
How to make pumpkin fritters recipe. Pumpkin fritters: quick and tasty recipes

Pumpkin pancakes on the table usually announce the arrival of autumn. Indeed, at this time of the year solar queen fields confidently takes its positions and does not give them up until the winter. Thanks to the pumpkin, bright and generous, like autumn itself, we have an excellent opportunity to stock up on the vitamins we need for the whole day. long winter. Cooking with this vegetable is easy and simple. It makes a lot delicious meals. One of them is pancakes. Today we will tell you how to cook delicious pancakes from a pumpkin. They are perfect for lightweight and delicious breakfast. They can be offered with tea or served with milk, cocoa.
We will prepare regular pumpkin fritters without any additives. Try our recipe for the first time. Then, as a variation, you can reduce the amount of pumpkin and replace it with chopped apple or carrot. Pumpkin pancakes will also be very tasty if sweet cottage cheese is added to them.
You can also make unsweetened pumpkin fritters, for this you do not need to add sugar to them, and as an additional vegetable addition, you can grate a piece of zucchini or potatoes.

Taste Info Fritters / Pumpkin Dishes


  • 0.5 kg pumpkin,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 4 heaping tablespoons of flour
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • a pinch of salt.

How to make savory pumpkin fritters

Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds and rub on a grater.

Add eggs, salt and sugar. Mix well. Sugar can be put less or not put at all. It depends on your taste and who you are cooking for. If the dish is intended for a baby, sugar can be put in, because children have a big sweet tooth. If you plan to eat pancakes yourself, you can not put sugar at all, since the pumpkin itself is sweet.

Sift the flour. And pour it to the pumpkin.

Mix so that there are no lumps.

Heat up a frying pan, pour oil on it. Spoon out the fritters.

Fry well and turn over to the other side. Ready pumpkin pancakes should be golden like the bright August sun.

Be careful. Fritters burn quickly, so do not go far from the stove. Properly cooked pancakes should have golden crust and inside be juicy and soft. You can eat them both warm and cold. If desired, pumpkin pancakes can be poured with honey, condensed milk, they can be served with various jams or jam.

How to make pumpkin pancakes quickly and tasty - there are a few simple ones step by step secrets. There are quite a few recipes for pumpkin pancakes, but general principles are the same.

It is important to get a sufficiently dense dough. Make it out raw pumpkin you can use eggs, flour or semolina. But the taste of pancakes improves, as always, due to fragrant and useful spices, cinnamon and honey.

However, the pumpkin itself is very useful. And most importantly - it is rightly considered a dietary product. Even pumpkin pancakes fried in oil (regardless of the specific recipe) will give no more than 68 kcal per 100 g.

For getting standard portion(4-5 small pancakes) we will need such products.


  • take the pumpkin itself small piece- up to 200 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a small pinch of salt (half a dessert spoon);
  • sugar can be taken to taste - standard 1 tablespoon;
  • flour for bonding - 4 large spoons without a slide;
  • sour cream is used when serving - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 5 tablespoons.

The classic pumpkin pancake recipe, which can be used as a base for all other cooking methods, consists of simple steps.

Cooking progress:

Step 1. First you need to prepare all the components and rinse the vegetable, peel it from a dense peel.

Step 3. Add salt to the vegetable chips and mix. At this point, you can squeeze it a little and drain the excess juice - it will obviously interfere. Another way to get rid of moisture is to simply inject more flour. Add all ingredients to the mixture and stir.

Step 4. In the meantime, you can put the pan on moderate heat and pour in the oils. As soon as it is warm enough (it will go light, nice smell), we form pancakes in our hands and put them on a hot surface.

Step 5. Fry them from 2 sides until a bright blush - this will take only 7-10 minutes. Serve with sour cream or greens. But beforehand, it is better to put the pancakes on a paper towel so that all excess fat comes off them.

Recipe for pumpkin pancakes on kefir

Taste is nothing more than a balance of sour and sweet, as well as bitter and salty. In our case, of course, the first option is appropriate. Sweetness is given by the pumpkin pulp itself, as well as sugar.

But a pleasant sourness plus calcium for bones will bring kefir. It is no coincidence that this drink is added to almost any pastry - why not use this technique when making pumpkin pancakes?

This time we will take the following ingredients:

  • pumpkin 250-300 g;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 6-7 tablespoons of flour;
  • half a glass of kefir of any fat content;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - a few tablespoons (for frying).

We will act in much the same way as in the previous recipe.

How to cook pancakes:

Step 1. Grind the vegetable with a grater (you can also do this on a blender or through a meat grinder).

Step 2. Add all the ingredients and mix thoroughly. The result should be a fairly dense consistency - like sour cream. It is better to let the dough stand for about 15-20 minutes.

Step 3. In the meantime, you can heat the pan over medium heat and form pancakes. Fry for 5 minutes on each side, serve with sour cream and herbs.

Pumpkin fritters with honey and cinnamon: recipe with photo

What could be better than fragrant pancakes that are fragrant with cinnamon and honey aromas? They can be served with coffee or rich black tea.

To prepare the dish, take the following ingredients:

  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • cinnamon and honey - at your discretion;
  • salt - 2 pinches (we also focus on taste);
  • you can add a little sugar (1-2 tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil for frying.

We will act like this:

Step 1. Grind the vegetable on a grater or using a blender, meat grinder.

Step 2. Add all the ingredients to it, as well as salt and sugar.

Step 3. We mix, we achieve a fairly dense consistency.

Step 4. Fry on 2 sides for 5 minutes (the pan is hot). Serve with sour cream or jam.


In the dough for such pancakes, you can add a little raisins or finely chopped prunes. Pre-dried fruits should be soaked in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. You can also add and fresh apple- just grate it on a grater.

Baked pancakes with pumpkin without flour: recipe with photo

Of course, add flour or semolina in the dough for pumpkin fritters is completely optional. It's actually very easy to get and more diet option this dish, and even improve its recipe.

Let's try these ingredients:

  • 400 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • 2 large spoons of yogurt;
  • a small amount of vegetable oil to grease the pan.

IN this case we will need to work a little more, but we won’t have to stand at the stove at all - the oven will do all the work. The recipe for pumpkin pancakes consists of the following steps:

Cooking progress

Step 1. First, preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Immediately cover the baking sheet with baking paper (ordinary parchment) and grease it with vegetable oil a little. You can use a brush for this.

Step 2. In the meantime, we prepare the minced meat - we clean the vegetable, cut it into pieces and rub it on a medium grater. Add yogurt, eggs and all other ingredients, mix thoroughly. As a result, the consistency should be enough thick sour cream.

Step 3. This time you need to mold with a spoon, not your hands. We spread beautiful circles on a hot baking sheet and put it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Serve with sour cream.

cook pumpkin pancakes really very simple - all recipes take 30-40 minutes on the strength. So, you can have time to cook them for breakfast and dinner.

In addition, they still won’t give a lot of calories, but they will saturate well enough. Yes, and vitamins will be added, which will never hurt.

Bon appetit!

Nadys I promised lovers vegetable dishes lay out delicious pancakes from pumpkin. I post it, and not even in a year, but in just a couple of weeks. And all because pumpkin helps with sclerosis and selective amnesia (just kidding, just kidding).

In fact, this year I have grown pumpkins immeasurably, so we stew-steam-cook-fry-bake everything with pumpkin every other day, potatoes yearn for nothing in the basement, I’m even somehow uncomfortable in front of her. Moreover, dad handed over from his miracle garden under the river several pumpkins the size of a carriage (well, not from a carriage, but 15-20 kg each). In general, I'm covered in pumpkins up to the very tomatoes, y-hee-hee!

My pumpkin pancakes are made quite elementary, now I will tell you everything step by step.

To create delicious pumpkin pancakes, we need:

  • 600-700g peeled and seeded pumpkin
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • 5-6 heaping tablespoons of flour
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (optional)
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vegetable oil for frying

From the indicated amount of products, 2.5 - 3 large pans of pancakes are obtained.

Delicious pumpkin fritters recipe:

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk with salt, add sour cream and flour, stir until smooth with the same whisk or blender.
  2. We clean the pumpkin from the peel and bones, weigh right amount, we remove the excess in a bag in the refrigerator (soon we will cook soup from it, so it will not be lost!).
  3. Three pumpkins fine grater. Pumpkin is not zucchini, especially late varieties- it will take a little more time to rub it, so we concentrate on the heart chakra and - let's go!
  4. We mix the grated pumpkin with our egg-sour cream mixture, mix thoughtfully and thoroughly so that the dough envelops all the pumpkin shavings.
  5. We heat the oil in a frying pan and spread our pancakes with a tablespoon. One spoon with top - one pancake. If smooth edges are more aesthetically pleasing to you, after laying out each pancake, immediately correct its shape. silicone spatula.
  6. We slowly fry our pancakes on both sides over a fire slightly less than average, so that the pumpkin has time to cook and does not make a raw crunch. Before golden color, yeah.

Delicious pumpkin pancakes are ready! Well, of course, you can not put sugar if the pancakes go as a side dish. And, of course, you can put sugar, and more, and rub an apple without a skin into these pancakes. And you can also throw a little curd in them if there is nowhere else to attach it. Although in this case, I would advise you to better master the airy cottage cheese casserole (I will write a recipe soon, I swear!).

I love pumpkin pancakes without any bells and whistles, just with fresh natural sour cream, my husband also likes them, and the child said that he had seen them in a coffin, with any sauce. Today I seriously talked to him about useful and junk food(harmful, of course, we have conditionally so far only sweets).

He seemed to be even a little imbued (as far as it is possible to be imbued with such topics at the age of 5). Because for lunch I even ate some baked pumpkin with chicken in the oven, and for dinner I frowned good piece cottage cheese casserole, with which I experimented today in a slow cooker. But the pumpkin with chicken turned out really tasty, these are not vile sugary gruels for you. Awesome thing. I will also write soon.

I hope you enjoy my recipes.

And, and folk wisdom is for today.

Botanists have been arguing for several centuries about where to define a pumpkin, to berries or vegetables. But her beneficial features no doubt, the orange pulp contains a balanced vitamin and mineral complex, which contains rare organic compound wormed, L-carnitine (vitamin T). A find for those who are at war with extra pounds or keep the weight in check. This substance actively burns fats, therefore it is indispensable component diet pills. Not in vain, pumpkin to dietary products refer.

From its pulp is prepared delicious soups, vegetable stew, casseroles, sweet desserts and even ice cream. But perhaps the most popular dish- pumpkin pancakes, recipes to quickly and tasty feed the family attract housewives with their simplicity and variety. Cooking fritters, lush, ruddy will take very little time, useful for husband and children hearty breakfast, for sure, you will have to taste, and it will not hurt your figure. Therefore, you should not think for a long time what to cook from pumpkin on hastily, Certainly, ruddy pancakes.

Sweet pumpkin fritters: recipes

Pumpkin fritters "Gentle"

Pumpkin pulp (600 g) is cut into fairly large pieces (4-5 cm) and boiled in a small amount water until soft, about 20 minutes. Then cool slightly and grind in a blender. One egg is broken into the resulting puree, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of baking powder (or baking soda) and 160 g of wheat flour (a glass with a slide). The mass is thoroughly mixed, in consistency it should resemble sour cream. If watery, add a little more (2-3 tablespoons) of flour.

Pumpkin fritters are fried in vegetable oil, until golden brown, 3-4 minutes on each side. Served hot, with, liquid flower honey or condensed milk, whichever you prefer.

Delicious pancakes on kefir

Pumpkin without peel (half a kilo) grate coarse grater. Add a couple of eggs, salt (1/2 teaspoon), 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml (half a glass) of kefir. Pour half a teaspoon of baking powder, 120 g of flour. Mix well. Spoon into a frying pan with hot, odorless sunflower oil. Brown on both sides. Golden pumpkin fritters recipes are advised to pour sour cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pumpkin fritters, recipe with semolina

Children do not want to have semolina for breakfast? It will be easily replaced by amazing pumpkin pancakes (recipes), it will turn out quickly and tasty. You don’t have to persuade anyone, the plates will be empty in an instant. Try it, see for yourself.

Pumpkin, or rather juicy orange pulp, (1.5 kg) is crushed with a grater. Pour a glass of milk, and stew for a quarter of an hour over low heat. At this time, the proteins of two eggs are separated from the yolks. And beat into foam, separately from each other, with two tablespoons of sugar. Warm (not hot!) stewed pumpkin first spread the yolks pounded with sugar, salt (a pinch) and a glass of semolina ( ready porridge from semolina or flour, if desired), stir. Then whipped proteins are introduced into the mixture and gently mixed again. Pancakes can be fried in both butter and vegetable oil. Delicious, you will lick your fingers!

Pumpkin recipe with apples: sweet couple pancakes

From a pumpkin, it is better to choose a small one, it is sweeter, cut off the peel. Two medium apples are washed, peeled, and the core is removed. Tinder, like pumpkin pulp (450 g), on a grater with large holes. Season with eggs (2-3 pieces), sugar, vanilla to taste, add some salt and stir. Fry in refined vegetable oil, until a beautiful crispy crust.

Noticed this pumpkin recipe does not provide flour at all, therefore it belongs to low-calorie, because 100 g of pumpkin contains less than 30 calories. And you can not put sugar at all or limit yourself to a spoonful of honey.

Diet pumpkin fritters, recipe with oatmeal

Basically do not eat fried, and do not know what to cook from pumpkin? Then, especially for you, delicious pancakes baked in the oven. Pumpkin (250 g) and a couple of medium apples, without seeds and skins, are very finely chopped with a knife, it is easier to use a grater. mixed with raw eggs(2 pieces), three tablespoons oatmeal(for example, "Hercules"), add sugar (honey) to taste.

On a baking sheet greased with oil (vegetable or creamy), oval pancakes are formed with a spoon. They are baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about half an hour. Good baked pumpkin and piping hot, and when cool, with milk, curdled milk, fragrant freshly brewed tea. Eat for health!

Gourmet Pumpkin Recipe: Inspiration Pancakes

Pancakes are an invention of the Americans, in general, they are the same delicious, but they are close in size to our pancakes. Such pumpkin pancakes (recipes) are quick and tasty, and besides, they can be turned into original dessert. Pieces of pumpkin (250 g) are boiled or baked in the oven, then crushed to a pulp. If time is running out, they use ready-made baby puree, the taste difference is not felt.

Eggs (2 pieces) are beaten with sugar (40-50 g) and injected into pumpkin puree. A glass of kefir is poured there ( sour milk), pour 130 g of flour. Stir properly, put 2 tablespoons of semolina, soda (1 teaspoon), slaked apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and kept on the kitchen table for 15-20 minutes, so that the semolina swells.

Grease a heated frying pan with vegetable oil with a culinary brush. Pancakes, the recipe recommends, are made round, plump (from 5-6 tablespoons of dough) and low-fat. You can serve them in an unusual way by stacking (3-4 things) on top of each other with a turret, fastening with condensed milk. Sprinkle the top of the pumpkin cake with walnut crumbs.

"Suns" pancakes: a recipe with carrots

Rub peeled pumpkin and, 250 g each. Three egg yolks are rubbed with granulated sugar(3 tablespoons). Proteins are put to cool in the refrigerator so that they quickly beat with salt (half a teaspoon). Carrot-pumpkin mix is ​​diluted with 130 ml of milk, yolks loosened with sugar are poured into it, 5-7 tablespoons of wheat flour are poured. The dough is kneaded, into which protein foam is carefully introduced in small parts.

The recipe suggests flavoring bright, sunny pancakes with sour cream because carotene, which is useful for both children and adults, is absorbed only in combination with milk fat. By the way, pumpkin is the record holder for the content of provitamin A (carotene), which in orange fruit 5 times more than in carrots.

Pumpkin Pancakes: Healthy Snack Recipes

Pumpkin pulp has a mild, neutral flavor and a subtle nutty flavor. From that it harmoniously combines with various cereals, vegetables, meat, spices and herbs. Pumpkin dishes, delicious pancakes are no exception, nutritious, light, perfectly satisfy your appetite and do not add fat folds at the waist.

"Kukareku" pancakes: recipe with chicken fillet

First, let's deal with meat, (400 g) washed in warm water, dry paper towel and finely chopped (pass through a meat grinder). Grate pumpkin pulp (200 g), chop onion(head) and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Combine the ingredients in a deep bowl, salt, add black ground pepper, a couple of raw chicken eggs and 3-4 tablespoons of thick sour cream (mayonnaise). The dough should be infused for half an hour, if you don’t have time, it’s okay, fry the pumpkin pancakes right away. On refined sunflower oil, under the lid.

Pumpkin fritters with potatoes

Potato tubers (600 g) are washed, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, just like pumpkin (600 g). In a saucepan with a thick bottom, bring half a glass of milk to a boil, and brew potato gruel with it. Stir and infuse for 7-10 minutes, then drain the milk. Grated potatoes are mixed with pumpkin, flour (3 tablespoons), with two egg yolks, salt, pepper. Proteins are beaten with a mixer, at maximum speed, for 4-5 minutes, into a dense foam. It is added in portions to the prepared dough.

Pancakes are fried in vegetable oil, on both sides, covering the pan with a lid. Eat hot, with herbs and sour cream. Bon appetit!

Spicy Pancakes: Recipe "Oriental Miracle"

With spicy oriental note you can make pancakes from pumpkin (recipes), quickly and tasty feed the most sophisticated gourmet. He will not understand what an unusual treat is prepared from. First of all, combine the dry ingredients: white flour, fine grinding (3/4 cup) and one quarter cup of peeled flour, from whole grain, a teaspoon of baking powder, soda, cinnamon. Spice ( ground ginger, cloves, powder nutmeg, black pepper) put a little bit, literally on the tip of a knife. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, preferably brown, and ¼ teaspoon of table salt.

In another bowl, beat a glass of whey (buttermilk) with an egg, 30 g butter and 50 g pumpkin puree, canned, from a can. The liquid mixture is poured into a container with flour and the dough is started. Lay the toasted pumpkin fritters on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Pancakes "Cottage cheese with pumpkin and liver"

Some pumpkin dishes cannot be called everyday, everyday, they are so tasty, although they are easy to create. For example, cooking pumpkin fritters is a simple process, and the result is guaranteed to be excellent. Liver (beef, pork, 400 g) is crushed in a blender along with pumpkin pulp(300 g) and a medium-sized onion. 100 g of cottage cheese (or curd cheese), egg, 2-3 tablespoons of flour and semolina. Naturally salted and flavored with black ground pepper. After 20 minutes, when the semolina swells, you can fry the pancakes.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin harmonize perfectly. To emphasize and enhance this taste consonance, pancakes are served with the most delicate sauce from yogurt. Finely cut pickled and a small fresh one, chop 2 cloves of garlic. Dilute natural yogurt(150 g), without additives, or the same amount of sour cream. Salted, seasoned with lemon juice, pepper, cilantro, parsley, dill. Overeat!

Pumpkin fritters with boiled sausage

Pumpkin (350 g), without peel and seeds, rubbed on a grater, coarsely. The shell is removed from the boiled sausage "Doctor", "Milk" or sausages (250 g), the product is cut into small cubes or ground in a meat grinder. couple egg yolks shaken with a tablespoon of melted butter and a pinch of salt. The ingredients are combined, supplemented with 3 tablespoons of flour, mixed. Fritters are fried in vegetable oil and eaten with ketchup.

Pancakes "Vegetable platter"

Vegetables (pumpkin, carrot) 150 g are cut into pieces and allowed to soften in a small amount of water. Then knead with a fork, rub through a sieve or use a food processor. vegetable puree season with an egg, dilute with yogurt or kefir (0.5 l). Add a tablespoon, without top, sugar, half a teaspoon drinking soda and salt wheat flour(350 g). It is better to put it in 2 doses so that the dough does not come out too thick. If this still happened, add kefir. Everything, you can pour into the pan sunflower oil and fry the pancakes.

Corn pancakes with pumpkin

Measure one and a half cups into a bowl cornmeal, dilute it with a glass of warmed up to room temperature milk. Two eggs are also broken there, mixed with a whisk or fork so that there are no lumps. Pumpkin (300-350 g) is traditionally rubbed on a coarse grater and poured into a bowl with dough, salted, mixed. It remains to fry delicious pancakes in a pan and eat until they cool down.

As you can see, pumpkin pancakes (recipes) can be quickly and tasty cooked with various products. Make them sweet, for tea, or hearty, savory, as you like, for every taste. Try, share your impressions and your signature recipes.
