
Cauliflower with mushrooms - a bouquet of taste! Recipes for various cauliflower dishes with mushrooms for the pan and oven. Cauliflower casserole with mushrooms and cheese

Mushrooms and cauliflower are two not only delicious, but also very useful product. Together they are strong! And what a! So many things can be made from them! Each dish will be special, unique taste and aroma.

Cauliflower with mushrooms - general principles of cooking

Cauliflower is always boiled before cooking, especially before frying. Otherwise, the vegetable will turn out dry and tasteless. You can cook the whole head of cabbage or divide it into inflorescences. Since the product is awaiting the next heat treatment, 5-10 minutes of cooking is enough.

Preliminary processing mushrooms depends on their type. Wash champignons and greenhouse oyster mushrooms thoroughly enough, cut them and you can immediately send them to bake, fry or stew. Forest mushrooms needs to be cooked. Otherwise, the use can result in indigestion, poisoning and other unpleasant consequences.

Cabbage with mushrooms can be stewed, baked, boiled or fried. Other vegetables, meat, fish products, bird, eggs.

Braised cauliflower with mushrooms in sour cream

Recipe a simple dish for dinner or lunch of cauliflower with mushrooms. Sour cream is desirable to use fat.


500 g cabbage;

200 g mushrooms;

1 onion;

200 ml sour cream;

40 ml of oil;

0.5 bunch of dill;

1 clove of garlic.


1. Boil the whole cabbage for 10 minutes. We lower into cold water, then parse into inflorescences. Large pieces can be cut with a knife.

2. We cut the mushrooms into arbitrary pieces, put them in a frying pan. If forest mushrooms are used, then they must first be boiled almost until tender.

3. Fry for a couple of minutes, throw onions. Preparing a meal for golden color vegetables.

4. Add sour cream to the pan, start the prepared cabbage inflorescences, salt and pepper, mix.

5. Cover, simmer for small fire 15 minutes.

6. Open, add chopped garlic, bring to the desired taste with spices, simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

7. At the very end, add dill greens to the dish or sprinkle the food in the plates when serving.

Cauliflower Casserole with Mushrooms

The recipe is simple but tasty and hearty casserole from cauliflower with mushrooms. It is advisable to use cheese that melts for the dish, for example, parmesan or Russian.


700 g cabbage;

2 onion heads;

300 g of champignons;

250 ml cream;

100 g of cheese;

60 g of oil;


1. We disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences, lower it into boiling salted water, cook after boiling for 5-7 minutes. We throw it into a colander.

2. Lubricate the casserole dish with oil, pour the rest into the pan.

3. Rarely washed mushrooms into quarters. If the mushrooms are small, then you can cut them in half. Put in a frying pan with oil, fry for five minutes.

4. Add chopped onion to the mushrooms, fry for a couple more minutes.

5. We combine champignons with previously boiled cauliflower. Stir, season with spices.

6. Break the eggs into a bowl, add cream and grated cheese to them. To taste, you can add a clove of chopped garlic, a little greens.

7. Put the champignons with cabbage in a mold.

8. Pour over the prepared mixture, try to do it evenly.

9. Bake for 20 minutes in the oven, look at the color of the dish. We take it out, let it stand for 10 minutes, so that the dish gets a little stronger and the heat subsides, then you can lay out the casserole on plates.

Cauliflower with mushrooms, cheese and olives

A variant of a very appetizing cauliflower, in which you can add absolutely any mushrooms, including ordinary mushrooms. The dish is prepared in two stages on the stove and in the oven.


300 g mushrooms;

800 g cabbage;

200 g of cheese;

100 g olives;

Dill and oil.


1. Pour into large saucepan water, put on the stove, salt.

2. We disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, put it in boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes.

3. We sort and wash the mushrooms. If they are large, then cut into several parts. We lay to the cabbage. Cook together for another 7-8 minutes.

4. Drain everything into a colander, let the food cool a little.

5. During this time, we take out the olives from the marinade, cut into circles. Coarsely rub the cheese, chop the greens.

6. Mix olives with mushrooms and boiled cabbage, add herbs and salt, mix, you can pepper to taste. Transfer to a greased mold.

7. Fall asleep with grated cheese, make a thick layer. We put in the oven.

8. Bake until beautiful cheese crust 15-20 minutes.

Cauliflower with mushrooms and chicken in the oven

The recipe is very hearty meal from cauliflower and ordinary mushrooms. You can use other mushrooms, but only boiled ones.


400 g chicken fillet;

0.5 kg of cabbage;

200 g of onion;

300 g mushrooms;

4 spoons of sour cream;

100 g of cheese;


1. Boil the cabbage for 5-7 minutes, sort it into inflorescences.

2. Pour oil into a large frying pan, set to warm up on fire.

3. Chop the onion in half rings, put it in oil, start frying.

4. After a couple of minutes, throw in the mushrooms. If they are forest, it is advisable to boil the product first. Cook for a few more minutes until all moisture has evaporated. Turn off.

5. Cut chicken fillet cubes of 2 cm, sprinkle with spices, transfer to a mold.

6. Put mushrooms with onions on top, which also need to be seasoned.

7. We lay out the cabbage inflorescences boiled earlier.

8. Lubricate upper layer sour cream, also seasoned with spices.

9. Put the dish for 20 minutes in the oven, temperature 200.

10. Take out, sprinkle a small amount grated cheese. Put back in the oven, bake until golden brown.

Cauliflower with mushrooms and potatoes in pots

For this wonderful dish it is best to use small pots in which it will be served. This quantity is for 3 servings.


300 g cabbage;

200 g mushrooms;

3 potatoes;

120 g sour cream;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

40 g butter.


1. We disassemble the cabbage, put it in boiling water, cook for no more than five minutes. We send to the colander.

2. Put the oil in the pan, followed by the onion.

3. After a couple of minutes, add chopped mushrooms to the onion. Fry until light brown.

4. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices, put them in pots.

5. We clean one small carrot, cut it into circles and also put it in pots. Season vegetables with spices.

6. Spread the boiled cabbage, salt.

7. Mushrooms and onions go on top. They can also be placed on the bottom of the pots, but this way the juices will drain and soak the vegetables.

8. We lay out the sour cream equally in all pots. We close the dishes with lids.

9. Put in the oven for 40 minutes, cook the dish at 200 degrees.

Cauliflower with mushrooms and other vegetables in tomato

For this bright and fragrant dish fresh tomatoes are used. Optionally, you can take pasta or canned tomatoes.


500 g cabbage;

300 g mushrooms;

2 onion heads;

1 carrot;

1 sweet pepper;

3 tomatoes;

120 ml of water;

40 ml of oil;

Spices, garlic, parsley.


1. Boil cabbage for 10 minutes. We cool, disassemble into small inflorescences, if necessary, help ourselves with a knife.

2. Heat up the oil, spread the chopped mushrooms. Cook until all the moisture has evaporated from them.

3. Cut the onion with carrots, add to the mushrooms, fry together until golden brown.

4. Cut the pepper into cubes, lay it out next.

5. We rub the tomatoes, remove the skins. Or use diluted tomato paste, any sauce. We spread to vegetables with mushrooms. We simmer for a couple of minutes.

6. Add boiled cabbage, water, salt, pepper, put any seasonings to taste.

7. Stir, cover, simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

8. At the end, put chopped parsley, garlic, turn off and let the dish stand for five minutes on the stove.

Omelet with cauliflower and mushrooms

The recipe is simple, satisfying and healthy omelette, which can be cooked in a pan or in a slow cooker. Basic option. If desired, you can add tomatoes, peppers, sausages, cheese and any other ingredients that suit your taste.


90 ml of milk;

200 g boiled cabbage;

150 g mushrooms;

100 g of onion;

1 bunch of greens;

40 ml of oil;


1. Cut the onion into cubes, put it in a frying pan with oil.

2. Mushrooms are also cut in small pieces, send after the onion, fry together until golden brown.

3. Add boiled cabbage inflorescences to the pan, keep everything together on fire for a couple of minutes.

4. Beat eggs and milk, pepper, salt to taste.

5. Pour the contents of the pan with an omelette. Cover, remove heat, cook for 4-5 minutes. If desired, you can make a mash, for this we intensively stir the thickening egg with a spatula.

6. In ready meal add greens. We serve the omelet immediately, the dish does not need to stand, and even more so it is not necessary to store it.

Various bugs often live inside cabbage inflorescences. It is not necessary to prepare them. It is better to fill the product with salt water, hold for 10-15 minutes, then send to boil.

You can freeze excess cauliflower. It is better to use a boiled product for this. Spread the inflorescences on a cutting board covered with foil, hold for a couple of hours in freezer, then pour into a bag and remove to freeze again. At any time will be at hand finished product for casseroles, stews, omelettes.

Cauliflower can be added to mashed potatoes. As a result, the calorie content of the dish will decrease, and the benefits will increase. The taste of the vegetable practically does not affect.

So that after cooking the cabbage remains white, you can add a little granulated sugar. It will also improve the taste of the vegetable, if it is not the first freshness, sluggish.

Good afternoon, my dear subscribers and readers!

I suggest you prepare low calorie dish. This cauliflower with mushrooms baked in the oven . It turns out gently, tasty, fragrant and most importantly - nutritious and vitamin!

Cooking cauliflower with mushrooms in the oven


  • Cauliflower(medium) - 1 pc.
  • Cheese (preferably homemade, not fatty) - 80 + 70 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, sugar - to taste
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Champignon– 5 – 7 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Green onion
  • Spices - as desired and to taste
  • Olive oil - for greasing the mold

My cooking method:

1. We disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, boil in salted water or

2. cooked cabbage mem (I used a potato press)

3. Add grated cheese (80 g), egg, spices and mix

4. We put it in a form, oiled or covered with parchment (I have a detachable form, which is very convenient)

5. Bake in the oven at 200˚С for 15 minutes

6. At this time, finely cut green onion, finely chop the pepper in rings, champignons in slices, and three cheese on a coarse grater

7. Turn tomatoes into liquid puree using a blender

8. We take out the cabbage from the oven (we do not turn it off) and pour it on it tomato puree salt and sprinkle with sugar

9. Put the pepper

11. Sprinkle with cheese (70 g) and spices (I have a mixture for pizza)

12. Bake for another 10 minutes

ready! Serve immediately with fresh vegetables and greenery.

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Cabbage with mushrooms cooked in the oven is simple, light, but satisfying and very tasty dish which can be prepared for both lunch and dinner. Both adults and children will like this dish. Try it, you will definitely like it!

To cook cabbage with mushrooms in the oven you will need:

white cabbage - 0.5 kg;

onion - 1 pc.;

mushrooms I have champignons) - 150 g;

vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.;

flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

sour cream - 150 g;

butter - 10 g;

hard cheese - 100 g;

salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste.

Cabbage cut into small pieces, boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander and place the cabbage in a greased butter baking dish.

Wash mushrooms and cut. Fry them in vegetable oil, salt a little, pepper) along with chopped onions until golden onion.

Add sour cream immediately, salt and pepper, mix everything. Simmer on fire for about 4-5 minutes and turn off the gas.

Bake cabbage with mushrooms in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes - until the cheese is melted and a beautiful golden color.

Delicious cabbage with mushrooms, cooked in the oven, cool a little and can be served.

Enjoy your meal!

For lovers all kinds of dishes from cabbage I suggest a win-win- cabbage stewed with mushrooms in the oven. Of course, you can stew cabbage in a pan, but due to the strong absorption of oil, the finished dish turns out to be too greasy or burns. Alternatively, fry a little in a pan so that the cabbage “caramelizes”, and then send it to the oven. It makes a very tasty snack.

List of ingredients:

  • 1/2 medium cabbage
  • 1 large onion
  • 150 g champignons,
  • oil for frying (5-6 tablespoons),
  • 1.5 tsp salt,
  • 0.5 tsp black ground pepper,
  • 200 ml broth,
  • 1.5 tbsp tomato paste,
  • 2-3 bay leaves.


1. Take a medium head of cabbage, rinse it under the tap and shake it off excess water. Finely chop half of the head of cabbage, discard the stalk. If the cabbage is too tough, you can lightly crush it with your hands.

2. Finely chop the onion of medium size, wash the mushrooms and cut into medium pieces. The recipe uses mushrooms.

3. In a pan, heat the vegetable refined oil. Put the cabbage into the pan and fry it over low heat.

4. Do not forget to constantly stir the cabbage, as it absorbs vegetable oil well and can quickly start to burn, add salt during the mixing process. After 7-10 minutes, it will acquire a caramel hue.

5. Put the cabbage in a baking dish, which is pre-greased with butter or vegetable oil. Put chopped mushrooms with onions on top - they also need to be salted.

6. Mix meat or vegetable broth With tomato paste if there is no broth - it will do ordinary water. Pour tomato sauce cabbage with mushrooms, put a few bay leaves.

Tasty and healthy dish- cauliflower with mushrooms in the oven. This dish is ideal for those who follow the figure and are counting calories. For children's table cabbage with mushrooms is also suitable, but keep in mind that mushrooms are a rather heavy product for the body, so treat older children with this dish, after 7 years. In addition to mushrooms, you can add any other vegetables to cabbage: onions, Bell pepper, tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant.


  • 350 g cauliflower
  • 10-12 medium mushrooms
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil
  • spices as desired


1. Wash the champignons thoroughly, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, put in a colander and rinse. Be sure to check the inflorescences - insects can hide in them.

2. To make cabbage and mushrooms cook faster, you need to blanch them before baking. To do this, cut the mushrooms into 2-4 parts and put them together with the inflorescences in a saucepan.

3. Pour the ingredients with water and salt, mix and bring to a boil. After boiling, blanch the cabbage and mushrooms for 4-5 minutes, then drain in a colander.

4. Cover the baking dish with foil, grease it with vegetable oil. Transfer the cabbage with mushrooms to the form, at this stage you can sprinkle them with your favorite spices, then wrap the edges of the foil.

5. Send the form to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. Without wasting time, rub hard cheese on a large or small grater.
