
Breadcrumbs at home. Breadcrumbs

Each hostess, for sure, has a place to store a variety of spices. Among them, of course, there must be a jar of breadcrumbs. Where are we without them. They occupy a huge place in cooking. Not so long ago, when visiting a supermarket, I always bought a couple of packages of this necessary ingredient, as the crackers quickly ran out. Without thinking twice, I decided to cook at home, as there is always delicious homemade bread. To make breadcrumbs with your own hands, I present the recipe with a photo, save your money!

To prepare the breading, you can use any white or dark bread, both fresh and yesterday's baking. Even if the bread is stale, about 2-3 days, it is perfect for breadcrumbs. So, if you want to always have breadcrumbs, read our recipe and go to the kitchen. Such homemade crackers will be very useful to you if you want to feed your family deliciously.

Required Ingredients:

White bread

If you don't have a bread machine that can bake bread, then buy white bread at the supermarket.

How to make breadcrumbs at home, a simple recipe:

Cut into small cubes, along with the crusts.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Add sliced ​​bread. Spread over the entire surface. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the tray in the oven. Bake until lightly golden, 15-20 minutes. Periodically, open the door and stir to brown on all sides.

Cool the browned crackers a little.

Place in the bowl of a food processor. Grind to desired size.

Homemade breadcrumbs are ready. Store in a container with a lid, preferably in a dry place.

Any housewife has ever fried cutlets, fish, etc. in breadcrumbs. Dishes are simply extraordinary: crispy golden crust on the outside and tender meat inside. But breadcrumbs are something that is not always available in the kitchen. at home by yourself? I recently asked myself this question when I suddenly decided to cook chicken cutlets in crispy breading.

How to make breadcrumbs from white bread at home?

Breadcrumbs are not only the thing that is often not in the house, but also small crumbs of white bread, which are breaded (from the French word - sprinkle with breadcrumbs) meat, fish, vegetables. Dishes in breadcrumbs can be cooked both in a pan and in.

Ready-made breadcrumbs in a pack may not always be at hand, but there is always white bread at home. Hence two natural questions: 1) “Why buy them if you can make them yourself?” 2) and " How to make breadcrumbs

Everything is very simple. The first thing to do is dry the bread. And you can do it in the microwave or oven. Five minutes is enough. Then, logically, the bread needs to be crumbled. If you have a blender and you know, great. It is easy and simple to make breadcrumbs at home by crushing dried bread with a blender.

But what if there is no blender? After drying the bread in the microwave, you won’t chop it with your hands, because the pieces will be hard and it will simply hurt.

How to make breadcrumbs at home - the fastest way

Therefore the best option how to make breadcrumbs at home- this is to crumble the pulp of white bread into a plate, preferably flat and large, and dry these crumbs, not pieces of bread, in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. It is best to dry the crumbs for a minute, then check them (so that they do not burn), mix lightly and again for a minute. And so on until the state of not complete drying. The crumbs should be slightly soft, so that you can crush them with your hands a little more. In this way, you will get excellent homemade breadcrumbs.

Since breading is usually used for frying, a lot of oil is required. Too much oil is bad. Do not forget to put the finished cutlets, or whatever you cook there, on a napkin so that the excess oil is absorbed into it and not absorbed into your waist.

And, of course, you need to be reminded that dishes in breadcrumbs should be eaten immediately, while the crust is crispy. After a few hours, any artfully cooked cutlets and nuggets stop crunching, unfortunately. Make breadcrumbs at home very simple, so next time don't even think about running headlong to the store.

Anna Zakharova

Experienced housewives know that cutlets, fish and other products in breadcrumbs are very tasty. Golden crispy crust and juicy tender filling will not leave anyone indifferent. But sometimes breadcrumbs are not at hand. Because of this, you should not cancel the preparation of a delicious chicken or vegetables with a crust. Every housewife should know how to make breadcrumbs at home.

Bought crumbs will never compare with homemade crackers. Plus, you don't have to throw away stale bread. Cooking breadcrumbs does not require much effort and does not take much time.

Baton rusks

From the French "breading" means "sprinkle bread crumbs". Breadcrumbs do not have to be bought, they can be made at home if a loaf is left. This is not only economical, but also useful - you will be sure of the quality of the product.

How can you make breadcrumbs from a loaf?

Dry it in the oven or microwave. Strongly do not overexpose, after 5-7 minutes you can get it. Grinding a dry loaf with your hands will not work, so you will need a blender. After the crushed crackers obtained from the loaf, pour into a container or a special box prepared in advance.

If you do not have a blender, use another method. Finely chop the loaf into a plate and dry in the microwave or oven for no more than 5 minutes. Stir every minute to keep them from burning.

The pieces should not be too hard, because you will need to crumble them. If you know how to make breadcrumbs in the microwave, then at any time you can please your family with delicious crispy dishes.

Rye crumbs

Brown bread crackers give cutlets and nuggets a piquant taste. They can be alternated with white ones to diversify the taste of dishes.

How to make breadcrumbs from bread?

It's not hard at all:

  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees;
  • Arrange the slices of bread on a baking sheet in a single layer;
  • Dry them for 10 minutes, and then turn them over to the other side and hold them in the oven for another 10 minutes;
  • Grind the bread in a blender and pour the croutons into a bowl.

If you have a food processor, it will not be difficult for you to figure out how to make breadcrumbs at home.

Put the pieces in a food processor and grind to the desired degree. To improve the taste, you can add a little olive oil, salt or garlic. Basil gives a special aroma. Fry over high heat for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.

To a large extent, the taste and aroma of crackers is affected by the type of bread. Rye crumbs have a richer taste. You can mix black and white bread.

For fish and meat, use coarse grinding, and for chicken fillet and vegetables, it is better to take small crumbs. Breading is used for frying and requires quite a lot of oil. To make your food healthier, after cooking put the cutlets and nuggets on a paper towel - it will absorb excess fat.

Crispy foods are best eaten immediately. No matter how skillfully you cook, after a while it will stop crunching. If you don't have a blender and food processor, you can run the bread slices through a meat grinder. To make very fine crumbs, strain twisted bread through a strainer.

Sometimes housewives complain that crackers have a stale smell. This problem can be avoided if the bread is prepared correctly. When you have already bought a new loaf, do not put the remaining bread in the bread box and, moreover, do not wrap it in a bag. It must be cut into pieces and put on a baking sheet. Put it in a place where it will not interfere with you: in the microwave, on the table or put it in a cabinet. Cover with gauze - then the dust will not settle. The pieces dry out quickly, and in a few days enough of them will gather to make crackers.

Many housewives, almost daily, use breadcrumbs in the preparation of various dishes. For example, when cooking or even simple. Breading is used when frying meat and fish dishes, and is also used in the preparation of some confectionery products. Breadcrumbs provide shape to prepared meals such as cutlets. In addition, products fried in breading look much more attractive in appearance - they acquire an appetizing ruddy crust.

Of course, you can buy ready-made breadcrumbs at any grocery store, but in order to use a truly fresh product when cooking, we will learn how to make delicious breadcrumbs at home.


  • rye or white bread, preferably one or two days.

You can use additional ingredients (to your taste):

  • dried garlic;
  • poppy food;
  • chopped nuts (for example, walnuts).


We cut the bread into narrow slices, cut off all the crusts and put the resulting pieces of bread on a dry baking sheet. Place a baking sheet with sliced ​​bread in the oven. The temperature in the oven should be medium. The bread is in the cabinet until the slices are well dried and have a slightly golden color.

How to make delicious crackers?

After the bread has cooled, add the desired ingredients (nuts, poppy seeds or dried garlic) if desired.

You can grind crackers in a blender or pass through a meat grinder, or crush in a mortar with a pestle. Perhaps, placing the dried slices in a linen bag, knead them with a rolling pin or a culinary hammer.

The resulting breadcrumbs are best stored in a glass jar in a dry place. We recommend that you do not cook breadcrumbs for a long time, as this product loses its pleasant bready taste and aroma during long-term storage.

Now you know how to make your own breadcrumbs.

Far from finished, and the breadcrumbs are already gone. What do you do in this case? Like everyone else, leave your culinary affairs, get ready and go to the store for breading.

Or you tear someone from the household out of business. But you can not do this. If you have some white bread or a long loaf and a microwave oven, then there is no need to run anywhere. They are extremely easy to make at home!


For about 40 grams of breadcrumbs (and this is not much), you need 4 slices of an ordinary loaf.

How to make breadcrumbs

Arrange the pieces on a flat, microwave-safe plate. This must be done so that they lie in one layer, and not on top of each other.

Put the plate in the microwave for 4.5 minutes at a power of 800 W. During this time, the loaf will dry out and lightly brown. You can't wait for the color to change. And you can, on the contrary, brown them harder. Focus on your taste.

Take them out of the oven and put them in a coffee grinder or blender. Grind.

If there is no such technique at hand, you can use an ordinary wooden pusher or rolling pin. True, then you will have to tinker with the breading and chop it manually. By the way, in this case, you can crumble the pieces of the bun as small as possible before you dry them in the microwave. Then the grinding process by hand will be faster.

Remember that black, gray and any other lean bread for making breadcrumbs at home will not work. It is overly hard when it dries out and will not grind properly. Choose white bread or Yaroslavl bun. When dry, they crumble well.

Take note: on cutlets from 500 g of minced meat, an average of 60-70 grams of breadcrumbs is spent.

By the way, they can be used not only for rolling,. If you are cooking a pie in the microwave, then breading can be a decoration for it. Often, the bottom of the baking dish is also sprinkled on her so that pastries (for example) can be taken out well. Crushed crackers are widely used in the preparation of soups, dressings, sauces. They are an ingredient in puddings, some muffins, and even vegetable stews. There is a recipe for stew with breadcrumbs. Make batter is also useful.

And in ordinary, non-microwave cooking, there is a use made at home. For example, breaded chicken pieces that, after frying, will remain juicy inside. And for the taste of a cracker coat, you can add ground red pepper, dried garlic and onions, paprika, nutmeg to the breading.

This is how simple, homemade breadcrumbs and seasonings/spices will spice up your meals.
