
Recipe for sundried tomatoes at home. Dried tomatoes at home

Sun-dried tomatoes are a very tasty and unusual appetizer, a popular ingredient in Mediterranean cooking. In Russia, they appeared not so long ago. Our grandmothers and mothers did not know them. These tomatoes have an unusual taste and are not only good on their own, but also fit perfectly into sandwiches and salads, they are added to pizza, pasta and soups. In the store, sun-dried tomatoes are quite expensive, they can easily be listed in the section of overseas delicacies. Therefore, I strongly advise you to dry them in your home kitchen in the oven, especially in the autumn, when there are plenty of tomatoes around at a low price, and the house in wet weather will warm up from a long-running oven. The recipe is very simple, but takes a lot of time (tomatoes are dried in the oven for 5 hours).

Here is a jar (250 gr) of sun-dried tomatoes in the supermarket costs 300-400 rubles. It fits 15-18 pieces of tomatoes. It is now the beginning of October, and here in Pyatigorsk I bought the tomatoes I needed for only 25 rubles per kilogram. Even if you add the cost of spices and olive oil to this, the savings are obvious.

You will need: (for one baking sheet)

  • tomatoes 15-18 pcs
  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • salt 2 pinches
  • sugar 2 pinches
  • dried italian herbs
  • extra virgin olive oil

For drying, choose small fleshy tomatoes, the classic "cream" is great.

If you do not like olive oil, you can replace it with sunflower oil. I use refined sunflower oil more often, because. olive oil solidifies when storing tomatoes in the refrigerator.

It is also useful to know that according to this recipe, you can dry the plum .

Step by step photo recipe:

Wash the tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise, remove the junction with the stalk and take out the juicy center with seeds and membrane - it is convenient to do this with a teaspoon.

Advice:Don't throw away the remaining tomato centers. They can be ground with a blender and used like a tomato, for example, when cooking. If you are not going to use them soon, pour the grated mass into a container and put it in the freezer.

Peel and cut the garlic.

Lay the tomato halves on a baking sheet, which is better to cover with baking paper. Salt a little, sprinkle with a little sugar and dry Italian herbs. You can use a ready-made herbal mixture or dry rosemary, thyme, and oregano. Of course, it is not forbidden to use fresh herbs, but it is difficult to buy them in Russia, especially in the provinces. Well, if you have a very tight time with Italian herbs, you can do without them.

Don't forget the garlic - spread it on and around the tomatoes.

Put the tray in the oven t 90°C on 5 o'clock. Keep an eye on the tomatoes, look into the oven every hour (an activity for introverts and stay-at-homes). Although store-bought dried tomatoes are sometimes labeled "Dried Tomatoes," it's important not to overdry the tomatoes. They should be precisely dried, i.e. a little soft and uniform in color. You may need less time or more, ovens are different for everyone. This is what dried tomatoes look like.

Transfer the cooled tomatoes to a jar along with dried garlic cloves - first pour a little oil on the bottom of the jar, then lay the tomatoes, garlic, spices in layers, pour olive oil. So layer by layer. Press down to remove air bubbles and close the lid. Do not be embarrassed that the garlic cloves have dried to a cracker - this will give the garlic a nutty flavor. Fresh garlic can be used in place of dry garlic. If there are no Italian herbs, you can add a freshly ground mixture of five peppers. Sometimes I add a seasoning that is sold in our markets from spice merchants and is called "Gentle" (flakes of dried onions, hot peppers and paprika). In general, you can experiment with seasonings.

Put the jar of tomatoes in the refrigerator at least overnight. But it is better for a couple of days, so that they are infused and saturated with oil.

Store sun-dried tomatoes in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. For storage (if you can stand it!) You can add a little balsamic vinegar to the jar. The aromatic oil left from the tomatoes is suitable for salads and soups.

  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • salt 2 pinches
  • sugar 2 pinches
  • dried italian herbs
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Wash the tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise, remove the junction with the stalk and take out the juicy center with seeds and membrane.
    Lay the tomato halves on a baking sheet, which is better to cover with baking paper. Salt a little, sprinkle with sugar and dry Italian herbs.
    Cut the garlic into wedges and spread over and around the tomatoes.
    Put the tray in the oven t 90°C on 5 o'clock.
    Transfer the cooled tomatoes to a jar in a place with dried garlic cloves, pour in olive oil, press to remove air bubbles and close the lid.

    Sun-dried can be found on the menu of many Italian restaurants. They are an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. Buying a product from Italy in stores is unprofitable for financial reasons, but you always want to taste the taste of the perfection of Italian cuisine. Therefore, you need to learn how to cook such a dish yourself. In this article we will talk about how to dry tomatoes, what dried tomatoes are eaten with and where they can be added.

    Dried tomatoes in the oven for the winter

    Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right one. In the market, give preference to southern varieties of red tomatoes, which have a dense and fleshy interior. Experts recommend buying varieties "Grapes" or "Lady's finger".
    A variety that has a minimum amount of juice is also well suited.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils

    To cook sun-dried tomatoes in the oven, we need:

    • cloth or paper towel;
    • wire rack or baking sheet (lined with parchment);
    • kitchen sprayer or silicone brush;
    • glass jars.


    One of the most popular oven-dried recipes is Provence dried tomatoes. This dish got its name because of the addition of Provence herbs, which give the tomatoes an extraordinary aroma and taste.

    To prepare Provencal sun-dried tomatoes, you must have the following ingredients:

    • tomatoes - 5 kg;
    • Provence herbs (dried, chopped) -,;
    • ground black pepper (preferably your own grind for a better flavor);
    • oil - 0.6 l (preferably to preserve the traditions of Italian cuisine, but vegetable oil is also suitable for the first time; 0.5 liters of oil is needed for preservation, and another 100 grams for drying);
    • salt - 2-3 tsp (add according to your own taste);
    • fresh basil leaves;

    Important!It is better to grind the spices used just before use. Otherwise, they will lose a significant part of their flavor.

    Provencal herbs can be combined, add other types of them. Focus on satisfying your own taste buds. If you like spicy dishes, then you can add ground red pepper instead of black pepper.

    Step by step recipe

    The process of preparing this spicy dish is as follows:

    • Wash the tomatoes well and wipe. After that, cut into halves and remove the inside (seeds along with juice). If this is not done, then increased vapor separation will form, the process may drag on for several hours.
    • Arrange the tomatoes center side up on the prepared wire rack or baking sheet. Mix the herbs with pepper and salt to taste, then sprinkle them over the tomatoes. Treat the future snack with oil using a brush or spray gun.
    • At this stage, the baking sheet with tomatoes can be pushed into the oven. The drying process can take about 4-6 hours (depending on size and juiciness). Drying should take place at a temperature of 80 °C. In such conditions, the tomatoes will be dried, not baked. But you should take into account the fact that a lot of steam will be released during the drying process, so you need an oven with a built-in function of convection of vaporous masses. If you have a conventional oven, then about an hour after the start of cooking, you need to slightly open the door and do not close it until the drying process is completed.

    • During drying, tomatoes will lose approximately 60-70% of their own weight. About 1-1.2 kg of dried tomatoes will come out of 5 kg of fresh tomatoes. At the end of drying, you need to prepare for snacks for the winter. To do this, prepare the jars, wash the leaves under running water and peel the garlic.
    • Now sun-dried tomatoes are stacked in jars in layers. Between each layer, you need to put a little basil and garlic.

    Did you know?Archaeological evidence suggests that the ancient Aztecs and Incas began to use tomatoes for culinary purposes. And this vegetable came to Europe only in the XYI century.

    • When the jar is completely filled, you need to add oil. Separately, I would like to say about the heat treatment of oil. Here everything will depend on how long you are going to store the jerky. If it will stand in your refrigerator for 6-8 months, then the oil does not need to be thermally processed. For a longer shelf life, the oil must be calcined.
    • When the oil fills all the voids in the jar, close it and take it to a cool place for storage.

    Sun-dried tomatoes in an electric dryer

    Many cooks believe that it is best to cook sun-dried tomatoes in an electric dryer.
    This is due to many factors: saving money on the drying procedure, gentle and gradual drying (no need to have a convection oven, constantly open the door), setting the exact temperature.

    If we talk about the taste of the resulting dish, then there will be no big difference from cooking in the oven.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils

    To prepare a tomato snack in this way you will need:

    • electric dryer (power, height and number of pallets do not matter much, but a more expensive dryer will be more efficient in terms of saving time);
    • a teaspoon and a plate (to remove seeds and excess liquid from tomatoes);
    • a wooden kitchen board and a knife (for cutting vegetables in half);
    • paper towel.


    Before you start cooking, make sure that you have purchased all the necessary ingredients:

    • ripe fleshy medium-sized - 4 kg;
    • salt (preferably sea) - 1.5 tsp;
    • garlic - 2 small heads;
    • herbal spices to taste (it is recommended to purchase a set of "Italian herbs") - 2 tsp;
    • olive oil - 1/4 liter.

    For a classic Italian sun-dried tomato recipe, buy coarse sea salt.

    Important!When drying tomatoes in an electric dryer, it is important to preheat the device. This is necessary so that the juice dripping from the tomatoes immediately evaporates and does not damage the engine mechanism.

    Spices are best collected by yourself, the set should consist of basil, dried garlic,.

    The oil should be, but do not buy a product of the first cold pressing.

    Step by step recipe

    For a gourmet Italian appetizer, follow these steps:

    • Start by cutting the tomatoes in half and removing the core from each.
    • Then remove with a teaspoon all the juice and seeds from the vegetables. This will save you 3-4 hours in the drying process.
    • Next, you need to remove the remaining moisture from the tomatoes. To do this, spread the tomato slices on a paper towel with cuts down (for 20-30 minutes).
    • We warm up the electric dryer for 5-10 minutes. There should be no pallets inside.
    • Then we lay the tomatoes on pallets with the cut part up (if you do it the other way around, then there is a chance of moisture getting on the engine).

    • We mix salt and dried herbs, evenly distribute the spices on the inside of the vegetables.
    • Now pallets with tomatoes must be inserted into the dryer. Drying temperature should be 70-75 °C. If your electric dryer has a built-in timer, then set it to 8-9 hours.
    • Swap pallets every 60-90 minutes. The fact is that the lower tray always warms up more actively due to its proximity to the fan.
    • When the tomatoes are ready (about 9 hours), we pull them out of the dryer and start preparing the jars.
    • Cut the garlic into small pieces and fry it in oil (but do not bring to a boil).
    • Now we do everything in the same way as in the previous recipe. We lay the sun-dried tomatoes and garlic in layers to the very top of the jar, then add olive oil and cork everything.

    Did you know?Botanists number about 10 thousand different types of tomatoes.

    • It should be noted that you can use dried tomatoes according to the above recipe for several years, since the oil has undergone thermal hardening. But it is best to store preservation at low temperatures (about +5 ° C).

    Dried tomatoes in the microwave

    Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave are probably the easiest and fastest way to prepare this Mediterranean dish. Cooking will not take you much time, and the taste of the finished dish will be slightly different from cooking in the oven or electric dryer.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils

    To prepare dried tomatoes, we need:

    • microwave;
    • paper towel;
    • plate and teaspoon;
    • cans for conservation.
    As an additional inventory, you may need a silicone brush to lubricate the tomatoes with oil. In extreme cases, you can use the old method and grease the tomatoes with gauze soaked in oil.


    To prepare a delicious Italian dish, you need to purchase the following products:

    • 1-1.5 kg of medium-sized tomatoes;
    • olive oil (about 50 g for lubrication during the drying process, oil to fill jars may need from 150 to 250 ml);
    • sea ​​salt to taste;
    • freshly ground black pepper - 1/4-1/3 tsp. (if you like spicier dishes, you can add more pepper, guided by your own preferences);
    • dried chopped basil - 1/2 tsp;
    • Provence herbs or a set of "Italian spices" - 1/2 tsp;
    • garlic - 4-5 medium cloves.

    Important!Dried tomatoes in olive oil have 233 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    If you wish, you can dream up and collect yourself a mixture of various dried herbs of Provence origin. Fans of spicy dishes are advised to add a pinch of chopped.

    Step by step recipe

    The process of cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave is as follows:

    1. Wash the tomatoes and dry them.
    2. Cut the vegetables in half and remove the inner pulp along with the seeds. Then lay the tomatoes on a paper towel to remove the remaining juice.
    3. Sprinkle the prepared tomatoes with a mixture of spices, salt and pepper. Next, sprinkle some olive oil on them.
    4. Now the tomatoes can be put in the microwave for 5 minutes. After this time has elapsed, do not remove the vegetables from the oven, let them stand for 3-4 minutes and start the microwave for another 5 minutes.
    5. At this stage, the tomatoes must be removed from the oven and the juice released during the drying process must be drained from the container (but do not throw it away, we still need it).
    6. We put the tomatoes for another 5 minutes in the microwave. After the specified time, add another 5-7 minutes on the timer, then let the vegetables stand for 10-15 minutes.
    7. We take out the finished dish and prepare the jars. We put the first layer of tomatoes in them, sprinkle everything with chopped pieces of garlic and spices, then we put the second layer and repeat the procedure.
    8. After canning, tomatoes must be hidden in a dark place for a day, then transferred to the refrigerator or for long-term storage.

    How to store sun dried tomatoes

    Fragrant sun-dried tomatoes according to an Italian recipe, many keep in the refrigerator. And if you don’t have a cellar, then you can’t think of another option.

    Tomatoes with thermally hardened oil can be stored for 2-3 years, if the oil is not hardened, then preservation should not be longer than 6-8 months.

    If you have a cellar, then there will be no problems with storage. Such a room can fit many jars of tomatoes, and the temperature there is ideal for long-term savings.

    What to do with Sun Dried Tomatoes

    With sun-dried tomatoes, you can cook a wide variety of dishes. And this will not affect their taste, but on the contrary, it will add variety to your usual diet.

    Experienced chefs say that dried tomatoes will be a good addition to the following dishes:

    • vegetable, meat and fish salads;
    • to various soups and soups;
    • rice balls with Italian starter;
    • fried potatoes;
    • cutlets and chicken rolls.
    Dried tomatoes do not have to be combined with other dishes, they can be used as a snack. Sun-dried tomatoes served on crispy croutons with leaves and a piece of butter will look harmonious and piquant.
    Now you know how to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home in many ways. To do this, you do not need rare kitchen utensils and subtle knowledge of Italian culinary arts. But in the end, you will get fragrant tomatoes for snacks for every day.

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    696 times already

    This Mediterranean appetizer is popular among fans of Italian cuisine. It is expensive to buy this Italian product in the store, and it is not always clear what ingredients were used in its preparation, in what conditions the preparation was made. Sun-dried tomatoes can be prepared using various methods at home, we will talk about each method in more detail.

    Dried tomatoes are used in many recipes. Thanks to them, the finished dish acquires a unique taste and smell. This product can act not only as an ideal snack, but also as an additive to any ready-made dish. It should be noted that as a result of such processing, tomatoes do not lose their nutritional value, vitamins and microelements, they are preserved in the same amount as in fresh tomatoes.

    How to choose and prepare a vegetable before starting the process

    Before you start the drying process, you need to choose the right tomatoes. When buying, pay attention to the southern varieties of tomatoes, it is important that they are not overripe or green, it is better to choose fruits with dense fleshy pulp.

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home

    The fruits are cut in half, and the middle is taken out with an ordinary spoon. The result is a kind of boats with dense elastic walls.

    Tomatoes should be dried by any convenient or desired method: oven, sun, microwave, etc.

    A simple step by step recipe for the winter

    In urban conditions, it is best to make such a blank in the oven. The step by step process will look like this:

    1. Tomatoes should be cut into several pieces.
    2. To prepare for drying, seeds and partitions should be separated from the walls.
    3. After that, the tomato slices are laid out on a baking sheet with the cut side up.
    4. Sprinkle the pieces on top with salt, seasonings and spices (basil, garlic, chopped parsley). Salt, in addition to taste, helps to remove excess moisture from tomatoes, and thereby reduce drying time.
    5. A baking sheet with pieces of tomatoes should be placed in an oven at a temperature of 80. The procedure will take about 5 hours.
    6. During drying, turn the baking sheet over several times to prevent burning the workpieces.

    Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

    The recipe for delicious sun-dried tomatoes from culinary specialist Yulia Vysotskaya is especially popular among gourmets and fans of Mediterranean cuisine.

    So, how to cook tomatoes according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya:

    1. Cut each tomato in half and remove the seeds.
    2. Lay the resulting halves on a baking sheet tightly to each other, cut side up.
    3. Prepare the dressing. To do this, mix the spices in a mortar: black peppercorns, dried basil, a pinch of coarse sea salt, fresh basil and garlic. Grind the mixture with a pestle into a homogeneous mass.
    4. Lubricate each tomato with the resulting mixture.
    5. The author recommends filling the dish with Provence oil. Pour the halves of the tomatoes generously, they should be 2/3 immersed in oil.
    6. We send the tomatoes to the oven, heated to 190, and wait at least 3 hours.

    In the oven

    For this recipe without oil, cut the tomatoes into two parts if the fruits are small, and into four parts if the tomatoes are large. Then lay out the particles on a baking sheet, in dense rows, cut up.

    Separately mix salt, pepper and sugar. Take 3 parts of pepper salt and 5 parts of sugar.

    Sprinkle the mixture with the fruits of tomatoes, each particle. Next, sprinkle with dry basil. Peeled garlic cloves are placed on a baking sheet, about 4-6 per baking sheet. After that, the baking sheet is placed in an oven preheated to 120 for 4-5 hours.

    In an electric dryer

    If you have a device such as an electric dryer, you can also make sun-dried tomatoes:

    1. To do this, prepare the fruits of tomatoes, rinse and cut into circles of about 1 centimeter.
    2. Circles must be laid on the grill and turn on the device.
    3. While the process is going on, you should prepare the dressing. To do this, peel two garlic heads and chop them. The resulting mass must be transferred to a separate bowl, sprinkle it with salt and mix. The second dressing will contain Provence herbs.
    4. Dried fruits are taken from the dryer.
    5. Layers of tomatoes are laid out in the prepared container and dressing alternately. And they are taken with a spoon. Then, when the dishes are filled, you should spill the contents with oil and cover the container with a lid.
    6. The second jar is filled in a similar way, only instead of garlic, each layer is sprinkled with salt and Provence herbs.
    7. The filled container is filled with oil and covered.

    Containers with blanks are stored in the refrigerator compartment. The full taste will appear in the dish in two weeks.

    in the microwave

    Cooking tomatoes in a device such as a microwave is as follows:

    1. Washed and dried tomatoes are cut into two parts.
    2. The halves are placed in a deep heat-resistant bowl cut up.
    3. Next, you need to mix spices: garlic, seasonings to taste.
    4. Seasonings should be sprinkled with a small amount of the mixture on all the slices and pour over them with oil.
    5. Then the maximum power should be set in the furnace. Cooking time is 6 minutes. Then open the door and leave the fruits for 15 minutes.
    6. Add a little salt, drain the juice (if any) and send it to the oven for another 2-3 minutes.
    7. At the end of the cycle, send the finished fruits to the container.
    8. Sprinkle with chopped garlic and pour over the juice that previously drained. In the refrigerator, the workpiece must be stored for at least 10 hours.

    Italian recipe

    Tomato slices prepared in the usual way must be folded onto a baking sheet covered with special parchment. Seasonings: dry basil, oregano and sage, sprinkle with tomatoes. Salt and pepper a little, add sugar and olive oil to fruit particles.

    Next, we send the tomatoes into the oven, heated to 100-120 degrees, and turn on the convection. When the dried tomatoes are cooked, we take them out and put them in a glass dish with a lid, pour it with oil and put it in the refrigerator. After two days you can taste.

    In a convection oven

    Dried tomatoes must be cooked in a convection oven: so that air circulates during the process, otherwise, the tomatoes will not be dried, but baked.

    With balsamic vinegar

    To prepare sun-dried tomatoes with balsamic vinegar, you need:

    1. Tomato slices should be sprinkled with a mixture of salt, sugar, pepper, basil, Provence herbs.
    2. Dried fruits should be 6-8 hours.
    3. Ready tomatoes are laid out in a glass bowl with freshly chopped basil. Layers wake up with Provence seasonings.
    4. When the jar is full, oil the tomatoes and add a spoonful of balsamic vinegar.
    5. The blank is stored in the storage room.

    with garlic

    Prepared fruits are cut into 2-4 parts, focusing on the size of the tomato. The middle is removed from the halves. The resulting slices are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment in oil. Next, the fruits should be salted, oiled and sprinkled with herbs.

    The blanks are dried in an oven heated to 50 degrees, with the door ajar for about 8-9 hours.

    With basil and garlic

    First you should prepare a mixture of basil, chopped garlic and olive oil. When the tomato slices are dried in the oven, in convection mode, they should be laid in a glass dish in layers. Each layer should be shed with a filling of oil with spices. Filling completes the container.

    Drying tomatoes in the sun

    Prepared fruits should be cut into 4 parts. Remove seeds and veins. Next, the slices are placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Then you should sprinkle the tomatoes with a mixture of seasonings and salt. After you need to cover with several layers of gauze. The baking sheet is exposed to the sun. Drying continues for several days.

    In olive oil

    Cut the prepared fruits into 2-4 parts. Place the resulting slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment, salt and season with herbs. Arrange the garlic pieces on top of the particles. Dry the tomatoes in the oven for 4-5 hours at a temperature of 110 degrees. Arrange the tomatoes in clean containers, lay with garlic and spill with Provence oil. Such vegetable preparations can be stored for 2-3 months.

    in sunflower oil

    Dried tomatoes in any way you like. After you need to cook the oil, for this you should put the pieces of garlic in the pan, pour them with oil and heat over low heat. Tomatoes need to be laid out in a jar in layers, each layer should be laid with garlic. Next, fill the workpiece with the resulting mixture. You can store such preservation for about 4-5 months.

    Recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

    Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into two or more pieces. Remove the core from the fruit and put the slices on a baking sheet. Salt, pepper and season with chopped parsley and herbs to taste. Next, dry the tomatoes at a temperature of 100 degrees for 1.5-2 hours. Ready vegetables should be put in a sterilized glass container and spilled with hot oil.

    Recipe from Vincenzo Barba

    Peeled tomatoes dried in the same way are laid out in layers in a jar. At the same time, they should be laid with garlic slices, sprinkled with seasonings and poured with calcined oil.

    In the Isidri dryer

    Tomato slices prepared in the usual way are placed on the tray of the Isidri dryer. Tomatoes are sprinkled with salt and a mixture of Provence spices. The fruits should be dried for about 6 hours, the temperature is 70 degrees. The resulting fruits are placed in a bowl with heated oil, garlic and herbs (basil, dill and parsley).

    Dried cherry tomatoes

    Cherry fruits are cut into two parts. For very juicy tomatoes, it is better to remove the middle, otherwise they will dry for a very long time. The particles are placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment and smeared with oil. Then they need to be salted and sprinkled with seasonings. After that, the tomatoes should be sent to dry in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. It takes about two hours to dry.

    How much and how blanks are stored

    If the fruits have been dried in the sun, they are stored in a cotton bag or in a cellar for about 6-8 months. If the fruits are not very dry, then they are tightly packed into glassware and poured with hot oil. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. You can keep them this way for about a year. In addition, dried tomatoes can be packed in food grade polyethylene and stored in the freezer compartment.

    Dried tomatoes in the oven - the easiest recipe

    Cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the oven is not at all difficult. Even if you are not confident in your culinary skills, this recipe will definitely suit you. Let's cook with butter.


    • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
    • a couple of cloves of garlic;
    • olive or refined sunflower oil as needed;
    • dry aromatic herbs to taste;
    • coarse salt and ground pepper to taste.

    How to make delicious sundried tomatoes:

    1. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut into two equal parts, remove the stem and seeds.
    2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place vegetables in it. Pack them in as tightly as possible. Season with salt and pepper. Spray with oil.
    3. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and place a baking sheet in it. Leave the tomatoes for about a few hours. Small varieties, on average, are prepared, on average, in 4-5 hours. The main thing is not to overdry them, all the liquid does not need to be evaporated.
    4. Remove the finished product from the oven and let cool.
    5. Pour a little oil into the bottom of a sterile jar. Place a sprig of rosemary or other aromatic herb, chopped garlic clove there.
    6. Fill the container with tomatoes by a third, pour more oil, put the spices again. Continue alternating layers until the jar is full. Then lightly tamp the workpiece.
    7. Pour the oil over the vegetables to completely cover them. Close jars with clean lids and refrigerate.

    Note: many housewives are interested in: how to determine the readiness of sun-dried tomatoes? There is nothing complicated: just press on half a tomato. If the juice does not stand out, then everything is ready.

    How to make Sun Dried Tomatoes with Basil in an Electric Convection Oven

    I want to offer you a recipe for sun-dried tomatoes in a convection oven. I note that during drying, tomatoes will lose most of their mass, so from 5 kilograms of fresh tomatoes you will get a maximum of one and a half dried ones.


    • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
    • to taste: salt, sugar, basil, other seasonings;
    • vegetable oil - as needed.

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes with basil in an electric convection oven:

    1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into halves. Take out the seeds.
    2. Sprinkle the cut with salt and sugar, basil and spices, chopped garlic. Stir gently and let stand for 20 minutes - the tomatoes should release the juice.
    3. Stir again and discard the tomatoes in a colander. Wait for the juice to drain.
    4. Line a baking sheet with foil, shiny side up. Lay the tomatoes cut side up.
    5. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees by turning on convection. Place a baking sheet in it. The door must be slightly ajar during the entire cooking process.
    6. Drying takes two to four hours. Tomatoes decrease in volume, dry out - the main thing is not to overdry them.
    7. Move the vegetables to sterile containers and pour in the calcined vegetable oil so that it covers the tomatoes. Roll up and shake the preservation. Cover the jars with a towel and wait to cool.

    Tip: store twists at room temperature. It is better to put an open jar in the refrigerator.

    Recipe for a twist for the winter

    Canned sun-dried tomatoes closed for the winter are very tasty. They are added to salads, eaten with bread, some even cook pizza using sun-dried tomatoes.


    • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
    • half a teaspoon of dry basil;
    • 50 milliliters of refined sunflower oil;
    • half a teaspoon of a mixture of peppers;
    • 12 garlic cloves;
    • half a teaspoon of dry marjoram, oregano, rosemary;
    • a tablespoon of coarse salt.

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes for spinning:

    1. Mix dry herbs.
    2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into halves or quarters. Remove seeds.
    3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the vegetables on it. Sprinkle them with salt and spices. Spray with oil.
    4. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and place a baking sheet there for 6 hours, there is no need to close the door. If you have a convector, use it.
    5. Readiness is checked visually. Tomatoes should not be burnt or brittle.
    6. Mince the garlic. The oil must be ignited and wait for cooling.
    7. At the bottom of a sterile container, drip oils, put tomatoes, sprinkle with garlic. After filling the jar, fill the product with oil, close the lid. Store in refrigerator.

    Note: the shelf life of seaming is approximately 6 months.

    Tomatoes without peel, dried in a gas oven

    You can cook sun-dried tomatoes in a gas oven, without peel. By the way, for short-term storage - about half a month - a simple plastic bag is also suitable. But I prefer to put the finished product in a jar.

    You will need:

    • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 150 grams of vegetable oil;
    • a few sprigs of parsley;
    • spices to taste;
    • ground black pepper, salt and sugar.

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes in a gas oven:

    1. Put a pot of water on the stove, wait for it to boil. At this time, wash the tomatoes, make an incision on each fruit with a cross.
    2. Plunge the tomatoes into boiling water. Wait 30 seconds, then remove and place in cold water. Remove skin.
    3. Cut the tomatoes into quarters or halves. Remove seeds.
    4. Lay parchment on a baking sheet, put tomato slices on it. Sprinkle with spices, pepper, add sugar and salt. Sprinkle each tomato with a drop of oil.
    5. Preheat the oven to 100-130 degrees and place a baking sheet there. It takes approximately two hours to prepare.
    6. Prepare the filling: for this, chop the parsley and garlic. Put them in one dish and pour vegetable oil. Throw in some rosemary if you like. Stir.
    7. Remove the tomatoes from the oven and transfer to a sterile container. Fill with oil up to the neck. Roll up and refrigerate.

    Note: the spin is ready for use in a week. But it will last all winter.

    How to cook whole sun-dried tomatoes in the oven

    It is not necessary to cut the tomatoes in order to wither them. You can cook them whole, but it will take more time. I will share with you the recipe.

    You will need:

    • 3 kilograms of tomatoes;
    • seasonings to taste;
    • sugar and salt to taste;
    • a head of garlic;

    Step by step recipe:

    1. Wash your tomatoes. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Prepare a bowl of cold water ahead of time.
    2. Make a cross cut on the tomatoes. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 seconds. Then move them to cold water. Remove the skin.
    3. Mix sugar, salt and spices. Don't feel sorry for sugar, there should be a lot of it. Dip each tomato in the mixture.
    4. Arrange the tomatoes on a wire rack with a tray underneath. Leave vegetables for an hour.
    5. Set the oven to minimum heat. Place the tomato racks inside. Place a baking sheet under the bottom for about half an hour so that the juice that stands out flows there. Do not close the door completely. Leave overnight.
    6. Put the tomatoes in sterile jars, stirring with minced garlic and spices to taste. Fill with vegetable oil and roll up.

    Note: The shelf life of canned food in the refrigerator is one year.

    Dried tomatoes in the oven for 3 hours

    If you need to make sun-dried tomatoes very quickly, it is best to take small tomatoes. They will reach the desired condition in just 3-4 hours.


    • half a kilo of cherry tomatoes;
    • olive oil as needed;
    • a tablespoon of sugar;
    • 4 sprigs of thyme;
    • salt and pepper to taste.

    Cooking method

    1. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut into halves. Place on a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment.
    2. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Sprinkle the vegetables with salt, pepper and sugar. Add thyme and drizzle oil over tomatoes.
    3. Leave the tomatoes in the oven for a couple of hours. Wait for cooling, then transfer the finished product to a sterile jar and fill with oil. Close the lid and store.

    Tip: Don't be afraid to experiment with herbs.

    As you can see, my recipes for sun-dried tomatoes at home in the oven for the winter are very simple. However, if you want to understand in more detail the methods of preparing this product, watch the video I prepared especially for you. Bon appetit!

    Tomatoes of fleshy varieties are best suited for drying. One of the most successful and affordable varieties is the Cream variety. You can also dry tomatoes, such as cherry tomatoes and any variety of small tomato. Tomatoes should be ripe and firm, but not overripe.

    Wash the tomatoes, pat dry and cut in half or quarters depending on their size.
    We remove the seeds with a spoon or knife so that the tomatoes wilt faster.

    Tip 1. It is not necessary to remove the seeds, there is another drying option when the tomatoes are simply cut in half or into 4 parts and dried along with the seeds. So they will dry about 2 times longer and at a higher temperature than seedless tomatoes, but they taste even more interesting.

    Cut the garlic into thin petals.

    Arrange the tomatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment. You can grease parchment with vegetable oil to make the skin of sun-dried tomatoes softer.
    Salt the tomatoes with coarse salt. You can leave them like this for half an hour, and then drain the resulting juice.
    Pepper with freshly ground pepper.
    Also, if desired, you can sprinkle with literally a pinch of sugar for a slight sweetness.
    Sprinkle with dried herbs: I have a mixture of Italian dried herbs, you can also take dried basil, thyme, rosemary, Provence herbs - the choice is determined only by your preferences.
    And spread the garlic cloves.
    You can also sprinkle the tomatoes with vegetable oil on top.

    We put a baking sheet with tomatoes in the oven and dry at a temperature of 50-80 degrees.
    Be sure to leave a small gap for steam to escape.
    The lower the temperature, the longer the tomatoes will dry.

    I dry as follows: first I always set the temperature a little higher, about 70-80 degrees and dry for an hour or 2, then lower the temperature to 50 degrees and dry for about 6 more hours at a low temperature. Time and temperature will always depend on the size of your tomatoes and their moisture content.

    But when I dry tomatoes with seeds, just cut in half, I dry them almost all the time at a higher temperature, about 70-80 degrees, and only at the very end, I lower the temperature to 50 to make it easier to control the process. Such tomatoes will dry for about 15-18 hours, again, the time depends on the chosen temperature and the juiciness of the tomatoes.

    It is also very convenient to dry tomatoes in a vegetable dryer or so-called dehydrator.
    I lay out the tomatoes on the dryer tray, also add coarse salt, pepper with freshly ground pepper, sprinkle with dried herbs and lay out the garlic petals.
    In the dryer, I leave them overnight, in the morning, usually the tomatoes are ready.

    It often happens that tomatoes dry out unevenly - I just remove some of the already dried tomatoes, as they can dry out and become tough, and leave those that still have a lot of moisture to dry.

    From 1 kilogram of fresh tomatoes, about 80 grams of dried tomatoes are obtained.
    Readiness is defined as follows:
    1. tomatoes will significantly decrease in volume, we see it visually, they bend well in different directions - this means that they are not too dry.
    2. But at the same time, the tomatoes remain slightly damp, but not wet to the touch.

    There are several ways to store sun-dried tomatoes for a long time.
    I proceed as follows: I fill a clean, sterilized jar with tomatoes, add a pinch of dried herbs, you can add a little salt, to taste, and pour vegetable oil to the top.
    I use olive oil, I keep several of these jars of tomatoes in the refrigerator, olive oil thickens in the cold, but quickly disappears at room temperature.
    Can be filled with sunflower oil. Please note that tomatoes should always be completely covered with oil: take tomatoes, for example, for a salad, use oil for dressing - and be sure to immediately add fresh oil so that mold does not form. And the remaining tomatoes I put in a bag and store in the freezer. When one jar runs out, I fill it with freezer tomatoes, topping up with oil again. With this method, tomatoes are stored for a long time. And this is a great idea for saving space in the refrigerator, and in the freezer, a bag of tomatoes takes up very little space.

    In order to keep the tomatoes at room temperature, you can add about a teaspoon of wine vinegar to a half-liter jar or pour hot sunflower oil over the tomatoes. We heat the oil well, but do not bring it to deep-frying temperature, otherwise you will just deep-fry the tomatoes.
    Also, you can sterilize jars of tomatoes in the oven: arrange the tomatoes in jars, pour in sunflower oil, put in a cold oven, heat up to 120 degrees. Sterilize half-liter jars for about 15 minutes.
    For long-term storage, add only dried garlic and dried herbs to jars.

    Now, here's a little bonus. If you like experiments, then you will like this idea. You can make original chips from tomatoes))
    We also prepare tomatoes, as for drying, only we dry them at a higher temperature and, preferably, with convection.
    We set the temperature to about 120 degrees, periodically check for readiness, about every half hour. The chips will cook for about 3 hours, again, the time is approximate, depending on the size of the tomatoes and the power of your oven. But if you dry tomatoes for a long time at a low temperature, then they will not turn out chips, they will just become very tough.
