share with you how to properly cook homemade plum jam for the winter so that it turns out tasty, rich and thick.

Apple Plum Jam Recipe


  • white sugar - 995 g;
  • blue plum - 620 g;
  • apples - 610 g.


We thoroughly wash the plum, dry it on a towel, peel it and puree it with a blender into a homogeneous mass. We process the apples, rinse and cut into thin small slices. We combine the berry mass with fruits, mix and heat until boiling over low heat. Next, add the required amount of sugar, stir and leave on the stove for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove the dishes, cool and boil the delicacy again. We repeat this procedure several times, and then we pack the finished hot jam into pre-prepared heated dry jars, seal them hermetically, turn them upside down, wrap them up and leave them in this state until completely cooled. We store plum jam in a dry place and serve with pancakes or use it as a filling when baking pies.

A simple homemade plum jam recipe


  • blue plum - 990 g;
  • water - 105 ml;
  • sugar - 830 g.


We wash the plums, remove the seeds and boil the fruits until soft, adding a little filtered water. Next, grind the plum mass through a strainer or beat with a blender, after removing the skin. Next, add sugar, mix and cook jam until tender, stirring. We lay out the hot treat in warm jars, cover with gauze on top and leave at room temperature for 2 days. After, we roll up the lids and put the jam in the cellar for storage.

Plum jam recipe with apricots at home


  • ripe apricots - 540 g;
  • garden plum - 520 g;
  • sugar - 615 g.


To prepare jam according to this recipe, carefully remove the seeds from plums and apricots and put the fruits in a saucepan. We steam the contents in a water bath until soft, and then puree with a blender, after removing the skin. Boil the mass in half, add sugar, mix and simmer the jam on the weakest fire until tender. We pack the finished delicacy in dry small jars, close the lids and cool, turning upside down. This jam has a pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Plum jam in a slow cooker


  • garden plum - 995 g;
  • - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 980 g.


We sort out the plum, throwing out the spoiled fruits, wash it, break it neatly in half and take out the seeds. Then put the slices in a colander, rinse with cold water and leave to drain for half an hour. After that, we send the prepared fruits to the multicooker bowl and cover with dry pectin. We mix, close the device with a lid, select the “Soup” program and detect exactly 5 minutes, stirring. As soon as the plums release some juice, add the required amount of sugar, stir with a wooden spoon and continue to cook the delicacy in the same mode for another 5-7 minutes.

Without wasting time, we sterilize glass jars and lids. Cool the finished jam completely, beat with a blender until smooth and lay out the thick plum jam in jars. We roll up the workpiece with lids and put it away for storage for the winter in the cellar. Before serving, put it in a bowl or use when baking pies.

How to make jam from plums to be simple, tasty and healthy? Friends, if you have already stocked up, then it's the turn to make jam. I want to offer you a simple recipe for pitted and sugar-free plum jam. Yes ... yes ... this jam will be without sugar! You can even call it dietary, as it is cooked without granulated sugar. This recipe can be used as a preparation for the winter, as a filling for pies, pies, kifliks.

Jam goes well with or cottage cheese casserole (for example,). And how good it will be to drink tea with delicious, fragrant plum marmalade in winter, just a heavenly pleasure!

And here is our recipe.

How to cook seedless plum jam for the winter

We will cook jam for 3-4 days.

We will need: plum, for the recipe we use sweet varieties of plums, for example, Hungarian.

The amount of plums is up to you.

We cook thick jam from pitted plums for the winter:

  • We prepare the plum, wash and remove the seeds. Prepared halves of plums transfer to a saucepan where jam will be cooked.
  • We put the pan on medium heat and cook for 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the pan with plums until the next day.
  • On the second day, we continue to cook plum jam for another hour from the moment of boiling, do not forget to stir.
  • Then we also remove the pan from the heat and leave it again until the next day.
  • On the third day, we cook the jam again, we stir it more often, since the jam on the third day has already become thicker and can burn.

How to determine the readiness of povil? It should be very thick and, with a horizontal inclination of the jar of jam, it should not flow out of the jar.

  • If the jam turned out to be not very thick, then you will have to boil it to the desired consistency on the fourth day.
  • Now you need to let the jam cool, then put it in sterilized jars, wait until a film forms on the surface of the jam and close it with nylon or screw caps after two hours.

Store jam from plums should be in a cool place.

Well, the traditional recipe for those who want to cook plum jam with sugar.

How to cook thick plum jam

This recipe requires a meat grinder. Jam prepared according to this recipe is also perfect for filling in pies and pies.


  • plum 1kg.
  • sugar 700 gr.

Preparing jam from plums:

  • Prepare the plum: wash, remove the stone.
  • Pass the plum through a meat grinder, add to the plum granulated sugar, mix and let stand for half an hour.
  • When the sugar dissolves, you can start cooking jam. We cook plum jam over low heat, after boiling, cook for 45-50 minutes, boil the jam to the desired density. During cooking, jam should be constantly stirred, make sure that the jam does not burn.
  • We cool the finished plum jam and lay it out in clean sterilized jars, close the lids (I have screw ones).

Bon appetit!
