
Everything for summer residents and gardeners, tips and tricks. Preparing the marinade

We prepare high-quality fillings

I’ll note right away that you won’t be able to save time on preparing fillings: it depends on their quality whether you have to spend extra time, or even preparing new ones. After all, what is the filling - such is the workpiece. IN various ways canning usually use three types of fillings. This is a brine, marinade and sugar syrup. The result of all your canning activities depends on their quality, so it is so important to learn how to cook them correctly.

Pay attention! Not everything is as gloomy as it might seem at first glance. Trust me, where it doesn't hurt, we can always save a little time. For example, in some pickle recipes, the brine can be made by simply stirring the salt into a hot, and sometimes cold water. In addition, in some cases, boiling water is the filling, and for cooking some vegetables, fruits and berries in own juice and it won't be required.

Pay attention! In order to prepare a 3% brine, for 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt; for 4% - 1 tbsp. spoon and 1 teaspoon; for 5% - spoons; for 6% - 2 tbsp. spoons; for 7% - 2ug st. spoons; for 8% - 3 tbsp. spoons; for 9% - art. spoons; for 10% - 3% Art. spoons; for 12% - art. spoons.

But, unlike brine, which does not thicken with an increase in salt concentration, the consistency of the syrup changes during boiling - it becomes thicker and more viscous. Syrups of high concentration are used when cooking jam, and less sweet ones are used as a filling when preserving compotes and natural canned food.

Pay attention! In order to prepare a 20% syrup, take 250 g of sugar for 1 liter of water; for 30% - 430 g; for 40% - 670 g; for 50% - 1 kg; for 60% - 1.5 kg; for 70% - 2.333 kg.

After filtering, the filling must be boiled again and vinegar or other acid and spices can be added. This is usually the end of most marinades, as acid and spices are added a few minutes before the fire is turned off. However, often both vinegar and spices are added not to the filling, but directly to the jar. Moreover, vinegar is poured before rolling the jar, as they say, “under the lid” (this ensures the exact concentration of vinegar in each jar), and spices are placed both on the bottom of the jar before laying the fruits, and on the fruits “under the lid”. Regardless of which way it is done, the spices and vinegar must be added correctly - this is very important for obtaining a high-quality marinade.

All this is done only so that during boiling or sudden heating, the very substances for which we add all this to our marinades do not evaporate. After all, we need them not in the air, but in a jar in order to take an active part in the complex process of marinade ripening. Yes, yes, high-quality marinades do not tolerate haste - they will be able to receive a certificate of maturity only in a few weeks.

Pay attention! Some purveyors prefer to use concentrated acetic acid for marinades - 70% or 80% acetic essence. It must be applied with caution. First of all, in no case do not lean close to the dishes with vinegar essence, so as not to accidentally inhale its vapors, and when pouring acid, make sure that there is no splash. And best of all, use a disposable syringe - this way you will protect yourself from contact with a dangerous liquid and, in addition, you can measure very accurately right amount.

A product made from vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries, soaked in a solution of acetic acid, salt and sugar with the addition of various spices or herbs. The marinade has a pleasant spicy taste, spicy smell, improves appetite. It is used as an appetizer, a side dish for main courses, for making vinaigrettes and salads in winter.
Vegetable marinades can be prepared from cucumbers, tomatoes, white, red and cauliflower, onions, beets, garlic, sweet red peppers, green beans, squash and purslane. Berry marinades are prepared from plums, cherries, dogwood, cherries, currants, grapes; fruit - from pears, apples. Vegetables, fruits and berries used for the preparation of marinades must be fresh, without spoilage.
Vegetable marinades can be made subacid, sour, and spicy; fruit and berry - sweet and sour and spicy. It depends on the amount of acetic acid added. Best for marinating table vinegar(6 - 8%), you can also use food vinegar essence of 80% strength (diluting it with water 10 - 13 times), but in this case the marinade acquires a sharply sour taste.
Filling preparation. Filling for vegetable marinades is prepared from salt, sugar, vinegar and water, for fruits and berries - from sugar, vinegar and water.
To prepare the filling, salt and sugar or one sugar are dissolved when heated in an appropriate amount of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes, after which it is filtered through a dense cloth. Vinegar is added to the filtered solution. Filling should be prepared in enamelware and for stirring, use spoons from of stainless steel or wooden.
To get slightly acidic marinades for 1 l pouring should take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and dissolve them in 3 1/4 cups of water; add 3/4 cup of vinegar. For acidic marinades, dissolve the same amounts of salt and sugar in 3 cups of water and add 1 cup of vinegar. For getting spicy marinades Dissolve the same amounts of salt and sugar in 2 cups of water and add 2 cups of vinegar. In each jar (capacity 1 l) add spices: 5 peas of bitter and allspice, 4 pieces of cloves and small piece cinnamon. For all types of vegetable marinades, except for the marinade for purslane, spices can be replaced with spicy herbs (in grams): dill - 3, tarragon - 3, parsley - 4, blackcurrant leaf - 2, horseradish (root) - 2, bay leaf - 2 , garlic - 7, hot pepper - 0.2.

Vegetable marinades.

Cucumbers. For pickling, you should take small cucumbers with underdeveloped seeds and dense pulp. Remove the stalks, soak the cucumbers in cold water (keep for about an hour) and wash thoroughly. small cucumbers marinate whole, large - cut into circles about 3 thick cm. Place the prepared cucumbers (preferably the same size) tightly in jars and pour over the filling so that it covers them.
Tomatoes. You can pickle tomatoes red, pink, brown or Green colour, round and plum-shaped. After removing the stalks, the tomatoes must be thoroughly washed. Depending on the size, the tomatoes are pickled whole or cut lengthwise into 2 halves. Pickled tomatoes in the same way as cucumbers.
Cauliflower . Remove the leaves from the cauliflower heads and separate into individual florets. Inflorescences are blanched (boiled) in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. To improve the color of cabbage, salt is added to the water and food acid(lemon or tartar) at the rate of 10 G salt and 0.5 G acid per 1 l water. After blanching, the cabbage should be immediately cooled in running water. Add spices, put in jars and pour over the prepared filling.
White cabbage and red cabbage . Peel the cabbage from the upper contaminated leaves, remove the stalk, chop no more than 5 mm wide and blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Then cool quickly and pour over the prepared filling. In order for the cabbage to be better saturated with the filling, you first need to pour a part of the filling into the jar, then lay the cabbage and pour the rest of the filling on top.
Onion . For pickling, you should take small onion sets or samples. Peel the onion by removing the root lobe and neck, then rinse and blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then quickly cool and pour over the prepared filling.
Beet . Boil thoroughly washed beets in their skins until tender, then peel them and cut them into small cubes or in the form of noodles. Pour the prepared beets with filling.
You can cook beets with horseradish. Put the cooked and chopped beets in jars and pour them in layers grated horseradish at the rate of 5 - 10% horseradish to the weight of beets and then pour marinade filling.
Garlic . Before peeling, soak the garlic in warm water(within 2 hours) to make it easier to clean. Then remove the outer skin and cut off the top of the garlic head. Wash the peeled slices thoroughly in cold water and pour over the prepared filling.
red sweet pepper. For pickling, take peppers with fleshy walls and a bright red color. Remove stems and seeds. To completely remove the seeds, peppers should be rinsed in cold water. Peeled pepper cut in half, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute and cool quickly. Place the prepared peppers in jars and pour over the filling.
string beans. For pickling, you should take unripe beans with underdeveloped seeds and dense pulp. Remove the ends of the pods; large pods cut into pieces (approximately 3 cm), blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then cool quickly. Put the prepared beans in jars and pour over the filling.
Wash the patissons thoroughly, cut the large ones into slices, and pickle the small ones whole. Put prepared patissons in jars and fill with filling.
Purslane. Soak purslane leaves contaminated with earth, and then rinse thoroughly in cold water. Remove the woody shoots and blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, then cool quickly. Only garlic is added as a spice (15 G for 1 kg marinade).
Glass jars (capacity 0.5 l and 1 l) and cylinders (capacity 3 l) With vegetable marinades sealed with a manual seamer (see Fig. Preservation by sterilization).
After capping on the lids of jars and cylinders with slightly acidic and sour marinades clamps are put on and then the marinades are pasteurized in boiling water at a temperature of 100 °; warming marinades lasts 20 - 25 minutes; pasteurization for cans - 5 - 7 minutes, cylinders - 10 minutes, followed by cooling.
Jars and cylinders with marinades can also be sealed with cork or wooden stoppers followed by filling with resin or pour marinades with a thin layer vegetable oil and then close the dishes parchment paper and tie with twine.
Usually, after two weeks of exposure, the marinade is ready for use.

Fruit and berry marinades.

Filling preparation. For sweet and sour marinades: 3 1/4 cups water, 3/4 cup vinegar, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar (for grapes 2.5 tablespoons). For spicy marinades: 2 cups water, 2 cups vinegar, 7.5 - 8 tbsp. spoons of sugar (for grapes 6 tablespoons).
In a jar (1 l) should be put: allspice - 5 peas, cloves - 4 pieces and a small piece of cinnamon.
In plums, cherries, sweet cherries, dogwoods, the stalks are removed and washed thoroughly.
Black, red, white currants, grapes, after a thorough washing, are pickled with whole berries (without stalks) or inflorescences and clusters. Gooseberries - whole berries.
Pears and apples can be pickled with skin or peeled. They are cored and then blanched in boiling water (apples up to 5 minutes, pears up to 10 minutes) and cooled quickly.
Fruit and berry marinades are pasteurized in hot water at a temperature of 85 °: warming up the marinades lasts 15 minutes, pasteurization 15 - 20 minutes (for cans with a capacity of 0.5 l and 1 l) and for 3-liter cylinders warming up 25 minutes, pasteurizing 25 minutes and cooling 25 minutes.
Banks and cylinders with fruit and berry marinades(unpasteurized) are corked or covered with parchment and tied with twine.
Store marinades in a cool, dry place.

The concept of "pouring" is used in cooking in a variety of ways. There are fillings for salads, fillings for hot dishes, fillings for cold dishes (aspic, jelly), as well as fillings for sweet dishes. Filling, in itself, is very important, French chefs there was a proverb: "Any cook's mistake can be corrected with sauce." So learning to cook delicious filling, you will win the hearts of everyone who happens to taste your works of culinary art.

salad dressing

Most easy recipe, telling how to make salad dressing, is very short in size. This is how any herbal salad is dressed. You need to take 2 tablespoons of vinegar, better than natural (apple, wine), 6 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon mustard, some salt and ground pepper, black or white. All this must be thoroughly mixed, rubbed, as it should. So it turns out the sauce, dressing, salad dressing from ... salad! This is not a tautology, this is the name of a gas station. You can call this mixture whatever you like, but it is very suitable for lettuce, For different varieties cabbage, other herbs. The same filling can be prepared on the basis of lemons. It has an amazing aroma and spicy sourness. It is necessary to take the juice of two lemons, remove the seeds, if any. Add 100 g of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard, and 1 clove of crushed garlic. Mix everything in a blender and pour over the salad. It's delicious, trust me!

Homemade dressing - mayonnaise

Homemade mayonnaise is suitable as a filling for different salads, to soups, to hot dishes. There is one subtlety in its preparation. We tell in detail how to make a filling called mayonnaise. We need 1 yolk and 1 glass of vegetable oil. Someone likes olive, someone likes sunflower without smell. But the meaning of cooking is the same. Put half a teaspoon of mustard into the yolk, salt and pepper to taste, and start beating. You can use a mixer, only at a slow speed. We begin to add oil to this mixture. This should be done in 1 drop. This is not a figurative comparison, it is real one drop at a time! Drip and beat until smooth, then another drip and beat again. We do this until we introduce 1/3 of the oil into the yolk. Then you can already pour half a teaspoon. With this whipping, the filling turns out to be light cream in color, thick, fragrant. Having tried such mayonnaise, you will stop noticing a product with that name on store shelves.

Filling for jelly and jelly

Everyone represents how to cook legs and ears for jelly. But how to make a fill so that everything freezes and all parts are combined into a single yummy, you need to know this! And in general it is very simple. You have cooked the meat components, then pour a glass of broth, cool it properly to room temperature. Add 10 g of gelatin to it, leave for 1 hour. During this time, the gelatin will swell. Then put the entire contents of the glass in a saucepan with broth (no more than a liter), heat, but do not boil. Then pour the meat with this solution in the dishes prepared for the jelly. It will harden in 5 hours, you can be sure!

Filling for chicken and fish is also being prepared, you will get a very tasty aspic. You can add pickled cucumbers there, green pea, carrot stars, mushrooms and greens. It will be very beautiful and delicious.

sweet filling

And, in conclusion, we will tell you how the filling is prepared for sweet dishes, for pies, cakes, pancakes. For 1 glass of liquid you need 1 glass of sugar, boil it all for 10-20 minutes. But what kind of liquid it will be - let your imagination tell you. Juice, diluted jam, lemon-orange juice, fruit compote. If gelatin (10 g per glass) is added to the syrup ready for impregnation, then when poured and solidified, the cake will become jelly, very attractive in appearance and taste. You can also prepare a filling based on condensed milk. Whip condensed milk with butter, for 1 can of milk take 70 g of butter. It turns out a rather liquid fill, which soaks the cakes very well.

Marinade for pouring may include absolutely different products. Moreover, the set of certain ingredients depends entirely on what kind of preparation you are making. In this article, we decided to present you with several recipes. Using them, you can cook pickled mushrooms, cabbage and other vegetables yourself.

Classic marinade for pouring

Surely each of us watched in childhood how our grandmothers and mothers prepared homemade marinades for the winter. Remember the aroma that literally hovered around the house when large saucepan did the brine boil? To make it yourself and use it for seaming vegetables, we may need components such as:

  • ordinary filtered water;
  • medium-sized table salt;
  • fine granulated sugar;
  • table vinegar.

Features of the choice of ingredients

Representing classic marinade for pouring, we do not specify one or another amount of ingredients. After all, for each workpiece it is purely individual. For example, to pickle tomatoes, you will need more sugar than salt. But in the case of cucumbers, everything is exactly the opposite.

So, the marinade for pouring vegetables consists of salt and sugar dissolved in plain water, and It should be noted that the bulk components used to prepare such a brine must be clean. That is why it is better to buy them in packs, and not by weight. Moreover, they should be small, since large salt and sugar dissolve in water for a rather long time.

Features of cooking on the stove

So how should you prepare a classic marinade for pouring? Bulk ingredients in one quantity or another must be dissolved in water, and then put everything on medium fire. In this case, it is advisable to constantly stir the ingredients with a tablespoon.

When the salt and sugar are completely dissolved, it is recommended to boil the resulting brine over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, a little foam may form on its surface, and dark particles sometimes appear in the marinade itself, which were previously located between the spice crystals.

To get a more transparent filling, after boiling it, the brine must be filtered through dense gauze or flannel. After completing these steps, you need to add table vinegar to the liquid. It should be especially noted that this process must be carried out immediately after boiling the marinade. Otherwise, it will simply evaporate.

How to apply?

As you can see, preparing the marinade for pouring does not take much time. After the brine is ready, they need to fill in all the filled containers. Moreover, the marinade should be as hot as possible. If necessary, it is re-drained into a saucepan, boiled and again poured into jars with vegetables.

Making marinade for pouring cabbage

Pickled cabbage is very tasty and fragrant snack, which is quite difficult to refuse. But, unfortunately, not all housewives know how to cook it correctly. To remedy this situation, we decided to tell you how to do it. fragrant filling for this appetizer.

So, we need:

  • filtered drinking water - 1.5 l;
  • apple table vinegar (take 9%) - about 200 ml;
  • vegetable - about 0.5 cups;
  • fine table salt - 4 large spoons;
  • medium-sized sand-sugar - 9 large spoons;
  • Bay leaf- 8 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • fragrant cloves - 5 pcs.

Cooking method

Preparing marinade for pouring is not very difficult process. And before you start it, you should carefully process all the vegetables (cabbage and carrots). After the main components are cut properly, it is necessary to start preparing the brine. This requires filling large saucepan water, and then put it on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. After that, it is necessary to put sugar, peas, salt, and clove inflorescences into the liquid. Stir these components until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved. After that, you need to add deodorized oil to them and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

After the specified time, table vinegar should be poured into the brine, and then all the liquid should be filtered using a sieve or multilayer gauze.

How to use?

After fragrant marinade will be ready, they need to pour the previously chopped cabbage and carrots. It is advisable to keep vegetables in brine for at least a day. Then they should be put in the refrigerator. After another 3-5 days, delicious pickled cabbage can be safely eaten.

Harvesting mushrooms

Marinade for pouring mushrooms should be as fragrant and spicy as possible. After all, only in this way you will get very delicious snack, which can be safely presented to the festive feast.

So, to prepare the brine, we need (calculated for 500 g of mushrooms):

  • fine table salt - 2 dessert spoons;
  • sand-sugar - large spoon with a slide;
  • apple table vinegar - about 50 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • peas - 5 pcs.;
  • chopped black pepper - ½ small spoon;
  • fragrant cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard seeds - ½ small spoon.

Cooking method

It is recommended to cook such a marinade with mushrooms. However, they must first be washed and boiled in clean water. After that, the mushrooms must be discarded in a colander, rinsed and put in a saucepan. Then they need to be filled again with clean filtered liquid so that it only slightly covers the product.

After boiling water, add sugar and salt to it. After boiling the ingredients for a couple of minutes, they also need to put cloves, bay leaves, mustard seeds, chopped peppers and peas. In this composition, it is advisable to boil the mushrooms over low heat for about ¼ hour. In conclusion, they should be poured with a thin stream of table vinegar, and then removed from the stove and spread the contents of the pan in sterilized containers. Having rolled up the banks, they must be cooled and kept at room temperature about 3 days. It is desirable to use pickled mushrooms in 2-3 weeks.

Pickling sweet peppers

How to make peppers in a marinade (filling)? To do this, you need to use products such as:

  • filtered drinking water - 1 l;
  • apple table vinegar (take 9%) - about 100 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - 2 cups;
  • fine table salt - 3 large spoons;
  • medium-sized sand-sugar - 7 large spoons;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • fragrant cloves - 3 pcs.

Cooking process

To pickle Bell pepper, should be used oil filling. To prepare it, you need to boil water, and then dissolve sugar and salt in it. Next, you need to add bay leaf, cloves and black peppercorns to the liquid. After boiling the components for 5 minutes, they should be poured into refined oil. After another ¼ hour, apple cider vinegar needs to be added to the ingredients.

When can you use?

After the marinade is completely ready, they need to pour the products processed and placed in a sterilized jar. After rolling up the containers, they should be left for several weeks. After this time, vegetables can be safely used for eating.

Preparation of marinade for pouring vegetables

For pickling use the most various vegetables- cucumbers, tomatoes (both ripe and unripe), carrots, beets, onions, white, red and cauliflower, green beans, sweet Bell pepper(green and red), etc. You can pickle fresh and salted vegetables.

As a general rule when pickling all vegetables in sealed container is the corking of jars with glass or tin lacquered lids, since the acetic acid contained in marinades corrodes tin lids unless they are varnished.

Marinade filling consists of salt, sugar and vinegar dissolved in water. Salt and sugar used to prepare the filling must be pure. Salt is better to take fine, in packs, as coarse salt dissolves in water for a long time. In addition, packaged salt is usually cleaner than loose salt. Filling is prepared with a salt content of 4 to 8%, depending on the type of vegetables. This means that for 1 liter of water you need to add from 40 to 80 g of pure fine salt(how to measure required amount salt, if there are no scales, it is said in ch. II).

The amount of sugar in the filling should be from 4 to 10%. Measure and dissolve sugar in the same way as salt. The amount of salt and sugar for each type of pickled vegetable is listed below.

Since salt and sugar are added to water in a relatively small quantities, there is no need to make such calculations as when preparing syrup for compotes.

Salt and sugar in the indicated amount are dissolved in water with heating and stirring. When they are completely dissolved, the solution is boiled for 10-15 minutes. At this time, a little foam may appear on the surface of the brine, and suspended dark particles between the salt and sugar crystals will become noticeable in the liquid itself. Sometimes there are so many of these suspended foreign particles, burlap hairs and other impurities that the liquid becomes cloudy because of this. To obtain a good transparent filling, after boiling it is filtered through a cloth or flannel.

After boiling, acetic acid is added to the filling. This acid is volatile and if it is added at the beginning, then when the filling is boiled, it can almost completely evaporate. From this, not only will the filling itself become weaker and its preservative effect will decrease, but acetic acid, being in the air in the form of vapors, will adversely affect the health of people working in the room. Acetic acid can be used in the form of weak vinegar with a strength of 5-9%, or in the form vinegar essence with a strength of 80% (sometimes 70%). Most often you have to use strong vinegar essence.

Usually on the bottles in which vinegar is sold, its strength is written. Then it is not difficult to calculate how much of this vinegar must be added to water in order to obtain the desired acidity. marinade filling.

For example, vinegar contains 6% acids, and we need to prepare a filling with 1% acidity. Dividing 6 by 1, we get that the finished filling should be 6 times more than the vinegar taken. If there is 0.5 l of vinegar, then you can get 0.5X6 \u003d 3 l from it, that is, 2.5 l of water must be added to 0.5 vinegar, in which sugar and salt have already been dissolved.

If the acidity of the vinegar was 7%, and you want to get a filling with an acidity of 0.8%, then by dividing 7 by 0.8, you get an approximate dilution value, which in our example will be equal to 9, i.e. 1 must be added to 8 parts of water part of the vinegar.

If vinegar is added to an already prepared solution of sugar and salt, this solution will become somewhat weaker than calculated. But this difference can be neglected or taken into account in advance. For example, if we want to prepare a filling with 5% salt and 6% sugar, then, given that a 7% vinegar solution will then be added to this solution, we will prepare a slightly stronger solution (6% salt and 7% sugar) . Then, in the finished filling, approximately the desired concentration of sugar and salt is obtained.

Acetic essence is usually produced as a standard - 80% strength. First of all, it should be borne in mind that such a strong essence is not safe to handle: it can cause burns on the skin, and in addition, it corrodes tissues. It should always be kept in tightly closed containers. glass bottles. It is necessary to pour the essence from bottles into other dishes carefully, avoiding splashing. It must be poured so that it flows down the wall of the jar or glass where it is poured. You can not lean too close to dishes with strong vinegar essence, so as not to inhale its vapors.

Quite accurately, you can measure the vinegar essence, which is sold in small packages - in special standard triangular bottles. In such a bottle, 100 cm 3 of essence are placed. On one side of the bottle there are 5 transverse straight lines in the form of thickenings on the glass. The volume of liquid between two adjacent lines is 20 cm 3 . This gap is further divided by short lines (thickenings) into parts.

The volume of essence poured from such a bottle can be determined with an accuracy of 5 cm 3 by noting the liquid level before and after pouring.

When working with vinegar essence, it can be added to vegetables in two ways: either prepare the filling liquid (marinade) in advance in a separate bowl and then pour the vegetables placed in jars with this liquid, or pour the right amount of vinegar essence measured with a pipette or cylinder directly into each jar, and then fill the vegetables with a filling containing sugar and salt, but not containing vinegar. In both cases, you can get the exact dosage of vinegar essence. If you need to pickle a lot of vegetables at the same time, then the filling liquid must be prepared immediately for all the jars and immediately fill them all. If only 2-3 jars of vegetables are pickled, it is easier to pour a strong essence into each jar.

There is some difference in the calculations of the amount of essence.

If a filling with vinegar essence is prepared in advance, then it should be remembered that the finished filled jar, as a rule, contains 60-65% vegetables, and the filling - only 35-40%. This means that if the acid in the filling is, for example, 2.5%, then in the finished marinade its concentration will decrease by about 2.5 times and become equal to 1%. Therefore, the filling should always be prepared 2-2.5 times more acidic than the future marinade. Since in different banks the ratio between the weight of vegetables and the weight of the filling fluctuates, then the final acidity of the pickled vegetables will not be the same (where there is less filling, the vegetables will be less acidic, and vice versa).

When a strong essence is introduced directly into the jar, then the exact concentration of vinegar in each jar is immediately ensured, unless, of course, the essence is accurately measured. For accurate measuring of vinegar essence, measuring glass cylinders or beakers are used. After the measured amount of essence has been poured from the cylinder, a little water is poured into it, rinsed and added to the same filling. This is necessary not only in order to completely use all the measured essence, but also so that, by negligence, drops of essence do not subsequently fall from the cylinder onto hands or clothes.

For ease of use, when preparing a marinade filling or when adding strong vinegar essence directly to jars, you can use the data in Table. 5.

Table 5. Calculation of the amount of 80% vinegar essence added when pickling vegetables
Acidity of ready-made pickled vegetables, % The amount of essence in cm 3 added Acidity of the received filling, %
directly into jars and bottles with a capacity, l in 1 liter of water when preparing the filling
0,5 1,0 3,0
0,4 2,5 5,0 15,0 12,5 1,0
0,5 3,0 6,0 19,0 15,0 1,2
0,6 4,0 7,5 22,0 19,0 1,5
0,7 4,5 9,0 26,0 21,0 1,7
0,8 5,0 10,0 30,0 25,0 2,0
0,9 5,5 11,0 34,0 27,5 2,2
1,0 6,0 12,5 37,0 31,0 2,5
1,1 7,0 14,0 41,0 34,0 2,7
1,2 7,5 15,0 45,0 37,5 3,0
1,3 8,0 16,0 49,0 40,0 3,2
1,4 9,0 17,5 52,0 44,0 3,5
1,5 9,5 19,0 56,0 47,0 3,7
1,6 10,0 20,0 60,0 50,0 4,0
1,7 10,5 21,0 64,0 52,5 4,2
1,8 11,0 22,0 68,0 56,0 4,5
