
Technological scheme of cooking fish with green oil. Assortment of national dishes

Fish fried with green oil (№ 526)

Prepare a semi-finished product in the form of a bow or in the form of a figure eight. In the first case, cut the fillet into portions in the form of a rhombus, one per serving, make a cut in the middle along the piece and, inserting one end into it, turn the semi-finished product in the form of a bow, sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, moisten in lezon and breaded in white breading.

To obtain a semi-finished product in the form of a figure-eight, cut the fillet into strips 0.8-1 cm thick and 4-5 cm wide (the length of the pieces depends on the mass of servings), breaded in double breading, rolled into a spiral in the form of a figure-eight, and then chopped with a skewer.

Fry the semi-finished product in deep fat and bring to readiness in the oven.

Cut raw potatoes into cubes, rinse, dry with a cloth, fry in the main way and salt.

cook hot tomato sauce(in one dish for two dishes). Dilute white flour sauté with slightly chilled broth made from fish waste, bring to a boil and boil for 25-30 minutes. Spasser the roots, onion and tomato puree, add to the sauce and cook until the vegetables soften. Strain the sauce, rub, bring to a boil, season to taste with salt, sugar, creamy margarine.

Prepare green butter. To do this, soften butter, add lemon juice and finely chopped parsley or dill, mix well, shape into a cylinder or rectangle and cool.

On a warmed oval dish or small plate on the side, put fried potatoes, nearby, slightly covering the side dish, is a piece of fried fish. Garnish the fish with lemon and herbs. Separately, in a gravy boat, serve tomato sauce. Pour the melted butter over the fish served on a plate, and put a piece of green butter on the fish served on a platter.

Fish prepared in this way is a type of fried fish and is called colbert fish, or fish fried with green butter.

Pike perch 192/92, wheat flour 6, eggs 1/2 pc., crackers 15, fat 10. Green oil (No. 879): butter 8.5, parsley 2, lemon 0.8 g Garnish (No. 761): potatoes 290/217, fat 15. Sauce (No. 857): fish broth 53, margarine 4.5, wheat flour 3, carrots 5/4, onion 3/2, parsley (root) 2, tomato puree 26, sugar 1. Yield 335.

quality requirements. The taste of fish is moderately salty. The fish is well fried, the color of the crust is golden. Potatoes are soft and crispy. The sauce is slightly sour, fragrant, homogeneous. Dark pink color with glitter.

Fried fish in dough (No. 530)

Cut the fillet without skin and bones into cubes 1-1.5 cm thick, 5-6 cm long, put in a non-oxidizing dish, sprinkle with lemon juice or a solution of citric acid, pour with vegetable oil, sprinkle with parsley, salt and refrigerate for 30 minutes for pickling.

Prepare batter dough. Separate whites from yolks. Grind egg yolks with salt, sugar, dilute with milk, add sifted flour, mix well and pour in vegetable oil. Whip egg whites into lush foam and add to the dough in 2-3 doses. Using a chef's needle, dip the fish sticks into the dough and immediately put in hot fat (170 ° C). Fry until a golden uniform crust is formed. Remove the fried pieces with a slotted spoon on a sieve, let the fat drain.

Before leaving the fish, put it in the oven for 3-5 minutes. Prepare French fries: wash the most beautiful sprigs of parsley or celery, dry, deep-fry, remove with a slotted spoon on a sieve and let the fat drain.

Prepare mayonnaise sauce with gherkins (tartare). Finely chop the gherkins or peeled pickles and, after squeezing the brine, add to the finished mayonnaise. Season mayonnaise sauce with Southern sauce and stir.

Put a folded linen or paper napkin on an oval dish, and place pieces of fish on it in the form of a well or Christmas tree. Place lemon slices on the sides, and put French fries on or to the side of the fish. To keep the lemon slices stable, you need to cut the skin at one end and tuck it inward. Serve mayonnaise sauce with herbs or gherkins or hot tomato sauce in a gravy boat.

Pike perch 140/67, citric acid 0.2, vegetable oil 4, parsley 3/2, wheat flour 30, milk 30, eggs 3/4 pcs., fat 15. Sauce (No. 887): mayonnaise 37, pickled cucumbers 23, South sauce 2. Yield 200.

quality requirements. The taste of the fish is delicate. Pieces of fish are evenly fried, the color is golden. The sauce is spicy and fragrant, the cucumbers are evenly chopped. French fries - dark green with a sheen, crispy.

Fish body (No. 545)

Pass the fillet without skin and bones twice through a meat grinder, combine with white bread soaked in milk (without crusts), add salt, ground pepper, mix well, pass through a meat grinder again, add milk and beat the mass well.

Put the mass in the form of a cake on a wet cloth, put the minced meat in the middle and fold the cake in half, holding the edges of the fabric with your hands, give the product a crescent shape. Release the body from the fabric, dip in the egg and bread in white breading.

For minced meat, sauté finely chopped onions, add boiled porcini mushrooms or champignons and fry with onions. Then mix with ground breadcrumbs, boiled eggs, salt and pepper.

Fry the molded products in deep fat until golden brown and bring to readiness in the oven.

Heat canned green peas, season with butter.

Deep-fried potatoes in cubes. cook hot sauce.

On a heated oval dish, beautifully lay the body two pieces per serving, place green peas and potatoes in the concave side of the products, decorate with herbs. Drizzle the body with margarine. Serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat. When serving on a plate, pour the sauce on the side of the body.

Pike perch 135/65 or cod 89/65, milk 25. For minced meat: onion 26/22, fat 4, fresh mushrooms 18/14, eggs 1/6 pcs., crackers 1.5 fat 12, eggs 1 1/6 pcs., crackers 6. Garnish (No. 789): potatoes 97/72, fat 5, green peas 74 /48, margarine 2. Sauce (No. 857): fish broth 53, margarine 4.5, wheat flour 3, carrot 5/4, onion 3/2, parsley (root) 2, tomato puree 26, sugar 1, margarine 5. Yield 300.

quality requirements. Taste - inherent in this type of fish, with characteristic aftertaste and aroma fried mushrooms and bow. The color is uniform golden. The consistency is soft, the crust is crispy, the shape of the products is well preserved. The sauce is slightly sour, uniform, dark pink with a sheen.

Sequence of operations. Cut the fish and cut semi-finished products (first cut portioned pieces, then sticks, and from the remaining fish prepare a cabin), put the broth from the waste of the fish to cook, put the fish to marinate; process vegetables, spasser-vat roots, onions and tomato puree for tomato sauce; prepare a mass for the body; prepare tomato sauce; prepare minced meat for the body, prepare white breading, batter dough, prepare potatoes for frying; prepare a semi-finished product, body, fry potatoes; cook green butter, prepare mayonnaise sauce with gherkins, cook onion fries; fry all the semi-finished products and bring to readiness in the oven, heat the green peas; prepare dishes for the release of products.


1. Draw up technological maps for boiled lamb with vegetables (airishtu), kidneys in Russian, liver stewed in sour cream.

2. Write out the requirement-consignment note.

3. Answer self-test questions.

Questions for self-examination

1. Name the ways of cutting fish for frying in the main way and deep-fried and methods for preparing semi-finished products.

2. Tell the rules for frying fish in the main way and in deep fat.

3. Name the processes that occur when frying fish.

4. Pick up sauces and side dishes for fried fish.

5. What is the significance of bread and liquid introduced into cutlet mass for body?

6. How to prepare deep fat and determine the temperature of the fat?

7. What is the order in which you need to deep-fry such semi-finished products as fish "colbert", fish in dough, veal, onion, potatoes and greens.

Meat dishes

All types of heat treatment are used to prepare meat dishes.

Boiled meat

Beef, pork, veal and lamb are used to prepare second courses from boiled meat. Besides, in boiled they serve various offal, salted and smoked products - corned beef, smoked brisket and loin, ham, as well as sausages - sausages, sausages, sausage.

In beef carcasses, it is advisable to use the brisket, the hem, the shoulder and sub-shoulder parts, the side and outer parts of the hind leg for cooking. Carcasses of small livestock - shoulder blade and brisket.

The meat is boiled in large pieces weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg, laying in hot water (1 - 1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of meat). Larger pieces are cooked unevenly. When the water boils, the heat is reduced and cooking is continued at a very low boil or no boil at a temperature of 85-90°C. Before boiling, cut the film along the ribs from the inside of the brisket; the pulp of the shoulder blade and hem is rolled up and tied with twine.

40 minutes before the end of cooking, put onions, parsley, celery, carrots, and 30 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the meat. The readiness of the meat is determined by the puncture of the chef's needle, which should freely enter the meat and just as freely exit, the juice flowing from the puncture should be transparent.

Ready meat (beef) is cut into portions across the fiber and released with boiled potatoes, a complex side dish of boiled and poached vegetables, mashed potatoes and sauces sour cream with horseradish or steam. Veal is released with stewed rice, mashed potatoes, vegetables in milk sauce and sauces steam or white with an egg. Served with pork stewed cabbage or mashed potatoes and red sauce with onions and mustard. Lamb is served with boiled potatoes and stewed rice, crumbly buckwheat porridge is poured over meat with broth.

Boiled meat until the holiday is stored in a small amount of broth at a temperature of 50-60 ° C in a container with a closed lid.

Of the by-products, tongues, brains, kidneys, and scars are most often boiled. Languages ​​are processed, washed, poured hot water and boiled like meat for second courses. Ready tongues are transferred to cold water for 3-5 minutes and cleaned from the skin. Cut into portions of 2-3 pieces, pour the broth and bring to a boil. Slicing portioned pieces begin with a thin part of the tongue. Serve tongue with mashed potatoes or green peas and red sauces with wine or sour cream with horseradish.

Brains soaked in cold water for bleeding and film removal. Pour in acidified and salted cold water and boil with the addition of aromatic roots and onions for 20-25 minutes from the moment of boiling. They keep their brains in a decoction.

On vacation, the brains are portioned, boiled champignons or porcini mushrooms, cut into slices, are placed on top and poured with steam or white sauce with an egg.

Beef kidneys are cleaned from films and fat, cut lengthwise and soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, then poured with cold water and brought to a boil, the broth is drained, then poured again with cold water and boiled for 1-1.5 hours at a low boil.

Ready kidneys are washed and used to prepare the dish “kidneys in Russian”.

The scars are soaked, scalded, cleaned, washed, placed in cold water (3 liters per 1 kg) and boiled for 4-5 hours. Roots, onions, spices are added 30 minutes before the end of cooking. Boiled tripes are used to prepare the dish “trips stewed in white or tomato sauce”.

Sausages or sausages are placed in boiling salted water (15 g of salt per 1 liter of water). For 1 kg of sausages or sausages take 2-3 liters of water. Remove the artificial casing from sausages. When the water boils again, the heating is weakened and the sausages are heated without boiling for 5 minutes, the sausages - 7-10 minutes. Sausages and wieners are served with mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, crumbly buckwheat porridge, boiled pasta. You can serve red sauce with onion and mustard. specialty 6./restoran.htm - Site with books By... Observation on practical classes By discipline "Information technologies" Work in...

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  • Cooking Russian cuisine

    graduate work

    1.3 Fish fried with green butter and french fries

    1.3.1 Recipe of dishes calculation of raw materials

    Table 3- Fish fried with green butter.

    The recipe indicated in table 3 is taken (c 178, recipe 244)

    Table 4 - Green oil

    The recipe indicated in table 4 is taken ( c 287, recipe 399) Table 5 -

    Garnish: Fried potatoes (raw)

    The recipe indicated in table 5 is taken ( c 256, recipe 336) Table 6 -

    Sauce Tomato


    fish broth

    Table margarine (for browning)

    Wheat flour

    Bulb onions

    Parsley (root)

    tomato puree

    Table margarine (for dressing the sauce)

    The recipe indicated in Table 6 is taken (c 279, recipe 383)

    Table 7 - Fish Broth

    The recipe indicated in table 7 is taken ( c 277, recipe 378)

    1.3.2 Description of the main types of raw materials

    Pike perch - meat contains: proteins from 8 to 23%, fats from 0.8 to 30.3%, vitamins - A, D, E, K, P, B1, 2, 6, 12, minerals - 3%, carbohydrates 0.05 to 0.85%, water from 57.6 to 89.1%.

    Chicken egg - proteins, fats, vitamins - A, D, B, B2, minerals - iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and others, fat-like substances - cholesterol and lecithin.

    Rusks - proteins - 4.7 - 8.3%, carbohydrates 42.5 - 50%, mineral salts Ca, Mg, Fe, P, Cu, vitamins B1, 2, PP,

    Cooking fat - Fat not less than 99.7%, water - not more than 0.3%, energy value 100g of fat 897kcal, melting point - 28-36C, absorption by the body - 96.5%, vitamin E.

    Fried fish - collagen from 1.6 to 5.1%, minerals - 0.3 - 0.5%, minerals - Na, K, F, I, Hl, S, Fe, Cu, D, A, B1, 2.

    Green oil - 52 to 82.5% fat, protein - 0.9%, carbohydrates, 0.1% ash, from 16 to 20% moisture, minerals - K, Ca, P, Na, Fe, vitamins A, D, E, B2.

    Butter - 52 to 82.5% fat, protein - 0.9%, carbohydrates, 0.1% ash, from 16 to 20% moisture, minerals - K, Ca, P, Na, Fe, vitamins A, D, E, B2.

    Parsley - is root with a well-developed root system and foliage that does not have a large root.

    Lemon - sugar up to 0.8%, essential oils up to 2.5%, citric acid up to 6%, minerals, vitamins C up to 50 mg%, P and carotene, have pectin substances and essential oils.

    Potato - starch - 18%, nitrogenous substances - 2%, sugars - 1.5%, minerals - 1%, Na, Ca, P, K, fiber 2%, organic acids 0.1% to 20 mg%, vitamins - C, B1, 2, 6, PP, E, K, U.

    Vegetable oil - provitamin A, carotene, vitamin E, tocopherol, 99.9% fat, 0.1% water. There are 899kcal per 100g of the product, unrefined, hydrated - 898kcal.

    Wheat flour - proteins 6.9 - 12.5% ​​starch 54.1 - 67.7, fats 0.9 - 1.9, minerals Na, Ca, P, Fe, etc. Water 14%.

    Carrots are really helpful. It contains a lot of sugar in the form of glucose (6%), minerals in the form of iron, phosphorus, potassium. There is especially a lot of carotene in carrots (up to 9 mg%), which in the human body turns into vitamin A.

    Tomato puree - obtained by boiling the pureed tomato mass to 25, 30, 35, 40%. The mass is packed in jars. The Mass contains: salt 8-10%. Depending on the quality tomato puree are divided into the highest and 1st grades, tomato - unsalted pasta - into extra, highest and 1st grades. salty pasta divided only into the 1st grade.

    Table margarine - 82% fat, no more than 17% moisture, carbohydrates - 1%, protein - 0.3%, energy value per 100g - 746 kcal, vitamins - E, B6, choline, riboflavin, traces of cholesterol.

    Parsley (root) - is root with a well-developed root system and foliage that does not have a large root.

    Celery (root) - can be root, petiole with thickened petioles and leafy.

    Onions - onions are valued for their sugar content, essential oils, phytoncides.

    1.3.3 Preparation of semi-finished products

    Pike perch - processing begins with the removal of a hard dorsal fin, the fin is removed, after cutting it along the pulp of the back from both sides. The anal fin is also removed, and then everything else. Clean the scales and remove the fins carefully so as not to damage the skin. From the head of the fish, it is necessary to remove the gills (making cuts under the gill covers on both sides) and eyes. To remove the entrails, the fish is placed on the board with its head facing you, holding it with your left hand, making an incision between pectoral fins and lead the knife to the head, with the point towards itself, cutting through the abdomen. Having brought the knife to the head, it is turned without removing it from the abdomen, and is led in the opposite direction, cutting the abdomen to the anus. Carefully remove the insides from the cut abdomen so as not to damage gallbladder, otherwise the fish will have a bitter taste, and the inner cavity is cleaned from the film. The fish are washed cold water, and to remove residual blood, add to the water table salt. Dry, laying on a baking sheet, and store in the refrigerator until heat treatment.

    A clean fish fillet is cut in the form of a ribbon 4-5 cm wide, 1 cm thick, 15-20 cm long, lightly beaten, breaded in flour, lezon and white breading. The semi-finished product is rolled up on both sides, shaped into a figure-eight and chipped off with a metal skewer. Used for deep frying. (c 43)

    Potatoes - Sorted, calibrated, washed, peeled, cleaned. (c 8) 1.3.4 Cooking technology.

    Fried fish - A prepared semi-finished product, shaped like a figure eight and fastened with a metal skewer, is dipped in heated fat, fried until golden brown, then removed from the fat, the skewer is removed, and the fish is brought to readiness, and the oven. (c 197)

    Green butter - softened butter is combined with finely chopped parsley, citric acid, mixed, molded into a loaf or thin sausage, cooled and cut. (c 145)

    French fries - prepared potatoes are cut into sticks with a diameter of 3-4 cm, dried, dipped in hot oil, fried until golden brown on a surface. (c 175)

    Tomato sauce - cut the processed vegetables into thin strips and sauté for 5-10 minutes, add tomato puree and continue to sauté for another 15 minutes. Melt table margarine in a bowl, add wheat flour and pass it almost without color change until it crumbles. White flour passivation is bred hot meat broth, combined with sautéed vegetables and tomato and boiled for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add Bay leaf, ground pepper, salt, sugar, citric acid. ready sauce strain, bring to a boil and season with margarine. You can add white to the sauce dry wine(100 or 75 g per 1000 g). In this case, citric acid is reduced. (c 140)

    Fish broth - prepared fish waste and fish are placed in a cauldron, poured with cold water (3-3.5 liters of water per 1 kg of product), brought to a boil, skimmed off the foam, put raw white roots, onions and boiled at a low boil for 50-60 minutes. Then the broth is allowed to brew and filtered.

    When preparing broth from sturgeon heads, one hour after boiling, the heads are removed, the pulp is separated from the cartilage, and the cartilage is poured with hot water and continue to cook until softened for 1-1.5 hours. Ready broth filter. Boiled pulp and cartilage are cut, poured a small amount broth, bring to a boil and use when you leave the dish. (c 100)

    1.3.5 How food is served

    Fried fish served with french fries. A circle of green oil, well chilled, is placed on the fish, decorated with french fries and a slice of lemon. Tomato sauce is served separately. The dish is released immediately after cooking so that the green oil retains its shape. (c197)

    1.3.6 Terms of sale and storage periods

    The quality of ready-made fish dishes is evaluated by the following indicators: compliance with the recipe; the correctness of cutting fish, slicing and breading; compliance with the rules of heat treatment and bringing the fish to readiness; the taste and smell of the cooked dish; appearance; matching garnish and sauce to this dish.

    Fried fish is served in one piece with skin and bones, with skin without bones, without skin and bones. Sturgeon - without cartilage, with or without skin. small fish- in general form, with a well-cleaned abdominal cavity. The fish must keep its shape. Its surface should be covered with an even, fried crust from golden to light brown in color, while a slight lag in the breading of french fries is allowed. Consistency - soft, juicy; the meat is easily separated with a fork, but not flabby. The taste of fish is specific; without foreign aftertaste. Smell - fish and fat. Products unburned, unsalted. The taste and smell of overcooked deep fat is unacceptable. Fish fried whole link, cut into portions at a right angle. The pieces should keep their shape, and their should not be weathered. The fish is placed on a plate next to the side dish, the sauce is served separately in a gravy boat or oil is poured over the fish. (c 205)

    1.3.7 Equipment, tools, utensils

    Chef's three knives, wooden shovels, cutting boards (M.S; O.S),

    Saucepan (UNIVERSAL), Frying pan (Tefal), Electric stove, portion dish vacation, gravy boat. (c 115)

    1.4 Coffee “Glasse”

    1.4.1 Recipe of dishes calculation of raw materials

    Table 8 - Black coffee with ice cream (glaze)

    Specified in table 8, the recipe is taken (c 331, recipe No. 483)

    Table 9 - Black coffee.

    Indicated in table 9, the recipe is taken (c 328, recipe No. 472)

    1.4.2 Description of the main types of raw materials

    Coffee - roasted coffee beans contains (%): water - 7, solids - 93, including: caffeine - up to 2.5, protein - 13.9, fat - 14.4, sugar - 2.8, fiber - 12.8, minerals- 4.5, tannins - 8, organic acids (citric, tartaric, malic, oxalic,) - 9.2.

    Sugar - sucrose 99.8%, 0.14% moisture, energy value per 100g of product 379kcal.

    Water - should have a temperature of 8 - 12C, be colorless, transparent, without foreign odors and tastes. The total amount of mineral salts should not exceed the norms established by the standard.

    The presence of potassium and magnesium salts give stiffness to the reins.

    1.4.3 Preparation of semi-finished products

    The harvested fruits are cleaned from pulp, and the grains from the shells dry or wet way, after which they are dried in vivo fried, packaged. Ready grains are ground in a coffee grinder.

    1.4.4 Cooking technology

    Black coffee - pour coffee into a dish rinsed with boiling water, pour boiling water, bring to a boil, stop heating and insist it for 5-8 minutes, filter. Boiling and reheating for a long time will lose the aroma of the coffee.

    Coffee (glace) - Prepare black natural coffe with sugar, filter, cool. (c 292)

    1.4.5 How food is served

    Ready black coffee is poured into glasses and ice cream balls are placed on top.

    Black coffee is released in 100, 200g; sugar, lemon, milk, or cream in a milk jug, cognac or liquor in glasses are served separately at the outlet. (c 292)

    1.4.6 Terms of sale and storage periods

    Raw coffee is stored at production sites for at least 10 years in 60kg jute bags. During this time, enzymatic ripening of grains occurs, which is expressed in an increase in extractivity. finished coffee and amplification coffee aroma. Dried coffee beans are yellow-grey in color. astringent taste, has no aroma, poorly crushed and boiled soft (c 295)

    1.4.7 Equipment, tools, utensils

    Turk, electric stove, cup, saucer, spoon.

    2. Scheme of cooking

    Bouillon with meatballs

    We filter

    Bring to a boil

    Figure 2.1 - scheme for preparing the dish "Bouillon with meatballs"

    Pork loin, large parts of the hind leg and the pulp of the shoulder blade, rolled up and tied with twine, rubbed with salt, pepper and fried in a baking sheet or saucepan. If pieces of pork are fried with the skin, then the skin can be cut in the form of rhombuses ...

    Culinary processing products

    Solution: To prepare 1 portion of the dish, net weight is required: Potatoes - 258g, onions - 50g, mushrooms - 60g, margarine - 10g. Considering that in April the rate of potato waste is 40%, instead of 20% laid down as a standard value in the collection of recipes ...

    Portioned pieces of fish are placed for cooking in one row in stewpans or baking sheets with high sides (skin up), poured twice hot water, put salt, spices, roots and onions, bring to a boil ...

    Organization of food preparation in a cafe

    The fish is fried whole, in links and in portions. Fry fish with a small amount of fat, deep-fried and on open fire, salt, sprinkle with pepper and breaded in flour. Used for frying melted butter, refined vegetable oil...

    Balanced diet

    Name of raw materials, food products Gross weight per 1 serving Net weight, per 1 serving Weight of finished products Net weight, per 20 servings Onion 32.2 20 0.4 Vegetable oil 5 5 0.1 Sour cream 40 40 0.8 Dill 6.75 5 0...

    Sliced raw potatoes washed in cold water, dried, then sprinkled with salt, put in boiling fat and fried until tender for 8-10 minutes. Fried potatoes are thrown into a colander to drain fat and sprinkled fine salt...

    Cooking technology for a balanced diet

    Total consumption of raw materials Name of products Per 1 portion (in gr) Gross net Potatoes 400 300 Cooking fat 24 24 Mass of fried potatoes - 150 Table margarine or butter 15 15 Yield:...

    Sturgeon cooking technology

    Chilled - is considered a fish that has a temperature in the thickness of the meat near the spine from - 1 to + 5 ° C. Timely lowering of the temperature inside the muscle tissue and maintaining it at a level close to the cryoscopic point of the tissue juice...

    Potato. It is used fresh and dried, it is a raw material for the production of potato products, alcohol, starch, glucose, etc. Economic and botanical varieties of potatoes are distinguished by ripening time, structure and color of the skin, size ...

    Chicken tobacco (garnish - boiled potatoes)

    Table 2 Technological map for preparation of 4 servings Product name GROSS weight, g NET weight, g Finished product weight...

    Snyatkovskaya Irina Eduardovna master of industrial training

    KSU "Agrotechnical College No. 10, Akkol, Akkol district"

    Lesson Objectives:
    1. Educational: Learn how to cook fried fish dishes. To form students' skills in cooking fried fish, in compliance with the rules of technology, safety, sanitation, personal hygiene and workplace organization.
    2. Developing: Develop memory, cognitive interest, the ability to rationally plan your work. Develop aesthetic taste in the design of fish dishes and table setting.

    1. Educational: To cultivate industriousness, accuracy, respect for food products.

    Type of lesson: Lesson of the formation of skills and abilities.
    Intersubject communications.
    Cooking technology.

    Physiology of nutrition with the basics of commodity science of foodstuffs
    Fundamentals of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene.
    Material equipment of the lesson :
    Equipment: production table, scales, electric stove, oven.
    Tools, inventory and utensils.
    - Saucepan with a capacity of 1 liter, 2 liters, 0.5 liters.
    -Frying pans for frying fish and potatoes-2
    - Chef's knives
    - wooden spatula
    - Cotton fabric for drying fish and potatoes
    - Dishes, small plates
    -Cutting boards "OS", "RS"
    Raw materials: fish or (fillet with skin), salt, pepper, flour, vegetable oil, garnish (canned peas, poached carrots), lemon, tomato, herbs, gherkins.

    During the classes
    1. Organizational moment
    Checking those present at the lesson, the availability of overalls
    2. Introductory briefing
    A) The message of the topic, the purpose of the lesson.

    B) Actualization of students' knowledge.

    C) Poll students on the topic.

    Student presentation. Importance of fish dishes in human nutrition.

    Types of fish.

    Primary processing of fish. (They clean the scales with a special knife, remove the head, fins, tail, cut the abdomen, remove the insides, rinse running water, the fish is plastified, cut into p / f, cut into portions, skin is removed from it.)

    Types of heat treatment of fish. (Cooking, poaching, stewing, frying, baking).

    Types of breading? (White breading, breadcrumbs, curly, flour, double.)

    What dishes are prepared from fish? (First, second, appetizers.)

    Given the task:

    Rearrange the letters in the words and connect them. Learn the name of commercial fish .

    How are semi-finished products cut for cooking fish, frying? (For cooking at an angle of 90 degrees. For frying 60 degrees.)

    Now let's remember the assortment of fried fish dishes.

    French fries, fish fried in dough (orly), figured pike perch (colbert), fish fried with onions in Leningrad style, fish fried with green butter.

    In theory lessons, we studied these dishes. And now we will remember this in practice, but first we will fill in the instruction and technological cards
    For cooking "Fish fried in Leningrad style" (No. 522) we need the following products:
    1. Fish cod weight 310/238.
    2. Wheat flour 12.
    3. Vegetable oil 12.
    4. Fat - 10.
    Output 100/35/150
    Cooking technology
    1. Cut the fish into portions with skin, without bones, make cuts on the skin,
    sprinkle the pieces with salt and pepper, breaded in flour, fry in the main way and bring to readiness in the oven;
    2. Cut small potatoes into circles, fry in the main way;
    3. Cut the onion into rings, breaded in flour and deep-fried, remove with a slotted spoon and place on a sieve to drain fat, then salt with fine salt and shake.
    4. Place fried fish on a hot portioned pan with butter, fried potatoes around it in a fan, and French onions on top.
    quality requirements
    Taste and smell of fried fish. The color is golden. The fish is well done, the potatoes are evenly pinned and neatly arranged around the fish. The onion is well fried, crispy, retaining the shape of the rings.

    Cooking technology:

    • Pike perch - 115
    • Wheat flour - 7
    • Eggs - 20
    • Crackers - 12
    • Cooking oil - 12
    • Mass of fried fish - 125
    • Green oil - 87915/15; 10/10
    • Garnish 760/761 – 150
    • Sauce 857 - 100
    • Lemon 8/7
    • Exit 397/335

    The sauce is served separately.

    quality requirements

    Safety in the workplace.

    Before starting work:
    1. Wash your hands with soap before work.
    2. Put on your overalls correctly
    3. Remove the hair under the headdress
    4. Turn the sleeves of the clothes up to the elbows or fasten them with buttons
    5. Do not pin your clothes with needles
    6. Do not keep pins and sharp objects in your pockets
    7. Tidy up your workspace
    8. Inspect the inventory, make sure it is in good condition
    During work:
    a) Safety precautions with cutting objects.

    1. It is necessary to properly hold the knife and hands on the product.
    2. Do not raise the knife too high above the cutting board.
    3. Pass the knife with the handle forward.
    b) General rules.
    1. The surface of the stove must be flat
    2. Avoid overheating fats, they can flare up from high temperatures
    3. When frying fish, place the product tilted away from you.
    4. Take measures to clean up spilled liquids, food dropped on the floor
    5. Put cutting boards on flat surface table
    6. Be careful - do not distract yourself and do not distract others from the business.
    7. Cut frozen fish only after thawing

    – Showing the preparation of a semi-finished product by the master

    – Preparation of p / f by students

    3. Current briefing
    Practical part of the lesson in the workplace:
    - division into brigades

    – Target wizard walks

    – Workplace organization

    Mechanical restoration fish

    – Tours of student workstations for the purpose of checking

    – Providing practical assistance to lagging students in working out the assignment

    Heat treatment

    - The master shows the design and serving of the dish.
    4. Final briefing
    Summing up the results of the work for the day by the master:
    – Analysis of work performed
    – Parsing common mistakes, reasons for their elimination, comments on the task
    - Grading for the completed task
    - Mark best work students
    – Cleaning jobs
    - Homework: Review what you have learned.

    Instructional-technological map

    Fried colbert fish

    Cooking technology

    • Pike perch - 115
    • Wheat flour - 7
    • Eggs - 20
    • Crackers - 12
    • Cooking oil - 12
    • Mass of fried fish - 125
    • Green oil -15/10
    • Garnish - 150
    • Sauce - 100

    10) Lemon 8/7

    Exit 397/335

    The sauce is served separately.

    Fish fried with green butter (colbert).

    Prepared in the form of a bow or figure eight, the semi-finished product is breaded in double breaded and deep fried. When on vacation, the fish is placed on a prepared dish, a side dish is placed next to it: fried potatoes (from boiled) or french fries, a circle of green oil is placed on the fish, and a slice of lemon is placed next to the dish. Separately, tomato sauce or mayonnaise with gherkins is served.

    quality requirements
    Taste and smell of fried fish. The color is golden. The fish is well-done, the potatoes are evenly fried and neatly stacked.

    Pike perch 40, champignons or porcini mushrooms 30, crayfish necks 1 pc. or 4 crabs, 1/2 lemon, sauce 25

    Place the poached pieces of pikeperch fillet (2-4 per serving) in a portion pan, put warmed champignons or porcini mushrooms on the fish and pour over with tomato sauce. When serving, bring the dish to a boil, garnish cancer necks or slices of crabs, slices of peeled lemon.
    You can also cook sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, pike, cod, burbot and other fish.

    Pike perch fried with green butter (colbert)

    Products needed for the recipe:
    Pike perch 92, flour 6, eggs 6, ground crackers 15, vegetable fat 10, garnish 150, lemon 1/2 pc., green oil 10, sauce 75

    From the pulp of pike perch without skin and bones, cut a portioned piece in the form of a wide ribbon, sprinkle it with salt, breaded in flour, dip in lezon and again breaded in ground breadcrumbs. After that, wrap one end of the tape to the middle on one side, and the other end to the middle on the other side so that the shape of the number "8" is obtained. Pass a metal or wooden hairpin through the ends of the rolled fillet and the middle to maintain the shape.
    Breaded pike perch can also be shaped into a spiral. To do this, one end of the tape must be coiled up to half of the tape, and the other end should also be rolled in the other direction. After that, pierce the semi-finished product with a hairpin.
    In order to shape a breaded pike perch ribbon into a bow shape, the pike perch flesh must be cut in the form of a rhombus or rectangle, after which a cut should be made in the middle of the fish pulp, into which one end of the ribbon should be passed.
    Deep-fry the prepared pike perch and bring to readiness in the oven in the same way as navaga fries. Fried pike perch put on a warmed dish, next to put fried french fries, a slice of lemon, garnish with herbs. Put a circle of cold green oil on the fish just before the holiday. Serve hot tomato sauce in a metal gravy boat. Pike perch with green butter can be served without potatoes and with cold mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

    Pike perch in tomato sauce with mushrooms; Pike perch fried with green butter (colbert); :( Fish dishes. L.A. Maslov, R.P. Bikke, Series "Cook's Library", State. trade literature publishing house, M. 1963)

    Don zrazy

    Fish fried figure eight (colbert)

    Fried fish in dough (orly)

    To prepare this dish, fillet without skin and bones of pike perch, catfish, sea ​​bass. as well as sturgeon. stellate sturgeon. Fish fillet cut into sticks 1-1.5 cm thick and 6-8 cm long, sprinkle with salt, pepper, add finely chopped parsley, vegetable oil, lemon juice or citric acid, mix and put for 20-30 minutes in a cold place for pickling.

    Cooking batter(batter). To do this, pour water or milk into the dishes, add vegetable oil, add wheat flour, salt and knead the batter. Then whipped egg whites and mix everything gently.

    The fish sticks are dipped into the dough and immediately deep-fried until a uniform golden crust is formed.

    A carved paper napkin is placed on a dish or plate, on it a slide - fried fish, parsley greens, fried fries (sometimes potatoes fried straws), a slice of lemon. Separately, in a metal gravy boat, hot tomato sauce is served or in porcelain - mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

    The prepared semi-finished product is deep-fried. When on vacation, the fish is placed on a heated dish, a side dish is placed nearby (fried potatoes from boiled potatoes or french fries), a slice of lemon. A circle of green oil is placed on the fish. Serve separately with tomato sauce or mayonnaise with gherkins.

    This dish is usually prepared from sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, pike perch, catfish. Pieces are cut from a fish fillet without skin and bones or a link without skin and cartilage and beat them into a layer 0.5-0.6 cm thick. chopped egg, parsley, boiled dried mushrooms, salt, pepper. Minced meat is wrapped in the prepared layer and the product is shaped into a cigar. Zrazy are breaded first in flour, then, moistened in a lezon, in white breading and deep-fried.

    When selling zrazy (1-2 pieces per serving are placed on a dish or plate, fried potatoes (raw or boiled) are placed nearby and poured over with oil. Tomato sauce is served separately.

    For grilling, pike perch is most often used, fresh herring, nelma, flounder, sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, salmon, whitefish, white salmon.

    Partial fish is cut into fillets without skin and bones, sturgeon is plastified into links and cut into portions without skin and cartilage. Prepared pieces of fish of these species are salted, dipped in melted butter and breaded in white breading.

    Fresh herring, salmon, nelma, white fish, whitefish are cut into fillets with skin, cut into portions, the skin is cut in two or three places so that the pieces of fish do not deform when fried, and marinated in sunflower oil mixed with ground pepper, salt, parsley, citric acid and raw onions, cut into rings (marinated fish is fried on a non-breaded grill).

    Pieces of fish are placed on a grate heated over burning coals and fried on both sides.

    The cooked fish is placed on a dish or plate, a side dish (fried or boiled potatoes) and a slice of lemon are placed on the side. The product is poured with oil. Separately served tomato sauce (hot) or cold sauce mayonnaise with gherkins.
