
What to do if the puree turned out to be liquid. Making Creamy Smooth Mashed Potatoes

To the question What to do if mashed potatoes did it come out liquid? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is make a puree soup, it's also very tasty!

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What to do if mashed potatoes turn out to be liquid?

Answer from S0faRy[guru]
throw it away and try to puree again - but try to keep the proportions. Of course, you can dilute it with something to thicken it - but you yourself understand that it will no longer be mashed potatoes, but porridge ...

Answer from good neighborliness[active]

Answer from scatter[guru]
wait twenty minutes

Answer from Dmitry Nikitenko[guru]

Answer from BANNED[guru]

Answer from Vikul[master]

Answer from Nadia °[guru]
agree with the first answer. creamy cheese soup the very thing. . you can still with mushrooms, well, or with minced meat if not laziness. . and you can also mix two eggs, flour, spices and bake in the oven. get a potato casserole. . only sour cream or mayonnaise

Answer from Carried by the wind.[guru]

Answer from LenaChka)[guru]
add cheese (grated) to hot mashed potatoes .... business then

Answer from Lika Mikhey[guru]
It thickens on cooling.

Answer from *Queen*[guru]
when it cools, it will thicken. And so, I would fry the onion and interfere, you can also boil the carrots and add to the puree, grind everything, it will be orange puree)

Answer from Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)[guru]
Wait for it to cool - it will thicken

Answer from "AlekSandra" _[master]
Make soup puree) or new puree.

Answer from Vovan Uralsky[master]
First, wait. Then the spoon will stand! Secondly, you can, as already mentioned, make mashed soup. Thirdly, boil more potatoes and mix in.

Answer from katenok[guru]
already nothing

Answer from ailya nurieva[newbie]
I always add a little semolina and mix everything, and no one notices everything!

Answer from Yoanya Kudryakov[newbie]
already nothing

Answer from S0faRy[guru]
throw it away and try to puree again - but try to keep the proportions.
Of course, you can dilute it with something to thicken it - but you yourself understand that it will no longer be mashed potatoes, but porridge ...

Answer from Єix[active]
Mix starch)) Our mother interfered for a long time and ... oh, the miracle really helps)))

Answer from She-wolf Lonely[guru]
wait twenty minutes

Answer from Dmitry Nikitenko[guru]
I once boiled it all the way down. You can add an egg - it thickens a little. You can leave until tomorrow - the starch will thicken itself. Or just add dry potatoes

Answer from BANNED[guru]
Add finely chopped steamed broccoli. It'll be delicious. Cook broccoli for a couple of minutes 5-6, but so that it does not fall apart, but keeps its shape well.

Answer from Vikul[master]
I think, put on the stove and, without ceasing to stir, heat. it might thicken a bit. and generally thickens when it sits for a while. no need to dilute anything, it will not be the same.

Answer from Nadia °[guru]
agree with the first answer. creamy cheese soup is the best. . you can still with mushrooms, well, or with minced meat if not laziness. .
and you can also mix two eggs, flour, spices and bake in the oven. get a potato casserole. . just anoint the top with sour cream or mayonnaise to make a golden crust.

Answer from Carried by the wind.[guru]
When the puree was still hot, you could add a little grated cheese, better parmesan or you could additionally boil a few more potatoes and combine with mashed potatoes and beat again

To make the puree fluffy, the potatoes are seasoned with butter and, adding hot milk, beat. From potatoes mashed with broth, mashed potatoes will turn out not so white and lush. If you pour not hot, but cold milk, the puree will turn gray. Mashed potatoes from old potatoes will be tasty, airy if you add whipped protein. The puree turns out to be too liquid for two reasons: either the potatoes are overcooked and absorbed a lot of liquid, or the water was not completely drained, which is why it did not dry out. You can correct the mistake: cook a new portion of potatoes, drain the broth, evaporate the liquid, wipe, combine with liquid puree, whip. In this case, the puree should remain hot. The same is done if the puree is too salty. To make mashed potatoes very quickly, you need to boil potatoes cut into small rings. The taste does not change, but cooks three times faster. If you need to wipe boiled potatoes, do it while it's hot. Puree from young potatoes turns out tasteless. Mashed potatoes taste much better if they are made from dried or steamed potatoes. When preparing mashed potatoes, try mixing in 1 tsp. melted cream cheese. To roll out sticky mashed potatoes for a roll, the board and rolling pin are greased with vegetable oil.


Potatoes are fried in a preheated pan, first over high heat, then it is reduced. Sliced raw potatoes, before frying, it is necessary to dry it - this will accelerate the formation of a crust, the fat will be less splashed. To make the potatoes fried in oil crispy, you need to salt them at the very end. In order for the potatoes to fry faster, you need to: - put them raw for a few minutes in hot water; - cut it into very thin strips; - when the potatoes are already a little fried, a golden crust has appeared, but still damp, pour a little into the pan boiled water, reduce the heat and close the lid tightly - after 3 minutes. food will be ready. Fried potatoes and onions will brown well if lightly dusted with flour. When frying potatoes, add ghee, do not close the lid and do not stir until they are fried. Thus, the potatoes will be golden and crispy. In order for the pieces to fry evenly, place them in a pan with a layer no thicker than 3 cm. If the potatoes are not completely fried, put the pan in a hot oven for several minutes. To make the potatoes airy, slices need 2-3 minutes. lower into hot fat; not allowing education golden brown, remove and lower into even more heated fat. French fries will have delicate taste if it is put for 3 minutes before frying. in salted boiling water, then put on a sieve and dry.


- To make the chips delicious, crispy, soak the chopped potatoes for 0.5 hours in cold salty water. The chips will absorb the salt and become crispy after cooking. - In order for the crust to be more dense and appetizingly crunchy, you can do the following: drain salt water, dry the potato slices with a towel. Mix flour (1-2 tablespoons) and a little salt, pour this mixture into plastic bag, put a portion of chips there. Then inflate the bag with air and shake - the slices will be covered with flour, which will turn into a crisp during frying.


To slices baked potatoes were crispy on the outside and soft inside, they should be baked for 1 hour in a form covered with foil, then remove the foil, bake for another 0.5 hour. Potatoes baked in the oven will become tastier if they are cut into halves, put with a narrow side on a baking sheet, stick a toothpick with a strung piece of salted lard into each at an angle and bake in the oven. Boil new potatoes until soft, then put them on skewers with ham strips, brush with olive oil and grill under the grill until golden brown. Baking sheets for potato casseroles should not only be greased, but also sprinkled with breadcrumbs so that it does not stick to them. To bake potatoes whole, pierce the tubers with a fork to keep them from cracking. Potatoes can be baked not only on a baking sheet. Insert pointed wedges of hard wood into the holes on the grater at a distance of 4-5 cm from one another, chop medium-sized tubers onto these spikes and put the grater in a heated oven. After 30-40 minutes, the food is ready. Potato casserole and roll will have a beautiful surface if, before baking, brush them with egg, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and drizzle with fat.


Grated raw potatoes will darken less if you add a little warm milk and grated onion or sprinkle with flour. Darkened grated potatoes are clarified in this way: drain the juice, pour in cold milk, mix. Try rubbed on fine grater rinse potatoes with water excess starch, from which potato pancakes quickly become stale. Squeeze the washed mass through a fine sieve, add 2 yolks, finely grated onion and flour to taste, salt, pepper, drain excess juice, fry on vegetable oil(oil is poured into the pan with a layer of 3 mm), in a not very hot pan. You can add 3-4 tbsp to potato pancakes. l. hot milk, onion grated on a fine grater, and soda on the tip of a knife. All this will give draniki new taste and airiness. Milk curdles starch, pancakes become tender in taste and color. Spill each fried portion of draniki with melted butter: draniki will have an amazing creamy taste and besides, potato pancakes do not stick together. Instead of flour in potato pancakes, you can add semolina. Draniki are more airy. I rub potatoes for potato pancakes coarse grater. And I add salted cottage cheese to potato pancakes: I put the potato dough on the pan, then the cottage cheese and again the dough (just not a lot, otherwise they will be very plump).

To make the puree homogeneous and airy, choose starchy varieties. This round potatoes with light brown skin and light flesh. Starchy potatoes are very soft during cooking, which provides a delicate texture of mashed potatoes.

But it is better not to use potatoes with a red skin. It does not boil so much, and the puree may turn out with lumps.

What to put in mashed potatoes, except for potatoes

Classic mashed potatoes can not do without or cream. If you want the dish to have exquisite fragrance, add a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary or other herbs and heat over low heat.


Another product that makes mashed potatoes tasty and airy is butter. Do not feel sorry for him and do not be stingy when buying: the oil must be with high fat content. Alternatively, you can take refined sunflower or olive oil. However, the taste of puree in this case will be slightly different.


Both milk and butter should be room temperature. If they are cold, the potatoes will cool faster and the mashed potatoes will take longer to mix. Which means it can be sticky.

Some put a few tablespoons of sour cream, mayonnaise, natural yogurt or grated cheese. For taste, you can also add a raw egg, fried onion or mushrooms.

If you want to give the puree an unusual color, boil the potatoes with beets, carrots or pumpkin.

special flavor ready-made puree will give fresh herbs. It can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients or sprinkled on a dish.

How to make mashed potatoes

Peel the tubers and cut them into equal large cubes. Thus, the potatoes will boil more evenly and.

Put the cubes in a saucepan and pour cold water so that it covers them by about 1 cm. Salt and put on fire.

By the way, about when to salt mashed potatoes, they are still arguing. Alone Perfect Mashed Potatoes , Mashed Potatoes with Buttermilk, Black Pepper and Green Onion chefs salt at the beginning, others Emeril Lagasse's Garlic Mashed Potatoes- at the end, third Mashed Potatoes, Kind Of Robuchon-Style- after boiling water. Opinions were divided among famous professionals about what water to put potatoes in: in cold Perfect Mashed Potatoes or already boiling How to make mashed potatoes.

One thing can be said for sure: the potatoes should be completely boiled. It is easier to check the degree of readiness with a knife. It should easily pierce a cube of potatoes.


When the potatoes are ready, drain the liquid from the pan, put the cubes in a colander and dry them slightly. To do this, you need to put them back in hot pot and leave for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally. This will evaporate excess liquid from the potatoes, which is not needed at all in mashed potatoes.

Remember: the colder the potatoes, the more difficult it is to mash them.

Puree should not be mixed in a blender: because of this, it can become viscous, sticky and, of course, tasteless. It is better to mash by hand using a pusher with holes. It won't take much energy from you, because starchy potatoes becomes very soft after cooking.

To purée more hard varieties You can use a potato press. It will help get rid of lumps.


Then add the rest of the ingredients to the puree and mix well. Do not spare time and effort on this if you want the puree to turn out airy. At the end, you can season the puree with spices to taste and mix everything again.

Bonus: 4 Unusual Mashed Potato Recipes

Stacy Spenceley / flickr.com


  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 400 g of cauliflower;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • ¼ cup grated cheese;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a few sprigs of green onions.


Put the potatoes to boil. 10 minutes after the water boils, add the cauliflower florets and cook until tender.

Put butter, cream, cheese, salt into the mashed vegetables and mix well until smooth.

Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

Ernesto Andrade/flickr.com


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar;
  • a few teaspoons of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar;
  • 2 cups unsalted coconut milk;
  • 1 tablespoon dried garlic.


Boil potatoes. Put the chopped onion in a frying pan drizzled with oil, add vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and cook for a few minutes. The onion should soften and turn golden brown.

IN mashed potatoes add garlic and fried onion. Mix well until smooth.

3. Mashed Baked Potatoes and Celery - Jamie Oliver's Recipe



  • 4 potatoes;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste;
  • 300 g of celery root;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme;
  • spices - to taste.


Rinse potatoes and sprinkle with salt. Pierce the skin with a fork and place the tubers on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 190°C.

Cut the celery root into big chunks. Place it and the garlic cloves on baking paper, sprinkle with salt, pepper, drizzle with two tablespoons of olive oil and toss with your hands. Wrap the paper so that you get a bundle.

Half an hour after the start of cooking potatoes, put the bundle on a baking sheet and bake for another 20-30 minutes. Potatoes and celery root should be completely baked.

Peel the potatoes, squeeze out the pulp of the baked garlic and mix these ingredients with the celery. Add thyme leaves, olive oil and mix well. Season the puree with spices.



  • 800 g potatoes;
  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • a little melted butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a little nutmeg;


Peeled potatoes and cut into cubes and boil for 25-30 minutes. Heat up in a frying pan melted butter and fry the chopped garlic on it.

Drain the liquid from the pan, dry the vegetables and add milk, cream and butter to them. Mix well, season with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg and stir again.

Vareniki - favorite and popular dish Russian cuisine. The most common filling for dumplings is mashed potatoes. For the dish to succeed, the puree must be dense, but airy. But what if it turned out to be too liquid? A few simple tips will help you.

Choose your recipe

In an effort to make airy mashed potatoes, many housewives make the mistake of adding too much liquid when whipping. The result is a watery puree that is not suitable for filling. Such dumplings will not keep their shape, and at the slightest violation of the integrity of the dumpling during boiling, the puree will pour out. Of course, you can always prepare a new portion of the filling to replace the spoiled one, but this will take a lot of time and effort. Simple Tips experienced housewives will help correct the situation.

If the situation could not be corrected, do not throw out mashed potatoes. You can make a lot out of it. delicious meals: zrazy, cutlets, pancakes, casseroles, cream soup, etc.

Liquid evaporation

If the puree turned out to be liquid, you can try to evaporate the excess liquid. This can be done in two ways. Place the pot of puree on slow fire. Evaporate the moisture for 5-10 minutes, constantly stirring the contents. You can also add cream to the puree, which will thicken when heated, and the mass will acquire a denser consistency. The second method involves evaporating water in the oven. To do this, lay a baking sheet parchment paper and put mashed potatoes on it in a not very thick layer, about 1 cm high. After 5 minutes, check if enough liquid has evaporated. Do not allow the formation of a crust on the mashed potatoes, otherwise, instead of filling for dumplings, you will get potato casserole.

Always make mashed potatoes from the same variety of potatoes, because different varieties have different time cooking. And if you overcook potatoes, they become watery.

Additional Ingredients

If you don't mind making a combined filling for dumplings, you can add grated cheese to the puree. This will also help thicken the puree.

If you have a pack of instant puree in your house, you can try thickening it. liquid filling. The taste of such a puree may differ from the original, but the filling will be saved.

Flour and starch will make the puree thicker and more viscous. However, it is worth remembering that in this case, dumplings can turn out to be heavier and more high-calorie.

Always add the butter first, before the rest of the liquid ingredients: potato broth, milk, broth. This required ingredient puree, and the rest of the liquid components are required not so much to add flavor, but to adjust the consistency of the filling.
