
What can be prepared for the winter from cherries. Cherry in its own juice is an excellent preparation for pies and dumplings

Cherry compote is one of the most delicious, beloved and sought-after of all such preparations for the winter. Both adults and children love it equally. It turns out like two in one, at the beginning he drinks himself Cherry juice, and then you can already feast on the cherries themselves.

And what could be better and tastier than such compote prepared by oneself. When on some holiday I open a jar, and on the table of drinks there is any shop juice, and then of course ends first homemade. And you always have to get both the second and the third can from the basement. Therefore, I prepare it as much as possible.

And it attracts primarily with its taste, beautiful rich dark ruby ​​​​color and, of course, aroma.

It can be prepared different ways. Today we'll take a look at the most simple recipes without sterilization. Such blanks are made quickly enough, stored well and most importantly, they are very tasty.

We will need (the calculation is given for one three-liter jar):

  • cherry -500 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • water -2.5 liters


1. Sort cherries, removing overripe, spoiled and pecked by birds fruits. Rinse thoroughly to remove all debris. Put on a towel so that the water is glassed from the fruits.

2. Wash and sterilize jars. There are different ways to do this. Can be sterilized with steam. To do this, pour water into the pan, put a colander on it, and put the jar in it with the neck down. The water will boil and the jar will be exposed to steam. It is believed that if the jar is hot when touched from the outside, then it is ready for canning.

Can be poured into a jar for 1/3 part boiling water. Soak the water for 15 minutes and then drain. So that the jar does not burst, put a tablespoon in it, and pour boiling water in small portions through the spoon.

You can sterilize jars by putting them in the oven.

3. We are preparing the lids, and we will use metal lids that are screwed on with a seamer. I also wash them, then put them in a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and boil the lids for 10 minutes.

4. Pour cherries into prepared jars. It takes about 500 gr per jar. But, in order not to weigh it every time, you can use a glass as a measure. You will need 3 glasses per jar. And you can make it even easier, just pour 1/3 of the cherries into each jar.

5. Boil water. For each jar, we need about 2.5 liters. It is best to use spring water, or in extreme cases filtered.

6. Pour water over the cherry to the very edge, cover with a lid. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

7. Then drain the water into the pan, using a lid with holes for this.

8. Pour sugar into the pan, at the rate of 300 grams per jar. Boil.

9. Pour the resulting syrup into a jar so that when closing metal lid part of the syrup has drained. So we will be sure that there is no air left in the jar.

10. Close the jar with a seamer.

11. Turn the jar upside down and cover with a blanket.

12. Keep in this position for one or two days. Under the blanket, natural sterilization will occur. In addition, if the jar is not tightly closed, we will see in time that it is leaking. Such a jar should be opened, pour the contents along with the fruits into a saucepan, boil for 10 minutes, pour it back into the jar and twist again. Or just drink.

13. Then turn the jars over and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks. During this time, and for the entire storage period, the lid must not be lifted. If this happens, then it should be poured.

Cherry compotes are distinguished by the fact that they are quite “not capricious” compared to other fruits. And because of this, they almost never "explode", and their lids do not rise. Maybe that's why they are very fond of harvesting.

Perhaps this is the easiest way to cook. But there is another simple recipe, according to which we prepared this method. This method is also applicable to today's topic. Let's remember him.

How to make cherry compote without sterilization

  • cherry - 500 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. Same as in previous recipe preparing cherries and jars.

2. Pour 1/3 of the cherry into the prepared jars.

3. Boil water.

4. Pour water so that only the cherry is covered, it is not necessary to completely fill the jar with water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. During this time, the cherry and the jar will warm up.

5. After 10 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan. And boil it again.

6. Pour sugar into the jar, pour boiling water over 1/3 part again. Let stand 15 minutes. During this time, some of the sugar will disperse.

7. In the meantime, boil more water.

8. Top it up to the very top, so that when the lid is covered, part of the syrup is drained. So we will be sure that there is no air left in the jar. An additional portion of boiling water will completely dissolve all the sugar.

9. Cover with a lid and screw on immediately.

10. Turn the jars over and put them under the blanket until they cool completely.

11. Then turn over and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks.

According to these two recipes, cherries can be scalded not in a jar, but in a saucepan. Pour boiling water over it, leave for 15 minutes. Then cherry water drain, boil with sugar, arrange the cherries in jars, and pour over the prepared syrup. Spin immediately.

How to cook compote without sterilization with boiling cherries

We will need (for a three-liter jar):

  • cherry - 500 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. We sort out the cherries and wash them. We prepare jars and lids, that is, wash and sterilize.

2. To make compote, I use a 10-liter saucepan. That is, from this calculation, I prepare 3 three-liter jars.

3. I pour 7.5 liters of water into the pan and set it to boil.

4. After the water boils, I pour 900 grams of sugar into it, you can also pour 1 kg, that is, a whole package. I let it boil again.

5. Then I pour 1.5 kg cherries or 9 full glasses into the pan.

6. After it boils, cook for 10-15 minutes.

7. I first put cherries in jars so that it is evenly distributed over all three jars. And then pour cherry syrup.

8. You need to pour right to the very edge so that when you close the lid, a little syrup spills out.

9. Immediately I twist the lids using a seaming machine.

10. Then turn the jars over and cover with a blanket. Keep until completely cool.

Assorted cherries with apples - recipe without sterilization

Such compotes are good to make with not very large early ripening apples that ripen at the same time as cherries. As a rule, there are so many of them that you do not have time to process them. And sometimes, when they big harvest You don't even know what else to do with them.

We will need (for one three-liter jar):

  • cherry - 2 cups
  • apples - 7-8 medium-sized
  • sugar - 350 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. Sort and wash cherries. Wash apples. Cut large apples into two or four parts, removing the core and seeds. small apples you can not cut, and leave whole.

2. In large saucepan, I have a 10-liter, pour 7.5 liters of water. Bring it to a boil.

3. Pour in sugar, let it boil.

4. Pour in the cherry, let it boil. Boil 5 minutes.

5. Add apples. Also let it boil. If the apples are whole, they are more likely to stay whole. But if they are cut, and the variety of apples is crumbly, then the pieces will immediately begin to crumble. In principle, nothing bad will happen from this. It’s just that the compote itself will turn out to be more saturated, with particles of applesauce.

6. Cook after boiling for 10 minutes.

7. First put apples and cherries in prepared jars, distributing them evenly over all jars. Then pour cherry-apple syrup, the aroma of which spread not only throughout the kitchen, but also leaked even into the street.

8. Banks immediately cover with prepared lids. Do not forget that part of the syrup should pour out of the jar a little.

9. Screw on the lids with a seamer.

10. Turn the jars over and cover with a blanket until completely cooled.

In the same way, you can roll cherry compote with other fruits and berries.

Cherry compote with apples - recipe number 2

We will need (for one three-liter jar):

  • cherry - 2 cups
  • apples - 7-8 medium-sized
  • sugar - 300-350 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. Cooking apples, cherries and jars as described above.

2. Pour cherries into a jar.

3. Boil water and fill it with cherries, hold for 15 minutes.

4. Drain the cherry water into a large saucepan. Bring it to a boil.

5. Pour sugar into it and add apples. Cook for 6-7 minutes.

6. Add apples to a jar of cherries.

7. Boil the syrup and add it to the jars, so that when the lids are covered, the syrup slightly spills out of the jar.

8. We twist the covers with a seaming machine.

9. Turn the jars over, cover them with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

10. Then we turn the jars over again and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks.

In all the above recipes for a three-liter jar, we use 300-350 grams of sugar. In this version, they can be drunk just like that, everything is balanced and present in them. sweet and sour taste. Sometimes more sugar is added, up to 600 grams per liter of water.

Such compotes are highly concentrated and are diluted with water.

We have reviewed with you the most basic recipes for making delicious fragrant cherry compotes for harvesting for the winter. I think that you can choose from them what you liked the most and cook them with ease. To please yourself and your loved ones with this delicious "hello" from the summer!

Let me just say that all the recipes are very simple, even those who have never approached the stove, and even more so, have not preserved anything, will cope with their preparation. Therefore, collect or buy cherries, stock up on positive, and cook delicious compotes. Without a positive, nothing will work, I warn you right away! Only good mood and the desire to cook makes our food really tasty and healthy!

Bon appetit!

Good day, dear friends. Today we are making cherry blanks for the winter, and not only. Beautiful, juicy, full of minerals and vitamins. And in order for the work to go faster and more confidently, let's start with useful properties product.

Is she so good that she needs to devote entire shelves in the pantry among the preparations for the winter.

To begin with, it is worth noting that this berry is very interesting. For example:

  • She is not as idle as she seems. Since 1997, the American state of Utah has taken her as a symbol, and officially.
  • The well-known Japanese cherry - sakura delicious fruits does not give. Why does the Japanese enjoy such love? Everything is simple here. She has, how to say, probably good intuition. The more beautiful and richer the cherry blossoms, the greater the rice harvest will be. So the love of the Japanese for their cherry tree can also be associated with mercantile interests.
  • Cherry is very popular in America for some reason. You have already heard about one of the states. Yes, there is some kind of district. The date of February 20 was considered a holiday throughout the country. They called it Cherry Pie Day. What an honor.
  • Not only oaks can boast of their ancient age. There are still long-livers among cherries. In this form, England breaks records. Her representative is 150 years old, looks great, bears fruit. What else is required from such a beauty?

Benefit for health

Everyone knows a little about the benefits of cherries. Let's start with harm. No, no, the cherry pulp itself has nothing to do with it. It's all about the bones. So they are harmful, especially the inner part. Two - three pieces were gnawed, and then if you are an adult, and that's enough. And children should not be encouraged in this regard.

And now for the benefits. It's easy to remember here:

  • Cherry copes with the problems that aspirin solves. Little is needed. Instead of one tablet - 20 cherries. There is no harm - but we are being treated.
  • For epileptics, this is an indispensable medicine. Even if he cannot prevent an attack, he will make it less prolonged. In summer, it is worth taking more berries; in winter, dried leaves are useful.
  • An excellent remedy. A handful before bedtime is necessary to get a good night's sleep. No cherries - half a glass of juice will make your sleep sound.
  • A large amount of iron in berries led to popular belief that healthy children are born to mothers who ate a lot of cherries. It will go from the opposite, we will rewrite the proverb: if you want a healthy child, eat cherries.
  • Cherry contains substances that promote hematopoiesis, its addition to food for those prone to blood clots and diseases of the heart and blood vessels is necessary.
  • Cherry leaves are often added during preservation. So in practice, the ability of cherry greens to stop fermentation processes, stop the reproduction of bacteria is used.
  • You can also simply add that, thanks to its chic vitamin complex cherry takes care of the beauty of women, preserves youthful skin, strengthens nails, and also improves

Preparations for the winter

Cherry in own juice - video

Compote for the winter, the first recipe

Before proceeding with the preparation of compote, it is necessary to remember the dangers of bones. Compote with seeds should not be stored for more than one season.

The berries must be of the same state of maturity; birds pecked or crushed fruits cannot be used. Rinse the product well, free from the stalks, but do not throw them away. They'll still come in handy. The recipe will follow.

It is advisable to pack a berry of one variety in a jar. When laying the cherry, shake it a little, because during the cooking of the compote you will lose volume. Cherries can be used for compote, both whole and pitted.

There are many recipes for making compote for the winter. Their difference is in the amount of sugar, and cooking time. The same rules are followed.

How to cook cherry compote for the winter

Before cooking, wash the jars, sterilize, prepare the lids. All these measures are very important, because you will cook according to the first recipe without sterilization.

Pack berries in jars. Bring the water to a boil and pour boiling water over the cherry.

Do the work carefully so that the banks do not crack. For myself, I solved this problem simply.

I fill all the jars with boiling water only after placing them on a metal tray. Metal conducts heat well, glass does not overheat and never crack. All drops remain on the surface of the dishes.

After 7 minutes, when the jars and berries have warmed up, pour the water into a separate container, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil. At the same time, add sugar to the syrup at the rate of 1 cup per liter of cherries.

Pour the syrup over the berries, roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and refrigerate in a wrapped state. All. The first batch of compote went to storage.

The second method of preparing compote with sterilization. Prepare the berries, arrange in sterile jars, filling 2/3 of the volume.

Boil water while adding sugar. The proportion is as follows: for 3 kg of cherries take 1.5 liters of water and 470 g of sugar. Fill with syrup.

Put in hot water sterilized on a pre-spread cloth. The process lasts 15 minutes from the start of boiling. After sterilization, roll up the jars and send them to cool upside down.

A detailed recipe for making cherry compote for the winter - video

Jam with seeds

Seedless jam - perfect option. But, as for me, with a bone it is tastier, more piquant, or something.

Prepare the berries. Sprinkle with the same amount of sugar. Let stand and extract the juice for a few hours. Boil while stirring. After boiling, let simmer for five minutes. Roll up in sterile jars, turn over, put in heat to cool.

The second version of jam

Dissolve sugar in water. Sugar should be twice as much as water. Based on 400 g of sugar, pour 1 kg of berries into the syrup, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, and then follow the usual recipe.

Seedless jam

Prepare the cherries, put them in a wide basin, sprinkle with sugar and leave for a couple of hours to let the juice flow. Add a glass of water, stir the sugar over low heat, bring the berries to a boil.

Set aside for a short period of time. Repeat the procedure several times. Stir the berries, make sure not to burn. After you consider the berries ready, place them in jars and close.

Take the ingredients in the following proportion: for 300 g of cherries, 2 cups of water, 3 or even more tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of gelatin.

Boil the compote, try to keep the cherries intact, this will allow them to be used to decorate the dessert. Pour gelatin with compote, stir well until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Pour the jelly into glasses, garnish with cherries, cream, add mint leaves. Dessert is ready.

When preparing jelly for the winter, add more sugar (per 1 kilogram of berries, one and a half kilograms of sugar) and pour the compote with added gelatin into sterilized jars, put in hot water, sterilize for 15 minutes from the moment the water boils and roll it up with iron lids.


The proportion of fruits for the preparation of confiture is as follows: for 1 kg of sugar and 1 kg of cherries, half a lemon is used.

Prepare cherries for confiture as usual. Free from seeds, cover with sugar and leave for several hours to let the juice flow.

Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and bring to a boil. Boil the cherries in a wide container, stirring occasionally and removing the foam. Exactly after 4 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and grind while hot.

Suitable for both grinder and blender. If the cherries have cooled while grinding, bring the mixture to a boil. Transfer to sterile jars, close and refrigerate.

Jelly with gelatin

For cooking, you need to take 1 kg of sugar for 2 kg of cherries. Grind the cherries prepared with the pits removed in a meat grinder, put on fire and slowly stir, add sugar.

On a small fire, confiture is cooked for half an hour. Turn off the fire, add 15 g of vanillin. Gelatin, one sachet, dissolve in a glass of water and pour into confiture. Stir. Pour into sterilized jars. For storage, choose a refrigerator or basement.

Everyone likes compotes and cherry jams. Only at the same time there are few lovers of eating products with bones. Most people prefer not to stumble on the bones with their teeth. And cook everything in a homogeneous mass.

Bones can be removed in various ways, of which hairpins and pins are the most common. To help housewives to save time and energy, a bone squeezer was invented. Its design provides the user with the following benefits:

  • the simplicity of the device
  • high speed of fruit processing,
  • during the process, cleanliness and accuracy of work is ensured.

Three ways to remove the stone from cherries - video

Leaf tea: benefits and harms

The benefits of cherry leaves have already been mentioned, it is often used in the conservation of blanks for the winter. Cherry leaf tea is used as medicinal decoction in diseases urinary organs. To stop bleeding as a drink or wetting and applying a tampon to a wound.

Cherry helps with kidney diseases with its diuretic properties, lowers blood pressure and even prevents tumors. Do not abuse this drink and take it orally more than once a day.

Caution does not interfere with constipation, low pressure, ulcers and gastritis. With attention and under the control of the condition, give tea to pregnant women and children.

The drink brews easily. If you use it for prophylaxis, as a fragrant thirst-quenching tea, it is enough to pour a few crushed leaves with boiling water, keep warm for several minutes to an hour and take it for health.

It is very easy to prepare the leaves. Just dry in the shade of trees.

The benefits of cherry stalks

Less known for their medicinal properties stalks from cherries. They are used like a real medicine.

The list of diseases that can be prevented or alleviated is huge: inflammation, cholelithiasis, heavy uterine bleeding and menstruation, joint diseases. They help with gout and are used to reduce sugar levels.

As with any medication, it needs to be monitored by a doctor. They are used in the form of decoctions, when a mixture of dried stalks is boiled for 20 minutes. You can simply brew and leave to infuse for an hour.

cherry bark

Cherry bark is used to treat joint diseases and improve vision. The recipe is simple.

Pour a tablespoon of crushed bark with boiling water, heat for 5 minutes and insist for half an hour. The drink is ready. A day is enough 1 glass, drunk in small sips.

Today we have mastered the harvesting of cherries for the winter. They compose songs about her, cook delicious jam, compotes, brew fragrant teas and get health from it. Bon appetit and good mood!

Having made cherries for the winter own juice, you save a piece of summer in a jar. amazing fragrant berry, in ruby ​​syrup - the simplest type of preparation. Although, as usual, experienced housewives use several recipes for preserving cherries in in kind- with and without sugar.

For canning, the most ripe and large berries. Having made a jar of cherries, in winter you will cook jelly or compote. Want a pie - please! Where does the cherry on the cake come from? That's right, from the same jar.

For ease of use, I advise you to roll up small jars per liter or 0.5 liters.

Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar

The best recipe for canned cherries in juice. You can store all winter without fear. I like the reasonable amount of sugar in the preparation and the ability to save a maximum of vitamins. According to this method, cherries, harvested in their own juice, outdo the well-known five-minute in terms of preservation. useful qualities in preparation for the winter.


  • Cherry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar sand - 300 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Sort the cherries, rinse and remove the pits. Sterilize lids and jars ahead of time.
  2. Send to the pan, add sand and start warming over low heat.
  3. Immediately after boiling, distribute into jars and seal.

Cherry in juice without sterilization with sugar


  • Seedless berries - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

How to do:

  1. Sprinkle the cherry pulp with sugar, stir gently.
  2. So that the berries are well saturated and give all the juice, hold the cherry with sugar for at least 12 hours, especially if it cannot boast of juiciness.
  3. Prepare sterilized jars.
  4. Put the cherry mass on gas, boil quickly.
  5. Pack the contents of the pan into containers and roll under iron cover. Store cherries in a cool place.

Cherries prepared in natural juice without sugar

This method will allow you to preserve a large number of cherries in one jar. Berries are obtained natural taste amazingly fragrant.

How to do:

  1. Place a clean berry in a container with cold water and leave for an hour, she will then allocate more juice.
  2. Get the bones any accessible way. Transfer the cherry pulp to pre-sterilized jars. Sterilize in the usual way.
  3. Boiling time: liter jar - 20 minutes, half liter - 15.
  4. Remove from the pan, roll up under the iron lid, turn over and cover.
  5. Place the cooled blanks for permanent storage in the cold.

Cherry in own juice with pits sugar free recipe

It is believed that the workpiece is best done pitted, since the core releases a substance that is not very good for health. But if you do not plan to store for a long time, then you can save time on removing the grains.

Step by step:

  1. Fill jars with clean berries to the top.
  2. This is followed by the sterilization process: cover the jars with lids, put in a large saucepan and sterilize. Liter jar 20 minutes is enough, half a liter less - 15.
  3. Don't go too far from the stove. Soon the berries will begin to fall. Report by filling the jar completely.
  4. When the settling is over, the jar will "take" right amount cherries, remove the workpiece from the pan and roll up.
  5. Turn over and wait to cool.

Pitted cherries with sugar - recipe in juice

interesting recipe winter harvest, with a fairly thick syrup in which a whole cherry will float.

  • Per liter of juice 300 gr. Sahara.

How to prepare:

  1. Sort the cherries, remove the stones from 1/3 of the total. Grind with a blender and collect the juice.
  2. Pour sugar into the juice and set to boil. After boiling, let it boil until the sugar dissolves. The process will go "more lively" if you stir without interrupting.
  3. Put the rest of the berry in clean jars. Top with boiling juice and send to sterilize.
  4. By time: a can of half a liter - 20 minutes, a liter - 25 minutes.
  5. Banks twist, turn over and cool in this form.

Cherry in natural juice with stones, recipe with sugar

The only disadvantage of conservation this recipe preservation of cherries in juice - great content Sahara.


  1. Arrange cherries and sugar in jars as follows: place a 2 cm layer of berries, add 2 large spoons Sahara.
  2. Shake the jar, put the cherry back in and then sprinkle with sugar. Fill up the jar top layer make sugar.
  3. Next, put the covered jars to be sterilized.
  4. How much to sterilize: 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20.

Cherry for cake

Cherry berries turn out strong, look beautiful on top of the cake, pastries. In addition, they are also delicious, because cognac is added.

How to cook "drunk" cherries:


  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Sugar - 700 gr.
  • Cognac - 200 ml. (substitution for vodka is acceptable).

How to prepare for the winter:

  1. Make syrup by adding sugar to water. Without turning off the fire, put the cherry in it.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam.
  3. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, arrange in jars.
  4. Pour cognac into boiling syrup. Stir and let boil. Pour into containers with cherries and roll up.

Video recipe: how to roll a cherry in juice

Video recipe with a recipe for harvesting cherries in their own juice for the winter. Good luck with your preparations and evening tea parties.

Cherry harvest season real holiday for gardeners and horticulturists. Still would! Reason to eat delicious berry and stock up on it for the winter. Cherry preserved in any form in winter, during the period of nutrition depleted in vitamins, will reward you with a whole complex useful substances, strengthen health and immunity.

Experienced housewives can do a lot of cherries, which will be wonderful then stored and used all year round. Cherry compote for the winter is as healthy and tasty as cherry jam for the winter. Cherry jelly for the winter is just as beautiful and festive as cherry jam for the winter. And besides, they dry cherries for the winter, freeze, pickle, make candied fruits, jam, etc. taking care of more useful for the body, it is worth remembering that the more natural and natural the cherry is preserved, the more useful it is, because it retains more vitamins. For example, canned cherries retains its natural properties and benefits better than jam from it. But that doesn't detract from others. positive qualities this product and still worthy of our attention. different tricks you can achieve different flavors of jam. For example, if you cook pitted cherry jam for the winter, then it will turn out to be more saturated and “cool” compared to pitted cherry jam. For the winter, you can choose what you like best. Or - cherry in its own juice for the winter. It turns out to have a more natural taste, less sweet and “stretchy”, but more useful.

Cherry is a universal berry, almost everyone likes it, it is prepared in a mass of ways and options. They even make cherries for the winter without sterilization, with the addition a large number Sahara. Many people like cherry compote for the winter, its simple recipe is on our website, learn how to make it, you will not regret it.

Cherry blanks for the winter are a necessary and useful thing, do not be lazy - and this bright berry will thank you excellent dishes during the cold season.

But you need to remember that all cherry recipes for the winter require compliance with a number of rules, which we will mention:

It is impossible to store cherries for a long time before harvesting, it loses juice and deteriorates quickly;

Cherries from a tree must be collected along with the stalks. Only in this way will it not lose its juiciness. Remove the stalks before conservation itself;

Only high-quality berries are suitable, unripe, damaged or slightly rotten fruits are removed;

Cherry cannot be boiled for a long time, otherwise it wrinkles and loses its color;

The skin removal process is important to increase the shelf life of the cherry jam;

Jars for jam should be sterilized. Do it in microwave oven, oven, in a saucepan, on the neck of a kettle or in another way;

If the jam is pitted, it is better to remove them with a special tool, rather than using a pin or hairpin. In this case, the cherry will not lose much juice;

If Cherry jam boiled with seeds, each berry should be pierced with a needle so that the syrup penetrates into them faster;

If the jam is cooked on gas stove, the dishes should be placed on a flame divider - a double sheet of iron with small holes, which ensures uniform heating of the jam.

Cherry jam, cherry compote, jam, jelly ... This is not the whole list of blanks that can be prepared from cherries. We advise you to familiarize yourself with interesting recipes right now!

Pitted cherry jam

To prepare the blank, select fruits with a dark color. They have dense, well-colored flesh. Jam from such berries will turn out beautiful and fragrant. Wash 1 kg of berries, dry, pierce, put in boiling water for half a minute, pour hot syrup made from half a glass of water. Leave the fruits soaked in syrup for 6 hours. Take out the berries, combine with half a glass of sugar, boil for 10 minutes. In boiling syrup, fold the fruits, leave for 6 hours. Drain the syrup again after aging, add the rest of the sugar, boil for 10 minutes. At the end, put the fruits in syrup, let stand for 5 hours, cook the delicacy until tender.

Consider and.

Pitted cherry jam

Pour 1 kg of berries with one and a half glasses of sugar, add a glass of water or a decoction of the seeds. Wash the cherries, remove the pits special device or a simple pin. Pour in hot syrup again wait 5 hours. Finalize the jam.

Cherry jam for the winter


Apple juice - 0.25 l
- sugar sand - ½ kg
- cherry - 1 kg

Remove the seeds, steam the fruits under the lid, adding a little water. Grind the mass through a colander or sieve. Combine cherry puree with apple juice, sugar, boil until tender. Jelly in ready-made pour into jars.

Do and .

Five-minute cherry jam

You will need:

Cherry berries - 1 kg
- half a kilo of sugar

Sort the cherries, wash, remove the seeds. Fold the berries into an enameled ace (you can also use a copper container), layer the sugar in layers. Leave the cherries sprinkled with sugar for 5 hours. Move the basin to the stove, cook for 7 minutes, remembering to stir often. While still hot, pour the jam into dry, hot jars, seal hermetically with varnished tin lids, turn upside down, cool completely.

How about you?

Cherry marmalade

For 1 kg of cherry fruits, take the same amount of sugar. Peel the cherry fruits, discard the seeds, let the berries give juice. Grind the berry mass through a sieve, add sugar until the mass becomes thick. Pack in jars or simply lay on a baking sheet. Dry in the oven at low temperature. Sprinkle finished marmalade powdered sugar, distribute in jars. The preparation is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

Thick cherry jam


- granulated sugar
- cherry fruits
- gooseberry juice

Prepare the cherries, remove the seeds, put them in an enamel bowl. For every kilogram of berries, add 150 ml clean water. Put on fire, enter 1.1 kg of sifted sugar. Boil the mass with regular stirring until tender. At the end of cooking, add 15% of the total weight of gooseberry juice. Boil until done. Additionally, the contents can be turned through a meat grinder. hot billet determine in heated dry containers, cover with lids, put on the lid until cool.

Find out how to prepare.

Seedless cherry jam for the winter

Free 2 kg of cherry fruits from cherries, pour syrup made from 1.2 kg of sugar and a glass of water. Boil the contents for 90 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the juice from half a lemon and chopped zest. Leave the contents for 8 hours. Strain after settling, dry in an oven with a temperature of 40 degrees. At the end of drying, roll the cherries with sugar, store the workpiece in jars.

Your family will love and.

Cherry jam with a stone for the winter

Wash 1 kg of cherry fruits, pierce. Make syrup from 1.3 kg of sugar and half a liter of water, pour over the prepared fruits. Let them sit for 3 hours. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for another 3 hours. Repeat the procedure 3 more times. After the third procedure, roll up the workpiece. If you plan to cook the workpiece in 2 steps, then for the specified amount granulated sugar take only half of the indicated amount of water.

And another simple recipe

Peel 0.8 kg of cherries from the stones, pour in syrup made from 1.2 kg of sugar and three glasses of water. The syrup should be warm. Let it sit for 12 hours. Drain the syrup, boil, pour over the berries. After 3 hours, drain the syrup, boil until light thick. Pour the berries, cook the workpiece. Remove the released foam, boil with stirring for 20 minutes. Make the fire as quiet as possible. Pack in jars, twist the workpiece. With 10 minutes left, toss in a sprig of mint. Take it out before packaging.

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Cherry jam with gelatin


Tablespoon of gelatin
- fresh cherries - 0.48 kg
- granulated sugar - 0.16 kg
- water - 0.48 l

Select fresh berries for cooking, rinse, remove the seeds. Fold the berry mass into an enamel bowl, add sugar, pour in water, let the contents boil over moderate heat, cook for five minutes while stirring. Pre-soak gelatin with water in two tablespoons of water, dissolve in a water bath until completely dissolved. In the received gelatin mass add cherries with water and sugar, stir, heat. Keep on the stove until the first signs of boiling appear. Cork with lids, previously boiled. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket so that the rolls cool gradually.

Do and .

Recipe with apricots


Apricot - 0.2 kg
- cherry - 0.3 kg
- sugar sand - 0.2 kg
- water - 0.1 liters

How to cook:

Under running water wash the apricots, cut them in such a way as to get rid of the seeds. Cut each apricot half again to form slices. Just wash the cherries without removing the pits. Prepare the syrup: pour water into a saucepan, enter the indicated amount of sugar. Put the pan on the fire so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Stir constantly, bring to a boil. Put the cherries in the boiled syrup, add apricot slices. Stir with a wooden spatula, bring the fruit with berries to a boil. Reduce the heat, cook the contents for exactly 5 minutes. Divide into jars ready-made treat, cool upside down.

Cherry-chocolate blank

Pitted cherries - 0.5 kg
- big spoon lemon juice
- a cup of sugar
- dark dark chocolate bar
- water - 50 ml
- dark cognac or rum - 0.1 liters

Pour the pitted berries into the pan, add lemon juice and water. Enter the indicated amount of sugar. Stir and gradually bring to a boil. Reduce heat, pour in cognac or rum. Cook on low heat for about 25 minutes. Don't forget to stir from time to time. Remove the pan from the heat, add the chocolate pieces. Stir until completely dissolved, cool, determine in prepared jars.

Recipe with cranberries

Fresh cranberries - 0.35 kg
- juice from two lemons
- cherry - 1 kg
- raspberry syrup
- water - 0.25 liters
- white sugar- 1.3 kg

How to cook:

Sort the cranberries, wash, let it dry. Place the berries in the bowl of a food processor, chop thoroughly. Put the cranberries in a thick-walled saucepan, add cherry fruits, lemon juice and syrup. Pour the berries with water, cover, cook for half an hour over low heat so that the fruits become soft. IN berry mix add sugar, cook while stirring over a very quiet fire. In total, cook the mass for 10 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove, collect foam from the surface. Leave the jam for another 10 minutes on the stove. Pour cranberry-cherry jam into jars, twist, rearrange in a dark place.

Recipe with cherries

Lemon juice from two fruits
- sugar - 1 kg
- cherries with sweet cherries - 1 kg

Remove bones and stems fresh fruits cherries and cherries. Place white cherries immediately in water with lemon juice. Do thick syrup. For 1 kg of berries, you should take 1 kg of sugar. If the fruits are sweet enough, you can take a little less granulated sugar. Squeeze the juice from two lemons. Boil the syrup for about 10 minutes. Lay the peeled berries, cook for 15 minutes after the start of the boil. Stir very gently or shake occasionally.

Gooseberry jam

Sort 1 kg of gooseberries with cherry fruits. Turn the fruits through a meat grinder. Be sure to remove the bones first. Mix berries, pour a small amount water (pre-boiled). Stir to make the mass thicker. Put the bowl with the workpiece on the stove, cook for five minutes while stirring. The content must not burn. Repeat the procedure a couple of times until the workpiece is ready. Chilled jam define in jars.

blackcurrant recipe

Go through 3 kg of blackcurrant and 1 kg of cherry fruit. Remove cherry leaves. Remove pits from cherries. Turn each kind of berries through a meat grinder. In the pelvis, combine both berry masses. Add a liter of water, mix. Puree and place to cook on a very quiet fire, after boiling, stir every five minutes. Boil the contents for two days three times. Divide the workpiece into annealed glass jars.

Jam "Assorted"

Strawberries with strawberries - 0.25 kg each
- cherry, raspberry - 0.25 kg each
- red currant - 0.25 kg
- water - 2.5 cups
- sugar - 1.25 kg

Subtleties of preparation:

Sort, wash red currants, cherries, raspberries, strawberries and strawberries. Pour the contents with sugar, put in hot sugar syrup, cook with stirring until done. Remove the formed foam. Cool the jam, define in jars, roll up.

Cherry blanks They are always delicious no matter how you cook them. You can serve a sweet treat as an independent dessert or as an addition to various pastries.
