
Blue cheese - names, benefits and harms. Recipes for dishes with cheese with red, white and green mold with a photo

Blue cheese is one of the aristocratic products, for the production of which domesticated spores of Penicillinum camamber (white mold) or Penicillinum roqueforti (blue) are used. There is also orange, which is obtained by washing with white sea water or wine.

Mold cheeses have an unusual delicate taste. The range of this product is limited on the Russian market due to its high price. The most common blues are German Dor Blue, Italian Gorgonzola, British Stilton, French Roquefort. Cheeses with white mold Camembert and Brie are popular.

Is blue and white cheese healthy, should it be included in a family or personal diet?

How to choose a good product

High-quality blue cheese should only be purchased from stores or supermarkets that you trust. Blue varieties should be visible in section.

Cheeses with white mold are sold in small packages. How to rate a product:

  • Smell. The product with blue mold smells pungent and strong, with a hint of mushroom. With white - it has a weak, delicate, barely perceptible mushroom aroma with a mossy aftertaste.

    A strong ammonia smell means improper storage conditions or an expired shelf life - it should not exceed two months.

  • The composition, which should include only milk (fresh or sour), enzymes for cheese production, penicillin bacteria, salt. The presence of dyes, preservatives, food additives means that the product is fake.
  • Taste. It should be clean, leaving a pleasant aftertaste after tasting. A quality product melts in your mouth, has a delicate texture without dry or hard inclusions.
  • On the cut, the cheese mass should be continuous, no holes. The latter means a gross violation of production technology.
  • High-quality cheese is elastic, slightly springy.

Evaluate the quality of the mold. White is similar to a delicate white fluff or crust covering the surface of the cheese mass. Inside such a product remains white. The exception is Brie Noir in a pink hue, but it is unlikely to be found on the shelves of Russia.

Blue varieties have marbled blue or turquoise blotches throughout the cut. Solid mold throughout the cheese mass means a solid age of the product. Its consumption is not recommended.

Composition, calories per 100 g, nutritional value, glycemic index

Most cheeses, including moldy ones, are made from full-fat cow's milk. Home - from whole, and industrial - from boiled. A number of elite blue cheese aristocrats with a piquant taste are made from. For example, Tanguy, Picadon, Shabishu-du-poitou. From sheep - Roquefort.

The nutritional value depends on the fat content and quality of the original milk. Determined that the average calorie content is approximately 350 kcal / 100 g.

The composition of all blue cheeses includes:

  • milk fat - 30 g / 100 g;
  • proteins - 20 g / 100 g.

There are no carbohydrates in the product. The glycemic index is zero. All kinds of moldy cheese delicacies can be safely enjoyed by people suffering.

Essential amino acids:

  • valine;
  • arginine;
  • histidine;
  • tryptophan.

These substances are not synthesized by the human body. They must be supplied with food. Valine, histidine in combination with milk fat have a strong regenerating effect, rejuvenate body tissues.

Histidine and tryptophan are involved in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin, without which the emotional life of a person becomes dull.

Cheese elite is distinguished by a high content of trace elements. These are (530g/100g) and (390mg/100g). They are completely digestible, as the composition of the product includes another magical compound - lecithin, which balances the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Considering In the composition there is penicillin, which produces mold. Vitamins in blue cheeses contain a small amount. The most valuable of them is K, which thins the blood and has a wound-healing effect.

On the pages of our site you will also learn a lot of interesting things about the rules for choosing a product.

Health Benefits

Thanks to penicillin, all mold aristocrats have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Cheese is very useful, but thanks to cultivated fungi, they acquire the following useful properties:

  • activate the absorption of calcium;
  • promote the synthesis of melanin in the skin. This helps to neutralize the harmful effects of the sun's rays.
  • normalize bowel function, preventing flatulence, dysbacteriosis;
  • restore hormonal balance, improve the psycho-emotional state due to the increased production of glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands;
  • contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, thanks to the amino acids - valine and histidine;
  • have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle improve the condition of blood vessels. Vitamin K and substances secreted by germinated mold spores prevent the formation of blood clots, activate blood flow.

For good health, the daily intake of cheese should not exceed 50 g.

Features of the impact on health

Blue cheese is especially useful for people suffering from lactose intolerance. These products do not have it. But there is milk fat in combination with lecithin and essential amino acids, which have a strong tonic and tissue-restoring effect.

What is useful for adult men and women

Elite varieties, in addition to easily digestible calcium and milk fat, also contain protein, which is necessary for the health of muscles and connective tissues.

Varieties with white mold are rich in conjugated fatty acids with anticancer properties.

For women, the product is useful in preparing for pregnancy when the body needs to create reserves of calcium, phosphorus.

Daily moderate consumption of mold cheese relieves premenstrual syndrome, prevents the development of depression.

Men these products are necessary for high physical and mental stress.. Tryptophan will give inspiration, and lecithin will prevent creative burnout.

Due to its high nutritional value and expressive piquant taste, a small amount of cheese creates a feeling of satiety and comfort, without burdening the stomach.

With the abuse of blue cheeses, an increase in body weight is possible due to their high calorie content. Headaches may also appear, as a reaction of the body to an excessive amount of cheese fungi.

During pregnancy, during lactation

At this crucial time for women, it is forbidden to eat blue cheese.. Cheese dough is a favorable breeding ground for Listeria. These pathogens can trigger the development of listeriosis in a pregnant or lactating woman.

With normal immunity can successfully ignore this disease. But during pregnancy and lactation, listeriosis can be accompanied by high fever, fever, and vomiting.

Is it harmful to children's health

For children under 12 years old, it is better to offer ordinary cheeses. The use of moldy varieties by babies threatens the development of listeriosis. This disease can slow down the physical and intellectual development of the child, weaken his immunity.

Listeria and its effects on the human body are still poorly understood.. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the baby will receive adequate treatment when infected. After 12 years, you can begin to accustom your child to elite cheeses to form healthy eating habits.

Better start with Bree. It has a delicate texture and a mild aroma of champignons.

In old age

In adulthood, blue cheeses are very useful. These products, when used in moderation, successfully resist the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • age depression.

They also improve memory, activate mental activity.

Potential danger and contraindications

The main danger of mold cheeses is individual intolerance to penicillin and listeria infection with low immunity. Do not eat cheese also in the presence of the following diseases:

  • fungal, including thrush;
  • arthritis, polyarthritis;
  • asthma, neurodermatitis.

The product should be used very carefully for obesity, a tendency to puffiness due to the high salt content, especially in varieties with blue mold.

Learn some more interesting facts about the benefits and potential harms of blue and white cheese from the following video:

The product is best eaten in the evening because calcium is absorbed by the body at night.

The optimal amount is 30 g, but not more than 50 g with daily use. Traditionally, all elite varieties can be eaten with bread, but without butter. The exception is Roquefort.

Cheeses with white mold such as Brie or Camembert go well with soft white bread, and blue varieties are usually eaten with crispbread.

All products go well with fruits, especially grapes. The best friends of these aristocrats are dry and semi-dry wines.

Dry cheeses are served with white mold cheeses. Piquant sharp taste of blue mold cheeses is perfectly emphasized by semi-dry white wines.

Read everything on our website and why nutritionists recommend this healing drink to those who want to lose weight!

Application in cooking Brie, Roquefort, Dor Blue and other varieties

Blue cheese is served at the end of dinner or a late lunch, as an independent dish or as part of a cheese plate. Spicy varieties are used in the preparation of sauces for spaghetti. The product with blue mold can be grated and sprinkled on a vegetable salad.

The preparation of sandwiches is widespread. For example:

  • Roquefort rubbed with oil, spread on warm white bread toast, trimming the crusts first.
  • Brie mix with . You can spread thin Armenian lavash with this mixture, roll it into a tube and leave it in the refrigerator for a day. Then cut diagonally. Serve with grape juice or any dry wine.
  • Cut the Conference pear into slices, put a piece of Dor Blue on top of each.

All products go well with thin dessert pancakes and black.

From this video you will learn the recipe for making a delicious and light salad from the chef using blue cheese:

These products give an unforgettable taste experience., good mood, quickly create a feeling of satiety.

For those who want to lose weight, these cheeses are useful with fruits and vegetables. This combination will allow you to fully absorb all the useful substances without gaining excess weight.

When purchasing elite blue cheese, take care of its proper storage. To do this, it is advisable to purchase a special cheesecake, which, together with the product, should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5-7 degrees.

In contact with

It’s easy to find French blue cheese on the counter of a store. It has a smooth surface covered with white, blue or red fluff. Domestic cheese makers do not produce it, and for France, blue cheese varieties have become a calling card and a source of national pride.

The classification of cheeses by the French masters of cheese makers is based on the types of production technology.

There are 8 groups:


The geometric shapes of French cheeses are varied:

  • ingot;
  • circle;
  • triangle;
  • drum;
  • square;
  • cylinder;
  • rectangle;
  • disk;
  • cone.

Forms provide a certain variety with uniform ripening, simplify work with it, or allow it to effectively absorb spices and spices. A product made from goat's milk is often cone-shaped. The pulp of these varieties is very tender and only the shape of the cone ensures its safety. The drum and round shape makes it easy to store hard cheeses in the cellar.

Semi-soft cheeses

The peculiarity of semi-soft cheese is that it can be frozen. After defrosting, the cheese does not lose its texture and taste.

Popular representatives of the species:

Externally and by consistency, the product is divided into cheeses:

  • With dry skin. They mature slowly. The consistency of the internal component can be elastic and have a sweet-nutty taste. Firmer varieties take on a floral-pungent flavor and their rind resembles "skin".
  • Sticky orange rind. Their texture is softer. The taste is spicy and spicy. The head of the product emits a smoke flavor. The cooking process involves adding spices to the product and aging in suspension over an open fire.

Semi-soft Roquefort cheese is able to increase life expectancy. The mold contained in the product has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Its components prevent the formation of plaques in the vessels, strengthen the vessels and the heart.

The hardness of cheese depends on its moisture content. The moisture index is affected by the pressing pressure, packaging and maturation time of the product. The boundary between cheeses of different hardness is not precise, and many brands produce both soft and hard varieties.

Hard cheeses

200 g of hard cheese consumed daily is sufficient to saturate the human body with the necessary fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Its taste and aroma stimulate appetite, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and facilitate digestion. Hard varieties protect tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries by normalizing the acid-base balance.

In hard varieties, the concentration of casein milk protein is 2 times higher than the content of this indicator in soft varieties. In the process of digestion, the protein is transformed into casomorphin, which promotes the release of serotonin (the hormone of happiness).

Cheeses of this type are subject to longer maturation. In the process of growing up, lactose is destroyed - milk sugar, to which 1/12 of humanity is allergic, intolerant. Therefore, in durum varieties, the allergen content is less than in other fermented milk products, and they are acceptable for use by people with intolerance to the substance.

The following varieties have a dense texture:

French blue cheese Saint-Nectaire is a pressed uncooked variety. The uniqueness of this product lies in the place of its maturation. From 2 weeks to 6 months it is aged in natural caves. The place for the location of the heads is lined with rye straw. The rind of the cheese absorbs and takes on the aroma of the plant over time.

From goat milk

The product made from goat's milk contains bacteria different from cow's milk, which restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes. It is hypoallergenic and has a delicate aroma. Storage in the refrigerator requires airtight packaging, otherwise the product quickly absorbs all foreign odors.

Popular types:

Soft goat cheese is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks, hard varieties remain fresh for up to 3 months.

Blue cheeses

According to legend, a young shepherd forgot cheese in a limestone cave. He was busy with a beautiful stranger who met on his way. Returning to the cave with his new acquaintance, the young man found that the product was moldy. He ate it in the presence of a charming girl and discovered for himself, and later for the whole world, the pleasant taste of a spoiled product.

Notable members of this group:

All representatives of this type of product contain Penicillium mold (the basis of the antibacterial drug penicillin).

Due to the natural antibiotic, cheeses with mold, with systematic use:

  • are the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevent ischemia of the heart, as they lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevent joint disease - arthritis;
  • make bone tissue stronger, as they are enriched with calcium and phosphorus;
  • improve brain activity;
  • boost immunity by activating antibodies to fight viruses and bacteria.

Processed cheeses

This category of product is produced by melting pressed cheeses. During the production process, flavorings, other dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir), nuts or dried fruits are added to the raw materials.

All over the world, processed cheese is made from leftovers from the production of other cheeses. The technology involves the addition of cream, spices and oils, emulsifiers and preservatives. The resulting mass is heated, poured into molds and cooled. In France, the preparation of processed cheese is the process of creating a masterpiece. For its manufacture, only high-quality base is used.

Family members:

Name Description
Gurmandiz kirsch Added cherry liqueur
Beau Pasteur Creamy taste
Fondu au Raisin The taste of grape seeds
Rambol Salmon Creamy curd cheese with a characteristic smack of smoked salmon

Flavored cheeses

Some types of cheese have an intense unpleasant smell. However, the presence of a bad aroma is combined with delicious taste. An interesting French representative of a fetid product is Napoleon's favorite cheese in the past - Epoisse.

Its unpleasant "spirit" in a country that idolizes this product became the reason for the ban on transporting it in public transport. The manufacturing technology provides for soaking in vodka from Mark grapes.

A pungent smell, reminiscent of the stench of an unwashed body, appears at 5-8 weeks of exposure. The crust of the cheese acquires an ivory color, shiny. Inside the head contains a soft creamy texture.

Popular French Varieties

Every year, French cheese makers produce 1,800,000 tons of cheese. In a year, 1 resident of the country consumes an average of 27 kg, for Russians this figure is 6 kg. French cheeses number over 400 brands. Among them with mold about 20 items.


After the cheese is taken out of the refrigerator, after 15-20 minutes. it starts to melt. For this reason, cheese production in France is only possible from September to April.

Camembert is characterized by a sharp, rich taste with hints of garlic, fruits, milk, mushrooms, eggs and nuts. It is saturated with phosphorus and calcium, therefore it is useful for people with AIDS and tuberculosis, as well as those who experience great physical and mental stress.


The second name of Brie is the King of Cheeses. All French families eat a sandwich made from fresh baguette and Brie cheese in the morning. The standard round head is 30-60 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm thick.

The surface of the product is covered with a moldy crust, inside is a delicate fluid mass with a nutty aroma. The color is similar to heavy cream. Full maturation of the product takes 8 weeks. The process stops when the first piece is cut.

Brie is rich in amino acids: tyrosine and tryptophan. Substances are necessary for the human body to produce anti-stress hormones. The calorie content of the product per 100 g is 300 kcal, the percentage of fat is 65. When cutting the “king”, it seems that the internal contents will flow onto the plate. But this does not happen with a well-prepared product.

The taste of cheese is creamy with mushroom or nut notes. He acquires sharp notes as a result of growing up. Thin heads have more sharpness than thick ones.


Cheeses of the same name are produced in Spain, Argentina and England. However, European legislation provides for the possibility of making true Roquefort only by the commune of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon and its aging in the caves of Kombalou. It is this area that is registered as a geographical indication of this variety.

The pulp of the product is friable, white, has a high moisture content. It is streaked with a green molded pattern. The aroma and taste are reminiscent of butyric acid, with the pungency provided by the streaks. During use, the taste is revealed gradually. At first, a mild sweetness is felt, then a smack of smoke, and at the end a salty taste is revealed.

To make a head weighing 3 kg and 10 cm thick, 5 liters of sheep's milk are required. Raw materials are taken from animals of the Lacon or Mane breed. Product production standards are developed and approved by the national institute.

They provide:

  • use of milk after 20 days after lambing;
  • sheep grazing is allowed only on the territory of Aveyron, or at least 3/4 of the feed supplied from this territory must be present in the diet of animals:
  • prohibition of heating raw materials to more than 34 ° C;
  • prohibition of milk filtering;
  • the addition of the enzyme to the raw material must be carried out within 48 hours after its receipt from the animal;
  • using only dry salt.

Roquefort, in comparison with other food products, holds the record for the content of glutamates. 100 g of the product contains 1280 mg. The substance is necessary for the "excitation" of the vertebral nerves.


The birthplace of cheese is Switzerland. In France, it is produced in the departments bordering the Swiss regions. The full name of the French version is Emmental Français Est-Central. Cheese mass is dense and elastic. The exposure period is not less than 9 weeks. At the beginning and at the end of ripening, the cheese head is placed in a cold cellar with a temperature of 4-6 ° C.

In the middle of maturation, for 2 weeks, the product is stored in a warm cellar with an ambient temperature of at least 23 °C. As a result of the temperature contrast, bacteria convert oxygen into gas (carbon dioxide) and voids form inside the head.

The peel of the product becomes yellow or light brown. The flesh is yellow-pale with a slightly tart taste and smell of hay. The variety has a long shelf life. The record in the preservation of palatability is fixed at the 150-year bar.


The Conte head looks like a round flat disc. The size in diameter is from 40 to 70 cm. The height of the side is up to 10 cm. The largest discs weigh 50 kg. It takes 600 liters of milk to produce a product of this weight. Fat indicators - 45%.

Required exposure - at least 12 months. In expensive restaurants in France, for example, in L'Arpège, they serve 4-year-old cheese. The main requirement for the finished product is the absence of additives. Only raw whole cow's milk is used in production.

Cheese belongs to the category of hard varieties. Inside the texture is dense, without holes. The crust is spicy, characteristically yeasty in taste. The taste is predominantly herbal (taste of marigolds), oily with a sweet pear note. The aftertaste is reminiscent of a bitter walnut. The crust of the product is brown with a slightly dusty shade, the flesh is pale yellow.


The variety was named after the Cantal Mountains.

Produced in 3 stages of readiness:

  • young - up to 2 months. excerpts;
  • medium - up to 6 months;
  • aged - from 6 months.

When properly stored, the aged product keeps well for up to a year and a half. The variety of medium maturation is not exported to other countries, as it is very popular among the inhabitants of France and there is not enough of it for sale abroad.

The head has a characteristic feature, it is very high compared to others. The thickness of the disk can reach 30 cm. Raw materials for the manufacture of the product are taken only from cows of the Saler breed. Moreover, milk is used exclusively from animals that consume hay for six months, starting from November 15. Salers cheese is produced from summer milk yields.

The pulp has an aroma with earthy notes. The crust is gray-red. The cheese mass has correctly distributed small holes. Spicy nutty taste.


French blue cheese Munster belongs to the category of soft. The rind is washed during aging to develop red bacteria. Cow's milk is used both raw and pasteurized. The variety is characterized by an aggressive aroma of barnyard, freshly cut grass and meadow plants.

Powerful smell makes the product acceptable only for hobbyists. Not every gourmet decides to try Münster. If the product is left unpacked during storage in the refrigerator, the presence of an unpleasant odor will remain in it for a long time.


Cheese from the category of hard varieties. The shape of the finished product is spherical. The contents are dark orange, the crust is uneven, gray. Outwardly, it looks like a cantaloupe. Raw cow's milk is used for production.

At the beginning of growing up, a bread mite (Acarus siro) is placed on the crust of the product. A microscopic organism gnaws holes in the crust through which the cheese breathes. For the uniformity of the pattern, the tick is “chased” from its familiar place. To do this, Mimolet is rubbed with a brush, tapped on it with a wooden mallet and turned over.

A person who has tried this cheese for the first time should not get carried away with the amount eaten. Cheese mites can cause an allergic reaction.


Livaro mold is reddish-orange in color. During cooking, the cheese is washed with sea cane leaves, which give color to the crust. The second name of the product is Colonel.
There are 5 stripes on the shoulder straps of French officers of this rank, and I wrap 5 strips of paper on the sides of the head of cheese. The procedure is necessary to preserve the splendor of the cheese cylinder.


The translation of the name literally means "milk from the second milking of a cow." The history of cheese is associated with a tax in the 14th century, when farmers gave milk to landlords. The cunning villagers did not completely milk the udder, but after paying tribute they devastated the “natural reservoir”.

Raw materials for cheese turned out to be richer in fats and vitamins. Such milk is the basis of Reblochon in our time. The cheese has a natural milky taste and a nutty aftertaste. Pieces of the product melt in your mouth.

The cheese rind is washed. During maturation, the procedure is carried out with a special solution prepared using brevibacteria. Reproducing on the crust of cheese, they give it an orange color.

Reblochon is a French cheese that belongs to the genus of soft cheeses. Like many varieties with mold, it is produced in the form of a cylindrical head, covered with white mold on top. The circle is 10 cm in diameter and 3 cm high.

Thanks to their exquisite taste, history and unique composition, many types of French cheeses are known throughout the world, and, without exaggeration, are popular in the most expensive and popular high society restaurants on the planet.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

French cheese video

Top 10 French cheeses:

Blue cheeses gradually moved from the category of exotic to familiar products like spiced bread or. You no longer need to go to France for the real one - just go down to the nearest supermarket. But what lies behind the dense snow-white crust and viscous creamy texture of the cheese?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claims that the product is 70% dangerous trans fats, and the remaining 30% is a good source. What you need to know about blue cheeses and how safe are they for the human body?

General characteristics of the product

Cheeses with white mold are delicate, fatty creamy pulp and a dense snow-white crust.

For the production of the product, special types of mold from the genus Penicillum are used, which are safe for the human body. The ripening period of cheeses is about 5 weeks and can vary in both directions depending on the variety and characteristics of the product. The shape of white cheese is standard - oval, round or square.

Interesting: cheeses with white mold are considered the smallest group compared to, for example, blue or red. They appeared much later on the shelves of supermarkets and for a long time retained a high cost.

Popular product varieties with white mold


It is this type of blue cheese that has gained particular popularity. It is a soft cow's cheese. Its name is associated with the French province, which is located in the central region of Ile-de-France - this place is considered the birthplace of the product. Bree has gained worldwide popularity and recognition. It is made in almost every corner of the planet, bringing a special touch of individuality and geographical recognition. That is why it is customary to talk about the Brie family of cheeses, and not about a specific product.

Historical note: Brie has long been considered a royal dessert. Blanca of Navarre, Countess of Champagne, often sent a white cheese head as a precious gift to King Philip Augustus. The entire royal court was delighted with the taste and aroma of cheese, so for every holiday, the retinue was looking forward to another moldy gift. Henry IV and Queen Margot also made no secret of their love for the Brie.

The peculiarity of brie is a pale color with subtle grayish blotches. The delicate texture of the pulp is covered with a layer of noble mold Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum. Most often, the product is made in the form of a cake with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters and a thickness of up to 5 centimeters. The mold crust is characterized by a pronounced ammonia aroma, and the cheese itself gives off a slight smell of ammonia, but this does not affect its taste and nutritional properties.

Young brie has a delicate mild taste. The older the cheese, the more sharp and spicy notes in its flavor palette. Another rule that applies to brie is that the spiciness of the cheese depends on the size of the tortilla. The thinner it is, the sharper the product. Cheese is produced on an industrial scale at any time of the year. It is classified among the so-called universal French cheeses, as it is equally well suited for a family lunch or a special gourmet dinner.

Advice. To achieve a delicate texture and dense crust, remove the brie from the refrigerator a few hours before the meal. The optimum storage temperature is +2 to -4 °C.

Boulette d'Aven

It is a French flavored cheese made from cow's milk. The name of the product is associated with the city of Aven. It was with Aven that the rapid history of blue cheese began.

Initially, skim cream from cow's milk was used for the base of the cheese. Over time, the recipe changed, and the main component was the fresh sediment of Marual cheese. The raw materials are crushed, mixed with an abundance of seasonings (tarragon, cloves, and are most often used), after which they are shaped into balls or cones. The cheese crust is tinted with a special annatto plant, sprinkled with paprika and white mold. The ripening period of cheese is from 2 to 3 months. During maturation, the crust is periodically soaked in beer, which provides additional flavor and aroma accents.

Triangular or round pieces of cheese weigh no more than 300 grams. The product is covered with a moist red crust, which consists of paprika and mold. Under it hides a snow-white pulp with bright splashes of spices. The fat content of the product is 45%. The main flavor notes are provided by tarragon, pepper and milk base. Boulette d'Aven is eaten as a main course or served as an appetizer with gin or red wines.


It is a type of soft fatty cheese. It, like most cheese products, is prepared on the basis of cow's milk. painted in a pleasant light creamy or snow-white shade, covered with a dense crust of mold. The outside of the cheese is covered with Geotrichum candidum, on top of which the fluffy mold Penicillium camemberti additionally develops. The peculiarity of the product lies in the taste - a delicate creamy taste is combined with noticeable mushroom notes.

Interesting: the French writer Léon-Paul Fargue wrote that the aroma of camembert is comparable to the “smell of the feet of God” (Le camembert, ce fromage qui fleure les pieds du bon Dieu).

Camembert is based on whole cow's milk. In some cases, a minimum amount of skimmed milk is introduced into the composition. From 25 liters of milk liquid, you can get 12 heads of cheese with the following parameters:

  • thickness - 3 centimeters;
  • diameter - 11.3 centimeters;
  • weight - 340 grams.

Hot weather can adversely affect the ripening of the product, so the cheese is prepared from September to May. Unpasteurized milk is poured into massive molds, left for a while, then rennet is added and the mixture is waiting for it to curdle. During production, the liquid is stirred periodically to prevent the cream from settling.

Ready clots are poured into metal molds and left to dry overnight. During this time, Camembert loses about ⅔ of its original mass. In the morning, the technology is repeated until the cheese acquires the necessary structure. Then the product is salted and put on the shelves for maturation.

Important: the growth and type of mold depends on the temperature of the room in which the cheese ripens. The specific taste of Camembert is formed by a combination of different types of mold and their subsequent development. If the sequence is not followed, then the product will lose the necessary texture, crust and taste.

Camembert is transported in light wooden boxes or several heads are packed in straw. The shelf life of cheese is minimal, so they tend to sell it as soon as possible.


A French cheese made in Upper Normandy. The peculiarity of the nechatel lies in a dry dense crust covered with fluffy white mold and elastic pulp with a mushroom aroma.

The manufacturing technology of the nechatel has not changed much over the several centuries of the existence of the product. Milk is poured into warm containers, rennet, whey are added and the mixture is left for 1-2 days. After that, the whey is drained, mold fungi are launched into the vat, after which the cheese mass is pressed and left to dry on wooden racks. The neuchatel is salted by hand and left to mature in the cellar for at least 10 days (sometimes the ripening period is extended to 10 weeks to achieve a sharp taste and mushroom notes).

The fat content of the finished product is 50%. The crust is formed dry, velvety, completely covered with white uniform mold. Neuchâtel is known for its special form of serving. It is most often prepared and sold in the shape of a large or miniature heart rather than the traditional oval, circle or square.

Useful properties of the product

Behind the specific smell and unattractive appearance lies not only a masterpiece of cheese production, but also a storehouse of benefits for the human body. The Penicillium mold that coats the product is considered noble and very beneficial. Why?

In cheese production, Penicillium roqueforti and Penicillium glaucum are most commonly used. They are added to the mass by injection, after which they are waiting for the maturation and growth of mold. Penicillium fights against pathological bacteria in the body, kills harmful microflora, cleanses the intestines and improves the functionality of the heart.

Scientists have identified a specific phenomenon called the "French Paradox". The paradox itself is that France has the lowest rate of heart attacks in the world. This is attributed to the abundance of red wine and cheese with noble mold in the daily diet of the French. Cheese is indeed known for its anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to cleanse joints and blood vessels, protects them from inflammation, and increases functional activity.

Interesting: Penicillium slows down the aging process of the human body and, as a nice bonus, helps get rid of cellulite.

The composition of cheeses with white mold includes, and calcium (Ca). All of these nutrients help maintain the health and quality of our body.

Useful properties of cheese:

  • strengthening of the bone skeleton, muscular system and teeth;
  • reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis;
  • improvement of control over one's own psycho-emotional state, harmonization of the nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • additional protection and strengthening of the immune system;
  • control of water balance in cells and tissues;
  • increase in working capacity, stimulation of brain cells, improvement of memory and cognitive functions;
  • reduced risk of developing breast cancer;
  • start the process of natural breakdown of fats.

But there is also the other side of the coin. The main component of cheese is milk of animal origin. Scientists have proven that an adult does not need milk, and its abundant use leads to unpleasant symptoms - acne, intestinal problems, poor metabolism, allergic reactions, nausea, etc.

If possible, give preference to cheeses based on sheep or goat milk. They contain less milk sugar, which we stop absorbing when we reach 5-7 years. The main thing is not to abuse the cheese. This is a fairly high-calorie product with an abundance of saturated fats, an excess of which negatively affects a person. Limit yourself to a few bites to enjoy the taste, but it is better to satisfy your hunger with meat, vegetables, fruits or grains.

Why is cheese dangerous?


Cheese is recognized as the most salty product. According to the Consensus Action on Salt and Health, it is ranked #3 behind bread and bacon. For every 100 grams of dairy product, there is an average of 1.7 grams of salt (the daily requirement is 2,300 milligrams). The abundance of salt in white, moldy heads far exceeds the dosage that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. The constant excess of dietary sodium leads not only to violations of the functionality of the body, but also to addiction.


How do hormones get into brie or camembert? The answer is simple - through cow's milk. Often, manufacturers do not care about the quality of the supplied product, but about personal gain. In this case, cows on farms receive injections of hormones and antibiotics instead of proper care. All these unnatural agents penetrate into the milk of the animal, and from there into the human body. The result is the development of osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, prostate and breast cancer.

Formation of dependence

According to statistics, in modern America they consume 3 times more cheese than 40 years ago. The effect of a food drug is remarkably similar to that of an opiate - it deceives the nerve cells and the stomach, forcing us to consume the product uncontrollably.

Fact: People who depend on sugar and fat are helped by the same medications as drug addicts with an overdose.

The situation is aggravated by the consumption of cheese. We are used to using it not only as an independent dish, but also as an addition / sauce / seasoning to the main meal.

Bacteria that threaten pregnancy

Listeria monocyotogenes bacteria can concentrate in unpasteurized milk, poultry and seafood. They cause the infectious disease listeriosis. Symptoms of the disease:

  • vomit;
  • muscle pain;
  • chills;
  • jaundice;

All these symptoms are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Listeriosis can cause premature birth, miscarriage, sepsis//pneumonia in the fetus and mother. That is why doctors recommend completely eliminating soft cheeses with white mold for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The problem of ethical production

There are many doubts about the ethics of the production of the product. You should not trust the inscriptions "organic" and "vegetarian", it is best to carefully study the composition. Most cheeses are prepared with the addition of rennet enzymes. This is the fourth section of the calf's stomach. In the vast majority of cases, producers use enzymes from newly born slaughtered calves.

Important. If you want to eat vegetarian cheese, make sure that the ingredients include fungi, bacteria, or genetically modified microorganisms instead of rennet.

Is it really necessary to give up cheese with white mold? No, the main thing is to carefully study the composition and know when to stop. Try to avoid foods with a lot of additives and preservatives. Look for products that comply with GOST (state requirements), and not TU (organizational requirements) and do not eat a whole head of cheese in one sitting - stretch the pleasure. Approach nutrition from a rational point of view and be healthy!


Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.

Blue cheese is a real gourmet food. This product is classified as a delicacy. Its cost is quite high, so not everyone can enjoy it daily. Usually blue cheeses are served on the festive table, supplemented with fruits, nuts, combined with wines. The presented selection and description will help you navigate the world of cheeses and choose the right variety.

Blue cheese: types and names

Blue cheese is a special type of hard and soft cheese. People have been making it since time immemorial. It is told about in myths and legends, there are records about cheese in old manuscripts and books.

Modern cheese makers have become so successful in craftsmanship that the consumer is easily lost, frozen in front of the counter, where dozens of blue cheeses are presented. To deal with these delicacies, a story about what types of cheeses there are and what is the originality of their tastes will help.

Came to the store and were confused by the variety of cheese products? Do not know what blue cheese is called and what variety goes well with wines or fruits? Use this guide if you are preparing for a celebration and want to treat your guests to delicious cheese.

Only three types of mold are used in cheese making: red, white and blue. Depending on this, three basic types of blue cheeses are distinguished, each of which has subspecies or varieties. Let's talk about them in more detail:

Cheese with white mold

Have you seen cheese covered with a thin white crust in stores? It is a cheese that is created thanks to two types of fungi - Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum. Their spores are applied on top, which is why the cheese acquires a specific nutty or mushroom taste, smells like withered grass or moss.

Four varieties of white mold cheeses are popular:

  • Camembert- soft cheese with mushroom notes. It is made from cow's milk.

It has a rich creamy taste and contains a high percentage of fat. It is added to soups and desserts, sauces are made from it. Camembert pairs perfectly with fruit, herbs, nuts, crispy baguette and rosé wine.

  • Bree- delicacy of the French kings. Its difference is a rich spicy aroma and delicate taste of cream.

Choose brie with a soft crust. It is a ripened cheese with pronounced taste qualities.

At a banquet, serve brie with white crackers or a baguette, candied almonds or walnuts, honey, figs, pears or apples. Brie is in harmony with dry red wines and dark beers.

  • Neuchâtel- cheese from Normandy.

Differs in saturation and depth of mushroom aroma and creamy taste, has a granular structure. It is served with crispy white bread and red wine.

  • boulet-d'aven- semi-soft blue cheese, whose name comes from the mining village of Aven, located near the borders of Belgium.

It is distinguished by a granular loose structure, has a pronounced spicy, piquant and spicy taste. According to the French writer Emile Zola, this cheese is the miners' favorite food. Boulette d'Aven reveals its properties and taste when paired with dark beer, gin or strong red wines.

White cheeses with mold are considered dessert. They are served at the end of the main meal. Thanks to fungal spores that form a thin fluffy crust, even heavy food is digested and absorbed faster.

blue cheese

Blue cheese is considered a royal treat. For a long time, this type of cheese was available only to wealthy people.

It differs in that bluish-gray or green-blue streaks of mold penetrate through the pieces of the product. Cheese makers, using a special needle, inject Penicillium roqueforti or Pencillium glaucum spores into a piece of cheese prepared for aging, which create a noble effect and give the product a spicy taste.

By varieties of blue cheese, you can study the geography of Europe. On the shelves of shops you will find such varieties of blue cheese:

  • Roquefort- aristocratic cheese.

For its production, a special type of mold is used, which is found only in the caves of a mountain range located in the south of France in the historical part of the county of Rouergue.

Classic Roquefort is made only from sheep's milk. Its distinctive property is an intense spicy taste and spicy aroma.

Roquefort is best served as a snack in the company of walnuts or added to salads, where there are bitter herbs (for example, arugula leaves), vegetables. It harmonizes with all fruits except citrus.

Roquefort will reveal its taste in the company of red and white sweet and dry wines, porter and Muscat liqueur. It does not tolerate heat treatment well, so it is better not to add it to sauces.

  • Dorblu- noble semi-hard cheese with bluish mold comes from Germany.

It appeared about 120 years ago. It features a creamy, dense texture laced with greenish mold streaks that create a marbled pattern.

In the taste of dorblu, a combination of nut and mushroom notes is felt. It has a sharp, spicy taste, quite salty. Gastronomic company dorblu - red grapes and nuts, dry red wine and champagne. It is used for sauces and salads.

  • Gorgonzola- Italian semi-hard cheese that matures for about 4 months.

It has a rich spicy taste and spicy aroma, thin green streaks of mold are visible in the cut.

There are two subspecies of this variety - sweetish young and mature, dense with bright veins. The first is served with white wine, the second with red. Gorgonzola is added to classic Italian dishes - risotto, pasta, pizza, polenta. It can be added to salads.

  • Danablue- a relative of Roquefort originally from Denmark.

The variety was invented 100 years ago. It is immediately recognizable by its white texture with thin blue veins of mold that create a marbled pattern. It has a salty taste with a distinct spiciness.

Serve danablu as an appetizer before your main meal. It harmonizes perfectly with fruits and vegetables, so it is used in salads and sauces. Feature: the taste of danablue is revealed when it becomes warm.

  • Stilton- the creation of English cheese makers from Nottinghamshire.

Aging period - up to 120 days. It is made only from morning cream collected from cow's milk. Therefore, the Stilton has a creamy brittle texture with thin bluish veins. A ripened piece of such cheese will hit the receptors with a spicy buttery taste and a mild fruity aroma.

Stilton is served with sweet fortified wines (port or sherry), apple cider or dark beer will suit it. Chefs use this variety of cheese to make soups, mashed potatoes and casseroles, sandwiches and vegetable mixes.

Cheeses with blue mold are considered snack foods, so they are mainly served as part of an aperitif - salads, canapes, sandwiches. Their characteristic properties: high fat pungency and slightly salty taste.

Cheeses with red mold

This type of cheese is distinguished by an ocher-colored crust, pink or burgundy top layer. These varieties are considered exotic. They are produced by washing with alcohol or grape pomace. Due to alcohol, penicillin takes on various shades of red.

Such varieties of cheeses with red mold are known:

  • Livaro- French cheese with a yellowish-orange rind, originally from Normandy.

Known since the 13th century as "the meat of the poor". In its production, cow's milk of the highest quality and fat content, vegetable juice and sea cane are used.

This cheese has an expressive spicy taste that true gourmets can appreciate. Livaro is served as an independent appetizer for dry red wines.

  • Reblochon- a pressed variety of French soft cheese with an orange rind covered with a white bloom.

The cheese matures for 2-4 weeks, during which the heads are constantly washed in a special solution.

Reblochon is served with white Savoy wine, used in soups and salads, light snacks with smoked chicken fillet and prunes.

  • Epoisse- sharp French soft cheese with a creamy velvety texture.

Its difference is a dark orange crust, which is obtained by washing small cheese heads (up to 18 cm in diameter) in brandy. Sell ​​and store it in wooden boxes.

It has a pungent odor, so it is forbidden to carry it openly in public transport. Epoisse is combined with Burgundy wine.

  • Limburg cheese- a semi-soft cheese from Germany with a pungent smell, a brick-colored crust and a delicate creamy texture that spreads when cut.

Due to its very specific aroma (the effect of "unwashed feet"), it is rarely served at the table. Gourmets enjoy its taste in combination with red wines.

On the shelves you can find Camembert with a red crust. This variety is produced by dipping heads in cider. As a result, fruity notes are added to the airy creamy texture of Camembert.

Use the described types of cheese as appetizers or additions to salads, hold a wine tasting with cheese plates, cook national Italian or French dishes using blue cheeses.

Blue cheese: benefits and harms

Blue cheeses belong to the category of products that should be consumed with caution and in moderation. It's all about the fungi that form the specific taste and aroma of cheeses. They can benefit the human body, however, they will harm if you do not follow the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists. Let's dwell on these points in more detail.

The benefits of blue cheeses are due to their exclusivity. They are made from high quality cow, sheep or goat milk, which is environmentally friendly. Add to this the use of pure cultures for curdling milk, settling curds and you have a clean production based on organics.

In addition, the chemical composition and biological properties of blue cheeses have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs. This product is useful because:

  • restores the microbiological properties of the intestine (stops diarrhea, eliminates constipation);
  • positively affects digestion (accelerates it, neutralizes toxins);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores the acid-base balance in the oral cavity and strengthens the teeth;
  • enhances the protective functions of the skin (melanin is produced, age spots disappear, wounds heal faster), maintains its youthfulness, tone, provides vitamin A;
  • has an antioxidant effect on all systems and organs;
  • stabilizes the nervous system, improves sleep and memory;
  • enriches the body with protein, which is necessary to maintain muscle mass;
  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improves hormonal levels;
  • prevents osteoporosis and arthritis.

Scientists have noticed that those people who regularly eat blue cheese live longer, are more energetic, they are less prone to the development of coronary diseases and diabetes.

  • allergy sufferers;
  • Small children;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with severe disorders of the digestive tract (peptic ulcer, enterocolitis, pancreatitis), disorders in the hormonal system;
  • losing weight.

Mold can cause various allergic reactions - from reddening of the skin to Quincke's edema and cardiac arrest.

Listeria, found in white and blue cheeses, will cause women who are carrying or breastfeeding children to develop fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. The consequences will be deplorable: miscarriages, premature births, deviations in the development of the fetus, food poisoning and allergies in the baby.

The high fat content of cheese delicacies makes them unhealthy for those with liver or gallbladder problems. High calorie content will harm those who control the diet or adhere to the rules of a balanced diet.

Nutritionists also limit healthy people in the consumption of blue cheeses. The recommended daily portion should not exceed 50 g, preferably in combination with fruits, vegetables or nuts. Overeating blue cheese will result in obesity, indigestion, increased cholesterol, and changes in eating habits.

Cheeses with penicillin mold are a noble and specific product that does not often appear on the tables of the average consumer. However, when preparing for a banquet or a buffet table, include snacks or salads in the list of dishes, which include blue cheeses.

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In recent years, Russian cheese producers have reached a new, higher level of development. The range and quality of products offered by domestic cheese makers is not inferior to the world's leading manufacturers.

Cheeses with Russian-made mold appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, but they no longer cause consumer concern, and demand for them is steadily growing.

Soft cheeses with mold have ceased to be an exclusive European product; they can be purchased in most Russian supermarkets.

However, some consumers still have a biased attitude towards the delicacy: is it not dangerous for health to eat a product that has classic signs of spoilage.

Let's see: is blue cheese dangerous, is there any benefit in it, and how to choose it?

The mold covering the surface of cheeses has nothing to do with the one that appears on the surface of products in case of violation of the conditions and terms of their storage. Cheese mold is called "noble", it performs a protective function, has antibacterial properties, preventing the penetration of unwanted bacteria into the thickness of the cheese.

Blue mold - penicillium (Penicillium) populates such cheeses as Gorgonzola and Roquefort.

White mold yeast-like fungi Geotrichum candidum. covers brie, camembert.

What to look for when choosing blue cheese?

Where to buy? Blue cheese should be purchased only in

stores or supermarkets that you trust.

Blue mold cheeses must be visible in section, there is no such requirement for white mold cheese.


Cheese with white mold - produces a more delicate mushroom aroma (this is the smell of penicillin). Cheese with blue mold - has a pronounced smell with a sharp mushroom tinge.

Be wary if the cheese smells strongly of ammonia; most likely, such a product is expired or stored in inappropriate conditions.

Compound. Carefully read the composition, which should be indicated on the package. Buy cheese that contains only fresh or sour milk, salt, enzymes (lactic acid and rennet), and foaming bacteria. The presence of preservatives, dyes, other food additives is unacceptable.

Taste. Specific, clean, with bright notes of cream or fresh butter and a pleasant aftertaste.

Texture. Homogeneous, tender, creamy, without dense inclusions and cavities. When pressed, high-quality cheese is elastic, slightly springy.

The presence of a dry layer along the crust indicates that the cheese has been stored for too long. The presence of 2-3 small holes is acceptable. Numerous holes are an indicator of a poor-quality product.

Mold - White Mold - delicate snow-white or ivory fluff or crust, should completely cover the surface of the cheese. You should refuse to buy cheese with a broken crust, it can be dangerous.

blue mold - represents blue, turquoise or greenish blotches, evenly distributed inside the cheese mass.

On cheese with mold, only the mold specified by the manufacturer (white fluffy Penicillium candidum, blue or gray-green Penicillium roqueforti,) should be present. The appearance of a wild “neighbor” next to the cultural mold indicates spoilage of the cheese.

Blue cheese can be dangerous

Eating blue cheese can cause listeriosis infection, however, this only applies to cheeses made from unpasteurized milk.

Listeriosis is a very rare but dangerous disease. In Russia, up to 40 cases of listeriosis are registered annually. Listeria can be present in raw milk, however, they die when heated above 62 ° C for 35-40 minutes (note that pasteurization, which is an obligatory stage in milk preparation, is carried out at higher temperatures).

The disease is accompanied by vomiting, muscle pain, high fever, jaundice. Infection during pregnancy is especially dangerous, the disease can cause premature birth, miscarriage, sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia in the fetus. That is why doctors recommend completely eliminating gourmet cheeses with mold for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not get carried away with moldy cheeses and people suffering from diseases of the urinary system, arterial hypertension, prone to overweight. This limitation is due to the high fat content of gourmet cheeses and the high salt content, which is especially characteristic of blue cheeses.

It is believed that blue cheeses are best consumed with fresh bread, but without adding oil. Varieties with white mold are best combined with fresh soft bread, cheeses with blue mold are eaten with crispbread.

It is important not only to choose high-quality cheese, but also to know how to store it properly.

The optimum storage temperature for cheeses with mold is +1+6ºС, at lower temperatures the cheese freezes, it acquires an inhomogeneous texture, and crumbles. At higher temperatures, the cheese softens, its taste becomes unpleasantly sharp.

Moldy cheeses should be wrapped in paper or foil and stored separately, otherwise the mold will easily transfer to other products. The cut surface should be covered with polyethylene or parchment paper.

If the terms and conditions of storage are violated, moldy cheeses acquire dangerous properties: mold bacteria turn into pathogenic ones.

Be careful! Choose quality cheeses!

We wish you a successful purchase!
