
Marinade for chicken with soy sauce in the oven recipe. Chicken fillet in soy sauce - the perfect marinade for poultry meat

When preparing kebabs, no one wants to lose face, so everyone tries to marinate the meat as best as possible. Someone chooses the most traditional marinade recipes, someone is looking for something new and unusual. Barbecue marinade with soy sauce can hardly be called a classic, but at the same time, today it is one of the most popular. Its advantages include the ability to marinate meat for barbecue quickly enough. In addition, such a marinade will cost inexpensively, it is one of the most affordable. At the same time, there are several options for marinade with soy sauce, which allows you to choose the right one for the type of meat that is used, as well as choose the composition for every taste.

Cooking features

Marinade for barbecue with soy sauce is easy to prepare, it does not require inaccessible ingredients and excessive skill. However, knowing a few rules is necessary. Otherwise, the taste of the finished barbecue may not meet your expectations.

  • Soy sauce is salty, so salt is not put in the marinade when using it. If you use complex seasonings, choose those that do not include salt. In addition, use the sauce itself only in the amount indicated in the recipe: if you pour too much sauce, the kebab will be salty.
  • Soy sauce itself softens meat fibers quite well, so it does not need any addition. But still, in most cases, spices, herbs, herbs, as well as acidic foods are added to the marinade, which speed up the pickling process. Most often this is wine or lemon juice, but there may be other ingredients.
  • Meat marinated with soy sauce marinates quickly, but not instantly. Pork can be fried after 3-4 hours, for lamb and beef this time should be increased, for chicken or turkey - reduced. A more accurate pickling time is usually indicated in a specific recipe.
  • If the marinade contains acidic foods, you can not choose an aluminum container for pickling. The reason is that when aluminum comes into contact with acid, harmful substances are released. Preference should be given to glass, ceramics, stainless steel. Enamelware is also suitable for these purposes.
  • If you plan to keep the meat in the marinade for a long time, then it is better to put it in the refrigerator.
  • The meat for barbecue is marinated already cut into pieces of the desired size.
  • Important for the preparation of a delicious barbecue is not only the composition of the marinade, but also the quality of the meat itself. You need to know that barbecue is not made from frozen meat. The meat of a young animal is always more tender than an old one.

There are a lot of recipes for marinade with soy sauce. Of these, it is not difficult to choose the one that is right for your meat.

Easy Soy Sauce Marinade Recipe

  • meat (any suitable for barbecue) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • seasoning for barbecue - to taste;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the meat. To do this, you must first wash it well and dry it with napkins. Then remove the film, veins. The pulp is cut into pieces about the size of two matchboxes placed on top of each other.
  • Sprinkle meat with seasonings and stir.
  • Peel the onions, cut them into thin half rings. Squeeze the onion with your hands so that the juice begins to stand out from it.
  • Put the onion in the bowl with the meat for the kebab.
  • Pour the meat with soy sauce, mix well.

Pork in soy sauce should be marinated for 3 hours, lamb - 4 hours, beef - 6 hours. Poultry meat can be fried as early as 2 hours after placing it in the marinade.

Marinade with soy sauce for beef

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • tomato juice - 0.2 l;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the veal tenderloin. Remove the film. Cut across the fibers into pieces about 4 cm thick. Place in a bag and beat lightly.
  • Rub with chopped spices.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small pieces.
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Combine thick tomato juice (unsalted), soy sauce, onion, garlic and olive oil.
  • Pour the mixture over the meat and refrigerate overnight (about 6 hours).

If you want to marinate the beef quickly, then you can add kiwi to the marinade by chopping it with a knife or using a blender.

Marinade with soy sauce for chicken or turkey

  • chicken or turkey fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • honey - 100 ml;
  • dried basil - 10 g;
  • seasoning for chicken - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the poultry meat and dry with a towel. Cut into pieces about 4-5 cm.
  • Mix chicken seasoning with dried basil.
  • Chop the garlic with a knife and add to the spicy mixture, mix.
  • Pour the mixture into the bowl with the chicken or turkey pieces, stir until the spices coat each piece.
  • Melt honey so that it becomes completely liquid.
  • Pour soy sauce into honey, mix.
  • Onion cut into half rings. Squeeze it to extract juice, mix with poultry meat.
  • Transfer the meat to a bowl with the honey-soy marinade. Mix everything well so that the marinade covers all the pieces.

Marinate chicken in a marinade with soy sauce prepared according to this recipe for 1.5 hours, turkey meat - 2 hours.

Marinade with soy sauce for pork or lamb

  • pork or lamb - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • mustard - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mustard.
  • Add soy sauce and lemon juice to the mustard. Stir.
  • Prepare the meat, cut into pieces of about 50 g.
  • Sprinkle with herbs, stir.
  • Pour in the marinade, mix well again.

It is enough to keep the meat in this marinade before frying for three hours. It can marinate not only meat, but also fish. The recipe will be the same, only 50 ml of olive oil will need to be added to the rest of the ingredients. The spices will also be different.

Marinade for barbecue with soy sauce and mayonnaise

  • meat - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 l;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the meat by cutting into 4-5 cm pieces.
  • Cut the onion into large rings, after peeling it.
  • Put onions in a container with meat, add seasonings, pour in soy sauce and squeeze out mayonnaise. Mix everything well with your hands.

The marinade is suitable for any meat, especially lean. Chicken will be ready for frying in an hour, pork in 2 hours, beef or lamb will have to be marinated a little more (4-6 hours).

Marinade for barbecue with soy sauce is almost universal. It allows you to cook a delicious and juicy kebab from any meat, and you don’t need to wait a very long time until it marinates.

Recently, Asian cuisine is gaining more and more popularity in our country. This is due to the fact that, using certain ingredients that came to us from the East, experienced chefs and beginners can quickly and tasty make a unique lunch or dinner.

general information

Few people know how to cook chicken in soy sauce. After all, in our country everyone is used to baking or frying such a bird using mayonnaise or honey. However, it should be noted that when using soy sauce, this meat is more tender, tasty and aromatic. In this regard, in the presented article, we decided to tell you about how you can quickly and easily cook marinated meat in a pan, in an oven or on hot coals.

Delicious meat fried in oil in a frying pan

Baking in the oven

Marinated chicken in soy sauce is cooked in the oven for a relatively short time. To do this, the form filled with meat must be placed in a preheated kitchen device and baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 50 minutes. During this time, the drumsticks should be fully cooked, as well as covered with a fragrant and crispy crust.

Properly serving baked chicken legs to the table

Marinated chicken in soy sauce, cooked in the oven, is not only very tasty, tender and fragrant, but also appetizing in appearance. Such a dish can be served without any hesitation to any festive table. But in order to saturate your guests with it, it is recommended to additionally make a side dish of vegetables or cereals for chicken.

Chicken in soy sauce - barbecue for friends

We talked about how to fry such meat and bake it in the oven. However, the methods for preparing chicken marinated in soy sauce do not end there. After all, tasty and fragrant meat can be fried quite easily on the grill. As a rule, this method of cooking poultry is actively used by those who like to regularly go out into the countryside with their friends or family members.

So how is chicken cooked in soy sauce? Charcoal recipes may include the use of various products. We will present you the simplest and most inexpensive method, which is especially loved by fans of fried meat.

So, we need:

  • chicken thighs of maximum freshness - about 13 pieces;
  • table vinegar - about 150 ml;
  • medium-sized salt - use to taste;
  • salad bulbs - several heads;
  • soy sauce - about 150 ml;
  • fresh tomatoes, not very fleshy - a few pieces;
  • ground black pepper - use to taste.

Meat soaking process

Chicken marinade in soy sauce requires the use of table vinegar. After all, it is this component that is able to give the kebab a special sharpness and incredible aroma.

To prepare the marinade, combine the above two ingredients together, and then proceed to process the meat. Chicken thighs need to be rinsed well under cold water, and then cut in half oversized pieces. Next, the meat purge must be put in a plastic or enameled container and sprinkled with medium-sized salt and black pepper. After that, a mixture of soy sauce and table vinegar should be poured into the same container.

After mixing the ingredients with your hands, they must be closed and left to marinate for several hours. If desired, coarsely chopped onions (in the form of rings) can be added to the meat. You should also wash the tomatoes in advance and chop them into fairly thick circles.

How to put on a skewer?

After a few hours, the chicken thighs should be completely saturated with the marinade, becoming fragrant and juicy. After that, the meat must be carefully put on a skewer, alternating it with onion rings and tomato circles.

Campfire cooking

Pickled chicken thighs should be put on skewers only after ready-made birch coals begin to smolder in the brazier. After placing the meat over them, it should be evenly fried for 30-35 minutes. In this case, the chicken is recommended to be turned regularly. If desired, they can be periodically doused with marinade, which remained in the container.

Properly serving chicken skewers to the table

After the chicken meat is well baked and becomes ruddy, it should be carefully removed from the grill and then from the skewers. The finished dish must be placed on a large plate and immediately presented to friends. To make your guests or family members well fed, in addition to chicken kebab, you should serve fresh bread, vegetables, greens or a hearty side dish in the form of boiled round potatoes.

According to experienced chefs, grilled meat marinated in soy sauce turns out to be very tender, juicy and tasty. It should also be noted that not only chicken can be cooked in the same way, but also, for example, pork, veal, and even lamb. With such a marinade, all of the listed varieties of meat are much tastier and more aromatic.

Asian cuisine is gaining more and more popularity. The reason for this is not only the unique taste and aroma, but also the effect on appetite, digestion, and general health. And various spices, spices, sauces contribute to this.

Soy sauce is very good for many dishes. Consider the various options for using it for cooking chicken meat. Those who have tried it know how savory and tender the meat marinated in this sauce becomes. And for those who are still unfamiliar with the properties of soy sauce, we advise you to do this using one of the proposed recipes.

Chicken in soy sauce. Best Recipes

Recipe 1. Chicken breast in soy sauce

Chicken breast is very healthy, but a bit dry - everyone knows about it. This quality stops many. But if you try to use soy sauce at least once when cooking chicken breast, then you will fall in love with this category of chicken meat.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken breast (400 g);

- garlic (4 cloves);

- three tablespoons of vegetable oil and potato starch;

- chicken broth (half a glass);

- soy sauce (4 tablespoons);

- sesame seeds (for sprinkling).

Cooking method:

Free the chicken breast from the bones and skin. Cut the fillet into strips.

Sprinkle the meat with soy sauce, leave for ten minutes.

Sprinkle the fillet, soaked in soy sauce the day before, with starch. Mix well.

Cut garlic cloves into cloves.

Heat the oil, put the chicken fillet and garlic in it.

Stirring almost continuously, fry. Spend about five minutes on this process, then pour in the broth.

Bring the ingredients to readiness, the dish - until thickened.

Delicious chicken breast fillet is ready, it remains only to sprinkle with fried sesame seeds.

Recipe 2. Chicken thighs in soy sauce

Chicken thighs marinated in vinegar and soy sauce are delicious. Yes, and garlic will make its own, very positive, adjustments to the taste of chicken meat.

If you keep the meat in the marinade longer, the result will be stunning - you will get tender meat that melts in your mouth.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken thighs (about one and a half kilograms);

- half a glass of vinegar and soy sauce;

- garlic (3 cloves);

- Bay leaf and ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Mix vinegar, soy sauce, chopped garlic, pepper, bay leaf.

Pour the washed thighs with this mixture. Soak them in the marinade for at least an hour. During this time, the meat must be turned at least once.

Bake in a preheated oven for about an hour.

Recipe 3. Chicken fillet in soy sauce

The meat will have to be marinated all night, so you will be able to taste this yummy only the next day. But the wait is worth it, you will want to enjoy the unusually soft and fragrant chicken meat more than once.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken fillet (500 g);

- soy sauce (4 tablespoons);

- sesame (2 tablespoons);

- grated ginger (2 tsp);

- vegetable oil (3 tablespoons).

Cooking method:

Chicken fillet, washed and dried, cut into pieces.

Mix sesame seeds, soy sauce, oil, ginger.

Fold the chicken into this marinade, leave overnight in a cold place.

And the next morning, fry the chicken fillet in vegetable oil. Let the fire be medium, and the meat should become ruddy.

Recipe 4. Chicken with honey and soy sauce

The most ordinary weekday dinner can suddenly turn into a festive one, all you have to do is add soy sauce, a little white wine and a spoonful of honey to the traditional chicken. Such a small thing, but how the aroma and taste of meat changes. And now you are no longer just chewing a piece in thought, but reaching for a plate with pleasure to take more and more.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken meat (600 g);

- one tablespoon of honey and dry white wine;

- soy sauce (3 tablespoons);

- vegetable oil (for frying);

- ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat and lightly beat off.

Mix honey with soy sauce and wine.

Put the meat into the heated oil, pour it with this delicious mixture.

The fire will need a strong one. On it, fry the chicken, shifting it, pouring it with honey and soy sauce.

Recipe 5. Chicken in soy sauce with oranges

A recipe for those who love a certain sweet note in a meat dish. Chicken meat cooked according to it just melts in your mouth. And its aroma is so pleasant that it immediately causes an appetite.

The recipe calls for a chicken carcass. You can use chicken thighs, wings.

If you want a thicker orange sauce, you can add a couple of tablespoons of starch to it.

The experiments don't stop there. Try honey instead of sugar. Add some ginger.

Required Ingredients:

- soy sauce (4 tablespoons);

- the same amount of sugar;

- mustard (2 tablespoons);

- garlic (4 cloves);

- oranges (4 pcs.);

- water (200 ml);

- chicken (about 1.5 kg).

Cooking method:

Boil oranges. To do this, they need to be peeled, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, pour water. Water - one glass.

Bring to a boil, add sugar. Boil on low heat for no more than five minutes.

Set aside - let it cool.

Meanwhile, peel and chop the garlic, mix it with soy sauce and mustard.

Pour this mixture into the almost cooled orange broth.

Cut the chicken into pieces, put in a baking dish. Don't forget to oil it first.

Turn on the oven, let it heat up to 200 degrees.

Pour sauce over chicken pieces from saucepan.

Bake the meat for three quarters of an hour.

Use high quality soy sauce in your kitchen. Only this is good for health. It has no place for flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers. Therefore, when buying a product, study the label - find out from what and how it is prepared. Know that the healthiest way to make it is to ferment soybeans.

Buy the sauce that is bottled in a transparent glass container.

If you want to cook a very original chicken for the festive table, try, in addition to soy sauce, also use a can of canned pineapples. To 100 ml of syrup drained from a jar of pineapples, add 1/3 cup of soy sauce. Marinate meat in it. And when you put the chicken pieces on a baking sheet, cover each with a pineapple ring, pour over the remaining sauce and bake. At the very end of cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese. Get exotic mixed with the usual - in one dish.

Most hostesses consider oven-baked chicken to be the perfect solution for a festive table or weekend menu. The combination of ease of preparation and excellent taste has long made this dish a favorite for almost every family. To prevent the bird from cooking the same way, change the chicken marinade in the oven each time. Find out more recipes on how to use seasoning to make poultry meat juicy and cooked.

What needs to be done so that the cooked dish is not only fragrant and attractive in appearance, but also becomes unsurpassed in taste? A few little secrets of marinade preparation will help ensure that dietary poultry meat baked in a hot oven is juicy and tender. This information is useful to any hostess, both beginners and experienced. Remember a few basic rules for cooking chicken:

  • Chicken meat should be perfectly fresh, slightly chilled, without prior freezing. The remains of feathers on the skin are unacceptable.
  • Marinating time depends on the weight of the carcass or portioned pieces of meat. It is better to marinate a whole bird for several hours (up to 8), be sure to put it in a cool place. Small pieces are marinated for 1-3 hours.
  • The correct addition of salt will help to avoid the stiffness of the meat. Marinated chicken is never salted at the initial stage of soaking with the mixture, it is better to do this 5-10 minutes before it goes into a hot oven. Keep in mind that some marinades already contain salt in their composition: where soy sauce appears, additional salt is excluded.

When preparing marinade for chicken in the oven, the following spices are suitable:

  • Paprika red, black ground. They give a special piquancy and dosed sharpness. Used in all marinades.
  • Turmeric, curry. Indian spices, when added, the chicken acquires not only a specific interesting taste, but also becomes covered with a beautiful golden crust.
  • Nutmeg. The spice will go well if the bird is baked with mushrooms and cheese. Enhances the bright taste of each component.
  • Herb sage, basil, thyme, rosemary. Herbs are used both dried and fresh, as an additional component to the marinade. With the addition of herbs, the meat acquires an interesting shade of taste.

A variety of cooked delicious chicken marinades in the oven will help you experience new taste sensations. According to the same recipes, marinated poultry can be grilled, additionally using tomato ketchup. Poultry meat cooked on a barbecue, seasoned not only with a marinade mixture and spices, but also with smoke, will not leave anyone indifferent. Check out the most interesting recipes for marinated chicken.

Ingredients per serving:

  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • good vegetable oil (olive, a mixture of sunflower with it, corn) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper, basil, coriander - in a spoon (tea).
  1. Combine oil and soy product, shake well several times.
  2. Use your favorite spices, also mix, leave for a couple of minutes so that they give up their flavor.
  3. Place chicken meat inside the container for 1-2 hours without a refrigerator.
  4. Spread the chicken pieces on a baking sheet, pour the rest of the marinade on top of the meat.

A classic and beloved composition by housewives in different countries. For him, take without violating the proportions:

  • mustard (spicy, Dijon, honey) - 25-30 g;
  • sour cream (10-15% fatter is not worth it) - 40-50 g;
  • soy sauce without flavors - 50-65 ml.
  1. Mix all marinade ingredients well with a whisk.
  2. Cut the chicken breast into portions and put in the mixture for an hour.
  3. Salt does not need to be added.
  4. After baking, the chicken fillet is not spicy with a delicate taste.

Sweet spicy composition, prepare for it in advance:

  • natural honey (liquid) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 pc.;
  • low-fat sour cream or mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 1 teaspoon (tea).
  1. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a container.
  2. Honey, if it is very thick, warm a little, add to the juice.
  3. After adding sour cream (mayonnaise), salt to taste, peppers, mix everything intensively.
  4. An hour and a half is enough to soak the meat with a sour cream-honey mixture.

The sour taste will not harm the chicken, it will make the meat more tender. Use natural products:

  • apple or wine vinegar and water - 100 g each;
  • ground pepper (black, red) - 0.5 tsp each;
  • dried Provence herbs - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Mix equal proportions of water and vinegar.
  2. Add spices, mix.
  3. Put the chicken in the vinegar marinade for 2.5-3 hours, pressing down on top for oppression.
  4. Before sending to the oven, grease the surface of the meat with oil.

A gentle marinade from a fermented milk product, for it you need:

  • sour cream (preferably low-fat) - 200-250 ml;
  • curry seasoning, ground paprika - to taste;
  • onion - 2-3 pcs.
  1. Peel the onion, cut into half rings or slices.
  2. Mix sour cream with seasonings, onions, add a little salt.
  3. Immerse the chicken pieces in the sour cream marinade for 15-20 hours, sending the container to the refrigerator shelf.

It is believed that mayonnaise is harmful, but in this marinade it will play an excellent role by softening the meat. You will need:

  • low-fat mayonnaise - 100-130 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • seasonings, salt (a little) - to taste.
  1. Peel the garlic and squeeze through the garlic press, mixing with salt and spices that you prefer.
  2. Add mayonnaise to a bowl and mix everything.
  3. Marinate at room temperature for up to two hours, at a reduced refrigerator temperature to 2-6 degrees, you can leave a bowl of chicken and marinade for up to 8-10 hours.

Wine mustard mixture will turn the chicken into a masterpiece of culinary art. Take:

  • mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry white wine - 200-220 ml;
  • ground pepper black, red, pink - only one and a half teaspoons;
  • extra virgin olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Coat the chicken carcass or portioned pieces with mustard and let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Combine white wine, oil, spices, shake.
  3. Put the mustard chicken in the marinade mixture for 1-1.5 hours.

A delicate taste of meat is guaranteed, for the marinade you need to have:

  • fat-free kefir - 2 cups;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • thyme, salt, ground black pepper - 1 tsp each.
  1. Pieces of chicken (legs, thighs, wings, breast) or a whole carcass stuffed with garlic, cut into thin long pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, mix it with salt, spices.
  3. Add all the ingredients to kefir, put the chicken there.
  4. For the best taste, pickling should last at least 6-10 hours (depending on the size of the servings) on the shelf of the refrigerator.

To prepare a marinade for chicken skewers, and then bake the meat on the grill or cook the carcass in the kitchen in the oven, you do not need a lot of knowledge and skills. Easy, affordable, quick recipes for making delicious marinade mixtures, including dietary ones, are offered in the video. They will help diversify everyday and festive chicken dishes for housewives.

Original components such as honey, juice and zest of various citrus fruits, herbs (Provencal, Italian), garlic and pepper mixtures, when combined in different versions, give unique aromas and rich taste. Adding onion, soy sauce to the marinade mixture helps to make the meat tender and soft, reducing cooking time to a minimum. Watch the video carefully and try the wonderful chicken recipes in practice in many ways.

If you want to marinate chicken skewers deliciously, then this is not at all difficult. Most likely, you have soy sauce at home. In this article, I will tell you a few marinades based on it to marinate the kebab with what you already have in the refrigerator, for example, tomato paste or lemon.

And every housewife will definitely have a bow. My favorite marinade is with honey and soy sauce, but it's not for everybody.

This oriental sauce replaces salt, makes the meat more juicy and tasty. And in combination with additional simple ingredients, you can get a wonderful barbecue.

Soy sauce will add not only taste to your meat, but also beneficial properties, because it is rich in vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.

And if you want to complement the picnic with pork skewers, read this. You will find a few more delicious chicken marinades, and recipes using mayonnaise - in.

Classic Soy Sauce Marinade Recipe

This is the easiest chicken skewers marinade - all you need is onion and soy sauce and the result is great!


  • Chicken (any parts) - 1.5 kg,
  • Onion - 4 pcs.,
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml,
  • Salt, black pepper
  1. Onion cut into half rings.

2. Cut the chicken into suitable pieces for barbecue. Add salt and pepper to taste.

3. Add about one hundred ml of soy sauce. Mix well.

4. Pour in the onion. Mix well.

5. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours in a cool place, and then fry on the grill.

Chicken thigh skewers. Quick marinade recipe with soy sauce and lemon

Chicken marinated with soy sauce is very tasty, with a spicy spicy flavor and soft. The sauce replaces the salt. And the lemon will give a wonderful aroma. And gives a resemblance to oriental food. We'll be making barbecued juicy chicken thighs.


  • Six chicken thighs
  • Red pepper - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Soy sauce - one hundred gr,
  • One medium lemon
  • two bulbs,
  • One bunch of herbs (parsley, dill or cilantro)
  1. First we prepare the marinade. Chop dill or parsley.

2. Cut the onion into rings.

3. In a large bowl, mix onion, parsley, one hundred grams of soy sauce, a couple of pinches of red pepper and squeezed lemon juice.

4. Add the chicken to the marinade and mix well. Let it stand for about half an hour.

5. After that, you can fry.

Marinade for chicken skewers in soy sauce with mustard

In Indian cuisine, it is believed that the ideal dish should combine all kinds of tastes: sour, sweet and bitter. This marinade is just that: soy sauce gives sourness, mustard brings its own touch, sugar complements the composition. The main thing is that everything is in harmony.

Although the marinade is a small amount, it is enough for such an amount of meat. You can, of course, increase the amount of marinade if you wish.


  • Chicken (any part, but preferably thighs, drumsticks or wings as the most fatty) - eight hundred grams,
  • Two tablespoons mustard,
  • Two tablespoons soy sauce,
  • One tsp hops-suneli,
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • One tsp powdered sugar
  1. Put two tablespoons of mustard on a plate, add two tablespoons of soy sauce, a teaspoon of suneli hops, a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Squeeze three cloves of garlic through a garlic press.

2. Coat the chicken pieces with marinade and let them marinate for two to three hours.

3. After that, fry on the grill. According to this recipe, you can cook chicken in the oven.

My favorite way to marinate chicken wings. Wings in soy sauce and honey

I do not recommend everyone to marinate chicken wings in this way, because meat with honey is, of course, an amateur. Before cooking at a picnic for friends, you can try a small amount at home and see if it suits you or not. I tried to cook it earlier according to a different recipe, but I really didn’t like it, it was just sweet meat. But this recipe is very harmonious and balanced, it turned out, of course, unusual, but very, very tasty. A whole new flavor for the bored chicken. And be sure to sprinkle the finished kebabs at the end with chopped herbs and finely chopped garlic, as written in the recipe, this gives a special taste and sophistication.


  • Twelve chicken wings
  • Soy sauce - six tablespoons,
  • Sunflower oil - four tablespoons,
  • medium lemon,
  • Three tablespoons honey,
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Greenery.
  1. Cut each wings into three parts, the very tip, where there is little meat, can be thrown away. Although it can be chewed on. Wash and dry with paper towel. Place on a plate. Cut the lemon into two halves, squeeze them and pour the juice over the chicken.

2. Put three tablespoons of honey.

3. Pour in six tablespoons of soy sauce.

4. Mix well. Put in a cool place for three hours.

5. Then fry on the grill (you can also in the oven). While frying, finely chop the garlic and herbs and sprinkle them with ready-made kebabs.

Marinade for chicken skewers with soy sauce and ketchup (or tomato paste)

My favorite part of the chicken is the wings. And today we will marinate them in soy sauce and tomato paste or ketchup. As you know, there are substances in tomatoes that help make the meat softer and juicier, but we will go the easy way and use a paste to achieve the same effect.

When buying tomato paste, pay attention that it contains only tomatoes and salt, nothing else.


  • 1 kilo chicken wings
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • One hundred grams of soy sauce,
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Seasoning for chicken (e.g. corriander seeds, curry),
  • Two tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup
  1. Prepare wings by rinsing under running tap and wiping with paper towels. You can cut off the lower part of the wing where there is no meat.

2. Pour one hundred grams of soy sauce into a bowl. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press there (or finely chop). Add two tablespoons of ketchup or tomato paste. Salt and pepper to taste, add spices.

3. Mix the marinade well.

4. Pour the soy-tomato mixture over the wings, stir and let marinate in a cool place for three hours.

5. Then you can fry the barbecue. The main thing is not to overdry the meat, remove it as soon as it is ready!

Marinade for chicken with soy sauce and mayonnaise

A very simple and very tasty marinade - on mayonnaise with the addition of soy sauce. These simple ingredients make a wonderful chicken skewers. The sauce gives it a savory flavor, while the mayonnaise provides the coating that keeps the meat juicy.


  • Chicken (any parts, but better - wings or legs / drumsticks) - 1 kg,
  • Soy sauce - 150 ml,
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  1. Wash wings and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Add 2-3 tbsp. mayonnaise.


  • Chicken - three breasts (or 750 gr. Fillet)
  • Kefir - 0.5 liters,
  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Seasoning for chicken
  • Soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the chicken - remove the skin and separate the fillet from the bones.
  2. Cut into serving pieces.
  3. Onion cut into cubes.
  4. We prepare the marinade - pour about half a liter of kefir from a bowl, add spices, chopped onion and one and a half tablespoons of soy sauce. Mix.
  5. The chicken should marinate for 2.5 hours or overnight. Then fry on the grill.

What's your favorite marinade for chicken skewers?
