
Eggplants look like mushrooms for the winter. Eggplant like mushrooms - quick and tasty recipes for the winter

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The topic of today's step-by-step photo recipe will be eggplants like mushrooms for the winter. At one time, I really did not like blue ones and tried my best to avoid cooking them. I don’t even know why this happened to me, I don’t seem to remember any stories, but there were no such vegetables on the list of ingredients in my dishes and that’s it! A few years ago, my mother prepared a delicious eggplant snack for the winter and gave us a jar of this deliciousness. To tell the truth, I was completely sure that these were mushrooms, because the taste of the appetizer was simply magical - spicy, spicy, fragrant! After the jar of snacks was eaten, I called my mother to find out the recipe - you can’t imagine my surprise when I found out that the main ingredient of the preservation I liked so much was eggplant.

But since then I have revised my attitude towards this vegetable and have learned to cook many new dishes, which include little blue ones. For example, .

Now I make such an appetizer myself, and I also give out tips on how to cook it to everyone who has tried this yummy.

In fact, it is not difficult to cook it, because the canning technology does not provide for the sterilization process, you just need to prepare the eggplant, salt it, then boil it in the marinade. Then fry in vegetable oil, mix with garlic and hot pepper and transfer to jars. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this blank. Therefore, it is easy to make, even without sufficient experience in the culinary business.

- eggplant fruit (technical maturity) - 1 kg.,
- kitchen salt not iodized - 1 tbsp. l. (with slide)
- water - 1 l.,
- purified vegetable oil - 100 ml.,
- hot pepper - 0.3 pod,
- garlic - 4 cloves,
- table vinegar (9%) - 70 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Eggplant fruits should be moderately ripe, their taste and consistency in cooking depends on this. We wash the fruits, cut off the stalk and cut them into slices 1-1.5 cm wide. Next, cut each slice into 4 more parts.

Now we shift the cutting into a basin and fill it with saline (we dilute one tablespoon of salt per liter of water) and leave them for an hour to finally remove all the bitterness.

Next, rinse the eggplants with running water and squeeze out moisture.
Pour water into the pan according to the norm (1 liter), add salt (1 tbsp) and as soon as it boils, add vinegar (70 ml). We put the prepared cut into the resulting brine, and as soon as the brine starts to boil again, we detect for three minutes.
After that, remove the eggplants from the marinade with a slotted spoon.

After we put the eggplants in a saucepan with hot oil, in which we fry them for about 5 minutes. Make sure to stir so it doesn't burn.
Next, add the peeled and chopped garlic and finely chopped hot pepper.

Stir vegetables and fry for another minute.

Then we shift the snack into dry (sterilized) jars and immediately close the lids.

Be sure to wrap yourself in a blanket to keep warm. After we take out the jars for further long-term storage.
If you still have this miracle vegetable, then I recommend cooking

Blue mushrooms for the winter will appeal to all lovers of simple, but very tasty preparations. This dish goes well with any side dish, so be sure to prepare several jars.

Blue recipes for the winter.

Blue mushrooms.

- vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar - 0.25 cups each
- onion
- eggplant - 3 pieces
- sugar - a teaspoon
- bell pepper - 2 pieces
- salt
- chopped basil
- black pepper
- chopped parsley

1. Wash the eggplant, cut into circles, put in boiling water with salt, boil for 5 minutes, discard in a colander, let the water drain, cool.
2. Prepare the marinade: peel the onion and bell pepper, chop finely, put in a bowl, add chopped parsley and basil, pour in vegetable oil, vinegar, add sugar, salt, stir.
3. Take a clean jar, lay out a layer of eggplant, pour marinade on top. Lay out the eggplant until the marinade and eggplant run out. Put it all in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
4. If desired, the eggplant blank can be rolled into jars and then stored in the cellar.

Try also .

Blue ones for the winter, marinated under mushrooms.

- vegetable oil - 100 grams
- a clove of garlic - 3 pieces
- hot red pepper - one pod
- salt - 120 g
- water - 1 liter
- vinegar 5% - 155 ml

1. Wash the eggplant, dry it, cut it into pieces, put it in a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of salt, pour it all over with water, leave for 40 minutes, then rinse.
2. In a separate saucepan, heat water with salt to a boil, pour in the vinegar, boil, put the prepared eggplants, cook for 3 minutes, transfer to a colander, let the liquid drain.
3. Transfer the mixture to a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry for three minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Add chopped garlic and hot pepper, cut into small cubes, stir, cook for one minute.
5. Place the finished eggplants while still hot in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over, wrap, and store.

How about you?

Eggplants are like mushrooms.

- clove of garlic
- eggplant - 1.5 kg
- vegetable oil - 1 cup
- salt - two tablespoons
- water - 2 liters
- vinegar essence - 2 tablespoons
- chopped dill

1. Wash eggplant, peel, cut into cubes.
2. Prepare the marinade: mix water, salt, heat to a boil, pour in the vinegar, mix, put the prepared eggplants, heat to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, discard in a colander, let the liquid drain, and the eggplants to cool.
3. Chop the peeled garlic, wash the dill, chop finely. Transfer all this to a bowl, add eggplant, mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

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One of the main vegetables that are harvested for the winter is eggplant. It turns out not only tasty, but also useful. It contains minerals necessary for a person. Particularly valuable are potassium salts, which are not destroyed during conservation.

There are various recipes for preparing this vegetable, in which eggplants are obtained with a more or less pronounced taste of mushrooms: with and without sterilization.

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    Preparation for canning

    Canned eggplant like mushrooms will be a great addition to mashed potatoes or porridge. Some prefer to eat salad spread on bread.

    Eggplants contain solanine, which gives them a bitter taste. To eliminate bitterness, you must first process the vegetable. The methods are the same for all recipes in which this ingredient is present.

    There are two processing options:

    1. 1. With the help of salt. Vegetables should be cut, sprinkled with salt and kept for 2-3 hours.
    2. 2. With salt water. It is necessary to prepare a saline solution (dissolve 50 g in a liter of liquid), pour them blue ones for 2 hours.

    During the specified time, eggplants release juice, which contains all the bitterness. Then the liquid must be drained and the vegetables thoroughly washed in plenty of clean water. This is required in order to get rid of excess salt, otherwise the taste of the finished dish may deteriorate. Then the fruits must be put in a sieve and allowed to drain the liquid.

    Pickled Eggplants with Onions

    Pickled Eggplants with Onions

    To prepare the dish, you need the following products (for 3 kg of the main ingredient):

    • 3 heads of garlic;
    • 0.15 l of vinegar;
    • 0.5 kg of onion;
    • vegetable oil for frying;
    • salt.

    This salad is made in two stages. First you need to pickle the onion. It should soak while the rest of the ingredients are being prepared. It is necessary to chop it in half rings and add vinegar. Leave to marinate.

    Then cut the blue into cubes, remove the bitterness (by any of the methods described). Fry vegetables in oil until golden brown. Put eggplant, onion and chopped garlic in a container. Mix everything. Salt if necessary. Put in jars, roll up and wrap. Leave for a few days for the mushroom flavor to appear.

    Eggplant with mushroom flavor without sterilization

    Mushroom flavor blank without sterilization

    The preparation of this snack will not take much time and will not cause trouble. The process takes place without sterilization. The recipe is for 3 kg of eggplant:

    • garlic - 2 heads;
    • salt - 5 tbsp. l;
    • dill - 0.25 kg;
    • oil - 0.4 l;
    • vinegar - 200 ml;
    • 3 liters of water.

    Pour water into a saucepan, adding vinegar and salt. Put on the stove. Peel the vegetables, removing the stem. Rinse thoroughly and cut into 2-3 cm cubes. When the brine starts to boil, put the eggplants. After boiling, cook for 4 minutes. Drain in a colander and chill.

    Chop garlic and dill. Add to eggplant, drizzle with oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Salt if necessary. Arrange in jars, tamp well. Leave in the refrigerator for 6 hours. If harvesting is done for the winter, roll up and put in a pantry or cellar.

    Quick eggplant like mushrooms

    Quick eggplant like mushrooms

    This method will be to the taste of those who prefer fragrant pickled mushrooms. Necessary products for 3 kg of the main ingredient:

    • garlic - 2 heads;
    • bay leaves - 8 pcs.;
    • allspice - 10 pcs.;
    • 2 medium onions;
    • hot pepper to taste;
    • carnation - 5 pcs.;
    • water - 5 l;
    • vegetable oil - to taste.

    Brine components for each liter of water: 100 g of salt; 60 g sugar and 100 ml vinegar.

    Wash, peel and cut vegetables into cubes (as in the previous recipe). Boil 5 minutes in water. Then put it on a sieve so that the excess liquid is gone. Grind the garlic in a garlic press, chop the onion. Put layers of eggplant, onion and garlic in sterile jars. Put cloves, allspice and hot pepper, bay leaf in each container.

    Add salt, vinegar and sugar to a pot of water. Then boil the marinade and pour into jars. Cool and put in the refrigerator. Infuse for 12 hours and serve with vegetable oil.

    If you prepare a dish for the winter, then sterilization is necessary for at least 1 hour.

    Marinated eggplant "a la mushrooms"

    Eggplant "a la mushrooms"

    Vegetables should be washed by removing the stem. Then cut into half rings. Sprinkle with salt to release bitterness. Leave for two hours, rinse with water. At the bottom of a sterile jar, put a clove of garlic, chopped into cubes, a few bay leaves and 5 black peppercorns.

    Prepare the marinade in the proportions of the previous recipe. Its amount depends on the weight of eggplants (1 liter is required for 1 kg of vegetable). When the brine boils, add the prepared ingredients and cook for 5 minutes. Arrange the product in jars and pour the same marinade. Roll up and wrap for a while. Store in a cool place.

    Preparation with the addition of mushroom seasoning and mayonnaise

    Preparation with mayonnaise

    Eggplants with the addition of mayonnaise and mushroom seasoning are prepared with sterilization. The dish does not differ in taste from real mushrooms at all. Required products:

    • eggplant - 5 kg;
    • mushroom seasoning - 1 pack (80 g);
    • mayonnaise - 800 ml (fat content 67%);
    • onion - 5 kg;
    • vegetable oil.

    Rinse the eggplant, remove the skin and cut into cubes of any size. Boil for 15 minutes in water with salt. Throw on a sieve. When the liquid drains, fry in oil until crispy. Place the fried vegetables in a bowl.

    Chop the onion and sauté until transparent. Add to saucepan. Add mayonnaise to a container with vegetables and add mushroom seasoning. Mix everything. Then put the salad in jars. Sterilize, depending on the volume, for at least 30 minutes. Roll up, wrap with a blanket.

    There are many recipes for preserving eggplant with the taste of mushrooms for the winter. The choice of hostess is determined by the taste preferences of the family.

Do you know that you can close eggplants like mushrooms for the winter? Yes, yes, both their taste and appearance will be very similar to honey mushrooms or butter. This recipe was shared with me by a neighbor - she has been preserving eggplant in this way for a long time, and this preparation is always one of the first to diverge from her.

Somehow she treated me to such fried eggplants like mushrooms, and I really liked them. Armed with the recipe, this year I decided to close such a blank too. Moreover, the process of preparing such preservation is not too complicated, and in season eggplants are much more affordable than mushrooms, right?

You will not need any special spices or ingredients: only eggplant, garlic, hot peppers and standard marinade seasonings. Add to this your desire to surprise everyone with an unusual preparation, and you will certainly get very tasty eggplants like mushrooms for the winter.


  • 1 kg eggplant;
  • 1 head of garlic, large;
  • 1 pod of hot red pepper;
  • 125 ml vegetable oil.


  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 6-7 peas of black and allspice;
  • 1-2 bay leaves.

The weight of already peeled eggplant is indicated. From the indicated amount of ingredients, approximately 850 - 870 ml of preservation is obtained.

How to cook eggplant like mushrooms:

Eggplants for canning are selected fresh - dense, with a shiny surface, even and thin. Wash eggplant in running water, cut off both ends and peel. You don’t have to peel the eggplants, but the appetizer with peeled eggplants not only tastes, but also looks more like mushrooms. In addition, if eggplants are not peeled, they must be soaked from bitterness, which significantly lengthens the canning process. Peeled eggplants are cut lengthwise crosswise into 4 parts, and then cut into pieces 2-3 cm long.

Cook the marinade: pour water into a large saucepan, put all the spices except vinegar and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour vinegar and pour eggplant.

Stirring, bring to a boil. Water should cover all eggplants. If some pieces are not covered, it's okay, as soon as the eggplant starts to cook, they will become softer and everything will be covered with marinade. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally. Then we reduce the fire to medium or slightly lower and boil for 4-5 minutes (all pieces of eggplant should darken).

Drain the eggplants in a colander to drain the marinade. We leave the eggplants in a colander to cool, without shaking, without tamping them - so that the pieces do not shrink, do not tear. It is best to spread the eggplants in 2 colanders - so their layer will be thinner, and they will cool faster.

In a large frying pan, heat the vegetable oil well. We spread the eggplant and fry over high heat, stirring, for 3 minutes.

We wash the hot pepper and cut it very finely. It is better to use red hot pepper - it gives the workpiece a more appetizing look. Garlic is peeled, washed and passed through a press. Add garlic and hot peppers to the pan.

Stir and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

We put ready-made fried eggplants like mushrooms in dry sterilized jars, pour fat from the pan.

We cover the jars with lids and put them in a pot of water to sterilize. When the water in the pan boils, we sterilize half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

Eggplants are the best for homemade preparations, or as they like to call them - “blue”. They do not have bright taste qualities, but are distinguished by loose pulp and high hygroscopic properties. Any prepared marinade vegetable absorbs and is enriched with its taste characteristics.

Eggplant marinated for mushrooms is the best snack option for the winter. False mushrooms can be cooked in different ways: some like to add an egg to them, while others like garlic.

Choosing the right eggplant for seaming

The taste of any dish depends on product selection. For harvesting for the winter, it is worth buying young vegetables without hard pulp and with unripe seeds. For recipes, eggplants are bright purple in color with elastic and smooth skin. The shape does not matter, so you can buy oval, ovoid and cylindrical fruits.

Picking up vegetables, you need to look closely for the presence of brown spots, indicating the beginning of spoilage. Old vegetables give out a gray-green and brown shade of the fruit with a brown stalk.

Regardless of the variety chosen, the vegetable can be stewed, boiled and fried. However, there are species that are subject only to stuffing and freezing for the winter.

Delicious garlic eggplant recipes

Eggplants cooked for the winter like mushrooms, have a spicy taste. Spicy light sourness gives them vinegar, which is added to the dish in large volumes. The consistency of an appetizer for the winter resembles a salad and goes well with fish, meat dishes and potatoes.

Eggplant for mushrooms (recipe without sterilization)

The absence of the need for sterilization makes it possible to prepare snacks quickly. This simple recipe among hostesses is very popular. The taste of the finished dish is indistinguishable from pickled mushrooms.



Vegetables are washed, dried with a towel and peeled. Next, they are cut into medium-sized cubes. Salt, spices are mixed in a saucepan with water and wait for the marinade to boil. After that, vinegar is poured there and vegetables are sent. After mixing the components, they are cooked under the lid for about 7 minutes.

On the bottom of pre-prepared jars, spices are laid out from the marinade, and then they are filled with vegetables. The blanks are poured with marinade and twisted with lids to turn over until cool.

Fried eggplant with mushrooms

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 kg eggplant,
  • 175 g onions
  • 9 garlic cloves,
  • salt,
  • Bay leaf,
  • fresh celery and parsley
  • refined vegetable oil.

Marinade Ingredients:

  • 160 g water
  • 160 g vegetable oil,
  • 160 g vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

Washed vegetables are cleaned from the stalks and skins. Vegetables are chopped in the form of cubes and placed in an enamel bowl. After sprinkling them well with salt, they are left to stand for a couple of hours so that bitterness comes out and salt is absorbed.

At this time, onions are chopped in the form of half rings, garlic and herbs are chopped.

Eggplant slices washed to get rid of excess salt, recline in a colander and leave to drain. Then the vegetables are transferred to a saucepan with vegetable oil and fried until browned. Jars are filled with ready-made vegetables, leaving a little space at the end. Laurel leaves, garlic and onions are laid out there, and greens on top.

Water is heated to a boil, vinegar and oil are poured into it. All this is mixed and boiled again, and then quickly poured into jars, filling them to the top.

Banks of 0.5 liters are sterilized within 10 minutes, and banks of 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Recipe for multicooker

Eggplants for the winter according to a recipe with the taste of mushrooms can be cooked even in a slow cooker. the optimal temperature allows vegetables to retain useful elements and taste.

For the recipe you need:

  • 10 young eggplants
  • a glass of vegetable oil,
  • 8 pieces of allspice,
  • garlic head,
  • 70% vinegar,
  • 2 tablespoons dill seeds,
  • salt.


Wash the vegetables, remove the stem and cut into cubes. Oil according to the recipe is lowered into the bowl of the device and the “frying” mode is set. Vegetables are poured there, the lid is closed and the mode is changed to “stewing”. Time should be set to 30 minutes.

At this time, jars are prepared for spinning: they are washed and sterilized using a convenient method.

When the vegetables are ready, chopped garlic is sent to them according to the recipe. Before cutting, it is better to crush it a little with the surface of the knife so that it gives its flavor to the dish. Then dill seeds, salt and pepper are thrown into the bowl, stew it all for another 5 minutes. The finished mixture is laid out tightly in jars, and before twisting on the lids pour vinegar(1/3 tsp of essence is enough for a 0.5 liter jar).

The jars are turned over and covered with something warm, and after a day they put them upside down and keep them covered for another day. After that, the jars are lowered into the basement and in winter you can safely open and enjoy the pleasant taste.

Marinated eggplant for mushrooms (a delicious recipe for the winter)

Recipe Ingredients:

Cooking process:

The stalks are removed from the vegetables and the vegetables are cut into circles of approximately 1.5 cm thick. They are put in a saucepan, sprinkled with salt. After gentle mixing, they are tightly covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator overnight.

The morning begins with the preparation of the dressing: the onion is cut into half rings, and the garlic into thin plates. Then all the spices are poured there and mixed well.

For pickling, combine oil and vinegar in water and put the dishes on the fire to boil and boil for about 7 minutes. Marinade is removed and left to cool to room temperature.

From vegetables drain excess liquid and squeeze them out. Each ring is blanched in boiling water for 10 minutes and thrown into the dressing for mixing. The vegetable mass is poured with marinade, salted and peppered to taste. It is left for 2 hours for impregnation.

Further, the vegetables are divided into jars, compacting as much as possible so that they are covered with oil 1.5 cm thick. They are clogged with plastic lids and left to cool. Then the preservation is removed until winter in the refrigerator.

This recipe makes eggplant mushrooms incredibly tasty. In winter, you can diversify your snacks and enjoy the flavor of summer!

"Teschin language" for the winter

This recipe for an interesting preparation of vegetables for the winter is one of the best and is popular among housewives. Blue ones in this recipe short processing time, therefore retain their taste and benefits.


Step by step cooking:

To prepare vegetables for the winter, you first need to wash them thoroughly and cut off the stem. Further, they are cut into uniform rings of 0.5 cm and put in a bowl, sprinkling the layers with salt. After 40 minutes, the vegetables are washed to remove salt and bitterness.

Peppers are washed and freed from seeds, garlic cloves are crushed. Washed tomatoes are poured with boiling water for a minute to remove the skin and combine them with the rest of the ingredients. All components are passed through a meat grinder, salted, sugar, vinegar, oil are added and mixed.

Eggplant slices are fried on both sides, put on a plate and smeared with garlic-pepper mixture.

All this is packed into jars and rolled up with metal lids. Store seamings until winter in a cool place that is well ventilated.

Eggplant in Korean (like mushrooms) for the winter

According to this recipe, vegetables are obtained with the taste of mushrooms. This winter harvest recipe is juicy and spicy. Eggplants go well with rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals.


Cooking process:

Eggplants need to be washed and left without tails. Then they are cut into straws, salted and pressed down with a load. So, they are left for 40 minutes to release bitterness.

The carrots are rubbed on a special grater, and the pepper is cut into thin slices. Onions are cut in the form of half rings, and garlic cloves are passed through a press. All ingredients are combined, salted, peppered, vinegar is added and left for 6 hours.

Liquid is poured from the eggplant, and then they are fried in a pan in vegetable oil. Vegetables are thrown to the rest of the ingredients and gently mixed.

The mixture is divided into jars, sterilized and rolled up with lids to leave to cool. Then the seamings are put into the cellar before winter.


As you can see, there are plenty of recipes with eggplant “for mushrooms”. The main thing is to follow the recipe and follow directions exactly. You just need to choose the one that you like, prepare the products and start cooking!
