
Mustard powder. Calorie content, useful properties

In the article we discuss mustard - what the spice is made of. You will find out what the mustard plant looks like in the photo, what varieties it has. We will tell you how to choose and store seasoning, how to use it in cooking.

Mustard is a popular spice that is obtained by processing the seeds of the mustard plant. See how the mustard seeds look in the photo.

Appearance (photo) of mustard seeds

Mustard has been widely used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.. Both whole and ground seeds are used. Mustard oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant, and mustard powder is obtained from the cake, from which the well-known sauce is made.

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of mustard are in the rich chemical composition of the spice. It contains fatty and essential oils, a complex of vitamins and microelements, linoleic, oleic, myristic, erucic, lignoceric and behenic acids.

Mustard has long been known for its warming properties. In the pharmaceutical industry, mustard plasters are made on its basis, which are used to treat colds in adults and children. Read more in the articles - and.

Mustard powder effectively eliminates cough. Read the recipes for preparing medicines based on spices in the articles - and.

What does it look like

In order to understand what mustard looks like, look at the photo. The mustard plant has lyre-shaped or whole leaves. The apical inflorescences consist of 5-9 small yellow flowers. The fruits are spherical seeds hidden in a bicuspid pod.

Appearance of the mustard plant

How and where does it grow

Mustard is considered to be the birthplace of Asia, although there are references to this spice in the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Nowadays, the plant is found on the territory of Holland, France, China, India, the countries of Central Asia, Egypt and Pakistan. In Russia, mustard is grown in the North Caucasus, the Volga region and Siberia. Look at the photo, how the mustard grows.

You learned what kind of seasoning mustard is. Consider what varieties of mustard are, how they differ.

Types of mustard

There are about 40 plant species from which the famous spice is obtained. The most common of them are black, white and Sarepta mustard. See how white mustard and black look in the photo.

Black or French mustard has a tart taste and a spicy aroma. Sauces are most often prepared from the seeds of this mustard.

White or English mustard is the mildest in taste, without a pronounced aroma. White mustard grains are 35% fatty oil, which is why they are often used to press mustard oil.

Sarepta or Russian mustard is the most spicy seasoning. It has a pronounced spicy taste and spicy aroma. The grains are 49% fatty oil, this type of mustard is used in the production of mustard oil.

Mustard is combined with other spices and herbs. As a result, many varieties of mustard-based sauces and spices are obtained. The most popular recipes are traditional English, sweet Bavarian, French Dijon and spicy Russian. You can familiarize yourself with the cooking method in the article -.

How mustard is made

Mustard makes a delicious sauce

Taste and smell of seasoning

Depending on the type of mustard grains, a milder or spicier sauce is obtained. For example, white mustard has the mildest taste and aroma, while black mustard, on the contrary, has the most pronounced pungent taste and spicy smell.

The use of mustard in cooking

Mustard is used as an independent sauce or combined with other ingredients. For example, it is added to Provencal mayonnaise to give it a piquant touch.

What dishes are added

Mustard is used to prepare meat and poultry dishes. Mustard sauce forms a crisp on the surface of the meat, leaving it juicy and soft inside. Mustard is added to the marinade for preservation.

White mustard with a milder taste is added to vegetable dishes. It is used as a dressing for salads.

What spices goes with

Mustard is combined with coriander, red and black pepper, garlic, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. This spice can be found in the composition of ready-made seasonings, for example, curry, sambaar podi and panchporan.

You learned that mustard is a seasoning, and what dishes it is added to. We will tell you how to choose and store spices.

How to choose mustard

When buying mustard seeds, pay attention to their appearance. They should be uniform in color, without spots. The grains should be approximately the same size. When pressed, they should not crumble.

If you buy mustard in the form of a sauce, then choose the product in a glass container, not in a tube. This will give you an idea of ​​the color and consistency of the sauce. If a dark coating and oil stains are visible on the surface, this indicates that the product is spoiled. White mustard sauce is light brown, black mustard sauce is dark.

Pay attention to the composition. It should not contain extraneous additives in the form of starch, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and preservatives. The presence of citric acid (E330) and curcumin (E100) is allowed.

For more information about mustard, see the video:

How to store mustard

Mustard is stored in a tightly closed glass container in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees. The finished sauce retains its beneficial properties for 45 days.


Contraindications to the use of mustard:

  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • exacerbation of gastric diseases (gastritis, ulcer);
  • tuberculosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to 2 years.

Mustard should not be used externally for skin diseases, irritation and itching. When using mustard plasters, strictly follow the recommendations for the time of the procedure in order to prevent skin burns.

What to remember

  1. Mustard has been used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.
  2. Mustard has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
  3. There are about 40 plant species from which mustard is obtained. The most common of them are black, white and Sarepta mustard.
  4. The spice enhances blood circulation and normalizes digestion.

Calorie content and composition of mustard powder. Its positive and negative impact on health, possible harm. Recipes for dishes with seasoning and all the most interesting about it.

The content of the article:

Mustard powder is the result of the processing of mustard seeds, a plant from the Cabbage family. To do this, they are dried and ground into dust, resulting in a homogeneous dry mass of almost white, yellow, beige or brown color. The powder is very soft to the touch, but has a not very pleasant, pungent and bitter smell. It tastes the same, so no one uses it in its pure and raw form. The homeland of the product is either present-day Afghanistan or China. In cooking, this ingredient is used to make mustard seasoning or as an additive to various dishes.

Composition and calorie content of mustard powder

Almost 50% of the product consists of mustard oil, another 2% is essential oils, about 5% is occupied by nitrogenous substances and pectins. The composition also contains potassium salt and sinigrin glycoside, which are to blame for the bitter taste of the powder. But they kill all microbes, preventing them from affecting the work of internal organs and systems.

The calorie content of mustard powder per 100 g is 378 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 37.1 g;
  • Fats - 11.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 32.6 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 5.9 g;
  • Water - 7.3 g;
  • Ash - 6 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A, RE - 5 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.03 mg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.3 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin - 0.7 mg;
  • E, alpha-tocopherol, TE - 4.2 mg;
  • RR, NE - 6.4 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 828 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 365 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 453 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 67 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 797 mg.
The composition of mustard powder includes such a trace element as iron, which contains 40 mg per 100 g, it is necessary for normal hematopoiesis. With its deficiency, anemia occurs, accompanied by itching, tingling in the limbs, weakness and dizziness.

Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:

  • Starch and dextrins - 11 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugar) - 21.6 g.
The essential oils contained in the product greatly invigorate, give the body vitality, improve mood.

Useful properties of mustard powder

This product is indispensable for colds, fever, infection with various bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus) and fungi. The reason for this is the powerful antiseptic effect that it has. Its use has a beneficial effect on digestion, the nervous system, blood vessels, the work of the heart and brain. It is distinguished by bright cleansing, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, antiseptic properties.

Here are the systems for which the benefits of mustard powder will be huge:

  1. CNS. The product activates its work, invigorates a person, improves the conduction of impulses to the cerebral cortex. It is effective for neuralgia of various etymologies and stress, constant overwork, insomnia.
  2. Endocrine. The spice is relevant for diabetes, low levels of thyroid hormones, and inflammation. It strengthens this organ and protects it from the negative effects of environmental factors. It is an excellent ingredient for the treatment and prevention of goiter.
  3. Urogenital. Mustard powder is effective in solving problems with frequent urination caused by infection of the corresponding channels with bacteria. It helps with cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, salts and sands in the bladder and kidneys.
  4. reproductive. This product is an assistant to women in the prevention of inflammation of the ovaries and uterus, erosion of its neck and cysts. It protects against various infections, including sexually transmitted ones.
  5. digestive. Mustard is indicated for biliary dyskinesia, gastritis and colitis of viral origin, stool disorders, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is recommended to eat in case of poor digestion of food and problems with the absorption of nutrients.
  6. Integumentary. This is an ideal remedy for combating dry and sluggish skin, acne, dermatitis and other skin lesions. It has proven to be excellent in the treatment of eczema, alopecia, flaking and brittle nails.
  7. Respiratory. Mustard powder prevents SARS, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis. With it, you can reduce the likelihood of rhinitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and catarrh. It also prevents the development of tuberculosis.
  8. Musculoskeletal. The use of spices provides prevention of protrusion, sciatica, osteochondrosis, rheumatism. As a result, pain in the back and joints decreases, their mobility improves, they become stronger and less prone to fractures and dislocations.
  9. Cardiovascular. Spice reduces the likelihood of developing angina and arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke. It prevents blood clots from forming and protects against varicose veins. All this is possible due to the presence of dietary fiber, phosphorus and potassium.
Mustard powder cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates hematopoiesis, increases hemoglobin levels and strengthens the immune system. It improves memory and intelligence, saturates the cells with moisture and prevents the skin from drying out.

Harm and contraindications to the use of mustard powder

You can not eat the product in its pure form, without other ingredients, as it turns out to be too concentrated, which can lead to burns of the throat mucosa. There is also a risk of sores and reddened areas appearing on its walls. After that, it almost always bakes strongly in the mouth, with a similar problem, it is recommended to immediately drink a large amount of clean water.

Strict contraindications to mustard powder are relevant in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance. It is manifested by a runny nose when inhaling the smell of the product, redness of the skin and its itching. It is not very common and mostly among children. An allergic reaction can also occur in pregnant women.
  • Lactation. When breastfeeding, the milk will certainly become bitter in taste, which will increase the likelihood of the baby rejecting it.
  • kidney disease. Emphasis should be placed on neoplasms and stones in this organ, its inflammation.
  • Tuberculosis. With this disease, it is impossible to irritate the lungs with aggressive food, so everything spicy from the menu should be strictly excluded.
  • Increased acidity in the stomach. This spice only worsens these indicators and leads to nausea, abdominal pain and even vomiting.
Under reduced pressure, the use of the product is not prohibited, but its amount must be reduced as much as possible.

mustard powder recipes

In its pure form, this ingredient is almost never used for a variety of dishes. Seasoning is prepared from it by mixing the base (6 tablespoons) with boiling water (4 tablespoons), vinegar (1 teaspoon), salt (a pinch) and honey (1 teaspoon). It is beaten with a whisk to a state of homogeneous gruel and insisted for a day in a closed jar. Further, this mixture can already be used to emphasize the taste of sandwiches, potatoes, okroshka, soups, pastries.

Ways to use mustard powder

  1. Mayonnaise. Sift wheat flour (60 g), fill it with water (15 ml) and rub the mixture well so that no lumps remain. Next, put it on low heat and, when it boils, add lemon juice (1 tbsp.), Olive oil (3 tbsp.), Sugar (1 tsp.), Salt and mustard powder 1 tbsp. . l. Wait until the mass thickens and turn it off. Then cool the mayonnaise and pour it into a jar.
  2. Seasoning. This recipe for mustard powder involves mixing it with cucumber pickle at the rate of 20 g of the first and 120 ml of the second ingredient. Next, the mass is rubbed well to remove all lumps.
  3. egg oil. Boil 5 eggs, peel them and mash with a fork into a mush. Then salt the mass, mix with grated cheese (1 pc.), Butter (2 tablespoons) and mustard powder (1 teaspoon). Then you just have to spread it on a loaf and serve it to the table. For those who like everything spicy, you can also use black pepper.
  4. Marinade for meat. This recipe is suitable for cooking both pork and beef or chicken. It requires dilution of mustard powder (10 g) in 300 ml of water. Here you also need to add soy sauce (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (20 drops), salt (1 teaspoon) and honey (30 g). Mix this composition well and soak the meat in it for 1-2 hours.
  5. cucumbers. Wash them (1 kg), it is advisable to use gherkins. Then prepare the brine: mix the cooled boiled water (5 l), salt (6 tbsp.) and sugar (1 tbsp.). Then chop the garlic (10 cloves) and parsley (1 bunch). Divide all this evenly among 6 half-liter jars. Then fill them with cucumbers, which need to be poured with brine. After that, add 1 tsp. mustard and cover the vegetables with a capron lid. Store them in the refrigerator.
  6. Sauce. To prepare it, carefully add orange juice (1 pc.) And the pulp of a twisted lemon without peel (1 pc.) into red wine (125 ml). Then chop one onion, ginger root and a quarter of hot pepper in a meat grinder. Add all this to the liquid ingredients and put the mixture on fire. When it boils, add mustard powder, salt (1 tsp) and gelatin (20 g). Stir the mass well and leave it for 10 minutes on low heat.
Mustard powder is an indispensable ingredient for various sauces, mayonnaise, dressings, and preservation. It goes well with lard, meat, fish.

Note! The most delicious mustard is made from whole grains. To do this, they need to be crushed or crushed with a blender to a powder state.

The benefits of mustard have been known since 3000 BC. It was actively used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of colds and fever. This was mentioned in the ancient texts of the Sumerians (the population of Southern Mesopotamia).

This product is very popular in the East - in Turkey, UAE, Morocco, Egypt. Here it is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine as an aphrodisiac. It is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes. In Russia, this additive is also quite common, it is one of the most inexpensive.

Mustard can be prepared not only from powder, but also from grains, grinding them yourself. But neither one nor the other method has become a permanent practice of the population of Europe. This is due to the fact that in stores and on the market a ready-made product is sold, diluted in the right proportions. True, buyers do not take into account that most often it contains a variety of preservatives.

In cooking, mustard powder is also used for breading cutlets to give them spiciness. In Latin, its name sounds like "Sinapis", this word means "harm to vision." This is due to the fact that when rubbing the seeds, tears begin to drip from the eyes.

Mustard as an important product is mentioned in the three main sacred books - the Bible, the Koran, the Torah. The grains from which the powder is made do not exceed 1 mm in diameter, they are considered one of the smallest. But at the same time, the concentration of useful substances in one piece is much higher than, for example, in a black peppercorn. The bush on which they grow usually has a height of up to 3 m.

Mustard is fanned with mysticism, it is said that witches used it to cast curses on people. Obviously, this was a favorite product of the Egyptian pharaohs, since it was found more than once inside sarcophagi. The fact is that the kings considered the seeds of this plant a symbol of good luck.

They were also loved by Pope John XXII. It is said that every meal he added this ingredient to all dishes on the table, except for sweets.

The powder is obtained by processing three types of mustard - Sarepta, white and black, for some reason the former is more in demand in the CIS.

The largest supplier of this spice is India and China.

Mustard is so popular that a museum of the same name has even been created in the United States. It is located in the state of Wisconsin, and every first Saturday of the month in the morning there is a parade in her honor. Russia also has similar traditions: in 2015, they celebrated mustard day here and prepared 166 kg of seasoning right in front of the public.

Watch the mustard video:

Existing recipes for mustard powder untie the hands of cooks, because it can be used in completely different ways. This is one of those versatile seasonings that are always on trend in the kitchen. She brings something new and interesting to the dishes, making them simply unforgettable.

Mustard is an annual plant belonging to the cruciferous crop family. The most sought after part of the herb are the seeds, which are widely used for culinary purposes. So, table mustard is prepared from the fat-free cake of grains, and the seasoning of the same name is obtained from ground raw materials. In addition, young leaves of the plant are added to salads or used as an appetizer for meat and fish side dishes.

In terms of taste and medicinal properties, mustard oil is superior to olive oil. Its chemical composition is represented by volatile esters, healthy omega fats, vitamins A, B, C, K and minerals. The product enhances the secretion of gastric juice, promotes expectoration of sputum in respiratory diseases, increases sexual desire, suppresses pathogenic flora, and accelerates tissue regeneration. In addition, glycosidic structures were found in mustard seeds, due to which the plant has a pronounced blood-stimulating effect.

Botanical description and types

Mustard is an annual cold-resistant plant, reaching 25-90 cm in height. The stem is erect, hard-haired with a small number of branches. The leaves are alternate pinnately incised with notches along the edges. As they “rise” along the stem, the plates decrease, and the petiole shortens. Flowers of a golden yellow hue, collected in large umbrella-corymbose brushes of 25-100 buds.

The fruit is a tuberculous thin pod filled with small round seeds. The flowering period of the culture falls on May, and the fruiting period - in June. The plant is not picky about growing conditions and develops well on almost all types of soil (except sandstones). In the process of growth, the roots of cruciferous representatives release substances into the soil that have a powerful phytosanitary effect. Thus, mustard is an excellent precursor for cereals and cereals. The plant vacates the field early. Interestingly, the plowing of mustard in late autumn contributes to the death of the wireworm (a common pest).

The birthplace of culture is the Mediterranean, from where it spread to almost all continents.

Popular representatives of the species:

  1. White mustard (English). It has a mild taste (not spicy) and a subtle sweet smell. White mustard seeds are used to make spice powder and edible oil. This product goes well with garlic, cinnamon, allspice, coriander, honey and olives.
  2. Black mustard (French). The seeds of the plant are red-brown in color and have a pronounced spicy taste. Black mustard is used both in cooking (for making sauces) and in pharmaceuticals (for making patches and herbal medicines). In addition, the seed cake of this crop is used in agriculture as green manure (green manure).
  3. Sarepta mustard (Russian). The most pungent and oily variety of the plant, 100 g of seeds of which contain up to 49% of useful fat. Table mustard is made from grains of the Sarep variety, and powder for mustard plasters is obtained from oil cake.
  4. Field mustard. Harmful weed that serves as a "reservoir" for insect pests. Despite the fact that field mustard is not to be eaten, it is permissible to use it for feeding farm animals.

In addition, there is an Abyssinian variety, which is used to create crambe oil used in cosmetology.

Benefit or harm

Mustard is one of the most useful spices that has antibacterial, warming, anti-inflammatory, tonic and expectorant effects on the human body. Given that the product accelerates the transformation of fats, it is widely used in weight loss programs. In addition, mustard has now gained fame as a mild laxative, choleretic and antioxidant agent.

Medicinal properties:

  1. Stimulates appetite, speeds up metabolism, increases saliva production.
  2. Liquefies phlegm, promotes expectoration.
  3. It has a warming effect (when applied externally), relieves muscle pain, accelerates wound healing.
  4. Increases cerebral circulation, thereby improving the cognitive functions of the brain.
  5. Increases sexual desire (libido).
  6. Neutralizes the action of free radicals, slows down the aging process.
  7. Stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands, improves the absorption of fatty and protein foods, eliminates flatulence.
  8. Suppresses pathogenic flora, neutralizes the action of toxins and toxins.
  9. Reduces the frequency of asthma attacks, reduces the intensity of manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, relieves pain in the joints.
  10. Stimulates the regeneration of tissues and cells, helps to strengthen the vocal cords.

Despite the usefulness of the product, with careless, uncontrolled use, it can be harmful to health.

Mustard is contraindicated in:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pathologies of the kidneys (especially with nephritis and pyelonephritis);
  • gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcer;
  • varicose veins (with external use);
  • food allergies;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age (up to 3 years).

In addition, you should not eat seasoning at night, as its pungent taste irritates the receptors, as a result, you may have problems falling asleep.

Remember, the abuse of mustard threatens with shortness of breath, bradycardia, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, exacerbation of the ulcer.

Chemical composition

Mustard is a low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains 70 kcal. At the same time, the seeds of the culture are a natural source of vegetable and essential oils used both in cooking and in pharmacology.

Table No. 2 "Chemical composition of mustard"
Name Concentration of nutrients in 100 g of product, milligrams
Choline (B4) 22,4
Ascorbic acid (C) 1,5
Niacin (B3) 0,52
Alpha tocopherol (E) 0,36
Thiamine (B1) 0,34
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0,3
Pyridoxine (B6) 0,06
Riboflavin (B2) 0,03
Folic acid (B9) 0,007
Beta-carotene (A) 0,004
Phylloquinone (K) 0,002
Sodium 1135
Potassium 138
Phosphorus 106
Calcium 58
Magnesium 49
trace elements
Iron 1,51
Zinc 0,64
Manganese 0,42
Copper 0,09
Selenium 0,033
Fluorine 0,001

The composition of mustard seeds includes glycosides, enzymes, esters and organic acids, which have a powerful bactericidal and antioxidant effect on the body.

Application in cosmetology

Given that mustard is a symbiosis of biologically active substances, the product has long been used for cosmetic purposes to maintain beauty. For the first time, oriental beauties began to use the seasoning, and European women followed them. Mustard is indicated for the care of oily, flabby and problem skin.

Seasoning effects:

  1. Activates metabolic processes in the dermis, restores cellular balance.
  2. Improves skin tone, evens out its relief, eliminates the "traces" of acne.
  3. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the pores.
  4. Lightens age spots and freckles.
  5. Reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, dries out acne and pimples.
  6. Smoothes fine wrinkles, improves skin turgor.
  7. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  8. Improves blood flow to the dermis, tones the stratum corneum, activates hair growth, strengthens the cuticle.
  9. Nourishes and moisturizes the dermis.

Remember, mustard is an aggressive seasoning that can easily burn a dry, irritated dermis. In view of this, owners of dehydrated skin are advised to perform masks based on it exclusively through a thin flannel fabric, avoiding contact with mucous and sensitive integuments of the body.

With a combined type of dermis, mustard cosmetics are applied to the face after pre-wetting it with olive oil.

Helpful Hints:

  1. To prepare homemade masks, you should use only dry mustard powder (ground with your own hand).
  2. The maximum exposure time of mustard products on the skin is 10 minutes.
  3. Mustard masks are best applied in the evening (2 hours before bedtime), because after the procedure the dermis will be red for some time.
  4. Given that the seasoning dries the skin, owners of oily hair should not do mustard masks more than 5 times a month. With dry dermis, it is better to limit yourself to 3 procedures. After 6 months, the course of treatment is repeated.
  5. To enhance the cosmetic effect, after the mustard “care”, a nourishing mask is applied to the face.
  6. To reduce the aggressive effect of the seasoning on the scalp, mustard products are applied to it 3 days after washing the hair.

Remember, masks with hot seasoning are contraindicated in cases of rosacea, hypertension, impaired patency of the vessels of the cervical region, damage to the stratum corneum, hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth), rosacea, herpes, atopic dermatitis.

Before using the products, you should first test the skin for allergies. To do this, the spicy mass is applied to the inner elbow bend and the reaction of the dermis is observed. The appearance of a strong burning sensation or redness is the first reason why you should stop using mustard-based beauty recipes. In the absence of a reaction to the composition from the body, the seasoning can be introduced into the composition of the masks.

Home beauty recipes

  1. Mask for problematic acne skin. Ingredients: 30 ml of water, 20 g of turmeric, 15 g of mustard powder, 2 drops of lemon juice. Combine these components, and then apply the mixture to the affected area (dotted). After 10 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.

The composition has a powerful anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and cleansing effect.

  1. Whitening face mask. Preparation principle: pour 15 g of mustard powder into 30 ml of purified water. Simmer the mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath. After cooling, add 25 ml of natural honey, 15 ml of lemon juice and 0.3 ml of almond oil to the solution.

The tool is used to even out skin tone, soften the dermis, remove freckles and age spots.

  1. Mask for mature skin. Mix 25 ml of sour cream (thermostat), 20 g of finely chopped parsley, 15 g of mustard (chopped). Apply the composition to the cleansed epidermis after the make-up removal procedure.

The composition perfectly tones the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves complexion, accelerates regeneration.

  1. Cleansing mask for any type of dermis. The composition is prepared on the basis of mustard and oatmeal. To do this, these components are mixed in equal proportions (15 g each), and then pour 30 ml of hot water (90 degrees). After cooling, the mixture is combined with cream (15 ml) and lemon juice (0.3 ml).

The mask is used to even out skin tone, cleanse superficial pores, smooth out fine wrinkles.

  1. Cellulite wraps. To combat the orange "peel" combine 45 ml of linden honey and 30 g of crushed mustard. The mixture is rubbed into problem areas with massaging movements, and then the body is wrapped with cling film. After 50 minutes, the mask is washed off with hot and then cold water. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a week.

The composition actively nourishes the dermis, activates the breakdown of adipose tissue, and accelerates tissue energy exchange.

  1. Mask to stimulate hair growth. Active ingredients: 30 g of mustard powder, 30 ml of nettle decoction, 15 ml of cognac, 15 ml of fatty almond oil. Rub the prepared mixture into the root zone of the hair. The exposure time of the composition is 10 minutes.

With regular use of mustard "cosmetics" not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also slows down the aging process. When working with hot seasoning, follow the safety rules: do not apply the composition to the skin with damage (cuts, scratches), avoid the area around the eyes.

Application in traditional medicine

Considering that mustard is rich in essential oil, it is often used for wraps, baths and warming procedures. When applied externally, the seasoning promotes the resorption of foci of inflammation, the expansion of blood vessels, and the reduction of pain.

Folk recipes:

  1. Foot baths for colds. Dissolve 60 g of mustard powder in 6 liters of hot liquid, and then dip your feet into the "burning" solution. After 15 minutes, wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks. This procedure should be carried out immediately after the first signs of the disease appear: discomfort in the throat, aching muscles, nasal congestion. Along with this, foot baths are effective for bronchitis, joint pain and a sharp increase in blood pressure.

With varicose veins, it is better to refuse the procedure.

  1. Mouthwash. To prepare an antiseptic solution, you will need: dry mustard (10 g), sea salt (10 g), lemon juice (5 ml), honey (5 ml). These components are poured with boiling water (250 ml), and then infused for a quarter of an hour in a thermos. The tool is indicated for irrigation of the oral cavity for colds, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
  2. Phytocomposition for the treatment of articular rheumatism. Ingredients: 90 ml of medical alcohol (70%), 50 g of mustard powder, 40 ml of camphor oil (10%), egg white. After mixing, move the raw materials to a cold place for 2 days. The resulting mixture is applied to a gauze cut (folded in 3 layers), and then applied to the affected area. From above, the compress is covered with cellophane and cotton cloth, secured with a bandage, left for 2 hours.

To relieve joint pain, the procedure is performed for 60 days (preferably at bedtime).

  1. Warming bath for neuralgia. To reduce the pain syndrome in the area of ​​​​innervation of the nerves, it will be necessary to prepare a therapeutic mixture from mustard powder. To do this, 200 g of crushed raw materials are poured into 300 ml of boiling water, mixed thoroughly, and then added to a bath filled with water. The optimum liquid temperature is 37-38 degrees, the duration of immersion in water is 10 minutes.

After taking a therapeutic bath, the body is washed with warm water, and then they go to bed for 1.5 hours. This procedure can be used for bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory diseases, as well as after a long stay in the cold (as a cold prevention).

  1. Express remedy for migraine. Dissolve 150 g of freshly ground mustard powder in 2 liters of hot water. Cool the liquid to 38 degrees. For migraines, soak both hands in a warm solution for 10 minutes. The headache should subside.

Remember, procedures using mustard can only be carried out with intact skin areas where there are no abrasions, scratches, rashes and irritations.

household helper

Mustard is one of the few seasonings used not only in cooking and pharmacology, but also in everyday life.

Household Application:

  1. Dishwashing liquid. Mustard, due to the content of allyl oil, perfectly removes fatty deposits from kitchen utensils. To wash off the dirt, the dishes are soaked in a burning powder (diluted with water) for 5-10 minutes, after which they are washed under running water.
  2. Neutralizer of unpleasant smells. In order to eliminate the undesirable aroma that has eaten into plastic dishes or other kitchen utensils, 10 g of chopped mustard is poured into it. After that, 150 ml of liquid is added to the container and shaken vigorously. After 5 minutes, the dishes are washed with hot water.

Along with this, mustard can be used to eliminate unpleasant odors inside chests of drawers, sideboards and wardrobes. To do this, the powder is placed in small fabric bags, and then laid out in a niche of cabinets and cabinet furniture.

  1. Stain remover. Mustard does an excellent job of removing old dirt and unwanted odors on woolen fabrics. It is advisable to use hot seasoning instead of powder for soaking (200 g of dry mix per 10 liters of water) and automatic washing (50-100 g of mustard per machine).

The optimal duration for soaking laundry in mustard liquid is 3 hours. After washing, woolen items must be rinsed in water, to which ammonia is added.

  1. preservative. Mustard will help keep meat out of the fridge, as it prevents rotting processes. To lengthen the shelf life of raw materials, it is thickly coated with natural hot seasoning.
  2. Insecticide against garden pests. Mustard powder is used to control earth fleas, caterpillars, aphids, moths, thrips and slugs. For spraying fruit crops, a solution is prepared based on the calculation of 100 g of seasoning per 10 liters of water. Duration of liquid infusion - 1.5 days. Before irrigation, laundry soap (a third of a piece) is added to the mixture.

In addition, mustard is an excellent green manure used as a green fertilizer to enrich the soil with nutrients and inhibit weed growth.

Criterias of choice

When buying a seasoning, first of all, pay attention to its ingredient composition. High-quality mustard includes only natural ingredients. Namely, grains (not powder), alcohol or apple cider vinegar (instead of vinegar essence). In addition, cloves, bay leaves, nutmeg, garlic, horseradish, salt and sugar may be included in the spicy mixture. If the product contains an essential oil, starch or additives with the abbreviation "E", the manufacturer used low-quality raw materials. The exceptions are citric acid (E330) and curcumin (E100).

Criterias of choice:

  1. Consistency and color. Ready-made high-quality mustard has a uniform structure and a yellow tint (sometimes light brown). The gray color of the seasoning indicates the presence of low quality mustard powder in it. In addition, the consistency of the natural sauce is homogeneous without visible bundles and lumps.
  2. Shape and structure of whole seeds. Grains of quality mustard are usually the same size without crevices and dark spots. The presence of defects on raw materials indicates its improper storage or pest infestation.

If dust is poured when rubbing the seeds, their expiration date has long expired.

  1. Package. It is better to buy liquid mustard in a transparent glass container in order to visually assess the quality of the product. If oil drops, bubbles, delaminations or a dark dry crust are visible on its surface, the product is spoiled.
  2. Manufacturer country. When choosing mustard, it is important to pay attention to the region of harvest, as its sharpness and taste depend on it. Thus, Polish and Russian seasonings are recognized as the hottest sauces, and American and European seasonings are recognized as “softer”.
  3. Aroma and taste. Quality mustard seeds have a subtle pungent odor, which manifests itself mainly when chewed. Moreover, yellow varieties are characterized by a sweetish taste with a slight bitterness, and brown varieties have a caustic “burning” oral cavity.

The shelf life of natural mustard is 45 days (at a temperature of 5-10 degrees). If the shelf life of the product (indicated on the packaging) exceeds this limit, preservatives have been added to the raw materials.

Application in cooking

Mustard is a spicy seasoning that emphasizes the taste of fish, meat, mushrooms and vegetables dishes. In addition, due to its antibacterial properties and the "ability" to translate the emulsion into fats, the product is used to create a variety of sauces and increase the shelf life of perishable food (as a preservative).

How to make homemade mustard

To obtain the sauce, it is better to use fresh whole grains, which are ground just before creating the dish. After grinding, the mustard flour is sifted through a fine sieve. This procedure is performed to prevent large shell particles and foreign impurities from entering the finished mixture.

Home mustard (Dijon)


  • dry wine - 180 g;
  • mustard powder (from black seeds) - 55 g;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • liquid honey - 40 g;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 35 g;
  • garlic - 20 g (2 teeth);
  • Tabasco sauce - 15 g;
  • tomato paste - 10 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 5 g.

Cooking principle:

  1. Finely chop the onion and transfer to a small bowl.
  2. Pour onion with dry wine, put on fire. After boiling, turn off the fire, boil the raw materials for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the hot wine broth through a colander, combine with sea salt and mustard powder. Mix the composition thoroughly.
  4. Add vegetable oil, Tabasco sauce and liquid honey to the cooled dressing.
  5. Boil the mustard mixture over low heat until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained (3-5 minutes).
  6. Place the dressing in a cool place until completely thickened.

Dijon mustard goes well with vegetable appetizers, meat side dishes, sausages and red fish.

whole grain mustard recipe


  • apple or wine vinegar - 100 ml;
  • whole mustard seeds (black and yellow) - 100 g;
  • light beer - 50 ml;
  • honey - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour mustard seeds with apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add light beer to the burning mixture, mix thoroughly, cover with cling film.
  3. Insist mustard dressing in heat for 9 hours.
  4. Add honey or sugar to the swollen grains.
  5. Grind the resulting mixture with a blender.

If the sauce is too thick, you can add 20-50 ml of water during whipping.

  1. Transfer the finished mustard to a glass dish, and then put it in the refrigerator.

Shelf life of home dressing is a month.


Mustard is one of the most popular spices in cooking, used as a side dish for meat, fish and vegetable dishes. In addition, it is used as a natural emulsifier for the preparation of marinades, dressings and sauces. Given that mustard is a natural source of volatile esters, glycosides and organic acids, it is successfully used for pharmacological purposes. The product improves metabolism, stimulates digestion, accelerates tissue regeneration, suppresses pathogenic flora, improves the absorption of fatty foods, promotes sputum discharge. Along with this, mustard is used in cosmetology for the care of oily, acne and problem skin.

Remember, mustard is an aggressive spice containing erucic acid, which is not broken down in the body. In view of this, the product (especially unrefined oil) should be used with caution, no more than 30 g per day, since its accumulation in the body can cause inflammation in the heart muscle.

Spicy or sweet, burning or tender - mustard has several recipes. Each of them was assigned to a certain country and is considered traditional for it. Europeans prefer a mild taste, Russians like it spicier - everyone can choose the most pleasant option for themselves.

What is mustard? What is it made from?

Mustard is a popular light yellow to brown condiment that comes from the seeds of the mustard plant. When adding additional ingredients, such as salt, sugar, water, vegetable oil, various food additives, the mass becomes like a sauce, it is easy to spread on sandwiches, use for roasting meat and as an independent seasoning for cold dishes and snacks.

Whole grains or powdered grains are suitable for making mustard. Whole seeds have a brighter spicy-aromatic taste, therefore they are mainly used for roasting meat. Due to the high content of mustard oil in the composition of the grains, a dense crust forms on the meat, and inside it remains juicy and unusually soft. Mustard made from powder is usually served as a sauce. Depending on taste preferences, it can be spicy, as Russians like, or mild, as Europeans prefer.

History of mustard

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of this spicy seasoning is Asia. But what is mustard, the photo of which is presented below, was already known in ancient times. There are references to the seeds of the plant in manuscripts written in Sanskrit, which are five thousand years old.

It was added to food by the ancient Greeks, and the Romans made a paste from the seeds, which was very reminiscent of today's seasoning. There are references to mustard seeds in the Bible. Since the 18th century, the plant has been grown in Russia. A variety of sarepta mustard is common here. Its name comes from the city of Sarepta, now part of Volgograd. On the territory of the Russian Federation, mustard grows well in the Volga region, in the North Caucasus and in Siberia. The leaders in the cultivation and processing of mustard seeds are the countries of Central Asia, Pakistan, India, China, Egypt, as well as the European states France and Holland.

Beneficial features

It has long been known that mustard is an excellent warming agent, so it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular, in the manufacture of mustard plasters. But the beneficial properties of spices do not end there. It is effective not only when applied externally, but also when eaten. Everyone has tried what mustard is like a sauce, but, in addition to the spicy taste, it can also benefit the body.

Mustard grains contain about 30% fat (mostly unsaturated fatty acids). In addition, the seeds of the plant contain essential oils, linolenic, peanut, oleic acids, vitamins of groups B, A, C, trace elements: zinc, iron, sodium, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to this composition, incredibly healthy mustard oil is obtained from the grains. In addition, the seeds of this plant contain substances that help with bronchitis.

One of the properties of mustard is the ability to speed up metabolic processes in the body and break down fats. Therefore, it is useful to include this spicy seasoning not only in the daily diet, but also to make various masks and body wraps. Mustard is an antioxidant, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Three varieties of mustard

In total, about 40 varieties of the plant are known, from which a spicy seasoning is obtained, but white, black and Sarepta mustard are most widely used.

White, or English mustard, contains 35% fat and 1% essential oil. That is why it is widely used in the manufacture of mustard oil. The seeds of this plant are the largest of all the varieties presented. They are added to pickles, vegetable, mushroom dishes and soups. Grains do not have a pronounced taste and smell, therefore, in the manufacture of mustard from them, various food additives should be used.

Black, or French mustard, is also called real. It has a sharp tart taste, and smells like horseradish. Due to this, the bulk of the grains goes to the production of table mustard. Powdered seeds are used to make a warming patch.

What is Sarepta mustard? In the world, she is known as Russian. It has a maximum percentage of fatty (up to 49%) and essential (3%) oils. A fragrant mustard oil is made from it. Its benefits for the body are even higher than those of sunflower. Cake, which remains after the processing of grains, is used to produce powder. Table Russian mustard has a pronounced spiciness.

Varieties of mustard

When various ingredients are added to grains or powder, the taste of the finished product changes. Which nutritional supplements to use depends on the plant variety and the preferences of buyers around the world. Therefore, the industrial production of table mustard involves a wide selection of varieties of this product.

The most popular recipes: French Dijon mustard, traditional English, made according to an old recipe, sweet Bavarian (Munich), spicy Russian and American.

The famous Dijon mustard. What it is?

In the main city of Burgundy, located in the south-east of France, called Dijon, starting from the 17th century, industrial production of table mustard and vinegar was organized. And already in the middle of the 18th century, the most demanded Dijon mustard in the world began to be produced here. What it is? Initially, it was a condiment obtained from ground black mustard seeds with the addition of the sour juice of unripe grapes. Prior to this, vinegar was traditionally used in the production of this product. Thanks to this, the sauce acquired a creamy structure, became tender and light, and quickly gained popularity.

Today, what is Dijon mustard, the photo of which is presented in the review, is known all over the world. Half of all spice production comes from this variety. There are more than 20 recipes for making Dijon mustard: with the addition of white wine or wine vinegar instead of sour juice, herbs, spices and other food additives.

Delicate French mustard. Recipe for cooking at home

The most popular condiment in the world, made in France, is Dijon. But sometimes in some recipes the concept of "French mustard" is found. What it is? This is the real Dijon mustard, made from black grains or a mixture of seeds of different varieties.

To prepare the French Dijon seasoning, you need to take 250 g of mustard powder obtained after grinding the grains of black and Sarepta mustard and pour 90 ml of boiling water. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave to infuse in a dark place for a day. After the specified time, add 100 ml of white wine vinegar, 10 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, cinnamon and cloves (1 g each), and shallots fried in vegetable oil to the mustard mass. Delicate French mustard is ready!

Today you can find a lot of other simple recipes for making this wonderful sauce. It might be worth trying a few of these to find your favorite table mustard variation.

Spicy grainy

Often, in the production of seasoning, the seeds are not ground into powder, but are used as a whole. This results in grainy mustard. What it is is clear from its name. It is a mustard consisting of whole or slightly crushed grains. Along with traditional ingredients, this composition contains white wine. Natural spices are added to it, for example, cloves, cardamom, garlic, allspice.

Grainy mustard is considered more refined. Due to its piquant spicy taste, it is used when roasting meat and added to salads.

Sweet bavarian sauce

What it is became known back in the 19th century, along with the invention of the perfect sauce for Munich's white veal sausage. Its main feature is coarse grains combined with caramel syrup. Bavarian mustard is brown in color, sweet in taste and soft in texture, has a slight piquancy.

It is useful to know what mustard is and what properties it has. This allows you to widely use it in your diet for the benefit of the body and improve culinary skills.

Beauty and Health Health Nutrition

Mustard has been known to people for a very long time, much earlier than the Bible was written. After all, it is in the Bible that mustard is mentioned, and it is said that its grain is the smallest, but the tree gives a huge one.

Of course, everything is relative: there are much fewer mustard seeds in nature, and a small tree grows from mustard seeds - up to 1.5 m in height, but in ancient times people had their own measurements.

Mustard, moreover, it is not a tree, and even a shrub - it is an annual herbaceous plant, with leaves of various shapes (lyre-shaped, lanceolate), with yellow flowers and brown seeds.

Come from mustard from Southwest Asia. Sarepta mustard is popular in Russia - it grows in the Lower Volga region, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, Siberia and the Far East.

Also available in black and white mustard- these are also annuals grown in culture - in Europe and Asia. Black mustard is common in Western Europe - it is used in cooking there, and oil is extracted from white mustard seeds, but in medicine, unlike other species, it is rarely used.

Mustard seeds contain over 40% fatty oil. When the oil is extracted, the cake remains - it is from it that mustard plasters are made.

We usually use mustard when we get a cold., however, it can be used much more widely - both for medicinal purposes and for cosmetic purposes.

In Rus' mustard was known even before the 10th century - references to it were found on pottery of that time. It is believed that mustard powder began to be used in the 18th century, but, of course, this happened much earlier, it’s just that information about this has not reached us.

Composition of mustard

In addition to fatty oil, mustard seeds contain essential oil, proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates; vitamin PP, minerals - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron; enzymes, mucus, glycosides. Mustard oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, of which the most are erucic, oleic and linoleic.

Mustard treatment

Ancient doctors recommended using mustard to improve digestion and urination.. It was taken orally for coughs, poisoning, pulmonary hemorrhages, pleurisy, tonsillitis, fever, epilepsy, wounds and skin diseases were treated externally.

Already at that time people knew that mustard acute, and for its use there are contraindications.

In Russia, mustard was known not only as a seasoning that improves appetite, but also as a means of promoting digestion and thinning phlegm.

Mustard in medicine. mustard properties

In medicine, an alcohol solution of mustard oil is used.- with rheumatism and inflammation; foot and general baths are made with powder for a number of diseases. If you have time to do a 10-minute foot bath with mustard in the first hours of a cold, then the disease will pass in a mild form or recede completely.

Mustard has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, destroys many pathogenic microbes and fungi, therefore, a solution of mustard powder is used in the treatment of mycoses, and neurodermatitis and psoriasis are treated with mustard ointment.

Mustard seeds are included in herbal preparations for the treatment of gastric diseases; mustard plasters, in addition to colds, are prescribed for bronchial asthma, insomnia, neuritis, rheumatism, angina pectoris, stroke, hypertension, etc.

Mustard in folk medicine: recipes for treatment

In folk medicine, there are many recipes with mustard.

Fresh plant seeds (20-30 pieces) are consumed daily with poor appetite within 20 days; with incipient pulmonary tuberculosis, they are swallowed 3 times a day for a small pinch.

With bronchitis, pneumonia, runny nose and other diseases of the respiratory system, mustard powder is used in various ways.

For example, they take foot baths: mustard powder (150 g) and salt (200 g) are poured into a bucket, hot water is poured so that the legs are immersed in it up to the shins, and together with the bucket they are covered with a warm blanket. When the water begins to cool, add hot water - take a bath for up to 30 minutes. Then the feet are rinsed with warm water, wiped, put on thick socks and lie down in bed. With severe diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels and varicose veins, such procedures cannot be done.

Another method of treatment is a compress of mustard powder, flour, linden honey, vegetable oil (1 tbsp each) and vodka (1.5 tbsp). The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. It turns out a sticky dough - it is applied to a cotton fabric folded in 2-4 layers, and applied to the chest. Parchment paper or film is placed on top, covered with a thick cloth and wrapped with a warm scarf. Such a compress is done at night several times in a row.

With hypertension mustard plasters are placed on the calves, the back of the head and the region of the heart.

To stop the hiccups, it is necessary to mix dry mustard powder and table vinegar, and apply the resulting slurry to the tongue by 1/3. The procedure is not very pleasant - it will burn, but if you wait 2-3 minutes, the hiccups will pass. The mouth should be rinsed well with warm water.

For migraines, keep the hands in a solution of mustard: add a handful of powder to hot (about 50 ° C) water, stir, cool to 38 ° C and dip your hands into the solution for 8-10 minutes.

With neuralgia- a disease characterized by bouts of severe pain in the zone of innervation of various nerves - for example, spinal nerves - a mustard bath helps well. It is necessary to prepare a slurry from 400 g of mustard powder, gradually adding water to it, then stir the slurry in a bath with warm water (37 ° C), and take such a bath for about 5 minutes. Then wash off the mustard under a warm shower, dry off and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

For gout mustard is mixed with table salt (100 g each), and purified kerosene is added, stirring until the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture is gently rubbed into sore spots.

Articular rheumatism they treat it a little differently: mustard and camphor powder (50 g each) is stirred in alcohol (10 ml), and raw egg white is added. The resulting ointment is applied to the sore spot, but not rubbed, and kept for half an hour. Remove with a cloth soaked in warm water.

For arthritis A mixture of mustard and vodka also helps. Vodka - 0.5 l, mustard powder - 100 g, salt - 200 g; everything is mixed and infused for 2 days. With this infusion, compresses are made on sore spots for 2 months, 2-3 hours a day.

How to treat a cold with mustard, everyone has long known: after pouring the powder into socks, you can either go to bed or walk in these socks for several hours. Then wash off the mustard, and wipe your feet dry, and put on warm, dry socks - the effect of the treatment will last longer.

Mustard in cooking

As a spice, mustard is known in almost all cuisines of the world.: if there are countries in which they do not know about it, then there are very few of them.

Mustard seeds are used in cooking whole and ground - they are used to prepare mustard oil and mustard paste. Fresh seeds are added to salads, and dried seeds are added to marinades and pickles. Table mustard is prepared from seeds ground into powder, and there are a lot of recipes for its preparation. Meat dishes, jellies, sausages, sausages are especially tasty with it; it is added to hot sauces and mayonnaises.

How to cook mustard

You can buy ready-made mustard paste, or cook it at home., independently - there are a lot of recipes.

Mustard powder, if it is very bitter, can be poured with boiling water, let stand and drain the water - this will reduce bitterness.

A certain amount of powder is poured into boiling water and ground with salt and sugar. Instead of vinegar, you can add lemon juice, and spices - to taste: pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves. If you add saffron or turmeric, then the mustard will acquire a beautiful, bright color. The taste can also be made unusual - more delicate, if you add mashed potatoes from baked (not raw) fruits.

Even healthy people should consume mustard little by little., otherwise stomach problems will not keep you waiting; you can also cause bradycardia and shortness of breath, and even pass out if you eat too much.

It is undesirable or contraindicated to use mustard for kidney diseases, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, stomatitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Tags: mustard, properties of mustard, composition of mustard

Dry mustard powder- a natural product that is obtained by cold pressing mustard seeds. Mustard is white, black and Sarepta. The yellow-white white mustard seeds are round and much smaller than the black mustard seeds. This type of seed has a pungent taste, and in the process of grinding it acquires a pungent odor. But most often they use the seeds of Sarepta mustard, it is also often called Russian mustard. Sarepta mustard powder is used in cooking to store canned foods. To do this, they are covered with a napkin and sprinkled dry mustard powder.

Mustard powder is a well-known seasoning that is used in German and Russian cuisine. Mustard powder can be spread on fish before baking, stewing, frying. Due to the fact that mustard powder prevents the processes of fermentation and decay, it is often added to various types of marinades. IN dry mustard powder contains up to 37% protein and 10-12% oil. It is a good stimulant for the stomach.

Mustard powder contains:
Proteins 37.1 g
Fat 11.1 g
Carbs 32.6 g
Water 7.3 g
Calorie content 378 kcal.

Mustard lovers can make it at home from dry mustard powder. You can add various additives (nuts, spices) to it. To prepare mustard, the mustard powder must be fine and clean. It is better to cook a little mustard, because freshly prepared mustard has a more burning taste and aroma. If mustard is stored for several days, then its taste and aroma will disappear.

To prepare mustard, you need to pour a tablespoon of mustard powder (25-30 g) with 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Water should be added in two stages so that lumps do not form and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. Then you need to add a teaspoon of sugar, vegetable oil and salt (half a teaspoon) to the mustard. At the end of cooking, add 9% - vinegar (1 teaspoon), or lemon juice and rub everything well. After that, the prepared mustard should be placed in a glass dish and closed well. In order for the mustard to turn out to be of high quality, it must be kept for a day.

It contains a large amount of B vitamins (they are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system), vitamin A (normalizes vision and improves skin condition), vitamin D (strengthens bones), vitamin E (prevents wrinkles and protects against cardiovascular diseases). Mustard powder contains chemical elements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron. Mustard powder is an excellent preservative.

Mustard powder is widely used in medicine. It is used for colds, pneumonia, runny nose, neurological diseases. Used in the form of mustard plasters and mustard baths. Mustard plasters are used not only for bronchitis, but also for insomnia, angina, hypertension.

Mustard powder is used in official medicine in countries such as Venezuela, China and Turkey. There, doctors prescribe it for diseases such as neurology, bone tuberculosis, colds and chronic diseases.

Due to the healing properties of dry mustard powder, it is used in cosmetology. Mustard powder can be used as a shampoo. It cleans well and absorbs oil.

In ancient times, dry mustard powder was used for washing dishes and laundry. Mustard powder is an excellent dishwashing detergent, it disinfects dishes, is effective, does not have a chemical smell and is environmentally friendly.
