
How to remove small bones from a herring. How to quickly clean a herring from bones

Herring is one of the favorite products of Russians, their pride. Not a single festive table is complete without one or another herring dish. Its only drawback is the abundance of small bones. How to properly butcher a carcass to get rid of them? ?

Of course, many may object, they say, in any supermarket you can buy ready-made peeled herring fillets, but the thing is that in terms of taste it is inferior to ordinary herring with bones.

How to properly clean a herring

Every housewife certainly has her own secret, how to properly clean a herring. Sometimes, when guests are on the doorstep, and you need to prepare a delicious snack in a matter of minutes, you should know a few subtleties on how to clean the fish from the bones.

Step 1. To do this, you will need a cutting board, baking foil, a sharp knife, a thin vegetable knife, tweezers and a plate where you can put the peeled fillets. To avoid the smell that remains on the board after cutting the fish, it should be covered with foil.

Step 2. First you need to separate the head and tail with a sharp knife. Some hobbyists leave the head for decoration, then the gills should be removed.

Step 3. Then, with the same knife, cut open the belly of the fish along its entire length, scraping out all the insides from there along with the protective film. If there is caviar or milk, you can clean them, rinse under water and leave, as there are many lovers of eating them.

Step 4. On the prepared carcass, we make an incision in the tail, then, with a leisurely movement, carefully, so as not to damage the surface, remove the skin.

Step 5. On the back of the already cleaned carcass, make a shallow cut with a thin knife and remove the fin. With the same thin knife, carefully cut the herring into 2 halves. Carefully remove the ridge from one half.

Now, how to clean herring from bones, everyone knows and will not get into trouble if necessary.

How to clean a herring for a fur coat

As you know, in order to cook everyone's favorite herring under a fur coat, you need to grind all the ingredients. Herring fillet should also be cut into small cubes. But you also need to try so that the guests do not get any bone stuck in their throats. Young housewives should know how to clean a herring for a fur coat so that not even small bones remain.

In the above way, it is necessary to process the herring carcass in order to extract the finished fillet. It should be rinsed under water and lightly dried with a kitchen towel.

It remains only to check the fillet for the presence of small bones, and if there are any, remove them with tweezers or hands.

How to clean salted herring

Sometimes when buying it turns out that the herring was too salty. In order not to spoil the taste of the finished dish, it should be processed. How to clean salted herring, few know, but the secret is that it only needs to be soaked in water, milk or tea.

Step 1. Very salty herring should be soaked in water for one and a half or two days, periodically changing the water.

Step 2. You can soak hard and salted fish in milk for 5-8 hours.

Step 3. If the herring is soft, it can be soaked in sweetened tea for half an hour or an hour. This will give it elasticity and remove excess salt.

Step 4. After excess salt has been removed from the herring, and it has regained a delicate taste, it is necessary to cut it without leaving it for long storage. To do this, you need to know how to quickly clean a herring.

Step 5. The carcass must be freed from the head, tail and entrails. Remove the skin and carefully divide the fish into 2 halves with your hands, getting rid of the bones along the way. That's all wisdom.

No one is immune from unexpected twists of fate. And very often a person finds himself in an unpredictable situation. Therefore, the knowledge of worldly wisdom is always very helpful. Now you know how to clean a herring correctly!

Well, how to explain to a foreigner that the words of the waiter “herring, I understand” mean, first of all, a misted decanter? (A. Genis)

Herring, she is a herring - this is how this fish is correctly called - lives mainly in the northern part of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Despite the simplicity and cheapness, herring is a valuable gift from the sea and its benefits are undeniable. It is no coincidence that herring has been included in the diet of a healthy diet since the early years of human life. This fish contains Omega 3 fatty acids, rich vitamins A, D, E, B1, B6, B12. Herring has a high content calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, cobalt, copper, potassium, iron and selenium. Unfortunately, for many, cleaning a herring is a big problem - dirt, smell, hands ... it is often because of cleaning that we deny ourselves a real tasty herring. In fact, peeling a herring is quite simple if well organized workplace.

How to choose a herring?

Now you can buy herring in any condition: milled, cut into pieces, in different fills, sealed in plastic and various beautiful boxes. Unfortunately, all this has little to do with herring, because such a product is pickled from frozen fish, and synthetic ripening substances are used to ripen it. There are no bones in such a herring, because. in the cooking process, special additives are used that dissolve bones, and it tastes a little like real herring, so, despite the beauty of the packaging, you should not buy such fish.

Barrel salted herring is considered the most delicious and high quality. True, in our time, even such a herring is not ideal, and it is often salted from frozen, but at least you see that you have a whole fish in front of you, and not pieces of unknown origin.

High-quality herring should be well-fed, have transparent eyes, elastic gills of dark red color and a shiny surface, and have a characteristic pleasant smell. If you prefer slightly salted herring, choose fish with red eyes. A sign of medium and highly salted herring will be cloudy eyes, which, by the way, also indicate the presence of caviar. It is generally accepted that males are much tastier and fatter than females, so you can quite easily ask for a “male” to be packed for you. They are distinguished as follows: females have a round mouth, while males have an elongated and narrow one.

To cut herring you will need:

  • two pieces of paper (regular blank wrapping paper or baking paper, used to use newspaper)
  • sharp knife
  • paper napkins
  • plastic board (easier to clean with detergents)
  • latex gloves (if you're sorry about the manicure)

Do I need to wash herring before gutting?
If you bought herring from a barrel with brine, then you don’t need to wash it, but some housewives rinse it with cold water, just rinse it, don’t wash it so that the fish is not saturated with water.

Spread one sheet of paper on a plastic board and place the herring on it. First cut off the head of the herring- hold it with your left hand, put the knife obliquely behind the fin and gills - make an incision not completely and turn the fish over to the other side.

In the same way, cut off the head obliquely (now to the end) on the other side.

Cut the belly of the herring. You can simply cut off the bottom of the abdomen along with the fins. Put all waste right there on paper.

Spread the abdomen with your fingers and a knife clean out the insides. Scrape off the black film with a knife.

Usually inside the fish is caviar(if female) or milk(if male) - both can be eaten. Set them aside if you eat.

Wipe the herring with paper towels inside and outside.

Transfer the fish to clean paper. Discard dirty paper with waste.

Cut off the tail and top fin.

If you use the head and tail of the herring when serving, then remove and discard the gills from the head, wash your hair under running cold water.

notch herring carcass above along the entire length.

Starting from the tail remove the skin from the herring- first on one side, then on the other - separate the skin with the fingers of your right hand, pull it with your left hand. If the herring is salted properly, the skin comes off very easily.

Run your fingers inside the slit along the back, separating the fillet from the spine and bones.

The herring is easily divided into two parts.

Separate the spine with costal bones. Remove the remaining individual bones with your fingers.

Throw away the waste paper boneless herring fillet after a little manipulation it will be ready for use.

How do you eat herring?

Transfer the herring fillet to a plastic board and cut into pieces.

Lay the pieces of herring into the herring(small oval dish), place the head and tail at opposite ends.

Traditionally, herring is served with fresh onions, so cut the onion into rings or half rings, as you like.

Lay the onion on the herring and be sure drizzle with sunflower oil. If you have fragrant unrefined sunflower oil, then this is ideal.

Well, as they say, eat to your health!

If there fresh dill, do not be shy, sprinkle the herring with finely chopped dill - our favorite Russian herb - the fish will be grateful to you. Boiled potatoes, both hot and cold, are served as a side dish for herring.

Bon appetit!

In contact with

Many people love herring, despite the many minor flaws (yes, I'm talking about numerous bones). But very few people like to butcher a delicious fish. It's long, dirty, tedious... I propose to forget about this problem forever! I tell you how to clean a herring quickly and without bones, so that it turns out beautifully, neatly, appetizingly.

Basic Rules:

When cleaning salted (smoked) fish, it is advisable to use a separate cutting board. Wood fibers quickly absorb fat and blood, which promotes the growth of bacteria. In addition, after the herring, the plank will smell, to put it mildly, unappetizing. Plastic boards are less susceptible to diffusion, but still become unusable. Cling film, clean paper will help protect the board from the fishy smell. Newspapers are not suitable for these purposes. I don’t know exactly what is added to the printing ink, but their contact with food will clearly not be useful. After cleaning, roll up the paper along with the bones and giblets. The board will remain almost clean, no unpleasant smell, greasy stains. Just rinse it with a drop of detergent.

A sharp knife is the key to quick cleaning of herring and smooth, neat fillets.

To get rid of a specific smell from your hands, pour them with lemon juice (diluted table vinegar). Washing in beer also helps (50-70 ml is enough). Grated potatoes, distributed over the surface of the palms and between the fingers, will also help eliminate the intrusive “aroma”.

It is advisable to have a roll of thick paper napkins on hand to periodically wipe the knife and hands.

It is convenient to take out small bones with special tweezers.

How to peel a salted (fresh) herring to get an even fillet, absolutely boneless

A reliable way when accuracy is paramount. By and large, almost everyone cleans fish this way, sometimes with some additions and changes.

You will need:

herring - 1 carcass

board - 1 pc.

sharpened knife - 1 pc.

paper (plastic film) - as much as you need

paper towels - 4-5 pcs. tweezers - desirable, but not necessary

Cutting order:

-1- Remove the fish from the brine, rinse. Clean the carcass (if necessary) so that transparent scales do not fall on the finished fillet. Dry with napkins.

-2- To remove the head and at the same time take out most of the insides, make an incision about 3 cm deep from the side of the ridge, as shown in the photo. When the spinal bone is cut, gently pull the head forward.

-3- She will easily move away from the abdominal part and the giblets will follow her. Send waste to trash

-4- Spread the belly with one clear movement. Take out milk or caviar (as you are lucky). They are edible and delicious. Put them in a herring box, cover with a film, hide in the refrigerator.

-5- Place the knife blade with the sharp part perpendicular to the fish. Scrape off the remaining innards along with the black film. At the same stage, cut off the halves of the abdomen. This part of the carcass is edible, but "for an amateur." Peel it and send it to the herring along with the fillet or throw it away. By the way, to preserve the integrity of the abdomen, remove the remains of the insides through the top of the fish when you take out the backbone.

-6- Remove the dorsal fin. Make 2 parallel shallow cuts close to it. Remove the fin with your fingers.

-7- Cut off the tail.

-8- Cut the herring along the back, cutting through the skin and fish pulp almost to the ridge. Remove the skin, prying it in the abdomen, pulling it towards the back, as if lifting it up. So the outer part of the fillet is less damaged.

-9- The crucial stage is the separation of the ridge along with large bones from the fillet. Take the herring with both hands. Turn her belly towards you. Feel the ridge from the inside with your thumbs, and the outside with the rest. Carefully separate the halves of the herring so that the bones remain on one fillet. Don't rush, don't make sudden movements. Gently press the ridge from the inside, and from the outside - slowly sort out the bones, trying to remove them from the fish. After separating the first half, remove the bones from the second. If everything went according to plan, no more than 4-6 large bones will remain in the herring. With small ones - get rid of with tweezers.

-10- Use the finished herring fillet for its intended purpose: cut it or serve it whole in a herring machine, roll it into a roll, finely chop it into a “Shuba”.

When you need to quickly clean a lot of herring and accuracy is not important

When preparing "Herring under a fur coat" you can neglect the aesthetic appearance of the fillet. The main thing is that it should be without bones. Also, this method is suitable for quickly cleaning a large number of fish, for example, for a large-scale feast.

Having decided to treat home or guests with salted herring, the hostess will wonder how to clean it. Herring is not served unpeeled. You can cook delicious cold snacks from salted fish: salad under a fur coat, mincemeat, rolls, or simply eat it with boiled potatoes, cut into pieces and sprinkled with sunflower oil. Before cooking any herring dish, you have to remove the bones, and often remove the skin.


For cleaning salted fish, it is better to have a separate cutting board, but you can wrap a regular cling film and work on it. You can not clean the fish on the newspaper, as the paint sticks to the product, and, consequently, to the stomach. Medical gloves will help protect your hands from unpleasant odors.

For work you will need:

  • sharpened knife;
  • tweezers;
  • plastic bag.

Cleaning methods

There are several ways to clean salted herring.

For beginner housewives

The fish is freed only from the bones, leaving the skin. This is how herring is prepared for serving as a cold appetizer, cut into pieces and sprinkled with chopped fresh or pickled onions or herbs.

  1. The fish is gutted, washed, cut off the head and tail fin.
  2. The thumb is placed next to the dorsal fin and deepened into the back by 2-3 cm.
  3. The finger is moved to the tail and the carcass is divided into halves.
  4. The ridge is removed by hand.
  5. Small bones are pulled out with tweezers.

In one move

This is how herring is cut in the Far East, when a lot of fish needs to be processed. First, the carcass is gutted and the head is separated. Then:

  1. The fish is taken with both hands by the caudal fin.
  2. Wave your arms so that the carcass makes one turn.
  3. Hands spread apart.
  4. In one hand there will be two halves of a clean fillet, in the other - the back with all the bones.
  5. From the back, the ridge is removed by hand along with large bones.

As a result, three pieces of pure pulp are obtained: a back and two fillets.

Most Russian people are happy to eat herring, with potatoes or just with bread, in a salad or as a snack. And therefore, the question of how to quickly clean a herring worries many housewives. Of course, now in any supermarket you can buy ready-made peeled, chopped and even herring filled with sauce. But, firstly, the quality of such fish leaves much to be desired, because it is not actually cleaned of small bones, but simply special substances are added to the marinade that soften these very bones. And secondly, herring from plastic jars is also often inferior in taste. Therefore, it is better to buy a whole fish. And we will tell you about how to properly clean the herring.

How to clean a herring

So, before starting the cleaning process, we take everything you need - a cutting board, a knife and paper. In the past, people used newspapers. But modern housewives are more concerned about health, so instead of a newspaper with dangerous paints and inks, we take plain paper or, for example, baking foil. We cover the board with it. This will help prevent bad odors from appearing on the board, and you can quickly and neatly wrap the fish giblets in paper so they don't stink in the bin.

We put the herring on the board, take a knife and, carefully holding the fish by the ventral fin, cut it from the anus to the gills. It is not necessary to cut very deeply, since it is important here not to touch the insides. Next, lift the top of the fish and remove the giblets. We leave caviar and milk, and throw everything else away.

Now the gutted fish needs to be cleaned of the skin. To do this, we make a rather deep incision around the tail and begin to remove the skin from the tail to the head, from the abdomen to the back. As a result, a thin fish skin should hang on the dorsal fin, which we carefully remove at the end, helping ourselves with our fingers. And now we have a clean fish that needs only to be separated from the bones.

How to clean a herring from bones

Now on the Internet you can find many videos on how to peel a herring in one motion. To do this, they take it with both hands by the two halves of the tail, turn it over once in the air and pull it in different directions, separating the fillet with bones and the meat on the abdomen. Then the spine and small bones are carefully removed from the fillet. It all looks interesting, but you can cut the fish in a less spectacular and more traditional way. To do this, first walk along each side of the fish from the inside with your fingers and firmly press the meat to the bones. And then gently, holding the meat, remove the spine with the bones, first from one side, and then from the other side. You should get two fillets and a separate backbone with a fish head. Be sure to feel the fillet with your fingers and remove the remaining bones from the meat.

At this stage, many housewives complain that there are many small bones in the fillet, which take a very long time to choose. In fact, the problem here is not the skill or even the experience of the person who butchers the fish. That herring, which does not move well from the bones, is simply salted incorrectly, or rather salted in a stale form. So if you're having trouble separating the meat from the bones, next time buy your herring elsewhere and you might be lucky to find a good, properly cooked fish. In the meantime, you need to clean up such a capricious fish, use tweezers.

That's it, your herring is ready to eat. It remains only to make a delicious fill to it. Previously, we all just ate herring with onions and sunflower oil. But now there are many interesting marinade recipes that make the fish more fragrant and tasty. For example, you can mix mustard, sugar and vinegar, or tomato paste, sugar and water. The taste of the filling can be different, it all depends on your preferences. Black pepper, dried herbs and cloves are often added to the marinade. The fish is cut into pieces and placed in a jar, after laying lemon slices and onion rings on the bottom. Then everything is poured with marinade and put in the refrigerator. You can also prepare a hot marinade from mustard, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar and salt. Such a warm filling is added to the herring, they wait until the fish cools down, and serve it on the table.

A dish of herring fillet marinated with carrots and onions turns out to be very tasty. To prepare it, put some water on the fire, cut the carrots into slices and chop the onion. A little sugar, salt, bay leaf, pepper and cloves are added to the water. When the water boils, carrots and onions are lowered into it and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Pieces of fish fillet are beaten a little and greased with vegetable oil. Then boiled carrots and onions are placed on them and the fillets are wrapped with tubes. Ready herring rolls are put in a glass dish, poured with warm marinade and put in the refrigerator for a day. The dish is served as a cold appetizer. Enjoy your meal!
