
Semolina porridge in the microwave: the best recipes. Semolina porridge - a nutritious dish for children and not only

Feel free to use the microwave for morning cereals. After all, now almost every home has this modern kitchen appliances, and cereal manufacturers began to indicate on the packaging how they are cooked in microwave ovens. Each cereal loves its own cooking method, it turns out better on its own basis: microwave porridge with milk is cooked a little differently than porridge with water in the microwave. More tender and healthy is milk porridge in the microwave, but porridge is cooked faster on water, which is also considered more dietary.

How to cook porridge in the microwave to get the right and healthy breakfast? Each porridge has its own nuances. The easiest way to prepare oatmeal in the microwave: cereals are poured with milk and put in the oven for a couple of minutes. To cook semolina porridge in the microwave, you first need to heat the milk, and then add sugar, salt, semolina and keep in the oven for about 8 minutes. To cook rice porridge in the microwave, water with rice is first brought to a boil, then the water is drained, milk, sugar and salt are added, and it has already been cooked for 10 minutes. Before cooking buckwheat porridge in the microwave, the cereal should be thoroughly washed and soaked in cold water for an hour. Buckwheat is cooked in the microwave for 15 minutes at high power and another 5 minutes at medium power. Millet porridge in the microwave, oatmeal porridge in the microwave, corn porridge in the microwave, wheat porridge in the microwave, pea porridge in the microwave also have their own subtleties and nuances.

With a grain of truth, we can say that this is a creative business - cooking porridge in the microwave. The recipe of each of them is good and interesting in its own way. Which one and how to cook porridge in the microwave is up to you, taking into account the tastes and preferences of your family members.

Groats of fine and fine grinding, with a soft shell, are prepared with a minimum duration and at a low temperature. They can be immediately poured with milk or water, add the necessary ingredients and cook 80 percent without stirring, and then let stand for a while. The whole process will take up to five minutes;

Thicker and tougher grains require longer microwaving. Therefore, it is advisable to cook them in water, and add milk in the final phase;

Especially tough cereals require pre-soaking in water, then they are boiled in water, and only then milk is added;

Legumes (peas, beans) are not boiled in milk at all, but they must first be kept in cold water for a couple of hours.

When I first learned that in a microwave oven you can not only heat food, but also cook, I immediately began to experiment. Of course, my microwave does not have a range of functions and almost no cooking - which could easily ruin my promising plan. But it was not there. It turns out that the main function in cooking in this way is simply a time counter - we set the required time and easily cook whatever we want. Semolina porridge in the microwave turns out to be very light and tender, and it tastes perfect! Nothing to distinguish from the one that was cooked in a saucepan or. But even here there is one significant “but”: it’s not worth getting carried away with cooking in the microwave, and it’s better to feed the kids using the good old way. Use this option as an emergency: you want to eat, but there is almost no free time. So, let's start cooking and reveal the secrets of the perfect semolina porridge, under the motto: "quick, simple and affordable."


  • semolina - 2 tbsp. (with slide)
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp (or to taste)
  • salt - a pinch
  • milk - 1 cup

How to cook semolina porridge in the microwave:

1. Pour out all the dry ingredients and mix in a glass and deep bowl. You can also use regular dinner plates. The main condition: nothing metallic. Sugar can be used more or less, varying its amount at your discretion.

2. Pour milk and mix again. You can use only milk, you can dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

We put the dishes in the microwave, set the time: 1 minute. No modes are used - let me remind you again! Just time, like when reheating food.

3. As soon as the required amount of time has elapsed, we take out the semolina porridge, mix it until smooth, in order to get rid of lumps in the future. Put the dishes back in the microwave and set the same time: 1 minute. Repeat the process 3 times for a total of 3 minutes. If we mix the semolina in the microwave less often, its consistency will absolutely not please you.

Perhaps the whole world can be divided into two categories: those who love semolina, and those who are its ardent opponents. There is probably no more controversial dish than porridge. Kindergarten students, especially in Soviet times, simply could not imagine any other breakfast. Today, there are people who have remained semolina lovers since childhood, and there are those who have turned into ardent "mancon-haters".

We can afford...

Did you know that a couple of centuries ago, semolina was a great deficit? Only aristocrats could afford to taste semolina porridge for breakfast. For ordinary people, such a delicacy was simply unacceptably expensive. She was equated at that time with truffles or artichokes.

However, today is not a deficit. On the contrary, such a dish as semolina is now considered even budgetary. Now we can afford to buy semolina and cook delicious porridge. But can we do it right?

and save time

Many do not cook semolina porridge, not because they don’t like it so much in taste, but because its preparation requires a certain amount of time. How to save time and make a delicious dish at the same time? There is a way out - semolina porridge in the microwave. The recipe is simple, quick, and the cooked porridge is no different from what would be made with the traditional classic method. The main thing is to follow the cooking rules, periodically look into the plate so that the porridge does not burn, and first study the instructions for your kitchen “assistant”.

Required Ingredients

  • Semolina - two tablespoons.
  • Sugar - two teaspoons (if the porridge is not as sweet as you would like, then add more sugar after cooking to a plate).
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 20 grams of butter.
  • One glass of milk.

Cooking process. Option 1

Semolina porridge in the microwave with milk is always cooked in a deep bowl. Which one is better to use? If you have special utensils for cooking in a microwave oven, then this is ideal. If there is none, then you can safely take a plate made of glass, special plastic (see the special icon on the lid, ceramics or porcelain.

Pour a glass of milk into a plate, add sugar and salt to it. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a lid and send the milk to boil in the microwave. We put full power and a couple of minutes on the timer.

When the milk boils, remove the dishes from the oven and add semolina to the milk. Mix well again and put back. As a rule, at seventy percent of the power, the cooking time for porridge is six to eight minutes. Semolina porridge in the microwave is prepared, as they say, by trial and error. Everyone in the kitchen has different models of microwaves, so no one can tell the exact time. But, having tried once, having determined the time and power specifically on your oven, you will calmly cook the dish for the second time.

Cooking process. Option 2

How to cook semolina porridge in the microwave to save even more time? Experienced housewives advise immediately adding all the ingredients to the dishes. Pour out the milk, add a couple of tablespoons of semolina there, add salt and sugar and put in the microwave. This option, unlike the first, will require you to stop the oven several times. Every three minutes you need to get the porridge and stir.

When the porridge is ready, put a piece of butter, a spoonful of jam, jam on top. By the way, like any other porridge, semolina also goes well with dried fruits and nuts.

Benefit or harm?

So, we already know how to cook semolina porridge in the microwave. Now it remains to be decided: to eat semolina after all or not? Is this dish harmful, as many say, or is it healthy?

Semolina porridge is famous for the fact that it contains a small amount of fiber. This composition of the product makes it ideal for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Semolina porridge, cooked in the microwave, is also suitable for small children who just need to maintain the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

It is common for semolina to be absorbed in the lower intestines. Therefore, semolina porridge cooked in the microwave is an ideal dish for the elderly.

Why is it good for the elderly and young children? Semolina contains a fairly large amount of starch and vegetable protein. These substances are easily absorbed by the stomach and do not put too much stress on the digestive organs. Semolina porridge, cooked in the microwave, will be an excellent salvation for people who have recently undergone surgery and need a sparing diet.

If we talk about the shortcomings or contraindications, then, as with any other food product, you should not overdo it with semolina. There are people who have hereditary diseases - allergic reactions to vegetable protein. It is contraindicated for them to eat semolina. If your family had similar problems, then try to refuse this dish too, so as not to provoke a hereditary transition of the disease.

Otherwise, semolina porridge is a very tasty, nutritious dish, great for a hearty breakfast that energizes you for the whole day. Kids don't want to eat porridge for breakfast? Make it fun: decorate with fruits to make a face out of them; pour jam in such a way that a mischievous bunny or a bright flower flaunts on a plate. The fantasy of parents is the key to an empty plate!

All lovers of semolina porridge will appreciate the recipe for cooking in the microwave - just three minutes and you can gobble up a hearty porridge. This method of cooking is especially useful for young parents, as there are situations when a child refuses cooked food and something needs to be cooked urgently. Cooked semolina porridge in the microwave will help out and when you need to make a cream based on it, for example, for the Bird's Milk cake. Let's cook already.

How to cook semolina porridge in the microwave

We need simple, as for cooking on the stove, products: semolina (semolina), milk, sugar and butter.

Preparation of semolina porridge: pour into a deep plate (necessarily deep, as the porridge can escape) two tablespoons of semolina, two teaspoons of sugar, a little salt, mix and pour cold milk (1 cup). Stir again until sugar dissolves. We put in a microwave oven, power 750 W, time - one and a half minutes. To make it without lumps, you need to stir the porridge every 30 seconds. Then we put the butter to your taste (as they know you won’t spoil the porridge), 20 grams will be fine. Stir until smooth and put in the oven again for 1.5 minutes.

We take out from the MVP, mix and serve hot to the table. So in three minutes we have a delicious porridge ready. You can put pieces of fruit in it, it will be very, very tasty.

If you want liquid porridge, then put one (with a slide) tablespoon and after putting the oil, cook for 2.5-3 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

If you are closer to cooking technology like on a stove, then you can also do it in a microwave oven. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan for the MVP, put for 3 minutes, so that it boils. Then gently, stirring all the time, pour 1.5 tbsp. spoons of semolina and 2 teaspoons of sugar, salt, mix. Put on 2 min. into the oven (be sure to stir every 30 seconds). Add oil and cook for another minute.

Step-by-step recipes for quick cooking delicious semolina porridge in the microwave

2017-10-12 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

6 gr.


15 gr.

132 kcal.

Option 1: Classic microwave semolina

Recipe for classic semolina porridge with milk in the microwave. The dish is cooked on the most common heating program in three stages, you do not need to connect anything additionally. It is very important not to neglect stirring, otherwise you will get one big lump.


  • 40 grams of dry semolina;
  • 250 grams of milk;
  • 15 grams of oil;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina porridge in the microwave

For cooking, use a glass microwave bowl or a plate, but deep and without prohibited patterns of metallic paint. Pour semolina, add sugar and salt, stir the dry ingredients together.

Add milk. It is very important not to preheat it in advance and be sure to mix the dry ingredients together first. Stir again, put in the microwave.

Warm up for exactly one minute. Take out the bowl, stir the porridge. At this stage, it will still be liquid.

Re-put the porridge for a minute. Warm up, take out and also stir.

Add a piece of butter, put semolina in the microwave for the last time, but for 30-40 seconds. If it is not enough, it is better to repeat again.

Ready semolina porridge should be consumed immediately, otherwise it will harden, become not very tasty and thick.

According to this recipe, a dish of medium consistency is obtained, but it is not to everyone's taste. If you like liquid cereals more, then the amount of cereals can be reduced to 30 grams.

Option 2: A quick recipe for semolina porridge in the microwave on the water

A simple and quick recipe for semolina porridge in the microwave with plain water. This dish is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot consume milk or boiled porridge will be used further for baking, various desserts, casseroles.


  • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 1 glass (per 250 ml) of water;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 10 grams of oil.

How to quickly cook semolina porridge in the microwave

Mix semolina with remaining dry ingredients.

Slowly pour in the water, stirring the mass thoroughly. The liquid should not be warm, otherwise the porridge will take lumps.

Put the bowl in the microwave. Warm up for exactly one minute the first time. Take it out and mix thoroughly with a spoon.

The second time put the dish to warm up, but now keep exactly 20 seconds. Take it out again and stir with a spoon.

Porridge on water cooks much faster than on milk. That is why the third time we put the dish for exactly 15 seconds.

We take out the porridge, try it, evaluate the readiness. If suddenly there was not enough power, semolina porridge is undercooked, then it can be cooked more, but we warm it up for no more than 15 seconds, otherwise you can easily miss the moment, a lump forms. Also remember that the microwave oven heats the food unevenly, be sure to thoroughly stir the mass.

Put a piece of butter in the finished porridge.

If the dish is prepared for fasting or is intended for a vegetarian, butter can be replaced with vegetable fats. It is not necessary to use the usual products. Porridge will turn out just amazing with coconut oil or cocoa, they have food types.

Option 3: Microwaved Semolina Porridge with Apple

Semolina porridge in the microwave with an apple can be cooked in water or milk. We will use a mixed version. You can use any kind of apples at your discretion, but the taste of porridge will depend on this.


  • 1 apple;
  • 120 grams of milk;
  • 120 grams of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 45 grams of semolina;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon;
  • 15 grams of butter.

Step by step recipe

Grease the bottom of a microwave oven dish with oil.

Wash the apple. If his skin is hard and thick, then carefully peel it off, and cut the flesh itself into cubes no more than a centimeter. Throw away the stubs.

We lay out the pieces of fruit in a greased bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and half of granulated sugar. We put in the microwave, cook at a power of 700 for exactly a minute. We take out, stir, let the apples cool down a little, otherwise the semolina will begin to seize in lumps.

Mix semolina, sugar residues, dilute with water, add salt, add milk and beat thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

Add the semolina mixture to the steamed apples, stir and immediately put the remaining oil.

Warm up the mass for a minute, remove and stir. Next, cook for 30 seconds, stir and put back in the microwave.

At the last stage, heat the porridge for 15 seconds, then stir well with apples, check, if necessary, bring to readiness for another 15 seconds.

If the milk is not fat, that is, less than 1.5-2%, then you can not dilute it with water at all. If a selected product of more than 4% is used for semolina porridge, then at least a third of the water must be added. Otherwise, in combination with oil, porridge will turn out to be fatty, the calorie content will be much higher.

Option 4: Microwaved semolina porridge with milk powder

In this recipe, whole milk is replaced with a dry counterpart. In principle, if the product is of high quality, then the taste of the finished dish will not differ much.


  • 0.3 st. decoys;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. dry milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 25 grams of butter.

How to cook

Mix granulated sugar with powdered milk in a bowl, add semolina and salt to them.

Gently pour in water at room temperature in a thin stream, quickly stirring the dry mixture. It is important that lumps do not appear immediately, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of them later. If they are already there, then carefully grind or beat the mass with a kitchen blender.

Send the porridge to the microwave for a minute, after stirring, warm up for 30 seconds, then the same amount.

Season the prepared semolina porridge with butter. For splendor, you can additionally beat.

The amount of milk powder can be changed at your discretion. Someone likes rich porridge with a creamy taste more, while someone likes lighter dishes more, in which the water is only slightly whitened.

Option 5: Microwave semolina with nuts and honey

This recipe is based on water, but the porridge is not quite ordinary. It is not suitable for children's food, but it will be an excellent breakfast for adults. Walnuts will be used here, you don’t need to fry them separately, everything is done in the microwave.


  • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 230 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. nuts;
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 1 st. l. butter.

Step by step recipe

Cut the nuts into small pieces, combine with honey, stir, put in the microwave for a minute.

In another bowl, mix semolina with salt, place with water, put first for a minute, warm up, stir.

Transfer the warm honey mixture to the porridge, mix the products thoroughly, heat for another 40 seconds.

Add butter, heat the porridge for the last time for 30 seconds. Serve immediately while the dish is hot.

You can also cook porridge with sunflower, sesame or flax seeds. It is important only to heat with honey separately, and combine with porridge only before the second or third stage of heating.

Option 6: Microwave semolina with banana

This is not a simple recipe for ready-made porridge with a fresh banana, but a very tasty version of a dessert dish. It is prepared in milk, in addition you will need a little vanillin.


250 ml of milk;

35 grams of semolina;

1 st. l. oils;

1 pinch of vanilla.

How to cook

Cut the peeled banana into small cubes. You can make pieces of a different shape, but not mugs. The slices will stick together and are more difficult to stir into the porridge.

Combine semolina with salt. If the sweetness of the banana is not enough, then add a little more granulated sugar.

Dilute all this with whole milk, do not add a banana yet, put in the oven for a minute.

Take out the porridge, add a banana and put butter at the same stage. Heat up for another 40 seconds.

Take out the porridge, season with vanilla, heat for another 20-30 seconds.

Stir the finished dish, you can additionally pour it with liquid honey or sprinkle with coke shavings.

Not all microwave ovens produce good porridge the first time. In some models, the dish does not have time to cook, it will require additional heating. There are microwave ovens in which porridge quickly seizes in lumps, in this case it is necessary to reduce the time of each stage. In any case, you need to observe and adapt.
