
Light summer delicious salad. Summer salads simple recipes

We all know about the benefits of vegetables from childhood. In addition, vegetables are always very tasty. And therefore, recipes for vegetable salads do not lose their popularity. Vegetables will become a real decoration of any festive table, will help to diversify the daily diet. And unusually decorated vegetable salads and vegetable "figurines" laid out in the form of drawings will help persuade young children to actively use these useful natural vitamins.

Light vegetable salads for every day are very popular in the summer. They combine any seasonal fruits collected in the garden or bought on the market. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet peppers and cabbage, radishes and green peas, as well as the greens that are obligatory in such salads - all this is combined in arbitrary proportions, seasoned with vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise. Such salads perfectly complement any dishes and allow you to make your daily diet healthy and varied at no extra cost.

Vegetable salads for weight loss are very popular, because most vegetables contain a minimum amount of calories, and therefore these dishes can be eaten with virtually no restrictions, even during periods of strict diets. There are even special dietary vegetable salads that allow you to diversify a strictly rationed diet on “cabbage” or “vegetable” days.

Delicious and light vegetable salads on the festive table will also be a great solution. They will allow you to choose a dish to taste and vegetarians, and losing weight people. And taking into account the usual abundance of high-calorie snacks on the festive tables, which every hostess traditionally pleases guests with, such salads will become a real “vent” for people who avoid overeating.

You can prepare vegetable salads without mayonnaise, dressed with olive or sunflower oil or soy sauce. Or, on the contrary, you can collect potatoes, beans or other legumes in one salad, supplement vegetables with crackers or mushrooms, pick up a hearty dressing (mayonnaise, sour cream, Caesar sauce). Such a salad will be to the taste of many men and can even be used as a main dish, for example, for breakfast or lunch.

Vegetables should be on your table all year round, fresh and pickled, baked and fried, in any form and as much as possible. You can prepare salads with vegetables for every day, as well as for holidays. Very popular vegetable salads for the New Year or February 23, birthday or March 8.

And how to cook a vegetable salad for every day or for a holiday, you can find out in this section of the site. All recipes are sorted by topic - on each page you will find interesting salads, which contain certain products. For example, if you're looking for a new recipe for a hearty vegetable salad, you might want to check out salads with beans or potatoes. If you like spicy dishes, pay attention to a variety of salads with Korean carrots, and for connoisseurs of maximum vitamins with a minimum of calories, we offer a wide selection of salads with cabbage.

A traditional dish that is known, loved and constantly cooked in German families is potato salad. Each housewife has her own recipe, which is passed down from generation to generation.

Delicious and vitamin radicchio salad, which has become the hallmark of Italian cuisine, is described in the recipes of famous chefs, as well as useful tips.

A great way to add a burst of color and fresh, healthy vegetables to your table is to use boiled vegetable salads as a side dish.

Salad with avocado and tomatoes will appeal to both lovers of delicious food and adherents of a healthy diet. The advantage of the dish lies in the synthesis of two basic ingredients that combine incredible taste and great benefits for the body.

Fresh cabbage salad with cucumber is a simple quick-cooking appetizer that can complement every feast. The dish turns out to be light, tasty, fragrant and absolutely universal in serving, as it will complement both fish and meat snacks.

Roasted vegetable salad is a delicious and easy-to-prepare dish for universal serving. Such an appetizer can be served with meat, fish dishes and side dishes, where it will always be appropriate. The salad is the perfect addition to both everyday and holiday menus.

Carrot in English is a tasty, original and at the same time healthy dish in the recipes of the best chefs. It is prepared simply, inexpensively, and is used both as a side dish and as a dessert.

Salads are delicious and convenient food for every day. They can be an addition to a hot dish, an independent dish or an appetizer. We bring to your attention 9 simple and quick recipes that you can easily prepare even on working days.

1. Vegetable salad with chicken

It is convenient to take such a salad with you to work if there is no way to warm up food. It turns out both tasty and satisfying.

You will need:

Boiled chicken breast - 1 pc.

Lettuce leaves (mixed salads are also suitable)

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

Cucumbers - 1 pc.

Salt, pepper, spices - to taste


Cut the chicken breast into cubes, add lettuce (if they are large, tear them with your hands), cut the tomato, cucumber. Add salt, pepper, spices, season with olive or any other oil.

2. Fruit salad

Great option for breakfast.

You will need:

Orange - 1 pc.

Apple - 1 pc.

Banana - 1 pc.

Kiwi - 1 pc.

Seedless grapes - 100 g


Cut all fruits and mix in one cup. If desired, you can dress the salad with low-fat yogurt or whipped cream.

3. Salad with avocado and shrimps

You will need:

Avocado - 1 pc.

Tomatoes - 1 pc.

green salad

Shrimps - 100 g

Olive oil - for dressing

Lemon juice - for dressing

Salt, pepper - to taste


Cut the avocado into thin slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Add chopped tomato and lettuce. At the very end, add pre-cooked and chilled shrimp. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

4. Red Bean Salad with Curd Cheese

You will need:

Canned red beans in their own juice - 350 g (1 can)

Salt, pepper - to taste

Lemon - 1 pc.

Garlic - 1 clove

Olive oil - for dressing

Arugula - 80 g

Curd cheese - 200 g

Red onion - 1 pc.


Open a can of beans, rinse the beans with cold water. Finely chop the red onion, mix it with the beans. Harvest the arugula, add it to the beans, then add the crushed garlic, olive oil, lemon juice and cream cheese. Salt, pepper. Salad ready.

5. Salad with mango and chicken liver

This salad is best prepared in batches.

You will need:

Chicken liver - 250 g

Mango - 350 g

lettuce mix

Olive oil - for dressing

Dijon mustard - 3 tbsp. l.

Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Mustard - to taste

Salt, pepper - to taste


Peel the mango from the skin, cut the stone, cut the flesh into cubes. Divide the lettuce mixture among bowls and top with mango cubes. For the dressing: Whisk the Dijon mustard with a fork, slowly pouring in the olive oil, add the honey and regular hot mustard. Mix properly.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken liver until cooked and a crust appears. Add salt, pepper. Gently place the liver on plates, season the salad with a pre-prepared sauce (about 7 tablespoons of sauce per plate). Ready! Serve the salad immediately, without waiting for it to cool.

6. Tomato salad

You will need:

Tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Sesame oil - for dressing

Red wine vinegar - for dressing

Dried oregano - 1 tsp

Coarse sea salt - to taste

Feta cheese - 300 g


Cut the tomatoes into thin circles, sprinkle with sesame oil and vinegar. Add salt and oregano. Slice the cheese and place it on top of the tomatoes. The dish should be infused for 30 minutes so that the tomatoes are saturated with the aroma of spices.

7. Salad with quail eggs and salmon

You will need:

Iceberg lettuce - 1 pc.

Lightly salted salmon - 100 g

Cherry tomatoes - 16 pcs.

Quail egg - 8 pcs.

Parsley - 15 g

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Salt, pepper - to taste


Rinse the lettuce, cut the head of cabbage into pieces and let it dry. Boil the quail eggs, peel and cut in half. Cut cherry tomatoes into 4 pieces. Prepare the sauce: Whisk lemon juice, olive oil, parsley, salt and pepper in a blender. Arrange the salad on plates in small slides, cut the salmon into thin slices and place on top of the salad. Add chopped tomatoes and quail eggs. Without stirring, pour over the sauce. Salad ready.

Summer is always full of fruits, vegetables and greens, so summer snacks and salads include fresh seasonal products. During this period of time, I want to unload the body from the results of winter gluttony, remove toxins and toxins, and get a generous portion of vitamins and minerals from nature itself. Therefore, housewives usually do not think about what kind of salad to cook in the summer - of course, from fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs!

In this section you will find summer salad recipes with photos and detailed descriptions of how to prepare them. It is better to cook dishes from fresh vegetables and herbs immediately before serving, because they do not need to be soaked in sauces, besides, vitamins in fruits and vegetables are destroyed very quickly under the influence of light and air. Delicious summer salads are the best meal at any time of the day, and they are prepared from vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms, with the addition of low-fat cheese, meat and fish. Delicious summer salads are usually dressed not with sour cream and mayonnaise, but with a small amount of vegetable oil, fruit and berry juices and light yoghurts. Ready meals can be garnished with berries, fruit pieces, nuts and grated cheese.

How to make a summer salad for breakfast? Mix any fruits, berries, nuts, season the dish with yogurt, honey, condensed milk or whipped cream and garnish with grated chocolate. Such a dish can become a real energy charge for the body. Recipes with photos of summer salads for lunch and dinner amaze the imagination with variety and sophistication. The delicate aroma of melon perfectly complements appetizing bacon with herbs, pistachios and feta, while young zucchini, cabbage and arugula will harmoniously fit into a duet of shrimp and avocado. Preparing summer salads does not take much time, so you can take a break from kitchen chores without denying yourself a good diet.

Prepare salads both in winter and summer, and you will find recipes on the EdimDoma website!

After a long snowy winter, it is simply necessary to plunge into the long-awaited summer with all the dedication. This means not only to relax mentally and gain strength, but also to please yourself and your loved ones with incredibly delicious summer dishes. After all, only in summer, nature so generously shares with us its wealth, collected from the garden or plucked from the branch. It's time to accumulate vitamins for the whole year and cheer up your tired body. Faithful helpers in this are fruits and vegetables, which also have a cooling effect in the summer heat. They are rich in water, vitamins and minerals that our body loses in hot weather.

In the summer, you do not want any fatty and heavy foods, such as fried meat or fish. I want something light, tasty and nutritious. Well, rightly so, because summer is a wonderful time for light and tasty salads. They are no worse in taste than our favorite fried potatoes or pork. Not to mention the fact that vegetable dishes are much easier to digest. Fresh vegetable salads are always tasty and healthy. What incredible vegetable combinations! What a mix of colors and flavors!

Summer salads can be eaten in unlimited quantities for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without fear of adding a couple of extra pounds. This, first of all, concerns those who care about their figure and dream of losing some weight over the summer. Well, you and the cards are in your hands, as they say, light salads are what you need: health, lightness and comfort!

Light summer salads are good both as a separate dish and in addition to the main one. This is where you can roam, show your imagination and experiment, experiment. If you have already tried all our recipes and you want something new, we are always happy to help and offer you a range of delicious, varied light summer salads. Here is just a small fraction of the great variety of existing recipes that will help you diversify your menu, please loved ones and get incredible pleasure from summer.

Let's start, perhaps, with the most summer salad, well known to us since childhood.

300 g radish,
4 boiled eggs
100 g green onions,
30 g dill,
30 g parsley,
sour cream or mayonnaise for dressing.

Cut the boiled eggs into small cubes, cut the radish into circles (large circles can be cut in half). Finely chop the greens (dill, green onion, parsley). Mix all ingredients. Add salt and sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. Bon appetit!

Add cauliflower to the radish, change the recipe a little and get another culinary masterpiece.

400 g cauliflower,
350 g radish,
1 lemon
50 g vegetable oil,
40 g greens and green onions,
sugar, salt, pepper.

Cut the radish into slices. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, boil in boiling salted water and cool. Then mix with radishes and put in a salad bowl. From oil, lemon juice, finely chopped onion, sugar, pepper and salt, prepare a dressing and pour it over the salad. Decorate your creation with fresh herbs.

A simple and everyone's favorite salad of eggs and fresh cucumbers. It is very tasty and, if you try, you can turn it into an elegant festive salad if guests suddenly came to you.


300 g fresh cucumber,
3 boiled eggs
1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice
3 art. spoons of sour cream or mayonnaise,
green onion, greens (dill, parsley),

Cucumbers cut into strips. Cut the egg white into strips, and finely crumble the yolk. Finely chop the green onion and greens too. Mix all the ingredients, salt and season with sour cream and lemon juice. If you use mayonnaise, lemon juice and salt can be omitted. Salad ready. If you want to decorate the salad, leave some chopped greens and 1 yolk. Put the seasoned salad in a slide, make a rim of greens, and rub the yolk on a fine grater in the middle. From a thin slice of cucumber and a sprig of onion, you will get a flower. Decorate your salad with them.

Salad "Freshness"
This is a very refreshing, sweet and sour salad that tastes good. It will go with boiled hot potatoes, as a side dish for meat, fish, and even so good with bread!

1 green radish
1 sour apple
1 carrot
1 fresh cucumber
1 onion,
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped parsley
1 st. a spoonful of chopped green onions
1 garlic clove
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of aromatic vinegar,
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
salt, sugar to taste.

Peel the vegetables, wash and grate on a coarse grater, cut the onion into strips and pour fragrant vinegar, knead with your hands and let it brew. Cut greens finely. Finely chop the garlic. Put all the vegetables, herbs, onions in a salad bowl, add salt, vegetable oil to taste and, if necessary, add a little sugar for taste.

Healthiest celery salad
This plant is rich in vitamins, minerals, acids, proteins. Celery is able to slow down the aging process, have a beneficial effect on digestion, cleanse the body of toxins, calm the nervous system, and it also has a great effect on the skin. That's how many benefits from a delicious spicy plant, and salads with it are unusually tasty.

And celery goes well with cucumbers and various herbs. You can experiment with it as much as you like, add it to your dishes, believe me, it will not spoil the taste of salads at all, it will only make them even healthier and tastier. Try it!

150 g celery root,
2 small carrots
1 apple (preferably green, with sourness),
3 art. spoons of sour cream
1.5 st. spoons of lemon juice
salt to taste.

Peel the celery root. Grate the apple, carrot and celery root on a coarse grater. Mix everything well, add sour cream and lemon juice, salt to taste. Healthy and tasty salad is ready!

1 bunch of radishes
fresh dill,
ground black pepper,
vegetable oil,
quite a bit of vinegar
salt to taste.

Wash the radish thoroughly and cut in half, and then into the thinnest possible plates. Salt, pepper, remember a little with your hands so that she starts up the juice.
Put the radish in a large plate, crumble the dill on top. The salad should stand for 15-20 minutes to soak, and then - welcome to the table.

Cabbage is the dream of any person who watches their weight. It contains tartonic acid, which prevents the formation of fats from carbohydrates. Salads from early cabbage, so tasty and tender, simply must be on the table.

1 small head of early cabbage
1 carrot
celery (to taste)
1 cucumber (or bell pepper)
2 cloves of garlic
olive or vegetable oil,

Rub the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens. Celery is perfect for cabbage, it is very appropriate in coleslaw. Finely grated garlic will also be appropriate here. You can add cucumber or sweet pepper (to your taste). Season the salad with vegetable oil - preferably several types, for example, olive and fragrant sunflower. It is very tasty to add some good sesame or linseed oil and lemon juice.

Another version of the same salad: add chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers to chopped cabbage, and, of course, greens: parsley, dill, cilantro. Garlic can be added here too, but lemon in this combination is completely superfluous. Season also with a mixture of vegetable oils.

Continuing the theme, another early cabbage salad, the name of which speaks for itself.


¼ small early cabbage
1 bunch of lettuce leaves
1 fresh cucumber
1 apple
1 red bell pepper,
1 fresh tomato,
2 tbsp. spoons of crushed walnuts.
For refueling:
vegetable oil,
ground pepper,

Wash the vegetables and dry them with a kitchen towel. Cut the pepper in half, remove the stalk and seeds and cut the flesh into medium-sized strips. Cucumber and apple grate on a coarse grater. Chop the cabbage and lightly remember with your hands along with salt. Coarsely chop lettuce leaves. Cut the tomato into large slices. Put the prepared vegetables in a salad bowl and mix gently. For dressing, squeeze the juice from a slice of lemon, add mustard, vegetable oil, salt and ground pepper to taste and mix well. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle with crushed walnuts.

The piquancy of the taste of this salad will be added to the dressing with garlic, mashed with basil greens.

300 g cabbage
1 st. prunes,
1 carrot
lemon juice,
2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil.

Finely chop the cabbage and scald it with boiling water, then put it in a colander and let it drain. Put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sugar and salt. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Cut prunes into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients, add cumin, sprinkle with lemon juice, add sunflower oil. Divide the salad among plates and garnish with prunes. The taste is extraordinary.

Incredibly tasty and healthy salads made from green beans, which our housewives have recently grown with pleasure in large quantities in their gardens. Basically, it is preserved, but how delicious it is in salads, beyond words. Need to try!

Green bean salad

200 g green beans,
25 g of hard cheese,
1 teaspoon vegetable oil, lemon juice,
some greens (dill, parsley).

Peel the green beans, chop and boil until tender in boiling salted water. Cut 25 grams of hard cheese into thin slices, combine with boiled beans and season with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle greens on top.

Zucchini season is just around the corner. And after all, many of us, having enjoyed the first harvest, then, well, they simply don’t know what to do with this wonderful vegetable. The answer is simple - cook summer salads from it. Rest assured, even the pickiest gourmets will like them.


1 medium zucchini,
2-3 garlic cloves,
sunflower oil for frying
salt to taste.

Peel the zucchini and cut into small cubes. Fry in sunflower oil. Cool and add garlic, salt, season with mayonnaise and add parsley.

Replace zucchini with young eggplants in this recipe - and now you have a completely new dish in front of you, in no way inferior in taste to the previous one.

Delicious, easy and fast - that's the motto of our summer menu!

Young beets have appeared on your garden, which means that a tasty and healthy salad is already ready to appear on your table. Beets are one of the few vegetables that retain their beneficial properties even after heat treatment. It goes very well with different products, so improvising, we can diversify our menu without much hassle.

200 g boiled and 100 g raw beets,
100 g green onions,
50 ml vegetable oil,
salt, sugar.

Grate peeled boiled beets on a coarse grater, and raw on a fine grater, mix with chopped green onions, add salt and sugar to taste, season with vegetable oil.

Beet salad with new potatoes

300 g beets,
200 g potatoes
50 g green onions,
50 ml vegetable oil,

Boil the beets, peel and cut into strips, add boiled young potatoes cut into strips and green onions chopped into rings. Mix everything, salt and pour vegetable oil.

Salad of young beets and tomatoes with apples and sweet peppers

200 g young beets,
30 ml lemon juice
50 ml vegetable oil,
200 g tomatoes,
100 g apples
50 g carrots
50 g sweet pepper,

Grate the beets on a coarse grater, pour over the lemon juice and part of the vegetable oil. Cut carrots and peppers into strips, apples and tomatoes into slices. Combine all ingredients and salt. Dress the salad with the remaining vegetable oil.

And at the end of the salad theme - a salad with young potatoes and radish. Its taste is as wonderful as the name.

4 boiled new potatoes,
2 small radishes
3 boiled carrots
2 boiled eggs
greens (dill, parsley),
250 g mayonnaise,

Grate potatoes, carrots and eggs separately on a coarse grater. Grate the radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Spread the salad on a large plate in layers, soaking with mayonnaise and adding a little salt to each layer, in the following sequence: potatoes, radish, carrots, egg. Decorate your "Polyanka" with greenery.

Got an appetite? Then it's time to prepare a salad from the above recipes. Fresh vegetables and herbs plucked from the garden, fragrant with the aromas of summer, are already waiting for you? It's just great! Fill your body with vitamins, strengthen the immune system. Enjoy your appetite and good health with healthy products!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Summer is the season of fresh vegetables and herbs, so be sure to use this period with maximum benefit for the body. Summer vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

How to cook delicious summer salad?

  1. Choose the Right Ingredients

It's no secret that the taste of the finished dish directly depends on the quality and taste characteristics of each individual ingredient. Therefore, it is important to carefully select the ingredients for a summer vegetable salad and carefully ensure that they are ripe enough, but not spoiled.

  1. Add greenery

There is a large list of tasty and healthy greens that will spice up your dish and make the taste of the salad more intense. Green onions, parsley and dill are best combined with vegetables. In addition to them, you can add cilantro, arugula, celery, mint or spinach to the dish. Such a variety of greens gives everyone the opportunity to choose their favorite ingredient.

  1. Prepare a delicious condiment

It is from the dressing for summer salads that the taste characteristics of the finished dish depend to a greater extent. Sour cream is often used to dress simple and tasty summer salads in a hurry. For a richer taste, you can add a little garlic to it.

It is advisable to prepare recipes for summer salads without mayonnaise, since without this ingredient they will be even more useful. You can also season the dish with soy sauce or balsamic vinegar. In addition, you can experiment and try to create your own unique dressing recipe by simply mixing different ingredients. For example, it turns out delicious if you combine lemon juice, French mustard and olive oil in one dish.

  1. Add cheese, meat or seafood

Recipes for summer salads made from simple ingredients do not have to be limited to vegetables and herbs. For a richer taste, you can diversify them with your favorite type of cheese. For example, grated parmesan or even regular hard parmesan would be appropriate. In addition, it goes well with feta and cheese vegetables.

As for meat, summer salads with chicken are the most popular, as they are tasty and satisfying. And if you want to please your loved one with a romantic dinner and cook a more original and unusual dish, look for step-by-step recipes for summer seafood salads.

  1. Serve the salad immediately

Simple and tasty summer salads in a hurry cannot stand for too long, as they quickly lose their taste and presentable appearance. Therefore, season them immediately before serving.
