
The composition of concrete for the foundation, its preparation and pouring. Preparing the marinade

The composition of concrete for the foundation

The composition of concrete includes three main components: cement, sand and gravel (crushed stone). The strength and durability of the bearing part of the structure depends on the proportions of the components. There is one problem. It lies in the fact that concrete of various grades can be obtained from the same components.


So, the first thing that is required for the concrete mix of the foundation is Portland cement grade M 500. It can be purchased at any hardware store.


The second component that is added to the composition of concrete for the foundation is sand. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to its granularity. Its grains should be from 0.15 mm to 3 mm. If they are dusty, the cement will not set well with sand, and if they are large, then there will be a lot of air bubbles in the concrete. All this contributes to a decrease in the strength and bearing capacity of the foundation.


And finally, the third component is gravel with a grain size of up to 10 mm; crushed stone can be used, the size of which should be from 5 mm to 70 mm. Often, instead of them, broken bricks are added to the concrete for the foundation, which worsens the bearing capacity. But if the load is relatively small, then it is allowed. If the building is being built in winter period, the composition of concrete for the foundation includes special additives for better hardening at low temperatures, such as Emulsol EX-M, Plastil U, Lignopal B2.

How to prepare concrete for foundation

It's easy to prepare. To do this, it is better to use an electric concrete mixer. If this is not available, you will have to get by with a pair of hands, a shovel and a bucket.


When preparing the mixture, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the components, they must be 1:2:3, i.e. for 1 bucket of cement, you need to add 2 buckets of sand and 3 buckets of crushed stone (gravel). We pour the first two components into a concrete mixer or tub in the indicated ratio and mix until a homogeneous mass. After we add crushed stone (gravel), also following the proportion, and mix again. Next, pour water, you need to do this in parts, while controlling the density of the mixture. If the preparation and pouring of concrete will be carried out in winter time years, should be included in the composition of special additives. Their proportions and method of addition should be written in the instructions for use. To check the readiness of the concrete solution, take it on a shovel. It should settle, but not spread and not be in the form of a lump, from which pieces fall off. If all the conditions are met and the mass is similar in description, then the concrete for the foundation is ready, you can start pouring it.

Foundation pouring

Before pouring the foundation, the formwork from the boards should be knocked down. To improve the strength of the structure, it is recommended to install a reinforced frame made of A500C reinforcement with a cross section of 10 or 12 mm inside it. Then it is necessary to knead the concrete solution for the foundation, which is poured into the formwork. During pouring, it should be tamped with a stick. This is done in order to squeeze out air bubbles from the solution that got there, they negatively affect the strength of the concrete. After the foundation is poured, the mixture should be allowed to harden. When the mortar sets, remove the formwork and leave the foundation until it hardens completely.

Meat is a high protein product great content fat and protein. Not everyone likes fried meat or barbecue, because such dishes seem to be very heavy on the stomach. This is true. However, this is no reason to refuse such healthy food! Try cooking aspic meat. Due to the special consistency, such a dish will seem light, and at the same time, it will keep useful qualities meat.

For aspic you will need meat (beef or pork), vegetables, gelatin. It is gelatin that is “responsible” for thickening the aspic. If you plan to make aspic from poultry meat, such as chicken, then great amount natural gelatin is found in the wings and legs. Boil the broth from these parts, and you can do without store-bought powder.

Jellied meat - preparing food and utensils

Filled meat is meat pieces frozen in jelly. The dish is very tasty and seemingly light due to the fact that the meat is not fried in oil, but boiled. You can cook food simply from meat, without burdening it with additives, or you can dilute the taste with vegetables and even fruits.

What is the best way to serve aspic? We recommend pouring the dish while it is still fresh in small Silicone forms for cupcakes. The resulting dish will look extremely appetizing, and it will be convenient to eat it. However, many hostesses let the aspic freeze in a large plate, and then cut it with a knife into portioned pieces.

Aspic meat recipes:

Recipe 1: Aspic Meat

Let's prepare aspic beef without any additives and vegetables. We will tear the beef into thin fibers, so ready meal it will look like an exquisite paperweight.

Required Ingredients:

  • Purified water - 2 liters
  • Beef (tenderloin) - 320-350 grams
  • Gelatin package - 1 piece (20 grams)
  • Salt and spices
  • fresh parsley

Cooking method:

  1. Let's cook the meat for the aspic. To do this, wash it and cut out the films and tendons. Dip the beef in boiling water, salt, add a couple of bay leaves. When the meat boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. For full cooking meat must be cooked for at least seventy minutes.
  2. Remove the meat from the broth, cool it completely and disassemble it with your hands into fibers.
  3. Gelatin from a bag should be filled with water, allowed to swell.
  4. The resulting broth must be filtered twice until completely transparent. Put it on fire and pour in the gelatin. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the broth, turn off the stove.
  5. Cut up the greens. In the form where the aspic will solidify, put a pinch of parsley and meat fibers. Pour all the broth with gelatin.

Recipe 2: Aspic Meat with Carrots

This meat aspic will be special thanks to golden color broth and the presence of carrots among other components.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1.8 liters of purified water
  • Veal - 310-340 grams
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Bay leaf
  • Parsley

Cooking method:

  1. Dip the veal in water, salt. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the fire. Dip the bay leaf into the water and season with salt.
  2. Peel the carrots and put them in a bowl as a whole. Boil the meat for about fifty minutes.
  3. Remove the cooked meat, carrots and cut the components into cubes with a knife, after cooling them.
  4. Gelatin needs to be poured hot water and let it swell.
  5. Strain the broth twice, then put on the fire and pour in the gelatin. As soon as the broth boils, remove it from the stove.
  6. In the forms where the aspic will thicken, you need to put a pinch of greens, meat and carrots, and then pour the broth.

Recipe 3: Aspic Meat with Cranberries

Do you believe that meat can go well with berries? Why not! Known a large number of berry sauces, which are served with fried pork or lula kebab. We will cook jellied meat with cranberries.

Required Ingredients:

  • Purified water for filling - 1.8 liters
  • Pork - 320 grams
  • Cranberries - 80 grams
  • Fresh herbs (dill and parsley)
  • Gelatin - 20 grams
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method:

  1. The meat needs to be washed and unnecessary films removed.
  2. Put a pot filled with water on the fire and put the meat in it.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, salt it and remove the foam. Add bay leaf to the broth.
  4. Boil the pork for about fifty minutes, after which the meat must be removed, cooled and cut into cubes.
  5. Pour gelatin with water, stir and let it swell.
  6. Strain the resulting broth, put on fire and pour gelatin into it. Heat up but do not boil.
  7. Chop greens, wash cranberries.
  8. Distribute the cranberries with greens, pieces of meat into forms and pour over the broth.

Recipe 4: Aspic meat (mix)

Prepare a delicious aspic by mixing different varieties meat. It can be beef and pork, rabbit and lamb, or an additive in the form of poultry meat. We will take veal and chicken for such aspic. For filling we will use chicken broth.

Required Ingredients:

  • Purified water for meat aspic - 3.5 liters
  • Chicken fillet - 220 grams
  • Veal - 220 grams
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet (20 grams)
  • fresh greens

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the veal and chicken and set to boil in different containers. Fillet should be boiled for twenty minutes, and veal for about an hour.
  2. We don’t need the beef liquid, but strain the broth in which the chicken was boiled and put on fire. In a separate glass, you need to dilute the gelatin with water and pour it into a saucepan with chicken broth. Heat up but do not boil.
  3. The meat must be divided into fibers, chop the greens.
  4. Arrange the meat and greens in the forms and pour over the chicken broth.

Recipe 5: Aspic Meat with Egg

Even from familiar dish you can create something new and unusual. Try cooking jellied meat with egg white and vegetables.

Required Ingredients:

  • Water purified for filling - 2.2 liters
  • Beef - 360 grams
  • Egg - 3 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Broccoli - 200 grams
  • fresh parsley
  • Gelatin - 20 grams (1 package)
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the beef and set it to boil, putting lavrushka in water and salting it. Meat should be cooked for at least an hour.
  2. As soon as the water in the pan boils, you need to remove the foam and lower the peeled whole carrots and broccoli there. Remove the broccoli after 15 minutes and chop finely.
  3. Put the boiled hard boiled egg. We do not need the yolks, but cut the whites into cubes.
  4. After an hour, we take out the carrots and meat from the pan. Cool the meat and cut into cubes together with carrots. Finely chop the greens.
  5. Dilute gelatin with water, add to the broth and heat.
  6. Arrange the components in molds and fill with broth.
  1. When the hostess prepares aspic, the question always arises: “Where should it freeze?” Many people prefer a refrigerator as a simple and fast way, but cooks recommend letting the aspic freeze in a different cool place. The fact is that there is enough gelatin in the dish, and therefore it will inevitably thicken, just not so quickly. In addition, in the refrigerator, jellied meat will definitely absorb “unnecessary” odors.
  2. A very strong aroma and seasoning suitable for meat is parsley root. We are used to using greens, but the roots have an even more pleasant and unusual smell. Add it to the broth after it boils.
  3. To make the jellied meat brownish, add the onion to the broth without removing the husk from it. The broth will turn out completely transparent if you cook the meat without additives, and then strain it twice.
  4. The taste of jellied meat can be diversified by adding fresh Bell pepper or an apple.
  5. Serve ready-made jellied meat with mustard, mayonnaise or sour cream. You can also make your own sauce. For example, this: connect two raw egg yolks, a third of a glass olive oil, mustard powder and chopped black olives. Beat the sauce with a blender until smooth and creamy. Optionally you can add sun-dried tomatoes, capers, garlic, dry Provencal herbs. This sauce can be used as a seasoning for meat and fish. If you see that the sauce has stratified, then just mix it with a spoon. The sauce is not recommended to be stored for more than two days.
  6. How to serve jellied meat? Some housewives spread pieces of aspic on cold croutons and pour white sauce on top.

A product made from vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries, soaked in a solution of acetic acid, salt and sugar with the addition of various spices or herbs. The marinade has a pleasant spicy taste, spicy smell, improves appetite. It is used as an appetizer, a side dish for main courses, for making vinaigrettes and salads in winter.
Vegetable marinades can be prepared from cucumbers, tomatoes, white, red and cauliflower, onions, beets, garlic, sweet red peppers, green beans, squash and purslane. Berry marinades are prepared from plums, cherries, dogwood, cherries, currants, grapes; fruit - from pears, apples. Vegetables, fruits and berries used for the preparation of marinades must be fresh, without spoilage.
Vegetable marinades can be made subacid, sour, and spicy; fruit and berry - sweet and sour and spicy. It depends on the amount of acetic acid added. Best for marinating table vinegar(6 - 8%), you can also use food vinegar essence of 80% strength (diluting it with water 10 - 13 times), but in this case the marinade acquires a sharply sour taste.
Filling preparation. Filling for vegetable marinades is prepared from salt, sugar, vinegar and water, for fruits and berries - from sugar, vinegar and water.
To prepare the filling, salt and sugar or one sugar are dissolved when heated in an appropriate amount of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes, after which it is filtered through a dense cloth. Vinegar is added to the filtered solution. Filling should be prepared in enamelware and for stirring, use spoons from of stainless steel or wooden.
To get slightly acidic marinades for 1 l pouring should take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and dissolve them in 3 1/4 cups of water; add 3/4 cup of vinegar. For acidic marinades, dissolve the same amounts of salt and sugar in 3 cups of water and add 1 cup of vinegar. For getting spicy marinades Dissolve the same amounts of salt and sugar in 2 cups of water and add 2 cups of vinegar. In each jar (capacity 1 l) add spices: 5 peas of bitter and allspice, 4 pieces of cloves and small piece cinnamon. For all types of vegetable marinades, except for the marinade for purslane, spices can be replaced with spicy herbs (in grams): dill - 3, tarragon - 3, parsley - 4, blackcurrant leaf - 2, horseradish (root) - 2, bay leaf- 2, garlic - 7, hot pepper - 0.2.

Vegetable marinades.

Cucumbers. For pickling, you should take small cucumbers with underdeveloped seeds and dense pulp. Remove stems, soak cucumbers in cold water(hold for about an hour) and wash thoroughly. small cucumbers marinate whole, large - cut into circles about 3 thick cm. Place the prepared cucumbers (preferably the same size) tightly in jars and pour over the filling so that it covers them.
Tomatoes. You can pickle tomatoes red, pink, brown or Green colour, round and plum-shaped. After removing the stalks, the tomatoes must be thoroughly washed. Depending on the size, the tomatoes are pickled whole or cut lengthwise into 2 halves. Pickled tomatoes in the same way as cucumbers.
Cauliflower . Remove the leaves from the cauliflower heads and separate into individual florets. Inflorescences are blanched (boiled) in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. To improve the color of cabbage, salt is added to the water and food acid(lemon or tartar) at the rate of 10 G salt and 0.5 G acid per 1 l water. After blanching, the cabbage should be immediately cooled in running water. Add spices, put in jars and pour over the prepared filling.
White cabbage and red cabbage . Peel the cabbage from the upper contaminated leaves, remove the stalk, chop no more than 5 mm wide and blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Then cool quickly and pour over the prepared filling. In order for the cabbage to be better saturated with the filling, you first need to pour a part of the filling into the jar, then lay the cabbage and pour the rest of the filling on top.
Onion . For pickling, you should take small onion sets or samples. Peel the onion by removing the root lobe and neck, then rinse and blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then quickly cool and pour over the prepared filling.
Beet . Boil thoroughly washed beets in their skins until tender, then peel them and cut them into small cubes or in the form of noodles. Pour the prepared beets with filling.
You can cook beets with horseradish. Put the cooked and chopped beets in jars and pour them in layers grated horseradish at the rate of 5 - 10% horseradish to the weight of beets and then pour marinade filling.
Garlic . Before peeling, soak the garlic in warm water(within 2 hours) to make it easier to clean. Then remove the outer skin and cut off the top of the garlic head. Wash the peeled slices thoroughly in cold water and pour over the prepared filling.
red sweet pepper. For pickling, take peppers with fleshy walls and a bright red color. Remove stems and seeds. To completely remove the seeds, peppers should be rinsed in cold water. Peeled pepper cut in half, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute and cool quickly. Place the prepared peppers in jars and pour over the filling.
string beans. For pickling, you should take unripe beans with underdeveloped seeds and dense pulp. Remove the ends of the pods; large pods cut into pieces (approximately 3 cm), blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then cool quickly. Put the prepared beans in jars and pour over the filling.
Wash the patissons thoroughly, cut the large ones into slices, and pickle the small ones whole. Put prepared patissons in jars and fill with filling.
Purslane. Soak purslane leaves contaminated with earth, and then rinse thoroughly in cold water. Remove the woody shoots and blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, then cool quickly. Only garlic is added as a spice (15 G for 1 kg marinade).
Glass jars (capacity 0.5 l and 1 l) and cylinders (capacity 3 l) With vegetable marinades sealed with a manual seamer (see Fig. Preservation by sterilization).
After capping, clamps are put on the lids of jars and cylinders with slightly acidic and acidic marinades and then the marinades are pasteurized in boiling water at a temperature of 100 °; warming marinades lasts 20 - 25 minutes; pasteurization for cans - 5 - 7 minutes, cylinders - 10 minutes, followed by cooling.
Jars and cylinders with marinades can also be sealed with cork or wooden stoppers followed by filling with resin or pour marinades with a thin layer vegetable oil and then close the dishes parchment paper and tie with twine.
Usually, after two weeks of exposure, the marinade is ready for use.

Fruit and berry marinades.

Filling preparation. For sweet and sour marinades: 3 1/4 cups water, 3/4 cup vinegar, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar (for grapes 2.5 tablespoons). For spicy marinades: 2 cups water, 2 cups vinegar, 7.5 - 8 tbsp. spoons of sugar (for grapes 6 tablespoons).
In a jar (1 l) should be put: allspice - 5 peas, cloves - 4 pieces and a small piece of cinnamon.
In plums, cherries, sweet cherries, dogwoods, the stalks are removed and washed thoroughly.
Black, red, white currants, grapes, after a thorough washing, are pickled with whole berries (without stalks) or inflorescences and clusters. Gooseberries - whole berries.
Pears and apples can be pickled with skin or peeled. They are cored and then blanched in boiling water (apples up to 5 minutes, pears up to 10 minutes) and cooled quickly.
Fruit and berry marinades are pasteurized in hot water at a temperature of 85 °: warming up the marinades lasts 15 minutes, pasteurization 15 - 20 minutes (for cans with a capacity of 0.5 l and 1 l) and for 3-liter cylinders warming up 25 minutes, pasteurizing 25 minutes and cooling 25 minutes.
Banks and cylinders with fruit and berry marinades(unpasteurized) are corked or covered with parchment and tied with twine.
Store marinades in a cool, dry place.

Marinade filling is water solution salt, sugar and vinegar. Salt and sugar for pouring should be of good quality, clean. It is better to take fine salt, in packs, large salt dissolves in water for a long time and leaves a sediment. Filling is prepared with a salt content of 4 to 8%, depending on the type of vegetables. In other words, 40 to 80 g of pure water should be added to 1 liter of water. fine salt. The amount of sugar should be between 4 and 10%. Salt and sugar in the amount required by the recipe is dissolved in water when heated and stirred. When they are completely dissolved, the solution is boiled for 10-15 minutes. During boiling on the surface of the brine may appear in a small amount foam, and in the liquid itself, suspended dark particles located between salt and sugar crystals will become noticeable. If there are too many of them and the solution becomes cloudy, then in order to obtain a good, transparent filling, it should be filtered through a cloth after boiling.

After boiling, add to the filling acetic acid. The acid is volatile, so it should not be poured in first, as it can completely evaporate when boiled.

Acetic acid can be used in the form of weak vinegar with a strength of 5-9% or in the form of vinegar essence with a strength of 80% (sometimes 70%). Most often you have to use strong vinegar essence. On the bottles in which vinegar is sold, its strength is necessarily written. It is easy to calculate how much vinegar should be added to water in order to obtain the necessary acidity. marinade filling. For example, vinegar contains 6% acids, but you need to prepare a filling with 1% acidity. Dividing 6 by 1, we get that the finished filling should be 6 times more than the vinegar taken. If there is 0.5 l of vinegar, then fillings from it can be obtained: 0.5 x 6 \u003d 3 l, i.e. to 0.5 liters of vinegar, add 2.5 liters of water, in which sugar and salt have already been dissolved. If the acidity of the vinegar was 7%, and you want to get a filling with an acidity of 0.8%, then dividing 7 by 0.8, you get an approximate dilution value, which in this example will be equal to 9, i.e., 8 parts of water must be added 1 part vinegar.

If vinegar is added to a ready-made solution of sugar and salt, then this solution will become somewhat weaker than calculated. But this difference can be excluded or taken into account in advance. For example, if we want to prepare a filling with 5% salt and sugar, then, given that a 7% vinegar solution will then be added to this solution, we will prepare a slightly stronger solution (6% salt and 7% Sahara). Then, in the finished filling, approximately the desired concentration of sugar and salt is obtained.

When using vinegar essence, it can be added to vegetables in two ways: either prepare the filling (marinade) in a separate bowl in advance and then pour it over the vegetables laid in jars, or add the measured required amount directly to each jar vinegar essence, and then pour the vegetables with a filling containing salt, sugar. In both cases, you can get the exact dosage of vinegar essence.

Particularly tasty are marinades cooked with grape vinegar or table vinegar infused with aromatic herbs. If the vinegar is strong, dilute it halfway with water, then add salt, sugar, spices, let it boil, then cool.
