
Fried fish dishes. Fried fish is the best way to cook fish

You can talk about fish endlessly, given that it inhabits most planets are oceans.

To this, you can add more and fresh water.

But for the moment, let's focus on one aspect: fish is one of the most important sources of food for people, and in some countries its use as a food product occupies an absolutely leading position.

For example, each Japanese eats an average of 70 kg of fish per year.

In Russia, this figure is much more modest - 24 kg.

Every hour, up to one million tons of fish are caught in the world's oceans, and this is not counting the fact that in recent decades it has been actively grown in artificial reservoirs.

The nutritional value fish primarily lies in the special structure of the protein, which, despite its high calorie content, easily absorbed by the human body, without aggravating consequences. The fish contains the whole complex of vitamins and minerals vitally necessary for a person, and at the same time it is the source of all unsaturated fatty acids. Such a voluminous combination, almost completely satisfying the needs of a person to restore strength and maintain the body's performance, is perhaps rarely found in other natural products.

It is known that in the process cooking Of course, all products, to a greater or lesser extent, lose valuable properties. Therefore, the first task of professionals and housewives in the kitchen is to find the best way to prepare dishes that simultaneously preserve nutritional value products, while emphasizing all the best flavors of fish.

How to fry fish in a pan - basic technological principles

Even with the advent of cooking in its modern sense, the main methods of heat treatment of fish have not changed dramatically. It is stewed, boiled, stewed, baked and fried.

Each of the listed cooking methods is a rather voluminous topic, so let's focus on one of them, the most common - frying fish in a pan.

For this method, it is recommended to use only fresh fish. Large carcasses are cleaned, washed and cut into pieces, with bones or, after removing them, prepare the fillet, then cutting it into portioned pieces. small species fish are cleaned, removing scales, gills and entrails, washed and fried whole, with the head.

In every cuisine of world cuisine, fried fish is present in the assortment of fish dishes, apparently, as the most favorite way to cook it.

For frying choose more fatty varieties fish. This is due to the fact that with a low fat content, the flesh of the fish carcass becomes dry and crumbles. But in the case when you don’t have to choose a type of fish, and the desire to eat a personal fried fish too large, housewives, who have not closely studied the technology of preparing fish dishes, begin to look for an answer, why does the fish crumble when frying, how to fry fish in a pan? In flour or in batter (lezon) - this is the fastest and easy way problem solving.

How to fry fish in a pan in flour

It is not hard to guess that frying is the most vulnerable way of food processing, during which a significant part, first of all, of the vitamins that are in the composition of the products, is lost. Of course, such losses cannot be completely eliminated, but at least some part of the useful properties food is possible with some knowledge of cooking technology.

Rolling fish in flour before frying is one way to preserve vitamins. The crust of flour formed during frying prevents the release of vitamins from the fish pulp and at the same time gives the dish the appearance and taste loved by everyone. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the flour shell does not burn.

Next important point when frying fish, which is also worth paying attention to - the choice of fat, the topic is also quite voluminous, requiring separate consideration. We will only touch on some of its aspects relating to the question of how to fry fish in a pan.

In a good non-stick pan, you can fry fish without using fat, but there is a nuance here - depending on the type of oil, fried fish gets additional flavors.

Some types of fish retain their specific smell, even despite pre-treatment. If this smell is perceived with pleasure (and there are many such fish lovers!), Then use ordinary refined oil, which, when high temperature does not smoke. If you prefer the smell of olives over the smell of fried fish, use Extra Virginia oil for frying. High quality margarine can be used. But real professionals advise using butter when frying fish. In this case, you need to put a piece butter under the fish, turning it over to the other side, after frying on one side in vegetable oil with a neutral taste. Natural butter gives a special, delicate taste. In addition, being a product of dairy origin, butter, like all dairy products, successfully removes odors due to its chemical composition.

How long to fry fish

If cave ancestors fried fish on hot volcanic stones and did not think about how much to fry fish so as not to become infected with those harmful microorganisms that sometimes settle in marine, and especially in river inhabitants, what dishes are and how to fry fish in a pan, then modern requirements to the sanitary standards of its processing and storage is a prerequisite.

River fish must be kept in ice water before cooking to remove the specific smell of mud, river algae. Since fresh water bodies are the most favorable habitat for various invisible inhabitants of the terrestrial fauna, than salty water seas and oceans, then to the question pre-treatment river and anadromous fish should be treated with special attention. After soaking in fresh water and removing the smell of mud, treat the river catch with a strong saline solution. Alternative way disinfection of fish can be treated with alcohol-containing products: wipe large carcasses with vodka or sprinkle with alcohol vinegar, soak for half an hour (preferably in the refrigerator), rinse the fish again under running water and proceed to direct cooking without fear of unpleasant consequences.

To be absolutely sure of safety, fry the fish at a temperature not lower than 150ºϹ, for at least 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the fish, and then bring it to readiness in the oven at a temperature of 220ºϹ, for five minutes. If you are not going to fry the fish in the oven, then fry it in a pan, turning it over twice on both sides. In this case, the first frying is best done with the lid closed, so that the product undergoes preliminary and serious steam treatment. Then remove the lid and fry a second time for a crispy crust.

Recipe 1. Fried pelengas with onions, in a "cheese coat"

This fish belongs to the mullet family. Pelengas is a fish that is tasty without any additives, and if you want to supplement the fish dish with other ingredients, then choose neutral products to emphasize the taste of the fish itself.


Pelengas 2.5 kg

grated cheese(any hard grade) 600 g

Butter 82.5% 120 g

Chopped onion 0.5 kg

Flour for breading

Oil for frying 150 g

Cooking order:

Clean the large carcass from the scales, remove the gills, make an incision on the abdomen and remove the insides. Rinse your belly. big fish can be divided in half along the ridge. In this case, you need to make an additional incision on the back and separate the pulp from the ridge, which, together with the fins, tail and head, use to cook the fish soup. Cut into portions, put them in a metal stainless utensils and sprinkle with salt. Leave to soak for fifteen minutes. Heat a frying pan and pour generously with oil so that the pieces of fish are half immersed in it. Dip the fish in a bowl of flour and place in the pan when the oil begins to smoke slightly. Fry on both sides and transfer to parchment. Take another pan, heat it up again and sauté the chopped onion in the butter. Put the pieces of pelengas on top and sprinkle them with grated cheese. Cover with a lid and keep on low heat until cheese is melted. If desired, you can add chopped dill and chopped garlic.

Recipe 2. Pike perch with creamy wine sauce


Lemon juice 200 ml

Pike perch fillet 6 steaks 150 g each

Oil (butter and vegetable) for frying

Flour for breading

To prepare the sauce:

Wine white, dry 150 ml

Eggs 2 pcs.

Cream, fatty 225 ml

Muscat, ground 3 g

Cooking method:

Place the prepared steaks in a container, pour lemon juice for twenty minutes. Combine breading flour with salt, nutmeg and pepper. Take out their liquid steaks and dry them with a paper towel. Roll in the prepared flour mixture and start frying: first on a preheated refined oil, and then, turning over, put 20-25 g of butter under each piece. When frying on the other side, cover the pan with a lid. Heat the cream in a saucepan to 40-50ºϹ, dissolve salt and sugar in them, season with spices. Pour the beaten eggs in a thin stream, stirring constantly and heat the sauce to a boil. Pour in the wine and cook for another 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat and add herbs if desired. Serve hot with fish.

Recipe 3. Milk hake with tomato and vegetables

Composition of products:

Hake carcasses (without head) 4 pcs.

Carrot 150 g

Flour (including for sautéing) 180 g

Tomato juice 300 ml

ground coriander

ground cloves

Dill, chopped 100 g

Spread (72.5%) 200 g


Salt prepared small-sized carcasses and dry with a napkin after twenty minutes. Fry in hot fat on both sides, after rolling them in flour. Chop the peeled onion, cut the carrot into small sticks. Saute vegetables until soft, add flour.

Bring tomato juice to taste with sugar, salt and spices; Pour it into the sautéed vegetables and bring to a boil. Pour the fried fish with the prepared sauce and simmer for 30-40 minutes, adding greens at the end and Bay leaf.

Serve for a side dish mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Recipe 4. Pollock in batter


Pollock fillet 1.2 kg

Apple vinegar 100 ml

Soy sauce 25 ml

Rosemary 3-4 sprigs

Sour cream (25%) 200 g

Chopped thyme 50 g

White ground pepper 5 g

Sesame seeds, roasted 100 g

Spread for frying 200 g


Cut pollock meat into strips or cubes, put in a container and marinate with honey, salt, vinegar and soy sauce. Mix the pieces with the marinade, transfer to plastic bag, and put fresh rosemary sprigs in it. The bag can be left overnight in the refrigerator, tightly tied.

Immediately before frying, combine sour cream with flour, beat with a blender, adding spices, thyme and roasted sesame seeds.

Dry the marinated pieces of fish with a napkin, bread in flour and, dipping each piece in the prepared batter, spread with tongs in boiling fat, frying until tender.

Recipe 5. Fried trout with lemon and olives


Olives 100 g

Trout steaks 2 pcs.

Lemon slices 4 pcs.

Butter, melted 60 g

Olive oil(for frying) 75 ml

Ground almonds 50 g

Salt, a mixture of ground peppers


Sprinkle washed and slightly dried trout steaks with lemon juice and roll in flour, combined with spices, nuts, salt. Heat the oil and fry the steaks, 10 minutes on each side. Cover the pan with a lid for 5 minutes to steam the fish, and then fry it again on both sides for 2-3 minutes with open lid until a crust forms.

Serve with lemon wedges, sliced ​​olives and drizzle with hot oil.

    Before frying the fish in a pan in flour, wash it and sprinkle with lemon juice to remove the smell.

    Wipe cutting board, knives and utensils after cooking fish lemon peel or vinegar.

    Waste after cleaning fish is best removed from the premises immediately after processing. This is an extremely dangerous source of infection.

    Fish can and should be included in the children's diet, but children should not eat fried fish. Especially for them, boil a piece of pulp. If the child refuses to eat fish because of its smell, add lemon zest, bay leaves, more greens to the fish broth, or combine fish broth with chicken so that the baby does not notice anything, and cook meatballs with rice from fish meat.

It doesn't matter where you usually get your fish from: catch it yourself or bring it from the market. Almost any fish turns out delicious if it is fried. But you need to be able to fry fish.

Frying fish in a pan

After you have chosen suitable fish, it should be cleaned and gutted. This is not difficult, but requires caution if the fish's fins are spiky. Also, be careful when pulling out the insides so as not to damage gallbladder. Otherwise, the meat of the fish will become bitter. The head of the fish is not needed for frying, so it is usually cut off and used for boiling fish broth. And the rest of the carcass is washed and sprinkled with salt at least ten minutes before frying, so that the fish meat absorbs the salt. However, this is not critical, and you can salt the fish in the process of rolling in flour.

It is always better to fry fish in flour breading, otherwise it will not work crispy, and the fish will stick to the pan tightly, no matter how much oil you pour. Flour is poured into a large bowl, and pieces of fish collapse in it from all sides. Some cunning housewives pour flour into plastic bag, and one by one lower the pieces of fish there. So the fish will be breaded in flour, and the kitchen will remain clean. Pieces of fish should not be too thick, otherwise the fish in the middle will not be fried, and the outside will burn. Small fish do not need to be cut - they are fried whole. You can bread in another way: first dip a piece of fish in egg mixture(a beaten egg and a couple of tablespoons of milk), and only then roll it in flour.

The boned pieces of fish are placed in a heated pan, in which it is poured preferably refined vegetable oil. It is not necessary to feel sorry for the oil: it is best if the fish is half immersed in it. Butter can be mixed with butter or ghee. The main thing is to heat the oil well, then the fish will be “sealed” with a fried crust and will not absorb excess fat. Fry for 5-7 minutes on each side. It is very important not to disturb the fish until a strong, crispy crust forms on the bottom, otherwise the piece will simply lose its shape. You should not cover the pan with a lid, because our goal is fried, not fish stew. Serve the fish to the table with heat, with heat, otherwise it will cool down, soak in fat and become not so tasty at all. A side dish for fried fish can be ordinary mashed potatoes, pasta, or just a couple of lemon slices.

Grilled fish

Fish can be fried not only in a pan, but also on the grill. This method is especially good for oily fish, which in a frying pan usually turns into shapeless, unattractive pieces. The main problem that worries those who want to taste grilled fish is that the fish sticks to the grill during the frying process. As a result, when she tries to separate pieces of fish from this grate, they break and hopelessly spoil the mood of the cook. There is only one way out: clean the grate to a shine and grease well with oil. Grilled fish is cleaned in the same way as usual, very big chunks incised so that the contracting skin does not deform the entire piece. Can you stuff a fish herbs or lemon wedges. The top of the fish is rubbed with oil and salt and pepper. The prepared fish is placed on the grate over a well-heated grill and fried for about 10 minutes on each side. If the pieces are very thick, increase the frying time. If you are still afraid of not coping with the sticky grate, wrap the pieces of fish in foil: the fish will still turn out very tasty.

Young inexperienced housewives not always imagine how to fry fish in a pan. This dish is suitable for family dinner with the most different side dishes. The cooking process takes no more than an hour, despite the fact that most of the time is spent on butchering the fish carcass. fry delicious fish possible using various recipes, but most simple method is the implementation of this process in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, after rolling the chopped carcasses in flour.

A properly prepared dish is very beneficial for the body, because it contains phosphorus, fish fat and others important components. It is no coincidence that many people prefer fish instead of meat, since such food is better absorbed by the body and is less high-calorie.

The taste of a dish depends on many factors. Must choose quality fish to in ready-made it turned out tasty and healthy for the body. There are many ways to choose a better product. by the most the best option will be the acquisition of it in a living form. Now in many large stores you can find large aquariums with fresh goods. This method guarantees that you will buy fresh fish.


The main sign of a recently caught fish is the scarlet color of the gills. If they are too dark or have bad smell, such a product is prohibited to buy.

It is impossible to say exactly how long it can be stored fresh fish after capture, but the shorter this period, the more High Quality the product will reach your table. The second sign of freshness is transparent eyes. It is unacceptable to buy a carcass whose eyes have become cloudy, yellowish.

Fish scales can also tell a lot about the quality of a product. When buying river fish, you can not be afraid of a small amount of mucus. But marine fish must certainly be distinguished by shiny scales without signs of turbidity and mucus formation.

If you gently press your finger on the carcass of fresh fish, then within one second the hole formed from pressing will disappear. If the dent remains, then you have a stale carcass in front of you. When buying red fish, you need to pay attention to the color of the fish fillet, which should have an orange tint. Wherein various varieties, such as salmon, trout, pink salmon, can be from light orange to red.


Much harder to do right choice at the time of buying finished fillet which is sold frozen. Very often you can see pollock, hake, pangasius in this form. This product is selected appearance. It is worth paying attention to how much ice the frozen semi-finished product contains. A large amount of frozen water indicates that the product has already been defrosted, which negatively affected its quality.

It doesn't matter if you cut red fish, pollock, pelengas, halibut, hake. In a fresh product, the bones should not easily separate from the fillets. Sea fish should not have a strong odor. If not present pleasant aroma, it is best not to eat such a product.

It is advisable to buy fish in trusted places where quality control is carried out, for example, in large retail chains. In order not to harm your health, it is better to refuse to purchase goods from random sellers in places of unauthorized trade.

The classic way to fry fish fillets in a pan

To fry fish deliciously, it is important not only to buy a fresh, high-quality product, but also to properly cut and cook it. Red fish are very easy to clean from bones and scales. But pollock, pelengas requires considerable effort. You can fry a product cut into pieces of fillet, which is completely cleaned of inedible components.

To prepare this dish the classic way you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • fresh or thawed fish, such as pollock;
  • 1 - 2 cups of wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil.

Before frying fish fillet, it is necessary to divide it into portioned pieces, salt and add spices. Black pepper is best white pepper, dried basil, oregano and any other seasonings of your choice.

It is very important to properly salt the carcass to make a delicious dish. This requires culinary experience. Usually, 500 grams of fillet takes 2 teaspoons of salt and 0.5 cups of flour. After adding salt and spices, you need to leave the semi-finished products for 30 minutes, only after that fry them, rolling them in a small amount of flour.

Add to the pan a large number of vegetable oil and put the pieces of fish. At first, you can fry it in a pan without a lid until it forms golden crust. After that, it is better to complete the frying process under the lid over medium heat.

If the fillet browned quickly during the frying process, then you did not use enough flour.

Depending on how many carcasses need to be fried, the cooking time varies. To check readiness, you need to cut one piece. If the meat inside is white and easily separated from the bones, then the dish is ready.

Pollock, red fish and other varieties of this product after frying in a pan, it is appropriate to serve with the most different snacks and side dishes.

The most popular in Eastern European cuisine are the following additions:

  • mashed potatoes, buckwheat and rice porridge,
  • a fresh vegetable salad,
  • broccoli puree.

Adherents healthy eating eat fish with fresh or baked vegetables. It is believed that this combination is the most beneficial for the body. There is another tip that allows you to cook healthy food: need to fry this product on refined oil, which is used once. To prepare the second batch, change the oil.

Cooking delicious fish in batter

Batter for fish is always prepared from eggs, flour and other ingredients. For cooking this dish you need to use a boned fillet. Well suited for this hake, pollock, pike perch. You can fry other types of fish fillets in batter. The main thing is that the semi-finished product can be easily cleaned of bones. For this reason, carp and blue bream are not suitable for this dish.

You need to take the following ingredients:

  • fish fillet;
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • salt;
  • spices.

First you need to make a batter. Depending on how many fillets are available for frying, you need to cook a sufficient amount of batter. To do this, mix the entire portion of flour with beaten eggs, sour cream, water. Then it is necessary to add salt and spices to it, after which it is good to beat with a fork or whisk.

Before frying fish fillets, you need to salt and pepper them, then dip in batter. After that, it must be fried in a pan. in the usual way- with the addition of vegetable oil. This dish should be served garnished with lemon wedges.

Frying fish fillets in a pan is not difficult. Such a dish has a large number of advantages - it is unusually tasty and healthy. Today there is great amount varieties of fish, such as pollock, pelengas, pangasius, hake, pike perch. Each of them has a special taste. It is very important to choose fresh product to prepare fragrant healthy dish. It is recommended to consume such food at least 2-3 times a week.

Only cooked fried fish is loved by many, because it has such unique taste and incredible aroma.

Today we will tell you how to fry river fish in a pan and give a few valuable advice to make your meal even tastier. Such a fish will become a real decoration for anyone, even holiday table, and your family and friends will increasingly ask you to cook it again.

Most often in our stores you can find oceanic species of fish. It is they who are constantly prepared by the hostesses. in a variety of ways and serve both to the everyday and to the festive table.

Many people have a rather biased attitude towards river fish. Most often it is a rather small fish, which has a huge number of bones and strongly gives off mud. It may seem to an inexperienced cook that such a fish is simply impossible to cook deliciously.

In fact, this is not so, you just need to know some rules that will allow you to get rid of negative qualities such a fish and get in the end for real great dish because it will be cooked right!

How to remove the unpleasant smell of river fish

So, first, let's talk about what scares away from river fish a large number of people - the smell of mud. This not very pleasant aroma appears due to the living conditions of the fish and the characteristics of its nutrition.

If you really dislike this slight smell, then you can go to the trick and disguise it. To do this, we need a lemon, or rather, its juice.

Below we have presented you a recipe for cooking river fish. At the moment when the preparation of the carcass is completed and it remains only to roll and fry it, you need to pour lemon juice over it on all sides.

After that, we leave our fish to marinate for half an hour and continue cooking further. If you don’t have too much time and you simply don’t have thirty minutes, then this is not a problem. In this case, we recommend pouring lemon juice over the already prepared carcass, this will clog the smell of mud and complement the overall taste picture.

We solve the problem of bony river fish

Another not very pleasant moment that concerns river fish, and especially its small varieties, is the abundance of small bones. Most often, this problem is faced by those cooks who cook crucian carp - a truly tasty fish that has just a gigantic amount of bones.

Naturally, we will not remove them, but we will make sure that the bones are not felt at all when eating. For this sharp knife you need to make deep cuts to the ridge. The more there are, the more imperceptible the presence of bones in the fish will become. This advice will be especially useful in cases where we are talking about cooking whole fish.

In addition, the high temperature at which we will fry our fish will help us disguise the bones. Under its influence, the bones become more fragile and are almost invisible when eating this delicacy.

River fish fried in a pan


  • River fish - 1.5 kg + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - taste + -
  • - for frying + -

How to fry river fish in a pan

  1. The first thing we need to do is get rid of the scales. This can be done in two ways: with a knife or using a special scraper. In the second case, you will save a significant amount of your time, and also do not pollute the entire kitchen with scales.
  2. Now we need to get rid of the head. Of course, you can cook with it, then you will need to remove the gills. It’s better to simplify your task and just cut it off, anyway, there’s no meat in the head as such, and it’s not worth mentioning how much space it will take in this form in the pan.
  3. We cut off the fins and cut the abdomen. This should be done carefully, because there is a gallbladder inside, which, when broken, makes the meat bitter. In addition, some fish can find caviar, it is also used for cooking.
  4. We wash the carcasses well and make cuts on them to get rid of small bones. Also at this stage, you can marinate the fish in lemon juice for half an hour.
  5. So, now we go directly to the frying process. Pour our flour, salt and pepper into a flat large plate, mix everything and roll the carcass on all sides. Without flour, the fish will stick to the pan and will not get a crispy crust.
  6. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. If this is not done, then the juice will flow out of the fish, and so it will remain closed under dense crust, which is formed in just a second.
  7. We put the fish boned in flour in a pan and fry for 5-7 minutes, during which time it should form a golden crust. After that, turn over to the other side and fry the same amount. If the oil is absorbed, then add it, do not allow the pan to dry out.
  8. We spread the finished fish on paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Serve with a side dish or fresh vegetables. Also to such fish in pure form perfect special sauce like tartare.

By the way, if you are wondering how to fry river fish in a pan so that it is a little spicy, then use our advice. In such a situation, garlic will help you, a couple of cloves need to be fried until translucent, removed, and then fry the fish in the same oil. The garlic will release all of its flavor and pungency, but it won't burn.

Almost any fish (river or sea) is a wonderful product that can be simply deliciously fried and served on the table. To cook delicious fried fish in a pan, a minimum is enough available products.

As a rule, the fish is fried in a batter of flour or breadcrumbs. Adding eggs, sometimes onions. The most important thing to follow detailed description in the recipe and you'll be fine!

Fish fried properly will never break when fried, and small bones practically not felt when used ready meal.

crispy golden brown on the outside and juicy, tender flesh underneath, this is the perfect result that any housewife can achieve, without the hassle!

Fried river fish in a pan with flour and lemon


Fried river fish in a pan in a batter of flour and lemon juice - step by step recipe with photo:

Almost any river fish can be used for cooking. But, it would be ideal, of course, to use carp. This fish has a very pleasant taste.

Prepare fish. Clean it outside and inside. It is important that the scales and entrails are completely cleaned. Rinse thoroughly cold water.

Put the cleaned fish on a paper towel and dry. From the inside, each fish also needs to be wiped with paper napkins.

Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Pour salt, pepper and spices into the dishes with prepared crucian carp. Mix with hands.

After that, frequent, vertical cuts should be made on each fish. They should start at the head and end at the tail of the fish carcass.

Do this with everyone else. These manipulations are necessary so that during the use of fish, small bones are practically invisible.

Sprinkle flour on a separate plate. Dip each fish in flour on all sides.

Warm up the pan. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the container. Fry over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. It is important that the fish boil in hot oil. If there is not enough oil in the pan, the fish will burn.

Delicious, fried fish in flour batter with lemon can be served on the table. Bon appetit!

Pollock in batter in a pan

Pollock is inexpensive, but very delicious varieties fish. It will be at the table for those who care about their health and eat only high-quality and low calorie foods. Properly fried pollock can be given to children. And just by preparing it for dinner, you will delight your family with delicious and nutritious dish.

How to choose pollock in the store

pledge delicious dish are fresh and quality products. And if you are going to fry pollock, then, first of all, choose it correctly in the store. Recommendations for choosing pollock:

  1. pollock fillet, quite often gets frozen on the counter of stores. A prerequisite for quality and proper freezing fish are a small percentage of people on it. According to the norms, the proportion of ice should not exceed 4%. Everything else is a product that should arouse suspicion;
  2. pay attention to the composition of the product. Strange as it may sound, frozen pollock also has its own composition: pollock, water. All other additives (E-452, etc.) speak of specific freezing methods. In this case, the carcass is dipped in a solution of polyphosphates. The latter are able to strongly absorb moisture. After a bath of polyphosphates, the fish is sent to the water.
  3. The meat absorbs a lot of moisture. Fish are frozen to keep longer. The result is a thin crust of ice that won't scare off customers in the store, and the inside is full of frozen liquid. Having thawed such a product, half of its weight is obtained as water. Polyphosphates are not safe for human health. They take a lot of fluid from the body, which leads to dehydration of the latter.

A sure sign of the presence of this chemical in the carcass is yellowish spots on white meat.

Quality pollock is supplied to the market only by Japan, China and Russia. All other manufacturers, in popular words, "dealers". Freshness from such products should not be expected.

Having chosen the right fish, we turn to the question of how to fry pollock so that it is soft and juicy in a pan. The recipe for fried fish on our website will help you do it tasty and quickly.

Recipe for fried pollock in a pan in flour batter


  • pollock fillet half kg;
  • wheat flour, sifted 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs 100 g;
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.;
  • milk 100 ml;
  • salt and favorite spices;
  • half a lemon;
  • butter for frying.

How delicious to fry pollock in a pan:

To fry pollock deliciously, you need to strictly follow our instructions. Then the dish will turn out with appetizing crust and seductive fragrance. Everything is done in stages:

You need to defrost the fish room temperature, rinse it well and dry it with a waffle towel.

If it was not a pollock fillet that was bought, but its carcass, then a black film is removed from the abdomen. If it is not removed, the fish acquires a bitter taste. cut portioned pieces.

Many are wondering how to fry pollock so that it is completely saturated with spices and salt. The answer is simple, before cooking, the fish is salted, sprinkled with your favorite herbs, poured over with lemon juice and left for 15 minutes. In this case, the meat will marinate and absorb all the necessary flavors.

While the meat is marinating, eggs are broken into a deep container, milk is poured in and everything is beaten with a fork. We heat the pan, after putting a piece of butter in it.

Let's start cooking fried fish. We take one piece of pickled product. First we dip it in flour, then in the prepared milk-egg mixture, the last are breadcrumbs. The resulting crust will not allow the fish to dry out during cooking and it will be nice to crunch in your mouth.

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Put everything in a frying pan and fry over medium heat. When the breadcrumbs are browned, the fish is ready. It is laid out on a special napkin that absorbs excess fat.

Many people ask how to fry pollock with delicious gravy. This is done simply. To the remaining oil in the pan after cooking, you can add onions, carrots, lemon juice and some water. Everything is stewed until the vegetables are ready. delicious gravy ready for fish. a fish dish served garnished with greens. It harmonizes well with rice, and it goes great with potatoes.

Carp fried in a pan with pieces of honey

How to cook tasty river fish? The secret to cooking any fried river fish lies firstly in its freshness, and secondly in the composition of seasonings and marinade in the recipe. Today on our website there is a delicious fried fish, a recipe for fried honey carp.

To prepare honey carp, you will need:

  • fish carp 2 kg.
  • salt, fish seasonings, honey 1 tsp
  • flour for breading.
  • vegetable for frying.

Cooking fried carp in flour batter with honey:

Clean the fish from scales and viscera, wash, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. After the fish, rinse well with water, if the fish is large, then cut into portions.

Sliced ​​pieces of carp, sprinkle with seasonings for fish, add a teaspoon of honey, mix the pieces of fish thoroughly so that the honey is completely dissolved and distributed throughout the fish. Leave to marinate for an hour.

Why, roll pieces of fish in flour and fry in a pan on each side, over moderate heat. The color of the crust of fried fish will be brown due to honey, which caramelizes at high temperature.

Honey gives the finished fish a special taste and tenderness. Ready honey carp can be served with buckwheat porridge. This is how a delicious fried fish recipe “carp with honey” turns out.

Video: Pike fried with flour, poured with eggs and onions
