
Dried rosemary: ways to harvest spicy herbs - how to dry rosemary at home. Spicy herbs: how to store and cook properly

Any dish will sparkle with new colors and acquire unique taste if you add herbs to it. Did you know that handling greens requires remarkable culinary skills. Properly chopped and timely added dill or basil can dramatically change the taste of a gastronomic masterpiece. About the storage conditions of fragrant greens, too, should not be forgotten. You might find these helpful tips helpful.

What dishes go well with basil

Basil should not be cooked for a long time. The longer you expose it heat treatment the more it loses flavor. fresh basil - best company for sandwiches, salads, and sauces, provided that it got into the pan or pan no more than a minute before readiness.

Try mixing basil with any prepared shop sauce for pasta. You will immediately feel the difference.

How to properly cut basil

Small leaves can be added to food in their original form. Large ones should be cut off, folded into a small pile, folded in half, and then cut into thin small strips. If you want to finely chop the herbs, just roll up the basil again and chop.

How to store fresh basil

Cut off the bottom of the stem and dry the leaves. Fill a small container with water and put a bunch of greens in it. Take a plastic bag and poke a few holes in it to let oxygen in. Put the bag on the bowl of basil. Do not put basil in the refrigerator. It will feel quite comfortable on the kitchen table away from direct sun rays. Change the water daily and then you can enjoy fresh basil the whole week.

Parsley and cilantro (coriander)

What dishes go well with parsley

Add parsley or cilantro to the finished dish for a culinary creation bright taste and color. Mix finely chopped parsley (cilantro) with lemon juice and pour over rice with this mixture, you will get a delicious side dish.

In a container with vegetable oil, put chopped parsley, cilantro, squeeze a clove of garlic, add a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or orange sauce. This marinade is great for all types of meat, chicken and fish.

cilantro (coriander)

How to store parsley and cilantro

Rinse and dry the parsley (cilantro). Wrap the herbs in a towel soaked in water, then place them in a plastic bag. Store the bag in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days.

Parsley or cilantro pesto sauce

Make a pesto with parsley or cilantro. It goes well with vegetables, seafood, pasta and meat. Mix in a blender a bunch of greens, a handful walnuts, slowly pour in the olive oil, add the grated Parmesan, salt and pepper to taste. Store the sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

wild sage

What dishes go well with sage

Sage perfectly sets off the taste of polenta and legume dishes. Chicken or pork baked with vegetables and a pinch of sage will impress even the most sophisticated gourmet.

How to cut sage

Strip the leaves from the stem, fold them together and cut into thin strips. If you need even finer, fold the sage in half and cut again.

How to store sage

Wash and dry your greens. Wrap the sage in a damp tea towel and store in the refrigerator for plastic bag. Sage will keep its taste properties And appearance within 4 - 6 days.

How to roast sage leaves

Roast sage leaves for an elegant garnish in soups, risotto and pasta. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil, fry the sage for about 15 seconds until crispy. Lay the leaves on a paper kitchen towel to soak up excess oil, then lightly salt the sage.

thyme and rosemary

How to properly cut thyme

Thyme and rosemary have a fairly hard stem, so they are not used as food. Strip off the leaves and chop them finely. Add rosemary and thyme at the very beginning of cooking to bring out the aromas as much as possible. These spicy herbs are in perfect harmony with beef, lamb, chicken and fried vegetables.

How to store fresh thyme and rosemary

Wrap washed and dried herbs in damp paper towel, then put them in plastic bag. Greens will keep wonderfully in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

Aromatic thyme and rosemary salt

Do fragrant salt. Mix 1-2 tablespoons dried rosemary or thyme, 1 tablespoon lemon peel with 1/4 cup coarse salt.

Use the seasoning to cook meat, fish and vegetables.

What dishes go well with dill?

This is the most versatile seasoning for any dish: scrambled eggs and first courses, fish and poultry. Lemon juice or sour cream with dill will appetizing dressing for salad. A rare sauce is complete without a couple of sprigs of dill.

How to store dill in the refrigerator

Store greens in the refrigerator, first placing them in a plastic bag or in a container of water. Dill will not lose freshness for 3-6 days.

Green dill oil

Do green oil. Finely chop the dill and mix it with softened butter, lightly salt. Wrap the oil in parchment paper or cling film. Store it in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

The content of the article:

Dried rosemary is a spice widely used in cooking to enhance the taste. various dishes. It is obtained by grinding and further drying the leaves of this shrub. The plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is distinguished strong smell camphor. The finished spice has a color from bright light green to dark green, depending on the processing method. It is actively used all over the world, but it is especially popular in India and African countries. This seasoning is added to the first and second courses, various salads. In the wild, the shrub is found in the south of France, in Greece, Turkey, Spain, and the Crimea.

Composition and calorie content of dried rosemary

The composition contains various vitamins, micro and macro elements, fatty acids. It contains a large number of calcium, potassium and magnesium.

The calorie content of dried rosemary per 100 g is 331 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 4.88 g;
  • Fats - 15.22 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 64.06 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 42.6 g;
  • Water - 9.31 g;
  • Ash - 6.53 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A, RE - 156 mcg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.514 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin - 0.428 mg;
  • B6, pyridoxine - 1.74 mg;
  • b9, folic acid- 307 mcg;
  • C, ascorbic acid - 61.2 mg;
  • RR, NE - 1 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 955 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 1280 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 220 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 50 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 70 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 29.25 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 1.867 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 550 mcg;
  • Selenium, Se - 4.6 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 3.23 mg.
Phytosterols in the composition of dried rosemary - 58 mg per 100 g.

Fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-3 - 1.076 g;
  • Omega-6 - 1.16 g;
  • Capric - 0.05 g;
  • Lauric - 0.037 g;
  • Myristic - 0.315 g;
  • Pentadecanoic - 0.131 g;
  • Palmitic - 4.991 g;
  • Margarine - 0.094 g;
  • Stearic - 0.6 g;
  • Arachinoic - 0.379 g;
  • Begenovaya - 0.387 g;
  • Lignoceric - 0.294 g;
  • Myristoleic - 0.059 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 0.17 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 2.66 g;
  • Gadoleic (omega-9) - 0.125 g;
  • Linoleic - 1.16 g;
  • Linolenic - 1.076 g.
In order for the composition of dried rosemary to remain unchanged, seasoning is best added to ready-made dishes.

Useful properties of dried rosemary

This spice has a powerful analgesic, antibacterial, choleretic, sedative, tonic, regenerating, antioxidant action. Due to this, it is very useful for the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, genitourinary, hematopoietic systems. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet to improve the functioning of the brain, kidneys, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas.

The benefits of dried rosemary are that it:

  1. Relieves stress. Due to the impact of this spice, mood improves, negative thoughts disappear, emotional exhaustion disappears. This has a positive effect on sleep, performance and overall well-being.
  2. Normalizes the work of the heart. Since spices contain many different fatty acids, then it has the best effect on the muscle of this organ and prevents various cardiac diseases. It's about about ischemia, atherosclerosis, stroke, defects, rheumatism, angina pectoris.
  3. Stimulates blood circulation. This is facilitated by the cleansing of blood vessels from cholesterol and toxins, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. As a result, the blood does not encounter obstacles in its path and circulates quickly. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure reliable prevention of diseases of the heart and veins, especially varicose veins.
  4. Protects against tumors. Rosemary neutralizes negative impact free radicals and salts of heavy metals, which increase the risk of growth of neoplasms. It also saturates the cells of the body with moisture and beneficial fatty acids, widely known as anticancer substances.
  5. Activates the brain. The spice improves mental activity and memory, both long-term and short-term. This effect is possible due to the content of fatty acids in it and a large number of micro and macro elements.
  6. Strengthens immune system . This allows you to make a large number ascorbic acid in its composition, which also improves the absorption of iron. The same microelement is necessary for a normal level of hemoglobin. As a result of this action, it is possible to prevent the development of SARS, tonsillitis, influenza.
  7. Takes care of the bones. Rosemary, being a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, makes them stronger. That is why it is very important to include it in the menu of those suffering from diseases of the joints - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. It is especially useful for athletes and the elderly.
  8. Reduces the likelihood of diabetes A. Rosemary contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses blood vessels, normalizes the pancreas and lowers blood glucose levels. It restores metabolism and helps to get rid of excess weight, which is most often the cause of this disease.

    Important! Dried rosemary is one of the most useful spices due to its rich composition.

    Harm and contraindications to the use of dried rosemary

    Since this spice is spicy, its use should be limited. Overeating rosemary can cause severe abdominal pain. It quite often provokes an exacerbation of gastritis and colitis, causes discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Most often, such problems arise when this spice is eaten on an empty stomach and in pure form. Therefore, it should only be added to ready-made dishes. If you experience discomfort, you should immediately drink a glass of ordinary water.

    Refuse dried rosemary should be with such problems:

    • Epilepsy. Proved that spicy food can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition and cause another attack.
    • Neurosis. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the spice from the menu because it activates the brain and invigorates. With such a disease, on the contrary, you need to eat soothing food.
    • Hypertension. At whatever stage of development it may be, rosemary is not suitable for the patient. Carried out numerous studies, confirming that it really increases arterial pressure.
    • ENT diseases. With pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, no irritating foods can be eaten. Just one of these can be attributed dried rosemary because of its pungent taste and strong smell.
    Strict contraindications to dried rosemary directly relate to pregnant women, especially those who experience severe toxicosis. The fact is that it can cause allergies and even more nausea. That is why it is not recommended to give it to children, especially small ones.

    Dried rosemary recipes

    The main task of this seasoning is to give the dish bright aroma and enhance its flavor. Most often, it is supplemented with salads, potatoes, meat, fish, soups. It pairs well with pasta and flour products. It can be added to pies, pies, cakes. Sometimes chefs experiment and put the spice in desserts, diluting it with various fruit cuts.

    When choosing dried rosemary recipes that are suitable for you, do not lose sight of the following options:

    1. Minestrone. Pour into a large enamel pan olive oil, which is needed so that the entire bottom of it is covered with it. Then dice the carrots and onions, 1 each, chop the celery leaves (3 pcs.). Put all this in a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring regularly. After that, add chopped potatoes (2 pcs.), grated savoy cabbage(half a head) and pre-boiled red beans (50 g). Now carefully enter into the mass boiled water(150 ml) and tomato (50 ml). Then salt, pepper the mixture and leave it to stew for 30 minutes. When ready, sprinkle with rosemary to taste. Minestrone is served on the table, sprinkled with grated parmesan and chopped basil leaves.
    2. Greasy snack. Boil the fattest fat fat(1 kg) with a good layer of meat. Then dry it and twist it in a meat grinder, peeling it. Now add melted butter(20 g), ground black pepper and salt to taste, a few pinches of rosemary. Stir the prepared mass well and refrigerate. It can be spread on a loaf when making sandwiches, or served neat with other dishes as an appetizer.
    3. Leg of lamb. You will need 1 pc. weighing no more than 1.5 kg. First of all, it must be soaked in the marinade. To prepare it, mix lemon juice(10 tablespoons), mayonnaise (200 ml) and white wine (1 glass). In the resulting mass, add rosemary, black pepper and salt to taste. Lubricate the meat with it and leave for 1-2 hours. After this time, rub the leg of lamb with garlic, wrap with foil and bake in the oven for 60-80 minutes.
    4. Salad. First bake 5 pears, which should be firm. Then boil the bulgur until tender in salted water (100 g). When it cools down, mix it with chopped fruit. After that, add apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp.), maple syrup(2 tablespoons), thyme leaves (5 pcs.), olive oil to taste. Then sprinkle the dish on top. walnut(80 g), rosemary and black ground pepper. Salad can be watered a small amount mustard sauce.
    5. Potato. It will need no more than 1 kg. Wash the vegetables well and divide them into 2-3 parts. In a large bowl, mix this ingredient with salt, black pepper, rosemary, grated garlic (to taste) and olive oil(5 tablespoons). Let the potatoes stand in the marinade for one hour, then place them on a greased baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. Ready meal you can pour sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.
    6. Broccoli. Wash, dry and divide the cabbage into several small parts, which will need about 500 g. Then soak it for 30 minutes in a marinade from apple cider vinegar(3 tablespoons), olive oil (2 tablespoons), soy sauce(10 ml), almond milk (50 ml), salt, pepper and rosemary to taste. After that, let the vegetables drain, put them on the grill, put a piece of cheese on top and fry on the coals until tender. Be careful not to burn the broccoli.

    According to legend, the ancient Greeks presented this spice as a gift to the goddess of love, Aphrodite, who used it to improve memory and treat insomnia. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Romans insisted that the plant from which the spice is obtained is the property of this heroine of Greek myths.

    Rosemary is popularly called the "bride's dress" because of the blue flowers of the bush. It is known as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Since ancient times, a branch of a bush was given to the bride and groom during the wedding.

    In the 15th-16th century, folk healers chose rosemary. He served to prepare healing decoctions and infusions used in the treatment colds. Once upon a time, with its help, they even cast out demons from a person. After some time, the plant began to symbolize fidelity, so they began to give the spice to their loved ones.

    Dried rosemary has a stronger smell and taste than fresh leaves. To obtain it, they must be ripe, green. They are harvested in the summer, from June to August. First, the leaves are always washed and dried. Then they are crushed and taken out every day for two weeks. Fresh air laying out on sheets of paper. In this case, do not forget to mix the greens.

    If you need to dry the grass faster, then put it in the oven. The door does not need to be closed, and the temperature here should be the lowest. Under such conditions, keep this ingredient for the most different dishes follows 2-3 hours. Another way is to use a special dryer for vegetables. Here it is enough to withstand the spice leaves for 4 hours.

    Ready-made spices are stored in plastic containers away from sunlight. This place should be cool, dry and dark. The shelf life of the product under such conditions is usually 5-7 months, the main thing is that moisture does not get into the container.

    Watch the video about dried rosemary:

    Considering how great benefit dried rosemary for health, it would be a big mistake not to include it in your diet, especially since this seasoning is inexpensive and it is available all year round.

Everyone knows about useful properties herbs such as basil and rosemary. Therefore, taking into account the characteristics of their growth, drying these herbs for the winter is relevant. For example, a plant such as basil will relieve you of excessive nervousness and emotional arousal, anxiety, fear. And also its healing properties include the fight against insomnia and migraines. With chronic fatigue, experts advise drinking an infusion of dried basil leaves with honey. IN given plant there is a large number essential oils, therefore, it is often used in cooking, as seasonings for the first and second courses, when pickling and pickling vegetables and mushrooms, as well as in the manufacture various kinds sausages and cheeses. Valuable anti-febrile, diuretic and disinfectant property are infusions and decoctions of basil. They are excellent remedy in the fight against gastritis, stomach ailments And food poisoning.

Just before the drying process, the leaves basilica needs to be cut. And this must be done before the flowering of the plant itself. After the leaves are cut, you can safely proceed to sort them by size. It is advisable to select leaves for basil medium in size. Be sure to rinse the prepared raw materials for drying running water from various contaminants and dust, since you will use it already in dried form for food. Basil leaves need to be crushed to a fraction of 5-7 mm before drying. The choice of how to dry basil is directly up to you. Basil leaves can be dried in sieves or grates using solar dryers. And you can also use artificial dryers, such as wind or microwaves, and dry the prepared raw materials there at a temperature not higher than 40-45 ° C, since by raising the temperature higher, you can spoil the leaves, they will darken and lose their essential oils. Dry for about 30 minutes, then finished leaves cool and put into special bags for storing spice plants. The most important thing is that the storage containers are airtight and dry, so that mold and food moths do not appear on dry basil leaves, which can destroy your prepared product.

No less healing properties than basil, it also has rosemary. And with a mixture of powdered basil leaves with rosemary leaves, the so-called pepper is obtained. Rosemary is a plant with a sweet, camphor-like aroma that has simply inexhaustible healing properties. In the very first place, its healing properties include the aromatic oils contained in it, which are prescribed for the treatment of mental exhaustion, stress relief, and memory improvement. To prepare infusions, use dried rosemary leaves, pouring boiling water over them. You can dry not only rosemary leaves, but also its flowers and shoots. the best way drying of rosemary is considered to be well-ventilated rooms with sheds, and the drying temperature should not exceed +30-35 °C. Properly dried rosemary leaves are greenish gray in color and slightly bitter in taste, with a rich camphor aroma. A feature of drying rosemary flowers is its caution and, most importantly, speed. It is advised to store dry raw materials in paper or canvas bags, in a dry, well-ventilated area. The shelf life should not exceed one year, since after the received raw materials lose their healing properties. Protect dried blanks from unwanted dampness and mold, as well as food moths, observing all storage conditions for dried foods.

We hope that drying basil and rosemary will help replenish your home first aid kit.

Rosemary is an evergreen plant with incredible flavor properties. It is widely used in cooking, it is added to hot and cold dishes, soups, pastries, drinks and desserts. Rosemary has a lot of useful properties, including improving memory, digestion, blood circulation and others.

Some short but interesting facts about rosemary

  • Rosemary got its name from the Latin word rosmarinus, which means "fog over the sea" or "haze over the sea";
  • rosemary is part of the mint family, which also includes basil, lavender, oregano, mint and many other herbs;
  • rosemary bush can reach a height of up to 1.5 m;
  • grows wild along the sea coast of Italy, Greece, Spain and France;
  • in the 16th century, sprigs of rosemary were set on fire and fumigated with them in hospital wards to kill germs;
  • in some countries it is customary to leave sprigs of rosemary on the grave, thereby showing that a family member will not be forgotten;
  • in the old days, rosemary was used as a herbal medicine for the treatment of headache and toothache, as well as baldness;
  • rosemary has been recognized herbaceous plant of the year in 2000 by the International Herbal Association;
  • dry rosemary keeps most taste and aroma;
  • rosemary essential oil can be poisonous in large doses;
  • Rosemary is often used as a fragrance and its extract can be found in many cosmetics.
  • the best time to plant rosemary is early autumn or spring;
  • rosemary is very difficult to grow from seed;
  • easily propagated by cuttings;
  • The aroma of rosemary attracts bees.

Historical facts about rosemary

Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean. It has long been used as a condiment and medicinal purposes. The great popularity of this spice was brought by the belief that it has a beneficial effect on the brain and strengthens memory. IN ancient greece, for example, wore sprigs of rosemary in their hair while preparing for exams.

In England, thanks to its ability, rosemary turned into a symbol of fidelity: I sniffed rosemary, remembered that I was married and changed my mind, probably, somehow it worked like that.

It was only in the 14th century that people learned to extract essential oil from rosemary. Based on it, a popular perfume at that time was made under the name "Queen of Hungary".

In the 16th and 17th centuries it was especially popular to use rosemary as a food additive to improve digestion.

Beneficial features

The aroma of rosemary is often associated with good food. But not many people know that in addition to wonderful aroma and taste, with which rosemary decorates your dishes, it also has a lot of useful properties. Rosemary stimulates the immune system, improves digestion, and contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Besides use of rosemary, increases blood flow to the brain, thereby improving concentration.

You feel noticeable improvements in the morning: you have become more attentive and less distracted, you have not forgotten to take out the trash, you have completed all the tasks on time at work - you know, this is all thanks to rosemary. And yesterday's thrashing from the authorities has nothing to do with it.

Types of rosemary, where to buy and how to choose

Rosemary is sold dried and fresh.

It can be found fresh on sale in large chain supermarkets and in the markets from greens / salad sellers. Dry one can be found almost everywhere: packaged and by weight, it is sold both in small shops and markets from spice sellers, and in large supermarkets.

If possible, try to buy it fresh, because in this form it has a fantastic aroma. When buying fresh rosemary, pay attention to appearance: its leaves should look fresh and be colored in a bright dark green color. Refrain from buying twigs with yellow leaves and/or black dots on them.

When buying dry, try to choose organically grown. If you take packaged - buy products of well-known brands.

How to use

Before adding to food, rosemary should be rinsed quickly under cold running water and then dried.

Most recipes use leaves that are easily pulled off the stem. Depending on the type of dish and the wishes of the cook, they can be added either whole or finely chopped.

Alternatively, you can add the whole stem to flavor soups, stews, and meat dishes. Remember to take it out before serving, it is not very pleasant to chew.

A few ideas on how you can use rosemary:

  • add fresh rosemary to the omelet;
  • rosemary is just a great companion for chicken and lamb;
  • add rosemary to tomato sauce and soups;
  • try adding a sprig of rosemary to a gin and tonic or lemonade;
  • finely chop fresh rosemary, mix with olive oil and use as a sauce for toasted toast. And if you additionally add, to this sauce, finely chopped ripe tomatoes and a couple of cloves of garlic ... I will not write anything, you just have to try it for yourself. Don't forget the toast.

How to store



If finding fresh rosemary in your city is not always easy, buy a lot at once and freeze. To do this, rinse it and dry it. Then place in Plastic container or a bag with a lock and send it to the freezer.

Open the package as needed and break off right amount twigs.

Thus, it can be stored for a very long time, it practically does not take up space, and now you always have fresh rosemary at home.

Idea: Pour the broth or water into an ice mold, add a couple of rosemary leaves to each "cube" and freeze. Add one or two ice cubes to soups or hot dishes for flavor.


In dry form, rosemary is usually stored in a closed glass containers. It is better to place the jar in a dry, dark and cool place. So it can be stored for about 6 months.

Rosemary is a shrub that is widely used in culinary and medical purposes young green twigs, flowers and leaves. The taste and aroma of this plant is spicy, reminiscent of the aroma of coniferous trees.

In cooking, rosemary is used to flavor meat and poultry, fish and seafood dishes. Essential oils, which this plant is rich in, are used for medicinal purposes. Also, healing tinctures are made from the shoots of this shrub and tea is brewed.

Since rosemary contains a large amount of essential oils, it must be dried with great care. About all ways proper drying rosemary will talk in this article.

The shoots, leaves and flowers of this plant also have useful properties. But the most valuable is precisely the deciduous mass.

It is necessary to collect the green parts of the plant until the shrub begins to bloom. It was during this period that pouring contain the largest number useful substances And aromatic oils. Rosemary sprigs are cut 15 - 20 centimeters long, trying to choose the most juicy and young shoots.

Rosemary flowers are harvested for brewing teas and making tinctures. They are cut during the period of active flowering of the plant. The collected inflorescences should be sent for drying as soon as possible so that they do not have time to wither.

Ways to dry rosemary

On air

The collected raw materials can be dried in a shaded and well-ventilated area or outdoors under awnings. The main task is to protect rosemary from sunlight, otherwise the greens will lose their color and most of the nutrients.

The green mass is spread on sheets of paper, and dried, turning over every day. You can dry rosemary with individual leaves, but it is much easier to dry raw materials with sprigs.

You can also form small bunches, 5-7 sprigs each, and hang rosemary leaf down on a porch or attic.

Flowers are laid out on lattices or on sieves in an ordinary layer, and dried in the shade, periodically stirring.

The natural drying process takes approximately 2 weeks.

In the dryer for vegetables and fruits

If weather conditions do not allow to dry the greens quickly enough, then you can use electric dryer for vegetables and fruits.

Green sprigs of rosemary are cut into pieces of 5 - 6 centimeters and spread in one layer on the dryer grates. To save maximum amount essential oils, the heating temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Flowers are dried in a similar way, only the time for drying the inflorescences will take half as much, approximately 4 hours.

In the oven

It is highly undesirable to use this option for preparing rosemary, since the heating temperature of the oven is quite difficult to control. But if you urgently need to dry the spice, and there is no other way to do this, then the oven must be set to minimum heat.

The oven door should be ajar and the rosemary trays should be placed on the top shelf. Drying time - 3 - 4 hours.

About the beneficial properties of rosemary and cooking recipes medicines Alexander Maximov will tell in his video

How to store dried rosemary

Qualitatively dried raw materials have a grayish-green color, a spicy bitter taste and a bright aroma of camphor.

Before being placed in storage containers, the branches are freed from leaves. Dry leaves can be ground with a blender into powder, but in cooking it is best to use whole needle-like leaves.

Store rosemary for 1 year in paper or cloth bags. The room where the spice is stored should be dry and cool.
