
Salted salmon recipe at home. Recipe for making lightly salted salmon at home

I have always been sure that the answer to the question of how to cook slightly salted salmon is obvious: you need to put less salt in it. But nothing like that! The degree of salmon salting turns out to depend not on how much salt was poured, but on how long the salt interacted with the fish. I suggest you try the recipe for delicious salted salmon, where 700 g of fish is taken ... half a kilo of salt! Surprisingly, it is a fact: the salmon turns out to be tender, with a very pleasant aroma and, importantly, it is stored for a long time.


To prepare salted salmon you will need:

  • 700 g fresh salmon
  • 500 g coarse salt, rock or sea
  • 250 g sugar
  • 3 art. spoons of peppercorns

Calculation of ingredients for salmon:

g fresh salmon
g coarse salt,
g sugar
Art. spoons of peppercorns.

How to cook lightly salted salmon

Cut the salmon into portions. You can take ready-made salmon steaks. I had two of 350 grams. Or use a fillet - you do not need to remove the skin during salting.

Mix salt, sugar and pepper, which must be ground beforehand, and coarsely enough. If you use a coffee grinder for these purposes, then make sure that the pepper does not turn into powder. Remember that our task is not to make lightly salted salmon spicy, but to give it a delicate, grassy aroma of freshly ground pepper.

Pour half of the mixture into the bottom of a clean, dry dish. I use plastic food containers with lids for salting fish.

Put the salmon on top. If you have a fillet, place it skin side down.
Sprinkle the fish with the second half of the salt, sugar and pepper mixture so that it is completely covered.

Close the lid and put in the refrigerator. It will take 12 hours to cook lightly salted fish. Make sure that the fish does not overcook, otherwise it will salt too much.

After 12 hours, remove the fish, rinse and dry thoroughly, for example, using paper napkins. This is where the cooking actually ends. You can slice and serve. Usually, such lightly salted fish is swept away all at once, but if something remains, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

My family loves sandwiches with slightly salted salmon for breakfast and as snacks. Purchased salmon is a rather expensive pleasure, but you can cook such a fish at home. Here, however, you will have to face some difficulties.

I don’t know about you, but it’s almost impossible to buy fresh salmon from us. Therefore, you have to buy frozen, well, if you're lucky, and it will be a carcass, but basically they already sell fillets with skin. Usually the fillet is very thin, when defrosted, the fillet often turns out to be very gray, breaks into pieces. But there is no choice, and today I will offer you an option on how to cook lightly salted salmon from not the best quality of the original product.

First of all, you need to defrost the fish. I defrost it in the refrigerator. Then I take it out and blot it well with paper towels until completely dry. I try to gently wipe the fillet so that it does not break into small segments.

There are a lot of salting options and proportions of salt and sugar. Many make salting in a liquid marinade, but there is a dry method of salting, which I will use. My proportions when cooking lightly salted salmon: 2 parts salt and 1 part sugar.

To prepare lightly salted salmon at home, we need the following products: salmon fillet itself, coarse sea salt and sugar. I always cut the fish fillet into two identical pieces.

Mix sea salt and sugar in a bowl. It is believed that coarse non-iodized salt does not burn the flesh of fish so much, which does not lose its pinkish color when salted, which is exactly what fine salt does.

Spread a little cling film on a cutting surface, sprinkle it with a mixture of salt and sugar. Put a piece of fillet on the film with the skin down, sprinkle the fish with salt and sugar on top.

Sprinkle the second carcass on all sides with the mixture and put the meat down.

We wrap the edges of the film, we try to ensure that the fish is tightly wrapped. We make small punctures in the film with a toothpick, this is necessary in order for the liquid secreted by the fish to flow out during salting.

Put the fish in a container.

We install oppression on pieces of fish, I have a mortar, for half an hour. This is necessary so that fish fillets of poor quality are compressed and do not fall apart when cut in finished form.

We remove the oppression, cover the container with a lid and put the fish in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours, it is better to leave it to marinate overnight.

We take out the finished salmon fillet from the container, rinse it from salt, dry it with paper towels, cut into portions, sprinkle with dill, you can pour lemon juice when serving.

Due to the fact that the fish fillet was not thick, cutting it as beautifully as they do in factories, of course, will not work, but after all, the content is more important to us, not the form, right?

It is better to store ready-made lightly salted salmon in a container in the refrigerator, brushed a little with vegetable oil, no longer than a week.

Lightly salted salmon can be used for salads, sandwiches, canapes. Bon appetit!

Sergey 14.09.13
Tried it, great food!

Vera Brezhneva 09/17/13
How delicious, delicious, delicious! And you don't have to pay for retail packaging. I went to pickle the salmon.

Inga 02.11.13
I salted the fish for the first time and the result, in my opinion, turned out to be magnificent. The fish turned out not too salty and not weak either. All in all, it tastes perfect.

Polina 08.11.13
In fact, I also have experience in salting salmon. Everything is the same with the proportions of salt and sugar, only for some reason I cut it into cubes and do not use gauze.

marina 09.11.13
Everything is simple and fast. But I'm wondering, what other varieties of fish are suitable for this salting method? Is it just salmon? Maybe at home you can work wonders with any fish?

According to this recipe, you can salt pink salmon, trout, chum salmon and other varieties of salmon. But if you want to pickle a herring, then it is written how best to do it.

Angelina 12.11.13
My husband learned how to cook salmon in this way, he just loves this fish! We usually buy some salmon for salting, I don’t like to keep fish in the refrigerator for a long time, we salted a piece and ate it with appetite. Then you can do it again...) But about the choice of salmon for freshness, useful tips, we will stick to it! And apparently the pepper will have to be moderated during salting).

Natalia 11/14/13
I also make lightly salted salmon. But in order for the fish to be strong and not fall apart, I add 1 tablespoon of cognac. It transfers tannins to the fish (as well as a spicy tint of taste) and the salmon turns out to be strong.

Natalia, thanks for the interesting addition. It will be necessary to try to salt the salmon with cognac. Men will definitely like it)))

Inga 28.11.13
Wouldn't it be too much sugar? Still, for three hundred grams of salmon, a tablespoon. I think that one teaspoon will be enough here. However, this is a matter of taste, and the recipe is really simple.

Daria Antimonova 19.12.13
Personally, I do not salt it for a long time. Since this is a sea fish, it needs to lie down in the marinade for about fifteen minutes no more, and then you can start cooking.

The Japanese put raw fish in sushi, and nothing, healthy))) But I would still advise you to salt the salmon as expected, fifteen minutes is clearly not enough.

Anyutka 23.12.13
I tried to pickle pink salmon according to your recipe. It also turned out pretty tasty. For the New Year I will experiment with salmon, I will please my family.

Dmitry Viktorovich 24.12.13
Well, I finally got the article I needed). The wife does not really like fish, and even less to mess with it, clean it and all that. I myself adore fish in any form, but most of all, of course, salmon tastes the best, but I always wanted to pickle it myself. Purchased, of course, in abundance, we have a market almost next to the house, and yet when homemade salting, then the taste is different. Thank you very much for the detailed recipe.

Elena 12/28/13
Salted salmon for the first time. I immediately hid one piece in the refrigerator, and on the second I decided to try the recipe. The husband tried it and said: Why did you waste money for so many years? So I think why? Thank you, the salmon turned out just class, tender, lightly salted. I'll pickle it for the New Year.

Tonya 03/20/14
I salted this fish, but never added sugar, but I sinned with pepper). And now I think that in vain ... the salmon itself is so refined and tasty that the pepper will be superfluous. I will try your recipe.

Elizabeth 13.05.14
Salted fish for the first time. Everything turned out to be extremely simple. Thank you for teaching.

Kira 15.05.14
I salted the salmon at home, it turned out delicious, thank you, I did not expect that everything is so simple.

Veronica 16.06.14
I just flatten from salted salmon, I used to buy ready-made, but since I tried your recipe, now I only salt myself. Senkyu very match)

Stas 01.10.14
The salmon was perfectly salted. We chopped sandwiches, the buffet turned out great.

Anna 11.11.14
I tried to pickle salmon according to your recipe. And why wrap it in gauze? is this a very important point?

Anna, the fish is wrapped in a cloth so that it is evenly salted and does not dry out. You can not wrap it, then during salting, it is advisable to turn the pieces of salmon at least a couple of times onto another barrel.

Anna 11/20/14
The most delicious fish. Moderately salty, does not fall apart - you can beautifully cut into pieces. I never put sugar, but it turns out that in vain)) thanks for the recipe!

Anna, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you liked my recipe :)

Albina 28.11.14
Everything worked out! Salted the fish for the first time and it turned out delicious! Thanks for the recipe!!!

To health)))

Lida 06.01.15
Salmon is somehow a bit expensive for me now, so I got used to salting pink salmon in this way, it is cheaper and tastes just like salmon. And I think my husband liked this option even more.

Lida, according to this recipe, you can salt any fish from the salmon family (salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, etc.), so everything was done correctly)))

Yana 11.03.15
Yummy! I didn’t know before that seeds can be salted. Mother-in-law taught. Only I pre-cut the salmon into portioned pieces. If you want to get more juicy pieces, then the salmon can be greased with olive oil, and only then salted.

Ksenia Petrovna 04.10.15
Salted salmon according to your recipe. Turned out very good. I was pleased that the red fish remained elastic, otherwise the store fish is a little loose. Probably, manufacturers add some kind of chemistry there, or maybe because it is stored for a long time. Either way, the homemade product always wins. Thanks for the good recipe!

Irina 12/24/15
I have salted salmon many times according to this recipe, and every time I praise you. What are you, Alena, smart and craftsman! Your fish recipe is delicious! I copied it and my daughter, let him also cook salmon for the holidays. Thanks again!

Today I decided to pickle salmon at home and what came of it?

And it turned out, my friends, first-class light-salted delicious home-made fish - Delicacy! You definitely can’t buy this in a store, even if you choose from the best manufacturers.

Salmon (I took just such a fish with red meat - I like it the most) came out surprisingly the first time you just lick your fingers! Moderately salty, moderately fatty and very, very tasty.

That's it, I'm sharing the recipe, maybe someone wants a red salted fish right now.

Recipe for homemade lightly salted salmon in a dry way

By the way, salted salmon will be ready in 7-10 hours. If you salt it in the morning, then by dinner you can already serve it to!


  • Salmon (fish fillet) - 1 kg.,
  • Lemons and oranges - 3 pieces each,
  • Salt - 4 table. spoons,
  • Sugar - 1-2 table. spoons,
  • Peppercorns (preferably white, if you can’t find it, take black) - 6-7 pieces,
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon,
  • Lime - 2-3 pieces.

Dry cooking method: How to pickle salmon at home

You can try to cut the fish into pieces first and then pickle. They say that a different taste is obtained if you add vodka or make a pickle and salt directly into the jar (then just in pieces).

It's all the same, even if you choose my recipe for salting salmon, even in brine - the dish is just a "bomb", I tell you for sure! Try at least once, to try to cook, and you will refuse store options. Especially at home is clearly cheaper!

In addition, a couple more recipes for salting red fish (again, salmon, but it turns out not bad on the other hand).

And it’s a sin not to use such an exquisite product!

How to pickle salmon at home: a recipe with vodka

As you may have guessed, the main ingredient in this performance will be vodka - our little white one. Expensive, many would think? And you do not think - you just try, look at the prices in stores and what you will get. Thank you later!


  • Salmon (or trout) - 1 kg. - fillet or closer to the tail,
  • Vodka - 50 grams (enough for such a volume of fish),
  • Salt - a couple of tables. spoons
  • Sugar - 1-2 table. spoons,
  • Spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and clean the fish - prepare for quick salting.
  2. We take a glass tray (for example, for baking in the oven). We fall asleep salt, sugar and spices, mix.
  3. Rub salmon on all sides with this salty mixture and sprinkle vodka on top.
  4. It is better to cover with a lid or cling film, and oppression from above (not very heavy).
  5. We clean in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. If you salt it in the evening, then by morning it will be possible to make sandwiches with lightly salted red fish.

The entire "juice" of such a recipe is in vodka. It gives vodka an unusual taste and also makes fish meat more elastic - it does not fall apart. The salmon will completely absorb the vodka, and you will not even feel the smell of alcohol.

And here is another recipe, but already in the bank.

How to pickle salmon or trout in a jar in brine at home - in pieces or whole?

Honestly, this salting method is the fastest - 2 hours and the red salted fish is ready on the table! Marinade silt brine, call it what you want, gives the fish the opportunity to pickle (soak) evenly. If you wish (and I insist) prepare the brine in the same way as for pickling or cooking salted cucumbers or tomatoes.


  • Red fish - half a kilo,
  • Salt 2 table. spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 table. spoon,
  • Water - 300-400 ml.,
  • Lavrushka, peppercorns or other spicy seasoning - optional.

Recipe for lightly salted salmon at home:

  1. Again, as in the previous options, wash the fish.
  2. Cut into slices (you can of course whole, but it will be salted longer than slices).
  3. Boil the brine. To do this, sugar, salt and water on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes.
  4. We prepare the container (if you immediately eat, then use an ordinary glass or plastic bowl, and if for the winter, then the jar is sterilized accordingly).
  5. Lay the fish in layers. A layer of fish, a layer of spices.
  6. Fill with brine (marinade) and put in the refrigerator.
  7. After 2 hours, you can serve it on the table and make red fish canapes.

I am not a biologist-ichthyologist, so my knowledge about the representatives of the Salmon family is extremely scarce. But on the other hand, I reliably know how to salt this fish deliciously. I honestly tried to deal with orders, subfamilies and subspecies, but I realized that for readers of my recipes this is not so important. The main thing is to tell you how to pickle salmon of any kind at home tasty and as quickly as possible. These salting methods are suitable for salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, char and other red fish. Please note that I suggest salting frozen raw materials. Fresh salmon cannot be salted overnight. It will be ready only in a few days, or even weeks, when all potentially dangerous microorganisms will die.

Preparatory stage of salting salmon

  • At home, it is better to salt fresh-frozen salmon (this applies specifically to quick salting methods). Since most dangerous microorganisms die at low temperatures, the salting process is reduced to 1-3 days, and in some cases - up to several tens of minutes (depending on the recipe and type of raw material). However, you should refrain from buying frozen goods several times. An inspection of the head, gills, and skin will help make sure the quality and freshness of the raw materials. There should be no suspicious spots (yellow, gray), visible damage, the integrity of the skin should not be broken.


    Almost all modern models of refrigerators have such a compartment. Send the fish there for 2-5 hours (the duration depends on the size of the raw material). Then defrost in the refrigerator.

  • Fresh-frozen fish is recommended to be completely defrosted before cutting, if salting of fillets or pieces is expected. It is easier to remove the skin from a frozen carcass, separate the backbone and cut it into even slices.
  • It is impractical to salt large salmon whole. The cutting process is quite simple. Remove the head and tail. These parts of the carcass are used to make fish soup or fish soups. Cut off the fins. Open the belly with a neat longitudinal incision. Take out the insides. Scrape the remains out of the abdomen with a knife. If necessary, clean the fish from scales. Wash well, especially inside. Dry the surface with paper towels. Now divide the carcass into several parts according to the size of the dishes for salting. You can salt stacks, fillet pieces. It is better not to remove the skin with dry salting. To fillet, cut the fish into 2 pieces along the backbone. Thus, the ridge will remain on one of the fillets. Separate the bones (with a knife, with your hands), and leave the resulting fillet whole or cut into several pieces.
  • For salting salmon, dishes made of glass and food-grade plastic are used. Metal containers without enamel are not suitable. It is desirable that the container is tightly closed with a lid to avoid the penetration of foreign odors from other products stored in the refrigerator.
  • There are several ways to salt representatives of salmon breeds. The most popular are: "dry" method, salting in brine, salting followed by freezing.

    More fatty species (salmon, trout) are best salted in a dry mixture.

    Relatively low-fat fish (char, pink salmon) tastes better after salting in brine, followed by pouring vegetable oil.

  • To salt salmon with maximum preservation of its taste, it is enough to use only salt and sugar. Traditional proportion: 1 to 3, respectively.
  • With spicy salting, various seasonings are added to the classic pickling mixture: pepper, lemon zest, fresh herbs, garlic, onion, coriander, etc.

The easiest yet delicious way to salt Atlantic salmon (and more)

So it is recommended to salt more fatty fish, for example, salmon. I had steaks, but fillets, bellies are fine. It is not advisable to salt too small pieces in this way - it may turn out to be salted, and the fish itself will come out rough. For this case, it is better third recipe.


How to deliciously salt salmon fillet (one of the fastest, most reliable ways):

Prepare the fish: defrost, clean, cut into large pieces if necessary. Dry thoroughly to remove moisture.

Measure out the right amount of sugar and salt. You can use sea, cooking. Salt extrafine grinding is better not to take. Small particles dissolve quickly, making the surface of the fish too salty. But inside the salmon will remain not completely salted.

Roll the fish in the dry mixture on all sides. You should get a solid salt "crust". The fact that the fish will not take excess salt is a delusion. There is always a chance of oversalting. The main thing is to stop the salting process in time by washing the fish.

Pack tightly into a container. To speed up the salting, oppression is installed from above. Cover the dish with a lid.

Send to the refrigerator for 24 hours. Under the action of salt, a significant amount of liquid will be released, which must be drained. Try a slice of fish. If you are satisfied with the degree of salinity, wash the fish. If the appetizer turned out to be lightly salted, return it to the refrigerator for another 12 hours. Dry the washed fish. Lubricate with a thin layer of odorless vegetable oil. It turns out very tasty! Very delicate taste, natural smell of "noble" fish. An excellent filling for pancakes, sandwiches, tartlets, pies, canapes, etc.

Salt salmon with dill and vodka (relatively quickly, very tasty and fragrant)

Required products:

How to salt:

Defrost the fish or parts of it. Coarsely chop or leave a piece whole (if there is a pickling container of a suitable size). Use paper towels to remove liquid from the surface so that it does not interfere with the absorption of salt.

In one bowl, add sugar, pepper and salt. If desired, pour in high-quality alcohol, it will add piquancy to the snack. Stir.

Put some of the mixture in the bottom of the container. Put 1-2 sprigs of washed dill there.

Sprinkle each piece of fish generously with salt.

Place the salmon tightly in a bowl, shifting each layer with dill sprigs.

Fill the container, cover with a lid. If alcohol was used for salting, it is better to place the fish not in an airtight container, but in a “breathable” natural fabric. For example, a clean (but already washed) linen kitchen towel. So alcohol vapors will come out, only a pleasant aroma will remain. The snack will be ready in about a day. She should spend this time in a refrigerator or balcony (in winter), i.e. at a temperature of +4 ... +6 degrees, without sudden changes. In order for the salting process to go faster, the container with salmon is left for 60 minutes at room temperature, then rearranged in the cold for 12-14 hours. It turns out delicious salted fish. Rinse the fish salted to the desired degree. Store in refrigerator.

How to pickle salmon at home (apartment) conditions in record time (in just 20 minutes)?

This method is suitable for all species of the Salmon family, but I usually use it for “budget” pink salmon, char, coho salmon. Salting takes less than half an hour. But it turns out tastier when the pieces are infused in oil. The most tender fish fillet comes out. You can directly on a sandwich or on a plate.

List of required:

Salting step by step:

I salted the char. Cut up the carcass. Remove the skin.

Cut into moderately thin slices.

Prepare a strong saline solution - brine. I have already shown this version of home salting (only without onions) in. There I described in detail the preparation of brine. Boil water. Dissolve the salt in it. Keep adding until it dissolves. When the particles begin to settle to the bottom of the bowl, the solution is ready. Cool it down completely. Put the chopped salmon in there. Leave for 20 minutes.

Onion cut into half rings.

Layer salmon and onions in a jar. Fill with oil. Refrigerate for several hours. The longer the snack is, the tastier it turns out.

To serve faster, keep the jar on the kitchen table for about half an hour.

See a few more options for home salting red fish.
