
How to salt fish. Seafood preparation before salting

It happens that in the hot season it is urgent to save the fish. The best way to save for the future on a fishing trip or at home is salting. How to salt river fish? Let's look at several recipes for cooking vobla, perch, gobies, bleak and roach in large, medium and small sizes.

Types and methods of salting river fish

Real Russian cuisine is hard to imagine without river fish. A river dweller is good in fish soup and other fish soups, it is boiled in water, steamed, dried, dried and salted. If large freshwater inhabitants can be cleaned, cut and salted into pieces, then smaller bony specimens are best cooked with salt as a whole.

Attention! For salting any fish, only coarse salt is suitable. Only she, slowly dissolving, gradually draws liquid from the fish. Finely ground salt will only salt out, but not dry river fish.

The principle of the ambassador is simple: salt does not preserve, it simply removes moisture from the fish. Salting of a river dweller is wet, dry, mixed and sagging.

What is brine?

One interesting concept, brine, is inextricably linked with the wet method of salting freshwater inhabitants. Other preparation methods do not use this definition.

Brine is the moisture released by the fish during the salt treatment. A special liquid is saturated with proteins, minerals and even the most valuable fish oil, which is why it differs from ordinary brine and has its own name.

In fact, wet-salted or dry-salted fish is prepared in exactly the same way. The fundamental difference is that brine remains in the container or drains (removes) from there.

Wet version of salting vobla, perch, gobies, bleak and roach with sugar

This method is suitable for both camping and home conditions. Freshwater, cooked with sugar, have a refined, more delicate taste. To prepare fish in this way, it is better to follow a step-by-step recipe:

  1. Prepare a non-oxidizing container, such as a bucket or pot.
  2. Peel the fish carcasses, leaving the head. Remove scales.
  3. Directly on the bottom of the container should be laid the first layer of the catch. Carcasses are best placed belly up.
  4. Fill each copy with salt in a proportion of 10 kg. fish and 1 kg. coarse salt plus 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  5. Layers of fish alternating with salt should not reach the top of the container. A press should be placed on top of the fish mass.
  6. After 2 days, the brine will cover the entire mass.
  7. After 3 days, small fish will be ready, and after 7-8 days - large. The finished batch is pulled out of the brine, washed under running water and left to dry in the open air. Then roach, perch, gobies, bleak or roach can be put into any containers for long-term storage.

Small fish are salted for three days, large - 5-7 days

Advice. The role of the press can be performed by an ordinary large plate covered with something heavy. However, experienced fishermen advise to put together a special wooden circle. The best material for its manufacture is linden or aspen. Only this wood does not emit harmful substances into the brine and does not deform under its influence. In no case should you make a press out of plywood! It can exfoliate and release glue residue into the fish.

Fast dry salting of a large river catch

If you decide to salt large individuals (from 0.5 to 1.5 -2 kg.), Then you can not only clean them, but also dissolve them along the back, remove the spine, head and tail. Scales - do not touch!

  1. Dry the processed carcass. Each copy will look like an open book, lying open belly up.
  2. Salt the fish from the side of the scales and lay them in even layers in a wooden box, sprinkling salt on each layer. The largest carcasses should be at the bottom.
  3. If you decide to leave the heads, then you need to lay out the fish in a checkerboard pattern. For example, the first layer heads to the left, the second - heads to the right. Thus, oppression will put pressure on the entire mass evenly.
  4. For the whole batch, put a wooden oppression and put the box on a pallet in a cool room. If possible, the container can be placed directly on the ground or in a small hole. The brine will flow down through the slots in the container.

With this cooking option, fish weighing about 500 gr. You can try in 3 days. And for a solid salt of a large catch weighing about 1.5-2 kg., It will take 10 days.

Vobla Ambassador without sugar. Wet and dry way

Vobla is a fairly common inhabitant of Russian rivers. Often fishermen, having caught this fish, ask the housewives the difficult task of processing it. In fact, the recipe for competent preparation of roach, like any other freshwater fish, is quite simple:

  • medium or large fish need to be gutted and the scales removed. Then rinse and dry the carcasses;
  • the next stage is rubbing the vobla with salt. Salt is laid not only outside, but also inside the abdomen of each specimen;
  • grated fish should be laid in rows in any dish convenient for you and wait only 5 days.

If you have planned a wet salting, then the fish must be pressed down with oppression and left in the container. Gradually, the carcasses will release liquid, this is the brine.

For dry salting, you need to lay the catch as stated in the recipe, but the container for salting should be with holes. The brine will seep through them, and the vobla will remain dry.

Sagging method of salting roach, bleak and other river fish

This recipe is best used for oily, tender fish. The advantage of this method is that freshwater meat is more tender and differs in taste from traditional salted fish. The downside is the need to build a special structure for salting.

Cooking steps:

  1. Set the containers for harvesting fish so that it can be hung and strengthened by a number of transverse rods of the same length.
  2. Hang whole (if small) or gutted individuals on rods so that there is a small distance between the carcasses. The fish must be completely lowered into the container.
  3. It is necessary to pour the prepared brine into a plastic basin or other container. To do this, dissolve salt in water.
  4. If the water with salt completely covers the catch, then everything was done correctly.

Advice. How to determine the right amount of salt in brine? Very simple! If you lower a raw potato or an egg there, they should not sink, but float on the surface.

After 5-7 days, the salty batch can be eaten. But before that, it should be removed from the liquid and dried a little.

The above brine methods are good to use to save a large catch for the future. Regardless of the recipe, roach, perch, gobies, bleak or roach can be stored for a long time, or eaten immediately after the end of the salting. And you can soak 3-4 hours in water or milk and use for frying or cooking a variety of fish dishes.

Salting river fish - video

River fish ambassador - photo

Few people know how to salt red fish at home. After all, most of us use such a product only on holidays. Moreover, many believe that it is not necessary to know how to properly salt red fish, since it can always be purchased ready-made at the supermarket. However, it should be noted that such a delicacy in a package is much more expensive than a semi-finished product. In this regard, we recommend that you purchase fresh fish and salt it yourself.

General product information

Before talking about how to salt red fish at home, it should be recalled that such a product saturates well, contains a huge amount of useful elements and has an unsurpassed taste. Having properly cooked salmon, trout or pink salmon, you can serve it to any holiday table. Believe me, none of the invited guests will refuse such a delicacy.

How to choose?

Before salting red fish at home, you should choose the right one. If you want to cook an incredibly tasty dish, then you need to pay special attention to the freshness of the product. Thus, the eyes of the fish should not be cloudy, the belly should not be yellow, the gills should not be dark brown, and the flesh should not be sprawling. If these qualities are observed, then the product is stale, and it is better not to purchase it.

How to salt red fish at home? We will talk about this a little further. It should be especially noted that for salting such a delicacy, it is necessary to purchase only whole fish. A product without a head, tail, fins and completely gutted will not work for you. You should clean it, as well as prepare for salting only on your own.

Purchased fish must be chilled, live or first frozen. To prepare a delicious delicacy, you should take trout or salmon. You can also use chum salmon, pink salmon or salmon.

By the way, even caviar or milk can be in the purchased fish. They are also recommended to pickle and serve.

Salting red fish at home

Salmon is the most suitable fish for salting. It has good fat content and juiciness, which makes the delicacy especially tasty. The most popular and easiest way to salt such a product is dry. It should also be noted that in the case of salmon, salt can be added as much as you wish. After all, it is quite difficult to oversalt it.

So, to prepare a delicious and fragrant delicacy at home, we need:

  • fresh salmon - 0.5 kg (it is advisable to take a piece for such a dish from the middle of the carcass);
  • freshly ground black pepper - add to taste;
  • iodized salt (it is desirable to take coarse grinding) - add to taste;
  • fine granulated sugar - add to taste.

Preparation of the main ingredient

If the fish was purchased by you in advance, then it should be thawed. To do this, you need to put a piece in a plastic container, close it tightly and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Next, the thawed product must be thoroughly washed, dried with paper towels and a towel. On the inside, a piece should be cut along the ridge, and then removed, cut off the ribs and carefully separate them from the meat with the tip of a sharp knife.

salting process

So, salt the red fish at home. To do this, the processed salmon fillet must be laid out on a cutting board with the skin down. Next, you need to take about 2 small spoons of salt (without a slide) and 1 - granulated sugar. The named ingredients should be mixed with a dessert spoon of black ground pepper and grate the fish (meat and skin) with them. After that, the salty piece must be folded in half and tightly wrapped with a piece of clean gauze or cotton fabric. At the end, you need to put the salmon fillet in a container (preferably ceramic), close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. In two days the fish will be completely ready.

How to properly serve?

Now you know how to salt red fish at home. After the specified time, the product must be removed from the refrigerator, unfolded and cut into very thin pieces. Next, they need to be laid out on a saucer, alternating with slices of fresh lemon. It is desirable to serve such a delicacy to the table along with white sandwich bread. Bon appetit!

Delicious salted trout: a detailed recipe

Salting red fish from such a product is a pleasure. After all, a delicacy made at home will be fully usable the very next day after it is abundantly smeared with fragrant spices.

So, we need:

  • a piece of fresh trout - about 400-600 g;
  • granulated sugar - add to taste;
  • fine sea salt - add to taste;

Fish processing

Trout is a very tasty and healthy fish. Unlike salmon, it is not too oily. Moreover, many lovers of such a product note that trout is much more tender and tastier than the aforementioned species.

So how and how much to salt red fish? We will talk about this a little further. After all, before flavoring the trout with spices, it should be carefully processed. To do this, you need to take a fresh piece of fish, wash it well, and then carefully remove the backbone and all adjacent bones. You don't have to take the skin off.

Cooking process

After the piece of trout has been processed, it must be sprinkled with salt, sugar and pepper. Moreover, the last two ingredients should be added in small quantities.

Thus, having smeared all the fish with spices, it must be put in a container, and then sent to the refrigerator for 24 hours. The next day, the delicacy will be fully usable.

Proper serving at the festive table

Now you also know how and how much to salt red fish at home. After its preparation, the trout should be removed from the container, remove all excess salt, and then cut the fillet into thin slices, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice and put on a plate or on a piece of bread. Bon appetit!

Delicious salt salmon

Salted fish is the most favorite snack of most residents of not only our country, but also other countries. It should be noted that the mere sight of such a dish excites the appetite.

You already know how to salt salmon and trout. However, there are still many red fish from which you can cook a delicacy at home. One of them is pink salmon. This is a relatively inexpensive fish. That is why it is especially popular with those who like to enjoy a delicious dish, but are not ready to part with a lot of money.

So, salt the red fish in brine. For this we need:

  • pink salmon of small sizes frozen - 2 pcs.;
  • any fine salt - add at your discretion;
  • granulated sugar - a couple of pinches;
  • fresh lemon - 1 pc.;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • ground allspice - apply to taste.

Processing of the main ingredient

Before salting red fish in pieces, it should be carefully processed. To do this, pink salmon must be completely thawed at room temperature, and then washed well, cleaned of unnecessary elements and cut into portioned pieces 2-4 centimeters thick. It is also required to squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon into a separate bowl and chop the fruit into small pieces.

Salting process in brine

After the pink salmon has been processed, it must be placed in a non-oxidizing container (for example, in an enamel or plastic dish). Next, you need to add salt, freshly squeezed lemon juice, ground pepper, pieces of squeezed fruit and granulated sugar to the fish. In conclusion, all the ingredients must be poured with 2 cups of water, mixed thoroughly (so that the spices are evenly distributed), tightly covered with a lid and left at room temperature for 4-6 hours. After the specified period, the fish in brine should be placed in a refrigerator. After 30-32 hours, a tasty and fragrant snack will be completely ready for consumption.

Serve right to the table

After the pink salmon is properly salted, it needs to be removed from the brine, and then put on a plate and served with bread. This delicacy is very tasty, juicy and tender. It is recommended to use it with boiled potatoes or any other side dish. Bon appetit!

The fastest and easiest way to salt fish

If you do not want to mess around with such a product for a long time due to its specific smell, we suggest using the simplest and fastest salting method. To do this, you need to purchase an already processed piece of fresh salmon or trout, and then wash it thoroughly and put it in a wide container. Next, red fish should be coated on all sides with fine iodized salt, close the lid well and leave at room temperature for 5-8 hours. During this time, warm salmon or trout will completely absorb the spices. After that, the semi-finished fish must be turned over and placed in the same container in the refrigerator. After keeping the delicacy in the cold for a similar amount of time, it must be removed from the container, placed on a cutting board and cut into very thin slices. Serve the finished dish to the table along with a sandwich or any other bread. Bon appetit!

To make red salted fish as tasty and tender as possible, we recommend using the following tips:

  1. Salt such a product should be only after it is completely thawed and becomes room temperature.
  2. To give red fish a special aroma and taste, it must be served at the table along with thin slices of lemon.
  3. It will be much easier to cut salmon or trout into thin pieces if the product is kept in the freezer for a short time before that.
  4. It is advisable to serve such a delicacy to the table only with fresh white bread.

Salting is one of the most convenient and reliable ways of harvesting fish during multi-day fishing. Many anglers use this method of preserving fish, especially when the number is large. Part,
of course, you can use it by cooking fish soup or other people on the fire, and it’s better to salt some to bring the fish home. Salted fish can be stored for a long time, besides, any dish can be prepared from it.
You can just eat it in a salty form, you can dry it, smoke it, boil it and fry it. Everything will depend on the type of fish, the way it is salted and your own taste preferences.
It is better to salt fish in winter and spring, at this time, before spawning, fish meat is more fatty and therefore has better taste after processing. In addition, if drying of the fish follows after salting, then spring and winter are the most suitable seasons, because during this period there are still few flies and it will be easier to protect the fish from their larvae.
The most delicious in salt form are bream, catfish, ram, roach, sabrefish, ide, salmon, fish, bleak, pike perch, asp, taimen, lenok, etc.
For salting, it is better to use coarse salt. It removes moisture from the fish faster and more efficiently, which is important for its preservation. This is precisely the main function of salt, and not giving the fish some kind of taste or preservative effect. At low temperatures, coarse salt dissolves slowly, it needs moisture, which it takes from the fish. With fine salt, this effect will not happen. She quickly salts the fish and, as it were, burns it, rapidly dehydrating and making it tasteless.
During salting, brine is released from the fish, that is, a brine, which is obtained by dissolving salt in the juice that has come out of the fish. The brine must be periodically drained so that microbes do not have time to multiply during salting. In order to have fewer microbes, you need to choose pure salt for salting without any impurities. Before salting, the fish must be washed in clean cold water.

Anchovy, sprat, roach are usually salted without gutting, mackerel, chirus and large horse mackerel are removed gills and entrails without cutting the abdomen. In other fish weighing 1-1.5 kg, the gills and entrails are removed, and an incision is made along the back.
Large fish weighing 1-3 kg or more should be gutted before salting and, if desired, cut into pieces. In this case, you should not touch the abdominal cavity, so as not to damage the thin film covering the layer of fat on the abdomen. An incision on the fish must be made through the back, along the ridge, while cutting off the ribs from the spine on one side. All entrails, including caviar or milk, must be removed. Cut the head to the middle of the upper lip, make longitudinal cuts in the fleshy parts of the back. After that, the fish - whole or cut into pieces - must be wiped dry with a clean cloth or paper towel, it is not recommended to wash the fish. If you plan to salt the whole fish,
the abdominal cavity must be thoroughly washed and filled with salt, carefully pouring it into the gills. Then the fish should be placed in a clean dish in a flattened form with the bellies up, sprinkling each layer with salt. You also need to sprinkle a layer of salt on top. You need to salt the fish for about 7-10 days, depending on its thickness. Gutted and flattened fish do not need to be pressed down with a load. When the fish is salted, it should be thoroughly washed in brine, and then placed tightly in a barrel or box. Cover the container on top with burlap soaked in brine and put it away for storage in a cool place (in a cellar or on ice).
Fatty fish are best stored in brine under load. Stones can be used as it, at home - jars filled with water.
Medium fish (weighing more than 300 g) can be salted whole without cutting into pieces. To speed up the salting process, you need to inject a saturated saline solution into the abdominal cavity through the anus, using a medical syringe without a needle or a small enema with a tip made from a ballpoint pen. The richer the solution, the better. Its density is determined by the limiting possibility of dissolving salt in water. Medium-sized fish is salted for 5-10 days. From above, the fish also needs to be rubbed with salt and, if desired, with spices or herbs.
At the same time, all excess mucus is removed, and the salt is tightly clogged under the scales. It is also necessary to rub or pour salt into the mouth and gill covers. When the work is completed, the fish can be placed in a specially prepared container.
Small fish are salted very simply: you can simply sprinkle it with salt and lay it in layers. It is ready in 2-3 days. The duration of salting in a refrigerated room, for example, in an ice cellar, of such fish as bream, asp or pike lasts an average of 12 days, carp and pike perch are salted longer - up to 15 days, and in an uncooled room, the salting period is reduced by almost 2 times - up to 5-7 days.
When salting mackerel, horse mackerel or chirus, it is necessary to drain the resulting brine and replace it with fresh. The brine is prepared at the rate of 200 g of salt per 1 liter of boiled and chilled water. It is necessary to change the brine 2 times for the entire time of salting - the first time on the 3rd day, the second time - on the 6th day of salting. The amount of brine poured in should be equal to the amount poured out.
For salting fish, you can additionally use various spices and spices: bay leaf, berries and juniper branches, dill, parsley, currant leaves, different types of pepper, etc. However, you need to know the measure, otherwise the fish will lose its natural taste and aroma.
And so, in the process of salting, the fish must give up moisture, which is partially replaced by salt. Therefore, you can determine the readiness of the fish by how hard it has become and how it bends.
Wet salting of fish gives a faster result, the process of dry salting lasts longer.
Frozen fish is quite difficult to salt, because when thawed, the tissue structure is disturbed and such fish absorbs a lot of salt. In this case, it can be difficult to catch the moment when the fish is already salted, but not yet oversalted.
Fatty fish can be more abundantly sprinkled with salt, because there is very little water in fatty tissues, so the fish will not “take” a lot of salt, which means that you can’t oversalt it. Oily fish can also be stored in brine.
If the salted fish is then planned to be dried or smoked, then after salting it will definitely need to be soaked for 2-3 hours, often changing the water.
When salting fish, you should always remember that it is a perishable product, so only fresh, undamaged fish should be selected. The rest can be used for fish soup or roasted on a fire directly during multi-day fishing.
To obtain high quality salted fish, it is necessary to use only those types of fish that are able to "ripen". This category includes herring, salmon and mackerel.
At home, you can salt fish of any kind, except for sturgeon. Their salting requires special refrigeration equipment and high professional skills. To extend the shelf life, already salted fish is stored in the cold,
best on ice.
All salted fish, depending on the salt content in it, is divided into 3 groups:
- slightly salted (contains 6-10% salt);
- medium salty (contains 10-14% salt);
- strongly salted, or indigenous (contains over 14% salt).
Lightly salted fish can be eaten or used for cooking other dishes without prior soaking. In this way, you can salt fatty herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, etc.
Medium-salted and hard-salted fish must be soaked in water with a temperature not exceeding 12-15 ° C before use. The more salt the fish contains, the longer the soaking time should be. In this case, it is necessary to drain the water every 3-4 hours, taking a break for 2 hours for a more favorable redistribution of salt, and
then refill with fresh water. For soaking medium-salted herring, mackerel and horse mackerel, you can use a mixture of water and cold milk or strong cold tea brew diluted with water. These supplements will help keep
extractive substances in fish fillets.
Lightly salted fish can then be used to prepare spiced or marinated fish. To do this, prepare a decoction of spices with the addition of a solution of acetic acid, etc. Lightly salted fish must first be soaked, then sprinkled with spices, poured with cold decoction and kept for maturation at a temperature not exceeding 2 ° C for 2-3 weeks.
Beluga, sturgeon, etc. are usually used for winter salting. When the frozen fish thaws, it should be gutted, the head, fins and tail cut off, and the gills removed. Then you need to cut the fish into pieces, put it in a container or tub and rinse with clean water so that there is no blood left on the cartilage. After that, you need to put the fish on the table, on a paper towel, dry it and rub with salt. Put the pieces in a tub, sprinkling lightly with salt. When the tub is full, the fish should be covered with cut off fins and tails, a circle with oppression should be applied and left in this position for 2 days.
When the brine appears on the surface, you need to carefully cork the tub and turn it over, placing it on ice or on a board so that it does not leak. If the brine is not enough, you can cook it separately. Then you need to drill the upper bottom of the tub and pour in so much chilled brine so that it completely covers the fish.
You can get the finished fish out of the tub with a hook or fork through the hole without opening the tubs. Periodically check the condition of the fish. If it starts to "blur" or an unpleasant smell appears, you need to remove the fish from the tub and rinse it in clean water, wash the tub itself, evaporate it and burn it with straw so that there is no smell left in it. After that, the fish must be put back into the tub, sprinkling each layer with a little salt, you can also add a little dry hops. Then the fish must be poured with fresh chilled brine and again put on ice.
All these are just general recommendations, but there are many ways to salt fish, and a professional angler sticks to his own. Of the methods that are offered here, you can choose the most suitable for the fish that you got as a trophy.
Salted fish is divided into wet and dry. With wet salting, the fish is salted in brine - a brine, which is formed from salt and the juice secreted by the fish.
During salting, the brine must be changed by pouring another brine prepared from water, salt, bay leaves and other spices into the fish.

Salt fish at home? No problem at all.
It is much cheaper than buying such fish in the store.
And you can always cook it to your liking.

... Salt fish in two ways: the so-called dry, using a pickling mixture, and using brine.

... For the pickling mixture, approximately the same amount of salt and sugar is taken, if you wish, you can add spices to taste. A little salting mixture is poured into the salting container, you can also put a few peas of black and allspice and a bay leaf there. Then lay out the fillet pieces, which are also sprinkled with the mixture, and then the layers are repeated. No oppression is needed - the fish will be salted and so on.

... In this way, you can salt any sea fish.

... If you bought a whole carcass, then it is easiest to cut it slightly frozen: in this case, the bones are separated somewhat faster, and the fillet remains undamaged.

... The brine allows you to make the salting of fish faster, and its taste is more intense.

... To prepare a brine for fish, you need to take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a little sugar (optional), a few peas of black and allspice, 1-2 bay leaves.

... To speed up the salting process and give a spicy flavor to the fish, you can add a little mustard to the brine, ready-made or in powder - salting fish at home will be reduced by one and a half times.

... The brine can be boiled, or you can use it that way - depending on how quickly you plan to use the finished product.

... If boiled brine is used, then it is better to add mustard after it has cooled to 40-50 degrees.

... Fish carcasses are placed in brine at room temperature for 2-3 days, and after that they are completely ready for use.

… If you salt the fish at home in the form of a fillet, then it will be ready in 5-8 hours, depending on the size of the pieces.

Well, now for the recipes!

When salted, red fish turns out to be especially tender, tasty and beautiful, and due to its high fat content, it absorbs very little salt and therefore is never oversalted.

Lightly salted mackerel is an exquisite delicacy!

This wonderful lightly salted mackerel is just the right thing for potatoes! Let's try to cook according to the recipe of the site recipe com.
1 mackerel weighing 0.5 kg
salt - 1 tbsp
.water - 0.5 l
bay leaf - 3 pcs.
allspice - 6 peas
red paprika - 1 pc.
vegetable oil
Boil water, add bay leaf, salt and allspice. Cool marinade.

Peel the mackerel and completely pour the chilled marinade over. Leave to soak overnight at room temperature.

In the morning, cut the fish into pieces, add the sweet pepper, cut into slices, pour vegetable oil and refrigerate for a day. Now you can taste.

Herring at home

Salting herring at home is not difficult, in addition, there are many different recipes.

Fish should be bought with a thick back (oily). If it is frozen, then it should be completely thawed before salting. And don't wash it. And now some recipes:

*Marinade: boiled water (1 cup), vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l., black peppercorns, bay leaf or a few, salt to taste. Boil it all, cool and add a little vinegar. Put the herring, cover tightly with a lid and keep in the room for 4-5 hours, then in the refrigerator for another 5 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight.

*Marinade: per 1 liter of water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, bay leaf, black peppercorns, cardamom, garlic, 1-2 flowers (dried) cloves. Bring all this to a boil and cool. Pour the herring so that it is all covered with marinade. Immediately put the container in the refrigerator (in winter - you can go to the balcony). You can eat after two days.

*Brine: 4 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water (this is about 2-3 herring). Put the fish in the cooled brine for 1 day. Basically, no hassle.

In this way, you can salt not only herring, but also mackerel

*Brine: 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water, add bay leaf, allspice peas and coriander (bubbly). Sue everything. Cut the herring into medium pieces, put in a bowl on the barrel, pour over the chilled marinade. Close with a plate, put a jar of water on top like a press. Leave in a cool place for 1 day.

*Second recipe:

6 table. spoons of salt, 1 table. a spoonful of sugar, seasonings are the same for 1 liter of water. The rest is done the same way.

* Arrange the ungutted fish in a three-liter jar and pour in brine: for 1 liter of boiled chilled water you need 5 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2-3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of allspice peas. When the brine is already poured into the jar, put 1 tablespoon of dry mustard on top.

Quick salting of any red fish

Option number 1
Prepare a brine from 1 liter of cold water, 4 tbsp. spoons of salt and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Pour the pieces of fish with this brine (the pieces should be small), soak for 3 hours, drain the brine.

Option number 2
1 kg of red fish fillet cut into pieces 5x5, put in a container and salt each piece steeply, then add spices to taste (peppercorns, coriander, bay leaf) and pour cold water so that it covers the fish. Put in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you can eat the fish.

Option number 3
Prepare a brine from 1 liter of water and 1 cup of salt. The brine should be very salty. Put the fish in it, skin down, press down so that the whole piece is in the brine. After 4 hours, remove from the brine, rinse, wrap in any paper, but not in foil (salty foods are not wrapped in it, and even more so they are not stored in it) and placed in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

Option number 4
Cut pink salmon (salmon, salmon) along the ridge, cut off the ridge. With a very sharp knife, cut the layers of fish (across), hold the knife at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Sprinkle the bottom of the container for salting fish with salt, sugar (“by eye”, depending on the number of fish). Lay out sliced ​​layers of fish in layers, sprinkle with salt and sugar again, and repeat the layers in this way. After 2 layers, add black peppercorns and bay leaf. Drizzle with sunflower oil. Close and refrigerate. A day later, the fish is ready to eat.

Option number 5
Grate the prepared pieces of fish with a mixture of coarse salt and sugar, sprinkle with spices if desired, and the next day you can start tasting it, but if patience allows, it is better to wait the recommended two days. The thicker the pieces, the longer they should be salted. In this form, the fish can be kept for about a week, and then you need to hide it in the refrigerator.

When cutting fish, waste remains: heads, tails, fins, ridges and bones. Do not rush to throw them in the trash. From all this you can cook an excellent ear. And the bones can be salted separately - you get an excellent snack for beer.

Pink salmon (salmon or other red fish) salted at home

Required: 1 kg of fish, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Rinse the fish, remove the skin and remove the spine and bones to make 2 halves of a clean fillet.

Separately, mix salt and sugar in a bowl, rub both halves of the fish fillet with this mixture on all sides. Then connect the two halves together, wrap in a canvas cloth and put in the refrigerator. The fish is ready to eat in a day.

Salted fish cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, so it is better to store it in the freezer.

Salted pink salmon

Method number 1
Defrost pink salmon, but not completely, gut, wash and wipe dry. Cut off the head (useful for fish soup or fish broth, as a base for lean borscht).

Grate well with salt, inside and out (about 3-3.5 tablespoons of salt per 1 medium carcass of pink salmon), wrap the fish in cellophane, then in several layers of newspapers, put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, turn it on the other side in a day and leave for another day. Then wipe with a dry cloth, wrap in it and eat.

The fish is evenly salted, it turns out very tasty and juicy.

In the same way, you can pickle salmon and salmon.

Method number 2
Defrost pink salmon, cook the fillet and rub it with salt, adding a little spice (there are special seasonings for fish) and always white mustard in grains. Leave the fish in this state, warm for 3 hours, then cut into pieces and pour vegetable oil. Put in refrigerator. After 12 hours the fish is ready.

When mustard is added, the fish becomes dense, does not fall apart when cut and does not lose its taste.

Salmon or home-cured trout

Option number 1

For 2 kg of fish you will need: 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse salt and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Prepare a pickling mixture of salt and sugar.
Remove the skin from salmon still in ice cream (it is removed like a stocking), wash. Cut into thin pieces. Grate each piece with a pickling mixture and fold close, one to one, into a low jar. Put in the refrigerator for 8 hours, and the fish is ready.

So is trout. Clean the carcass, wash. You can not cut, but simply rub with a pickling mixture and fold tightly, one to one. Only you need to rub not only outside, but also inside.

And you can cut into portions and rub each piece with salt.

Option number 2

For 1 kg of fish you will need: 3 teaspoons of salt and ½ cup of sunflower oil.

Rinse the fish, remove the skin and remove the bones to make 2 halves of a clean fillet.

After that, cut the resulting fish fillet across into slices 0.5 cm thick. Put the slices in a bowl, salt and mix. Pour in sunflower oil and mix again.

Transfer to a jar and refrigerate. After 10 hours, lightly salted fish is ready to eat.

Option number 3

For 0.5 kg of fish you will need: 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, vegetable oil.

Grate the prepared fish fillet with a pickling mixture and keep in the refrigerator for 12 hours, no more. Then rinse, cut into pieces, put in a jar, pour a little vegetable oil and refrigerate.

In the same way, you can salt mackerel and anchovies.

Option number 4

Prepare a brine at the rate of: for 0.5 liters of water - 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (without a slide) and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Cut the fish fillet into thin slices. Pour the fish slices with brine and leave for 40-45 minutes. Then dry the fish with a napkin, grease the slices with sunflower oil and put in the refrigerator. If you stand an hour or two in the cold, it will be even tastier.

Option number 5

Prepare a pickling mixture from 1 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon curry and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil (you can also sunflower).

Salmon fillet (trout or other red fish) cut into thin slices, grease with pickling mixture and leave for some time at room temperature. Then put in the refrigerator.

If you need to salt the fish as soon as possible, for example, before the arrival of guests, then you can put pieces about 2 cm thick and wide into the brine, and the fish will be ready to eat in 2-3 hours - this time is enough to serve it to table or use in salads.

If you need, for example, herring for salad "Herring under a fur coat", then 1.5 hours is enough, you just need to pre-cut it in such pieces as they should be in the dish.

salted fish

Herring, herring, mackerel, flounder are especially successful in this salting method, but it is also suitable for other types of fish.

Option number 1

For 1 kg of fish you will need: up to 200 grams of salt, up to 40 grams of sugar.

Cut the fish into fillets, but leave the skin, salt and sugar it. Lay a layer of fish skin down on baking paper, put a layer of chopped greens on it (dill is best), close it with a layer of fillet (skin side up). Wrap the fish in baking paper, put it under a press and put it in the refrigerator.

Small fish will be ready in a few hours. Large fish will ripen the next day.

Option number 2

Frozen fish (so it is easily separated from the skin and bones and thinly cut - 2 mm thick) cut and put in layers in a plastic container, sprinkle the layers with ½ teaspoon of salt and sugar, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice.

When the container is full, cover with cling film or foil, leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Salted fish is ready!
It is advisable to salt the fish in small containers, and store the rest in the freezer, salting the next portion as needed.
You can also cook salted caviar.

Stroganina in the north

Of course, this is a recipe for an amateur, you need to get used to raw fish.

Salmon and trout are very delicate varieties of fish and do not require such a long salting, 3 to 5 hours is enough for them. Otherwise, they lose their taste and juiciness.

Frozen salmon, trout, sterlet cut into thin slices, put on a dish, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and you can immediately eat until it melts.

Nanai salted fish

Prepare a pickling mixture by taking salt and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
Remove the skin from the fish, grate with a pickling mixture and leave for 6 hours.

Then separate the fillet from the bones, cut into portions, rinse with cold water and put in a jar. Pour vegetable oil and leave for 20 days in a cold place.

You can add spices to taste (bay leaf, pepper).

And in conclusion, a few more recipes for homemade salting of fish.

Method number 1
Prepare a not very strong brine. Put in a raw peeled potato. The potatoes will sink in the brine. Then add salt to the brine until the potatoes float. Put the fish slices in the brine for 2-3 days. If the fish is very salty, you need to soak it in water. Put fish slices in a glass jar and pour vegetable oil. Keep it in a cold place

Method number 2.
So you can salt any fish, but herring, Baltic herring and mackerel are especially tasty according to this recipe.

Gut the salak. Gut the herring and mackerel, cut off the heads, tails and fins, and then proceed as desired. You can cook the fillet by removing the skin, freeing the fish from bones and ridges (add them to the rest of the waste and leave in the ear). Cut the fillet into pieces.

You can simply cut the fish into portions without removing the skin.

Salt the prepared pieces to taste, mix with chopped onion rings or half rings, add seasonings for fish if desired and season everything with vegetable oil. Pack tightly into a jar and refrigerate.

Method number 3
Defrost the fish, cut the fillet on both sides with a thin knife, rub the inside with a mixture of salt and pepper, put the halves together and wrap tightly in a bag. Put in the refrigerator for a day. Then dry the fillets in limbo for 12 hours and you can eat.

Snack "Five Minute"

Such an appetizer is especially suitable in nature, at a picnic or in the country.
Peel the herring, wash, cut the fillet. Fill the fillet with salt and leave for twenty minutes, at this time we make a fire.

Then rinse the fillet a little with water, put fresh poplar branches with leaves on the fire, and put the fillet pieces on the smoke coming from under the leaves.

We must try to ensure that the flame does not break out from under the leaves. Turn the fillet pieces several times within 20-30 minutes.

Readiness is determined by color: if the fillet has become light brown, then it is ready.

I really hope that you will certainly choose recipes for homemade salting of fish for yourself. This is especially useful on the eve of the Advent and the upcoming New Year holidays.

Good luck in the kitchen and bon appetit!

Everyone loves salted fish without exception. But not everyone knows how to cook this at home. Meanwhile, salting fish is a fairly simple process that any housewife can master. In our article we want to talk about how to salt fish.

Process features

Even if you have never salted fish in your life, mastering the process is not so difficult. Firstly, the procedure itself is not difficult, and secondly, the main thing is to know the recipe for a good brine for fish. In addition, there is no need to strictly maintain proportions. After practicing several times, you can improve any recipe by adjusting it for yourself.

It is worth saying that there are several ways of salting: in brine, dry and in brine. In this case, we are talking about sea fish. The river one needs to be processed more strongly. it must be smoked or dried. In our article, we will talk about wet salting. Fish brine can be cold or hot. In cold brine, the product cooks longer, at least three days. But at the same time, the fish retains all its nutritional properties.

Hot brine for fish is good because the product is ready for use by the time the solution cools down. Salt concentration can be adjusted according to taste and preference. But you need to understand that the richer the brine for salting fish, the longer its shelf life.

However, there are little tricks that will allow you to cook a great product. If you have salted the fish too much, then it must be kept in milk for several hours, which can neutralize the excess salt. At the same time, the fish becomes softer and softer.

If you add acid to the brine, for example, it can be lemon, wine, tomato or vinegar, then you get not salted, but pickled fish. Spices are added to the marinades (cumin, peppercorns, mustard, coriander, cloves, garlic, etc.). However, you can marinate the fish without brine, for example, in wine. But as a rule, the product is salted first.

On the eve of the holidays, every housewife strives to cook something tasty and special. Salmon, for example, can become a table decoration. By salting it at home, you can save a lot. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for cooking red fish.


  • salmon (two kg),
  • (five tablespoons),
  • sugar (two tablespoons).

Remove the skin from frozen fish, then rinse it in running water. Next, cut it into thin pieces. We rub each piece with a mixture for salting, consisting of salt and sugar.

Next, stack the pieces tightly together in a container. Close the bowl and put it in the refrigerator. After eight hours, the fish is ready to eat. By the way, this recipe is most in demand among housewives.

How to salt fish in brine? The recipes are very simple. For cooking, you need to purchase any salmon fish: pink salmon, trout, chum salmon, chinook salmon and more.

Brine for salting red fish consists of water and salt. Moreover, the degree of its concentration can be different. Red fish is in great demand and takes an honorable first place. It is often used as an appetizer for festive tables. Home-salted red fish can be used to make salads and other dishes. Preparing brines for salting fish is very simple. But the result is always excellent. Cooks say that salting a whole carcass is not very convenient. It takes longer. Yes, and brine for fish needs more. Therefore, it is preferable to cut the carcass into pieces, and remove the extra bones altogether.

Many recipes for brines for fish have been invented. However, the fastest cooking option is the most popular. The fish is ready in an hour. It can be served with butter and onions.

Red fish: how to pickle

Brine for salting red fish is prepared quickly.


  • kilogram of fish
  • Bay leaf,
  • salt (three tablespoons),
  • peppercorns (7 pcs.),
  • Art. l. table vinegar,
  • bulb,
  • vegetable oil (60 ml).

If you have a fresh fish, then it must be cut immediately. But ice cream must first be defrosted, but not completely. So it's easier to cut it. It is necessary to cut off the head, remove the fins. We divide the carcass into two parts, removing the bones and the ridge. As a result, we get a fillet. It is necessary to cut off the skin with a knife, we do not need it. Next, cut the prepared fillet into pieces and put in a container.

Now that all the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin to prepare the brine for red fish.

Pour half a liter of water into a separate vessel, and cold. We put salt in it and mix well with a spoon until completely dissolved. Brine for red fish is ready. Pour it into a container with a fillet. We press down the fish from above with oppression so that it does not float up.

Leave the fillet in the brine for an hour and a half at room temperature. After we drain the old solution and prepare a new one. To do this, pour water into a glass and add a tablespoon of vinegar. Pour the mixture over the fish for literally three to five minutes. After that, drain the liquid.

Next, cut the onion into half rings and add it to the fish. Pour vegetable oil, add bay leaf and pepper. Mix all the ingredients and leave for another fifteen minutes. Salted fish is ready.

It can be used for sandwiches, appetizers, salads and just served with potatoes on the table. There are a lot of options.

Another salting option

If the previous option can be safely called fast, then this recipe has its own characteristics, thanks to which the fish can be stored in oil and vinegar in the refrigerator for a long time.


  • kilogram of fish
  • salt (four tablespoons),
  • ground and allspice pepper,
  • Bay leaf.

We prepare the fish for further cooking, as in the previous recipe. Next, take 700 ml of water, pour it into a saucepan and put on fire. After the liquid boils, add a mixture of peppers, salt and bay leaf to it. On low heat, the solution should boil for about five to seven minutes. Then turn off the gas and cool the brine to room temperature. We shift the fish fillet into a wide container or basin and fill it with a solution. Cover with a lid on top and send the fish to a cold place for half a day. After the specified time, we take out the fillet, cut it into pieces and serve. If you plan to store the fish, then it must be poured with vegetable oil, and then poured with a solution. It is prepared as follows: dilute a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. We transfer the fillet to an airtight container and pour the vinegar solution on top.

If the fish prepared in the first way can be stored for only a few days, then the second recipe allows you to cook the product in such a way that it can stand in the cold all winter. Both options have their advantages and are in demand in different cases.

Quick salting

How to prepare brine for fish? Another recipe allows housewives to pickle the fish very quickly. This option is based on the use of hot brine for fish.


  • fish steaks (five pieces),
  • salt (three tablespoons),
  • liter of water,
  • sugar (st. l.),
  • Bay leaf,
  • vinegar (st. l.),
  • coriander,
  • peppercorns.

Wash the steaks in running water. We put a pan on the fire and boil a liter of water. After boiling, put sugar, coriander, salt, bay leaf and pepper. Boil the solution for about five minutes. Next, turn off the gas. Add vinegar to the brine. Now you need to wait until the solution has completely cooled down. We put the fish steaks in a container and fill it with a cold solution. It must be remembered that the fish is salted for at least two days.

Brine for hot smoking

You can also cook smoked fish at home. However, before cooking, the carcass must be prepared. The fish is cleaned and washed. Small fish are smoked together with the head and all the insides. And larger carcasses need to be gutted and the heads removed. If you have purchased a large fish, then it certainly needs to be cut. Steaks will look good on the table.


  • salt (two tablespoons),
  • liter of water,
  • Bay leaf,
  • Art. l. Sahara,
  • under Art. l. cinnamon and pepper mixtures,
  • onion, a pinch of rosemary, sage, thyme,
  • half an orange and half a lemon.

Brine for smoking fish is prepared very simply. Put a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Put the salt into the boiling liquid. We also add lemon, orange, onion and other ingredients. The marinade is ready for five minutes. Then turn off the fire and wait for the solution to cool down. Fill the prepared fish with brine and leave it for 12 hours. In the future, we leave the carcasses in a well-ventilated room in a draft for a couple of hours. Then they can be smoked hot. The finished fish has a spicy aroma with citrus notes.

Marinade with wine

Fragrant fish can be prepared using a marinade with white wine and soy sauce.


  • soy sauce (120 g),
  • salt (120 g),
  • lemon juice (140 g),
  • garlic,
  • sugar (95 g),
  • two liters of liquid
  • sugar (95 g),
  • dry white wine (220 g),
  • a pinch of coriander, basil and a mixture of peppers.

The brine is very easy to prepare. Place a pot of water on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. Add salt and sugar. We remove the liquid from the fire. After complete cooling, pour in soy sauce, wine, lemon juice. We also add garlic and all spices to the marinade. Fill the fish with the prepared solution and leave in a cool place for 12 hours. After a while, drain the liquid and dry the fish. After that, you can start smoking it.

Spicy pickle

To prepare fish with a spicy note, you can use natural honey. It would seem that the products are not compatible at all, but this is not so.


  • vegetable oil (170 g),
  • lemon juice (90 ml),
  • greenery,
  • spices for fish
  • a teaspoon of black pepper and salt,
  • honey (110 g),
  • garlic.

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, add chopped garlic and parsley. Pour such an unusual mixture of carcasses and send the dishes to the refrigerator. at least ten hours. The given quantity of products is calculated per kilogram of carcasses. If you have more fish, then you need to proportionally increase the ingredients.

Tender fish in red wine

Marinades based on alcoholic beverages have long been popular among housewives. It is wine that gives inimitable exquisite notes to any dish. And marinades are no exception.


  • cloves (five pcs.),
  • water (1.5 l.),
  • salt (three tablespoons),
  • dry red wine (190 ml),
  • cumin (tsp),
  • allspice (tsp).

Bring the liquid to a boil and put salt and cloves in it, then boil for ten minutes. Turn off the fire and wait for the water to cool down. After that, you can add all the other ingredients. We put the fish in a suitable container and fill it with brine. It takes at least four hours to prepare. The recipe is incredibly simple. Wine gives fish meat tenderness and juiciness. But cloves create a unique aroma.

Kefir marinade

An unusual recipe based on kefir allows you to get juicy fish.


  • a glass of kefir
  • mint,
  • garlic,
  • vegetable oil (60 g),
  • salt (st. l.),
  • sugar (tsp),
  • black pepper.

The marinade is prepared simply and quickly. Add garlic, chopped mint greens and black pepper to kefir. Fill the fish with kefir mass and marinate it for about six to eight hours.

River fish: how to pickle

Brine for river fish does not have big fundamental differences.


  • two liters of water
  • salt (480 g),
  • black pepper,
  • Bay leaf.

This number of ingredients is given for salting three kilograms of fish. Medium-sized carcasses must first be gutted and washed. It is not recommended to salt the whole fish. Carcasses are placed in a container and poured with brine. It is absolutely necessary to use oppression. The brine is prepared by boiling. But fill them with fish only after complete cooling. You can use the finished product only after three weeks. The recipe is suitable for salting sprats, anchovy, sardines, herring. Small fish can be salted whole. It is worth remembering that after preparation, the product must be stored only in the refrigerator.

cold marinade

Both river and sea fish are marinated in a cold way. For cooking, it is very important to observe the correct proportions in order to avoid the growth of bacteria.


  • onions (four pcs.),
  • vinegar (380 ml),
  • salt (110 g),
  • sugar (190 g),
  • Bay leaf,
  • water (580 ml),
  • peppercorns,
  • coriander (two tsp),
  • Dill seeds.

Gutted and cleaned small fish. It is not necessary to remove the heads, but the gills must be removed. Larger carcasses are generally recommended to be cut into portions.

Bring a glass of water to a boil and add dill, coriander seeds, peppercorns and bay leaf. Boil the mass for about ten minutes. Then add sugar and salt. The brine must cool down. Only then vinegar is poured into it and the remaining cold water is added.

We put the fish in a glass or enameled dish. We shift the layers with onion rings. Pour the marinade on top. We close the container with a lid and send it to a cold place, you can in the refrigerator. If you marinate the fillet, then it will be ready in three days, but it will take at least five days to salt the carcasses. It is recommended to turn the fish over several times during this time so that it is salted evenly.

Ready carcasses must be stored in sterilized jars. We tightly lay the fish in the container to the very top and fill it with the same marinade. In this form, it can be stored for three to four months.

hot marinade


  • three bulbs,
  • as many carrots
  • Bay leaf,
  • vinegar (180 ml),
  • salt (three tablespoons),
  • peppercorns,
  • sugar (4 tablespoons),
  • water (two liters).

We clean the fish and cut it into pieces. Then we wash and dry. Roll the carcasses in salt and put them in the refrigerator for forty minutes. In the meantime, boil water in an enamel pan. In the container we also put the onion, cut into half rings, and slices of carrots. Boil the liquid for no more than ten minutes. Then add sugar, vinegar, salt, bay leaf, black pepper and the fish itself. After the brine with the fish boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another fifteen minutes. Remove foam if necessary.

After cooking, the fish is very carefully removed from the pan and laid out in jars that must first be sterilized. The containers need to be filled only 2/3 of the volume in order to pour hot marinade on top. Next, the banks are clogged with lids. And after complete cooling, they are placed in the refrigerator. Fish can be eaten after two days.

If you cook ketu, tuna, then you can serve such fish on the table immediately after the marinade has cooled. The fact is that red fish meat cooks much faster. Therefore, it makes no sense to wait a long time.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, there are many ways to cook salted fish. Recipes differ in the ingredients used and the timing of the finished product. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of one or another option largely depends on the fish you have. The easiest way to salt red fish, it has the shortest salting time, so you can start experimenting with it. In general, all sea fish is prepared quite simply. But with river fish, you need to be careful and accurately maintain proportions.

If you love tender fish flesh and the smell of spices, you definitely need to use one of the marinades we have listed. A particularly interesting combination is the use of dry white and red wine. The use of brine makes it possible to cook moderately salted and tasty fish, in contrast to dry salting. But still, the choice of recipe depends on your preferences.
