
Symptoms and treatment of citric acid poisoning. Citric acid: the benefits and harms of food additive E330

Every housewife in the kitchen has an inconspicuous container in which white powder is poured - citric acid. We will consider all the properties of this dietary supplement. Today, citric acid will fall under our gaze, the benefits that it can give, and the harm - with inept use.

Citric acid contains vitamins A and E.

Citric acid is a weak tribasic carboxylic acid, which has the appearance of a white powder, these are small crystals to the touch.

The described substance is perfectly soluble in water and alcohol, and when heated, it splits into and CO2.

The taste is sour. It is considered a food additive and acidity regulator, it is labeled E330.

Citric acid contains E, as well as sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. Its toxicity is at a low level.

Beneficial features

E330 has a number of useful properties, so it is often indispensable in many situations:

  • It is an antioxidant, it takes part in slowing down the processes associated with human aging. This nutritional supplement has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, while increasing its elasticity, activates cell renewal, and reduces the severity of wrinkles.
  • It is used as a peeling. External agents (creams, masks) containing citric acid remove harmful organic compounds from the body.
  • Works as an antiseptic. To calm the sore throat, you should rinse your mouth every hour and a half with a 30% solution of this remedy. Relief follows soon after.
  • It has a positive effect on: dissolves salts, removes toxins, burns carbohydrates faster and speeds up the process of digestion.
  • Favorably affects other organs: strengthens the immune system, increases visual acuity, normalizes the endocrine system, enriches the body with calcium.
  • Reduces the level of intoxication of the body. It is often used as a cure for a hangover.
  • Helps to get rid of existing kidney stones and prevents the formation of new hard deposits.

Although citric acid is an excellent folk remedy for improving, but before deciding to use it for health purposes, you should consult your doctor. It should be remembered that, like any other chemical substance, it has a number of limitations.

Effect on hair

The use of citric acid will help get rid of kidney stones.

Another benefit of citric acid is that it softens water. If hard water runs from the tap, then it becomes problematic to wash your hair with high quality.

In this case, the strands are rinsed with a solution of warm water (1 liter) with the addition of E330 (2 grams). This procedure will give the hair silkiness and attractive shine.

A firming mask is prepared on the basis of a nutritional supplement. For this you need: 2 g of citric acid, 5 g of honey, 30 ml of aloe juice, 1 yolk. All components except, mix, and then add it. Apply evenly to the hair and leave for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water. The frequency of applying the mask is every other day. The length of the wellness course depends on the condition of the hair.

Citric acid can reduce the oiliness of the scalp due to narrowing of the pores.

attitude towards weight loss

Citric acid increases the metabolic rate, burning a lot of fat.

According to scientists, the food supplement E330 includes antioxidants that cleanse the organs and systems of the human body.

She is able to increase the level by burning more fat. Citric acid is a good remedy for weight loss, but you need to be careful with it.

The supplement has a diuretic effect, as it removes fluid from the body. As a result, appetite disappears and a person's body weight decreases.

The Health Organization Committee concluded that the rate of use of this remedy should not be more than 120 mg per kilogram of body. It is good if a person takes 66-80 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. As a folk remedy, you can use citric acid for weight loss, but you should always know the norm and never exceed it.

A video will tell about the benefits and harms of citric acid:


Citric acid is a substance that is used in many industries, as well as for household needs. Most often, a food additive is used in the food industry. It plays the role of:

  1. Result
  2. flavor enhancer
  3. It is added to give a sour "tip" to some dishes, sweets and drinks.
  4. food preservative
  5. It works effectively in the environment of its presence: it destroys microorganisms and mold fungi, and then prevents their reappearance. As a result, the shelf life of the product is extended. Citric acid is widely used in preservation.
  6. Marinade for
  7. Gives meat a softer texture.
  8. Additives in wine making
  9. Improves the taste of wine products and reduces acidity

In the pharmaceutical industry, citric acid is added in the manufacture of medicines containing vitamin C. The cosmetic industry also uses E330. The antioxidant properties of this substance have made it indispensable in the production of high-quality cosmetics.

This additive adjusts the pH of creams to match the pH of human skin. As a result, citric acid has a rejuvenating effect on it, as the growth of new cells is activated.

On citric acid occur rarely. With the help of E330, the level of skin pigmentation decreases. It is also found in effervescent bath products. Housewives also do not bypass citric acid, they widely use it in everyday life. For example, they dissolve solid deposits in a kettle and an iron, clean silver and various surfaces, and take care of flowers with it.

It can be said about citric acid that it is beneficial in many areas of people's lives, but how, and under what circumstances, can this supplement be harmful?

Harm and contraindications for use

In the kitchen of any housewife there is always an indispensable product - citric acid. Many do not even realize that it is used not only for cooking various dishes, but also for medicinal purposes, cosmetology, at home and even in the oil industry. The substance has a white crystalline structure, has many benefits, but there are some precautions when using it.

Composition and chemical properties, glycemic index

It was first obtained by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele in 1784 from the juice of not quite ripe lemons. In science, it has received the name E330 food supplement, which is a natural or synthetic antioxidant. The technique of extracting from citrus fruits, needles, from the stems of tobacco crops was not very effective, because the amount obtained was minimal. For the production of large volumes of lemongrass, specific strains of mold fungi Penicillium and Aspergillus are now used.

The product has a high content of vitamins E and A, as well as useful minerals - sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus. Additive E330 quickly dissolves in water, when heated to a high temperature, it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

According to the chemical structure, E330 is a tribasic hydroxycarboxylic acid, and its esters and salts are called citrates.

The glycemic index of citric acid is quite low - it is only 15 units. Calorie content is 1 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Where is citric acid used?

The product is used in cooking, as a remedy, cosmetology, everyday life and other areas. It has the following unique properties:

  • Easily and quickly combines with other chemicals.
  • Excellent solubility.
  • Completely safe for the environment.
  • The lowest level of toxicity.
  • Has a wide range of medicinal properties.
  • It is a water softener.
  • Acts as a cleanser.

Important!Throughout the CIS, E330 is included in the list of permitted food additives. This antioxidant belongs to the group of safe substances for health.

General beneficial properties for health, organs and systems of water with citric acid and this acid itself

The product is useful in many areas, but most of all it differs in its medicinal properties. Many do not even realize that not only citric acid itself brings a positive effect, but also water with its addition.

2. Citric acid is used to cleanse the intestinal tract of harmful toxins and bacteria.

3. Warm drinking water with food supplement cleanses the liver. Such a drink contributes to the production of bile, is useful for the normal digestive process. Drinking one glass of this water daily on an empty stomach will help to improve the functioning of your intestines, relieve constipation and heartburn.

4. Reduces the risk of irritation of inflamed skin (furuncle, acne).

5. Water with citric acid is a wonderful remedy for cleansing blood vessels and arteries.

6. Such a drink is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. One glass of water with citric acid will instantly bring your health back to normal.

7. Has a positive effect on the oral cavity. When rinsing, it kills all bacteria and germs, freshens breath.

8. Citric acid is one of the substances that minimize the risk of diseases of the joints, tendons, ligaments.

9. Daily inclusion in the diet of one glass of water with citric acid strengthens the immune system.

10. Food supplement E330 has a positive effect on the skin. By its action, it regulates the moisture content of healthy skin, making it supple and elastic.

11. During a hangover, water with citric acid will bring you simply invaluable benefits. The drink will detoxify the entire body.

Features of influence on the human body

This valuable substance is found in many products that bring many benefits to a person, but sometimes it affects our body in completely different ways.

Benefits for adult men and women

  • The use of citric acid in food increases the amount of calcium in the body of an adult several times.
  • This dietary supplement helps to normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • It is a means of preventing the development of cancer cells.
  • The product helps in the fight against kidney stones. It breaks down minerals that contribute to their appearance, and also removes already formed ones. The more of this substance in the urine, the more effective the process of alkalization.
  • Citric acid also benefits the circulatory system. It reduces the risk of metabolic acidosis, thereby protecting the body from serious diseases.
  • The active substances of this product neutralize free radicals in the body and act as antioxidants, thereby reducing the risk of various tumors.
  • In men and women, with the help of citric acid, the digestive system improves, metabolism accelerates.
  • For the beautiful half of humanity, it is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. When using citric acid, the skin of the face becomes smooth, wrinkles are removed and a rejuvenating effect is observed.
  • As a peeling, this substance will help get rid of age spots, acne. After cleansing the skin, the face becomes bright and radiant.
  • Citric acid is also beneficial in hair care. If you add a little powder to the water, they will become lighter, silkier and healthier.

Useful properties for pregnant and lactating

  • It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to take various drugs, so tea with citric acid will be an excellent remedy during flu and colds.
  • Water with the addition of this powder will become an indispensable assistant in removing puffiness from the hands and feet, both during pregnancy and after.
  • For normal bowel function for expectant and nursing mothers, a lemon will be simply priceless.
  • A light solution helps in the production of lactose.
  • Improves the immune system of mother and baby.

Benefits for children

If you saw the food supplement E330 on the packaging of baby food, then there is no reason to worry, it will not bring harm at all. Citric acid brings many benefits to the children's body, but it should be used with caution in food. For a child, the daily dose of the substance is about 60 mg per 1 kg of weight.

If your child accidentally ate a lot of pure citric acid, you should urgently call a doctor or give him a glass of milk to drink. You can also take large amounts of water to induce vomiting spasms. Exceeding the daily allowance can cause allergic processes, which are quite difficult to identify without specially passed tests.

Benefits in old age

Over time, our body begins to age and many changes occur. In old age, a person is faced with various diseases, water with citric acid will help in the fight against some of them.

Daily introduction of this drink into the diet will improve the quality of vision several times, relieve joint pain, minimize the risk of varicose veins and blood clots, improve the general condition, and also give strength.

Special categories

For people diagnosed with diabetes, experts recommend using citric acid to lower blood sugar. A drink of warm water and this substance will help to regulate its daily level.

Potential danger and contraindications

Citric acid brings not only benefits to the human body, but also harm, in some cases:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use a food supplement for ulcers of the stomach, mouth and esophagus.
  2. You should always adhere to the daily dosage, otherwise you can cause irritation of the skin and gastric mucosa. The consequences of this can lead to serious poisoning and disease.
  3. Avoid contact with eyes and nasopharynx, as this can lead to severe burns.
  4. People who are allergic to citric acid should not eat it.

Recommendations for use. Which is healthier - citric acid or lemon?

To avoid disastrous consequences with this product, you should always adhere to the daily allowance, which is about 4-5 grams. Before use, it should be thoroughly dissolved in water and divided into several parts. Drink this drink 20-30 minutes before a meal.

If we compare two such valuable products as lemon and citric acid, then, of course, lemon outweighs its merits. It contains some vitamins and minerals that are not found in the food substance, but it also has beneficial properties that are not found in this fruit.

How to use in cooking

Citric acid is used to prepare many dishes. It is added to carbonated drinks, tea, jam, fruit puddings, jelly, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, canned food, processed cheese, etc. It becomes an indispensable assistant in home preservation.

One of the easiest cold drink recipes at home using this product is as follows:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Citric acid - 2/3 tsp.

Pour one tablespoon of sugar into a saucepan, heat and bring to brown. Add hot water and pour out the remaining granulated sugar. Then pour in the lemon and mix everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.

Use for weight loss and diet

This substance contains antioxidants that cleanse the body of harmful toxins, speed up metabolism, and burn fat deposits. This effect occurs only when you often eat foods containing a lot of citric acid: lemon, blackcurrant, orange, tangerine.

But it should be remembered that in order to get rid of excess weight, the use of some products will not be enough. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, as well as exercise.

How to choose a good product

To buy a quality lemon, you should always look at the date of manufacture on the package - it should not exceed three months. Color - slightly yellowish or colorless. The consistency should be free-flowing, not sticky, with a sour taste. Be sure to check its solubility in water.

Citric acid is a crystallized substance that has a white color. It dissolves easily in water and alcohol. Citric acid is found in citrus fruits and some berries, grants, and pineapples. Citric acid is used as a food additive. It is also a good preservative.

What is useful citric acid

Citric acid helps a person get rid of toxins, toxins, excess salts. It has a healing effect on digestion, burns carbohydrates in anaerobic conditions, improves vision. Scientists have found that citric acid increases human immunity and prevents the occurrence of tumors. Also, the supplement promotes more active absorption of calcium, normalizes the psycho-neuro-endocrine system.

Citric acid has astringent and bactericidal action. Thanks to citric acid, metabolic processes in the body are very active. Acid has proven itself as an effective remedy for hangovers. A drink made from citric acid dissolved in water can be used for weight loss.

Citric acid is often used in cosmetics. It is involved in cellular metabolism, eliminates fine wrinkles. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic. Citric acid can be used as a peeling. It helps to get rid of skin defects, including freckles and pigmentation. Citric acid, as part of cosmetics and care products, removes toxic substances through the pores. The face takes on a healthy and fresh look. Acid has a beneficial effect on hair. They become less greasy and become silky and natural gloss. Also, the component can be used in the form of a brightening hair mask, as a rinse, and a remedy for home highlighting.

Harm of citric acid

Citric acid can harm people suffering from stomach diseases. In this regard, the use of this supplement should be reduced or completely eliminated from use. It can aggravate the patient's condition.

With the abuse of citric acid, you can get a burn of the mucous membrane of the mouth and digestive organs. This can cause pain and also lead to coughing and vomiting. Powdered citric acid can cause significant harm if it gets on the mucous membranes. Therefore, this supplement should be consumed diluted, in acceptable concentrations. Inhalation of citric acid is unacceptable, as this can cause burns or irritation.

Citric acid is present in every kitchen. It is often the finishing touch to many dishes and drinks, including sweet ones. And how she helps out in the summer when creating a refreshing cocktail! However, it should be remembered that this product can be both a savior and a pest.

What is citric acid made of, its chemical composition

Citric acid is a white, odorless powder. It quickly dissolves in water. If you go deeper into chemistry, the product consists of 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic and 3-hydroxy-3-carboxypentanedioic acids. These three bases have the formula C6H8O7. Esters and salts are called citrates.

The very first citric acid was extracted in 1874 from the unripe fruits of the lemon tree. It was received by the Swede Carl Scheele. It is suitable for eating. Many plants, especially citrus and conifers, contain this element, but most of all it is extracted from Chinese magnolia vine or unripe lemons. Today's technologies make it possible to extract the product using a mold fungus and the synthesis of sugary substances.

Application area

Citric acid is used in various fields, but its main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is cooking. It is known as the preservative E330-E333 and is present in a wide variety of packaged foods such as canned food.

In home and restaurant cooking, it is used in the preparation of meat, sauces, marinades, fish, etc. In the confectionery business, it is added both to dough and to fillings and creams. Almost all purchased sweet waters have this substance in their composition.

In everyday life, acid also found its place. It is used as a cleaning product. It cleans kettles and washing machines from scale, adds fertilizer to flowers, cleans silver and kitchen surfaces.

Medicine, dietology and cosmetology also do not neglect this substance. This is a good way to speed up metabolism and an additive to cosmetics. The element is used in the oil industry to neutralize a high pH level, and in construction - in the manufacture of gypsum or cement. Even computer science cannot do without acid: it is used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards.

Health benefits and harms

Not everyone knows about the healing properties of citric acid. With its help, you can achieve impressive results in weight loss, colds and more. It has a very positive effect on the digestive system.

Firstly, the product helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, excess salts and harmful substances. Similarly, it removes toxins from skin cells. Secondly, it speeds up metabolism, eliminates alcohol and helps with detoxification of a poisoned organism. Scientists have noticed that the acid burns carbohydrates, has antitumor properties and has a beneficial effect on vision.

During the peak of colds, it is important to remember one more ability of the substance. If you gargle with a solution of acid in your throat, it will help get rid of phlegm and relieve pain. With a similar solution, you can wipe the skin to get rid of age spots, freckles, and narrow pores. This is a great way to make the skin matte and clean and even whiten the nail plates.

The most important rule when using citric acid is to remember the measure. This is a concentrated substance, it can only be used diluted. In case of an overdose, it will cause a burn of the gastric mucosa, heartburn, bloody vomiting. Causes severe irritation if inhaled or in contact with eyes. When applied to the skin, it can cause redness, especially in the sensitive type.

Of course, if you have an allergy or individual intolerance, a weak stomach, an ulcer or gastritis, the product should be discarded immediately. It is strictly not recommended for small children.

Sour water: benefits and harms

Citric acid water is one of my favorite instant drinks. It improves thirst much better than plain water due to its sourness. To taste in such a drink, you can add mint, sugar, ginger, fruits - whatever your heart desires.

The properties of the acid do not change when other products are added, but the whole drink only benefits from this. It starts the metabolic process, has a tonic effect. Therefore, many people drink such a drink in the morning instead of coffee to wake up quickly.

In winter, water with acid is no less important than in summer. They help keep the body alert throughout the day and have a general strengthening effect. This significantly reduces the chance of getting sick and helps digest food. In winter, the diet has little greens and fruits, which also contain this substance, so you can replace it with a similar drink.

In small quantities, such water will not harm. It is important to dilute the correct dose so as not to harm. Otherwise, it will cause heartburn and damage the gastric mucosa, cause coughing and sore throat. You should not drink ice water, so as not to harm the throat, but the room temperature of the drink will be ideal.

Citric acid with soda: benefits and harms

Surprisingly, what can lead to heartburn can also save you from it. Just add soda. A drink from it, water and citric acid in most cases helps to get rid of unpleasant irritation. But before taking it, you should consider some nuances.

Such a drink should be taken only in cases where heartburn is rare. For example, after a stormy feast. For 100 ml of water, you need to take 0.5 tsp of soda and acid. Mix. As soon as the reaction starts and bubbles appear, the drink should be drunk in small sips. In the people it is called "pop". You can add some sugar to improve the taste.

It must be remembered that such a “pop” is not a panacea. It only eliminates the symptoms, but does not cure the cause. Some time after taking it, there will be a repeated increase in the level of acidity and the condition may worsen. Next, you need to consult a doctor.

How to properly dissolve

Preparing a solution with citric acid is quite simple. To do this, be sure to choose non-metallic dishes. For example, glass or plastic is suitable. The more acid in the solution, the longer it can be stored due to its preservative properties.

To prepare a solution with a high concentration, you need to take 460 g of water and 450 g of acid. It needs to be filled with boiling water. After cooling, the product will be ready for use. Sometimes it needs to be stirred. If you need a less strong concentration, just reduce the amount of acid.

Application for weight loss

Citric acid is also used to reduce weight. It is consumed dissolved in water, often before meals. Thus, it increases the viscosity of saliva, reduces appetite and starts the work of the stomach to cleanse toxins. Moreover, its value is 0 kcal.

The course of admission is often only a month, subject to a light diet. With each week of use, the solution becomes stronger. Serious results should not be expected, but you can cleanse your body. Also, when eating, you need to reduce the amount of sugar, salt and fat.

The harm of this technique is irritation of the gastric mucosa. In addition, such consumption due to the acidic environment has a bad effect on tooth enamel. If you have kidney problems, you should not go on such a diet, as the acid causes a diuretic effect. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or inflammation in the oral cavity, the use of such a drink is strictly not recommended. After drinking, it is better to rinse your mouth with plain water.

The price of the product, what can be replaced

Citric acid is quite cheap. For 100 g, the price fluctuates around 50 rubles. You can find it in absolutely all grocery stores.

You can replace the acid with its analogue - lemon juice. Such a replacement will be even more useful due to natural origin, and not synthetic production. For 1 tsp of powder, there is 1 lemon. In the absence of citrus, the substance indicated in the recipe can be replaced with table vinegar. It must be added as much as indicated by the acid itself.

It should always be borne in mind that citric acid is a concentrated product and you need very little of it in absolutely all dishes or drinks. Mankind has come up with hundreds of ways to use this substance, even outside the kitchen. This once again proves the importance of citric acid in our lives.

It is difficult to find such a hostess who would not have a few bags of citric acid in stock. This is a universal substance that is widely used in cooking, especially during the harvesting period. Citric acid not only enhances the taste of foods, but also prolongs their shelf life, so this additive is included in the recipes of almost all methods of pickling and pickling vegetables.

Some mistakenly believe that citric acid is made from lemons. In fact, this is not the case, although it is found in the pulp and juice of many fruits. Like any food product (in this case, a food supplement), citric acid can benefit the body or, conversely, harm health, so it is important to know what properties the substance has and how to use it correctly.


For the liver

Not everyone knows that citric acid is an excellent cleanser for liver cells. After entering the body, the supplement stimulates the formation of bile, with which toxins, poisons and other harmful substances that accumulate in the body and impede its work are removed from the liver.

Advice! To improve the functioning of the liver, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water in the morning (it can be at room temperature) with the addition of a pinch of citric acid. You can add a little honey or a few mint leaves to the drink - this composition will help not only cleanse the liver of toxins, but also improve well-being, as well as give strength and increase efficiency.

For the pancreas

Citric acid is an excellent tool for the prevention of hypoglycemic crises, as it perfectly binds sugars and helps regulate their amount in the blood. With regular use, you can significantly reduce the risk of glycemic surges: for this, you need to drink 50 ml of water mixed with a pinch of citric acid before each meal.

For weight loss

For those with a sweet tooth who are obese, the supplement will help control sugar cravings. This is especially important for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. If excess weight is the result of abundant consumption of sweets and rich pastries, citric acid will help overcome addiction and regulate weight. In this case, it should be taken in the same way as for the treatment of diabetes.

To fight a hangover

Citric acid is indispensable for hangovers and the use of high doses of alcohol. One glass of water with the addition of citric acid works just as well as advertised medical preparations for eliminating intoxication caused by alcohol vapors. 10-15 minutes after consumption, a person has the following therapeutic effect:

  • headache decreases;
  • the gag reflex disappears;
  • nausea subsides;
  • general well-being improves.

Advice! If a feast with the intake of "strong" drinks cannot be avoided, it is recommended to drink a glass of "lemon water" half an hour before drinking alcohol. Such a measure will help reduce the appearance of intoxication and prevent the appearance of a hangover syndrome (provided that a certain measure will still be observed).

Other useful properties

This is not the whole list of useful properties that citric acid is rich in. Experts recommend using this supplement to combat certain chronic ailments. The product has the following useful properties:

  • cleanses the blood and blood vessels and arteries from harmful cholesterol (prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques);
  • improves digestive processes;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • helps to clear the skin of acne, pimples, boils and other purulent rashes;
  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • has a moderate diuretic effect, helps to get rid of edema;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • destroys microbes and bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps maintain the elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Advice! People suffering from bad breath are advised to rinse their mouth with a strong solution of citric acid (half a spoonful in a glass of water). This procedure will help maintain fresh breath and improve the condition of the oral cavity.

Despite all the useful properties, not everyone can use this supplement, since citric acid has not only useful properties, but can also cause significant harm to the body.

Harm and contraindications

Citric acid should not be used by people with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers), as well as with severe heartburn, since the supplement will only increase the clinical symptoms of the disease. If there are injuries, sores and other inflammatory rashes in the oral cavity, it is better to refuse to take citric acid.

Some dentists believe that industrial citric acid adversely affects the health of teeth and the condition of tooth enamel. To avoid tissue loosening, do not use products based on citric acid for more than 2-3 weeks in a row.

A small percentage of the world's population is allergic to citric acid, but this situation is extremely rare (less than 1% of cases).

Citric acid and cancer

Some doctors do not recommend the use of citric acid in cooking, as it is believed that this additive can provoke the growth of cancer cells and the formation of malignant tumors. Research on this topic is still being carried out, but so far there is no official confirmation of this theory. In any case, experts do not recommend consuming citric acid often or in large quantities. Before using any prescription for the treatment of any disease, you should consult a doctor.

Chemical composition

Citric acid is white crystals with a characteristic sour taste. The product belongs to natural antioxidants and dissolves well in liquids based on water and ethyl alcohol. The calorie content of the additive is practically zero - only 1 kcal per 100 g. There are no nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) in the composition.

How to choose and store?

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the consistency and structure of the product. To do this, you need to take a bag of powder in your hands and carefully probe it. If there are lumps, then the product was stored at high humidity. Such an additive will not cause much harm, but it will definitely not add benefits to the body.

Store citric acid in its original packaging within the expiration date indicated on the sachet. Usually it is 12 months (the product, packaged in large bags, can be stored for 2 years at an air humidity of not more than 70%).

Application in everyday life

  • To remove scale and destroy molds and bacteria inside the washing machine, you need to run the wash with the maximum duration (usually the “Cotton” or “Antibacterial” modes) and add 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of citric acid to the drum.
  • To remove wine stains from cotton fabrics, you can use a gruel of citric acid and soda. To prepare it, you need to mix the substances in a ratio of 1: 2 and add a few drops of water. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave for a few minutes, then wash the item in the usual way.
  • 10 g of citric acid will help remove scale from the surface of the kettle. You just need to pour the additive into a kettle of water and boil (you can 2-3 times). After the procedure, the kettle should be rinsed with cold water.
  • You can wash rust stains in the toilet or sink using this solution: pour a sachet of citric acid with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. By the way, you can achieve the crystal whiteness of the toilet in another way: pour almost a glass of acid into the toilet and leave it overnight. Wipe the surface in the morning and rinse with water.

Citric acid is a versatile additive that can be used both in cooking and at home. To make its use safe, you should consult a specialist about possible contraindications.
