
How to cook millet porridge in water? Delicious millet porridge on the water. Cooking millet porridge on the water

I know many people who do not add millet porridge to their diet, but in vain ... Millet porridge has a very beneficial effect on the body, in terms of its beneficial properties it is second only to buckwheat. In this recipe, I will reveal a few secrets that will help you cook millet deliciously.

Ingredients for making millet porridge:

  • Millet 600 g
  • Water 1.8 l
  • Salt 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp

Recipe for millet porridge:

1. Pour the millet into a 3 liter saucepan. We thoroughly wash the cereal, at least 5-6 times it is necessary to drain the water.

2. Pour the millet with boiling water, the water should completely cover the cereal, cover with a lid and set aside for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the millet will release bitterness and steam, which will facilitate the process of its further preparation.

3. After 20 minutes, it is necessary to mix the millet well and carefully drain the water. Then pour cold water, the amount indicated in the recipe, and put on fire.

4. When the porridge boils, add salt and sugar, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook the porridge for 30 minutes, not forgetting to stir it occasionally.

Despite the addition of sugar, the porridge will not be sweet, it will have a piquant taste.

5. After 30 minutes, stir the porridge, cover with a lid, turn off the heat, let the millet rest for another 15 minutes. Our useful "Yummy" is ready. Drizzle with butter and serve.

Millet porridge. Millet porridge is available to everyone, and at the same time its nutritional properties far exceed the nutritional properties of a great many other products! However, in order for millet porridge to turn out to be truly healthy and tasty, it is important to learn how to choose the right cereal - the fact is that millet, from which millet is made, contains a very impressive amount of fat, which inevitably entails gradual oxidation of grains and gaining they have a slightly bitter taste. So when choosing cereals, be sure to pay attention to its appearance, color and shelf life.

The main varieties of millet are drapery and whole or crushed polished grain. A pronounced bitterness is characteristic of a draper, therefore it is better not to use it for making cereals, but polished cereals boast a fairly high viscosity and the ability to boil well, respectively, it should be taken for making cereals. The brighter the yellow color of the grains, the more saturated the taste of the finished porridge will turn out. Too light millet makes the porridge too viscous, and if you want it to turn out crumbly, you should choose grains of dark shades. An important role is played by the shelf life of cereals - too long storage makes the grains bitter. True, this is quite fixable - in order to rid the groats of bitterness, you can pour boiling water over it or ignite it in a pan.

The technology for making porridge from millet has its own unique features. So, in order for the grains to boil better, at the very beginning of cooking, you need to add water, and only then pour in the milk. And the most suitable dishes for cooking millet porridge will be dishes made of clay or aluminum.

Before you send millet to the pan, it must be carefully sorted out, picking out garbage and low-quality grains from it. Then it is transferred to a sieve and washed with running cold water until it becomes transparent. Next, the millet is poured with hot water and waited for it to boil (one and a half glasses of water are taken for a glass of cereal), after which the foam is removed from it and boiled over a slow fire. And fifteen to twenty minutes after boiling, one and a half glasses of milk are added to the cereal, as well as (if desired) salt and sugar to taste. At the same time, in order for the porridge not to burn, it must be stirred regularly throughout the entire cooking process. As soon as the cereal is completely boiled soft - you can serve porridge to the table!

Millet porridge can be served both as an independent dish and as a side dish for various vegetables or meat. And to make it even tastier, it is generously flavored with butter or browned vegetables are added to it.

Millet porridge is undeservedly bored in the backyards of our kitchens and occupies far from the first places in the preparation of various dishes. It is inferior to pasta, potatoes, rice and buckwheat with its presence on the menu of Russians. But in vain.

Some hundred years ago it was very popular, its popularity among the Slavs dates back several centuries.

Porridge was brought to Europe from China, which is considered its homeland.

Today, millet porridge is very popular in India, Africa, and China. In a word, wherever there are problems with water, and poverty of the soil is observed.

In Western Europe, millet porridge is gaining crazy popularity not only due to its nutritional and beneficial properties. Nowadays, the percentage of people with the “disease of civilization”, namely gluten intolerance, is increasing. For such people, it becomes the basis of the diet and the basic product.

Millet porridge is rich in phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, vitamins PP, E, trace elements manganese, iron and copper.

Potassium normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, magnesium has a positive effect on the nervous system. Sulfur is a source of beauty, responsible for the condition of nails, hair, skin. This is especially important for women.

This porridge is cheap, which goes against its nutritional value and usefulness.

Porridge has unique properties for alkalizing the body, especially after eating dairy products, as well as coffee, potatoes, meat, white bread, which contribute to the oxidation of the body. After all, it is in an acidic body that cancer cells are born and develop. Porridge promotes prevention and has a beneficial effect on the body.

You should pay attention to millet porridge and those who have constant problems with fungal diseases. After all, the fungus is also a sign of "acidification" of the body.

Increase its consumption should also be those who have frequent runny nose and wet cough. Porridge helps to remove mucus from the body and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vegetarians have long accepted this porridge as a staple food, because they are supporters of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. And millet porridge, like no other product, meets these criteria. That is why it is best to cook millet porridge with water, preserving its alkaline properties.

She is irreplaceable in the post. You can cook it without oil and serve with a vegetable salad.

How to choose and prepare cereals for cooking?

Groats are better to buy in transparent packs. The grains should be whole, yellow, without spots and darkening. The cereal should have a slight milky smell. Rotten grains with an old smell can be used if the cereal is washed and calcined in a pan. The smell and rancid taste will almost go away, but the nutrients will also go away.

When choosing cereals in the store, you should also pay attention to the fact that it comes in two colors: pale yellow and rich yellow.

Pale yellow color indicates that the groats are cleared of the shell and film, and are polished. It is less caloric, but also due to cleaning it does not contain fiber, which removes harmful substances.

Groats with a rich yellow color are called "dranets". The grain is not polished here and the groats retain all the useful substances. It is heavier for the stomach, however, and its medicinal properties are higher. In inflammatory processes, colds, it is her who is prescribed.

Before cooking, the cereal must be sorted out, cleaned of small debris. Then rinse in cold water so many times that clean water remains after rinsing.

Then you can cook porridge according to several recipes - with and without steaming. In this case, it is better to use thick-walled dishes or cauldrons. So the porridge will open better. The main thing when cooking millet is to make it crumbly. There are some secrets for this, which we will consider below.

Millet porridge on water with steaming (with preparation)

One glass of washed millet groats pour 3 cups of boiling water and leave to steam for 20-30 minutes. The porridge will steam, take on the water and cook faster. Also, bitterness, which is sometimes present there, will leave the grain. Next, drain the water and pour the porridge into boiling water with a volume of about 3 cups. The proportions of millet to water when steaming are 1: 3. Immediately add salt to taste. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring the porridge from time to time with a wooden spoon.

When the porridge absorbs almost all the water, you can add about 30-40 g of butter and gently mix the cereal. The base is ready. It can be served with meat, poultry, vegetables, mushrooms. You can also add raisins, honey, nuts.

Millet porridge on water without steaming

Pour the washed cereal (1 cup) into a cauldron with cold water (4 cups), add salt (0.5-1 tablespoons, depending on preferences) and put on medium heat. The proportions of millet to water are 1: 4. After boiling, reduce the fire. Cooking time - about 20-30 minutes under a closed lid over low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After 20 minutes, add butter, the water from the porridge should almost all evaporate. Mix everything. If desired, you can fill the porridge with a beaten egg. Let the porridge simmer with butter for about 5 more minutes. A nutritious and healthy side dish is ready.

Vegetarian millet porridge with mushrooms

Cook millet porridge according to any of the indicated recipes. Fry one onion in a frying pan until lightly golden. About 0.5 kg of champignons cut into slices and about one small carrot, grated on a fine grater, add to the mushrooms and fry the mushrooms and carrots until tender. Next, mix the porridge with mushrooms, onions and carrots. Add a pinch of dried tomatoes, dried basil and dried garlic. Add everything to taste and simmer in a cauldron for about 5 minutes. Add some warm water if necessary. Then turn off the fire and let the porridge brew. Ready! Maximum benefit with minimum calories.

It would seem, what could be easier than millet porridge? But not quite, because you need to be able to cook it correctly in order to get a truly tasty dish. The matter is not complicated. The main thing is to choose, process and cook cereals correctly.

Millet groats are of two types - steamed and not wiped. The first has a bright yellow color, and the second is very pale, it contains impurities of various grains and husks. At the same time, unlike rice, for example, the nutritional value of both types of cereals is the same. It also changes little after cooking, regardless of the method. This is a valuable cereal, which is a complete source of protein, B vitamins and many minerals, in particular phosphorus and magnesium.

You can cook porridge from millet in a variety of ways. This is a tasty and healthy dish that can be prepared at home, and not only in nature.


Method one: On the stove

This method of making millet porridge is the most popular among all. It is not laborious, understandable, allows you to get a tasty and healthy dish.

The method consists in the fact that the cereal must be boiled in a saucepan. Depending on the recipe, millet porridge can be sweet or not sweet, with or without additives.

For example, sweet additives in the form of dried fruits will help parents teach their children to eat porridge. Moreover, it is very useful.

Recipe 1. Millet porridge on the water

This is a classic recipe for making millet porridge by boiling it in a saucepan. Depending on the desired viscosity of the porridge, yellow or pale millet is taken. The proportions of cereals and liquids also differ. The result is a tasty, satisfying and very healthy porridge.


  • A glass of millet
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter for serving (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet thoroughly several times until the water from under it becomes clear.
  2. Transfer the washed cereals to a saucepan with a thick bottom or an enameled saucepan, pour boiling water over it, let it stand for a while and drain the water.
  3. Pour the cereal with clean water in accordance with the desired consistency of porridge: for crumbly porridge per glass of cereal, you need to take 1.5 cups of water, for viscous porridge - 2 cups of water, and for cereal jelly - 3 cups.
  4. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. When it boils, season with salt and cover. Reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes.
  5. Season the finished porridge with oil and serve.

Also, if desired, the finished porridge can be seasoned with vegetable oil and a small fried onion. This porridge is perfect for a lean table.

Recipe 2. Milk millet porridge with pumpkin

In pumpkin season, millet porridge becomes the main dish of the season. It is millet that goes best with pumpkin. It turns out delicious both with a sweet pumpkin and with a dining room. This is a tasty, healthy diet dish that will saturate with vitamins and warm you in the autumn bad weather. In addition, such porridge is indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases.


  • A glass of millet
  • 500 g pumpkin
  • 300 ml milk
  • 300 ml water
  • 70 g butter
  • 50 g sugar
  • Nutmeg and cinnamon, raisins, honey - to taste and desire

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet several times, pour boiling water over it and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes.
  3. Boil milk in a saucepan and remove from heat.
  4. Add cubes of pumpkin to millet, pour hot milk. Add salt, sugar and cook until cooked under the lid for about 25 minutes. Periodically check the presence of water and the readiness of cereals. If necessary, stir and add water or milk. Add the selected liquid only when hot.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat, use a potato masher to mash the pumpkin, add butter, spices, raisins and put back on the fire for a couple of minutes.
  6. Ready porridge served with honey.

If desired, before serving, porridge can be decorated with dried fruits, baked pumpkin and other sweets. Millet goes well with any fruit. Children will especially like this porridge.

Recipe 3. Millet porridge with raisins and cottage cheese

Porridge prepared according to this recipe is an ideal dish for people suffering from diseases and gastrointestinal disorders. Also, this dish will appeal to those who prefer diet food. And, of course, it will appeal to all those who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to a balanced diet.


  • A glass of millet
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 300 g cottage cheese of any fat content
  • 50 g raisins
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash millet in several waters, transfer to a saucepan and pour two glasses of water, add salt, cover and put on fire.
  2. After 20 minutes of cooking, add cottage cheese, raisins, sugar and mix well. Boil the porridge for 5 - 7 minutes.
  3. If there is not enough liquid, add a little hot milk or kefir. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, dip any dried fruits of your choice into the porridge.
  4. Serve the finished porridge with the addition of prunes, if desired.

When adding prunes to porridge, you need to remove the bones. You need to add it only before serving, as the fruit quickly softens and loses its shape.

Recipe 4. Millet porridge with chicken

If sweet porridge is not an option for you, cook millet with meat, such as chicken. Such porridge will turn out to be healthy, nutritious and very tasty. It is easy to prepare and the result will please the whole family.


  • A glass of millet
  • 1 liter chicken broth
  • 1 medium chicken fillet
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Put the processed chicken fillet, chopped onions and carrots into a saucepan, add water and lightly salt. Put on fire and cook for half an hour under the lid, slightly ajar. Strain the finished broth through a sieve.
  2. Wash the millet thoroughly, dip it into the broth and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and add to the finished porridge, mix, put the butter and cook for another 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Arrange the porridge with meat on plates and serve.

It turns out a very satisfying porridge for the whole family. Especially to taste, such porridge will be for men.

Recipe 5. Millet porridge with nuts, dried apricots and cinnamon

This is an Ayurvedic recipe for porridge, and therefore it is as balanced as possible and is a rational food for the soul and body. The original taste of this porridge encourages you to cook it for breakfast and start the day healthy.


  • A glass of millet
  • 400 ml water
  • 70 g dried apricots
  • 70 g ghee (Indian ghee)
  • 50 g walnuts
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp salt

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet thoroughly and dry.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Add cinnamon powder and crushed nuts. Stir and heat well for 10 seconds.
  3. Add dried millet and grated carrots to the cauldron, fry for several minutes, stirring constantly. Then add salt and pour in water.
  4. Stir the mass, cover with a lid, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 10-15 minutes without lifting the lid. Add dried apricots to porridge
  5. Open the lid and let the moisture evaporate and the grains take a strong shape.
  6. Mix and serve.

Optionally, porridge can be served with olive oil and herbs.

  • Tip 1. Before you buy millet, think about what dishes you will use it for. If you want to cook porridge, choose yellow grits. If you want to cook casseroles, choose pale millet. Depending on the color, the consistency of the finished dish is different, so you need to pay attention to this.
  • Tip 2. Millet, unlike other cereals, is stored little. This is due to the high fat content in cereals, which will quickly go rancid and millet will become bitter.
  • Tip 3. Due to the large amount of fat, each grain of millet is covered with an invisible film. To eliminate this, it is necessary to wash the millet 5 - 6 times, each time changing the water.
  • Tip 4. If bitterness appears in the cereal, millet must be kept in boiling water before cooking, or boiled for 10 minutes. After that, you can cook porridge according to the recipe and you will get a delicious dish.
  • Tip 5 After cooking, the cereal increases by 3 - 3 times, so choose the size of the pan, taking into account this volume.
  • Tip 6 If you add honey to porridge, then add it to the cooled porridge. Otherwise, honey will lose its value and usefulness for the body.

Method two: In the oven

Oven-cooked porridge is richer and healthier than boiled porridge. At the same time, cooking in the oven requires the same amount of time as cooking. But, at the same time, you will not need to stand at the stove. It is enough just to occasionally look into the oven during cooking.

As a rule, millet is cooked in this way in clay pots, or in baking dishes. If desired, you can cook porridge in this way, both sweet and with the addition of meat or without anything.

Recipe. Millet porridge in pots

You can easily and quickly cook porridge similar to the one that our ancestors cooked in large ovens.


  • A glass of millet
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cereal thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and hold for a couple of minutes. Then drain the water and distribute in equal portions among the pots.
  2. Add water in proportions depending on the desired consistency of porridge, salt a little and cover with lids.
  3. Pour water into a baking sheet, put the pots in it and put it in the oven.
  4. Cook for 20 - 25 minutes, periodically checking the presence of water in the pan and pots.
  5. Turn off the oven, leave the pots in the oven for a few minutes. Then take out and serve on the table right in the pots.

If desired, porridge can be seasoned with oil, vegetable or cream.

  • Tip 1. To prevent millet from sticking to the walls of the pots, pre-lubricate them with butter or vegetable oil. It will also prevent burning. And if your oven is equipped with a timer, you can safely trust the oven and not check for readiness until the beep.
  • Tip 2. Always pour water into the pan. This will create abundant steam in the oven, which will recreate the conditions of the old Russian oven.
  • Tip 3. Bake millet with meat or dried fruits. Such porridge will turn out even richer in taste than boiled.

Method three: In a slow cooker

Almost any dish can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. That's why this "almighty saucepan" fell in love.

Millet porridge is also among the dishes that can be cooked in a slow cooker. The advantage of this cooking is that you do not need to stand at the stove and control the cooking process. But most importantly, it is a delicate taste, friability and richness of porridge.

Recipe. Creamy millet porridge

Millet cooked with the addition of cream acquires a special tenderness and an unforgettable creamy taste.


  • A glass of millet
  • 3 glasses of milk
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 0.5 cup cream
  • 50 g butter
  • Salt, sugar - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the millet several times until the water is clear.
  2. Put the cereal in a clean multicooker bowl, add all the other ingredients on the list, except for the butter. Select the "porridge" mode, close the device and set the timer for an hour.
  3. After a beep, open the appliance, add butter to the porridge, close the appliance and select the "keep warm" mode. Leave for 15 minutes for the porridge to infuse and acquire the desired texture and taste.
  4. Divide the porridge on plates and serve.

If desired, dried fruits or herbs can be added to the porridge.

Expert Tip:

Depending on the model of the multicooker, the name of the modes and the cooking time of porridge may differ. Therefore, before cooking, you need to carefully read the instructions and choose the appropriate mode. Accordingly, the name of the mode and the time indicated in this recipe should be treated as indicative.

Method four: In the microwave

Today, it is still relevant not only to reheat, but also to cook some dishes in the microwave. Wheat porridge is no exception. At the same time, this special cereal does not lose its beneficial properties even in the microwave. Therefore, skeptics can safely cook millet in a microwave oven and not worry. Moreover, how much time can be saved by cooking in this way.

Recipe. Millet porridge

A simple recipe for a quick porridge that can be cooked in small portions. Only 15 minutes and fragrant healthy millet porridge is ready.


  • A glass of millet
  • 3 glasses of water
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the millet thoroughly and transfer it to a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Pour water into a container with cereals, salt, select the appropriate mode, medium power, set the timer for 5 minutes. Close the oven and cook for the specified time.
  3. After turning off the device, take out the porridge and mix it with a fork. At this point, all the liquid should boil away.
  4. Without adding water, put the container with porridge in the oven again and cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. Then stir again and continue cooking for another 2 minutes.
  6. Leave the finished porridge under the lid for steaming.
  7. Serve with desired seasonings or vegetable oils.

The speed of this cooking method allows you to cook healthy porridge for lunch on weekdays, when there is no time to cook something more grandiose.

  • Tip 1. If the cereal is a little bitter, you can pour boiling water over it and dry it in a hot pan. Then transfer to a microwaveable bowl.
  • Tip 2. This method also allows you to diversify porridge with fruits and other tasty and healthy additives.
  • Tip 3. In order not to spoil the consistency of porridge, mix it only with a fork, as if loosening it. Thanks to this, the porridge will not stick together into a lump and will not lose its presentability. Even if you cook porridge with a viscous consistency.


It seems that there is nothing complicated in how to quickly cook millet for porridge or meat, and anyone can handle food rich in vitamins and minerals. This is true, but there are some subtleties in how to cook millet: proportions, time, preparation of raw materials. Without taking them into account, boiled millet may lose its taste or the necessary shape.

From this article you will learn:

How to cook millet: the benefits of cereals

Millet groats are often not perceived by home cooks as an affordable and important component of nutrition due to some “harmfulness” - not everyone knows how much to boil millet in water, and also how to get rid of the bitterness inherent in grains.

However, this cereal is really important for health, because it brings the body not only a lot of energy, but also a lot of necessary substances. Millet has an enviable microelement composition: chromium, zinc, iron, copper, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, chlorine, chromium and even cobalt with molybdenum. Moreover, the use of millet porridge is strongly prescribed for diabetes or a tendency to "high glucose" in the blood. The liquid in which millet is boiled has a positive effect on the health of the kidneys, liver, lymphatic ducts, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

That is why it is impossible to refuse the use of millet in home cooking. In the struggle for good family health, it is better to learn once and for all how to boil millet in water, the proportions of cereals to liquid, and ways to enrich the composition of dishes.

The simplest millet porridge is the most famous use of cereals in food. It is all the easier because it fully meets the requirements for a quality breakfast: it eliminates the feeling of hunger for several hours, provides an energy base for a vigorous start and is easily digested.

Millet porridge benefit and harm

Most often, polished millet is found on store shelves. How to cook cereals of this type on water:

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil on the stove. Can be salted. Liquids need to be collected 2 times more in volume than dry millet.
  2. While the water is warming up, you need to sort out and thoroughly rinse the grain. This will take away the bitterness.
  3. Pour the prepared millet into boiling water, and continue to boil it on a strong flame for another 5 minutes.
  4. Change the flame to a less intense one and cook further. How much to cook millet after this? About a quarter of an hour with regular stirring. Grains can be tasted by mouth - they need to be soft and boiled.
  5. For about a quarter of an hour after turning off the fire, the delicacy must be kept in a closed saucepan.
  6. Flavor with butter, granulated sugar or anything else at your discretion.

Before you cook millet for a side dish or crumbly porridge, you need to throw a piece of butter into the liquid. It will envelop the grains, and they will not stick together. To obtain crumbly millet, it is advisable to take pots with a double bottom filled with water. True, it will take longer to wait for full preparation.

How much to cook millet in water also depends on the nature of its preparation for cooking. The standard 25-30 minutes can be shortened if the grains are carefully washed in advance and left in water for 6-8 hours. This, moreover, is one of the effective ways to remove rancidity from the product.

How to cook millet with milk

No less classic milk millet is another dish option for a bright and satisfying start to the day. For its preparation, only water should be replaced with milk in the set of ingredients described above. Well, sugar should be added - after all, milk porridge cannot be unsweetened.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Carefully rinse the millet groats, dry with kitchen paper napkins, and fry a little in a pan without oil.
  2. Send the calcined grains to a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and discard water through a colander.
  4. Heat the milk, but reduce the flame of the burner before the liquid begins to “run away” due to the folding of the protein.
  5. Transfer semi-finished cereals to milk, sweeten, salt and put a little oil.
  6. Cook over low flame until done.

After removing from heat, the pan should be darkened under a closed lid for a few more minutes.

For vitamin enrichment in porridge prepared according to this recipe, you can put chopped pears, apples, bananas, berries, dried fruits, raisins, dried apricots and other delicious additives.

Before you cook millet porridge in milk, you should pay attention to the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  • bitterness leaves millet, which was immersed in boiling water for several minutes, and then washed in cold water;
  • crumbly and bright in color porridge is obtained from cereals, which were repeatedly washed to clear water;
  • before serving millet porridge for a baby, it must be driven through a blender for better absorption.

Required products:

  • 1 part of millet groats;
  • 2 parts pure water;
  • a little butter, salt and sugar.

Cooking order:

  1. Rinse millet until clear water or treat with boiling water to remove bitterness.
  2. Pour the cereal into the container of the device.
  3. Pour water, add oil, sugar and salt. Adding oil can be postponed until the end of cooking.
  4. Close, and select the “Cooking”, “Porridge” or “Groats” mode in the working settings of the multicooker. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes.

After the device notifies you of the end of work, you can immediately serve and serve the millet, or you can still hold it under the lid with the heating turned on.

The exact cooking mode depends on the specific model of the device and its functionality. In some models, you can select the "Buckwheat", "Milk porridge" or "Pilaf" modes. True, in this case, the time to bring the cereal to readiness can both decrease and increase.

How to cook millet in the microwave

Instructions for cooking millet in the microwave:

  1. Rinse millet (1/3 cup) in 6-7 waters until transparent.
  2. Put in a container for a microwave oven, add 100 ml of milk or water.
  3. Having set the maximum power of work, start the microwave for 6 minutes.
  4. Remove the cup from the oven, pour another 100 milliliters of liquid into it and mix, seasoning with oil.
  5. Send to the microwave oven for another 2.5 minutes.
  6. Remove, mix thoroughly and cook in the microwave for another 2-3 minutes.

How to cook millet in clay pots


  1. Scatter prepared (washed, soaked or scalded) millet into pots. It must be remembered that during processing, the grains will increase in volume up to 6 times.
  2. Pour water inside in a proportion of 2 volumes of liquid per ½ volume of grains.
  3. Season with oil, salt.
  4. Place under the lids in an oven preheated to 180˚C for half an hour.

Bon appetit!
