
How to cook porridge for feeding babies at home. Cooking porridge for babies: we understand the intricacies of choosing cereals, looking for the perfect recipe

In the first months of life, the child eats mother's milk or an artificial mixture. At a certain age, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods, because the child needs to grow and develop, breast milk and artificial mixture are not enough for this. The expansion of the diet is carried out with the help of cereals and vegetable purees. Somewhat later, cottage cheese, meat and fruit puree are introduced.

How to cook porridge for babies?

All over the world, pediatricians believe that it is necessary to start feeding porridge from the age of five months. Naturally, you do not need to impose a full plate and stuff the baby with porridge until he becomes ill. A new dish should be tested in the amount of two teaspoons. The task of complementary foods is to introduce the little man to new food. You can not introduce complementary foods if the child does not feel well after vaccination or is ill.

Porridge is a source of carbohydrates, protein and minerals. From five months to three, children must eat porridge. The most delicious is semolina, but doctors consider it harmful for children, especially for those who have not yet turned one year old. If the baby is constantly fed with it, he will develop colitis or chronic gastritis. Semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

One of the most useful is buckwheat porridge. It is easily absorbed by the baby's stomach and is the most nutritious. Buckwheat contains potassium, protein, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

How to cook porridge for babies? This question is easy to answer. It is necessary to pour milk into a ladle, boil it, then make a slow fire and gradually introduce the cereal. In order for the porridge not to burn, you need to stir it all the time. Recently, many mothers use multicookers, in which you can cook porridge for the whole family without any extra effort and waste of time.

When to give porridge to the baby?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding children up to two years of age. This does not mean that apart from milk, the baby should not receive anything else, complementary foods are introduced at five months. Gradually, the menu becomes more varied, and the portions become larger. The age at which complementary foods are introduced depends on the individual characteristics of the child, some even at seven months do not want to eat anything but milk and at the same time feel good and gain weight.

When to give porridge to the baby? If a child looks with curiosity at an adult who is eating something, then the time has come for the introduction of complementary foods. The reflex of pushing food out with the tongue should change to a swallowing reflex. The appearance of the first tooth is a signal that the baby is already ready to grind and grind food. Some mothers introduce complementary foods at this time.

Porridge for babies recipes

The easiest way is to dilute a special porridge for babies in boiling water. After all, what is sold in children's stores is designed specifically for kids. These cereals are expensive, but they last a long time. At first, the baby will not eat much.

If it is not possible to buy special children's porridge, you can cook it from ordinary cereals. Simply preparing porridge for babies, recipes can be found on the Internet or in a special cookbook.

How to cook oatmeal? It is necessary to bring a small amount of water to a boil, then sort and wash the cereal, which then needs to be poured into boiling water. When the porridge is cooked, it should be discarded on a sieve and rubbed. Then boiled milk is added, and the whole mass is boiled again. Before serving, you can add a teaspoon of butter or fruit puree. Oatmeal is rich in potassium, phosphorus, protein, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

Porridge for babies should be prepared in the following proportions: for 100 ml of vegetable broth or water, you need to take a teaspoon of cereal. Rice and buckwheat are poured into cold water, and oatmeal and semolina into boiling water.

Buckwheat porridge for babies

Buckwheat porridge is considered hypoallergenic and nutritious, so it can be introduced first. Buckwheat is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, PP and B vitamins. It contains protein and 18 amino acids.

Buckwheat porridge for babies is easy to prepare. First, the cereals need to be sorted out, then washed and dried. After it is completely dry, the cereal must be turned into flour with a coffee grinder or blender. Next, 100 ml of water is poured into the pan and a teaspoon of ground cereal is poured, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then you should pour a little milk and cool. Such porridge can be drunk from a bottle, because it turns out to be liquid. When the baby begins to eat with a spoon, for 100 ml of liquid you need to take two teaspoons of cereal.

Since the year, cereals can no longer be ground. Half a glass of buckwheat should be sorted out and washed, pour buckwheat into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. After the buckwheat boils, it is necessary to drain the water and pour new water. Boil for thirty minutes, towards the end of cooking, add a little milk and sugar.

Corn porridge for babies

Corn porridge can be given from eight months. Corn is not as healthy as buckwheat, but it has a lot of fiber that works in the stomach like a vacuum cleaner. If the baby's tummy swells and it is assumed that he is undergoing a fermentation process, you need to introduce corn porridge into the diet.

Corn porridge for babies is prepared as follows. First of all, you need to rinse the cereal and fill it with water. After boiling, cook over low heat for thirty minutes. If it turns out that the corn is hard, you need to cook more. At the end, you can add milk, sugar, butter and pass it all through a blender.

Rice porridge for babies

In order to cook rice porridge, you need to take twenty grams of rice flour, fifty milliliters of water, a glass of milk and a teaspoon of sugar. It is not necessary to run around the shops in search of rice flour, you can simply grind the rice groats in a coffee grinder. Rice flour is diluted in cold water, then gradually poured into boiling milk. In order to avoid lumps, porridge must be stirred all the time. Cooking time is five minutes.

Rice porridge for babies can be fraught with constipation, so you can give it rarely and in small portions.

Semolina porridge for babies

Semolina porridge is considered the least useful of all cereals. It contains nothing but starch. Many children love semolina because it is delicious, especially if you boil it in milk and add jam.

Semolina porridge for babies at first becomes liquid, gradually its consistency becomes thicker. It is better not to give it to children under one year old, since semolina contains substances that are poorly digested in the stomach and can lead to various diseases of the digestive system.

Milk porridge for babies

Parents should remember that proper nutrition is the key to the health of their children. Soups, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables should be in the child's diet every day.

Milk porridge for babies is not prepared immediately. Dairy-free cereals should be given first, or skimmed baby milk, expressed breast milk, or formula should be added.

Undoubtedly the best and healthiest breakfast for children is porridge. In this article, we will share with you recipes for children's cereals and tell you how to cook tasty and healthy porridge for your child.

Baby cereals

It is very important that baby porridge is appropriate for the age of the child.

For children under one year old, porridge should be sufficiently liquid and homogeneous so that the child does not need to chew it. Porridges for children from one year old can be thicker and more heterogeneous in their consistency, including with the addition of fruits and nuts. You can adjust the degree of liquid by adding water or milk to the porridge, and uniformity can be achieved using, for example, a blender.

The most useful cereals for children are buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.

Porridges for children are useful because they contain complex carbohydrates that saturate the body with energy for a long period of time and do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Porridge is great for breakfast and for children's dinner.

How to cook porridge for a child?

Rice porridge recipe.

It is cooked in a ratio of 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water. Those. For example, for 1 cup of rice, 1.5 cups of water.

Rinse the rice, put it in a saucepan, cover with water. Cover tightly. Bring to a boil and cook over high heat for about 2 minutes, then a little over medium heat and then on low heat. The total cooking time is 12 minutes.

During cooking, do not open the lid, do not mix the rice.

Let it brew for another 10-12 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge - recipe.

Boil in a ratio of 1 to 2m. Those. for 1 cup of buckwheat - 2 cups of water.

We wash the buckwheat, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and close the lid tightly. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat until the water is completely boiled away. We do not lift the lid in the process, we do not mix the buckwheat.

In spite of well-established habits, it is not recommended to add sugar and milk to buckwheat porridge, because they neutralize the many beneficial properties of buckwheat porridge.

Millet porridge - a recipe for cooking.

For 1 cup of millet - half a teaspoon of salt and 1 tbsp. l. oils. Cooked in a ratio of 1 to 2m. For 1 cup of millet you need 2 cups of water.

Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add salt and oil. When the water boils, add pre-washed millet to it and cook until it thickens.

After that, the porridge must be left to infuse for an hour.

Semolina porridge without lumps - a recipe for cooking.

More for variety than benefit. For 1 glass of water, 2 tablespoons of cereals.

Pour water into a saucepan, add cereal and cook, stirring constantly. This is what will allow you to cook porridge without lumps, an even consistency.

Oatmeal recipe.

Oatmeal is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. For 1 cup of cereal, 1.5 cups of water.

Rinse oatmeal under running water, pour 1.5 cups of cold water. While stirring, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for another 5-7 minutes over medium or low heat.

After readiness for another 5-7 minutes, let it brew.

In the process, porridge can be salted, add a little sugar and butter.

Millet-rice porridge "Friendship" - a recipe.

For 1 glass of cereals (half a glass of rice and half a glass of millet) - 1 liter of water. Rinse the cereals.

Pour water into the pan, put the cereal, add sugar and salt. Bring the porridge to a boil, and then simmer for another 30 minutes over low heat under a tightly closed lid. The main thing is that the porridge does not burn! When the porridge is ready, add a little butter.

If you want to serve porridge with milk, remember: Milk is added to ready or almost ready porridge!

Cooking porridge with milk does not make sense, because when boiling, the structure of milk protein is disturbed and milk turns into an indigestible product!

What is the best way to cook porridge for breakfast.

Traditionally, porridge is boiled in a saucepan, but we actively use a slow cooker. Actually, for the sake of morning cereals, they originally bought it.

Our morning looks like this. We woke up, lay down, decided that we were getting up. We go to the kitchen together in a slow cooker, pour cereal, fill it with water, salt, turn on the porridge mode (this is about 20 minutes of heating, pressure set + cooking).

While the slow cooker is running, we go to wash, dress, comb our hair and return to the kitchen to the finished porridge. Arrange on plates, add butter, sugar, pour milk and have breakfast.

As a rule, we cook more rice and buckwheat than for morning porridge, and then it becomes an excellent side dish for dinner, and sometimes dinner itself, if you are too lazy to cook or the child asks for porridge for dinner again. And yes, our child asks for porridge and eats it with pleasure!

More interesting ideas for children's breakfasts can be found in our article: What to cook a child for breakfast quickly and tasty.

You can offer your recipes for baby cereals in the comments to this article or in discussions in our groups on Facebook, VKontakte and MoemMir. Your experience will be valuable for us and many other mothers!

The menu of an eight-month-old baby can already be quite diverse: it includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and even fish. You can make it healthy and at the same time very tasty if you cook it yourself. After reading our article, you will find out what recipes for a baby of 8 months can be prepared quickly and tasty.

Meals for children at the age of 8 months are five meals a day, while three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner already consist of complementary foods. From now on, we recommend that you teach your baby to the fact that children eat porridge for breakfast, and soup for lunch. This allows you to quickly establish a routine and easier to adapt to kindergarten later. In addition to porridge for breakfast, you can offer crumbs fruit puree and cottage cheese, purchased or made on your own. We will talk about it a little later.

What to cook for a child at 8 months for lunch: recipes may vary depending on the components. Most often it is a vegetable soup with meat or vegetables with a well-mashed steam cutlet. For those babies who were introduced to complementary foods from 4 to 5 months, meat can be gradually replaced with fish once or twice a week. At the same time, choose low-fat ocean varieties with white meat (cod, hake, pollock). For dinner, you can also offer stewed vegetables, porridge or cottage cheese, depending on what the baby ate before.

Of course, feeding a baby at 8 months old can consist exclusively of canned purees, the range of which is now very large. But many mothers tend to cook on their own, because in this way they can be responsible for the quality of the dishes. In addition, some little fussy people refuse canned food for children, but mother's cereals and mashed potatoes are eaten with pleasure. In the following chapters, we will talk about specific recipes for soups, porridges, and homemade cottage cheese.

What kind of cereal can a child at 8 months

Recipes for mashed potatoes and cereals for an 8-month-old baby form the practical basis of his diet. In this chapter, we will talk about tasty and healthy cereals. At this age, children can eat both dairy-free and milk porridges prepared with mother's milk or a mixture. If you are using cow's milk, boil the porridge based on a 1:4 ratio, that is, one part milk and four parts water. It is worth noting that pediatricians do not recommend introducing cow's milk into the diet for up to a year due to the high likelihood of allergies.

An eight-month-old toddler can be offered corn, rice and buckwheat porridge in the absence of contraindications. If you have already introduced all these dishes into your diet, expand the range with oatmeal or barley groats. Now let's figure out how to cook porridge for an eight-month-old baby. Choose finely ground cereals (corn, buckwheat "prodel"), and grind the rest of the cereals in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. You need to cook any porridge in water with the addition of a minimum amount of sugar, and preferably without sugar at all, until fully cooked.

Before switching off, add a little adapted formula or expressed breast milk (20 - 30 ml) and butter (3 - 5 g) to the porridge. At this age, porridge should be liquid, so take cereal at the rate of 5 g of cereal per 100 ml of water. Gradually, it can be made a little thicker. To diversify cereal recipes, a baby at this age can add fruit puree (apple, pear, pumpkin, prunes and even carrots) to the dish. So you don’t have to add sugar, and even the smallest fussy eats the finished dish with appetite.

For those parents who are interested in how to cook semolina for a child of 8 months, we will give a little advice. You have the right to listen to him or act in your own way.

Despite the fact that at the end of the last century, children were fed semolina almost from birth, now the approach has changed dramatically. Pediatricians do not recommend semolina porridge for children under one year old due to the high content of gluten and phytin (a substance that prevents calcium from being absorbed).

Soup for a baby 8 months old: recipes

Soup is a desirable dish in the baby's diet, starting from the age of eight or nine months. It improves digestive processes, serves as a source of energy and nutrients. Therefore, you can give it to your crumbs for lunch daily. The main thing is to know the features of cooking this dish. The first important point is what soups a child can have at 8 months. These are vegetable soups with the addition of meat. In this case, the meat should be cooked separately from the first course and added to it already prepared. Meat and fish broths are contraindicated for babies under the age of one and a half years.

Let's talk about the general recommendations of pediatricians. It is advisable to cook vegetable soup for an eight-month-old baby before use and beat thoroughly with a blender. You can add cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, onions, broccoli and a little oil to it before serving. At the same time, there should be a minimum amount of salt in the soup, and you need to add it a few minutes before removing it from the stove. Cooking such soups for too long is not recommended, as vitamins are destroyed. Turkey, rabbit, veal or beef boiled and chopped with a blender are added to the finished dish, depending on what meat is already in your diet. Meat can be replaced with fish.

Here are some recipes for unusual delicious dishes:

  • How to cook soup for an 8 month old baby with pumpkin. For pumpkin puree soup, you will need pumpkin, onion, carrot and vegetable broth. Boil vegetables in water until fully cooked, remove them from the water and beat with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Add broth to get the right consistency. Add a little oil to the finished dish and serve.
  • Vegetable soup with veal. For this dish you will need veal, zucchini and broccoli. Boil vegetables in water, boil meat separately. Grind them in a blender to the desired consistency.
  • Soup puree from zucchini. Prepare zucchini, rice, butter, and expressed milk or formula. Boil the zucchini and some rice until cooked, rub through a sieve, add milk and butter. Delicious soup is ready.

All cereals are useful for a child, and after a year it is allowed to introduce even the most indigestible of them, such as pearl barley and millet, into baby food. Every mother needs to know how to make porridge tastier and whether it is necessary and how long to soak, the proportions for each cereal, how much to cook, with what to serve. The recipe recommendations below suggest cooking porridge over low heat - with a rapid boil, the liquid evaporates quickly, and the porridge needs additional water.

  • Porridge for children should be with the addition of butter.
  • Salt is added to all cereals to taste - about a pinch for 3 servings.
  • So that the baby eats it willingly, you can sweeten it with jam, or. If a child eats porridge and not sweet, then you should not spoil him and sweeten him. Sweet porridge is served as an independent dish for breakfast and dinner, unsweetened porridge can be used as a side dish.
  • In milk, cereals boil much longer, so basically all cereals are immediately boiled in water, and milk is added at the end of cooking.
  • For all cereals, cereals must be washed under running water. The cereal is washed before soaking, and not after.
  • It is necessary to pre-soak indigestible cereals (barley, millet, barley), or any other, in order to cook it faster and end up with a boiled and tender breakfast.

It is better to cook porridge in a small amount so that the child can eat it at a time. Heated porridge loses vitamins.


Rice porridge goes well with jam, fresh and dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish.

For children, you should choose regular round white uncooked rice.

Rice should be thoroughly rinsed before cooking until the water is no longer cloudy. Then put to boil with water in a ratio of 1:2, cook over low heat, stirring constantly, because this porridge often burns. When the rice is boiled (after 15-20 minutes), add milk in an amount equal to water. When the porridge boils, add butter, a little salt, you can sweeten it with sugar or honey and close the lid to infuse. You can cook porridge only on water, in this case we cook at the rate of 1:4. At the end, if the water has boiled away and the porridge has become too viscous, you can add more milk or water and bring to a boil. Rice porridge can be combined with meat, jam, stewed vegetables, nuts, raisins and others.

In the multicooker: cook for 30 minutes in the mode for milk porridge.


The most unpretentious porridge in cooking. Buckwheat groats must be sorted out; raw grains and pebbles often come across in it. Buckwheat should be washed under water no more than three times so as not to wash out water-soluble ones.

Pour the cereal with water at the rate of 2 cups of water per ½ cup of cereal and set it to boil over low heat for 20 minutes, you can not interfere with it during cooking. When the porridge is cooked, add ½-1 cup of milk, turn it off when everything boils again. At the end, butter is added, and the porridge is infused for about 15 minutes. If you cook dairy-free porridge, then you need to calculate the cereal and water in a ratio of 1: 2.5–3. The more water is added (1:4, 1:5), the more boiled and tender the porridge will turn out. Buckwheat is also useful as an independent dish, but goes well with meat, mushrooms, fish, vegetable stew, fresh vegetables, prunes, chocolate.

In the multicooker: cook 30 minutes. There is a special mode for buckwheat, in which case the porridge is crumbly. If you cook buckwheat in the mode for milk porridge, then the result will be a viscous porridge.


More useful is oatmeal porridge, flakes are deprived of the natural shell of the grain itself, which contains most of the vitamins.

Oatmeal is more difficult to digest by the intestines, and Extra 1 flakes are less useful, so it is better for children to use oatmeal, alternate different types of oatmeal.

Oatmeal porridge. Soak the cereal with water in a ratio of 1:3 overnight, cook in the same water for about one hour in the morning. At the end of cooking, add milk in an amount equal to 1/3 of the volume of porridge. You can do more if you want to get a more uniform porridge.

Cereal porridge. For 1 tablespoon of cereal, you need to take half a glass of milk and a little water to cover the bottom of the pan. When the milk boils, flakes are poured and boiled for about five minutes. During cooking, the porridge should be stirred 3 times. At the end, salt, butter and a sweetener (sugar, berry jam, honey, dried fruits) are added. Porridge can not be insisted, but eat immediately after cooling. Oatmeal "Extra 3" is the fastest to prepare; "Extra 1" and hercules should be cooked for at least 15 minutes. You can combine anything with oatmeal: honey, jam, meat, fish, sausages.

In the multicooker: Hercules is cooked in milk porridge mode for 40 minutes. Groats are cooked in the stewing mode after pre-soaking for at least one to one and a half hours.


A capricious product in cooking - it burns very often, so it must be boiled with the addition of water.

For 1 unit of cereal, 2 units of water and 2 milk are taken. The groats are poured with water and boiled with constant stirring for 20-30 minutes. Then, when the water boils away, the thick porridge begins to gurgle, milk is poured in, you can turn off the porridge after boiling. At the end, you can add salt, butter and sugar. Porridge should be infused after cooking for at least 10 minutes. Corn porridge is combined with dried fruits, grated fresh apple, canned peaches, pineapples.


Porridge cooks very quickly, does not burn. Unlike other cereals, it is prepared exclusively with milk. tastes watery and unpleasant.

To prepare semolina porridge for one mug of milk, you will need 2 tablespoons of cereals. A little water and milk are poured into the bottom of the pan, then semolina is poured in a trickle. To make the porridge without lumps, pour the cereal into cold milk, if you like lumps, then you can pour the cereal in a thin, thin stream while stirring into boiling milk. To completely eliminate lumps, you can dilute the cereal in a small amount of cold water and immediately put the mixture in a saucepan. Cook for 2-4 minutes, stirring constantly, the porridge often “runs away”. Be sure to add butter, salt and sugar. You can eat porridge immediately after cooling. Children are especially good at eating semolina porridge cooked with.

In the multicooker: semolina should be cooked for 8 minutes with the lid open.


To cook delicious millet porridge, millet, milk and water should be added in a ratio of 1:1:4, respectively.

Ready within 30 minutes. There is no point in soaking it overnight. Per unit of cereal, one unit of milk and 4 units of water should be calculated. Washed cereals are poured into boiling water, everything is cooked for 15 minutes (until the water boils). Then milk is added and on a slow, barely noticeable fire, it languishes for another 15 minutes. The porridge should turn out to be homogeneous in consistency, with well-swollen cereals.

In the multicooker: millet porridge is cooked for 1 hour in the mode for milk porridge, then it costs another half an hour in the heating mode.


Porridge is boiled in water for a long time. The proportions are 1:3. Washed barley is poured for several hours with cold water in proportions of 1:4. This water is drained and another one is added, on which the porridge will be cooked. Boil porridge should be at least 50 minutes. You can add some milk at the end if you like. An hour later, butter or vegetable oil is added to make the cereal soft. Then it is better to insist for 30 minutes under the lid in a warm place. Barley porridge goes very well with meat and meat dishes.

Porridge cooked with milk is less digestible, so it is not recommended for children.

In the multicooker: barley is cooked in the same proportions, in the mode for buckwheat or stewing. If the cereal was pre-soaked, cook for 1 hour, if not - about 2 hours.


It is necessary to cook in a deep bowl, because the porridge increases in volume several times. Proportions - 1:4, if boiled in water, 1:2:2 - if you add milk. The washed cereals can be soaked for 1 hour, then boiled until thickened for about 20 minutes, milk is added at the end, when everything boils again, you can turn it off and put the porridge to infuse in a warm place or wrap it with a warm towel and cover with a pillow. Children like to eat pearl barley and barley porridge with milk, boiled chicken, meat, fried fish. Barley porridge is especially good if after cooking it is baked with butter in the oven.

About semolina especially in the program "School of Dr. Komarovsky":

How to cook different cereals, the ONT channel tells:

Children need to eat porridge. Why? Why is it useful? At what age should you give it to your baby? Finally, what should you pay attention to when buying specialized baby cereals in the store?

The ingredients of porridge cereals and milk are very valuable products in terms of their properties. Groats are a source of carbohydrates (starch), which provide the body with energy, vegetable proteins, B vitamins, some minerals: magnesium, iron, as well as plant fibers necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk perfectly complements this composition with its more valuable proteins than in cereals, as well as vitamins and mineral salts.

Porridge - the second complementary food

As a rule, porridge becomes the product of the second feeding of an infant. It is given to the baby approximately 2-3 weeks after the introduction of the first complementary foods (vegetable puree), that is, approximately at 5-6 months. But in cases where the child has an unstable stool, he is not gaining weight well enough, or is prone to spitting up, the doctor may recommend that you start complementary foods with porridge.

Porridge serves as a kind of bridge for the child between solid and liquid food, so it is necessary to start giving it (however, like any other complementary foods) from small portions. The first day - a teaspoon, the second - no more than 30 g (3-4 teaspoons) and during the week bring the volume to 100-120 g. This serving should replace one breastfeeding or formula. You need to give porridge from a spoon, once a day, preferably in the morning for breakfast. Then you can give the baby a breast, drink porridge with juice, kefir.

Cooking porridge

If you cook porridge yourself, then at the first stage of the introduction, make it liquid (5%). This means - 5 g of cereals or flour per 100 ml of water. After 1-2 weeks, porridge can be cooked at 8-10 percent. In order to free parents from the "horrors" of calculating the number of grams of flour for a certain amount of water, let's clarify that when preparing 5 percent porridge, one teaspoon of cereal flour is consumed per 100 ml of liquid, 7-8 percent porridge - one and a half teaspoons, and 10 percent - two. Sugar and salt are not allowed. According to "adult" taste sensations, it should be undersalted and slightly sweet. Well, what kind of porridge without oil, but not more than 5 g per serving.

There are several cooking methods. If you use cereal flour during cooking, then dilute it in cold water and pour boiling milk into it. Then boil for 5 minutes. When preparing cereals from cereals, it is recommended that the cereals be first boiled well in water, then add hot milk to it and cook until tender. Pass the finished porridge through a sieve.

Choice of cereals

What kind of cereal to choose? The most useful are buckwheat and oatmeal. They have more protein than others, in addition, they contain plant fibers that are useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Rice and corn are richest in starch, which is used for energy needs of the body. In second place in terms of content is semolina. True, these cereals are low in vitamins and mineral salts. The exception is corn. It contains iron. After 6 months, you can give porridge from other cereals: wheat, rye, barley and others that contain gluten, of course, if the child does not have a congenital intolerance to it.

When choosing cereals, also keep in mind that rice has enveloping and fixing properties; oatmeal and buckwheat contain a lot of fiber, can cause a laxative effect; corn is neutral. Given these properties, try to alternate cereals and make mixed cereals. Very useful are the so-called "pink" cereals, which are prepared with the addition of carrots, pumpkins, apples or carrot juice.

What porridge to choose?

Surprising as it may seem to many parents who advocate the most healthy and proper nutrition, in the first year of a child’s life, pediatricians recommend using industrial-made cereals for feeding children. "Factory" cereals are better processed and sterilized. Taking into account the age needs of children, they are enriched with a wide range of vitamins and mineral salts, including iron and calcium. They do not contain preservatives, artificial colors, stabilizers and chemical additives. Another plus is that cereals that are difficult to digest at home, such as barley, corn, and rye, can be introduced into the child’s diet.

Most of the baby cereals used in our country are products of foreign companies. Domestic products, unfortunately, are not presented so well, although they are not inferior to foreign analogues in terms of their nutritional and biological value, but, unfortunately, they require cooking. Most modern cereals of foreign companies are foreign-made, that is, they do not require cooking. They can be divided into 2 groups - dairy and non-dairy. For the preparation of the first, only water is needed. They do not need to add salt, sugar, butter and especially milk. Only for special indications and on the advice of a doctor for children with reduced appetite, poorly gaining body weight, you can add 2-3 g of butter per serving of porridge to improve the taste and increase the energy value of the product.

Dairy-free cereals are reconstituted with specialized milk for baby food. It can also be diluted with water if, for example, the baby does not tolerate milk, but keep in mind that the nutritional value of the product will decrease.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that cereals are not only with or without milk, but also with additives. Many companies produce cereals with natural additives. These are fruits, vegetables, honey, hazelnuts and berries, banana, caramel and even chocolate. There are such interesting combinations as buckwheat and quince, buckwheat-apricot, chocolate-nut, banana with honey and rice. Some companies also make mixed cereals. For example, cereal-vegetable porridge made from rice, wheat, pumpkin, leek, spinach, or 5-grain porridge. These cereals are often healthier and tastier than usual, however, when using them, one must be aware of the possibility of allergic reactions.

When choosing porridge, be guided by your financial capabilities, the child's addictions and, of course, the advice of a pediatrician. However, when buying, the following nuances should be taken into account: the contents of cereals should be written on their packaging in Russian so that buyers can find out the amount of all the nutrients of the ingredients, and, therefore, evaluate the quality of the product; manufacturers also indicate the detailed composition of the components per 100 g or 1 serving. This detailed information will help you determine how complete and balanced this product is; when buying, pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions. And, of course, you should strictly follow all the cooking rules indicated on the label. Do not breed porridge "by eye". And then your child will eat "approximately." Pediatricians recommend buying cereals in specialized baby food stores, pharmacies and clinics. You should not do this on ads, in the market and in other places not intended for this. It is necessary to be afraid not only of fakes, but also of improper storage conditions.


Some idiot wrote an article! Until the year, NO spices! No salt, no sugar, much less spices. Also, up to a year, cereals containing gluten should not be given, it can provoke the development of celiac disease, a severe pathology of the small intestine. Gluten-free cereals include rice, corn and buckwheat. Such a variety is quite enough for a child in the first year of life.

04/03/2016 18:49:04, VlastaV

Thanks for the informative article. For the first couple of days, I cooked porridge myself, but the child was sprinkled, and then only on Materna porridge did they grow. We buy now through baby1care. com. We also eat mixtures of this brand, because everything is low-allergenic and the child likes it. I think that children's cereals are not to save time, but all the same for the sake of the health of the kids.

I prefer factory-made porridges, they are easy to prepare and the baby likes them better.

Comment on the article "How to cook porridge for a child?"

Feeding pots. Artificial feeding. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. I cook it myself, the doctor said that since I have an excess of milk, there is no need to give additional milk porridge.

Complementary foods from porridge ..... Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. I just introduced complementary foods from vegetables to both of them, I was afraid that they would not want to eat sweet porridge later.

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. There were questions about the introduction of porridge. Here the pediatrician told us the 1st day - 1 part, the 2nd - 2 part, etc. That is, until the full volume for about a month ???


The first buckwheat, then corn or rice is better, the last oatmeal. I finished the porridge a week before the full portion, we eat Heinz milk porridge now, but we started with dairy-free ones.

My so far liquid porridge is eaten from bottles on a half mixture. I breed like this: 180 ml of water + 3 measuring spoons of the mixture + 3 tablespoons of porridge. It turns out 200 ml of porridge. They eat through the Avent nipple with a special slot.

Section: Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods (how to make porridge with breast milk). We eat porridge once a day and spend 2 tablespoons of the mixture on it. Because the "milk" for porridge, which I make from a mixture, is of a much lower concentration (more than 2 times).


I can’t understand one thing, how can something be expensive for a child? If there is no way to buy an extra can of formula, then why the hell give birth at all ?!

30.01.2017 13:08:01, Kristina Korichanac

Dairy-free cereals are not so tasty, yes. Need to try. They are different, there are nothing like that. I started with buckwheat Humana. I cooked on the water. At first they ate a little at all, but then they got involved. You can probably add a little breast milk, there are no allergies to it. But I didn't do that.

I cook porridge myself, but since we eat disgustingly, we decided to try to buy porridge for See other discussions: How do you prepare complementary foods yourself? I cook porridge myself, but how to make dairy-free porridge with formula or breast milk? Question about baby sitter porridge.
