
How to open a bottle of champagne with a boot. What to do if the cork is broken

1. Chill the champagne to 6-8°C. This will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also keep it from spilling when the cork pops out.

2. If you expect to open the champagne carefully, and not shoot the cork at the ceiling, it is better not to shake it.

3. Wrap the bottle in a towel or tissue. This must be done so that the wet container does not slip out of your hands. And so that the cork does not fly away in an unknown direction, cover the neck itself with a towel: this way it will be in the fabric pocket as soon as it comes out.

4. Remove the foil from the neck.

5. Position the bottle at a 45-degree angle so that the bottom rests on a hard surface, such as your belly, thigh, or inside of your hand.

6. Remove the wire, holding the cork with your finger so that it does not open prematurely. The wire can not be removed completely, but only loosened.

7. Gently rotate the bottle (not the cork!), gradually pulling the cork out.

8. As soon as you feel the pressure inside the bottle begin to push the cork out, pry it with your thumb and carefully pull it out.

9. If you come across a particularly stubborn bottle, you can try to hold its neck under hot water for 3-5 minutes. This will help move the carbon dioxide inside the vessel to the cork and push it out.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew

This method is suitable if the wooden cork is broken. If it is intact, you need to cut off its upper part at the level of the neck. The corkscrew is screwed into the remains of the cork and removed in the same way as from a regular one. At the same time, the champagne wrapped in a towel must be held firmly in your hand so that it does not slip out.

But it is better to turn to this option only as a last resort. The cork is under pressure, so it will fly out with the corkscrew if you do not hold it. Which means you can get hurt.

With a broken plastic stopper, this trick will not work. It will have to be cut open and taken out piece by piece.

This method is quite dangerous and is designed for professionals who want to surprise the public. Of the minuses - the cork flies out sharply and can injure someone. Yes, and the drink itself, most likely, will spill. But fragments can be avoided if you hit the right point: the pressure inside the bottle will help to form an even chip.

1. Ideally, you need to take a sword or saber: they are heavier than a knife, so the blow is stronger. But with a certain skill, this trick can be done even with a spoon.

2. Cool the drink well. Remove foil and wire.

3. Take the sword or knife in one hand and the bottle in the other, placing it at an angle of 45 degrees. Grab the bottle tightly. Some advise placing your thumb in the recess in the bottom.

4. Aim at the protruding part of the bottle neck (the so-called lip) so that the sword or knife seems to fake it.

5. With a sharp movement away from you, hit the neck with the sharp end of the blade.

However, progress has come to the point that it has saved us from the need to open with heavy manual labor. There are many models of corkscrews designed specifically for champagne, and here are just a few. They will allow you to open the bottle with one easy movement and catch the cork themselves.

Such a device will help to easily pull out the cork, and then it remains just to pull it out of the corkscrew. It costs about 2,500-3,000 rubles.


And to open a bottle with this corkscrew, you just need to pull up on the handle. It is already cheaper: about 1,500 rubles.


And with the help of this device, you need to clamp the cork, like with pliers, and pull it towards you. A small hook is designed to remove the wire protection at the same time. The price is about 800 rubles.

Everyone knows how to open a bottle of champagne. After all, this is a drink without which no holiday can do. Opening a bottle of sparkling wine is a true art that requires preparation and practice. It has long been customary that wine is opened with a corkscrew. However, champagne is easy to uncork without the help of special tools - it is enough to free it from the foil on the cork.

Sparkling wine contains over 50 million bubbles due to fermentation. This is what makes this drink so special. The reason that the cork flies out at a high speed after the removal of the retaining bridle is that pressure pushes it. It is important to open the wine correctly, because you can get hurt or break something, and the holiday will be ruined. Therefore, consider a simple method subject to any person.

According to the rules, sparkling wine is drunk chilled and from tall glasses. You can open a bottle of champagne in a few steps:

  1. Refrigerate the bottle.
  2. Carefully unfold the foil.
  3. Check the integrity of the wire bridle.
  4. Place the bottle on your hip or on a table at a 45° angle.
  5. Remove it by pointing the neck at the ceiling.
  6. Unscrew the cap carefully and slowly.

IMPORTANT! If you cool a bottle of champagne, the pressure inside will decrease, instead of a shot of a cork, a light smoke is formed.

High-quality champagne should open without cotton, contrary to all stereotypes. The cork should open with a slight hiss.

REFERENCE! To prevent the "escape" of the drink from the bottle after opening, you can use a chilled spoon.


Ruined wallpaper and a ceiling aren't as frustrating as spattered holiday clothes. Even a girl can prevent this if she knows how to open champagne correctly.

The way available for girls differs little from the standard way to open a cork:

  1. Cool the champagne to a temperature of 6-8 degrees. It is enough to put it in an ice bucket or put it on the lower shelves in the refrigerator for several hours.
  1. Prepare the bottle - wrap it with a napkin or paper towel so that it does not slip in your hands due to condensation. It is customary to hide the label. But you can not shake the bottle, otherwise the cork will shoot.
  2. Remove the foil, wire bridle, then place the bottle vertically on a hard surface, or leave it right in the ice bucket. It is important to unwind the wire very slowly without moving the bottle.
  3. Slowly rotate the bottle while holding the cork with your fingers. The thumb will help to avoid cotton - it must be placed on top of the cork.
  4. The last step is to wipe the bottom with a clean napkin and pour the drink into glasses.

IMPORTANT! In no case should champagne be frozen in the freezer, the taste will be significantly spoiled.

It is easier for girls to open a bottle if it is on the table. It is recommended not to tilt the champagne to avoid pressure differences inside.

Anyone can open a bottle as long as the cork is in place and not broken in any way. The holiday threatens to be spoiled if it is broken or does not take off by itself. These are unpleasant situations that occur with an awkward opening. It is quite clear that it is simply impossible to pull out a tightly seated cork with bare hands. And there is no corkscrew at hand.

There are several ways to open champagne in case of such a problem:

  1. If the cork is wooden, then it can simply be pushed back into the bottle with the handle of a kitchen knife.
  2. Kitchen or can opener. Inserting the tip into the center, carefully unscrew the plug counterclockwise. Be sure to hold the bottle, but in no case shake it off.
  3. Use a self-tapping screw - for absolutely the same purpose:
  • screw in a screw;
  • carefully pull out with pliers.

IMPORTANT! The self-tapping screw must be long enough to sit firmly in the tree.

  1. Break open the cork with a knife. The last method is the most unpleasant, because the wine will be spoiled by sawdust. In this case, you can use a tea strainer to strain the drink into glasses.

The described methods will help you open a bottle at home and only if the cork is made of ordinary wood. But some wines are closed with plastic analogues, and it will no longer be possible to get by with improvised means. In this case, it is recommended to simply shake the bottle properly - the pressure will squeeze out the cap.

Great trick question! However, at first glance it seems quite absurd. One of the first to think of it was the famous Soviet artist Nikulin. Since then, few people have found the right way.

You will need to take a large syringe with a needle long enough and strong enough to drive it into a wooden or plastic cap. Plastic will be much thinner exactly in the center, while a cork made of wood is better to pierce along the edge of the bottle - where it fits snugly against the neck.

Then everything is simple: you need to tilt the bottle and draw a full syringe, and then release its contents into a glass. The needle does not need to be removed, otherwise it will have to be pierced again. This is how champagne can be drunk from a closed bottle without breaking it.

Having gained experience and practice, you can learn how to open champagne correctly - with a slight hiss, while maintaining the full taste of the drink. The main thing is to do everything carefully. Then the holiday will not be spoiled by dirty clothes and a broken chandelier. Have you had any funny situations when opening champagne? Write in the comments!

A bottle of champagne has become an indispensable and invariable attribute of any festive table. It is it that acts as the personification of a triumph or a memorable event for more than one hundred years. But even a perfectly planned holiday will spoil if a person does not know how to properly open a bottle of sparkling wine. Also, with careless handling of the drink, there is a possibility of harming yourself or others.

For a long time the existence of the drink, certain nuances have developed in society regarding the culture of its use. Unfortunately, even now there are people who are completely unaware of how to open festive champagne correctly and effectively. But adhering to small secrets, a person will not only gracefully open a bottle, but also make a proper impression on others. Such a ritual will look like a great addition to the festive table.

Nuances that provide easy opening of sparkling wines

In addition to the direct ways of opening the drink, there are several small subtleties. They will minimize the likelihood of spontaneous release of the cork from the neck or other troubles. If you take into account all the nuances and properly prepare, champagne will open as if by magic.

  1. Proper storage is very important for sparkling wines. Due to the carbon dioxide content and the strong pressure inside the bottle, the wine should never be shaken.
  2. The optimum temperature for champagne is between 7 and 9 degrees. It is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator. Cooling and storage of the bottle is done in a bucket with ice or cold water.

Important: Try to avoid overcooling the drink, as this will spoil its taste.

  1. Before opening chilled champagne, it is recommended to wipe the bottle with a napkin or kitchen towel. For greater confidence, with the help of them you can hold it tighter when opening.
  2. A bottle with a plastic stopper must be opened carefully, as it is more slippery than a traditional wine stopper.

Ways to properly open a bottle of champagne

Since it is easy to open champagne using the traditional method, it is the most common.

  1. Carefully unroll and remove the muzzle. When doing this, the champagne must not be disturbed, so as not to create a release of carbon dioxide. If the wire breaks off when opening, you can use pliers or pliers.
  2. Holding the bottle firmly at the base, you need to tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees. At this stage, you need to carefully monitor that the neck is not directed at people or interior items.
  3. Gently holding the cork, you need to slowly and carefully turn the bottle clockwise. If everything is done correctly, the cork will easily come out of the neck, making a soft click.

There are more extravagant ways, but for them you need to have a certain skill and skill.

Safe and neat bottle opening option for girls

Since the procedure for uncorking a drink requires a certain physical strength, it is not always easy for a girl to open champagne on her own. To eliminate the chance of a cork shot, here are three tips to make the traditional method easier.

  • throw a towel over the neck, leaving some space inside;
  • place the bottle on a secure surface;
  • make the opening while sitting.

If it is inconvenient to do this at the table, you can put a bottle of wine on your lap. It is important to carefully ensure that the cork does not touch the drink.

This will allow you to safely open the bottle and enjoy your favorite drink. Otherwise, there are no differences with the previous method.

How to uncork champagne without cotton

In order to open sparkling wine without a shot, it is necessary not to interfere with the cork being pushed out by the gases. It only needs to be held slightly at the moment of separation from the neck. You can hold it with a towel, creating a kind of catcher. This will allow you to silently open the champagne without scaring others. An important point is the rotation of the bottle during opening. This should be done slowly and carefully to avoid accumulation of excess gas. After opening the cork, it is recommended to hold it slightly above the neck, bleed off the accumulated excess carbon dioxide.

Opening a bottle with cotton

According to etiquette, loud clap is bad form and unacceptable in a cultural company. But sometimes, situations arise when sparkling wine opens as noisily as possible. In order to open champagne in this way, after removing the muselet, it must be shaken slightly and the cork should not be prevented from being pushed out. After opening the drink in this way, you must wait until all the foam comes out of the bottle, and only then pour the wine into glasses. Be prepared for the fact that the neck of the bottle may fly off along with the cork.

How to uncork champagne if the cork is broken

Sometimes, for whatever reason, opening a bottle can easily become impossible due to a broken cork. If this happens, do not panic and get upset ahead of time, as the situation can still be corrected. And here you can not do without a corkscrew.

Important: Do not use a thick self-tapping screw, as it can crush the cork.

Another common method in the post-Soviet space involves opening a bottle with a self-tapping screw. To do this, it is screwed into the cork, and with the help of pliers it is removed from the neck along with the stuck cork.

Sometimes the way out of this unpleasant situation is quite simple. A broken cork comes out perfectly under the pressure of carbon dioxide, if you gently hit the bottom of the bottle with the base of your palm several times. Before this, you should move away from people and breaking objects, as the cork can shoot at any moment.

You can push a broken cork inward, but then you have to strain the drink to catch all the small pieces. Before that, you need to make a hole in the cork and release the gas. Otherwise, when trying to push through the cork, the bottle is able to explode, unable to withstand the resulting pressure.

How to open champagne with a knife

Before opening a bottle of chilled champagne in this way, guests should be asked to move to a safe distance. This method is called saber or hussar. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to apply a smooth and accurate blow with a sharp object to the seam at the base of the neck. Before impact, the bottle should be slightly tilted for convenience. The opening of champagne by the saber method is accompanied by a loud pop and an abundance of foam, which creates a solemn mood. Do not worry about small pieces of glass getting into the drink. During the shot, everything that breaks off the neck is washed out by the pressure of the foam.

Another way to open a broken cork with a knife is as follows. The top of the cork is cut off to create the flattest possible surface. The rest of the cut cork is pushed a little deeper into the neck. Then the cork is pricked with a knife with a long thin blade and gradually removed with smooth turning movements.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew

Not everyone can have a self-tapping screw at home, and not everyone can open their favorite sparkling wine using the saber method the first time. In this case, the most ordinary corkscrew, which is present in any kitchen, will come to the rescue. It is easier and easier for them to open champagne, but even here there are subtleties.

Before opening, a small hole should be made in the cork to release the accumulated gas and avoid an explosion. Next, using a corkscrew, slowly and carefully begin to remove the cork. It is recommended not to make sudden movements, and not to disturb the drink.

How to open champagne with special tools

Progress does not stand still, and people have figured out how to facilitate and automate such work as the discovery of champagne. Special corkscrews were created, designed specifically for sparkling wines, taking into account all their features. With the help of them, the bottle opens effortlessly in a matter of seconds. Some models are able to catch a cork, others to bite the wire. If desired, everyone will find an instrument to their taste and wallet.

Each person is able to deftly and masterfully uncork a bottle of sparkling wine like a real professional sommelier. To do this, you need to follow little secrets and practice at every opportunity. After some time, you will be able to complement the festive day with an interesting and unusual spectacle, into which you can turn the usual opening of sparkling wine. And following the traditional way will demonstrate to others the culture and gallantry of the owner.

Attention, only TODAY!

Sparkling wine is an attribute of many holidays and events. But, despite the huge popularity of champagne, not everyone knows how to properly open a bottle of drink. If handled carelessly, you can harm both yourself and others. In addition, it is important to understand how to open a bottle in a difficult situation when it is not possible to remove the cork using conventional methods.

How to open champagne

There are several ways to open champagne in a critical situation and not only. We recommend that you take a look at some of them:

  1. Slowly twist the cork until the bottle makes a muffled sound. It indicates that the pressure is relieved. After that, the cork easily and neatly comes out of the bottle.
  2. The French method or the so-called "saber strike". The bottle is hit with a saber (or a knife) held at an angle of 45 degrees so that a stream of champagne flies out in a stream. The method was popular in France during the reign of Napoleon, who used to open the drink in this way when celebrating his victories.

  3. By analogy with the previous method, there is a way to open wine with a spoon, only in this case you need more strength and accuracy.
  4. If a bottle of champagne is sealed with a cork cork, you can open it with a corkscrew, like ordinary wine, after cutting off the rounded top of the cork with a knife.
  5. As an option, purchase a special corkscrew designed for uncorking sparkling wines.
  6. You can open a bottle of champagne by knocking the cork out of it with another bottle, but not a glass one.
  7. With a long screw and pliers. It is necessary to screw the screw into the cork, while leaving about a third of the leg with the cap on the surface. We grab the screw with pliers and carefully remove it along with the cork.
  8. Using a pocket knife. Its blade is carefully inserted between the cork and the neck of the bottle, then you need to slowly press while holding the bottle with your hand. Moving the blade, you need to stick it into the cork. After that, pull the knife with the cork until it appears from the bottle. At the end, you can intercept the cork with your hand and remove it.
  9. With wire. Its end should be bent, making a hook, and pushed into the cork, perforated through. Make a small twist so that the hook fits well into the wood, and slowly pull the wire until the cork comes out of the bottle.
  10. The bottom of the bottle is placed in the shoe exactly above the heel (or wrapped in a towel, shirt, etc.). Now it’s worth hitting the bottom of the bottle against the wall until the cork comes out of the neck a little more than half. The main thing is to follow the process so that the cork does not come out to the end. Grab it in time and open it further with your hands.

  11. Try to stick the cork inside the bottle, cutting off its upper part first. You can push it with your finger, but without bending it, or with the help of a heel, a key, a spoon, a pen, lipstick, etc. A particularly convenient method for women.
  12. With a shoelace or twine. In addition, you will need a sharp object, such as a knitting needle, an awl or a flathead screwdriver. A large knot is created on the lace and pushed through the cork with a sharp object. When the knot is under the cork, pull the rope. In this way, the cork will come out of the bottle.
  13. With lighters. They warm up the neck of the bottle and gradually the cork begins to come out on its own. Just grab it and take it out with your hands.
  14. You can also connect a syringe. With its help, air is pumped into the bottle, and the cork begins to come out of the neck.
  15. We drive several nails into the cork so that their caps do not touch each other and pull them out with a cork with a nail puller, which is usually located on an ordinary hammer.

Now you will be able to open champagne without problems if you can't do it in the traditional way.

Despite the incredible popularity of sparkling wine, not everyone knows how to open champagne correctly. But for men, such knowledge is simply vital, since it is on their shoulders that the responsibility for uncorking the cherished bottle most often falls. And it is especially important to know what to do in a difficult situation, when it is impossible to get rid of the cork in the usual way.

How to open champagne correctly?

According to the rules of etiquette, sparkling wine should not make any sounds when opened, and a deafening pop followed by a spectacular flying cork is generally considered bad manners. Therefore, a real man needs to have an idea of ​​​​how to open champagne without cotton. If we are talking about a plastic cork, then you need to follow a clear algorithm.

  1. The drink must be cooled, otherwise it will not be possible to open it silently in any case. To do this, you can use a special ice bucket or just put the bottle in the refrigerator for half an hour. The optimum temperature for serving champagne is 6-8 degrees.
  2. After you have taken the bottle in your hands, it should be properly positioned - tilted by about 40 degrees. This is necessary in order to minimize the level of pressure on the walls - in this position, the greatest load will fall exactly on the place where the neck begins, and under the influence of gases the cork will come out by itself. In addition, just in case, champagne must be turned away from breaking objects and people.
  3. Now you need to remove the protection from the cork - wire braid and foil.
  4. Next, you need to grab the cork tightly with your hand, and take the bottle with the other and start rotating it in one direction, loosening the cork. As soon as you feel it coming out, tilt the champagne a little more and carefully remove the cork completely. All that remains to be done is to pour the wine into glasses.

How to open champagne with a wooden cork?

If the champagne is corked with a wooden cork, then you need to act differently - you will need a corkscrew. You can use a special device designed to open sparkling wines or use the most common corkscrew, but always with a pointed and thin spiral. A thick corkscrew is no good here.

With a cork stopper, the upper part is cut off with a sharp knife, and then, using a corkscrew, the lower half is carefully removed from the neck. The same should be done if the wooden cork is accidentally broken.

How to open champagne without a corkscrew?

However, although a corkscrew is a popular tool, it is far from always at hand in an emergency. And therefore, the problem often arises of how to open champagne, if the cork is broken, there is no corkscrew. In this case, you can use a variety of improvised means.

  1. Take a long screw and pliers. Carefully drive the screw into the cork using pliers, leaving about a third of the leg with the cap on the surface. Now grab the screw with pliers and gently pull to remove the plug.
  2. If you have a pocket knife, then you can bring him to the case. Gently insert the blade between the cork and the neck of the bottle, press slowly while holding the bottle with your hand. Move the blade, then try to stick it into the cork. Now pull it until it appears from the bottle, grab it comfortably with your fingers and remove it.
  3. When you do not know how to open champagne, if it does not open, then an ordinary thick wire can help. Bend the end of it, making a hook, and gently push it into the cork, making a hole through it. Now turn a little so that the hook is well pierced into the wood, and slowly pull until the cork comes out of the neck.
