
How to pickle white and boletus. Pickled boletus - a real highlight on the table

Harvesting mushrooms for the winter - a good option for those who want to diversify winter menu. Mushrooms are universal for harvesting, you can do anything with them: salt, freeze, pasteurize, dry, close fried, marinate. Aspen mushrooms are ideal for conservation. Using good recipes canning boletus, you can not only decorate the table, but also please the household and guests with delicious.

Preserving these mushrooms is very simple, you just need to know time-tested recipes.

Regardless of the recipe, the preparation of boletus is the same. Initially, they should be sorted out: spoiled specimens are unsuitable for pickling. Then the mushrooms are filled with water for a short time: this will remove all debris, dirt, and insects from them.

Mushroom legs are cut off and cooked separately, because their structure is denser than that of the caps. They can be cooked in different ways: dried, fried, boiled.

Traditional preservation recipes

Canning boletus in jars for the winter can occur in many ways. Increasingly, time-tested recipes are being diversified by adding new ingredients and spices to spice up the flavors. However, conservation traditional recipes used more often, this helps not to overdo it with taste and not overshadow the taste of mushrooms.

For one of classic recipes hot canning boletus will require the following products:

  • 1 kg of boletus;
  • pepper, bay leaf, salt (to individual taste);
  • 1 glass of vinegar.


  1. Soak boletus in cold water for 60 minutes. Then chop and throw in boiling, slightly salted water for another 60 minutes. Do not forget about adding pepper with bay leaf to the pan.
  2. Then the water is drained, and the mushrooms are laid out in jars.
  3. Vinegar is added to each jar of mushrooms (3 tablespoons are needed), bay leaf and salt and pepper. Fill with water and sterilize for 45 minutes.
  4. Banks are rolled up and placed in a cold place.

Such a simple and proven recipe will bring maximum pleasure to lovers of canned mushrooms.

For next recipe you will need:

  • boletus (2 kg);
  • bay leaf (5 pieces);
  • 6 peas of allspice;
  • black pepper (15 peas);
  • apple cider vinegar (50 ml).

Cooking process

  1. Mushrooms are washed, peeled and cut into larger pieces.
  2. Place in a bowl and fill with water. After the water boils, the mushrooms should boil for about 10 minutes.
  3. After cooking, rinse the boletus well, and then put it to cook for another half hour. Rinse and fill again clean water. It is necessary to ensure that all mushrooms are necessarily under water.
  4. After adding vinegar, pepper, salt and bay leaf, the mushrooms are boiled again for 10 minutes in boiling water.
  5. Fold in prepared sterile jars and you can start rolling. Then the jars must be turned over, wrapped in a towel until completely cooled.

This method of preservation does without sterilization, which facilitates the process and saves time. Canned boletus for storage are lowered into the cellar or put in the refrigerator.

Next method classical conservation looks like that:

  1. Washed and thoroughly cleaned mushrooms are poured into a small amount of boiling water.
  2. When the water with mushrooms boils again, add salt (30g) and citric acid(2d). All proportions are calculated for 1 liter of water.
  3. Boil mushrooms for 20 minutes. The foam that will form during the cooking process must be constantly removed, otherwise the marinade will not turn out transparent, as required by the recipe.
  4. At the end, you need to try the brine, if necessary, add spices to taste.
  5. This recipe does not require sterilization. Cooked mushrooms are immediately placed in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Many people prefer to use vinegar instead of citric acid. The proportions of vinegar based on a kilogram of heat-treated boletus - 2 tbsp. spoons. It is added at the end of cooking.

Cold preservation

This method is very original, it can be compared with the process of fermenting vegetables. The taste is unusual: something between salted in a barrel and pickled mushrooms. It should appeal to all lovers of unusual tastes.

Initially, for the sample, you need to take 1 kg of boletus.

Cooking process

  1. Boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes in boiling water, then do not remove, but leave to ferment for 3 days.
  2. After this time, the broth must be filtered and diluted in it with vinegar, sugar, salt (to taste, but it is important not to overdo it).
  3. Bring the broth to a boil, cool and pour aspen mushrooms over it, leave for another 2 days.
  4. Boil the brine again. Aspen mushrooms must be laid out in jars and poured with warm marinade up to the very neck of the container.
  5. For seaming in this way, only nylon covers will be needed.

Marinade for boletus is prepared with additional spices. For a liter of water you will need:

  • carnation;
  • allspice;
  • cinnamon (ground);
  • vinegar;
  • sugar (35 g);
  • salt (15g);
  • Bay leaf.

The amount of spices for the marinade, each adds at its discretion, depending on taste preferences.

Boil the marinade for half an hour. At the end, add 200 ml of vinegar (this is based on 1 liter of water). Cool, pour the boletus, then everything is similar to the first description.

Boletus in Polish

Another very interesting way preservation of boletus for the winter.

For the marinade you will need the following spices:

  • allspice and bitter pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry mustard;
  • horseradish root (small piece).

Spices are added to water and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. This decoction must be infused for 1 day. Then bring to a boil again, add vinegar, salt and sugar. Based on 1 liter of water, it is necessary: ​​sugar in the amount of 80 g, salt - 40 g, vinegar - in the same volume as water.

Boil the boiled liquid for another 10 minutes.

Cooked and well-chilled marinade is poured into boiled mushrooms. You don't need to filter it. All this is marinated for 2 days, then the marinade with mustard and horseradish must be boiled again.

There is no need to boil the boletus again. They are placed in prepared clean jars, are filled with marinade and rolled up nylon lids.

Pickled mushrooms are stored in a cold place.

Such simple ways conservation has been used by more than one generation of mushroom pickers. If you follow the above recipes, the mushrooms will turn out to be very tasty and will delight their lovers in a long frosty winter.

Various mushrooms, for example, and are great for pickling. But do not forget that there are also aspen mushrooms, which can also be harvested for the winter. These are amazingly delicious mushrooms!

For pickling boletus, you should always take only young mushrooms. Old mushrooms are no longer so tasty, and their tubular layer does not look very appetizing in a jar. Old mushrooms are best fried, frozen for the winter or dried. But young mushrooms are just asking to be pickled.

Remember that marinate boletus separately from others similar mushrooms . So, if you also found boletus in the forest, then it is better to process them separately. It is also desirable that you close the legs in jars separately from the hats. This is due to the different density of the pulp of the fungus.

Pickled boletus: recipe 1

We offer you a recipe for marinating boletus in brine, which is released when cooking mushrooms. To pickle boletus according to this recipe, for 1 kg of fresh and peeled mushrooms, take:

  • 12 black peppercorns
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 20 g salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 60-70 ml vinegar (30%)
  • 1-2 tbsp. water
  • 1/2 tsp Sahara

Clear the mushrooms from twigs and earth. Rinse the mushrooms quickly in cold water so that not too much liquid is absorbed into the caps. Small mushrooms can be left whole, but larger ones should be cut.

Pour water into a saucepan, put mushrooms in it, salt. Warm the mushrooms over low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. During heating, the mushrooms will secrete juice, in which the boletus should be boiled for 5-10 minutes. Then add chopped onion and spices. Boil the mushrooms for a few more minutes. At the end of cooking, add vinegar. Transfer the finished mushrooms to sterilized jars, add the brine. Additionally, sterilize jars with mushrooms. Floor- liter cans sterilized for 25 minutes, liter - 40 minutes. You can roll up sterilized jars.

Pickled boletus: recipe 2

Here is another recipe for pickled boletus, this time we cook them in brine. For pickling 1 kg of mushrooms according to this recipe, take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 30 ml vinegar
  • Bay leaf
  • 0.5 g citric acid
  • allspice peas
  • black peppercorns

Put the cleaned and washed mushrooms in a saucepan and fill them with water. Bring water with mushrooms to a boil. Cook the mushrooms over low heat, constantly removing the foam with a slotted spoon. With the foam, all possible dirt that has not been washed off the mushrooms will go away. Cook the mushrooms in this manner until the water runs clear. Add citric acid, vinegar and all spices. Boil the mushrooms a little more so that they completely settle to the bottom. Then remove the mushrooms from the pan with a slotted spoon and transfer them to sterilized jars. Pour the mushrooms with the brine in which they were cooked. Additionally, sterilize the jars with mushrooms, then roll them under the lids.

Pickled boletus: recipe 3

It is also possible when you pour boiled mushrooms into jars with prepared brine. Try pickling boletus also according to this recipe, for which you will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 st. l. salt
  • 5-6 bay leaves
  • 10-12 black peppercorns
  • 5-6 cloves
  • 200 ml vinegar (8%)

The recipe is interesting in that the mushrooms are not boiled in the marinade, but only filled with it. Peeled and washed boletus is boiled in water with the addition of salt (50 g per 1 liter). Drain water from boiled boletus.

While the mushrooms are cooking, make the marinade. Boil water with spices over low heat for 25 minutes. Then remove the marinade from the heat and cool it a little, then add the vinegar.

Put the mushrooms in sterilized jars and fill them with the finished marinade. Additionally, banks are sterilized, then they can be rolled up.

Prepare the marinade with a margin and taking into account the fact that 100-150 ml of marinade is spent on 1 half-liter jar.

Step by step cooking pickled boletus - a recipe for the winter

Let's start with the processing of mushrooms. Let's sort them out, clean the legs (carefully remove them with a knife upper layer skins), leave the caps as they are. Parts heavily eaten by worms are cut off without sparing. Aspen mushrooms are very tasty and even worms know this. If the mushroom is good, but there are still a few holes in the stem, this can be easily dealt with: fill it with water and throw a generous handful into it table salt. Leave for half an hour and then rinse under running water. Forest mushrooms it is better to wash in several waters and only then cut into small pieces.

We boil the boletus in salted water for half an hour, constantly removing the foam with a slotted spoon. We discard the boiled mushrooms in a colander and rinse again under running water.

We prepare the marinade: pour salt, pepper and spices with water, bring to a boil, add vinegar, let it boil for a couple of minutes. The marinade is ready. You can use the proposed proportion, or you can cook it to your liking, independently adjusting the amount of salt, sugar or vinegar.

We put the boletus in the marinade and boil for 15-20 minutes.

We lay out the mushrooms in sterile, well-warmed jars and roll them up. Be sure to wrap them in an old blanket so that they cool down gradually.

That's all! Pickled boletus for the winter are ready. Serving them to the table, sprinkle with finely chopped onions and drizzle vegetable oil. Mushrooms go well with potato dishes, as well as meat.

Store jars of pickled boletus in cool place: in the cellar or refrigerator. Although we are sure that you will not have to store them for a long time - you will start opening jars of delicious pickled boletus prepared for the winter in the fall. Happy feasts!

With the onset of autumn, it's time winter preparations does not end. It's mushroom time. They can be salted, dried, frozen, pasteurized, closed fried. And, of course, pickle. Who does not know how boletus, boletus, other mushrooms are pickled, let him not worry. Nothing complicated recipes preparations of this snack for the winter do not provide.

Differences in the pickling process different mushrooms is, but insignificant. Therefore, learning this business is easy. If you follow the advice experienced chefs, pickled boletus are obtained no worse than butter. And no matter how much you harvest mushrooms for the winter, everything is eaten without a trace!

They start pickling boletus, regardless of the recipe, with preparation for conservation. They are sorted, selecting small ones, poured with water for a short time to remove debris, dirt, and insects.

Drying is not necessary, but a good cleaning is a must. If you cook boletus, do the same.

Wash thoroughly in running water. If at this stage everything is not done correctly, even the best one will not help, since they will have to be re-processed, pouring out the entire marinade.

According to the structure, the legs of the mushrooms are denser than the caps, so they are separated and cooked separately. You can dry, boil, fry - to choose from.

Whatever method of marinating boletus for the winter is chosen, they are first boiled. You need to immerse the mushrooms in already boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes, no more, otherwise the marinade will become cloudy, dark.
It is also impossible not to cook. Canned half-baked boletus and boletus quickly turn sour.

It is undesirable to put in one container different mushrooms. Tender boletus mushrooms boiled with boletus turn into porridge, and marinade for boletus acquires an unappetizing shade from butter.
Fill jars with mushrooms for the winter marinade filling needed completely. Otherwise, mold will form on the surface of the brine. To keep the preservation for a long time, it is not allowed to add water to the finished marinade.

Traditional pickling methods

You can cook marinated boletus at home in different ways. And although there are many lovers of winter preparations with spicy flavors, the recipes of which involve the use a large number different spices, traditional options marinades for the winter are used more often.

The process of pickling boletus in one of classic options looks like that:

Washed, peeled mushrooms are poured into boiling water in a saucepan. There should be little water.

When it boils again mushroom broth salt (30 g), pour citric acid (2 g). Proportions are indicated for a 1 liter jar.

It takes about 20 minutes to cook the boletus for preservation for the winter. The dirty foam from the surface of the brine is removed during the cooking process so that the marinade for the boletus turns out to be transparent. At the end, they try the filling and, if necessary, add a little more salt and citric acid.

This recipe does without sterilization. Right after heat treatment finished product packaged in pre-sterilized jars, rolled up with canning lids.

Instead of citric acid, you can use vinegar, vinegar essence. For 1 kg of cooked mushrooms, take 2 tablespoons of vinegar or 5 g of essence. The preservative is added to the broth when pickling boletus and other mushrooms 3 minutes before the completion of the cooking process.

The second, not quite familiar, but also often used recipe for marinating boletus consists of the following steps:

Boil the washed mushrooms until they settle to the bottom. It will take 20 minutes.

In the middle of the process, salt, add vinegar and citric acid (proportions as in the first recipe).

Be sure to remove the foam.

Throw the boiled boletus on a sieve.

You do not need to dry the mushrooms - immediately pack them in jars.

Cool marinade for boletus. Pour 250-280 ml into each jar.

Close with capron lids. Put away for storage in the cellar, refrigerator.

According to this recipe, you can cook boletus for the winter. You just need to cook them less. If everything is done correctly, it turns out very tasty, especially when the mushrooms are seasoned with onions and vegetable oil before serving. The remaining mushroom broth can be used as a base for hot first courses, sauces.

To make the taste of the marinade richer, you can add to the recipe minor changes. If mushrooms are made for the winter as a ready-to-eat snack, spices and spices are added to the boletus marinade (black peppercorns, allspice, lemon pepper, cloves, cilantro, lavrushka, etc.). How many spices you will need to take - determine to your own taste.

Cold preservation of mushrooms

This original recipe for marinating boletus mushrooms is somewhat similar to the method of fermenting vegetables. The taste of the mushrooms is appropriate - something between pickled and salted in a barrel. Although lovers of unusual pickles for the winter should like it.

In order not to take risks, you can prepare a trial portion by taking 1 kg of boletus. According to this recipe, chanterelles are recommended for a change.

Mushrooms should be cooked as usual. But after cooking, they are not taken out of the broth, but left for three days for “fermentation”.

The broth is filtered after three days, a little sugar, salt, and vinegar are diluted in it.

The broth is brought to a boil over a fire. Allow to cool completely and pour the marinade over the boletus again.

Withstand two days. The brine is boiled again.

Mushrooms are laid out in liter jars, warm marinade is poured up to the neck.

Close the finished product with capron lids. Store only in the cold.

At home, marinade for "pickled" boletus can be prepared with the addition of spices. Per liter of water take 15 g of sugar, 35 g of salt, ground cinnamon, allspice peas, bay leaf, cloves.

According to the proportions of spices in this variant of marinating boletus, they use as much as it seems right. Marinade is boiled for half an hour. Vinegar is poured in at the end - 200 ml per liter of water. Cool, pour mushrooms. The process is then repeated as described above.

Aspen mushrooms marinated in Polish style

For this version of the workpiece, boletus is best suited. Boletus mushrooms are also sometimes pickled for the winter according to this recipe, but with hot spices they don't match so well.

The recipe for marinade for boletus in Polish includes spices:

  • A piece of horseradish root.
  • Mustard is dry.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Allspice.
  • Hot pepper.

All ingredients are poured into boiling water, boiled over low heat for half an hour. Over the next day, the broth should be infused. Then it is heated again, allowed to boil, vinegar, sugar and salt are added. For 1 liter of broth take 80 g of sugar and 40 g of salt. The volume of vinegar should be equal to the volume of water.

Marinade after boiling boil for 10 minutes. Turn off the fire. Cool down.

Without filtering, boletus (boiled) is poured with cold broth. Marinade in a cold way for two days, after which the marinade with horseradish and mustard in Polish is boiled again.

Mushrooms do not need to be cooked. They are laid out in clean jars, poured with cooled brine, closed with nylon lids.

In winter, you can store boletus marinated in this way in the cellar, refrigerator. And you can try it right away - the mushrooms are completely ready for use.

When I was little, boletus seemed to me the most the best mushrooms(after fly agarics, of course), because they had such bright orange hats that if you notice one among the fallen foliage, your mood immediately jumps to heaven! Bright, cheerful, with velvet legs, not like nondescript white ones, from which for some reason adults came to indescribable delight. It was a pity to observe how, in the process of cooking, the boletus lost its catchy beauty. But on the other hand, they managed to preserve the magical aroma of the autumn birch forest, no matter whether they were fried in a pan, or twisted into jars for the winter. Pickled boletus mushrooms are especially tasty and piquant. Step by step recipe with pictures traditionally filmed for beginners in business mushroom blanks. I am sure that after carefully studying the recipe, you will cope with the task without hassle, since the recipe is very simple. Along the way, I'll give you a few useful tips how to save mushrooms brought from the forest until the moment you start pickling them.

Ingredients for 2 cans 0.65 liters:

  • Aspen mushrooms - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Dill with umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp with a slide
  • Salt - 1 tbsp with a slide
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Carnation - 7-8 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 cup

How to cook pickled boletus for the winter:

For me, the most difficult thing about marinating mushrooms is cleaning them. How well this is done will depend not only taste qualities prepared mushrooms but also the safety of the product.

Mushrooms need to be selected the strongest. If the mushroom is in doubt, throw it away without hesitation. Aspen mushrooms need to be cleaned of dirt, grass, branches. Scrape the caps with a knife, clean from the ground. The stem of the boletus is usually dark in color. It must be cleaned with special diligence. You can completely clear this upper dark layer, or you can only clear the lower part (which is closer to the ground).

Ideally, it is better to pickle mushrooms of the same, small size in one jar. In practice, this is difficult to do, only if you purposefully collect small mushrooms. I had boletus different size. I left small mushrooms whole, cut large ones into pieces (not small ones).

IN large saucepan I pour in 1.5-2 liters of water (this water is not the one that will go to the marinade). I lower the prepared boletus into the water. I put the pot on the fire and bring it to a boil. I reduce the heat and cook the boletus for 15 minutes.

During cooking, abundant foam will appear. It must be removed with a spoon.

I throw the boiled boletus into a colander and wash it with a clean cold water. I let the water drain.

In another pot, I start making the marinade. I pour in 0.5 liters of water. I add sugar, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves.

Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. Then I dip the boiled boletus into the boiling marinade. I add vinegar and cook for 20 minutes. I remove the emerging foam again (it will already be a little).

I want to note important point. Do not keep mushrooms brought from the forest in a basket, but immediately clean and boil. Otherwise, there is a risk that the next day the part may begin to deteriorate or worms will appear. Cool boiled mushrooms and put in the refrigerator. The next day, you just have to boil them for a short time in the marinade.

While the boletus is boiling in the marinade, I am preparing the jars. They need to be washed and sterilized in advance (and the lids too). At the bottom of each jar I put a dill umbrella (after washing it in water), pieces of peeled garlic.

I put the finished boletus quite tightly in a jar, and pour the marinade on top. I catch the bay leaf from the marinade and throw it away (I don’t put it in jars).

I roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. I store in a dark cool place.

Marinated boletus will be fully ready in a month. Bon appetit!

Only 6 comments for the recipe

This is how I cook it too, simple and delicious.

I honestly admit that I have never marinated boletus mushrooms. Your cooking recipe seemed simple and affordable to me. This is how I will go and cook. Thank you

Is it possible to roll mushrooms, without oxygen access, Clostridium botulism can appear there?

How about a heaping tablespoon of salt? Not tea?

I just tried the marinade, almost died from the salt...

To the previous message! I'm sorry. I tried a jar of ready-made ones .. It turned out great for salt with a tablespoon. Mushrooms "took" the salt. Of course, water would be a little more than half a liter. 150 grams were not enough to fill it to the end.

Alexey, Lily's recipes are all very good. I myself make preparations for them. 🙂 I'm glad everything went well.

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