
How to distinguish persimmon, wren and sharon. What are the varieties of delicious persimmons and how do they differ

YEREVAN, November 25. News-Armenia. With the advent of November, fresh persimmon appears on the shelves of the markets - a real autumn fruit, both in color and in season. It can be both astringent and sweet - and depending on the variety, it requires different handling.

Persimmon is very useful. It compensates for the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body - first of all, vitamins C, P, beta-carotene, group B, iodine, potassium, magnesium. It gently stimulates the digestion process due to the dietary fiber that it contains in large quantities. In addition, dietary fiber slows down the absorption of sugars and lowers cholesterol levels, absorb harmful impurities, including salts of heavy metals.

In the end, 100 grams of persimmon contains about 70 kcal, however, after eating a little thing or two, you will feel full for a long time, writes otyrar.kz.

There are about two thousand varieties of persimmon in the world. It can be from red to dark brown, from perfectly round and heart-shaped, to flattened and almost square. And it also weighs differently - from 60 to 500 grams.

In the minds of ordinary buyers, all persimmons are divided into two types: astringent and non-astringent. Astringent varieties are only edible when they are fully ripe—in the case of some varieties, almost to a jelly-like state.

How to cook

Most often, persimmons are eaten fresh. However, it makes excellent salads and snacks, desserts and pastries, cocktails and other drinks. With persimmon, you can cook very interesting meat dishes.

Dried persimmon is very popular in the East. In Japan it is called hoshigaki, in China it is called shi-bing, in Korea it is called gotgam, in Vietnam it is called hong ho. Dried persimmon is eaten as a snack, dessert, used to prepare various dishes (in much the same way as other dried fruits). In Korea, dried persimmon fruit is used to produce the traditional Korean spice sujeonggwa, while the ripe fermented fruit is used to make gamsikcho persimmon vinegar.

In some parts of Manchuria and Korea, dried persimmon leaves are used to make tea. Its Korean name is ghamnip cha.


The persimmon season starts at the end of October and continues until December. The latest seasonal persimmon fruits can be bought in early January. During these months, Russia is supplied mainly with persimmons from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

How to choose and store

The first impression of a persimmon can be deceptive: attractive-looking fruits may turn out to be sweet, but completely inedible. The fact is that while the fruits of persimmon ripen, they contain tannins - they provide a specific "astringent" effect. Guaranteed sweet, tender, non-astringent can only be a fully ripe persimmon. But how to recognize ripe and unripe fruits?

All varieties of persimmons are divided into two types - "ordinary", or persimmon itself, and "kings". Ordinary persimmon loses its astringent taste only after full ripening, when its pulp acquires a jelly-like consistency.

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The kinglet does not knit in principle: it is always sweet and tender, even if it is a little immature. However, there is one "but". If pollination has occurred and seeds have formed, then the “kinglet” ripens strong, sweet and tasty, inside it is brown (for this it is also called “chocolate”). If there was no pollination, the seeds are not formed, and instead of the chocolate "king" tart, astringent fruits are obtained. Quite nutritious, but rather tasteless. Moreover, their taste no longer depends on the ripening period: early-ripening, mid-ripening, and late-ripening varieties can be tart.

Try to choose a kinglet with soft barrels. The main thing is to look at the stalk: both the leaves and the stalk itself should be dry, brown in color.

The kinglet can be identified by the characteristic dark red color of the skin and brown, with even darker streaks of flesh. As a rule, these are small round fruits.

Amazing-tasting persimmon variety "shahinya" - bright, large, in the shape of a heart. But this is not a “kinglet”, which means that if the fruits are not ripe, they may have an astringent taste. Ripe "shahinya" can be distinguished by a translucent skin with thin black rings: the more of them, the more ripe the persimmon.

A ripe persimmon should be soft, with a smooth, shiny, thin translucent skin.

The astringent taste is not characteristic of the Spanish persimmon - large, bright orange, dense and sweet. The Israeli Sharon persimmon also contains very little tannin.

Here are some ways to help persimmons ripen.

1. Put it in one plastic bag with apples or tomatoes: these fruits emit ethylene gas, which will make the persimmon ripen faster.

2. Keep the persimmon in warm (30-40 degrees) water for 10-12 hours - tannins, and therefore the astringent taste, will go away.

3. Prick hard fruits with a needle dipped in alcohol.

4. Astringent persimmon can be frozen, wilted or dried. Dried persimmons do not knit at all, however, if they get wet, the tart unpleasant taste can be restored.

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Freshly bought persimmons can be stored in the refrigerator together with other products, but with such storage, the fruits should be consumed within three days.

A lower temperature, from 0 to -1 degrees, will help prolong the freshness of persimmons: this way the fruit will lie for about three months. Humidity in this case should be 85-90%: if the humidity level is lower, the persimmon will begin to wrinkle, and with higher humidity, the fruits will become moldy.

You can store persimmons in the freezer. Quick freezing allows you to save all the beneficial properties of persimmons. And with this method of storage, all the astringent astringency of the fruits goes away, they become much tastier and are stored for about six months. You can freeze persimmons in sugar syrup by placing the fruits in jars. Defrost persimmons at room temperature. However, the pulp of a thawed persimmon becomes too soft, so you have to eat it with a spoon.

Another way to store persimmons is drying. To dry persimmons yourself, you need to choose the hardest pitted fruits, peel them, cut into pieces and place in the oven. Dry the persimmon at a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees. It is advisable to follow the process, readiness is determined by eye, it is important that the fruits do not darken. Dried pieces of persimmon are sweet and fragrant, from the abundance of sugars they can become covered with a light white bloom. -0-

It is believed that the birthplace of persimmons was originally China and Japan. In fact, both America and Australia have their own edible "orange sun" varieties. However, one cannot deny the fact that Japan and China have long recognized the healing properties of orange fruits with juicy pulp.

Variety "king"

Its fundamental difference is that it develops from a male flower. There are some differences in taste and color of the fruit. You need a soft, rich taste - take the "kinglet". Persimmon, which has a color difference inside the variety, is also a "kinglet".

There are dark orange fruits with brown flesh, and there are bright orange. This difference in color is due to the pollination of the flower. If it happened, then the fruit will be brown, quite strong and sweet. If not - bright orange, and at the same time quite viscous.

Composition and benefits

Persimmon fruit contains up to 25% sucrose and glucose. It contains vitamins A, C, P, citric and malic acid. Also persimmon "Korolek" contains a lot of iron, copper, manganese, potassium and calcium. In addition, persimmon contains a lot of beta-carotene, a very strong antioxidant that can fight free radicals. Thus, the fruits serve as a prevention of skin aging. Persimmon of this variety can reduce the risk of lung cancer. Therefore, smokers also need to know about the usefulness of persimmon "Korolek". Persimmon contains a lot of pectin. More than in pumpkin, sweet pepper and tomato. Due to pectin, the fruits have an astringent taste. With digestive problems and in cases of gastric diseases, this fruit is simply irreplaceable. Persimmon "Korolek" has anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiseptic and astringent action. Persimmon pulp is useful as a bactericidal agent against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. You also need to know that persimmon has a diuretic effect. The fruits of the "kinglet" are used in the treatment of Graves' disease and gum disease. Persimmon juice is used for beriberi.

Who should not overdo it with persimmon

People suffering from constipation, who have undergone stomach surgery due to an ulcer, should not get carried away with persimmons. Also persimmon "Korolek" can be dangerous for people suffering from adhesive disease. It occurs after operations on the intestines, stomach or other organs of the abdominal cavity. Due to the tannin, which has an astringent property, intestinal obstruction may develop.

It is worth being careful when consuming persimmons for people with diabetes. It is enough to eat no more than half a persimmon per day for the benefit of the body. Many diabetics are diagnosed with kidney damage, and persimmon, in turn, stops the progression of kidney disease.

How to use persimmon for the benefit of your health

In order for all the useful properties in persimmon to be absorbed by the body, a few simple rules should be followed:

1. Eat no more than 2 fruits per meal. Although the persimmon "Korolek" can contribute to weight loss, but only if the measure is followed. Otherwise, the sugar contained in it will increase the calorie content of dishes and nullify all attempts to lose weight.

2. It is best to eat persimmons in the afternoon. The diuretic effect of these fruits will remove excess water from the body overnight and in the morning even a pregnant woman will look fit.

3. Abundant consumption of persimmons can lead to intestinal obstruction if a person has a tendency to this.

4. This fruit can cause quite severe allergies, so before starting regular intake, you need to check your body for its tolerance.

How to choose a persimmon

Among the many varieties, persimmon "Korolek" is considered especially tasty and sweet. How to distinguish it from other varieties?

The "king" has a slightly flattened shape. The fruits are decorated with brown stripes on the skin. The more stripes, the sweeter the fruit, and the softer it is.

Cooking and "Korolek"

The pulp of ripe fruits of this variety is used in the preparation of marmalade, pastries, pudding, mousse, jelly, jam, salads. It must be remembered that persimmon goes well with chicken breast, vegetables, dairy products. You can also make wine, beer, molasses and cider from persimmons. And in Japan, sake is brewed from unripe fruits.

The use of persimmon "Korolek" in cosmetology

Of the useful properties of persimmon, one can single out its use as a component of cosmetic masks, creams and shampoos. Masks, which include persimmon pulp, reduce the number of black spots on the skin, relieve acne and enlarged pores, after their application, the skin becomes fresher and healthier. Cosmetologists recommend applying the pulp of a ripe fruit for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In case of acne, a mask of persimmon and egg yolk will be useful. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1, that is, 1 persimmon and 1 yolk are applied to damaged skin. The mask is kept for about 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. And if a person has such a problem as flaky and rough skin on the elbows, you can simply cut off a small slice of fresh persimmon and rub its juice into the skin on the elbow.

Persimmon "Korolek" and the desire to lose weight

This fruit quickly saturates the body, being a dietary product. Two eaten fruits of the "orange sun" will give a feeling of fullness and will not add extra pounds.

Nutritionists advise to use the "kinglet". Persimmon, the benefits of which are significant on the so-called fasting days, will help rid the body of toxins and toxins. You can alternate the replacement of breakfast or dinner with this fruit, this technique will allow you to lose about 2 kg in weight per week.

A long time ago, that is, thirty years, or even all forty years ago, in the middle of autumn, a batch of kinglets was first brought to our city. I couldn't believe my eyes: right on the pavement in front of the store, there were boxes of large, tight beetles with bright orange-red, shiny barrels, stacked in orderly rows, each in paper. And a small frail table with scales. The label-price tag was broadcasting - HURMA - 35 kopecks per kilogram. The saleswoman in a loud voice urged to buy new fruits, but people looked at the unknown product in disbelief and passed by.

It is now an abundance of exotic, overseas feijoa, pomelo, avocado, passionflower, passion fruit, kumquat, etc. You can break your tongue. We are not surprised by the emerald green fluffy kiwi, prickly lychee. We get used to and love all these healthy fruits.

I got off the tram and immediately went to the coveted tray. After all, only the other day my husband and I remembered that the season of kinglets and persimmons had come and I really want to eat them. But my husband told me: "It is unlikely that anyone will dare to carry such a delicate fruit as a persimmon to our dark cockroach, unless the kinglet can reach it even if it is plucked green."

I even took offense at him for such words. He upset me unspeakably, killing hope at the root. And then a miracle happened! Kinglets. Beautiful, some even with a white, preserved coating, as if they had just been plucked from a tree! The girl who came up before me asked me to weigh two things.
Rejoicing, out of breath from the emotions-feelings that overwhelmed me, I asked to weigh 5 kg for me, the saleswoman asked in surprise: "How much?" I repeated the request. The girl who was leaving looked at me in surprise, as if I had said something obscene.

While the no less surprised saleswoman was weighing the kinglets for me, another woman came up and stopped, then a man with a child and asked me: "Have you tried what it is? And what is the taste?" People began to quickly come up and everyone turned to me, and I praised an unusual fruit for these places. “Only it’s not written quite correctly here, this is a kind of persimmon - kinglet,” I clarified.

Persimmon differs from kinglets in that it has an unripe - astringent taste, and it is not so sweet. Persimmon flesh is much lighter, dark in kinglets, so it is called chocolate. The taste is excellent for both fruits. They make a wonderful dessert.

Thank you very much! A queue immediately gathered and people began to buy not by the piece, but by the kilogram. In an hour I sold out all the goods, but I thought that I would have to take it back. Thank you again, they helped me out a lot, - the seller told me in the morning when I approached the tram stop.

Huma, what is she like?
- Persimmon? Very tasty, sweet. And it's probably larger in size. The kinglet is also sweet, but harder, and the persimmon is tender, very juicy. If a ripe one falls from a tree, it breaks and orange sweet lakes form around the tree. Flies, bees, and other representatives of flora and fauna - expanse! I’ll run in the evening, leave me another 5 kg, I want to freeze it for the winter. From a distance the tram rumbled and I went to the stop. I will treat my girls with kinglets!


Hello Alexandra!
On your advice, I found your story about kinglets.
I grew up in Batumi, Georgia, and a tree grafted with kinglet and persimmon grew in our yard. And the collection was entrusted to me, the boy. You have already praised the kinglet.
But the persimmon is also wonderful, especially when it ripens on a tree, glows with a bright orange sun and is so ripe that you have to carefully pick it, otherwise you will crush it.
Persimmon is different; Virginian, Japanese and Caucasian.
The latter is very small with the size of a cherry, it is dried and used to be sold in glasses, like seeds.
And the Japanese is dried, it is so sweet that fructose appears as a white coating on dried fruits.
If only you knew how delicious it is.
Oh, how beautiful she is in autumn, she has large leaves the size of a small palm and autumn colors them in stunning colors and dark burgundy and yellow, bright red and almost purple.
And in the very late autumn, the foliage has already fallen, there is a light drizzle and suddenly you see a persimmon with bright orange fruits at the ends of the branches.
God, this is so beautiful, just mesmerizing.
I plunged into my childhood and you are "guilty" of this. Thanks, green one.

And your surname is Greek, although you do not look like a Greek woman.

Sergey! my husband is Greek, he is your fellow countryman, was born in Batumi, graduated from school there, then went to study in Kazakhstan, where we met, graduated from institutes, got married, left for Russia in the 90s, where we live happily until now. A lot of our life is in the story and stories. There was no one left in Batumi, all relatives left for Greece. We still love persimmon and consume it whenever possible. I remember the bright days of childhood with joy, it's a pity that the past cannot be returned ... I hope to see you again.

what is the difference between persimmon and king

  1. Kinglet is a type of persimmon. Like, for example, apples semerinka.
  2. chocolate-colored crust, usually without seeds, and the shape is different,
    more "cubic"
    chocolate persimmons were initially ridiculed and scorned by buyers who preferred the more familiar bananas, mangoes, or beautiful lychees because of their dark flesh. But, despite its savory reputation, chocolate persimmon was so fragrant, sweet and tasty that, having tasted it, people appreciated its taste and smell.
    This fruit is the closest relative of the much better known in temperate latitudes, eastern persimmon (Diospyros kaki),
    one of 400 varieties belonging to the genus Diospyros.

    When the fruits grow to the size of a large apple, reaching a diameter of 8-12 cm, their color begins to change, taking on a brownish color.

    Ripe persimmon fruits weigh 500-900 grams. They look very beautiful against the backdrop of shiny green leaves. The color of ripe fruits becomes more pronounced, and the leaves fall off. Soon a ripe persimmon shines like the sun against the blue sky.

  3. Persimmon Korolk (Chocolate Pudding, Black Apple) is a variety of berries that ripen in October on a tall tree that looks like an apple tree from the Ebony family. This Asian plant with oblong alternate leaves, dark green above and light below, by May is completely covered with single dark red flowers, pollinated by insects, mainly bees. Already in July, many ovaries are formed, gradually growing to the size of a green apple and, as they ripen, first acquiring a yellowish-orange and then brownish color and becoming softer and juicier by autumn. The spherical fruit in a ripe state becomes brown outside and inside, the pulp is converted into a powdery creamy mass, as a result of which this persimmon variety received from Antillean creoles (this variety is most widely cultivated in the Antilles) an offensive nickname that can be translated into Russian as chicken droppings. However, despite the offensive name, Europeans vacationing at the resort quickly and appreciated the taste and aroma of chocolate persimmon, increasing demand for the product and stimulating its export to Europe. Oriental persimmon in general, and Korolek in particular, has also been massively grown for more than 2 thousand years in China, since the 19th century in Japan, as well as in Korea, the Mediterranean countries, the USA, South Africa, Central Asia, the Crimea and the Caucasus.

    But the data on the Korolk persimmon variety are quite contradictory. So, some researchers distinguish it as a separate variety of eastern persimmon - Diospyros digyna, while another group cites the fact that chocolate persimmon appeared on trees of the genus Diospyros kaki as a result of intensive pollination by bees and favorable weather conditions. In this case, the fetus can be of various shapes: from spherical to heart-shaped-flattened. However, the general features of the variety remain greater sweetness compared to ordinary persimmon and a dark shade of pulp. Unripe Coral can have a slightly astringent bitter taste due to its relatively high tannin content, which is greatly reduced or eliminated in ripe or frozen persimmons.

    Persimmon can be consumed fresh as a self-sufficient fruit, dried like a fig, cooked from it jams and all kinds of desserts, made on the basis of Kinglet cider, molasses, wine, beer and sake. Roasted and crushed seeds are used as a coffee substitute, and furniture and sports equipment are made from the wood of the tree in a number of countries.

- Don't buy a persimmon, buy a kinglet - it's sweeter! This phrase can often be heard at the stalls with bright orange autumn fruits. In fact, the kinglet is just a persimmon variety, and when we buy the kinglet, we are, in fact, buying a persimmon.

China is considered the birthplace of persimmon, where it has been grown for a long time. Persimmon came to Europe only in the middle of the 18th century. Gradually took root there and spread. Now persimmon is grown in Egypt, Italy and Spain, in Turkey, the USA and Israel, in Central Asia and on the Black Sea coast.

Where did the name persimmon come from?

In ancient Greek, persimmon is called Diospyros, which means "food of the gods." The Russian name "persimmon" is derived from the Latin "hormalu" - date plum, since dried persimmon is very similar to dried dates.

persimmon varieties

Here we come to the most interesting. There are about 2000 varieties of persimmon in the world, 200 of them are cultivated. The most famous are the following:
- Persimmon "Ordinary" (Tamopan variety). These are large orange fruits, tart even when fully ripe. To get rid of astringency, this persimmon must be frozen, and then eaten.
- Persimmon "Korolek" (Hiakume variety). This is the sweetest persimmon. The chocolate kinglet is dark brown in color, and its pulp is chocolate-colored, contains 4-12 seeds, is very sweet, does not knit even when unripe.
- Persimmon "Fig" (Fuyu variety). It is also called "Chamomile", because if you look from above, you can see that the fruit is divided into several segments, resembling the petals of a chamomile flower, only, of course, not so elongated. The peel is orange, inside it resembles a chocolate kinglet. Sweet, with moderate astringency when unripe.
- Persimmon "Tangerine" (Giro variety). The second name is honey. The honey beetle is bright orange on the outside and inside, very sweet, without tart notes, even when unripe. It is shaped like a tangerine.
- Persimmon "Tomato". The second name is "Bull's heart". This is a very large persimmon in appearance resembling tomatoes of the same name. One fruit can weigh 500 grams. It is very sweet, orange in color, with transverse rings on a delicate peel. In a ripe form, it is difficult to transport even within the same settlement - it immediately loses its presentation: it crumples, spreads.
- Persimmon "Sharon". Very sweet, delicate, orange. Doesn't handle transportation well. It can be distinguished by its pointed tip. If it exists, it is an Azerbaijani sharon, and if instead of it there is an indented “cross”, it is Spanish.
- Persimmon "Chinese". Yellow in color, not large, in shape resembles an acorn, as it has a characteristic transverse strip, as if dividing the persimmon into two parts: a hat and a body. Less sweet compared to other varieties, but without astringency. The length is twice the width. The color is orange, typical of persimmon, but the taste is less sweet.
- Persimmon "Egyptian". You can recognize it by its shape - it is elongated:
- Persimmon "Rossiyanka". Bred by Russian breeders. Grows on the coast of the Black Sea. It is smaller than imported counterparts, but very sweet. It tolerates transportation quite well. Astringency is very moderate and only in unripe fruits.

The benefits of persimmon

Regardless of the variety, persimmon is very useful, as it contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements and other substances necessary for the human body. Persimmon is especially rich in vitamin C, carotene and potassium. Persimmon improves immunity, improves eyesight, heals the heart and blood vessels. Persimmon is rich in carbohydrates, and therefore quickly saturates.

Harm persimmon

Persimmon is dangerous for people who are obese or diabetic. They should not consume more than a quarter of the fruit per day.
- Tart persimmon can cause spasm of the esophagus or intestines, so you need to use it carefully and do not drink milk or cold water.
- Persimmon should not be given to children under 3 years old, due to the danger of an allergic reaction (our children, for whom persimmon is an exotic fruit).
