
How to remove bitterness from frozen Brussels sprouts. How to remove the bitterness of cabbage? steamed

Brussels sprouts are not the most frequent guest on our tables. Many housewives are afraid to get involved with this vegetable, fearing its inherent bitterness. In addition, it is not entirely clear how to cook frozen Brussels sprouts. But in our stores it is more often found in this form. However, there is no need to worry. In this article we will try to dispel all your doubts.

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How long to cook Brussels sprouts?

Inexperienced housewives try to keep frozen cabbage in boiling water for a longer time. It seems that this way it will be more prepared and will not remain raw in the middle. But in fact, it is not necessary to arrange a too long “hot bath” for a vegetable so that the vitamins contained in it are not destroyed by long heat treatment. Boiling water, a little salt, 10-15 minutes - and green heads of cabbage can be dumped into a colander.

  1. Fresh Brussels sprouts are recommended to be put in already boiled water. Send the frozen cabbage to the pan immediately and fill with water so that all the cabbages are covered with it.
  2. Add salt to the water and put the pot on the fire.
  3. Wait for the boil and let the cabbage stand on the fire for another 10-12 minutes.
  4. Carefully drain the boiling water and rinse the vegetables with cold water.
  5. If you still have doubts, try using a slotted spoon to catch one larger head of cabbage from boiling water. Cut it open and check if the core is ready.

Boiled Brussels sprouts can be included in the menu of almost any diet. For example, Kim Protasov's diet, which involves the consumption of a large amount of vegetables.

Frozen Brussels sprouts in the microwave

Even easier is the situation with a microwave. By the way, this oven has such a convenient function as defrosting, but in this case you absolutely do not need it.

  1. Put the desired amount of cabbage in a bowl.
  2. Pour in 14 cups of water.
  3. Cook at full power for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Open the microwave door, add salt and necessary spices to the cabbage. Stir and cook the dish for another 5-6 minutes.
  5. We check in the same way: we took out one head of cabbage. They cut it. Make sure the cabbage cooks evenly.
  6. Drain the water, let the cabbage stand for 2-3 minutes and start eating.

Cooked in the microwave, and even preferably steamed, Brussels sprouts will pleasantly diversify even the diet of people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. The diet for pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers allows this vitamin cabbage to be fed, but only after heat treatment.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a pan?

For this simple and delicious dish you will need:

  • 300 g frozen Brussels sprouts;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • grated cheese to taste;
  • salt and spices;
  • if desired, you can use 100 ml of meat broth, but in this recipe it is easy to replace it with plain water.

Add the Brussels sprouts to the skillet and sauté for 8 minutes, stirring the sprouts from time to time. Mix sour cream with broth or water, salt and pepper. Pour the Brussels sprouts with the thin sauce. Remove the pan from the stove and put it in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Wait a quarter of an hour, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, mix lightly. Close the oven door and cook the cabbage for another 10 minutes. Delicious, healthy and very light dinner is ready.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts for a side dish?

You will need:

  • 300-400 g Brussels sprouts;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • garlic;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Put the cabbage in a saucepan, cover with water, salt and put on fire. Let it boil, wait 8 minutes, drain the water. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Cut the heads of cabbage in half, put in oil, salt, add spices. Wait for the vegetable to brown a little - a pleasant dark golden crust should appear. Put out the fire, finely chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the finished dish. A fragrant side dish can be served on the table.

How to cook Brussels sprouts so that they do not taste bitter?

  1. The surest way to save cabbage from an unpleasant aftertaste is to add a little sugar (literally a third of a teaspoon) and a teaspoon of vinegar to each liter of water when cooking.
  2. The easiest way is to kill a light bitter tint with seasonings, spicy garlic, fresh ginger root, which, by the way, helps to lose weight. Or herbs and spices that have a strong pleasant smell and taste.
  3. And finally, listen to the advice of this video.


Our culinary piggy bank has been replenished with interesting ideas on how to easily and inexpensively diversify the family menu with vitamin dishes. Today we offer several original recipes on how to cook frozen Brussels sprouts so that they do not taste bitter and become amazingly tasty.

With the help of a double boiler, microwave oven or an ordinary frying pan, in just a few minutes, you can turn this modest vegetable into a real delicacy.

Blanching - against the bitterness of Brussels sprouts

Whatever dish we plan to cook from this vitamin vegetable of ours, first you need to rid it of bitterness, because of which "Brussels" sometimes falls out of favor.

To make it easier than ever: the cabbage, thoroughly washed under a tight stream of water, must be placed in a colander and blanched, that is, steamed for five minutes.

So, we have small cabbage, which was stored in the freezer. We thawed it and removed the unpleasant bitterness. Now it remains to bring it to full culinary condition, using the best cooking recipes. The question of how to properly cook Brussels sprouts frozen for future use at home can be answered in different ways.

The miniature "Brussels" has such dense tufts that it is not easy to cook them. If they are not handled properly, the upper leaves can be digested, and the inside can remain raw. So how much and how should you cook Brussels sprouts so that they cook evenly and taste delicious?

Before sending it to the permafrost, each of the heads must be cut crosswise at the location of the stumps - they will be cooked evenly.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts deliciously

  1. We take out a portion of kocheshki from the refrigerator. We put them in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers all our vegetables.
  2. We send the container to the fire. When the water is hot, add salt.
  3. It is highly undesirable to keep cabbage buds in boiling water for too long so that they do not have time to lose all their vitamin reserves. Enough - 15 minutes after boiling water, and taking into account blanching - no more than 10 minutes.

We send ready-made vegetables under a cold stream and - immediately on a plate under chopped greens or in a casserole.

The second way to easily prepare the most delicate and very healthy koshki is in the microwave. Everything is so simple that we do not even have to use the defrost function.

  • We take out the "Brussels" from the freezer and put it in a cooking container, pour a quarter of a glass of water.
  • We send the bowl to the stove, close the lid, turn it on at full power. Cooking time - 5-6 minutes.

Having opened the door, salt the vegetables, season with spices, stir - and another 5 minutes of heat treatment with the door closed.

To check if the cabbage is ready, we take one head of cabbage out of the oven, cut it in half and take a sample. If inside and outside it is equally boiled, then you can have lunch (dinner).


  • "Brusselka" frozen - 400 g + -
  • Sour cream - 2/3 cup + -
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons + -
  • Hard cheese of your favorite variety - 150 g + -
  • Black pepper - on the tip of a knife or to taste + -
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp or to taste+-
  • Broth from cooking meat - 150 ml + -

How to make homemade frozen Brussels sprouts

To please your family with something special for the holiday, you should try one of the most popular recipes for homemade Brussels sprouts frozen for the winter.

  1. We remove bitterness from the kocheski with the help of blanching and send the kochanki to a frying pan with heated oil.
  2. We fry, not forgetting to stir the vegetables, for 5-8 minutes, and then pour the broth mixed with sour cream.
  3. Salt and pepper and send the container to a well-heated oven.
  4. After 15 minutes, we take it out of the brazier, cover it with a layer of grated cheese on top and send it back to the oven.

When the cheese is melted, we take out the cabbage casserole, cool it - and on the table.

To feed a hungry home with a healthy dinner, it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive delicacies. In addition, knowing how tasty and quick to cook frozen Brussels sprouts for future use, you don’t have to worry about the arrival of unexpected guests - they won’t be able to take us by surprise. And as a light side dish, and a "crown" main course, this vegetable is great! ..

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There are a lot of cabbages in the world. But not every type of it is popular with people. For example, cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli are loved by many, but the Brussels sprout - their sister - is much less popular. Although this is only in the vastness of our state. But the inhabitants of Western European countries eat it with pleasure. After all, this vegetable is not only tasty, but also healthy. In Europe, as they say, every dog ​​knows how to cook Brussels sprouts. But here, unfortunately, this is not yet known to all gourmets. To domestic summer residents, the cultivation of Brussels food seems to be a senseless and strange thing.

Procession through the world

It is impossible to find such cabbage in the wild. It was bred artificially in Belgium (hence the vegetable took its name). Today, the best authors and presenters of popular science television and radio programs are awarded Crystal Brussels sprouts as a prize.

Researchers believe that the great Carl Linnaeus decided to award the plant with such a name. In a short amount of time, the fruit has gained popularity throughout Europe and even in the United States. The culinary experts of these countries have learned how to cook Brussels sprouts. There is an opinion that vegetable cultivation began in the middle of the 18th century. And already in the first fifteen years of the next century, they began to grow cabbage from Brussels in Holland, France, the USA, Great Britain, Canada and Germany. By the middle of the same century, the Brussels delicacy began to grow in Russia. But here it was grown in rather small quantities. Harsh climatic conditions were said to be to blame. Today, residents of countries such as India and China not only love this vegetable, but also know how to cook Brussels sprouts deliciously.

We buy and store

Selecting and preserving Brussels sprouts is a responsible and difficult task. To purchase high-quality vegetables, consider them: spots of dark shades should not be observed on the upper leaves, and rot on the heads and stems themselves. If a yellow color is present on the product, this is a sign of the low quality of the plant. The best are dense, small, strong heads of bright green color. You can store Brussels sprouts in the refrigerator and in the freezer (to do this, you need to separate each head from the stem).

To not be bitter

Brussels sprouts have some side effects. One of them is bitterness. It can ruin the most appetizing dish. A bitter taste is also felt in the raw product, which is evidence that it is not very young. If, after tasting the fruit, a bitter aftertaste remains, you need to use some tips on how to cook Brussels sprouts.

To get rid of an undesirable phenomenon, you need to boil the fruits in a solution of one liter of water, one teaspoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt. All this takes five minutes to prepare. Cabbage will turn out incredibly tasty and half ready. Therefore, further heat treatment will be halved. You can also use another method that will help get rid of bitterness: experts recommend adding garlic and spices (marjoram, Provencal herbs, basil, and others) to the finished dish.

Frozen semi-finished product

Consider how to cook frozen Brussels sprouts. This dish is called "Balls". You need to take 300 grams of frozen Brussels sprouts, the same amount of any minced meat, five tablespoons of sour cream and tomato paste.

Salt and pepper the minced meat, add chopped bay leaf to it. Now, from the resulting composition, download balls the size of a head of Brussels sprouts. Fry cabbage and meat balls in a pan for about ten minutes, then pour them with one glass of broth or ordinary water. Add sour cream and tomato paste to this. Put the finished dish in a mold and put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. On top, the food should become ruddy, and the gravy should thicken.

More about frozen food

Many housewives often wonder how much to cook frozen Brussels sprouts? For some reason, they think that the longer they do it, the better. But this is deeply misleading. Such a product is cooked for 10-12 minutes in salted water. After all, before the vegetables were frozen at the factory, they were pre-cooked a little, so further cooking does not require a lot of time.

I would also like to say a few words about how to cook Brussels sprouts frozen in the microwave. Indeed, today this household appliance is in almost every kitchen, and it takes the same active part in the creation of various dishes, like a gas stove and an electric oven. Therefore, place the frozen fruit in a dish, add a quarter cup of water and cook for about ten minutes. To check if the dish is cooked, you need to cut one vegetable in half and see if it has defrosted. Allow the treat to sit for two to three minutes before finally consuming it.

But it's best to figure out how to steam frozen Brussels sprouts. In this case, it will retain all its nutrients as much as possible.

Bake in the oven

A vegetable from Brussels can not only be boiled and fried, but also baked. If the first two processes are a rather difficult process, then baking Brussels sprouts is even more difficult. Below is one of the ways to prepare a vegetable in this form.


We remove the tough extreme leaves from the cabbage and wash the vegetables. For one or two minutes in boiling water, blanch them with celery and half a lemon. After that, we transfer the cabbage to a colander and let it dry a little. Now in a container, mix olive oil, nutmeg, rosemary, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper and one clove of chopped garlic. We put the cabbage in a refractory dish, after dipping each head in the prepared sauce. We bake the dish at 170 degrees for 50 minutes. From time to time, sprouts should be turned over. Served ready-made dish with chopped garlic and parsley.

Now let's boil

How to cook Brussels sprouts, approximately every housewife knows. But not all professional chefs will tell you how to do it right. Meanwhile, the matter is not so simple. First, rinse the heads of cabbage under running cold water. Then, in the place where the vegetable stem is attached to the head of cabbage, make an incision in the shape of a cross. The procedure is carried out on each fruit intended for cooking. This way it cooks evenly and well. Secondly, the washed and cut products are put in a large container.
They should take a maximum of a third of the total volume of the pan. Otherwise, the cabbage will swell during cooking and float to the surface. Thirdly, water must be poured into the vessel so much that a third of it is free. All this is put on a moderate fire. You should wait until the cabbage boils. After the liquid is covered with bubbles, you need to reduce the heat. Heads of cabbage are boiled on a quiet fire for about five to six minutes. One minute before removing the dish from the stove, season it with a little lemon juice.

Raw cabbage will not spoil

Here is another recipe that tells how to cook Brussels sprouts with cheese. For the dish you will need half a kilogram of heads of cabbage, 150 grams of cheese, salt and pepper to taste, 20 grams of butter.

Boil Brussels sprouts in salted water for 3-4 minutes. We discard them in a colander and let the liquid drain. Grease a frying pan or mold with oil and spread the cabbage. Salt and pepper the dish. Grate cheese and sprinkle over vegetables. All this is sent to the oven and baked for 20 minutes.


By 30.03.2016 In the House, Cooking

Brussels sprouts have a low energy value (about 40 kcal / 100 g), while they contain a lot of fiber that is useful for digestion, a huge amount of vitamin C (about 80% of the daily value of an adult in 100 g) and a fairly large amount of folic acid (in 100 g of the product - a third of the daily norm). Thus, it supports the immune system, the desired level of hemoglobin in the blood, good mood and high performance. Be sure to include it in the diet of pregnant women, as folic acid helps prevent fetal abnormalities. It is also shown to those who have low acidity. A sufficiently high content of potassium, manganese and phosphorus makes the product even more useful.

Frozen Brussels sprouts also retain almost all the benefits, the recipes for cooking dishes from which are collected in this material. It is used for cooking first courses and salads, but more often served as a side dish in stew, baked or fried. It goes well with garlic, ginger, and other seasonings.

Frozen Brussels Sprouts Soup

Brussels sprout soups

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts (frozen) - 400 g package,
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs. medium size,
  • ginger root (grated) - a teaspoon,
  • butter - 50 g,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the whole cabbage for 10 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and cool.
  2. Cut the sprouts into 2-4 pieces (depending on their size). If they are very small, then you can not cut.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin disks or small slices.
  4. Put butter and cabbage, finely chopped garlic and ginger at the bottom of the saucepan. Lightly fry the cabbage.
  5. Pour cabbage with two liters of water or vegetable broth, bring to a boil, salt, add potatoes and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Top with sour cream when serving.

Salad with Brussels sprouts

Salad with Brussels sprouts

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts - 200 g (half a pack),
  • carrots - one thing,
  • pink salmon, trout or other fish (canned) - one can,
  • green peas (canned) or beans (in their own juice) - one can,
  • mayonnaise, tomato paste or olive oil - to taste,
  • wine vinegar or dry wine - one spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the cabbage for 15 minutes (until cooked), dip for a minute in cold water, cut each cabbage into four parts, sprinkle with vinegar.
  2. Boil carrots, cut into cubes.
  3. Open canned food, and divide each piece of fish into several parts (8-10). You can simply chop the fish by mashing it with a fork. Do not pour out the oil.
  4. Mix cabbage, carrots and green peas.
  5. Mix vegetables with fish.
  6. Season with canned oil by mixing it with a little olive oil, mayonnaise or tomato paste. A harmonious taste is obtained by adding a spoonful of pasta and two tablespoons of mayonnaise to the oil from canned food. With olive oil (without mayonnaise and pasta), the taste will come out more tender.

Frozen Brussels sprouts with sour cream and breadcrumbs

Brussels sprouts with sour cream

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts - a pack (400 g),
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • breadcrumbs or fiber (ground) - 2 teaspoons,
  • tarragon (optional) - 2 coffee spoons,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil cabbage until tender (about 15 minutes). When it boils, don't forget to add salt.
  2. Remove with a slotted spoon and arrange on plates. If you do not follow the diet too much, then you can lightly fry it beforehand.
  3. Pour in sour cream, sprinkle with tarragon and breadcrumbs. Bon appetit!

Roasted Brussels sprouts (frozen or fresh)

Roasted Brussels sprouts

Ingredients required:

  • cabbage - 400 g,
  • garlic - two cloves,
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
  • breadcrumbs (or hard cheese) - 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil cabbage for 10 minutes.
  2. Chop the garlic, fry until dark brown in half the oil. Take the garlic out of the oil.
  3. Fry cabbage in this oil. If it is large, it is better to cut it in half first.
  4. Put the cabbage in a baking dish, pour over with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or grated cheese, bake for 10-15 minutes.

Pasta with frozen Brussels sprouts

Pasta with Brussels sprouts and chicken

Ingredients required:

  • cabbage - half a pack (200 g),
  • pasta (look good "shells") - 200 g,
  • chicken breasts (fillet) - two pieces,
  • lemon - a quarter,
  • onion (preferably red) - one head,
  • garlic - a couple of cloves,
  • cheese (hard) - 50 g,
  • broth - a glass,
  • greens (dill, parsley, basil) - half a glass,
  • salt, pepper (preferably paprika) - to taste,
  • olive oil - how much will go.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the breasts (with spices) in a small amount of water until half cooked.
  2. Cool, cut the breasts, fry with pepper and salt.
  3. Boil pasta, rinse.
  4. Fry chopped onion, garlic, pepper in a saucepan. Add quartered cabbage. After frying it lightly, pour in the broth and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Add chicken and lemon juice, simmer another 5 minutes.
  6. Add macaroni and cheese. Simmer for another 5 minutes and the dish is ready.
  7. Sprinkle with fresh herbs when serving.

Unfortunately, not everyone loves Brussels sprouts for its bitter taste. However, properly selected seasonings favorably set off its taste, turning a disadvantage into a virtue. In extreme cases, when boiling cabbage, drain the first water when boiling and then boil it in the second water - the bitter taste should disappear.

Elena Pronina

diet, recipes

How to remove the bitterness of cabbage?

  1. Cut the cabbage separately in a bowl, mash it well, add salt, mash it and let it stand for 5 minutes, then drain the juice and put the cabbage into the salad. In general, see what kind of cabbage you take. Choose a slightly flattened top, and if the stalk at the cut point is cracked, it’s generally wonderful - it will be juicy and not bitter.
  2. blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes and put on a sieve, pour over with cold water
  3. soak in salted water
  4. Why is cabbage bitter? Bitterness in cabbage can be for several reasons. Some varieties of cabbage are prone to bitterness (Brussels, cauliflower) and if grown improperly, with a lack of moisture, they can be bitter. The second reason is not particularly encouraging, since cabbage can be bitter with an excess of nitrates, of course, they do a chemical analysis in the markets and seize low-quality goods, but in 15% of cases it can end up on the shelves of sellers.

    How to remove bitterness from cauliflower? Cauliflower is sometimes really bitter. This does not apply to frozen, but to fresh, in swings. To get rid of the bitterness of cauliflower, you can:

    1. Cauliflower is advised to boil before frying, or scalded with salted boiling water after such procedures, there will be no trace of bitterness in cabbage.

    2. Soak it in salted and acidified water, then the bitterness will go away. Well, if you cook cauliflower without salt, then just acidify the water and then into the double boiler

    3. Also, bitterness in cabbage helps to remove lemon juice well; you need to sprinkle them with disassembled inflorescences.

    How to remove bitterness in sauerkraut? To leave the bitterness, you need to remove the oppression and pierce the cabbage in places of fifty to ten. It is better if it is a thin wooden stick, but if this is not available, then a thin knife can also be used. You can do this procedure on the second or third day after sourdough. After that, the cabbage must be taken out in the cold or put in the refrigerator. Never wash sauerkraut with warm or hot water, only cool boiled water! Otherwise, you will lose all the sourness and useful properties.

    How to remove bitterness from early cabbage? To remove the bitterness of early cabbage, dip it for a minute in boiling water.

    How to remove bitterness from Brussels sprouts? There are several ways to remove the bitterness from Brussels sprouts and they actually help, as they have already been successfully tested.

    1. Put the cabbage in boiling water, after a few seconds drain the water, pour in fresh water, bring to a boil, and cook for 10 minutes.

    2. Just add a few drops of lemon juice when boiling Brussels sprouts! And if you cook in a double boiler, you can also add lemon juice to the water, only a little more than when cooking.

Brussels sprouts are not the most frequent guest on our tables. Many housewives are afraid to get involved with this vegetable, fearing its inherent bitterness. In addition, it is not entirely clear how to cook frozen Brussels sprouts. But in our stores it is more often found in this form. However, there is no need to worry. In this article we will try to dispel all your doubts.

Inexperienced housewives try to keep frozen cabbage in boiling water for a longer time. It seems that this way it will be more prepared and will not remain raw in the middle. But in fact, it is not necessary to arrange a too long “hot bath” for a vegetable so that the vitamins contained in it are not destroyed by long heat treatment. Boiling water, a little salt, 10-15 minutes - and green heads of cabbage can be dumped into a colander.

  1. Fresh Brussels sprouts are recommended to be put in already boiled water. Send the frozen cabbage to the pan immediately and fill with water so that all the cabbages are covered with it.
  2. Add salt to the water and put the pot on the fire.
  3. Wait for the boil and let the cabbage stand on the fire for another 10-12 minutes.
  4. Carefully drain the boiling water and rinse the vegetables with cold water.
  5. If you still have doubts, try using a slotted spoon to catch one larger head of cabbage from boiling water. Cut it open and check if the core is ready.

Boiled Brussels sprouts can be included in the menu of almost any diet. For example, involving the consumption of large amounts of vegetables.

Frozen Brussels sprouts in the microwave

Even easier is the situation with a microwave. By the way, this oven has such a convenient function as defrosting, but in this case you absolutely do not need it.

  1. Put the desired amount of cabbage in a bowl.
  2. Pour in 1/4 cup of water.
  3. Cook at full power for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Open the microwave door, add salt and necessary spices to the cabbage. Stir and cook the dish for another 5-6 minutes.
  5. We check in the same way: we took out one head of cabbage. They cut it. Make sure the cabbage cooks evenly.
  6. Drain the water, let the cabbage stand for 2-3 minutes and start eating.

Cooked in the microwave, and even preferably steamed, Brussels sprouts will pleasantly diversify even the diet of people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. , gastritis and ulcers can be fed with this vitamin cabbage, but only after heat treatment.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a pan?

For this simple and delicious dish you will need:

  • 300 g frozen Brussels sprouts;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • grated cheese to taste;
  • salt and spices;
  • if desired, you can use 100 ml of meat broth, but in this recipe it is easy to replace it with plain water.

Add the Brussels sprouts to the skillet and sauté for 8 minutes, stirring the sprouts from time to time. Mix sour cream with broth or water, salt and pepper. Pour the Brussels sprouts with the thin sauce. Remove the pan from the stove and put it in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Wait a quarter of an hour, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, mix lightly. Close the oven door and cook the cabbage for another 10 minutes. Delicious, healthy and very light dinner is ready.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts for a side dish?

You will need:

  • 300-400 g Brussels sprouts;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • garlic;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Put the cabbage in a saucepan, cover with water, salt and put on fire. Let it boil, wait 8 minutes, drain the water. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Cut the heads of cabbage in half, put in oil, salt, add spices. Wait for the vegetable to brown a little - a pleasant dark golden crust should appear. Put out the fire, finely chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the finished dish. A fragrant side dish can be served on the table.

Product Description

Brussels sprouts appeared in 1655 in the commune Saint Gilles in Flanders (later this settlement became part of the Belgian capital - Brussels). The population of the commune grew so rapidly that local vegetable growers began to develop high-yielding vegetables on swampy soils. As a result, the people of Brussels were even nicknamed "cabbage-eaters".

Brussels sprouts are similar to Savoyard in miniature. Small cabbages are boiled and served with butter, fried, they make delicious soups; except that in their raw form they are almost inedible. Brussels sprouts have a very strong flavor, so it is not recommended to combine them in the same dish with more delicate products.

By the amount of vitamin C, Brussels sprouts exceed white cabbage three times and are comparable to black currants.

Species and varieties

There are many varieties and hybrids of Brussels sprouts (Czech Cassio and Curl, German Rosella, Dutch Boxer and Dolmik, Russian Hercules and others). From a culinary point of view, different varieties of Brussels sprouts are interchangeable.

In stores, Brussels sprouts are usually sold fresh or frozen.

How to cook

Frozen brussels sprouts are often bitter, and fresh sprouts have a characteristic pungent odor. However, with the right approach, you can cook very tasty dishes from Brussels sprouts, because it is not in vain that for the past two hundred years it has been considered a traditional dish on Christmas table in the UK.

Before cooking, cut off the base of the stalk (it is bitter), remove the outer leaves and rinse the cabbage in water with vinegar. You can deal with the bitterness of Brussels sprouts in a different way, by treating it like with eggplants: sprinkle with salt, let the bitter juice stand out, and then carefully drain the cabbages from it.

Brussels sprouts are most often cooked in two stages: first, boil in salted water or steam for 5-7 minutes (for frozen, 3 minutes is enough), until it becomes soft to a puncture with a fork, and then fried or baked. If you put boiled cabbage in ice water, it will turn bright green.

If Brussels sprouts are cooked too long, they become very soft and take on a strong, unpleasant odor. Undercooked cabbage is no better, so it's a good idea to follow the recipe exactly.

There are many ways to cook Brussels sprouts, and here is one of the most delicious. Fry the Brussels sprouts with a handful of finely chopped bacon, then add 1-2 tablespoons of wheat flour and stir for a couple of minutes until the flour is sufficiently browned. Then pour in a glass or a little more milk and continue to stir until the milk is mixed with flour. When the milk thickens, add a few small pieces of butter to the pan and remove from heat. Stir until the butter melts and mixes with the cabbage and sauce. Season with salt and black pepper. Everything can be served. Believe me, it's very tasty.

Brussels sprouts are harvested late Octoberearly November. Accordingly, it may appear on the market in October and be sold until spring (at least in February it is quite possible to buy fresh Brussels sprouts).

Frozen Brussels sprouts are sold in stores all year round.

How to choose and store

When buying fresh brussels sprouts, look for firm sprouts—ones that you find heavy for their size, without yellowing or blemishes.

Brussels sprouts can be frozen. First, it must be blanched for about a minute, then put in a bag - and in the freezer. So it can be stored for a month.

Fresh Brussels sprouts can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days. So that it does not rot, it should not be washed before storage.

Today, Brussels sprouts are increasingly included in the diet of those who prefer a healthy diet or simply want to diversify their gastronomy. This plant is one of the varieties of kale. Brussels sprouts have found wide use in medicine (in particular in dietary nutrition) and in food use. This vegetable crop is especially useful for patients with diabetes mellitus associated with impaired pancreatic function. In nutrition, they are used for salads, soups, for stewing and frying as an independent dish or side dish, and so on. Suitable for harvesting for the future - from salting and marinating to freezing and drying.

Almost all varieties of Brussels sprouts are distinguished by a slight bitterness, which, on the one hand, stimulates appetite and the production of gastric juice with a tendency to improve gastric peristalsis, but on the other hand, this bitterness repels many gourmets from the frequent use of this crop. In this regard, the main causes of bitterness and the main methods of getting rid of this taste quality will be considered below without compromising the benefits and basic taste.

Causes of bitterness in Brussels sprouts

  1. Bitterness due to the chemical composition of Brussels sprouts (in particular, a set of specific free amino acids that are not destroyed even when heated).
  2. Bitterness due to spoilage of raw materials. In this case, the initial bitterness may intensify and add to itself a slightly putrid smell and taste. In this regard, when buying Brussels sprouts, it is extremely important to pay attention to its appearance - all upper leaves should be fresh and without dark spots.
  3. Bitterness due to improper storage of raw materials. The greatest negative factor in this matter is the secondary freezing of the product, which is unacceptable. In addition, the storage of Brussels sprouts in the refrigerator should be carried out with minimization of contact with the environment, that is, in vacuum packaging or plastic bags.

Methods for dealing with the bitterness of Brussels sprouts

  1. Cooking method. It is necessary to bring the cabbage to a boil, then cook over medium heat for 10 minutes and drain the water (if necessary, the procedure can be repeated twice). After that, cook the dish in the usual way.
  2. When boiling or stewing cabbage, you need to add a lemon or freshly squeezed lemon juice at the rate of one lemon per two kilograms of Brussels sprouts.
  3. When preparing the dish, you need to add one tablespoon of vinegar (preferably wine or apple) to one kilogram of Brussels sprouts.

Thus, getting rid of the bitterness of Brussels sprouts is not difficult at all.
