
How to quickly separate a herring from the bones. Ways to beautifully serve peeled herring on the table

If we recall with what horror the heroine of the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” listened to the story about the rules for eating fish, then it is not surprising why in real life Some people deny themselves this delicacy. Especially if they are visiting.

Read on to learn how to cut a herring in order to enjoy the treat yourself and to please your loved ones.

It so happened that the inhabitants of the former Soviet republics do not refer to this fish as the so-called elite varieties. Herring is familiar, it appears not only on holiday table, but also when you want something salty for potatoes or when you need quick snack. But in addition to its taste, herring also contains Omega-3.

This polyunsaturated acid is an antioxidant, prolongs the youth of the body and does an excellent job with cholesterol. Therefore, it is not without reason that the fish has earned the name “silver of the ocean” and certainly deserves close attention.

Preparation for cutting

And everything would be fine, perhaps most hostesses would exclaim, if not for the bones. No problem! After all, there are several proven methods, having mastered which you will cut the fish in three minutes.

The "operation" requires next set tools to make the process much easier. This is a knife, preferably a sharp one, a kitchen board and a regular plastic bag.

The fish was stored in brine before it fell into your hands, so it can be washed under running water, but without holding it for a long time.

Ways to get rid of bones

Before conducting experiments, it is better to use already proven methods.

Therefore, first of all, we present the classics:

  1. Lay the fish on a board, cut its ridge at the very base of the head. Then, with a smooth movement, pull the head. This will lead to the fact that the insides will also be pulled behind it, which was required.
  2. Cut the abdomen with a knife, removing milk or caviar from it.
  3. After washing the abdomen, removing the black film with a knife.
  4. Now it's the turn to deal with the fins, they must also be cut off.
  5. Most milestone consists in making a deep incision along the ridge, to the very tail. The knife should cut both the meat and the skin of the herring. Then you can carefully remove the skin.
  6. This is best done from the bottom up. First on one side and then on the other side.
  7. Turn the naked carcass towards you so that it is convenient to separate the skeleton from the fillet.

If everything is done correctly, then in your hands you will have a filet ready for use. But it is better to check it again for the presence of small bones.

The second way is cutting with plastic bag. Perhaps the reader will think that the bag will be needed to dispose of the innards. But no. The secret is elsewhere. Now attention:

  1. Be sure to make an incision on the belly and remove all the insides.
  2. The fish is placed in a bag and beaten off with a knife handle. Now it becomes clear why it is previously recommended to remove the intestines. And you should not be too zealous so that porridge does not come out.
  3. Now, after “processing”, the fish can be removed from the cellophane, cut off the fins and head, and separate the backbone.
  4. The skin is removed from the carcass at the last stage, so the fish will retain greater integrity.
  5. You may have noticed that in the previous methods, the bones were pulled away from the meat. But no one forbids doing the opposite. And it is quite possible that this option will be easier for someone.

Method three:

  1. As in the first two versions, the fish must be freed from the head, fins and entrails. But there is one difference here. If earlier the skin was recommended to be removed at the end, now it comes to the fore.
  2. But the tail can be left, it will be more convenient with it. The herring is washed under water and slightly dried with a towel.
  3. Now lay the carcass on a plank, make an incision at the tail and, holding the ridge with your fingers, pull the meat.
  4. Do not stop until the fillet is completely removed from the skeleton.
  5. Then turn the fish on the other side and repeat the whole process.

The next method is called "Punching". It sounds unusual and one might even say intriguing. What is it?

It is already curious that neither a knife nor a board is required for its implementation. And this is very convenient if you suddenly find yourself in such conditions where there is no way to use kitchen tools.

But it should be remembered that with this option, a lot of small bones remain in the fillet, so when you finish the main process, do not be lazy and select them with your hands or tweezers:

  1. Bring a herring without fins, entrails and skin under running water.
  2. Now the carcass must be squeezed with your fingers so that the large one is at the top of the back, and the rest are at the bottom. And then the extrusion process begins. The meat is separated from the bones first on one half, and then on the second.

It should be noted that what fresh herring the easier it is to clean. Note that in this way you can also find out the quality of the fish. How to cut a herring from the bones: the video below will tell you the specific steps:

How to clean fish in one move

If you think that only miracles are created in a fairy tale with one movement of the hand, then you are mistaken. With one stroke, you can achieve that the herring will remain without a ridge.

When the guests are already on the doorstep, there is no time to delay - you need to act with lightning speed. Fortunately, there is a way that in this case will be very useful:

  1. First separate the skin, fins and head from the fish.
  2. Next, you should take the herring by the tail with both hands and twist it sharply away from you. And when the fish returns to its original position - pull the tail, but in different directions.
  3. If you followed the instructions correctly, then there will be meat in one hand, and a ridge in the second.

The truth about aesthetics does not have to be said, since the fillet runs the risk of being torn. But if the carcass is required for making a salad, then this will not matter.

This method will require experience, but after a few times you will be able to do as well as a chef in a restaurant. And you will be able to conduct your own master class.

The secret of cutting herring for salad "under a fur coat"

Well, what a holiday, and especially New Year, does without this snack. Almost every housewife knows that a dish requires freshly salted and pitted fish. But since the fillet still has to be cut into pieces, it is not at all necessary that it retains its integrity during cutting.

But what is required is that the copy is bold and large.

And so, first you need to remove the head and the insides. Free the fish from the skin and fins. Attention! If there are lovers of caviar or milk in the family, then they can put these components of the herring separately on a plate and earn special gratitude with their care.

Next comes the moment when the fillet needs to be separated from the spine. This can be done in any of the ways that were mentioned earlier. When the spine is removed, the meat is cut in small pieces while simultaneously checking for small bones. After all, it is convenient to enjoy the dish when nothing distracts from the process.

How to get a great fillet

If the "silver of the seas" were used only as one of the ingredients for the salad, then there would be no questions "how to get whole pieces?". But the herring is cut into slices, sandwiches are made from it, and the fish is simply obliged to have a decent appearance.

And what to do with the bones: as a rule, at the time of salting, the smallest ones dissolve themselves. Large ones are removed during cleaning, but medium ones have to be removed either with tweezers or with your hands. After all, an impeccable fillet should not contain bones.

Sometimes it happens that the hostess, without calculating the number of guests, cleans more fish which might actually be useful. Remember that the herring cannot be left just like that. It is one of the quickly perishable products. And it is better to preserve the excess fillet, for example, using sunflower oil or lemon juice. In an ordinary glass container, covered with a lid. Then the fish can be treated in a couple of days.

Slicing herring for the festive table

Perhaps in our country there will not be such a feast, wherever there is a place for herring. Smoked, salted, sliced independent dish with dill or onion - this fish is always an invited guest.

But do not forget that a lot also depends on the serving and presentation of dishes. And it is important to make sure that at one glance at the plates, the guests simply salivate.

There are many options. And in this case, herring can be called self-sufficient, since it will look great even in the form of ordinary slices. But if you want variety, then you can add other products, this will not spoil the composition. Fish pairs perfectly with onions, mini-snacks, toast, herbs and pickles.

You can arrange the slices alternately or overlap, you can create its original appearance on the dish. If the feast is dedicated to a certain holiday, then you can lay out, for example, March 8 or a Christmas tree, adding olives, lemon or red caviar to the herring. Believe me, this option will look win-win.

Let your imagination run wild and culinary work art will be the one and only.

But if there is no time or mood for this, don’t worry, the herring is so loved by most people that it will never let you down as a treat.

Many modern housewives acquire herring fillet and use it in cooking. variety of salads and snacks. However, often purchased canned food is second-rate, prepared by unscrupulous manufacturers from taste qualities fish.

Therefore, it is better to purchase whole herring, remove bones, skin, fins and use it for making nutritious snacks. Then you can appreciate the freshness of the fish and cook really tasty and healthy meals. How to clean a herring will be discussed in this article.

To quickly separate the bones from the fillet and cook it in a few minutes, you first need to prepare the work surface and tools.

To clean the herring, it is better to separate a separate board, but you can wrap it with cling film so that there is no smell left and no fillet residues that have eaten into the wood or plastic. Instead of a film, you can use a dense plastic bag.

You can wear latex medical gloves or wipe your hands after washing lemon juice to get rid of the fishy ombre.

For cleaning you will need:

  • sharpened knife;
  • gloves (for example, medical);
  • tweezers. It should be at hand. With it, you can remove small and thin bones from the fillet, which are located near the ridge;
  • paper towels or napkins. They are needed to remove intestinal films and blood;
  • trash bag.

Various ways to clean herring

Consider several methods of cleaning fish, their advantages and procedures.


The classic way to clean a herring from bones consists of several stages.

  1. The fish is placed on the board and the head is separated with a knife, and then the tail.
  2. Holding the herring by the fin from above, carefully cut it off.
  3. Passing the knife through the hole that remains, cut the belly and remove the insides of the herring. If you like milk or caviar, do not stick the knife deep inside so as not to damage them. Gently push the abdomen and free it from the insides.
  4. Caviar and milk can be used to make sandwiches or snacks.
  5. Turn the fish on its side and cut from one side, and then from the second strip half a centimeter wide. This allows the belly fins and hard parts to be removed.
  6. Remove the black film with a paper towel or with your hands, it gives a bitter taste to dishes. Rinse the fish both outside and inside under tap water.
  7. Lay the herring back to you on the board and make a hole with your thumb in the part where the fin is on top. Move up, dividing the herring into 2 halves, and then do the same, moving down.
  8. Put the herring on the board and pick up the skin with a knife, grab its edge and quickly remove it. Do the same with your other half.

Herring cleaned! It remains to remove the bones using tweezers, cut it into portions and serve.

For the "fur coat"

Here is one of the recipes for cutting fish intended for famous lettuce"fur coat".

First, lay the herring on the board, cut off the tail and head of the herring. Then open the belly from the caudal fin down forward to the end. Remove the entrails from the fish.

Rinse milk and caviar under tap water, put in a bowl or container and refrigerate. Throw the rest of the insides in the trash.

Move the knife from the ridge to the edges, clean the inside of the abdomen, scraping off the black film: first one side and then the other. Rinse the herring under tap water. Cut off with quick movements all the fins below - the caudal, dorsal and ventral.

Make an incision along the back of the fish with a knife, dividing the herring into 2 parts, a little short of the end. Lay the carcass on its side and pry the skin from the tail with your fingers. Then gently pull it forward and up with your hand. So you will remove the entire skin from both sides.

After that, you should separate the fillet from the fish ridge: start from the tail, carefully dividing the fish into 2 halves and, pressing your finger against the bone, move to the head and separate the meat. Do the same with the second half of the herring.

It remains to carefully remove with your fingers the small bones remaining on the herring, without violating the integrity of the carcass.

Rinse the fillet, cut it into cubes, and voila - you're done! You can start preparing a "fur coat".


This cooking method will show you how to quickly peel a herring without removing all the pits.

You must first gut the carcass, cut off the fins and remove the skin. Then the herring needs to be washed and an incision made on the back. Hold it so that 4 fingers are inside, and the thumb is on the cut on the back of the fish. Then you should squeeze your fingers, squeezing the meat and separating it from the ridge.

First, separate 1 half of the fillet, and then the 2nd, and then remove the bones using tweezers.

In one move

There is another option for cleaning fish from bones. First, the skin is removed from the carcass, the insides and fins are removed from it. Holding the herring by the tail with 2 hands so that its side is facing you, tear it a little with your hands, moving your fingers away from each other, holding the herring very tightly so that it does not slip out. Holding the carcass by the tail with 2 hands, “tumble” the fish onto yourself, the herring will describe a circle around the tail.

Then cut the herring with a sharp movement, spreading your arms to the sides. In one hand you will have a back and a ridge, and in the 2nd two strips of the abdomen. It remains to carefully separate the back from the bones with tweezers or fingers. Put the fillet on a plate and cut into portions and use for cooking.

How to remove small bones?

To quickly separate fish meat from small bones, wrap it paper towel and tap it several times on the table. After that, the bones will easily fall behind the main part of the fillet.

Use tweezers to remove any remaining bones.

The more fresh and big fish, the easier it is to separate the bones and skin. When choosing, pay attention: if the gills are reddish and elastic, and the eyes are not cloudy, this is an indicator of its freshness.

The video on our website will help you quickly learn how to clean a herring. Cutting may seem difficult at first. Having “gotten the taste” and having tried cleaning the fish several times, you will get the hang of it and stop buying canned herring with vinegar in oil for cooking “fur coats” and other dishes.

Herring can be taken from the Pacific, Atlantic or Black Sea, its full-fledged replacement is mackerel, trout or salmon, with these types of fish, dishes will also turn out very tasty.

  1. Before you clean the herring, we strongly advise you to sharpen the knife. Be sure to take for cutting fish sharp knife, because this will allow you to correctly cope with the task - quickly and without unnecessary hassle. A dull knife will tear the fibers when cutting, and a perfect fillet will not work.
  2. Wear rubber, plastic, vinyl, or latex gloves to avoid leaving the flavor of salted fish on your hands. To protect clothes from stains, we recommend using an apron, you can cover the table with a sheet of paper or cling film.
  3. For different types products, it is better to use various cutting boards, this rule also applies to fish. To prevent the cutting board from getting an unpleasant smell, cover it with white paper or a layer of cling film. After eviscerating, the paper or film can be removed, wrapped in bones, entrails, fins and other waste, and then easily discarded.
  4. After cleaning the fish, it is better to wipe the board with a sponge, which should be moistened with dishwashing detergent and rinsed with water. If that doesn't work and the ambergris remains, sprinkle your hands and board with lemon juice.
  5. To make it easier to clean the herring, you can lower it into hot water or hold in cold water to which a few drops of vinegar should be added.
  6. If the herring is too salty, soak it in a strong tea infusion, then it will become tastier.
  7. To prepare a brine for barrel fish, you can take half a liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, pour over the brine and refrigerate for 24 hours. To make the ambassador stronger, leave it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  8. To make herring tastier, you can make a marinade for onions: pour a few teaspoons of vinegar or citric acid, a little sugar and mix thoroughly with pre-chopped onions, and then leave the onions in the marinade in an enameled container for several hours in the refrigerator.
  9. If you do not immediately use the fillet, after cleaning the fish, put it in the refrigerator, wrapping it in cling film beforehand.
  10. To cook herring from scratch, you can buy fresh fish, cut it into pieces, put it in a jar and pour it with a solution of water, vinegar (or citric acid), mayonnaise and add onions. After she has stood for 12 hours in this marinade, the bones, if any, will become soft.

Herring has been the most popular fish on our tables for many decades, both on holidays and on weekdays. It can be served in any form: sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfillet with onions and butter, or in salads, for example, in the traditional “herring under a fur coat”. True, not everyone likes to carve a herring; It is believed that this is a difficult and painstaking task. We will tell you about several effective and simple ways butchering herring, and this task will not scare you anymore.

Preparation for cutting

  1. The color of the gills should be dark red. A darker color indicates that the herring is already stale and unfit for food. Another sign of freshness - the gills are elastic and do not fall apart.
  2. The eyes of the fish should not be cloudy and protruding from their sockets.

Also pay attention to the smell. There should not be any foreign impurities in it (for example, bitterness or rottenness). To avoid mistakes, buy only fresh or lightly salted herring. How spicier ambassador, the more likely that with its help the manufacturer has hidden unpleasant odors.

On covers of high-quality fresh or slightly salted herring there should be no stains, cuts or holes. After the violation of the integrity of the skin inside the carcass, oxidative processes occur, which are invisible externally, and the fish begins to deteriorate rapidly.

It is better to buy whole carcasses of herring to control its quality.

So, the herring is bought, and you need to start cutting. For this you will need:

  • cutting board;
  • sharp knife;
  • tweezers or tweezers to remove small bones;
  • plastic bags for waste.

It will be better if you have a separate board for cutting fresh or lightly salted herring. The fact is that this fish has a persistent and corrosive smell that is difficult to wash out of a wooden surface. You can put a sheet of cardboard, paper, or a thick napkin on the board (it’s even more convenient to remove waste this way). But in any case, do not spread the newspaper! Printing ink will definitely get into your stomach along with herring, and this is harmful to the body.

It is also desirable to have a separate knife. Well, if you have a set of knives, among which there is a special carving knife for fish.

If you have long nails, you can easily take out small bones from a cut carcass. Otherwise, arm yourself with tweezers or eyebrow tweezers.

The traditional way

  1. Place the fish on a cutting board lined with paper or paper towels. Cut off the head with a sharp knife.

    Cut off the herring's head

  2. Then cut off the tail.

    Then separate the tail

  3. Take the herring by the upper fin. Cut it off carefully.

    Cut off the dorsal fin

  4. Lay the herring carcass with its back to you. Run the knife into the abdomen, and starting from the tail, carefully cut.

    cut open the belly

  5. Now you can easily remove the insides by helping yourself with a knife. Milk or caviar may be inside the carcass. Many people love these products: they can be eaten simply with bread or cooked original dish, for example, pate. In any case, carefully clean the milk and caviar from the intestines.

    Remove the insides, helping yourself with a knife

  6. Be sure to remove the lower fins from the belly of the herring. To do this, lay the fish on its side and cut off strips half a centimeter wide along the entire length of the abdomen. Cut from the inside, on both sides.

    Remove bottom fins

  7. Clean the inside of the carcass from the black film. Rinse thoroughly under running water cold water(not warm and not hot!).

    Rinse the herring under cold running water

  8. Put the herring on a plate or board with its back to you. Make an indentation with your left thumb where the fin was cut. Move with a little effort to the top of the carcass, separating the skin, and then to the bottom, to the edge, strictly in the middle. The back is divided into two neat halves.

    Divide the back into two halves

  9. Place the herring carcass back to you again. Pick up the edge of the skin from the side of the tail and gently pull it towards you so that it does not tear, but is completely removed.

    Peel off one side

  10. Repeat on the other side of the fish carcass.

    Repeat on the other side

Ready! The herring is cleaned and you can serve it to the table.

Note! If you cut fresh rather than salted herring in this way, make sure that it is completely defrosted. So it moves away from the bones much easier and “sheds” the skin. But in frozen herring it is easier to cut off the head and tail.

Cleaning a carcass from bones in different ways

You can simply cut the peeled herring into pieces, arrange on a plate and serve as such. But it is better to spend a little time and remove all the bones from the carcass. There are a few simple methods thanks to which you can do it easily and quickly.


  1. Take the prepared carcass and begin to separate the ridge. Separate some meat near the tail so that it is convenient to grab. Grasp it, and, holding the rest of the carcass on the plate with your free hand, gently pull upwards with translational movements. The bones will gradually come out of the herring meat. The fresher the fish, the easier the bones will separate.
  2. Turn the carcass over to the other side, placing it with the ridge up. With the same movements, stretch the spine along with the bones.
  3. Starting at the top, select the remaining bones and black membranes from the inside of the fillet, and so on until the tail.

So you can prepare herring fillets for salads, especially for. You just have to cut the meat into suitable pieces.

In the same way, you can clean raw herring. True, it will be a little more difficult: the ambassador slightly softens the meat and allows it to move away from the bone more easily.

One-swipe cleaning

For this method, pre-prepare the carcass: remove the fins, skin and entrails.

Take the herring with both hands by the tail. Her side will be directed towards you. Tear the tail a little with your hands, slightly spreading them. Hold the herring very tightly, otherwise it will slip out of your fingers.

Holding the carcass in front of you with both hands, “tumble” it towards you so that the herring describes a circle around its own tail.

Now cut the fish in one motion, quickly spreading your arms to the sides. If everything is done correctly, in one hand there will be a back with a ridge, and in the other - two stripes of the abdomen. Now it remains to separate the back from the bones.

Herring fillet can be used for salads, for example, "Herring under a fur coat"

With fresh raw herring it is better not to do such a trick. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove the meat from the bones without damaging the fillet. But if in this way you want to prepare the fillet for “herring under a fur coat” or other similar fish dishes, then the method is quite suitable; the meat will still need to be cut into small pieces.

Punching method

This method does not completely remove the bones from the fillet, but it is also quite simple.

  1. Gut the fish, cut off the fins and remove the skin. Rinse thoroughly in running water. Then make an incision on the back of the carcass. Take it in your hands so that the fingers of the palm are inside the abdomen, and the thumb lies in the dorsal incision.
  2. Squeeze your fingers and separate the part of the fillet from the ridge with squeezing movements. Continue doing this until half of the fillet is completely separated. If you follow the process carefully and carefully, most of the bones will remain on the ridge.
  3. Do the same with the second half, but now hold the spine with one hand, and make pushing movements with the other.

This method is also excellent for fresh, well-thawed herring.

Another easy way

Place your thumb at the dorsal fin 2-3 cm deep. Carefully move it in the direction of the tail, separating the carcass fresh or salted herring in half.

Take the free part of the fillet on the tail and pull towards the head. When you separate one half, proceed to the second. Insert your finger under the spine and separate the tail of the fillet. Pull on the spine, tearing it away from the fish. Now you just have to remove the bones from the fillet.

Video: quick cutting of herring

We told you about only a few ways to clean herring from bones. Surely you have your own tried and tested method, which you constantly use. Please tell us about it in the comments. Bon appetit and comfort to your home!

Ways on how to properly and quickly cut herring into boneless and skinless fillets.

Majority modern housewives prefer to buy finished fillet herring and use it for cooking snacks and savory salads. But as practice shows, it is precisely such a milled fish that is often of poor quality.

For this reason, it's best if you buy a whole herring and remove the skin, fins, and bones yourself. In this case, you will be able to more correctly assess the freshness and quality of the product, thanks to which you will definitely be able to cook from it. delicious snack. We will talk about how to clean herring without unnecessary problems in our article.

How to properly, easily and quickly clean a herring: advice from cooks and housewives

Cleaning herring: advice from cooks and housewives

If you think that it is very difficult to clean a herring on your own, then you are deeply mistaken. If you show a little patience, you can quickly get a quality fillet. All you need is a cutting board, a sharp knife and some paper towels.

Simple Tips:

  • Take a cutting board and wrap it in plastic wrap, or just put a few plain plastic bags over it. This is necessary so that after filleting the fish your board remains clean.
  • Prepare a knife with a thin blade. If you understand that he is a little dull, then be sure to sharpen him. If you do not do this, then as a result, when cutting, you will tear the fish fibers, as it were, and this will not allow you to do it. perfect fillet.
  • Make sure you have tweezers handy. With it, you will remove the thinnest and smallest bones from the fillet, located as close as possible to the herring ridge.
  • Also place on the table on which you will cut the fish, a few paper napkins and towels. You will need them in order to remove blood and intestinal films from the fillet.
  • It will be more convenient to remove the peel from herring with your hands. In order to do this quickly, you will need to pry off the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail or head, and then gently pull it towards you. Try not to overdo it with tension, because the skin will tear and you will have to start the procedure again from the beginning.

How to quickly and correctly clean a salted herring for cutting: photo

If your goal is the perfect fillet for slicing, then you need to clean the fish the classic way and do everything as carefully as possible.


  • Initially, you will need to rinse the herring and blot its surface with a paper towel. This must be done so that it does not slide on the surface of the cutting board.
  • When you are done with this step, you can take a knife and proceed directly to cleaning the fish. To do this, put it on the board and cut off the head with a sharp knife. Next, make a neat cut along the spine line and remove the upper fins in one motion. The lower fins can be cut off with ordinary kitchen scissors.
  • In the next step, cut the herring belly. If you love the caviar and milk of this fish, then try not to stick the knife very deep. Gently spread the abdomen and gut all the insides. Also, be sure to immediately remove all films with a paper towel.

  • Pry the skin around the head with a knife and begin to remove it with a smooth movement. After the skin is removed, inspect the fish again and, if necessary, remove newly appeared contamination.
  • Next, press down on the incision made along the spine with your fingers and begin to carefully trim one half of the fillet from the bones. Set the separated fillet aside and do the same manipulation with the rest.
  • After the ridge is removed, you will need to arm yourself with tweezers and try to remove all small bones as carefully as possible. The finished fillet will need to be cooled, and only after that it can be cut into portioned pieces and serve on the festive table.

How to clean a salted herring from bones on a salad fillet, fur coats: step by step with a photo?

step by step photo cleaning herring

If you are planning to use the herring fillets to make a salad, then you can use the so-called squeezing method for this. This method differs from the previous one in that you first have to get rid of the ridge of the fish and only then remove the skin from it.


  • First, prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife, paper napkins and tweezers. When everything you need is laid out on the table, rinse the herring under running water and dry thoroughly.
  • Take a knife in your hands and cut off the head, tail and fins of the fish as carefully as possible. Cut open her belly and remove all the insides from it. If you see that there are a lot of films or offal residues left inside the abdomen, then be sure to rinse the fish under water again, and then dry everything with paper towels.
  • Wrap the fish prepared in this way in cling film and knock it on the table or lightly beat it off. Such a little trick will help to ensure that even small bones are easily separated from the fillet.
  • Put the belly down on the footprint and press it lightly, open it like a book. Press it against the table, and then turn it over and remove the backbone with a light movement.
  • At the final stage, divide the workpiece into two separate fillets, remove the skin from them and remove all the bones with tweezers.

How to clean a herring from bones on a fillet in one motion

Cutting herring in one motion

Those who want to de-bone a herring in one motion can use the method that we will introduce you to below. But remember, in order for you to get exactly the result that you expect, the tail of the fish must be held very tightly.

In view of this, if you feel that it is starting to slip out, then simply cover each part of it with a paper towel, and then divide the fish into fillets.

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to standard training carcasses for cutting. This means that you must gut it and remove the fins. You can already at this stage additionally dry the abdomen and remove the remnants of intestinal films from it.
  • Make an incision on the herring's tail with a depth of no more than one centimeter, and then take it in your hands and begin to make tumbling movements towards yourself. If you do everything right, then the herring will describe circles around its tail.
  • At the next stage, you must tear the fish into two parts with one sharp movement. As a result, you should have two bellies without bones in your hands and sirloin with a spine. It can be easily separated from the fillet by hand.
  • At the very end, you will have to remove the remaining small bones and you can cut the herring for a salad or snack.

How to quickly and correctly clean a fresh herring from bones on a fillet: photo

Cleaning fresh herring on the fillet

As you already understood, if desired, the herring can be very quickly cleaned of skin and bones. If you want to simplify this process as much as possible, then use the method described below.

In this case, you can get beautiful fillet pitted literally in minutes. True, you must remember that it is easiest to clean the largest herring in this way.


  • Take fresh herring, gut it and clean it from intestinal films
  • Use kitchen scissors to remove the fins, and then use a knife to make a longitudinal incision along the line of the ridge
  • Next, stick your finger inside the fish and begin to carefully separate the fillet
  • After separating one half, set it aside and remove the bones from the other fillet in the same movements
  • Inspect the herring, and if necessary, remove small stones with tweezers

How to get rid of small bones in herring?

Strangulation of herring small bones

A large number of people refuse to eat herring due to the presence of small bones in it. But if you do not buy ready-made fillets, but try to make them yourself, you can simply get rid of the bones. In case you will mill pickled or salted herring, then you will need to arm yourself with ordinary tweezers and gradually remove all the bones from the fibers.

But keep in mind that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge, the bones are placed deep enough and for this reason they sometimes cannot be seen with the eyes. In view of this, it is best if you first remove all visible bones, and then begin to carefully feel the fillet with your fingertips and remove everything that you find. You need to finish this procedure only after your fingers stop finding bones. If you remove the bones from a frozen fish, then it will first need to be cleaned of the skin and milled, and then literally put in lightly salted water for 15 minutes.

After this time, the fish will need to be removed from the brine, rinsed, and then it is easy to remove all the bones with tweezers. And finally, we want to tell you about a radical, but very fast method removal of small bones. In order to get rid of them in one motion, you will need to take and carefully draw a longitudinal line along the top of the fillet with a knife (its width should be approximately 5 mm). By doing this, you will immediately remove all the bones and you will not have to spend time looking for them with your hands and removing them with tweezers.

Which herring to buy: fillet or cut yourself?

Recommendations for choosing herring

If you want to fillet herring yourself, then you need to choose the right fish for this. If you decide to save money and buy not quite high-quality herring, then it is unlikely that it will turn out to be an ideal fillet. Therefore, when choosing this product in the market, in a store or supermarket, first of all pay attention to its smell.

You don't even need to take it in your hands. You can just get as close as possible to the counter with the herring on it and take a deep breath. If it is spoiled, then you will feel a rather specific and unpleasant smell that will give off rot. Fresh and properly stored herring will have a pronounced marine smell. After making sure that the fish smells right, try to feel it, Special attention giving the abdomen.

If you feel that it is too soft, then with a high probability you have a stale product that has been defrosted many times. Also, be sure to look at the color of the gills of the herring. If they are dark red and elastic, then you can safely make a purchase. And finally, look at the eyes. If they are cloudy, then this indicates that the seller is offering you an already completely damaged product.

How herring is cut at the factory, in production: video

Above, we have already introduced you to simple homemade ways to turn a herring carcass into a perfect fillet. And as you probably already understood, this task is within the power of any person, even someone who has never cooked anything in his life.

Submission Idea #4

Submission Idea #5

Video: How to clean a herring from bones. life hack

Having decided to cook a dish of salted herring, the hostess will certainly ask herself the question: how to clean the herring. And this is quite logical - no one will like the crunch of bones in a salted fish appetizer. By the way, there are a lot of recipes with salted herring. This is the famous herring under a fur coat, and mincemeat, and fish rolls. So it's time to learn how to separate the bones from the meat and cook fish fillets in minutes.

Why clean the herring with your own hands?

The recipe for any salted fish snack advises to clean it from the bones as the first point, or immediately recommends taking a ready-made fish fillet. But really, maybe it’s better to just go to the nearest store and buy fillet in oil or mayonnaise filling? Then it is not necessary to learn how to properly clean the herring! He opened a jar, cut the fish - and the bottom layer of herring under a fur coat is ready.

The option is good. But homemade fillet is still better. There are several reasons for this:

  • When buying a whole fish, you can smell it and check for freshness “by the eyes”.
  • Unscrupulous manufacturers can use low-quality, and sometimes even “missing” fish for filleting.
  • There is an opinion that to remove the smallest bones from fish, chemical compositions in which it is soaked. As a result of such processing, the bones literally dissolve. Large manufacturers have repeatedly denied such information, confirming their words with a video of the fillet production process. However, unscrupulous manufacturers who do not value their own reputation may well use this method.
  • Purchase whole salty herring will come out much cheaper than buying ready-made fillets.

  1. Before you start cleaning salted herring, prepare a sharp knife. If kitchen knife blunt, it should be sharpened. This must be done, as a convenient knife of impeccable sharpening is the first rule that allows you to quickly clean the herring.
  2. Often you have to clean the fish shortly before the arrival of guests and there is simply no time to wash your hands after cleaning. And the smell of salted fish is very corrosive. To definitely solve the problem bad smell, wear plastic or thin rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty. Don't forget to wear an apron to protect your clothes.
  3. Despite the fact that each type of food should have its own cutting board, there is nothing pleasant about a board that smells like fish. Therefore protect against odor and particles fish fillet not only hands, but also a cutting board. Lay white paper or cling film on it in a thick layer. After the procedure for gutting the salted herring is completed, the paper (film) can simply be removed from the board, wrapping the insides, bones and other waste in it, and discarded. The next step should be carried out on a new blank sheet of paper. After cleaning the fish from the bones, the paper should be discarded, and the board should be wiped with a sponge moistened with dishwashing detergent and rinsed. warm water, rather than rubbing off a specific fishy “aroma”.
  4. If the measures listed above did not help on your hands, there is fish amber left on the cutting board, sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  5. If the fillet is not used immediately, store it in the refrigerator wrapped in cling film.

Two ways to turn a herring into a fillet

Salted herring bought - it's time to learn how to clean the herring. There are 2 ways to do this. The cardinal difference will be the moment of separation of the bones from the meat. In the first version, the fillet is slowly and carefully separated using the translational movement of the thumb along the spine, freed from the skin, and in the second version, the backbone and costal bones are separated from the meat in one movement. The second option looks more impressive. They are usually used by professional chefs. Let's consider both options in more detail.

The preparation of the herring before the actual separation of the bones will be the same for both options.

  1. Wash the herring under running water.
  2. Cut off the head.
  3. Cut the belly from the head to the tail.
  4. Remove the lower fins (ventral and anal). After the fish is cut along the belly, they are easy to get.
  5. Remove the giblets from the cut belly. If the herring turned out to be a female, you can lay the caviar in a separate plate. You can cook with it delicious sandwiches spreading bread butter and laying on top of the salted caviar, freed from the payus. The rest of the offal, including milk (if a male is caught), should be thrown away.
  6. Gutted herring must be washed. Dark films should be carefully scraped off with a knife. After making sure that all the insides are removed, it is worth rinsing the fish again, and then proceed to the next step.
  7. At the very bottom of the belly, on both sides of the gutted fish, cut off a strip of meat. In this place there are small bones that cannot be removed otherwise, they can only be cut off along with the meat.
  8. Make an incision along the ridge from the head to the tail. Cut out the dorsal fin along with small bones at the point of attachment.
  9. Pick up the skin with a knife and remove it from the carcass of the herring. It is convenient to do this in the direction from top to bottom.

The herring is ready. Now the fun part is separating the meat from the bones. In the first option, you should do this:

  1. Cut off the tail of the herring.
  2. Take the herring in your right hand (left-handers - in the left). Thumb place on the spine at the base, leading it under the meat, and begin to move your finger towards the tail, moving the meat away from the skeleton. When the finger reaches the tail, completely remove the detachable part of the fillet from the costal bones. The result should be half a clean fillet and half meat on the ridge and ribs.
  3. Separate the meat in the same way from the ridge and costal bones from the other part of the carcass.
  4. If there are bones visible to the eye, usually there are not many of them - 3-4 long bones, no more, remove them.
  5. Fish fillet is ready!

In the second option, which allows you to instantly get a fillet in one movement, you must do the following:

  1. Grasp the fishtail with your hands: with one hand on one half, with the other on the other.
  2. Make a circular motion with the fish in the direction “away from you” or “counterclockwise”, and when the herring approaches the starting position, tear it into 2 halves by pulling the tails in different directions.
  3. The result is one half of a clean fillet, which remains to cut off half of the tail. And in the other half, you should take out the bones, holding the spine, and also remove the rest of the tail.
  4. If any bones are still left, remove them.
  5. Salted herring fillet is ready!

Be sure to try to clean the herring with your own hands (or the hands of your husband) and make sure that it is not as difficult as it seemed at first. Do not save time on cleaning herring by buying preserves. In terms of taste and quality, they lose to a large extent. The health and well-being of loved ones is much more valuable!
