
How to properly dry garlic for storage. How to dry garlic at home

dried garlic useful not only in the off-season. It is not always convenient to store heads at home, for this you need a place and a certain microclimate.

Average 2.5 kg fresh garlic can be turned into a 0.5 kg dried product that easily retains its properties and stored in a jar on a kitchen cabinet shelf. To do this, you need to work a little and fulfill certain requirements for drying the product. But the result of the work will delight throughout the year.

Not only garlic fragrant seasoning, without which many dishes cannot fully reveal their taste, but also a real pantry useful minerals and vitamins: K, Mg, Z, Se, Cu, Mg, Fe, Co, P, Na, B, C, E, PP, choline. The use of dried garlic, like fresh garlic, has a beneficial effect on health, as it contains phytoncide, a natural antibiotic in the fight against fungal diseases and viral infections.

Regular consumption of garlic in moderate doses improves immunity, lowers cholesterol, improves heart function, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, affects helminthic invasions, is used in the treatment of diseases and the prevention of impotence in men. Garlic is not used for diseases of the digestive system.

With proper drying, the vegetable will retain its beneficial features. In order not to cause harm, it must be remembered that dried garlic is a concentrated product, and this fact must be taken into account when used.

Can all varieties be dried?

You can dry almost all varieties of garlic, but it is better to choose spicier ones. high content dry matter (Silver, Creole, Southern violet, Rostov, Starobelsky white, Bronitsky, Kirovograd, Ukrainian white). Semi spicy varieties dried garlic may lose their taste qualities.

What conditions must be met for proper drying

Dig in dry weather. It is clear that the less moisture a vegetable contains, the easier it is to dry. That is why garlic must be harvested in dry weather so that there are no rains and watering for several days before harvesting.

Harvest ripe garlic. By the time of harvesting, the garlic should be fully ripe, as evidenced by yellowed or fallen foliage. Immature bulbs are not dense, loose, do not dry well. Overripe - when digging, they fall apart into cloves that lose their integumentary scales, are smeared with earth, which complicates further processing, since it is impossible to wash the teeth.

Head sorting. Dry, clean, healthy bulbs are selected for drying, without signs of disease, damage, mold. Heads should be well formed. If the outer scales are not damaged, then the teeth inside will be clean, without earth.

Disassemble into teeth. If the method of drying peeled garlic is chosen for work, then the heads are first freed from the husk covering it, the cloves are carefully examined for damage, dents, and stains. The root neck of the teeth is cut off.

Cut. Garlic for drying must be cut in such a way that juice is not squeezed out of it. That is why the available household graters, harvesters are not suitable for slicing. It is best to arm yourself with thin, sharp knife. Cut teeth for drying:

It is desirable that these plates are not thicker than 5 mm. They are laid out to dry with a cut up, so the juice will not drain.

Attention! Wear rubber gloves to prevent burns to your hands. The room is ventilated, as a high concentration of garlic vapor quickly irritates the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes.

How to dry garlic - possible ways at home

In the sun

Immediately after digging out the garlic, it is laid out on a ridge so that the tops and roots dry out. In the field, the vegetable can be dried in dry weather with variable cloudiness.

Under the scorching rays of the sun, the plant cannot be dried, otherwise the teeth will get burned. In the raw rainy weather Leaving garlic in the field is also not allowed.

It is transferred to a dry, well-ventilated room or under a canopy and laid out on mesh or slatted bases. After the tops have dried, they cut it off, leaving low stumps (3-5 cm), cut the roots to the root collar (0.3 cm). During the drying time, the scales will tightly wrap the bulb and ripen.

In a bundle

Often garlic is braided into braids or tied into small bundles and hung on the walls, attic in a dry, cool, ventilated room. In this state, it can be stored for use in fresh or further deep drying.

Without destroying bulbs

One way to produce dried garlic for long-term storage. The hard husks are completely removed from the heads, without disassembling the bulb into teeth. In the future, the teeth are cut into pieces, no thicker than 5 mm are laid out on parchment-lined baking sheets and sent to the oven or oven. Dry at a temperature of 50 ° C, stirring and airing. Dried garlic is winnowed to remove the remnants of the husk.

Peeled garlic

At this method the teeth are completely freed from scales, cut into thin slices, laid out on parchment and sent to a dryer or oven.

Important! When drying, condensation must not be allowed to accumulate, so as not to steam the vegetable, but to dry it.

To do this, the door of the dryer or oven is periodically opened, and the raw materials are turned over or mixed.

How to properly dry garlic

In room

Drying a vegetable in natural conditions is possible only in a well-ventilated, dry room, so that the sun does not fall on it. The teeth cut in half are laid out on a flat surface with the cut up, they are periodically inspected and moved. Even with good conditions and dry weather, the drying process takes at least 10-15 days and there is a risk that the material will become moldy.

In the oven

Sliced thin plates garlic, laid out on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 50-60°C. Every 30 minutes, the baking sheet must be removed from the oven, turn the plates over, cool and put back in the oven. For air access, the door is not tightly closed. The drying process will take from 3 to 8 hours, depending on the condition of the source material.

In an electric dryer

For this method, the onions are cut into thin transverse plates and laid out in one layer on a wire rack. You can use a special mesh pad so that small petals do not fall into the grate. Optimum temperature for drying 50°C.

At temperatures above 60 ° C, garlic will begin to lose nutrients and aromatic properties.

In what form to use: powder or seasoning?

  • Powder.

For the production of powder, garlic, well dried by one of the listed methods, is used. It should break when bent. Grind the plates with a coffee grinder or blender. Grinding size is chosen at will. To isolate a larger fraction, grinding can be sifted through a sieve.

  • Seasoning.

For seasoning, the bulbs can be dried alone or with other ingredients. In this case, use dense varieties of tomatoes, carrots, apples. Everything is cut into thin rings or half rings. As it dries out, herbs (basil, dill) are placed on empty places.

The video shows a recipe for dried garlic powder in an electric dryer.

How to store dried garlic

Dried garlic or its mixture with other ingredients is best stored in dark-colored glass jars with tight-fitting lids. So the bulb will retain its qualities for at least a year. Suitable for storage paper bags and boxes. The room for long-term storage should be dark, cool and always dry.

How to use

Properly dried garlic retains all its properties and can be used in the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable dishes, How aromatic additive to sauces, soups, salads. It can complement the taste of even dairy products. Cottage cheese mixed with herbs, vegetable oil and garlic powder is not only delicious, but also healthy snack. Garlic powder is also used to control ants at home and in the garden.

Even when all the periods of fresh storage of winter and spring garlic expire, the prepared dried vegetable will keep for you delicate fragrance and useful properties.

Garlic is a common garden crop that we are happy to add to dishes as a spice. But after harvesting, garlic does not remain fresh for long, but I would like to have it in my culinary arsenal throughout the year.

Fortunately, this can be achieved by drying the culture at home. But you need to know some of the features of how to properly dry the garlic after digging.

For proper drying garlic must be harvested in time. Harvesting late can cause the garlic to rot or sprout during storage.

The culture is dug into different time depending on the variety:

  1. Readiness for harvesting spring garlic is determined by the fact that the upper part of the culture turns yellow and lies on the ground. The harvest is usually in the second half of August, but it also depends on the weather. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the state of garlic.
  2. In winter varieties, readiness for harvesting is determined by the aerial part of the garlic. Cracks appear on it, they become yellowed lower leaves, the scales of the heads become dry and thin. This variety is usually harvested at the end of July.

You need to harvest in warm weather. It is recommended not to water for 2-3 days.

Important! Do not dig up the plant in rainy weather. This can lead to rotting during drying.

Collection must be done in a timely manner. If missed right moment, drying the culture correctly will not work. This will be especially difficult if the garlic has begun to give new roots. Overripe garlic has dry, brittle scales, and the head itself begins to disintegrate.

How and how much to dry after digging?

It is best to use a fork to properly and safely dig up the crop. The shovel can damage the heads. Next, you need to remove the earth from the garlic. To do this, just shake it off the surface with a glove. No need to cut off the foliage from the plant.

Important! To clean the plant before drying, in no case should you wash it. It will be impossible to dry the culture!

After digging, while you are at your summer cottage, the plant can be spread out on the ground or left on the beds, as long as they are in the shade. This requires warm, dry weather, and if there is wind, just fine.

Further drying is carried out in a well-ventilated, non-humid room. If you live in an apartment, you can dry garlic on the balcony. The main thing is to monitor the lack of rain and bring the plant home on time. The drying process takes about 2 weeks.

Garlic is ready for subsequent storage when its leaves become a uniform color. It is important not to cut the roots and stems until the plant is completely dry. When the culture is dried, it must be handled with care as it becomes more fragile.

Can you dry in the sun?

The process of drying garlic in the sun takes much less time. However, this method has a significant disadvantage. The fact is that such a plant will be stored much less. And if you plan to use the product throughout the year, this drying method will not work.

Important! For long-term storage plants, it must be dried in the shade!

Storage after drying

In order for garlic to be suitable for consumption throughout the year, it must be stored properly.

The following methods can be used for this:

  1. Braids. A very old method used since ancient times. The stems are braided, twisted with twine for strength, a loop is created at the end and hung.
  2. Grids. An easier method. It is enough to fold the dried garlic into nets with large diameter holes and hang it up.
  3. Nylon stockings. More often this method is used for onions. Its disadvantage is that capron has a rather dense structure, as a result of which the plant does not receive required amount air. This can lead to premature deterioration.

The room where the plant will be stored should be dark, not very humid and cool. Regardless of the method of storage, it is necessary to periodically sort out in order to eliminate diseased bulbs and prevent infection of healthy ones. Compliance with the above rules will allow you to store garlic throughout the year.

Dried garlic: healing properties useful components that make up its composition, can it be harmful excessive consumption product. Recipes for dishes that spice complements in the best way.

The content of the article:

Dried garlic is the dried and crushed root of a perennial plant of the same name from the onion family. Motherland of culture - middle Asia. Since ancient times, it has been valued for its exceptional taste and healing effects on the body. There are handwritten confirmations, according to which the Egyptians made 22 medicinal preparations based on dried garlic for the treatment of various ailments. Today it is mainly used as a spice. In the recipes of the most different dishes added all over the world. In our country, garlic is very much loved both fresh and dry, but we are far from the world leaders in eating the plant - in Italy, China and Korea, each resident eats about 8-12 cloves per day.

Composition and calorie content of dried garlic

Many believe that dried garlic does not preserve useful substances. However, if the drying procedure is carried out correctly, respecting temperature regime, most of useful and necessary human body elements will be saved.

Calorie content of dried garlic - 331 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 16.55 g;
  • Fats - 0.73 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 72.73 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 9 g;
  • Water - 6.45 g;
  • Ash - 3.54 g.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 1193 mg;
  • Calcium - 79 mg;
  • Magnesium - 77 mg;
  • Sodium - 60 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 414 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 5.65 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.979 mg;
  • Copper - 533 mcg;
  • Selenium - 23.9 mcg;
  • Zinc - 2.99 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.435 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.141 mg;
  • Vitamin B4 - 67.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.743 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 1.654 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 47 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 1.2 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.67 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 0.796 mg;
  • Betaine - 6.1 mg.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 3.365 g;
  • Valine - 0.667 g;
  • Histidine - 0.263 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.414 g;
  • Leucine - 0.728 g;
  • Lysine - 0.768 g;
  • Methionine - 0.111 g;
  • Threonine - 0.374 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.121 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.525 g.
Fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Omega-3 - 0.012 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.165 g;
  • Saturated - 0.249 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 0.115 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.178 g.
Among other things, the composition of dried garlic contains digestible carbohydrates, they are represented by sugars - in 100 grams they are 2.43 g. In addition, the spice is rich in essential oils, phytoncides, glycosides, organic acids and enzymes.

Useful properties of dried garlic

Healers of many countries wrote about the healing abilities of the plant in ancient times. Recognize its unique beneficial properties and now. Garlic, including in dried form, is included in many medicines. It is valued primarily as a natural antibiotic, and the fact that the plant can effectively fight bacteria was scientifically proven by Louis Pasteur in the 19th century.

In addition, garlic is an excellent antiseptic due to the presence of phytoncides in the composition and a source of antioxidants, due to its content in essential oils allicin plants.

Let's analyze the beneficial effects of the plant in more detail. The benefits of dried garlic are as follows:

  1. Inflammation prevention. The aforementioned phytoncides actively fight pathogenic flora, preventing inflammatory processes of one kind or another. They can kill viruses a wide range, bacteria, fungi, etc.
  2. strengthening of cardio-vascular system . The positive effect of dried garlic on the heart is to increase the strength of contractions, as a result of which it saves resources, but at the same time functions more efficiently. The benefits for blood vessels are explained by an obstacle to the formation of cholesterol, the prevention of atherosclerosis. The use of spices protects blood vessels from damage, which in turn reduces the likelihood of developing thrombosis. Garlic also dilates blood vessels, thus preventing a hypertensive crisis.
  3. Disease prevention respiratory tract . The spice has a particularly beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, preventing the development colds. The plant is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases, due to the effective removal of inflammation and due to the ability to thin sputum and promote its separation.
  4. Development warning cancer . Garlic can fight the development and growth of tumors thanks to allicin - it is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of free radicals.
  5. Increasing the body's immune forces. Of course, spice, so rich useful components, cannot but provide a common positive impact for immunity. Regular addition of dried garlic to dishes will help not to get sick during influenza and SARS epidemics.
  6. Normalization of the digestive tract. Enzymes contained in spices stimulate metabolic processes, help digestive system digest food more efficiently, absorb nutrients and remove harmful ones. Also, the product has a positive effect on intestinal motility, helps to deal with its disorders.
  7. Prevention of liver diseases. Garlic has choleretic properties, due to which bile is promptly excreted from the body, facilitating the work of the liver. The choleretic effect also prevents the formation of bile clots and stones.
  8. Beneficial effect on the work of the sex glands. The spice plays the role of an aphrodisiac, activating the work of both female and male gonads. In addition, some of the nutrients are excreted in the urine, which contributes to the disinfection of the genital organs and prevents the development of specific infections.
  9. Stimulation brain activity . Garlic has a beneficial effect on brain activity, which is especially important for older people. Regular consumption of spices prevents brain degradation, senile dementia.
  10. Prevention of premature aging. The presence of antioxidants in the composition of garlic helps not only to prevent the development of tumor processes, but also helps to prevent early aging.
  11. Prevention of beriberi. The presence of vitamins in the composition of garlic protects the body from their deficiency.
Garlic is especially effective in fighting "smoker's cancer." Some doctors even equate its action with chemotherapy procedures. He actively kills cancer cells in the organs respiratory system. There is a study according to which regular consumption of garlic by smokers reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the respiratory system many times over.

Harm and contraindications to dried garlic

Unfortunately, even this useful product, like dried garlic, can harm the body. Any person should not abuse this spice. Garlic contains a lot of really strong biologically active substances, most of them are useful, but there are some that can lead to adverse effects if not observed in moderation. When overeating spices, a person may feel headache become distracted and inattentive.

In addition, there is a group of people who are not allowed to use garlic in any quantities, or who are advised to strictly dose its use. Among these people:

  • Suffering from severe diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. The spice irritates the mucous membrane and can exacerbate the disease.
  • epileptics. Garlic can provoke an attack.
  • Pregnant and lactating women. Some components that make up the product can adversely affect the fetus. During lactation, the spice is prohibited, because the baby may be allergic to garlic, which is not in large numbers will definitely pass into breast milk.
  • Suffering from other serious illnesses. Among them are anemia, diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems. Again, garlic is a strong product in all respects, and therefore, if you have a particular disease, consult your doctor before using it.
Garlic is also forbidden to eat with individual intolerance - in other words, allergies to the product. A person may not get sick with anything, but when using spices, they feel a deterioration in well-being of one nature or another, in this case it is most likely an allergy.

There are studies according to which garlic is a poisonous plant due to the presence of so-called sulfanyl-hydroxyl ions in it. It is believed to be toxic to the entire body and has a particularly negative effect on the brain. The authors of the study assure that the product should not be consumed even in small doses. However, the official point of view so far is as follows: only the abuse of garlic can lead to negative consequences, but in moderate doses, the product, on the contrary, is extremely useful.

dried garlic recipes

Garlic has a special place in cooking. In any form, it is one of the main spices mediterranean cuisine. This spice is also loved in the South and East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. However, the use of dried garlic in recipes is a common practice all over the world. There are many signature dishes with spice.

Dried garlic is especially good when added to soups, hot meat and vegetable dishes, and sauces. Let's take a look at some great recipes:

  1. Homemade chicken sausages . Chicken fillet(250 grams) chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Mix spices: paprika (1 teaspoon), thyme (1 teaspoon), black pepper (0.5 teaspoon), dried garlic (0.5 teaspoon). Add all the spices to the minced meat and mix. Add grated cheese (150 grams) and mix again. Form small sausages from minced meat, roll them first in cornstarch, then in a beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. Send for 2 hours in the freezer. Fry in a pan until cooked.
  2. Festive potato side dish. Cut the potatoes into very thin circles (1 kg), put in a bowl. Add spices: dried garlic (1 teaspoon), thyme (1 pinch), pepper and salt to taste. Next put the melted butter(2 tablespoons) and vegetable oil(2 tablespoons), as well as grated cheese (50 grams). Mix everything well. Take a cupcake pan and stack the slices in a “cell” for each cupcake spiced potatoes. Bake at 220 degrees for 40-50 minutes. You should get a kind of potato nests, you can serve them in portions.
  3. squash chips. Cut zucchini (500 grams) into slices, salt. mix breadcrumbs(150 grams) and spices - dried garlic (0.5 teaspoon), suneli hops (1/3 teaspoon). Dredge the zucchini in the flour, then in the beaten egg, and finally in the spiced breadcrumbs. Put on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, then turn over and cook for another 15 minutes. Eating zucchini chips is best with a sauce of sour cream and chopped fresh garlic.
  4. Barbecue sauce. Pour your favorite ketchup (250 grams) into the pan, you can replace tomato paste, slightly diluted with water. Add sugar (2 tablespoons), vinegar (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon), mustard (1 teaspoon), spices a pinch each: dried garlic, onion, celery, paprika, black pepper and salt. Worcestershire sauce (2 tablespoons) would also be ideal, but it is not so easy to find it in our stores. Put the future sauce on slow fire and cook after boiling until thickened - 10-15 minutes. If the sauce doesn't thicken, add some cornstarch.
  5. Lentil soup . Pour lentils (100 grams) with water (2 liters), bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Cut potatoes into cubes (3 pieces), onion(1 head) and a stalk of celery (1 piece), grate carrots (1 piece). Fry all prepared vegetables, except potatoes, in a pan. Add all ingredients to lentils, cook for 15 minutes. Add dried garlic (1 teaspoon), soy sauce(1 tablespoon), lemon juice(2 teaspoons), salt and pepper to taste. Cook for a couple more minutes.

Note! Dried garlic in all dishes should be added 2-3 minutes before readiness, so as not to lose when heat treatment all useful ingredients.

The Indians began cultivating garlic in ancient times, however for a long time it was used purely as a component medicines. In cooking, the plant was not used because of the too pronounced smell.

The ancient Egyptians believed that people engaged in hard physical labor should certainly eat garlic regularly. The spice was present in the diet of the builders who built the pyramids.

There is reason to believe that ritual significance was also attributed to garlic in Egypt. During excavations in the tombs of the pharaohs, archaeologists have repeatedly found garlic cloves in front of noble people.

Garlic is even mentioned in the Bible. And, again, the mention is connected with Ancient Egypt, or rather with a description of the diet of its inhabitants, according to which they ate a lot of garlic and onions.

Cooking in Korea and Japan unusual dish- “black garlic”, which is obtained by canning cloves using a certain technology. The taste of such garlic is sugary-sweet.

In Slavic mythology, spices were attributed magical properties. It was believed that it helps to drive away evil spirits and witches, as well as diseases. In the South of Russia, there was a belief that garlic must certainly be tied into the bride's braid in order to ward off spoilage.

There is also an interesting legend about the plant in Ukraine. It is believed that it grew out of the teeth of an evil witch, and therefore eating it is a sin. And yet traditional Ukrainian borsch can not do without this spice.

In 1998, the Garlic Festival was established in the United States, which is still held today. All funds are transferred to the children's fund to combat mental disorders.

In 2009, when the epidemic raged in China swine flu, someone spread the rumor that garlic helps to treat it successfully. Thanks to this gossip, prices for fragrant cloves have increased by almost 40 times.

Watch the video about dried garlic:

Garlic - unique product both in the culinary world and in traditional medicine. His bright taste and aroma has ensured its reputation in the cuisines of all countries of the world, and many useful properties have made it a favorite of people who prefer to be treated folk methods. At the same time, there are studies according to which garlic is poisonous and it is impossible to eat it even in small doses, but the studies have not yet been officially recognized.

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

The most crucial moment is to chop the garlic so that it is convenient to store it later and so that the juice does not flow out of it! You can use different devices. It can also be a blender that will chop the garlic into smaller pieces, or you can use coarse grater. But it will be a real stress for our main ingredient. Therefore, we stock up on strength and patience and chop the garlic with a knife. We take 2-2.5 kilograms of fresh garlic in order to subsequently get only 0.5 kilograms of dried garlic pieces. But it's worth it! After all, such a product includes many more useful substances than already ready mixes spices or in bags with garlic powder. So, first we separate the garlic cloves from the head. Using a knife, peel the garlic from the husk. And so that it is better separated from the ingredient, we lightly press each clove with the handle of a knife on a cutting board.
Put the peeled garlic in a deep bowl.
Now important point! Be sure to wear kitchen polyethylene gloves on your hands. In the process of working with the plant, it will secrete juice, which in large quantities will begin to corrode unprotected skin and irritate the nasal membrane. Therefore, it is better to prepare garlic in a well-ventilated area and turn on ventilation. Using a knife on a cutting board, slice the garlic across the cloves. We shift the crushed component back into the bowl and take the next clove. And so on until there is not a single tooth left.

Step 2: Dry the garlic.

There are several ways to dry garlic. Who has a special dryer in the kitchen or you decide to make garlic in the midst of summer and are just going to the country, then feel free to dry the ingredient using such a device or in the country under the hot sun! I suggest using the old proven grandmother's way! When the garlic has already been chopped, put each piece on a baking sheet lined with food foil. Turn on the oven at 50-55°C and dry the plant within 30-40 minutes. We monitor the temperature so that the garlic does not burn. Ready dried ingredient will crunch! At the end of the allotted time, turn off the oven and take out the baking sheet so that the garlic pieces cool down. And after that - we transfer the garlic to the jar by hand and close the lid tightly. The lid must be tightly closed to the jar, since garlic can be stored for a year. And if the smell disappears from the jar or moisture gets in, the taste and beneficial properties of garlic will be lost, and our work will be in vain.

Step 3: Serve the garlic.

Garlic is added to various meat dishes, sauces, salads and soups. No wonder the Caucasus is famous for its meat masterpieces, and India is called the country of spices. Therefore, when some dish is being prepared, in which it is appropriate to put garlic for aroma and piquancy of taste, it is unforgettable that we have a jar of this wonderful plant. To make dried garlic powder, take a few pinches of garlic chips and put it in the most ordinary coffee grinder. And if there is no such inventory at hand, then a blender or an ordinary hand mortar will also work. Enjoy your meal!

- - In order for the garlic to turn out more fragrant, it is better to take spicy varieties of garlic.

- - If you still decide to use the drying in the country with the help of a real summer sun, then the cooking process will be changed. We cut the cloves into two halves and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment, or foil, or a regular cloth, so that the core of the garlic looks up into the sun. Thus, the juice will not flow out and will not be absorbed, for example, into the fabric. The drying time of garlic in the country will take from three to five days in good sunny weather. And at the same time, it is necessary to check the garlic for the degree of readiness. If it crunches, it means that it has already dried enough.

- - To dry the plant, you must use ripe garlic. Therefore, after cleaning from the husk, it is necessary to look at each clove and, if necessary, cut off the spoiled places.

- - In the process of preparing garlic in any way, the ingredient must be mixed from time to time with a wooden spatula so that it can dry on all sides.

Almost all varieties of garlic can be dried and harvested for the winter. Best suited for harvesting a silver-white variety or creole. Vegetable culture perfectly retains its appearance, useful properties and taste. The plant is 40% dry matter. Therefore, problems with how to dry garlic should not arise, but certain rules must still be followed.

Types of garlic

There are two types of varieties of garlic, depending on the time of planting:

  • winter;
  • spring.

Winter crops include Sail, Dubovsky, Alkor, Yubileiny Gribovsky and others. All of them are planted in the winter, that is, in the fall, but with the expectation that before the onset of winter, the teeth can take root in the ground. Depending on the region, the landing period falls on September or October.

Spring varieties include Gulliver, Aleisky, Sochi 56 and others, planted in the spring.

Storage conditions depending on the type of variety

You need to know how to store garlic depending on the type of variety:

  1. Winter species are preferable to be stored at a low temperature, in a room with high humidity. The temperature should be kept stable at 2-4 degrees.
  2. Spring varieties, on the contrary, are better preserved indoors at low humidity, but high temperature, about 20 degrees.

Where is the best place to plant garlic?

Should never be planted vegetable crop after onions and potatoes. Best of all, garlic will grow where cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini were previously planted. The plant loves the land, which succumbed to the abundant application of organic fertilizers.

Determining the degree of maturity

Even knowing all the rules on how to dry garlic, it still needs to be collected on time.

Spring or autumn plant varieties at the time of ripening have a yellowed aerial part, which, as a rule, lies on the ground. Harvest occurs approximately in the second half of the last month of summer.

Winter varieties may not produce or, conversely, produce arrows. You can determine the degree of maturation by the following signs:

  • the skin of the inflorescences of the upper part of the plant begins to crack;
  • lower leaves turn yellow;
  • the scale of the bulbs dries up and becomes thin.

As a rule, the harvest period is at the end of July. Harvesting is recommended in dry and warm weather.

If you miss the most favorable time for harvesting, then no rules on how to dry garlic will help. Especially if young roots have already begun to erupt on the bottom of the bulb. Overripe garlic can also be identified by the fact that the cloves of the bulb begin to disintegrate, and the scales burst.


It is best to dig garlic with a pitchfork, in which case the risk of damaging the bulbs is minimized. After that, the plants are laid out right on the garden bed to dry. It is necessary to shake the ground from the plant, but do not cut off the foliage.

If the weather is warm and dry, then the garlic does not need to be hidden anywhere, let it dry right on the beds. Naturally, if the weather is rainy, then the plants are hidden under a canopy. If it rains only at night, then during the day the bushes can be taken out into the sun, and at night they can be hidden under a canopy. Pre-drying takes about 5 days.

Now you need to clean the garlic from the earth and dirt and leave it to dry for another 2-3 weeks. The room where the garlic will be dried should be well ventilated. You can determine the readiness of the plant for further storage by the uniformity of the color of the dried leaves. The main thing is that you do not need to cut the stems and roots until the garlic is completely dry. During the drying period, the garlic is still gaining additional nutrients and increases in weight. Do not knock heads against each other, so as not to damage them. In no case should garlic be washed, even if it had to be harvested in rainy weather.

These simple rules how to dry garlic after digging, allow you to prepare the crop as well as possible for future wintering.

Preparing for storage

After the garlic has dried, it must be prepared for further storage:

  • Go through and set aside the one that was damaged during digging.
  • Cut off the upper aerial part by 10 cm.
  • Trim the roots, leaving about 3 cm.

Temperature regime

Depending on the type, it must be stored in different conditions. How to dry garlic autumn varieties- at a temperature of 16 to 20 degrees. Winter varieties must be stored in cool rooms, at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees. You should also know that winter garlic is worse stored and more prone to disease, quickly loses moisture. Humidity in the place of storage should be at the level of 50-80%.

Storage methods

How to dry garlic after digging? If all the rules are followed, you can proceed to the direct preparation of the crop for winter storage. So, what are the ways?

Weave and keep

Braids are the most common method that has existed since ancient times. Leaves in this case are removed, leaving only a false stem. All plants are intertwined with twine so that the “construction” for storage is strong. At the bottom, you need to form a loop that will allow you to hang the garlic in the basement or locker. By the same principle, garlic can be woven into so-called brooms.

The place of storage should be dark, not very damp and always cool.

You can store garlic in nets or wicker baskets.


There is also a storage method - in sterilized jars. For this method, only those crops that have been prepared according to all the rules of how to dry garlic after harvesting are suitable. The bulbs do not need to be scaled. glass jars well washed and sterilized. Plant heads are placed in jars and sprinkled with coarse salt. The main feature of this method is that salt does not allow garlic to “sick”. Can be used instead of jars wooden boxes with low sides.

Cloth bags

Our ancestors kept garlic in linen bags. Depending on the humidity of the room in which the plant will be stored, it is prepared. If the humidity is low, then the garlic is simply mixed with dry husks. At high humidity, vegetables are pre-rinsed in concentrate table salt and dry thoroughly. Only after the bulbs are dry, the garlic is placed in cloth bags. Salt does not allow the plant to get sick and does not allow pests to spoil the harvest.

In no case should you store garlic with other vegetables.

What problems can arise during storage?

Often people complain that even if you follow all the rules on how to dry garlic after digging, despite the correct further storage, there are problems with the harvest.

However, if mold has appeared, then this already indicates that the bulbs were not dried well or the crop was frozen. Mold quickly "spreads" if the room is high humidity and very warm. In this case, it may be recommended to dry the garlic under direct sunbeams, of course, having previously cleaned it of mold.

If the garlic, on the contrary, dries out a lot, then it can be dipped in melted paraffin. A thin protective layer is formed on the bulb, which will not allow moisture to evaporate. In addition, paraffin will protect the plant from pathogens.
