
Lenten salad with squid without eggs in portions. Lenten squid dishes: recipes for step-by-step preparations

The Easter holiday marks the bright Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although the celebration of Easter has a different date each year, nevertheless, preparations for it begin before the holiday itself. At this time, for every believer, it is of great importance Great Lent, which implies the exclusion of the consumption of animal products.

Useful properties of seafood

Easter is always celebrated in the spring. And with the first spring sunbeams and the appearance of fresh vegetables, the time comes for salads rich in vitamins and corresponding to the conditions of Lent. Since during Lent it is allowed to use marine products, then the lean salad recipe below is most suitable for the diet these days.

Seafood is rich high content trace elements and vitamins, incredibly useful human body. From them you can make a wonderful lean salad with squid.

lean salad with squid is not only healthy, but also extremely tasty. To prepare it, you will need about 200g of squid, half a can canned olives pitted, one fresh tomato And Bell pepper, one lemon, three to four cloves of garlic, three tablespoons of olive oil, herbs and salt.

Lean squid salad: cooking sequence

1) we clean the squids from films and entrails and, after boiling, cut into small rings;

2) finely chop the garlic and prepare the marinade (mix garlic with mustard, olive oil, lemon juice and salt);

3) soak the squid in the marinade for 20 minutes;

4) cut pepper into strips, olives into quarters, tomato into cubes and then mix with squid;

5) Sprinkle before serving ready salad greenery.

Lean squid salad can be prepared using completely different ingredients. For example, boiled squids go well with oranges and pineapples. To lean the table is suitable and salad prepared with 700g boiled squid, 2 apples, boiled egg, green canned peas and seasoned with mayonnaise.

People who are especially fond of seafood will like the salad with squid, shrimp and walnut or a salad with a combination of squid and cancer necks. You can also combine squid with canned corn and cheese.

lovers exotic dishes can prepare a lean squid salad borrowed from Thai food. To do this, you need to take 500g of small squid with tentacles and lower it into salted boiling water for 1 minute.

Then drain them, add 1 tbsp. chili sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil and rice vinegar, 1 kaffir lime leaf, 3 pcs. shallots, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tsp sesame. Sprinkle all ingredients with mint and cilantro. Add salt and pepper to taste.

with squid, you can cook on allowed fasting days, include vegetarians in a non-strict menu, or just enjoy a snack without fear of harming your figure. A countless number of various variations will allow everyone to choose the most acceptable recipe for themselves.

How to cook squid salad?

It is not difficult to design, but without knowing certain subtleties and rules, it will be more difficult to get an excellent taste result. About how to cook squid for salad and much more in the paragraphs below.

  1. Initially, squid carcasses are thawed, poured with boiling water for a minute, immersed in cold water, after which they remove the skin, remove the chord and entrails.
  2. In order for the squids to turn out soft, they need to be cooked properly. The water is salted, seasoned with laurel, pepper, herbs, if desired, and allowed to boil. One by one, the carcasses are lowered into the boiling liquid for 10 seconds, each time letting it boil.
  3. Properly boiled carcasses are cut into strips, cubes or rings and mixed with additional components according to the recipe.

Lean Calamari Salad - Recipe

Salad with squid and mushrooms is refreshing by adding fresh cucumbers and spicy, thanks. Potatoes and corn give the snack nutrition, and make it more satisfying. The dish perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger without compromising digestion. 4 servings will be ready in 40 minutes.


  • squid carcasses - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumbers- 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • lean mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. Boil squids, cut into strips.
  2. The potatoes boiled in their uniforms are peeled, cut into cubes, like cucumbers and onions.
  3. Combine the ingredients in a bowl, add corn, chopped mushrooms and herbs.
  4. Fill the lean salad with squid with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, mix.

Canned squid salad

next salad with squid without mayonnaise is prepared in a matter of minutes, but it turns out surprisingly fresh in taste and incredibly appetizing. The composition of the snack can be expanded by adding salad onions or celery stalk, which will not only increase nutritional value dishes, but also add spice.


  • canned squid - 1 can;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. Shred squid into strips, cut fresh vegetables.
  2. Lettuce is rinsed, dried and torn with hands.
  3. Combine the ingredients in a bowl, season with the mixture lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Spread lean salad with canned squid on a dish, decorate with herbs.

Salad with squid and crab sticks

Lenten squid salad with crab sticks and pickled seaweed will add variety to a boring menu and delight you with an unusual piquant taste. An appetizer is issued elementarily without extra hassle and time costs. In 15 minutes, 4 servings will be obtained from the indicated amount of products.


  • squid - 2 carcasses;
  • crab sticks- 200 g;
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • seaweed - 300 g;
  • canned corn - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. Grind crab sticks and cucumbers.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, season to taste with oil, salt, pepper.
  3. When serving, a simple salad with squid is sprinkled with herbs.

Salad with squid and shrimps

Another delicious recipe squid salad is presented below. A Thai-style appetizer is made with the addition of rice noodles, shrimp and spicy spicy dressing. An impeccably balanced composition and a harmonious combination of components gives an ideal result in all respects that can surprise any gourmet.


  • squid - 300 g;
  • peeled shrimp - 150 g;
  • rice noodles - 40 g;
  • cherry - 6 pcs.;
  • celery stalks - 4 pcs.;
  • chili pepper - 0.5-1 pc.;
  • green onions - 3-4 feathers;
  • salad onion - ½ pc.;
  • lime - ¼ pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Boil and cut squid and shrimp.
  2. Grind celery, onion, cut cherry tomatoes into quarters.
  3. Cook noodles according to instructions, let drain.
  4. For dressing, honey is mixed with soy sauce, boil, add lime juice, finely chopped chili.
  5. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, season delicious salad with squid spicy mixture, mixed.

Salad with smoked squid

Salad with squid and corn, prepared according to the recommendations below, is hearty, nutritious and at the same time surprisingly aromatic and spicy. The effect is achieved through the use of smoked seafood in combination with canned fish: pink salmon, trout or mackerel.


  • smoked squid - 100 g;
  • canned fish- 1 bank;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • long-grain rice - ½ cup;
  • salt, pepper, lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil.


  1. Boil rice until tender.
  2. Cut squid and cucumber into strips.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Season the lean salad with smoked squid with mayonnaise, add salt, pepper and mix.

Salad with squid and Chinese cabbage

vitamin light lean squid salad with cabbage will not harm the figure and will only benefit the body. Such an appetizer is issued quickly, without requiring impressive time or material costs. The recipe uses parsley, but no less tasty is a dish with dill or cilantro.


  • squid - 500 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • parsley - ½ bunch;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Boil and cut into strips squid.
  2. Cucumbers and cabbage are chopped in the same manner.
  3. Chop the greens and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. A vegetable salad with squid is seasoned with a mixture of lemon juice and oil.

Salad with squid and avocado

Light salad with squid and avocado classical performance preparing with minimum set components. However, the recipe has a lot of no less tasty and appetizing variations with the addition of fresh cucumbers, stem celery, canned peas and even boiled potatoes and rice.


  • squid - 3 pcs.;
  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • parsley, basil and thyme;
  • salt, pepper, lean mayonnaise.


  1. Squids are boiled and cut into strips, avocado pulp, greens and onions are chopped.
  2. The ingredients are mixed with corn, seasoned with mayonnaise, salt and pepper, mixed.

Salad with squid and bell pepper

Unusually tasty and appetizingly colorful succeeds and sweet bell peppers to be taken different colors. Olives or olives perfectly set off the taste of appetizers, and garlic and onions give it piquancy and fragrance. 4 servings can be prepared in 40 minutes.


  • squid - 3 carcasses;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • purple onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • olives - 80 g;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper, parsley.


  1. Squids are cleaned, cut and fried in an oiled, heated frying pan for no more than a minute.
  2. Remove from heat, sprinkle with soy sauce and leave covered for 5 minutes.
  3. Chop vegetables, mix with squid and other ingredients, let it brew for 30 minutes.

Warm salad with squid

With squid and beans, it will surprise you with a bright, but unobtrusive taste, wonderful aroma And harmonious combination components. Arugula can be replaced with another lettuce at your choice, and reduce the severity by reducing or completely excluding chili peppers from the composition. It takes only 20 minutes to make 4 servings.

Good afternoon everyone! Glad to see you on this blog again.

In the last article, I introduced you, dear blog readers, to a wide variety of squid salads. I hope you have prepared delicious and healthy salads from squid and other ingredients. Treat your family and loved ones.

Today I want to touch on this topic again, I will only introduce you to lean squid salads.

There will also be a selection of squid salads that do not use mayonnaise. I suggest you experiment. How do you like this idea? 😆

Let these recipes help those who love to fast. Fast for health, and eat delicious and nutritious salads. After all, on the days of fasting, you can also eat seafood.

How to properly clean and boil squid, read my previous article.

Many of us think about what kind of dressing to prepare for lean options, well, or, more simply, than to fill meatless dishes? There are many ways, you will learn them by reading this note.

Lean squid salad without mayonnaise - recipe with photo

This option does not contain mayonnaise, so it turns out light and tender, and for many it is the most delicious of all lenten dishes.

We will need:

  • Frozen squids - 700 g
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Petiole celery - 4 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 140 ml
  • Grainy mustard - 2 tsp
  • Mustard - 2 tsp
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Green onion feathers - 8 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, take the squid out of the refrigerator.

2. Remove all the insides, remove the skin and film.

3. Boil the sea clams correctly.

4. Randomly chop the celery to your taste.

5. Add a finely chopped green onion to the celery.

6. Cut squids into strips and send them to green vegetables (onion and celery).

7. Take and cut the tomatoes into small slices.

8. Cucumbers are also cut randomly, but it is better to cut them into vertical sticks.

9. Now prepare the sauce. Pour the mustard into the bowl olive oil and lemon juice. Salt and mix well.

10. Season with the resulting sauce. Do not forget to somehow beautifully decorate the dish for a feast or any holiday table.

Canned squid salad recipe step by stepand fresh vegetables

I suggest watching this video and making this option at home.

This unusual view vegetable salad with squid (lean) is very useful and contains most of the vitamins that we need so much especially in the spring-autumn period. Therefore, feel free to cook it and please others. The composition of this option is very simple, these are Chinese cabbage, leeks, cucumbers, carrots and corn known to us.

The video uses boiled "sea monsters", if you want, you can replace them with canned ones, it will only taste better!

Delicious lean salad with squid

What to cook from sea ​​shellfish in a post? Of course, here is this lean option.

This species has an interesting dressing in the role low-fat yogurt, serves as decoration green pea. As well as olives, which will not only decorate the salad, but also give a certain mysterious taste. Such a treasure can be decorated with green peas and olives. Perhaps you will also like it and you will replenish your piggy bank with it.

We will need:

  • squid - 450 g; yellow pepper - 1-2 pcs.; tomatoes - 2 pcs; green peas - 1 jar; olives - 0.5 cans, onion- 1 PC.; salt and herbs to taste; yogurt, vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard, lemon zest - for dressing

Cooking method:

1. The cooking recipe begins as usual, with cleaning and boiling squid. And then cut them into strips.

2. Cut the onion into rings. To give surprise in this form, the onion can be pickled. Soak onion rings in cold water and drip a little apple cider vinegar, to your taste, so that it is sour. Leave the onion for about 30 minutes. After, drain all the liquid or tip the onion through a colander.

3. Cut the tomatoes and yellow pepper into cubes. And add them to the chopped ingredients.

5. Mix all the dressing ingredients: mustard (1 tsp) + vegetable oil (1 tbsp) + yogurt (8 tbsp), lemon juice (a few drops), lemon zest (to taste). Pour in the sauce and you're almost done!

6. Decorate the dish to your taste.

Cooking lean salad with squidand boiled shrimp in Thai

This option will decorate any table, even everyday, even dinner, even festive. And if you observe fasting, then for you it can be a wonderful discovery. Try to cook this yummy!

We will need:

  • squid - 300g
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • hot pepper (Thai) - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp
  • peppermint (fresh) -2 sprigs
  • celery (stalks) - 1 pc.
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 1/4 tbsp.
  • lettuce -2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Boil squid. Cut into strips or as you like.

2. peppermint, celery, onion, lettuce, pepper and garlic chop finely.

3. Prepare the sauce: to fish sauce add pepper, salt, sugar and lemon juice. Stir the ingredients.

Unusual salad with squid, crab sticksand seaweed

An interesting combination with the addition of crab sticks and seaweed will make the dish even more beneficial for our body, plus you can add more shrimp. I think it will great combination seafood. Just imagine and it's all in one plate. Seaweed is rich in a large percentage of iodine, squid - in protein and microelements, shrimp - in vitamins and macro- and microelements.

You can buy seaweed marinated in a jar, or you can brew dried seaweed. Now she is in fashion, in trend. Moreover, it is very easy to cook it, just fill it with boiling water. But, remember, it will increase by 8 times.

We will need:

  • seaweed - 150 g
  • shrimp - 150 g
  • squid - 150 g
  • crab sticks - 1 pack 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice and vegetable oil

Cooking method:

1. Boil squid carcasses. Cut them into thin strips. Boil the shrimp too and cut into pieces.

2. Crab sticks and egg cut into cubes.

3. Mix all the ingredients together. Refuel vegetable oil and add a few drops of lemon juice. Delicious discoveries!

Lent salad with squid and rice

In this option, you will enjoy fresh cucumber, rice and squid. And corn will add brightness to the colors of the salad. This combination of ingredients makes this dish deliciously delicious, or the tastiest among lean salads.

Be sure to try this option, I think you will really, really like it.

Delight your loved ones and family with a delicious and spicy combination of your favorite products. They will definitely be very happy for such an original miracle that you have created for them. 😉 How to cook?

We will need:

  • pickled squid - 1 can;
  • canned corn - 6 tbsp;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • long rice - 5-6 tablespoons;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • fresh green onions;
  • lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil

Cooking method:

1. Remove the squid from the jar, drain all unnecessary liquid. Cut into strips.

2. Boil rice and salt.

3. Carrots and cucumbers are best grated on a coarse grater. So it will turn out juicy and bright!

4. Add sweet corn to all ingredients.

5. Mix thoroughly. Refuel lean mayonnaise or vegetable refined oil. Salt and pepper, garnish green onion. Bon appetit and discoveries!

Lenten salad with pickled mushrooms and squid

This option is so simple that the ingredients can be memorized without writing down. The combination of squid and mushrooms is truly unique. When I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised. Very, very tasty, unless of course you like mushrooms, such as mushrooms or champignons and boletus.

We will need:

  • marinated squid - half a jar
  • cucumbers (fresh or salted, whichever you have on hand) - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pickled mushrooms (honey mushrooms, boletus, champignons, etc.) - 3 tbsp;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley for decoration;
  • lean mayonnaise (vegetable oil) - for dressing;
  • salt and pepper to flavor

Cooking method:

1. Pour the liquid from the mushrooms and squids, discard them through a colander. Cut the ingredients into chunks.

2. Chop the onion into half rings.

3. Cut potatoes and cucumber into strips.

4. Season the dish with lean mayonnaise or choose vegetable oil. Salt and pepper to your liking. Garnish with dill and parsley. Before serving, this salad is best to cool in the refrigerator. Have a nice))) 🙂

Diet salad with smoked squid

Mmmmm delicious. I love everything smoked, although it is unhealthy. But sometimes we still eat smoked meats. In this form, a fish is also used - pink salmon or mackerel. Oh, anyway, what hearty yummy Come on, no one can resist!

We will need:

  • canned trout, pink salmon or mackerel in canned food - 1 can; rice - 0.5 st.; smoked squid- 150 g;fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;canned corn - 6-7 tablespoons;salt and pepper (optional and to taste)vegetable or olive oil for dressing

Cooking method:

1. Remove the fish from the jar, crush it with a fork.

2. Cut the cucumber into strips.

3. Remove the squids from the jar and remove the unnecessary liquid, or discard through a colander.

4. Boil rice until cooked and salt at the end of cooking.

5. Mix all the ingredients obtained together. Use vegetable oil or olive oil as a dressing.

6. Add corn for beauty and decorate with any greens the resulting salad with smoked squid. Have a delicious salad!

If you want your salad to be more aromatic or have a sweet and sour taste, then replace the corn with an apple. And you get a lean salad with squid and an apple 🙂 Good luck with this experiment. I know that it is very tasty, my husband was very happy when he saw an apple in this version. He generally loves apples in any combination.

Well, that's all friends, I finish writing this interesting article about lean salads, where in leading role our sea guest, the squid, performed. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Write comments, share your opinion. I am very pleased to read your sincere wishes and advice. Thanks to all. See you soon.

Crab sticks
sea ​​kale
Lean mayonnaise
Grate the radish on a coarse grater. Boil potatoes, grate. Finely chop the crab sticks. Lay out the salad in layers: radish, potatoes, crab sticks, seaweed. Apply mayonnaise with a mesh on each layer.

Salad "Georgian" (without oil)

Fresh cabbage - 2 medium heads
Walnuts - 1 cup
Ground black pepper - 0.5 tea. lodges
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt, sugar to taste
Cut the cabbage into 4 parts, lay tightly in alum. saucepan, cover with water and simmer for 2 hours. Then remove from water, cool. It is good to squeeze water out of it with your hands and pass through a meat grinder. Grate the garlic on the fine grater and add to cabbage. Skip the nuts through a meat grinder and combine with the mass. Also add salt, pepper, sugar and mix well.

Salad with squid (lean)

canned beans
Fresh cucumber
sea ​​kale
Calamari in brine
Lean mayonnaise.
Cut the cucumber into cubes, remove the squid from the brine, mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise.

Salad with shrimps and red caviar (lean)

Red caviar - 100 g
Peeled shrimps - 200 g
Leaf lettuce - 100 g
Tangerines 2 pcs.
Lean mayonnaise
Finely chop the lettuce, peel the tangerines, cut each slice into 2 parts. Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise.

Salad with shrimps and pineapple (lean)

5-6 king prawns(you can take small ones, but in larger quantities)
2 small fresh cucumbers
1 cup boiled rice
200 g canned pineapples
Lean mayonnaise
Cut large shrimps and pineapple slices into several pieces, cut the cucumber into cubes. Add rice and mayonnaise, mix.

Salad with seaweed and sprats

Lettuce is made in layers.
1 layer - radish, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise on top, applied with a mesh
2 layer - canned beans
3 layer - sea kale and chopped sprats, mayonnaise.

Salad with champignons

Fresh champignons 200 g
Rice boiled 100 g
Canned olives 50 g
Pickled cucumber 50 g
Onion 30 g
dill greens

Fry the mushrooms, chop the onion and pour over with boiling water. Cut olives, cucumber and herbs. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise or butter.

Salad with petiole celery

Canned white beans 50-70 g
Olives 10 pcs.
Fresh cucumber 1 pc.
Celery stalks 100 g
Leaf lettuce 100 g
dill greens
Lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil
Cut olives, cucumber, celery and greens. Combine all components and season with mayonnaise or oil.

Salad "Freshness" (with apple and celery)

Products are given in proportion, not in grams.
4 pieces of apple
2 parts petiole celery
2 parts fresh cucumber
2 parts canned squid (preserves)
1 part pickled cucumber (if the cucumber is sour, put less)

Cut the apples into strips, chop the celery stalk very thinly across the fibers, cut the fresh cucumber into slices no thinner than 3 mm, and cut the pickled cucumber as thinly as possible. If the pieces of squid are large - also cut. Mix everything, season with lean mayonnaise. It is written in such detail about slicing because the taste of the salad depends on it.
It should be noted that apples take a lot of mayonnaise.
The advantage of the salad is that it does not give juice and can be cut in advance (even in the evening).

Puff salad with pineapple

1st layer - boiled rice
soy maonnaise
2nd layer - finely chopped fried champignons with onions
soy mayonnaise
3rd layer - finely chopped canned pineapples
soy mayonnaise
4th layer - finely cut. parsley and dill
soy mayonnaise - mesh
All these layers can be repeated if you want the salad to be taller.

Salad "Beans"

1 can canned beans
150 g hot smoked fish
1 sweet and sour apple
5 pickled garlic cloves
lean mayonnaise
Cut the fish, cheese and apple into small cubes. Finely chop the beetroot and parsley. Fill with mayonnaise.

Salad "Spratny"

1 jar of sprats
2-3 carrots
2-3 bulbs
1 can of canned corn
Lean mayonnaise
Grate the carrots, chop the onion. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil separately. Mash the sprats with a fork. Mix all components.

Salad "Southern Night"

300 gr smoked squid (cut into cubes)
1/2 can of canned corn
1/2 can of olives
1 can of pitted olives
1 jar of canned champignons
Lean mayonnaise

Salad with oranges (lean with fish);

Despite unusual combination products, the salad is very tasty and eaten by guests without a trace.

Crab sticks - 7 pcs.
Orange - 1 pc.
Garlic - 1 clove
Canned corn - 100 gr.
Lean mayonnaise sauce
Peel oranges, cut each slice into several pieces. Cut crab sticks. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise sauce.

Without unnecessary prefaces and long introductions, I would like to go straight to the photo recipes for lean squid salads. They are so numerous that I even get scared myself. Fast tasty, varied and nutritious. After all, this is not prohibited by church canons! Just follow the measure in everything. And cook these salads strictly on the days when fish and seafood are allowed.

Salad with canned squid and fresh vegetables (lean version)

Have you also noticed how magically fresh cucumber smells in winter and early spring? You cut it, and simply indescribable, bright, hopelessly familiar, but at the same time, the forgotten smell of summer spreads throughout the apartment! It seems that nothing has changed. The same green skin, the same pimples and watery pulp, but the mood improves immediately by 100, no, by 1000 percent! In general, I share a recipe for natural doping for good health and mood.

For a jar canned squid(V own juice or in oil) you will need:

  • 1 large juicy and fleshy tomato;
  • 1 medium-sized fresh cucumber;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • 1-1.5 st. l. vegetable oil (linseed is very useful);
  • a pinch of salt and pepper (if you don’t like spicy, pepper can be omitted);
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking process:

By the way, instead of canned seafood You can also use fresh ones. Just need to boil with fragrant spices. Further, regardless of the method of preparation of the mollusk, cut it into small strips. Tomato (by the way, you can use cherry tomatoes) cut into cubes. Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise, then slice each half thinly across. You will get nice semicircles. lettuce leaves wash thoroughly. Let the water drain and tear them into large pieces with your hands. Squeeze out required amount lemon juice and mix it with vegetable oil. Add pepper and salt. Stir the dressing. Mix all ingredients. Pour in the sauce.

Lenten salad with squid and boiled shrimp in Thai style

Juicy fresh vegetables, sweet tender shrimp and hearty squid... Tell me, isn't it perfect combination for a thorough Lenten lunch or dinner? A spicy bright dressing without the notorious mayonnaise or fat sour cream makes this dish almost flawless. An oriental aromatic and tasty salad will make your waist thinner, and your mood will be better even if you are not fasting. Write down the recipe.

The composition of the ingredients is as follows:

  • half a bulb (regular yellow, white or purple) onion;
  • 300 g squid (fresh or canned);
  • 5-6 cherry tomatoes;
  • 4 things. stem celery;
  • a few green onion feathers;
  • 150 g shrimp (boiled);
  • 40 g rice noodles (dry);
  • 1 small chili pepper (if you don't like spicy, then take half);
  • juice of a quarter of a lime;
  • 6 art. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 st. l. honey.

Salad preparation method:

Pour soy sauce into a saucepan and add honey. Put on slow fire. Boil a little. Then remove from heat and cool. Add lime juice. Clean the shrimp from shells and esophagus (it is located on the “back”). Cut into small pieces. Drain the liquid from the shellfish (if the seafood is canned). Or cut and boil in boiling water with spices for 2-3 minutes. Cut into strips. Remove tough veins from celery. Onion - from the husk. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Celery - not very large pieces. Green onion feathers - ringlets. Cut the chili pepper in half lengthwise, remove the seeds hot pepper work very carefully, do not touch your face and eyes, and at the end be sure to wash your hands). Grind. rice noodles bring to readiness according to the instructions on the package. Mix all the ingredients in a wide deep bowl and pour over the sauce.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and seaweed

Once considered a delicacy, "overseas" crab sticks can be an excellent company for squid to become an excellent lean salad. Of course, there is nothing crab in crab sticks, no matter how strange it may sound. But they are prepared from cod and other available varieties of white fish, so they can be afforded during the fasting period.

In addition to 100 g of crab sticks and a small squid carcass, to prepare this salad you will need:

  • 200 g of healthy pickled seaweed (I, for example, really like it with cranberries);
  • 7-8 Art. l. canned sweet corn;
  • 1 medium-sized fresh cucumber;
  • vegetable (olive or sunflower) oil - for dressing.

How the salad is prepared:

Wash the cucumber and cut into strips (you can grate for Korean salads). Cut the crab sticks into roughly the same size strips. Boil the squid. To do this, boil water. Add some peas allspice, 1 Bay leaf and a pinch of salt. Place the cleaned carcass in it. Since re-boiling detect water for 2-3 minutes and pull out the clam, cut into strips. Place all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl. Add canned corn and sea ​​kale. Season with vegetable oil, mix. Taste the salad and add a pinch of salt if needed.

Calamari salad with rice in post

Rice and seafood have a special, "trusting" relationship. And squids in this regard are no exception. Combining these two in one dish hearty ingredient, you can be sure that the result will not only meet all your expectations, but also exceed them. In this salad, soft squids “cohabitate” just perfectly, sweet canned corn, fresh cucumbers and rice, neutral in taste.

What you need to make the salad:

  • a jar of pickled squid;
  • 3 art. l. canned corn;
  • 1 medium fresh cucumber;
  • small juicy carrots;
  • 5 st. l. long grain rice(dry);
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • a few feathers of fresh green onions;
  • lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil.

What to do in preparation:

Boil rice in salted water until tender. Cool completely. Remove the squids from the marinade and, if they are coarsely chopped, chop them into smaller strips. Scrape the skin off the carrots and grate coarse grater. Do the same with fresh cucumbers. Add seafood, grated vegetables and a few tablespoons of sweet corn to the rice. Dress the salad with lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Salt (if necessary) and add a little pepper. Top the dish with green onion rings.

Lenten salad with squid and pickled mushrooms

Mmmm... just amazing salad. Lean mayonnaise easily "turns" into a lighter vegetable oil, and spicy pickled cucumber - into fresh spring. An unplowed field for experiments, in a word.

Write down the ingredients:

  • a can of pickled squid;
  • 2 small pickled (salted, fresh) cucumbers;
  • a small onion;
  • 4-5 art. l. pickled mushrooms (honey agarics, butter, champignons, etc.);
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • a small bunch of greens (parsley, dill);
  • lean mayonnaise (vegetable oil) - for dressing;
  • salt pepper.

The cooking method is:

Take the seafood out of the jar. We do not need the liquid in which they marinated. If the carcasses are whole or chopped big chunks, chop them into thin and not too long strips. Peel the onion and chop it into half or quarter rings. Cucumbers cut into strips. Mushrooms - medium-sized arbitrary slices. Boil potatoes in a "uniform" or bake in the oven. Cool down. Clean and cut into small pieces. Mix all ingredients. Season with your chosen dressing (lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil), add (if necessary) a little salt and ground pepper. Mix the salad well again. And say goodbye to him for half an hour or an hour, putting it in the refrigerator (or take it out to the balcony).

Lenten salad with smoked squid

Smoked squid will play the main violin in this hearty lean salad. Where without him? After all, it's delicious! Yes, and with fish, and even with kururuzka! The post will go unnoticed!

First, prepare the following products:

  • a jar of canned trout, pink salmon or mackerel;
  • half a cup of dry long-grain rice;
  • 100 g smoked squid;
  • small fresh cucumber;
  • 5-6 art. l. canned corn;
  • salt and pepper (optional and necessary).

And then start cooking:

Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes or semicircles, mash the canned fish with a fork, boil the rice in salted water and cool. Remove the skin from a piece of smoked clam and cut it into arbitrary slices or medium-sized cubes. Mix all ingredients, salt, pepper and season a small amount juice from corn or vegetable oil. Mayonnaise can be used outside of fasting. Decorate the salad as you wish. In my opinion, simple greens will be enough. But if you cook it for a holiday, then you can come up with a decoration with a “sub-fold”.

On this joyful and delicious note, I end. Now you know for sure that lean meals can be tasty and nutritious. And you will certainly use this knowledge with might and main.
