
How delicious to cook boiled rice for a side dish. Unusual side dishes of rice

In Russia, rice is not yet as popular as in Asia and Europe, where it is one of the favorite products, which is used to prepare not only side dishes, but also other dishes. However, this product is becoming more and more popular among our compatriots, as it is easy to prepare and quite useful, especially if we are talking about brown and wild rice. However, not all housewives know how to cook delicious rice for a side dish. 5 recipes from around the world and tips experienced chefs help with this.

Culinary Secrets

In countries where rice is used as one of the main ingredients of most dishes, the secrets are well known to make it really tasty as a side dish. However, many of our compatriots can benefit from the advice of experienced chefs.

  • Suitable for different dishes different varieties rice. Yes, for Italian risotto only those varieties are suitable rice groats which contain a lot of starch. But if you boil rice according to traditional Russian recipes, you better choose varieties with a low starch content, otherwise the rice will turn into a mess during cooking.
  • So that rice does not stick together during cooking, it is better to pour water with a margin, at least two parts of water per one part of the cereal. Additional help will provide you with odorless vegetable oil: pouring just a spoonful of this product into the pan, you will feel how much the rice turned out to be tastier and more beautiful.
  • Rice for risotto and similar dishes is not washed, so as not to remove starch from its surface.
  • Many recipes for cooking rice include frying it, thanks to which it retains its shape better when cooked.
  • A bouquet of used spices and spices can dramatically change the taste of a rice side dish.

We offer you several recipes that are not too similar to each other, allowing you to deliciously cook rice for a side dish, spending a minimum of effort on it.

Boiled rice for garnish

What do you need:

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the rice, put it in a thick-walled pan. Salt, fill with water.
  2. Place on stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Turn off the fire.
  3. After boiling under the lid for 10 minutes, add salt and seasoning, stir.
  4. Continue cooking until the water has almost completely evaporated.
  5. Pour in the oil, stir, turn off the stove. Wrap the pan and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Rs will turn out tender and crumbly. If butter is added to it instead of vegetable oil, it will acquire creamy taste. When cooking rice according to this recipe in a slow cooker, at the last stage it is left in the heating mode, the rest of the time it is cooked using special program for cooking rice. According to this recipe, rice for a side dish is cooked all over the world.

Risotto - rice for a side dish in Italian

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • broth or warm water- 0.5 l;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • white dry wine- 50 ml;
  • parmesan or similar cheese - 25 g;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste (if broth is used, they can be omitted).

How to cook:

  1. Heat up the oil and fry the finely chopped onion in it.
  2. Add rice, fry, stirring. About 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in wine, add spices to taste. Cook, stirring, until the wine has almost completely evaporated (partially absorbed into the rice).
  4. Pour in half a cup of broth. While stirring, wait until it is absorbed into the rice. Pour in the same amount of broth. So, each time waiting for the complete absorption of the broth, use it all up.
  5. Finely grate the cheese, cut the butter into thin slices
  6. Add them to the rice, stir it and immediately remove from heat.

After that, risotto can be immediately served at the table as a main course or side dish. In the first case, it is better to cook it with vegetables, adding them at the same stage as the wine. It will be delicious either way.

Japanese rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • green onion- 100 g;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the rice well and cover with water. Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove from stove.
  2. While the rice is cooking, finely chop the onion and fry it in the butter. Add the eggs to the onion and beat them with a whisk. As a result, they should fry in small lumps.
  3. Add rice to the saucepan with onions and eggs, pour in soy sauce. Simmer for a couple of minutes, after mixing.

This rice can be served as a side dish or as independent dish. It goes well with fish and seafood. It will especially appeal to those who are not indifferent to Asian cuisine, although its taste cannot be called very specific.

Turkish rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.:
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • frozen vegetable mixture - 0.4 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the rice in oil for a minute. Then fill with water and cook, uncovered, for 15 minutes over low heat.
  2. Salt, season. Pour in without defrosting vegetable mix. Boil until the liquid is completely dissolved.

To make the dish even tastier, spices should be bright and fragrant. You can add a little turmeric - it will give the rice a pleasant yellow tint. Rice cooked for garnish this recipe, will be especially useful, as it has a lot of vegetables.

Hawaiian rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • canned green pea- 100 g;
  • Bell pepper- 100 g;
  • curry seasoning - 5 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • cream - 0.2 l;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pepper, remove the stalks and seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes, mix with corn and green peas.
  2. Mix the curry seasoning with warm water and cream. Salt lightly.
  3. Mix the vegetable mixture with rice, put in a glass or ceramic form.
  4. Fill with cream. Put in the oven.
  5. Turn on the oven and wait until the temperature inside it reaches 180 degrees. Cook rice with vegetables for 25-30 minutes. The liquid should have almost completely evaporated by this time.

This side dish is best served with poultry dishes, such as chicken breast.

You can cook delicious rice for a side dish at the most different recipes. Many countries in the world have their own unique technology cooking this dish. If you collect recipes from all over the world, your rice side dish will be different every time and you will never get bored.

Cooking rice, like cooking, is seemingly a trifling matter, which in practice can end in failure. Depending on the type of rice and its further purpose, cooking technologies may differ, and what you used to consider perfect rice, in fact, may turn out to be very far from the classical understanding of this term. How to cook rice for a side dish, we will discuss further.

How to cook round-grain rice for a side dish?

Cooking round rice can become the biggest problem, since round grains are characterized by the most high content starch. Here it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions and time for preparation.


  • round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 1/4 tbsp.


Wash the rice grains first in large numbers water, changing the liquid 3-4 times. Pour rice cereal with a new portion of fresh water and leave for half an hour. This procedure will restore the moisture content in the dried grains and avoid their boiling in the future. After a while, let the excess liquid drain, pour the rice into a saucepan and fill with water and the calculation is 1: 1.2. After placing the pan over the fire, immediately cover it with a lid and leave everything to cook for 12-13 minutes on low heat. After some time, look under the lid to make sure all the water has been absorbed. Cover the pot again and leave the rice for 10 minutes, no longer over the fire. The preparation of friable rice for a side dish is over, it remains only to mix it with a special spatula and you can try.

The rules for cooking rice with long grains are similar if you want to get crumbly groats, only in the case of long grain rice, water for cooking should be added on the basis of a ratio of 1: 1.

Before cooking delicious rice for garnish, rinse the grits until clean water, fill it with fresh water and leave for half an hour. Drain the rice in a colander and let it all excess water drain, then pour the cereal into a bowl with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid. Pour in twice more water and leave the grains on low heat for 12-14 minutes. At the end of cooking, allow the remaining liquid to be completely absorbed by leaving the rice under the lid for another 20 minutes.

You can also cook by selecting the appropriate function on the device for an automatically set time. At the end of cooking, rice is mixed with a fork, seasoned with butter.

Rice is perfect as a side dish for meat, vegetables, fish dishes and other seafood, as well as poultry. He has high nutritional properties, but it does not harm your figure at all. Complex carbohydrates, amino acids, fiber, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, iron in it constitute the necessary minimum. useful substances and vitamins for the human body.

Initially, rice was popular mainly in Eastern countries but now its benefits are appreciated all over the world. It has a good effect on gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, improves memory, renews the nervous system.
Delicious rice for a side dish is prepared mainly for meat, as it does not make it heavier at all, but only gently complements it. Today we will present you with several options for cooking rice, both the simplest and the more unusual.

Delicious rice for a side dish: a quick recipe

This is the easiest way to cook this grain. Please note that rounded and polished rice boils the fastest, and therefore is more suitable for making porridges. Therefore, we advise using the least processed cereals - brown rice or oblong, steamed. With them you will get crumbly garnish.

Required products:

  • rice - 500 g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • spices - according to your preferences.

Instructions for cooking:

  1. Washing the grains cold water from the tap until it is no longer cloudy.
  2. We remove damaged or black grains.
  3. Pour the cereal into a saucepan and fill with water so that it is a few fingers higher in level.
  4. Add spices, oil and salt. We mix everything well.
  5. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat and let the dish stand for half an hour. So the rice is steamed enough, but it will not be boiled.

Cooking delicious rice for a side dish according to a Japanese recipe

For a traditional recipe from the true admirers of this cereal, the Japanese, you will need:

  • rice - 1 cup;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.

Instructions for cooking:

  1. Wash the rice thoroughly until the water is clear.
  2. In a saucepan, fill it with 1.5 cups of water.
  3. Bring to a boil without a lid. As soon as this happens, we make a minimum fire, cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Beat the eggs with a whisk.
  5. Wash the onion and finely chop.
  6. Fry the onion with eggs in a pan with butter until the eggs are lumpy.
  7. Add rice to skillet and pour in soy sauce. Mix and we can serve.

Rice side dish with vegetables

Required Ingredients:

  • long grain rice - 1 cup;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • green peas - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and wash onions and carrots.
  2. Finely chop the onion, and rub the carrots on a medium grater.
  3. In a frying pan with oil, we begin to fry them.
  4. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the pan, mix.
  5. After 5 minutes have passed, pour in 2 cups of cold water.
  6. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the vegetables under the lid until fully cooked.
  7. If necessary, you can add more water.
  8. At the end, add green peas and let the dish brew under the lid for about 20 minutes.

To make this rice side dish even tastier, you can use other vegetables. For example, zucchini or sweet bell pepper can be stewed simultaneously with carrots and onions. Well fit and ready frozen assorted vegetables sold in a supermarket. They generally cook very quickly.

Another recipe for rice side dish

To cook rice with onions you need:

  • rice - 1 cup;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices: paprika, garlic, basil.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the chopped onion in oil in a saucepan.
  2. Add washed rice and add water.
  3. Cook until cooked, and then add chopped garlic and spices.
  4. Now the side dish should stand a little and steam out, after which you can serve the dish on the table.

Bon appetit!

Rice is a product not only tasty, but also healthy. It is perfect for both fish and meat dishes. It is rice that can become great solution for daily and holiday table. However, not every one of us can cook rice for a side dish correctly.

Although in reality there is absolutely nothing complicated about it.

Learning how to cook rice for a side dish

If you want to get a tasty and crumbly side dish, then rice that has undergone a special steam treatment is best suited for these purposes. That is why every housewife should know how to properly cook steamed rice for a side dish.

  • To make the rice crumbly, be sure to rinse it in plenty of cool water before cooking. This will help wash off the starch from the grains, which is the main cause of stickiness.
  • It will also be useful to soak the rice for about half an hour. After this time, transfer it to a sieve so that the water is glass and the rice itself dries. Thus, you can reduce the stickiness of the grains a little more.
  • It is advisable to cook rice in a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom. And this is also important if you want to properly cook delicious rice for a side dish.
  • Most of us take two glasses of water for a glass of rice. But in order for the grains not to stick together during the cooking process, it is better to adhere to a different ratio - approximately 1: 1.25. By the way, if desired, instead of water, you can use vegetable or meat broth. So your side dish will turn out to be more interesting and rich in taste.
  • The pot of rice must first be placed on big fire without covering it with a lid. Wait until the liquid boils, and then reduce the heating temperature. Now close the lid and let the rice cook for another 25-30 minutes.
  • After the rice is cooked, let it simmer for another 10 minutes in a pan covered with a towel. So it will absorb the remaining moisture and come to the necessary friable state.

The rice is now ready to eat. Finally, you can salt it and add a piece to it. butter. Made from rice great side dish to meat and fish. It also performs well as a sweet dish, especially if you put a little dried fruit in it.

The above tips will be useful to you both during the preparation of long-grain rice, and if you want to properly cook round-grain rice for a side dish. And this despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to make round rice crumbly, because because of its stickiness, it is mainly suitable for making cereals and casseroles.

Delicious rice recipes

So, you already know how to cook properly. crumbly rice for garnish. Therefore, the site sympaty.net offers you a couple additional recipes this dish.

Rice in a pan with vegetables

To prepare such a side dish, in addition to a glass of rice, you will also need an onion, a carrot and a couple of cloves of garlic. Peel and finely chop the vegetables. Fry them until done. After that add to them raw rice and two glasses of water. Bring the liquid to a boil, then it is better to reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the rice until it becomes soft and crumbly.

Let the finished dish stand for some more time under a closed lid.

Rice with tomatoes and nuts

Very unusual recipe, but in the end it turns out an excellent side dish for meat. You should take a glass of rice, a jar canned corn, 3-4 tomatoes, onions, garlic, sweet peppers, herbs and a handful of absolutely any nuts to your taste. Boil rice in a saucepan. In the meantime, fry finely chopped vegetables in a pan. 10 minutes before they are ready, transfer to the pan also cooked rice, sprinkle the dish with nuts. Let it simmer for a while, then remove from heat.

Japanese rice

Take a glass of rice, green onions, a couple of eggs, soy sauce. First of all, put the rice on to boil. Fry the onion in a pan. When it's ready, beat the eggs into it. Stir the onion so that the egg mass takes lumps. Transfer the rice to the pan, pour over the dish soy sauce and stir.

The perfect side dish for fish.

Thus, it is not so difficult to cook fluffy and tasty rice for a side dish. And if desired, any hostess can easily cope with this. Just follow a couple of simple rules, and rice will turn into one of your family's favorite dishes.

Today I want to offer you a few recipes - how to cook rice for a side dish. Compared to, for example, rice is less caloric, which makes it a fairly popular side dish, especially if you are watching your weight.

I will give a recipe that I use quite often, as well as a couple of others, I also cook them, but not so often, if you like something, it will be great, replenish your collection of recipes.

What I want to say about rice, I will give a few of my observations. Of course, everyone wants the rice for the side dish to be crumbly, and we are trying with all our might to achieve this. I, for example, to taste, like round rice more. By the way, even V.V. Pokhlebkin wrote that delicious cereals obtained from round rice. I use quite often long rice, and I don’t buy steamed at all. Here is steamed, in my opinion, in general, whether it has any taste, I don’t like it!

Rice for garnish according to the recipe of V.V. Pokhlebkina

This is my favorite recipe, I cook for a side dish basically like this, it turns out very tasty. In general, I am a fan of Pokhlebkin, so I listen to his recommendations, he will not advise bad.


  • Rice - 200 gr
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Salt to taste


As in the recipe, here it is necessary to withstand exact time cooking and of course the proportions, but it's worth it, believe me.

So, wash the rice, pour boiling water over it, cover tightly with a lid and put on fire. Here Pokhlebkin loves to close all cereals and side dishes tightly with lids, this has its advantages.

Again, cook on time - 12 minutes! The first 3 minutes the fire is strong, 7 minutes moderate, then 2 minutes - weak.

After the fire is turned off, do not open the lid, it is equal to as much time as the rice was cooked, i.e. 12 minutes. Only then, you can add butter if desired and, of course, salt.

Another delicious recipe, perfect for meat or vegetables, we will cook with garlic.


  • Rice - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves


We take a frying pan or stewpan, pour vegetable oil and fry the garlic cloves, do not chop them, just make a few cuts. Next, remove the garlic, add the washed and dried rice and fry it until transparent.

Add hot water! Cover with a lid and cook small fire- 12-15 minutes. As for salt, add it to hot water and then pour in the rice.


  • Rice - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 2 tbsp
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry on vegetable oil. Add washed rice and keep on fire for about a minute or two until the rice becomes transparent.

We shift the rice into a baking dish or a small baking sheet, add warm salt water, cover tightly with foil and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C.

According to the recipe, Bulgarian rice is somewhat similar to rice with garlic, but the taste is completely different dishes, I recommend to cook and see for yourself. By the way, in original recipe there was no Bulgarian rice with carrots, but I like it with it, you can try it this way and that.
