
How to bake in a silicone mold. How to bake in silicone molds? Apple Cinnamon Pie

The abundance of high-quality utensils and accessories for cooking provides a lot of opportunities for housewives. Having silicone baking molds, you can easily create culinary masterpieces in your kitchen.

Silicone molds for baking

What are the benefits of silicone molds?

It is known that lightweight molds made of silicone for baking are completely non-stick. Dough sticking is completely excluded. It is only necessary after purchase to smear the mold with butter once. Further, it is not necessary to apply fat, since the dishes eliminate the burning of baking. Another advantage not to be missed is the ease of use of silicone molds. To remove pastries, turn out soft dishes, and to wash traces of food, simply rinse with water and a sponge.

Silicone molds do not require special conditions. This miracle dish is stored in a cabinet in the kitchen without taking up much space. Forms can be bent in any way and rolled up, then they immediately restore their former silhouette. It should be noted that after baking, the molds do not leave the smell of this dish on themselves. Another indisputable plus is resistance in a high-temperature environment. Forms behave well at minus 50 and plus 250 degrees. You can cook pastries in the oven, and freeze food in the same container in the freezer.

On sale a great variety of silicone dishes - different configurations, sizes, colors. There are high and low options, embossed and smooth, with a removable bottom. The most beautiful ones look like flowers, animals and other interesting figures. Forms perfectly show themselves when cooking in an electric and gas oven, microwave oven.

Are silicone bakeware harmful?

Silicone molds are unequivocally safe for human health. Therefore, you can cook for the whole family without fear. Material - medical silicone, does not absorb harmful substances from the outside and does not emit any when heated. You can be sure that baking is environmentally friendly. In this matter, metal forms are inferior.

Certain types of silicone molds pose a health risk. It's all about the use of prohibited materials and the wrong technologies, only unscrupulous manufacturers sin with this. You can protect yourself from this factor if you purchase certified products from reputable brands. Usually high-quality silicone dishes have a uniform material structure, without air bubbles and defects.

Features of using silicone molds

If you do not follow the recommendations of manufacturers, then there may be undesirable consequences. Read the instructions carefully and follow all operating instructions. Do not cut ready-made pastries directly in the form, use aggressive chemicals when washing, scratch the product. Naturally, you can not heat the mold on fire, and it is better to fill it after placing it on a baking sheet so that the contents do not fall out.

silicone molds are ideal for baking muffins and cupcakes

How to choose a silicone baking dish?

Silicone mold for baking in the oven

Silicone molds are convenient to use when baking delicious and fragrant products in a microwave, electric and gas oven. The maximum temperature in the oven is 240-250 degrees. Most often, housewives bake at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. The material is not deformed and does not spoil baking. It is only necessary to preheat the oven, pour the dough into molds, place them on a wire rack or baking sheet, then carefully place and start cooking.

Universal forms

Round silicone molds

Round - the most successful form for making cakes and muffins. The finished product will keep its shape stably and will not crumble, as there are no small parts. You can bake the basis for multi-tiered pies. There are also small molds in circles, you can immediately make a whole batch of cupcakes for a large family.

Rectangular silicone molds

Rectangular baking is a classic of the genre. This form is suitable for every hostess. You can bake rectangular cupcakes. On sale there are large rectangles, and fused forms, divided into several small rectangular sections. This is a fairly common kitchen utensil. It is easier to find it on sale than, for example, a flower mold, an animal or a heart.

silicone molds are flexible and practical

What are the best silicone bakeware?

Silicone molds for cupcakes

As a rule, cupcake molds are quite small in size. It turns out surprisingly beautiful, even products, no worse than store ones. Children and adults will be delighted with such baking. The sides of each cupcake come out the way you want - corrugated and clear. You can make standard round cupcakes or in the form of hearts, fish, animal figures.

Silicone molds for cakes

There are different types of cake molds. Their main difference is the size. Usually this is a large dish. On the basis of baking, you can cook absolutely any cake, decorating it to your liking. If the dough recipe is correct, then the cakes are smooth, like from a store.

Silicone cookie molds

It is a great joy to cook a lot of delicious curly cookies at home. Silicone molds provide this opportunity. Cookies can be in the form of insects, animals, transport, with letters and patterns. Many of these products are sold in online stores at the most reasonable prices. This is a good idea for any holiday and weekdays.

Silicone molds for bread

It turns out that in silicone molds you can bake real healthy bread with any composition. It is much better than the purchased counterpart. Products can take on a different look, depending on the imagination of the hostess. Usually it is deep and capacious dishes. The main thing is to follow the recipe, and bread in silicone mold will delight you with excellent taste.

We considered several options for molds for different purposes. The best ones are the ones that suit your needs. Each hostess chooses the optimal sizes and configurations, depending on what she cooks more often. The main thing is that the product for the oven is made of high-quality material and does not emit harmful substances when heated. This is important for the safety of all family members.

Rating of silicone molds

There are many good items for sale. Here are the most popular brands that produce silicone molds:

  • FixPrice - bright and convenient molds for baking muffins, cupcakes;
  • Tupperware - soft molds for making beautiful pastries;
  • Pan-Cake - different sets of silicone molds for the oven, small cute figures;
  • REGENT - quality silicone molds for different purposes;
  • NADOBA - good round molds for muffins, muffins and a lot of other types of pastries;
  • FISSMAN - rectangular, shaped baking tins.

in such forms, you can cook delicious pastries in the oven, as well as freeze anything in them in the freezer

How to use silicone baking mold?

Dough for silicone molds

Preparing the dough will not be difficult even for inexperienced housewives. The base turns out to be quite liquid, so you must first preheat the oven, then put the mold on a baking sheet, then pour the dough into it and place it in the oven. This is the most convenient option that protects against leakage and burning. Usually the dough is made from available products - flour, baking powder, eggs, butter, sugar and various additives. Several successful recipes will be described below.

Should silicone molds be lubricated?

They say that it is enough to grease the baking dish with oil once. The molds are non-stick and have excellent contact with the dough, it does not stick. Therefore, they do not need to be smeared with anything. As practice shows, ready-made cupcakes, cookies, bread, cake base are removed from the mold without deformation. Nevertheless, some housewives lubricate the forms out of habit.

How to take out a cake from a silicone mold?

A container of any shape, even complex, makes it easy to remove the finished pastries. It is necessary to boldly turn the flexible dishes inside out. Or just turn the mold over and the pastry will fall on the table. Care must be taken when removing cupcakes and muffins from the oven. Immediately after cooking, the molds are very hot, you can burn yourself. Therefore, everyone recommends waiting a bit, then picking up pastries.

How to clean a silicone baking dish?

Housewives do not have to bother with the process of washing complex contaminants from silicone molds, since care is extremely simple. All stains are washed off instantly with water and a sponge. Usually there are no problems with washing molds.

Silicone Baking Recipes

Delicate cupcake

Ingredients for 12 servings:

  • butter - 125 g;
  • granulated sugar - 125 g;
  • vanillin - a small amount;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l;
  • flour - 125 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • nuts, raisins, candied fruits.

Make a single mass of sugar and butter, add beaten eggs, mix vigorously. Add baking powder to the sifted flour, pour vanillin. Combine with sugar mixture, add milk, mix everything. Pour a homogeneous mass without lumps into molds. Optionally add nuts and raisins with candied fruit. The oven must be heated to 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, the pastry will begin to blush. Do not open the door during cooking. Put the cupcakes on a plate, sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Bears Barney

Components for 1 batch of bears:

  • butter - 1 pack;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • cocoa - a small amount;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • vanillin - any amount;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 pack;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • cream - any sweet filler.

Beat the egg-sugar mixture, add soft butter and kefir. Next, add the sifted flour. Prepare dough. Separate the sixth part of the dough, mix this portion with cocoa. Pour a homogeneous mass into the bear molds, pour dark dough with cocoa in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws. Bear cubs are baked at a temperature of 180 degrees. Biscuit baking time - up to 40 minutes. After cooling, remove from molds. The filling can be liquid chocolate, peanut or chocolate paste, boiled condensed milk. The insides are introduced through a culinary syringe into the finished bears.

Curd muffins

Ingredients for multiple cupcakes:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • raisins - any amount as desired;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • vanillin - a small pinch;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l. (not necessary);
  • sugar - 200 g.

Cottage cheese muffins are usually soft and tasty. To prepare baking, you need to warm up the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees. Wash and steam the raisins. Melt the butter. Beat all eggs until foamy. Add sugar, stir until it dissolves. To this mass add cottage cheese, mix everything. Pour in the oil and mix again. Sift flour with baking powder, pour it into the dough little by little. Wipe the raisins with a towel, mix with the dough. Anoint the molds with oil, pour the dough so that it takes 2/3 of the height of the containers. Baking time - 25-30 minutes, temperature - 180 degrees. Ready-made cupcakes have a golden brownish color. Sprinkle the pastry with powdered sugar.

Baking is a universal dish that can be prepared from absolutely any dough. It can be open and closed, sweet and savory, on thin or thick dough, crispy and tender, cooked in a slow cooker, on a baking sheet or in a special form in the oven. In general, baking is an amazing variety of delicacies, which are sometimes even difficult to refuse. It saturates well, is very nutritious and high in calories.

But what exactly can be cooked by baking? Today we invite you to study the recipes for pies in silicone mold. Consider how to prepare them and why we will use silicone.

Silicone baking mold

Many housewives have already fallen in love with silicone. They note the ease of preparation, as well as the extraction of pastries. However, not everyone has come to such innovations; they are skeptical about modern kitchen appliances. Why should you consider buying silicone molds? What is the advantage in such products?

Advantages of silicone mold

Why silicone and not something else? What is his secret? There are at least 5 reasons to bake using silicone molds:

  1. Silicone molds, due to their appearance, allow housewives to bake not only an ordinary heart-shaped biscuit, but also to prepare jelly and yogurt cakes in the form of a rosebud, a kitten's face or a bear. With this you can surprise children or guests at the holiday.
  2. The silicone mat also makes the work of housewives very easy. With it, you can bake a wonderful biscuit roll. In this case, you do not have to suffer and wonder how to roll the biscuit so that it does not crumble or break at all.
  3. The convenience of molds allows you to easily and quickly get pastries. You do not have to long and painfully separate it with a knife, fork and other kitchen utensils. You no longer need to worry about whether you spoil the dessert at the stage when it is already ready, or whether it will be possible to remove it from the mold without damage.
  4. You no longer have to scrape the burnt remains of the cake, rub the bottom with a metal washcloth in order to wash the mold. If you grease it with oil, you will no doubt be able to successfully both get pastries and wash the mold after work. By the way, you do not need to lubricate it constantly. You only need to do this when you bake in a new form for the first time.
  5. Do not be afraid that the silicone will melt in the oven. It withstands high and low temperatures well, is heat-resistant and strong - nothing will happen to the shape with a strong blow. The only thing that can not be done is to put the form on an open fire.

So, we have learned what a silicone baking dish is good for and why experienced housewives love it so much. We hope that these 5 arguments sounded very convincing.

Now let's go directly to the recipes for pies in silicone mold.

Open pie with cottage cheese

Consider the recipe for a pie in a silicone mold, you can find a photo of this dish a little lower.

What do we need:

  • a pack of butter;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • cinnamon.

Preparing the pie:

  1. In a bowl, beat the eggs with 2/3 cup sugar with a mixer. Now you need to melt the butter in the microwave (make sure that it does not boil) and add in a trickle to the egg-sugar mixture, continuing to stir.
  2. Combine flour with baking powder and gradually fold into dough. Now stir until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. We form the dough. If it's still sticky, add a little more flour. It should turn out very plastic, like soft plasticine.
  4. Now we distribute our dough in shape. We form the sides.
  5. Prepare the curd filling: beat the curd with 1/3 cup sugar and cinnamon. Add sour cream and mix until smooth.
  6. We fill the dough with our filling. Now we need to straighten it out.
  7. We send it to the oven for half an hour, setting it to 180 degrees.

The pie is amazingly delicious. A good option for those who do not use cottage cheese in its pure form. It is especially suitable for children, since not everyone loves fresh cottage cheese, and in baking it turns out surprisingly tender and airy.

Apple Cinnamon Pie

Even a novice hostess or a child can cook this simple silicone cake. If you are just learning how to work with dough, this dish can help you get closer to perfection.


  • 4 medium apples;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • a tablespoon of semolina;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • vanillin and cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  1. With melted butter (you can do this in the microwave), grease the silicone mold. Sprinkle the bottom with semolina.
  2. Rinse apples under running water, remove seeds and stalks, cut into slices. Put on the bottom of the form.
  3. Prepare the dough: beat the whites with a whisk or a mixer until foam forms. Then add sugar and beat until it dissolves in proteins.
  4. Add sifted flour to the proteins (introduce it into the dough gradually, stirring at the same time), vanillin and cinnamon. Mix the dough.
  5. Pour batter over apple layer. Sprinkle again with cinnamon.
  6. at 180 degrees for about an hour.

Probably, every housewife is obliged to cook this pie in the summer fruit season. Apples are very refreshing and give baked goods a sweet and sour taste. Cinnamon adds spice to the dish. Brighten up your evening by treating your family, friends and neighbors to an amazingly delicious pie.

and greenery

Who said pies should only be sweet? Many men, for example, do not have a sweet tooth at all. For them, we will prepare a savory meat pie in a silicone mold in the oven. Kefir dough will turn out to be airy and very tender, and the filling will make pastries juicy and fragrant. Let's go straight to the recipe:

What will be required?

  • half a kilo of ground beef;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 st. l. decoys;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of wheat flour;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • pepper.

Step by step cooking pie:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl and add soda (extinguish with vinegar). We leave for five minutes.
  2. Finely chop the onion and greens and mix with ground beef. Now you need to salt and pepper. To prevent the stuffing from being too thick, you can add a little ice water.
  3. Gradually introduce the sifted flour into the kefir dough, while stirring with a fork or whisk. The dough will turn out a little thicker than liquid sour cream.
  4. We sprinkle the silicone mold with semolina. Pour 1/2 of our batter on it. Then we lay out the minced meat filling and pour the second half of the kefir dough.
  5. Bake for about forty minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Serve with tea or coffee as a main course. You can also prepare an additional light vegetable salad.

Cooking will not take you much time and effort. The recipe requires a minimum amount of ingredients. Ideal if guests are on their way and you have nothing to feed them.

Life hacks when using silicone molds

A few secrets for housewives who love to bake:

  1. The mold has thin walls, so baking takes much less time to cook. Make sure the dish doesn't burn.
  2. Use silicone molds only if baking in an oven preheated no higher than 250 degrees. If the temperature is higher, such forms will have to be postponed.
  3. Use silicone molds for more than just baking. They are great for freezing, as they easily withstand temperature changes.


We have reviewed several recipes for pies in a silicone mold in the oven. Agree, they are all insanely simple, understandable and accessible even to a person who has never baked anything. With a silicone mold, you can not worry about the quality of the dish, and also remove it without any problems. Modify recipes to your taste by adding your favorite ingredients. Bon appetit!

Causes genuine interest in many housewives. What is the reason for its popularity, especially since this type of kitchen utensils appeared recently? Ease of use, variety of shapes and a number of other advantages make it indispensable in any kitchen. How to use it so that it lasts a long time? We will talk about this in the article.

Benefits of silicone molds

The most important advantage of silicone baking dishes is the uniformity of cooking. The dish does not dry out on the sides, it is baked equally evenly and it turns out tender and airy. For this alone, it is worth learning how to use a silicone baking dish. In it, the product does not burn, as the dishes have. In addition, it does not require processing with fat. It is only necessary to lubricate it with oil for the first time of use. Silicone, unlike other materials, does not react with the external environment. Therefore, baking does not have foreign odors and impurities.

This material is resistant to temperature changes, so it can be placed directly from the refrigerator into the oven. Such dishes can have various shapes that will make the dish more interesting. This kitchen utensil can easily be called universal. It is suitable for cooking not only desserts and pastries, but also for meat, fish and other products. Before using silicone baking molds, you need to remember that they cannot be broken. This is one of the most enjoyable moments. This cookware is flexible and easily returns to its original shape. This is very important for Well, and the last advantage is that it is easy to clean.

How to use silicone baking mold

With proper care, such dishes can last 5 years or more. There are several rules to follow. First, do not use metal objects that can damage the molds. Silicone or plastic spatulas, forks and other items are suitable as improvised means. Secondly, such dishes should not come into contact with heating elements. Do not use abrasives to clean the mold. It is better to take a neutral agent. It should be washed in warm water and then dried thoroughly in the dishwasher. Do not allow mechanical damage to dishes by foreign objects. Before using a silicone baking dish, rinse it with warm water and grease with oil.

The oven model does not matter. Such dishes are suitable for electric and heating temperature should not exceed 230 degrees. The dishes are flexible, so before using the silicone baking dish, it must be set on a baking sheet for convenience. Using such utensils, it should be remembered that the cooking time is slightly reduced. Instructions for using this form are included with microwave ovens. Here is such a convenient silicone baking dish. You already know how to use it, it remains to purchase dishes and cook delicious pastries for your loved ones.

How to bake pies, muffins and other dough products in a silicone mold in the oven? Cooking in such forms is no different from the usual. The only difference is convenience. Silicone does not need to be greased, the dough does not stick to it, and finished products are easily removed. Due to this, more and more housewives prefer to use just such equipment. For the manufacture of molds, harmless silicone is used, which does not emit any chemicals when heated. You can not worry that baking will have a negative effect on the body. Of course, for this you should purchase forms only from reliable manufacturers who care about the quality of their goods.

Here are a few tips on how to properly use silicone bakeware:
  • You can use silicone molds in an electric or gas oven, as well as in a microwave oven. The material withstands temperatures from -40 to +230 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures, it begins to release harmful substances.
  • Silicone molds are soft, so first you need to put them on a baking sheet, and only after that pour the dough.
  • Before using the mold, wash it with warm water and laundry soap or a mild detergent.
  • It is best to choose shapes with a minimum of small bends. The smoother the surface of the silicone, the easier it will be to remove finished products from it.
  • In high-quality forms, the resource is designed for approximately 1000 pastries. It is recommended to change products after using about half of this resource.
  • Immediately after removing the finished product from the mold, soak it in cold water for 10 minutes. Then wipe with a sponge - the remnants of the dough will easily move away from the walls. The use of abrasive cleaners is not recommended.
  • Do not use a knife or fork to remove pastries from the mold. Silicone - the material is soft and easily pierced.
  • Keep in mind that baking in silicone molds cooks a little faster than in metal ones. Therefore, do not forget to check readiness from time to time by piercing the product with a match or a toothpick.

What Not to Do


  • Put the empty mold into the hot oven.
  • Reheat the finished baking in a silicone mold.
  • Put the form on an open fire.
These recommendations will be enough for you to know how to bake delicious muffins, pies and other products in a silicone mold in the oven.

Silicone baking molds - a new word in cooking. Some housewives successfully use them every day. Others only look narrowly and ask the price of this unusual innovation. Both categories of consumers are interested in how silicone bakeware is safe, reliable and how to use them correctly.

Silicone molds for the oven: the pros and features of use

Silicone molds for baking and freezing products have appeared relatively recently. Of all the utensils that exist for this purpose, they are the freshest and most interesting innovation. Before that, the housewives, with more or less success, used only glass, ceramic and metal utensils in the kitchen. At the intersection of modern science and past culinary experience, a new, silicone cookware for use in ovens has been developed.

Benefits of silicone baking molds

  1. Silicone molds are made from chemically inert silicone, which does not react with heated oil, the metal of a hot pan, and the dough itself. The surface of such material does not emit toxic substances when heated and therefore is absolutely safe to use.
  2. The main advantage of silicone molds is flexibility and elasticity. They are very convenient to use. You can get the cake out of the recess with one simple movement, slightly bending the shape itself. At the same time, the dough does not crumble, the product does not break or fall apart.
  3. The maximum allowable use temperature is +250°C. This gives great freedom of action, allows you to bake cakes and cakes in the microwave, gas or electric oven, convection oven.
  4. Silicone molds have a non-stick coating. The dough in them never sticks tightly to the walls, which often happens with metal dishes. It is enough once - before the first baking - to grease the silicone molds from the inside with oil, so that in the future you can do without any fat at all. Thanks to this property of dishes, you can create low-calorie dishes.
  5. Silicone molds are great for both baking and freezing. The minimum allowable temperature for such dishes is a threshold of -60 ° C. In silicone molds, you can make jelly, ice cream, soufflé, jelly, ice for cocktails.
  6. Silicone cookware is produced in such a variety of colors and shapes that allows any housewife to create true masterpieces. In addition, it is easy and convenient to store. Silicone bends and occupies any position even on the smallest area in the cabinet. You can wash the molds with plain warm water and a soft sponge.

Disadvantages of silicone molds

There are few downsides to silicone baking utensils. The first is that it cannot be used at temperatures above +250°C. This is exactly the case when the silicone can simply melt and spoil the baked goods. We do not recommend leaving / forgetting such dishes in the oven for a long time.

In silicone molds, the dough is baked faster than in conventional metal or ceramic dishes. The thin walls of silicone heat up faster than these materials. The cooking process starts almost immediately. In view of this feature, we advise you to monitor the baking so as not to miss the moment of its readiness.

Another disadvantage is that the silicone is very soft. It is easy to cut with a knife or pierce with a fork. To prevent this from happening, you do not need to use metal and sharp cutlery to remove pastries from the mold.

This minus also has a negative, positive side. If the silicone mold turned out to be too big for your oven, and there is no desire to return or change the purchase, you can give it any convenient size and configuration. To do this, simply cut off the excess.

How to use silicone baking mold

The correct use of a silicone oven mold includes several principles that it is advisable to strictly follow:

  1. Such dishes are usually not sold in sealed and sterile packaging. Immediately after purchase, it must be washed well from dust and dirt, which could fill the recesses of the molds during transportation and storage. After washing, silicone dishes must be thoroughly dried so that not a single drop of water remains.
  2. Before the first use, the silicone mold must be lubricated with oil. The hostess needs to ensure that all recesses are carefully smeared and there are no dry places left. Excess oil can simply be drained. Then it is recommended to leave the form for 15-20 minutes so that the fat is slightly absorbed.
  3. To ensure that the dough is evenly distributed inside the cavities, and the mold itself does not bend, place it on a hard surface. To do this, use a baking sheet. Now you can pour the dough and place the future dish in the oven. Do not forget to monitor the temperature and readiness.
  4. When the pastries or cake are ready, the baking sheet must be removed from the oven and placed on a wooden substrate. Let the pastry cool down a bit. Then you can take out the dough, easily bending the edges of the form.

These are the main rules for working with silicone molds. This cookware is very simple and easy to use. It will not give you trouble if you follow the basic basics of treatment.

Comment on the article "How to use silicone baking molds"

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Silicone molds for baking. Dishes. Economy. Home economics: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, buying and using household appliances It is clear that shaking out pastries from such a mold is not difficult. But is it (baking) not damaged by this?

Who used silicone baking molds, please answer: they are touted everywhere, but what are their shortcomings? Advantages of silicone baking molds Disadvantages of silicone molds How to properly use silicone molds.

How to properly use silicone molds for baking. Benefits of silicone baking molds. How to use silicone molds correctly. We have already written about putting it higher and an additional baking sheet.
