
Manti stuffed with pumpkin cheese. Manti with pumpkin

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The recipe for this dish was shared with me, in the nineties of the last century, by one of the representatives of Central Asia, Dzhumabay Mamedovich, who came to work in our workshop. Of course, I was very surprised then. Manti and pumpkin! But when I got home from work, I made a new dish. Uzbek manti with pumpkin turned out very tasty and everyone liked it. And in gratitude for the recipe, I brought him a large pumpkin.

Manti recipe with pumpkin

For test:

  • 1 or 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt;
  • how much flour will the dough take.

For filling:

  • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 1 large onion;
  • butter to taste;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of zira, aka cumin;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook manti with pumpkin. A step-by-step recipe for cooking in Uzbek with a photo

For manti, prepare the dough. Break one or two eggs into a container (as you like, I make dough on two small eggs)

Add salt and beat with a fork

Add 250 ml of water to beaten eggs and stir

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well, pour in the egg mixture and mix.

We spread the resulting lump on a cutting surface and knead the steep dough.

Put the finished dough in a plastic bag and leave to rest for 20 minutes

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. To do this, we clean a piece of pumpkin from the peel and seeds, then cut it into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut into cubes

Put it in a plate, salt and add zira, we do everything to taste (I add zira half a teaspoon)

Now knead the dough again, roll into a sausage and cut into pieces

Let's roll out the cakes. In the middle of each cake put the pumpkin filling and a piece of butter

We sculpt pumpkin manti in the usual way for you, I wrote more about how to sculpt

And cook them for a couple in a pressure cooker or other improvised means. (An ordinary mantle cooker does not work on my induction stove, I put a stand for steaming in a saucepan and cook on it) Lubricate the bottom of the stand for manti with vegetable oil.

Cooking 40 minutes. Serve ready-made pumpkin manti with butter or sour cream

Manti with pumpkin photo in section

Bon appetit!

I hope my step-by-step recipe with a photo of manti with pumpkin will help you cook this wonderful dish quickly and tasty.

Video recipe

As an addition, I suggest watching a delicious video recipe for manti with pumpkin:

For today I have everything. How do you like the recipe?

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We also invite you to try such a delicious dish as manti with pumpkin.

Recipe and photo sent by Larisa Chernykh:

The East, as you know, is a delicate matter, my friends! Many peoples in the east claim that it was they who first prepared manti (as well as). Therefore, I don’t want to offend anyone, I wrote that this is an oriental dish.

Traditionally manti- This is a non-vegetarian dish, but without detracting from the taste, you can also cook vegetarian manti. For example, from a pumpkin, it is possible with the addition of potatoes. And you can also add swollen mung bean, or finely chopped cabbage to the filling. Each time it will be a new taste and I am sure that manti will become your favorite dish.

To cook manti, Larisa uses a pressure cooker, but it can be easily replaced with a double boiler or, in extreme cases, gauze stretched over a pot of water. In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can also add more black pepper to the filling.



  • 1 glass of water
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt


  • pumpkin (a piece about the size of the dough)
  • spices: to taste ground black pepper, curry
  • butter (for serving)

How to cook manti with pumpkin:

  1. Knead the dough from water, salt and sifted flour. You need to take enough flour to make an elastic, elastic dough. Put it under a cup for 30-40 minutes.

    Dough without eggs for manti

  2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes, about 1x1 cm.

    cut pumpkin

  3. Add salt and spices to taste.
  4. Once again, knead the dough well and put it under the cup again.
  5. Cut off a long piece from the dough and roll it out on the table in the form of a sausage 5-6 cm thick, cut into washers.
  6. Flatten each puck evenly, dip in flour and roll into thin cakes about 11-12 cm in diameter.
  7. Put a piece of the filling and a piece of butter in the middle of the cake to make the manti juicier.

    Cooking manti with pumpkin

  8. Sculpt manti, as shown in the photo. First, connect and pinch the edges of the cake only in the middle, then make 4 ears and connect these ears in pairs to each other.

    How to sculpt manti - step 1

    How to sculpt manti - step 2

    How to sculpt manti - step 3

    How to sculpt manti - step 4

    How to sculpt manti - step 5

  9. If you will not cook manti immediately, then you need to fold them on a board covered with a towel or cotton napkin and put them in the refrigerator. Then they won't stick to the board.

    Shaped manti with pumpkin

  10. Pour water into the lower pan of the pressure cooker and bring it to a boil. Top pans (with holes), generously grease with butter or margarine.

    pressure cooker

  11. Post prepared manti with pumpkin. Don't put them too close, as they will expand during cooking.

  12. Place on the bottom pot. Steam manti 30-35 minutes.

Ready manti with pumpkin

Lubricate the finished manti with butter so that they do not stick together (can be vegetable). Serve hot with sour cream, kefir, whatever you like. And it is desirable to eat with your hands :).

P.S. If you liked the recipe, as there are still a lot of simple and delicious dishes ahead.

Bon appetit!

In cooking, there are many ways to prepare a dish such as manti. You can use almost any topping. However, the most original minced meat for this dish is made from meat and pumpkin. Manti prepared according to this recipe are very original and fragrant. Such an extraordinary combination of ingredients gives the dish a unique taste. So, how to cook manti with pumpkin and meat.

What is needed for cooking

The recipe for the dish is quite simple. For cooking you will need:

  • One chicken egg.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Glass of water.
  • 800 grams of flour, preferably wheat and only the highest grade.
  • Salt pepper. You can use other spices.
  • 0.5 kilograms of onions.
  • 400 grams of ripe sweet pumpkin pulp.
  • One and a half kilograms of fatty minced meat. It's better to have pork.
  • Butter or vegetable oil for greasing the pan in a double boiler.

How to cook manti with pumpkin and meat

First, let's prepare the minced meat. For this you need:

Take the meat and chop it in a meat grinder with a large grill or cut it with a knife;

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small pieces with a knife. Add to minced meat;

Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes about 5 millimeters thick;

Mix minced meat with chopped pumpkin, adding spices and salt;

If the minced meat was lean, then 2 tablespoons of fat or vegetable oil should be added to it.

Dough preparation

The sequence is:

Sift the right amount of flour through a sieve twice, this will make the dough more elastic, elastic and tender. Sow the flour into a bowl in such a way that it lies in a slide.

Make a well in the top of the flour and crack the egg into it.

Mix water with salt, dissolve it and pour it into the egg.

Knead a dense homogeneous dough. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with cling film and leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Cooking and sculpting manti

Now the most crucial moment:

The resulting ball of dough must be cut into four equal parts, each of which is subsequently rolled into a "sausage" and cut into identical pieces.

Carefully roll each piece into round cakes with a diameter of approximately 12-13 centimeters. If the dough is rolled out too thin, then during cooking it may break, and if the dough is thick, then manti with meat and pumpkin will turn out to be tasteless.

For each resulting cake, put about 2 tablespoons of the prepared filling and mold the manti. It is not at all necessary to come up with intricate shapes and beautiful carved edges, you can simply carefully mold manti of the same size, their taste will not deteriorate from this.

Of course, you need to cook manti with pumpkin and meat in a double boiler. Here, too, there are no tricks, they are cooked like a regular steamed dish. And so that the manti does not stick to the steamer tray, it can be lubricated with vegetable oil or fat.

You need to cook them at maximum power for 30 minutes.

Serving to the table

Immediately after cooking, for each manti separately, you need to put a small piece of butter so that it completely envelops the surface of the dough, and they do not stick together in the future.

It is best to serve them on the table immediately after cooking, until they have lost all their aroma and taste.

As a sauce, homemade fat sour cream, seasoned with herbs, garlic or any other spices or herbs to your liking, is perfect. You can also take mayonnaise, but because of its taste, it will not allow you to feel the full aroma of manti and their filling.

Summing up

In order to cook manti with pumpkin and meat (the recipe, as we see, is very simple), you do not need anything special and intricate, for this it is enough to have only the desire to make something tasty and original.

Bon appetit!

Pumpkin Dishes Quick and Tasty - Recipes

The most delicious gift from Uzbekistan is delicious manti with pumpkin and meat - we watch a step-by-step cooking recipe with photos and videos. pumpkin filling for

2 h

375 kcal

5/5 (1)

Kitchen appliances: prepare a slow cooker (or a voluminous pan with a capacity of 1000 ml or more to steam), several bowls of 500-800 ml, a cutting board (preferably wooden), a blender, a dish for manti, a grater, table and tea spoons, a knife, a rolling pin, a measuring dishes or scales, a sieve, a glass for cutting out shapes from dough and a spatula.

My family lived in Uzbekistan for a long time, and we all quickly fell in love traditional Central Asian cuisine, often giving it priority over the usual Slavic dishes. I think many have heard about a wonderful example of a truly oriental dish - manti, which are usually cooked with pumpkin: such a product is not so harmful to our stomachs, like dumplings, for example, and is famous for its reduced calorie content. However, we rarely pay attention to them, since the street manti, which you can buy from the metro, looks unappetizing and smells like rancid butter.

I'll tell you a secret: real delicious and tender manti with pumpkin and meat is obtained according to the only proven cooking recipe from sunny Uzbekistan, so put your business aside and try this excellent dish with me that will delight both you and your loved ones.

By original recipe manti with pumpkin can be cooked not only steamed with traditional vegetable filling, but also with minced fruit, as well as potatoes or dried apricots in a slow cooker. Moreover, a very juicy pumpkin pulp filling for your manti is obtained with lamb, chicken or beef, and a more traditional product also includes pumpkin seeds.

However, we will not dwell on the most unusual options in order to first learn how to cook the most common types of manti - with minced meat or potatoes.

Many novice cooks ask the question: how cook quickly successful manti with pumpkin and meat, so that they turn out tasty and do not spread from an extra touch? I think the answer should not surprise anyone, as it lies on the surface of the problem: make your manti slowly and intermittently, and also make sure that the minced meat and pumpkin are stored in a cold place before cooking.

You will need



  • 500 g of peeled pumpkin;
  • 400 g minced meat or 300 g boiled potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar;
  • 3 g black ground pepper;
  • 5 g salt.

The meat should be of the highest quality, and the vegetables should be fresh - this is necessary to improve the quality of the products, since by making manti with sluggish and stale pumpkin and rotten minced meat, you will end up with harmful or even health-threatening "dumplings" that will have to be thrown away.


  • 100 g of tomatoes;
  • 25 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1 clove of young garlic;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 3 g black ground pepper.

The sauce for manti with potatoes and pumpkin is somewhat different and can be prepared according to a different recipe, which involves the additional addition of medium bell pepper and curry seasoning - but for classic manti with pumpkin and Uzbek meat, two small tomatoes are enough, since other additives can be interrupted by the taste and aroma of juicy minced meat.

Cooking sequence



If your minced meat turned out to be too fat-free and does not look too thick for manti, mix a little butter with pumpkin and meat - this will make the filling more solid and elastic.

Assembly of manti

If you do not have a slow cooker, pour water into a large saucepan and put on fire. After the water boils, put the grate with manti on top of the pan and cook according to the recipe.


Our manti are ready! Serve them all together on a large platter and do not forget to put a gravy boat nearby so that your loved ones and guests can fully appreciate both your culinary art and a worthy example of Central Asian cuisine.

Video recipe on how to cook pumpkin manti

The famous manti with pumpkin and meat - attention to the step-by-step recipe presented in the detailed video of making:

Experiments with filling for manti from pumpkin and meat can be limited only by your imagination, since in addition to the main components, olives, pate or even cheese are also added to it. If you like your Uzbek "dumplings", but you want to add slightly different ingredients to them - go for it, and you will succeed.

Finally I want recommend a few more recipes for lovers of pumpkin and everything connected with it. I often cook - Pumpkin Cutlets - because the process does not take much time and effort, and also because it is a healthy dish for children's morning breakfast.

Manti with pumpkin in our family is at a premium. When I first tried the combination of pumpkin with onions and spices, I was pleasantly surprised and fell in love with this dish forever.

When you want to unload the diet a little or suddenly fasting has come, manti with pumpkin will come in handy. If you serve them with sour cream and garlic sauce, you will not get a lean option, but you can choose which manti sauce to use with.

I do not advise using frozen pumpkin, while the whole structure of the filling changes, not to mention the taste.

To prepare lean manti with pumpkin, take the following ingredients.

Let's prepare the dough first. Recently, I stopped adding an egg to it, I realized that the dough becomes tougher in this case. Uzbeks do not put eggs in the dough for manti and samsa. Combine sifted flour, salt and water.

Knead a firm and pliable dough. Be sure to knead it on the table so that it sticks out of your hands, and cover with a towel. Let lie down for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the filling.

Cut fresh pumpkin into the smallest cube or straw. Never use a grater, pumpkin puree inside is not at all what should come out.

You can take more onions, usually they take a lot of onions for the filling, I have 3 medium heads. Manti will be more fragrant and tastier. Cut the onion into thin strips.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Put the onion and simmer it a little, just a couple of minutes. Onions do not need to be fried, just enough to give off their flavor. Immediately add pumpkin. Salt and sweeten. Everything here is individual, depending on the taste of the pumpkin. It is very important to keep the balance of salt and sweetness, otherwise it will turn out just not tasty. To begin with, you can add only one teaspoon of salt without a slide and a spoonful of sugar. Try it, and then adjust the taste to your liking.

We do not bring the pumpkin to readiness, it should remain crumbly, we just warm it up with onions and bring it to taste. Add all spices and remove from heat. Transfer the filling to another bowl to cool quickly.

Divide the dough into two or three pieces and roll out thinly. It is important to roll out thinly. Cut into 10x10cm squares.

Put the filling in the center of each square.

Pinch the edges to make manti.

Dip the bottom of each manty in vegetable oil and place on the mantle tier.

Cook manti in a pressure cooker with constantly boiling water for 25 minutes.

Serve ready-made lean manti with pumpkin with any sauce - tomato or sour cream. Enjoy!
