
Yoghurt maker with the function of making cottage cheese: the principle of operation and an overview of the best models for home use. Possibilities of a yogurt maker with the function of making cottage cheese and sour cream

The yogurt maker is designed not only for making yogurt, but also for other fermented milk products.

For example, cottage cheese in a Tefal yogurt maker at home turns out to be tasty and natural. You can't compare to the store.

To prepare cottage cheese in this way, you need a special form for draining whey.

If your device has one, then you can start cooking.


  • 750 ml milk
  • 100 g ready-made cottage cheese
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Recipe for cottage cheese in a yogurt maker Tefal

1. Mix all products until smooth. You can do this with a mixer or blender.

2. Pour into a drip pan. Place in yogurt maker and cover.

3. Set the 2nd mode, cooking time 16 hours, press OK. It is not recommended to move the yogurt maker or open the lid until the end of the program.

4. Turn off the device, open the lid, remove the container. Rotate the sieve 180 degrees to begin the whey straining process.

5. Repeat this several times, periodically draining the serum. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

A yogurt maker with a cottage cheese function is an excellent solution, because a wide variety of solutions are currently offered on the dairy market, but in this regard, many manufacturers add low-quality synthetic ingredients to products, which, in addition to cost, also reduces useful properties. Therefore, it is more reliable and more profitable to make such dairy dishes on your own. A yogurt maker equipped with special additional options will be able to help in this matter. Well, how to choose the right useful kitchen gadget, we will deal with you in more detail!

Yogurt maker - what is this miracle of technology?

The unit with this name is distinguished by a narrowly focused action and is intended for the preparation of a yoghurt product. There are less advanced models, there are pieces of equipment equipped with great functionality, for example, a yogurt maker with the function of making cottage cheese and sour cream. Even before this technique appeared, housewives at home used many recipes for preparing the mass.

The essence of the methods was the implementation of the starter for the purpose of fermentation and breeding of lactic acid bacteria. The acquired set performs identical functions and ensures the fermentation of raw materials with the help of bacteria, but at the same time it is equipped with the ability to maintain a given temperature regime for as long as necessary. Therefore, the choice of products is partly dependent on the required cooking time of the product, which ranges from several hours to half a daily period.

Externally, the device resembles an incubator - only jars are stored there instead of chicks. The main task of the user is to prepare the sourdough and then select the settings and operating temperature. The device is characterized by uniform heating, so the entire substance is subject to the fermentation process, and 10 hours must pass before the product is cooked.

The principle of operation of models

The device that we are considering is essentially equipped with the same option, but due to functioning in a temperature range of up to 50 degrees, it takes time to cook. It remains for the user to place the starter in the jars, select the appropriate time settings. Due to the simple interface, this is quite easy to do. Over time, the substance ferments and causes fermentation - a finished product is obtained.

Device advantages

If you decide to buy a yogurt maker with a cottage cheese function, you should carefully consider the positive and negative aspects.

  1. No need for full process control. The user is only required to form the necessary set of settings. When the device finishes the cooking process, you need to place the resulting mass in the refrigerator so that it cools, and the reproduction of special lactic acid bacteria in it stops.
  2. Good ecological properties: the product that will be obtained as a result of cooking, according to these parameters, is in no way inferior to village cottage cheese, sour cream. If you use high-quality milk, then the dishes obtained from it will not only be tastier, but also healthy.
  3. Saving time and money. Manufacturers often create such a price criterion that noticeably hits the pocket. After all, it includes not only the costs of production, but also the implementation of other factory processes. When using the device, you can reduce it by up to 20%.
  4. The option of preparing homemade goodies is another undoubted plus of the technique, since it allows you to carry out the cooking process not only within the framework of standard settings, but also with the adjustment of the timer. Cream, pasta, cakes, cottage cheese sweets - all this can be prepared quite quickly, inexpensively and nutritiously.
  5. The ability to manually adjust the settings allows you to end up with traditional dishes that are sold in the store and have similarities in structure. If you wish, you can choose the consistency and other properties yourself, depending on personal preferences.
  6. The Tefal yogurt maker with the function of making cottage cheese is the best option, because it has many options and allows you to cook as quickly as possible, tasty and healthy. It has a lot of advantages, like many modern models offered in stores, so it will not be difficult to choose the best option.

    Disadvantages of this group of devices

    Unfortunately, there were some negatives as well. However, if you choose a good device, then all possible problems will be reduced to zero.

    1. The choice should be made based on the power parameter: if its value is not enough, the product will be cooked for a long time.
    2. The unit cannot boast of being compact, because on a regular table it takes a lot of space to store it.
    3. The cooking process cannot be interrupted because the pre-cooked sourdough is a "living" substance.

    Despite the weaknesses, the advantages of this device are greater, so it is definitely worth buying for those who value their own health.

    Yogurt maker with cottage cheese cooking function: features of cooking dairy dishes

    But here it is worth paying special attention to the secrets of preparing the substance in order to get an impressive result in terms of taste and benefits:

  • the production of sour cream can only be carried out with machines equipped with adjustable temperature option(after all, the degree of preparation will be lower than for creating yogurt);
  • for the manufacture of cottage cheese, the product must have curdling properties, and the advantage of the technique is that special trays come with it.

You can buy universal devices with a combined set of options - yogurt makers with the function of making cottage cheese and kefir, cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream.

Features of making yogurt

For this, milk and sourdough are used. For the first product, you can take yogurt or enzymes from a pharmacy. They help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent various diseases, restore the properties of immune defense. As for milk, it is advisable to purchase it on the farm. For cooking, you need to place in special glasses leaven and milk. Dosing - according to the instructions.

Cooking cottage cheese: scheme and principle

For self-preparation of this product, you should pay attention to the use of various starter cultures:

  • special products of bacterial fermentation;
  • natural products from the store;
  • pharmaceutical ingredients;
  • cottage cheese homemade.

Yonanas Home Frozen Yogurt Maker - a device for making ice cream and yogurt at home

  • There is no need to control the process. You just need to set the necessary settings, and then you can go about your business. When the yogurt maker is finished cooking, place the resulting substance in the refrigerator until completely chilled to stop bacteria from multiplying. After a couple of hours, the product is ready for use.
  • Environmental friendliness. The product resulting from cooking is in no way inferior to a rustic one. If you use high-quality milk, then yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese or another “dish” prepared by you will not only taste better, but also much healthier than store-bought counterparts.
  • Saving. Producers of cottage cheese often overestimate the price of goods, since it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of raw materials, but also the transportation of goods, the cost of preparing the product. When preparing sour-milk products in a yogurt maker, the cost of a liter of yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream is reduced by more than 20%.
  • Possibility of preparing homemade desserts. You can cook not only according to standard settings, but by adjusting the timer, you can get delicious and healthy desserts. Prepare, for example, homemade teramisu or cream. You can make homemade chocolate spread using mascarpone cheese.
  • By adjusting the settings manually, you can get not only standard dishes (store-sold yogurts are often similar in texture), but also a thinner or thicker consistency, depending on individual preference and cooking time.

Choosing a yogurt maker for home: what to look for

  • Carefully examine the material of the starter containers. Glass is considered the most environmentally friendly. Also, the glass is easy to wash, it can be "loaded" into the dishwasher.
  • The total volume of jars in the set. The number of jars often does not play a role, which cannot be said about the volume. At a time, yogurt makers usually produce up to 1 liter of products.
  • Functional. The more precisely you can choose the cooking time of the product, the better. A standard yoghurt program usually takes about 10 hours. If you want a more liquid product, you need to purchase a timer controlled yogurt maker.
  • The variability of the resulting products. There are yogurt makers designed only for making yogurt, but there are other models, for example, yogurt makers with the function of making cottage cheese and sour cream.
  • Additional devices. In this item, you can include an additional mold for the preparation of cottage cheese and / or spare jars.
  • Electric power of the yogurt maker. The power of the yogurt maker affects the temperature that it produces during operation. With insufficient power, it is likely that the preparation of fermented milk products will take longer, since the cooking temperature is lower than that set in the program of the machine.

Yogurt makers of different brands

The main manufacturers of yogurt makers are companies selling household appliances. These include Tefal, Braun, Dex and others. Often the price does not show the quality of the product, so many companies are trying to make goods on the principle of "cheap and cheerful". Whether they succeed is shown by the reviews of Internet users. Below are yogurt makers that can cook not only yogurt, but also cottage cheese with sour cream.

  • Tefal YG654 was purchased by a girl with the nickname Himerka80, who was unpleasantly surprised by the high prices for fermented milk products. The husband advised to save money by buying a yogurt maker, and the girl agreed. The user notes the beautiful design, compactness, cost-effectiveness, as well as the variety of products obtained. The instructions attached to the technique contain not only technical characteristics and rules for setting up the goods, but also interesting recipes, including desserts: creme brulee, almond cream, curd paste, etc. It is convenient to use the device.
  • The DEX DYM-108 yogurt maker has extremely positive reviews: at a cost of about 1200 rubles, it is extremely easy to operate. User Ekaterina was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of the device: if more expensive analogues overheated or underheated the product, DEX, when preparing sour cream in a yogurt maker, gave exactly the temperature that was written in the instructions.
  • VINIS VY-5000 C has an average score of 3.5. Users note that the device makes high-quality yogurt, but at first it smells strongly of plastic, and over time it starts to overheat. Nevertheless, the low price (1000-1100 rubles) fully justifies the quality.
  • CUISINART YM400E is a yogurt maker with the function of making cottage cheese and cheese. At the moment, these models are produced in limited quantities. Unfortunately, this device is rarely available in Russia, it has to be ordered from Europe or the CIS countries.
  • SATURN ST-FP8513 has a solid "four". The quality is fully consistent with the price of the yogurt maker, which has small, but still unpleasant flaws. Users note the short length of the cord and “ticking” when heated.

Starter for yogurt maker

Most often, special enzymes are purchased for sourdough in a pharmacy:

  • Narine helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the prevention of diseases associated with digestion, respiration, and the excretory system.
  • Evitalia promotes the restoration of microflora and the immune system. The composition of the product includes vitamins, trace elements, acids and antioxidants.
  • Bifidumbacterin improves digestion.

Starter preparation

The best yogurt makers of 2016

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

What could be more pleasant than preparing healthy and tasty food for your baby, for example, cottage cheese in a yogurt maker. Neither fatigue nor a large amount of work become an obstacle to small culinary "masterpieces". After all, it is so important to ensure the constant supply of necessary substances to a new, growing organism, as it contains many useful vitamins and minerals.
Calcium is the key to strong bones and new teeth. And its most accessible source within reach is cottage cheese. To cook, there are many affordable and not complicated ways, but the most correct, perhaps, would be cottage cheese, prepared with a special starter and a yogurt maker, which helps maintain a constant temperature necessary to turn milk into a healthy fermented milk product.
In this master class, we will tell and show how to cook cottage cheese in a yogurt maker. Before you start cooking cottage cheese in a yogurt maker, be sure to tune in a positive mood and start in a good mood, while preparing milk and sourdough. Milk can be taken from two sources: it can be homemade (bazaar) or bought in a store. And then follow our recipe for cottage cheese in a yogurt maker.

- milk 1 liter;
- sourdough for cottage cheese - 1 bottle.

Recipe with photo step by step:

To make delicious cottage cheese, you need fresh milk.

The starter for your future fermented milk product can be found in pharmacies, health food stores, or on the shelf near dairy products in large supermarkets.

If you use homemade milk, then before using it, you should first boil it and then cool it a little (dipping your finger into a white liquid, you should not burn yourself, but feel a pleasant warmth).
Add some milk or water to the sourdough starter bottle, stir until smooth and pour it into the milk.

Thoroughly mix the milk so that the starter is completely distributed.

Pour milk into cups or pour into a special container for making cottage cheese (if you have one in the kit).
It is important to know and remember: all utensils that are used for cooking must be sterile, therefore, before work, they should be rinsed with boiling water.

Install the cups in the yogurt maker, pour water inside if your model of yogurt maker requires it, cover with a lid and connect to the mains.

Check for readiness from time to time, usually it takes 4 to 6 hours to get a mixture of uniform density.

Place "all liquid curd" in a saucepan and place on a steam bath. Heat for about 30-40 minutes until small flakes are obtained or until the process of division into whey and curd is clearly visible.

Spread cheesecloth or other suitable cloth on a sieve and pour the contents of the pan into it. The whey will leave, and wrap the curd in a bundle.

Hang the bundle over a container that is suitable for collecting serum and leave until it stops dripping. You can additionally squeeze a little with your hands.

By the amount of whey removed, you can control the dryness of the curd.
From one liter of homemade milk you will get 70 grams of cheese.

Ready-made cottage cheese can be eaten with fruit, or it can be used to prepare various curd desserts, for example, make

Such a useful device as a home yogurt maker can be used not only for cooking classic yoghurts, but also for other dairy products. Yoghurt makers are also designed for cooking cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream at home.

When cooking on your own, you can not worry about the quality of the product, taking fresh proven ingredients for this. And the recipe for how to cook cottage cheese in a yogurt maker is very simple.

Different yogurt makers can be equipped with separate cups or a bowl. Cottage cheese can be made in any container, the only difference is that it will be more convenient to drain the liquid from a large one at the end of the process. Before starting work, it is necessary to process the molds so that the finished product can be stored longer.

The bowl must be doused with boiling water to remove germs from its surface. If the device is equipped with cups, they must first be sterilized in the microwave. Also, the lid of the apparatus can be doused with hot steam.

Some models of yogurt makers with the function of making sour cream and cottage cheese come with special molds with holes for draining liquid. If available, it is more convenient to use such a container.


Depending on your preferences, you can choose different ingredients for cooking. Delicious cottage cheese can be made using the following ingredients:

  • fresh cow's milk;
  • pasteurized or baked milk;
  • homemade goat milk.

If it is possible to get goat's milk, try to make curd from it - it will turn out to be very tender. Raw milk must first be boiled. After that, it is allowed to cool to room temperature and combined with sourdough.

Baked or pasteurized store-bought milk does not need to be boiled. They need to be warmed up a little. 35-40 degrees.

The following ingredients can be used as a starter:

  • special dry sourdough, sold in a pharmacy;
  • homemade sour cream;
  • thick homemade curdled milk;
  • ready-made natural yoghurt product prepared in advance;
  • calcium chloride, you can buy at the pharmacy.


The sequence of actions for making cottage cheese in a yogurt maker is as follows:

  1. Dilute the starter in the prepared milk. Stir well so that it is completely dissolved in the liquid. If sour cream or curdled milk is used, first mix these ingredients with a small amount of milk until smooth. After that, they can be added to the main part of the ingredients.
  2. Pour the mixture into the containers of the yoghurt maker.
  3. Set the device to the time specified in the instructions. It usually takes about 12-15 hours.
  4. Remove containers when finished.
  5. In the course of preparation, the initial components are divided into two fractions: whey and curd mass directly. To obtain dry cottage cheese, they must be separated from each other.

  6. Drain the resulting mixture on a sieve to drain the whey. Cover the bottom of the sieve with gauze. When the liquid has drained, wrap the cheesecloth and hang it over a bowl into which the remaining liquid will drip.

At the end of this process, the contents can be squeezed out a little with your hands to highlight the last whey. The less liquid remains in the finished product, the drier it will be. From a liter of ingredients, approximately 70 grams of cottage cheese is obtained.

Put the finished cottage cheese in the refrigerator for 4 hours. After this time, it can be eaten raw or cooked from it in other dishes.

Yoghurt maker with curd program

If the model is designed for making cottage cheese, the process changes slightly:

  1. Prepare a special bowl with holes for draining whey. Take 800-900 ml of pre-processed milk and combine with 100 grams of homemade cottage cheese. Add 20-30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice there.
  2. Mix the ingredients, you can use a blender for this. Transfer the mass to the form and put it in the yogurt maker.
  3. Turn on the appliance to the desired cooking mode. When the product is cooked, remove the bowl and squeeze out the whey using the drain function. This procedure must be repeated several times, depending on the desired consistency of the curd.
  4. Cool the finished product in the refrigerator for four hours.


To make a curd dessert, you can add to the finished mixture:

  • fresh berries;
  • pieces of fruit;
  • berry, fruit or chocolate syrup;
  • dried fruits, nuts;
  • jam.

All ingredients are added to the finished curd after it has cooled. You can also cook other delicious dishes from homemade cottage cheese: cottage cheese cream, cheesecakes, casseroles, stuffed pancakes.

Making cottage cheese with a yogurt maker at home is easy. During cooking, you can slightly change the standard recipe to get products of different density and saturation.
