
Is it possible to fry fish in butter. Is it possible to fry various foods in butter: the benefits and harms

Carcinogens are chemicals whose impact on the human or animal body increases the likelihood of malignant neoplasms (tumors) or leads to them. Toxic, carcinogenic and simply harmful substances in oils are formed in two cases:

    When heating oils to a smoke point and above;

    When oils go rancid.

Smoke point of vegetable fats and oils

“Smoking point” is the temperature at which the oil begins to smoke in the pan, from that moment it starts reactions to form toxic and carcinogenic substances. Each type of oil has its own smoke point. In general, all oils are divided into high smoke point oils and low smoke point oils.

Oils with a high smoke point are recommended for frying, including deep frying. The refining process raises the smoke point. Oils with a low smoke point are not recommended for frying. I will give the smoke point of some oils.

Oils with a high smoke point:

    Peanut - 230°C

    Grapeseed - 216°C

    Mustard - 254°C

    Corn refined - 232°C

    Sesame - 230°C

    Olive extra virgin-191°C

    Olive - up to 190°C

    Palm - 232°C

    Sunflower refined - 232°C

    Refined rapeseed - 240°C

    Rice - 220°C

    Soybean Refined - 232°C

    Hazelnut oil - 221°C

Oils and fats with a low smoke point:

    Walnut oil - 150°C

    Flaxseed - 107°C

    Sunflower unrefined - 107°С

    Pork fat - 180°C

    Creamy - 160°C

Standard electric stoves give a heating temperature usually not more than 300 ° C, gas stoves - much more. There is evidence that cast iron pans can reach up to 600°C on gas stoves! Now it becomes clear why it is so easy to exceed the smoke point of oil.

Toxic substances formed when oils are heated or rancid and ways to avoid their formation

Let's take a closer look at the substances that are formed when oils are heated strongly or rancid.

Acrolein- aldehyde of acrylic acid, belonging to the group of tear poisonous substances. Due to its high reactivity, acrolein is a toxic compound that strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Acrolein is one of the thermal decomposition products of glycerol and glyceride fats. The process of formation of acrolein begins immediately when the oil reaches its smoke point, that is, at the beginning of the burning of the oil. I think everyone's eyes were pinched when the oil was burning, they also say about such cases “there is a bug in the kitchen” - this is acrolein. Therefore, NEVER heat oils to a smoky state!

Acrylamide- acrylic acid amide. Toxic, affects the nervous system, liver and kidneys, irritates mucous membranes. In fried or baked foods, as well as baked goods, acrylamide can form in the reaction between asparagine and sugars (fructose, glucose, etc.) at temperatures above 120°C.

Simply put, acrylamide is formed in the fried crust on starchy foods, such as potatoes, donuts, pies, which have been subjected to long-term or high-temperature frying in vegetable oil. Acrylamide is especially active when deep-fried for a long time.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers of fried foods, in order to save money, use the same oil several times, continuing to fry more and more portions of products on it. In this case, the poison is formed inevitably. Therefore, I strongly recommend not to fry at high temperatures for a long time and to abandon deep-frying.

Free radicals and fatty acid polymers, as well as heterocyclic amines- are actively formed in the products of smoking and burning. Amines are very toxic substances. Both inhalation of their vapors and skin contact are dangerous.

Polycyclic substances with a high carbon content (coronene, chrysene, benzpyrene, etc.) - are strong chemical carcinogens and are also formed in smoke and burning products. For example, benzpyrene is a Class I chemical carcinogen. It is formed when products are burned: cereals, fats, is found in smoked products, products “with smoke”, is present in smoke, substances obtained by burning resins.

EU Commission Regulation No. 1881/2006 of 19.12.06 determines that vegetable oils and fats must contain less than 2 µg of benzpyrene per 1 kg; in smoked products up to 5 mcg/kg; in cereals, including baby food, up to 1 mcg/kg. Attention! In some cases, for example, overcooked meat cooked in a charcoal barbecue can contain up to 62.6 µg/kg of benzpyrene!!!

When rancid oils are formed, mainly aldehydes, epoxides and ketones. By interacting with oxygen in the air when exposed to light and heat, the oil changes its taste and smell. For fats in which saturated fatty acids predominate, the formation of ketones (ketone rancidity) is characteristic, for fats with a high content of unsaturated acids - aldehyde rancidity.

Ketones are toxic. They have an irritating and local effect and penetrate the body through the skin. Some substances have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.

Aldehydes are toxic. Able to accumulate in the body. In addition to general toxic, they have an irritating and neurotoxic effect. Some are carcinogenic.

Therefore, friends, if it is not possible to completely eliminate fried foods from the diet, please fry right based on this article and follow the simple tips below:

1. Do not bring the oil to a smoking point;

2. Avoid prolonged frying in oil, such as deep frying. If you do fry, do not use one serving of oil several times;

3. Do not overcook food. Remember that burnt foods contain toxic substances and carcinogens;

4. For frying, choose only refined oils and fats with a high smoke point;

5. Store oils according to label directions and avoid rancid oils.published

Butter is a long and well-known product made from milk fats, rich in vitamins A, D, E, K, macro- and microelements, phospholipids and many other useful substances. Smooth beautiful skin, strong nails and gorgeous hair - all this is the merit of the vitamins contained in butter. And, despite the high content of cholesterol in it, its use is necessary for the body.

Butter in cooking

But can you fry food in butter? The answer is unequivocal - yes! Not only possible, but necessary. The most delicious, ruddy and crispy crust is obtained only with butter. You can never get such a crust when frying in vegetable oil - any professional chef will tell you this. As one movie star of the last century said: “ When I retire, the first thing I will do is go to a restaurant and order a huge portion of potatoes fried in butter.».

By the way, any master of culinary art will confirm that the famous Viennese schnitzels, classic English roast beef and natural steaks, as well as the famous ones, are cooked only in butter. The use of vegetable oil in the process of preparing these dishes is considered the height of unprofessionalism.

It is better to fry in butter products that do not need long processing.

Also, all recipes for frying meat in Norman cuisine, included in the "Golden Fund of Culinary Art", are built on butter. For frying, you need to choose only high-quality natural butter.

However, there is one big “BUT” - if you are not a master cook, then it is better not to cook dishes in butter. It has a completely different frying temperature regime, which must be strictly observed - otherwise the oil burns, smokes and spoils the taste of the dish.

True, if you need to fry scrambled eggs or heat up cooked food, then within 3-5 minutes the oil will “behave decently” and you will get a delicious dish. Thus, for everything that cooks quickly, you can use butter, but when you need a long heat treatment, it is better to use vegetable oil.

What to use for long frying?

  • Do not use unrefined vegetable oil or oil labeled "for salads" for frying. Such oils are intended for direct consumption only, so they will smoke and foam in a pan.
  • For long frying, it is recommended to use refined vegetable oils, because refining is an additional purification that helps remove moisture and other substances from the oil, as well as increase its temperature range of use. That is why refined vegetable oil is most suitable for long-term heat treatments.

But it will be much healthier not to get involved in fried foods at all - this is not only harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, but also to the figure. It is better if fried pies and potatoes, meat and fish with a crust, scrambled eggs and pancakes become a rare exception on your table. This will make them even tastier!

Nowadays, the choice of vegetable oil is quite rich. There are various types of oil on the shelves of stores: from the usual sunflower oil and the now well-known olive oil, to more exotic ones, such as sea buckthorn or mustard. This abundance of options naturally begs the question of which oils are considered the healthiest and which ones are best for frying.

There are many different types of cooking oil. But not all of them are equally suitable for frying or deep-frying. Although there are claims that fried foods are not the healthiest and most unhealthy for the body, many of us indulge ourselves with fried potatoes, donuts or brushwood from time to time.

In this article, we will understand what the best oil for frying means and which oils are suitable for this.

Burning temperature of oils

Any cook knows exactly which oil is suitable for salad dressing, and which for frying. The fact is that the main indicator of oil for frying is the combustion temperature of vegetable oil or fat. It is sometimes called the smoke point. Understanding what this definition means and how it affects the food you cook will help you avoid mistakes and cook only healthy meals.

The smoke point is the temperature at which the oil begins to burn and release smoke. This means that fats begin to break down and release carcinogens. This affects not only the taste and aroma of the cooked dish, but makes it dangerous to health. Below is a table of the combustion temperatures of the most popular and commonly used oils for frying and frying foods. You can print it out and hang it in your kitchen as a reminder.

Which frying oil is safer

It is important to know which oil is safer for frying and does not release carcinogenic compounds. Many have heard about the benefits of saturated and unsaturated fats. But some fats begin to break down already at low temperatures, which are not sufficient for cooking fried foods. Others are more stable.

The most stable fats are saturated. Therefore, oil with a low content of such fats is simply unsuitable for frying. Vegetable oils contain a lot of polyunsaturated fats, which are less resistant to oxidation, or in other words, they are unstable when heated to high temperatures and oxidize quickly.

Heating such oils to higher temperatures will lead to the formation of oxidized compounds - free radicals. These compounds are called carcinogenic. They can be the cause of many chronic diseases. They are associated with the risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease and many other health problems.

In the production of vegetable oils, unrefined oil is first obtained. This oil is fragrant, able to give a special taste to the finished dish. But they are very unstable when heated and their burning point is low.

Therefore, some vegetable oils undergo a special treatment, in which heat-sensitive compounds are removed, while leaving more stable when heated. Such oils are called refined. They are safer for cooking at high temperatures.

How and what to choose oil for frying

Each type of oil has its own uses, and there are many factors to consider when deciding which oil to use, starting with the combustion temperature. For example, extra virgin olive oil can withstand relatively low temperature cooking, such as sautéing vegetables over medium heat or greasing a baking sheet in the oven. But at a higher cooking temperature, it is better to use canola or peanut oil.

It is allowed to use extra virgin or refined olive oil, i.e. refined, for cooking on low and medium heat. Priority in choosing oil for frying at higher temperatures should be given to those oils and fats that have a higher smoke point, even taking into account the loss of some taste and aroma of the finished dish and the dietary value of the oil. After all, during refining, all oils lose some of their useful substances.

Which oil is best for frying

Fried foods have a reputation for being very unhealthy and many of us have a default view that they should be avoided. Does this mean that they should be completely abandoned? Not necessary. If you are not forbidden for any health reasons to eat such food, you can deprive yourself of many wonderful experiences and pleasures from food. Fried dishes are popular in all cuisines of the world.

To treat yourself to such food from time to time, you may just need to change the oils with which you cook.

Before naming the most useful oils for frying, you need to know what is meant by the term "frying". Frying is one of the cooking methods that has its pros and cons.

When we see the word "fry" in the recipe, it does not mean at all that for this you need to heat the pan or oven to a high temperature.

To fry food in a pan or pan, you need a temperature of about 120 degrees. At or below this temperature, vegetables for soup and other dishes, meat or fish are fried. This is the temperature that can soften foods and give them a tender crust.

Deeper frying at high temperatures, as a rule, ranges from 160 to 180 degrees. This is the temperature that allows you to get a crispy appetizing crust.

Deep frying requires a temperature of approximately 177 to 191 degrees. In this case, the products are completely immersed in boiling oil.

If the temperature is chosen incorrectly, then a crust on the surface will form slowly. As a result, the fried product will absorb more fat.

On the other hand, if you cook at very high temperatures, the food will burn.

With that in mind, oils for simple frying and deep frying will be different. The key to selection is the relative degree of saturation of the fatty acids in the oil, which boils down to the bonds between the fatty acid molecules:

Saturated fats have single bonds;

Monounsaturated - double bond;

Polyunsaturated - two or more.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are more unstable, i.e. when heated, they quickly oxidize and should be avoided.

Oils and fats with saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are safer. These oils are the best for frying.

These include:

avocado oil;

Refined rapeseed;




Soybean refined;

Sunflower refined;


Pork fat.

A more detailed list of oils useful for frying is given in the table.

Avocado 270
Peanut unrefined/refined 160/232
mustard 254
Walnut unrefined/refined 160/204
Coconut virgin/peeled 177/204
Hemp 165
Corn unrefined/refined 178/232
Sesame 177
Linen non-refined / semi-refined. 107/232
Macadamia 210
Olive Extra Virgin 210
Olive peeled 199-243
Olive pomace 238
Palm diffraction 235
Palm unrefined 107
Palm semi-refined 232
Sunflower unrefined/refined 107/227
Sunflower deodorized 232
Rape unrefined/refined 107/204
Rapeseed (expeller-pressed) 190-232
Rape deodorized 246
Rice (rice bran) 254
Soflorovoe unrefined/refined. 107/266
Soy unrefined/refined 177/238
hazelnut oil 221
Cotton 216
Mixture of vegetable oils for frying 180-182
Margarine 182
Butter 150
Melted butter 252
Pig fat 190
beef fat 215
Salo 188

Temperature above average, as a rule, is used for:

steam cooking;

Baking in the oven;

Fry in a frying pan.

Sometimes when extinguishing it is necessary to heat above 100 degrees.

To avoid the formation of carcinogens and prepare tasty and healthy food:

Use the correct temperature that is needed for the preparation of a particular dish;

Use only the healthiest and most non-oxidizing oils and fats;

Never reuse old oil. With each new heating, it becomes less and less resistant to oxidation each time.

Summing up, we note that fried foods can be eaten, but not often. To cook such food, you need to choose oils and fats that have a high combustion temperature or “smoke point”.

Table of combustion temperatures of vegetable oils

To print, click on the picture and open it in another window.

Refined or unrefined? What oil to fry? Which oil does not emit a carcinogen when frying?

  1. on the coconut
  2. on creamy
    allocate -margarines
    and frying pans with teflon
  3. It is better to fry on refined and in a natural salad
  4. For cooking in Russia, mainly sunflower or olive oil is used.
    You need to fry in oil with the highest boiling point.

    Boiling points of sunflower - 120-140, olive 160, corn, soy 180.
    Olive oil can be used for low heat cooking.

    Compare the temperature of destruction of oils when boiling:
    Peanut 160
    Grape seeds205
    Red palm230
    Extra virgin olive190

    Don't heat the oil too hot so that it starts to smoke. This is the temperature at which there is a rapid breakdown of fatty acids. Of course, for some recipes, it is important to maintain a high temperature when cooking. In this case, try to choose an oil that is more resistant to high temperatures and contains less unsaturated fatty acids.

    Change the types of oil often and do not forget about the expiration date, which quickly shortens from the moment you open the bottle. Store opened oil only in the refrigerator.

  5. Better with ghee. It is the least harmful for frying.
  6. At the request of "Habitat", a professional cook fried potatoes in different oils: refined sunflower, unrefined, sesame, olive, ghee, butter. All samples and the remaining oil were taken to the Institute of Nutrition. Here is almost the only laboratory in Russia where you can check whether the product contains a strong carcinogen acrylamide. The results surprised even the experts. In most samples, the content of acrylamide is at the same level, approximately in the range from 900 to 1500 micrograms per kilogram, within the normal range. And in two of the seven samples, the presence of acrylamide turned out to be completely negligible. Oddly enough, these potatoes were fried in the most ordinary sunflower oil. In potatoes fried in unrefined oil, 0.584 milligrams per kilogram. And in the one that was fried on refined 0.009 milligrams.
    Thus, by experience, the Habitat program proved that it is better to fry potatoes in the most ordinary sunflower oil. Link http://www.1tv.ru/sfilms_edition/si6222/fi117
  7. on corn
  8. any excretes so eat raw
  9. This is where a microwave can help. Very convenient and fast to prepare everything. And most importantly, it allows you to fry even without oil at all. For example, I fry cabbage without oil and with the lid open, and at the very end, I just add a little olive + cream for taste. Likewise with fish. And, for example, mushrooms for meat hodgepodge or for pizza, I fry without oil at all. Seeds, of course, without oil at all, washed (often I take generally peeled ones) and on microwaves with the lid open.
  10. On refined.
    When frying food, there is a difference. When cooking with refined oil, there is no smell of burning, foam and smoke that often appear when using untreated oil. Sometimes refined oil also smokes, but this happens at very high temperatures, which are generally not advised to be used for cooking. When unrefined oil burns and smokes in nm, harmful carcinogens are formed.
  11. unrefined is more fragrant, it tastes better with it
  12. refined
  13. if you choose from sunflower, then refined. . because unrefined has a specific smell (which is good only in fresh salads, but not when frying), and it foams a lot ...
    and it is best, of course, to use pure 100% olive oil (naturally refined olive oil specially for frying) - not to be confused with extra virgin!

Most housewives have long understood that frying, stewing and baking is much more profitable and tastier with natural oils. But which one to choose for each type of cooking? There are many varieties of vegetable oils that are used in food. However, not all oils can be used for frying.

Recent studies by European scientists have shown that in no case should you fry in linseed oil. The fact is that during the frying process, the fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil turn into trans fatty acids, which are very dangerous for health.

These substances can provoke the development of cancer and indigestion.

It is best to fry in sunflower, corn, mustard or olive oils. Some nutritionists recommend frying in oil with the highest boiling point. From the point of view of medicine, of course, not cooking. These include palm, but it is more common to fry on olive, corn or soy (but special for frying). Their boiling points are: sunflower - 120-140, olive - 160, corn, soybean - 180.

Vegetable oils:

Sunflower oil is the most familiar and affordable in our country. Even the phrase “vegetable oil” itself is associated with sunflower oil, although the choice of vegetable oils is actually much richer. It contains vitamins (E, F), phosphatides and other useful substances. In its unrefined form, it is only suitable for quick frying, while refined is recommended for frying. However, in general, unrefined oil is more beneficial, as it contains more beneficial compounds (vitamins A and E, antioxidants).

Olive oil is rich in vitamins and oleic acid, which increases the level of “good” lipoproteins. Useful as a salad dressing. It is impossible to fry in unrefined oil. For this, it is better to use extra virgin or refined olive oil.

Corn oil - has a rich set of vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids and is considered more useful than sunflower oil. It is used in dietary and baby food. Also used for frying refined.

Flaxseed oil contains vitamins (A, B, E, K, F) and a large amount of very useful alpha-linoleic acid. It is impossible to fry on it, since its specific taste can spoil any dish, but it is recommended to use it in a “raw” form. The high saturation of this oil with useful substances leads to the fact that it goes rancid very quickly. Therefore, you need to store it in the refrigerator in a carefully closed container.

Walnut oil, coconut oil are not easy to find on sale, but they have valuable properties. They contain vitamins and a large amount of omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Ideal for dressing salads, but you should not fry on them.

What do Western healthy people fry on

Do you know why coconut oil has such a good reputation and sells so well on all sorts of health food websites? Not at all because of the taste of the Bounty, or rather, not at all because of it. Among vegetable oils, this product contains the highest amount of saturated fats (about 91%), and is the least destroyed during cooking.

True, frying in coconut oil requires manual dexterity and a very good frying pan / crepe maker. Take a pan with a fairly thick bottom, and reduce the heat so that the oil does not start to smoke. The challenge is to quickly flip what you're frying. Constantly and quickly, until it is ready. And do not heat the oil until smoke appears. By the way, lazy Americans came up with an electric pancake maker with a given temperature, in which even protein powder pancakes are normally fried.

“Number two” among saturated fats is ghee or ghee, or nothing more than the good old ghee that you picked out of porridge carefully prepared by your grandmother as a child. Due to its "already-roasted" origin, ghee almost does not burn at normal heating temperatures, and is suitable for cooking almost all vegetable dishes.

Number three is olive oil. It is rich in olein, and does not break down as much when heated as regular sunflower.

Well, thoughts about the fact that refined oil is more useful for frying than “oil with a smell” are more likely to be under the heading “note to the hostess”, and not to the achievements of dietology. Even if the oil does not smell of anything during cooking, this, unfortunately, does not mean at all that it will be extremely beneficial for your health.

Melted butter

Ghee, or ghee - the same butter, only refined from impurities. Such oil can be stored for a long time and is actively used in Indian cuisine and other cuisines of Southeast Asia, as well as in traditional medicine. Like regular butter, ghee contains a high amount of saturated fat, but unlike its cousin, it has a high smoke point of about 250 degrees, which makes it suitable for deep frying. In general, it can be a good idea to keep a small jar of ghee in the fridge for occasional frying – like butter, it works great for sautéing or simmering vegetables, but won't burn if you accidentally overheat the pan.

When to fry in clarified butter (ghee):

  • when you need to quickly get a golden crust;
  • when you need to slowly simmer foods in oil;
  • when you need to give the product a pleasant nutty flavor;
  • when the roasting temperature can be high.

Examples of unsuitable oils that you should not fry with at all:

  • from grape seeds
  • sesame
  • linen
  • soft margarine

When frying, heterocyclic amines are formed, which adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Do not overheat oil and products to minimize the absorption of harmful substances.

If the oil smokes heavily in the pan, it is better not to use it and replace it with new one.

Sunflower oil is quite versatile, but for cold dishes it is better to use unrefined oil with a more distinct aroma of seeds.

In order to increase the shelf life of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linseed), you can add grape seed oil to them - it is resistant to oxidation.

Olive oil easily absorbs all kitchen odors, so it should be stored in a cool, airtight container.

Sesame oil is widely used to prepare exotic dishes of Oriental and Asian cuisine. It is better to fry in light oil, and dark oil should be used cold.

Use oil in reasonable doses, because the most important advice from chefs is that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy!
