
Dried garlic. How to dry garlic after harvesting? Is it possible to dry garlic in the sun

Garlic is a common garden crop that we are happy to add to dishes as a spice. But after harvesting, garlic does not remain fresh for long, but I would like to have it in my culinary arsenal throughout the year.

Fortunately, this can be achieved by drying the culture at home. But you need to know some of the features of how to properly dry the garlic after digging.

For proper drying garlic must be harvested in time. Harvesting late can cause the garlic to rot or sprout during storage.

The culture is dug into different time depending on the variety:

  1. Readiness for harvesting spring garlic is determined by the fact that the upper part of the culture turns yellow and lies on the ground. The harvest is usually in the second half of August, but it also depends on the weather. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the state of garlic.
  2. In winter varieties, readiness for harvesting is determined by the aerial part of the garlic. Cracks appear on it, they become yellowed lower leaves, the scales of the heads become dry and thin. This variety is usually harvested at the end of July.

You need to harvest in warm weather. It is recommended not to water for 2-3 days.

Important! Do not dig up the plant rainy weather. This can lead to rotting during drying.

Collection must be done in a timely manner. If missed right moment, drying the culture correctly will not work. This will be especially difficult if the garlic has begun to give new roots. Overripe garlic has dry, brittle scales, and the head itself begins to disintegrate.

How and how much to dry after digging?

It is best to use a fork to properly and safely dig up the crop. The shovel can damage the heads. Next, you need to remove the earth from the garlic. To do this, just shake it off the surface with a glove. No need to cut off the foliage from the plant.

Important! To clean the plant before drying, in no case should you wash it. It will be impossible to dry the culture!

After digging, while you are at your summer cottage, the plant can be spread out on the ground or left on the beds, as long as they are in the shade. This requires warm, dry weather, and if there is wind, just fine.

Further drying is carried out in a well-ventilated, non-humid room. If you live in an apartment, you can dry garlic on the balcony. The main thing is to monitor the lack of rain and bring the plant home on time. The drying process takes about 2 weeks.

Garlic is ready for subsequent storage when its leaves become a uniform color. It is important not to cut the roots and stems until the plant is completely dry. When the culture is dried, it must be handled with care as it becomes more fragile.

Can you dry in the sun?

The process of drying garlic in the sun takes much less time. However, this method has a significant disadvantage. The fact is that such a plant will be stored much less. And if you plan to use the product throughout the year, this drying method will not work.

Important! For long-term storage plants, it must be dried in the shade!

Storage after drying

In order for garlic to be suitable for consumption throughout the year, it must be stored properly.

The following methods can be used for this:

  1. Braids. A very old method used since ancient times. The stems are braided, twisted with twine for strength, a loop is created at the end and hung.
  2. Grids. An easier method. It is enough to fold the dried garlic into nets with large diameter holes and hang it up.
  3. Nylon stockings. More often this method is used for onions. Its disadvantage is that capron has a rather dense structure, as a result of which the plant does not receive required amount air. This can lead to premature deterioration.

The room where the plant will be stored should be dark, not very humid and cool. Regardless of the method of storage, it is necessary to periodically sort out in order to eliminate diseased bulbs and prevent infection of healthy ones. Compliance with the above rules will allow you to store garlic throughout the year.

Good day to all! I want to introduce you to an actual seasoning that you can, like me, cook at home - dried garlic! For many years I bought it in stores and markets, packed in bright bags, and overpaid a lot of money, in addition to buying not so much seasoning as monosodium glutamate in addition to it! Therefore, in the summer I firmly decided to do dried garlic At home, the blessing of the dacha allowed me to grow a few kilograms of excellent fresh garlic by September.

So, to prepare dried garlic, prepare 1 kg of garlic cloves - even if you buy it, it is inexpensive during the harvest season!

Peel each head from the husk, disassemble it into slices and peel them. Then rinse each clove in water to remove dirt. On the board, cut the cloves into slices, but not across, but vertically - this way they look more attractive.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place all garlic slices on it. Place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the garlic with the door ajar for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

Ready dried garlic slices look like this! Watch - do not overdry them, otherwise you will get a bitter aroma soaring throughout the kitchen. The slices should break when pressed.

I always separate 1/4 of the entire dried mass and leave it in this form - then I stuff pieces of beef, pork and veal with it when baking.

I grind the main mass of dried garlic in a blender to dust - such a product is added to soups, sauces, seasonings and seamings.

It is necessary to store dried garlic in containers with tight-fitting lids, otherwise the whole garlic flavor will “run away” from you. I will be glad if any of you find my recipe useful. I have enough mass whole year, until next garlic harvest season!

dried garlic- one of the most beloved seasonings of the whole world (see photo), almost no dish can be cooked without it.

The history of the origin of garlic goes back to BC, but then this vegetable was used only for medical purposes.

Real gourmets and lovers of such spicy and spicy seasoning can say that garlic not only surpasses all other spices in aromatic and taste properties, but also contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Some people are confused by the smell of garlic that is present after eating, but there is always a way out. enough to eat a small amount of parsley or drink some milk - and the smell will disappear completely.

On store shelves you can see different kinds dried garlic. It can be granulated, ground, and in the form of flakes. Everyone chooses the option that he likes the most.

The calorie content of this product is quite high. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it excessively so as not to harm health. According to the documentation, current guest dried garlic dates back to 1971 and has not changed since then. The table below shows the main documented criteria for dried garlic.





Pieces of various shapes and sizes


Taste and smell

Exceptionally garlicky, free of foreign impurities and added odors or flavors

Shades from cream to gold


Useful properties and harm to health

The beneficial properties of garlic are fully preserved when consumed raw, and you can use it in various forms to create dishes.

But, no matter how useful garlic is, it can still be harmful to health. Let's look at the reasons why this product is contraindicated.

  • pregnant women;
  • if you have liver or kidney disease;
  • with hypertension;
  • with epilepsy;
  • people suffering from asthma, stomach ulcers.

Application of dried garlic

The use of dried garlic is quite widespread not only in cooking, but also in medicine and in everyday life. And also, due to its regenerative ability, it is also used in cosmetology.

In cooking

In cooking, it is believed that dried garlic rightfully belongs to the first place in the list of seasonings used for cooking. The most important thing is the correct dosage, because the excessive use of garlic can spoil the taste of food. Dried garlic is best suited for meat and poultry dishes, for cooking hot dishes (soups, borscht), as well as for jelly. It will also be indispensable for seafood (shrimp, lobster and crabs). Also, dried garlic has found its application in baking in the manufacture of buns and bread: these finished goods sprinkle with fried garlic.

In medicine

In medicine, he also showed his best side in the fight against bacteria. It is also used as a disinfectant against cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, malaria, and garlic is also used for delayed menstruation and swelling of the legs. It is indispensable in the treatment of purulent wounds, helps to remove warts from the human body, the disappearance of calluses, and is effective for insect bites.

You should not use garlic if you are prone to allergies, suffer from anemia, or have sensitive skin.

At home

In everyday life, dried garlic is necessary to get rid of garden pests as well as ants and aphids. It contains an organic component that is deadly to insects.

For example, gardeners use an infusion of garlic against aphids. It is necessary to take a couple of heads of garlic, grind them, mix with warm water and let stand overnight. After this, we filter the infusion and carefully spray the plants for several days. This procedure can be repeated several more times after a certain period of time.

But how to prevent the appearance of ants, which annoy not only your garden, but can also appear in the house? And this problem can also be solved. Ants are very afraid of garlic, they simply cannot stand its smell, therefore, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to sprinkle garlic abundantly on possible places where they accumulate in the room, and also to process the baseboards.

In home gardens, garlic powder is poured directly into the anthill, after which your garden is completely rid of pests. There is another way to get rid of ants: you need to spread arrows and garlic cloves on the beds, which will also be effective.

The most important thing is that this powder is safe for human and animal health.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, the use of garlic has also found its niche. Throughout life, every girl or woman strives to maintain her beauty. different ways(a trip to a beauty salon, physical training). But sometimes, due to certain circumstances, we cannot afford to go to the salon once again. And grandmother's advice comes to the aid of any woman on how to improve the condition of her face and strengthen her hair at home.

If you have problem skin face (acne, acne), then a garlic mask will help you. It easily removes inflammatory processes. But before applying it to the face, you must first conduct a test for allergic reaction(it is enough to apply a mask on the wrist for 10 minutes, then rinse with water, if there is no redness, then you can safely apply it on your face).

To prepare the mixture this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • one egg yolk;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • one tablespoon of cabbage juice;
  • two teaspoons of heavy cream;
  • one teaspoon of almond oil;
  • carrot juice.

Knead the garlic and mix with all the other ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then we apply half of this mixture to the skin, and after five minutes - the remaining mixture, and after another five minutes, rinse the face with water. The effect will not be long in coming.

Garlic oil is used to treat hair. It strengthens the hair, reduces hair loss, and also adds shine to the hair.

To make hair grow faster, you need to mix one part of kefir with two parts of this oil and apply to your hair. Wrap your head in a bag, put a towel on top and leave for 2 hours. After that rinse your hair with water.

How to dry and store at home?

Dry garlic at home and keep it beneficial features and fragrance can be done in three ways. But not all varieties of garlic are suitable for drying. The most suitable are "Creole" and "Silver White", because only they can retain their full taste. Digging up garlic should be done only when the weather is dry outside, the beds are not pre-watered.


In an electric dryer

Garlic cloves must be peeled, cut into rings or cloves, put on a dryer tray so that the cut is at the top. The temperature should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise all the aromatic properties and benefits for the human body will disappear. Heat treatment takes approximately 5 to 18 hours depending on household appliances.

In the oven

Garlic must be cut into plates and put on a baking sheet. If you do not want it to get dirty, then put it on a baking sheet parchment paper and chopped garlic on top. The temperature should be 60 degrees, do not close the oven door, but leave it slightly ajar so that Fresh air could get in. Cooking time - 40 minutes, while periodically stirring the garlic plates so that they do not burn. After that, let the garlic cool, and then place it back in the oven. Total time for cooking in the oven is 3 - 6 hours.

In the sun

Garlic should be cut into slices and put on a flat surface with the core up. Place in a well-ventilated room to keep out sunlight. Due to this, all useful substances are preserved. Periodically, you need to check the readiness of the product, but everything takes about two weeks.

You can dry garlic as whole heads, cloves, and chopped. If you do not have time to make dried garlic at home, then you can buy it for acceptable price in shops. At the moment, many people are engaged in the production of this seasoning. trade marks and firms.

It is important to know that it is best to store dried garlic in powder form for no more than a month, otherwise it will lose its flavor and nutritional properties and become unfit for food.

The main value of dried garlic in the form of a spice for cooking lies in its aroma. That is why the storage of dried garlic is primarily aimed at preserving its smell. For seasoning content, it is best to use glass jars which can be hermetically sealed. It is advisable to leave the container with the spice in a cool, dry place.

As a result, we can conclude that dried garlic is useful not only in cooking as a spice, but is also used in other areas of human life.

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

The most crucial moment is to chop the garlic so that it is convenient to store it later and so that the juice does not flow out of it! You can use different devices. It can also be a blender that will chop the garlic into smaller pieces, or you can use coarse grater. But it will be a real stress for our main ingredient. Therefore, we stock up on strength and patience and chop the garlic with a knife. We take 2-2.5 kilograms fresh garlic to subsequently get only 0.5 kilograms of dried garlic pieces. But it's worth it! After all, such a product includes much more useful substances than in already ready mixes spices or in bags with garlic powder. So, first we separate the garlic cloves from the head. Using a knife, peel the garlic from the husk. And so that it is better separated from the ingredient, we lightly press each clove with the handle of a knife on a cutting board.
Put the peeled garlic in a deep bowl.
Now important point! Be sure to wear kitchen polyethylene gloves on your hands. In the process of working with the plant, it will secrete juice, which in in large numbers will begin to corrode unprotected areas of the skin and irritate the nasal membrane. Therefore, it is better to prepare garlic in a well-ventilated area and turn on ventilation. Using a knife on a cutting board, slice the garlic across the cloves. We shift the crushed component back into the bowl and take the next clove. And so on until there is not a single tooth left.

Step 2: Dry the garlic.

There are several ways to dry garlic. Who has a special dryer in the kitchen or you decide to make garlic in the midst of summer and are just going to the country, then feel free to dry the ingredient using such a device or in the country under the hot sun! I suggest using the old proven grandmother's way! When the garlic has already been chopped, put each piece on a baking sheet lined with food foil. Turn on the oven at 50-55°C and dry the plant within 30-40 minutes. We monitor the temperature so that the garlic does not burn. Ready dried ingredient will crunch! At the end of the allotted time, turn off the oven and take out the baking sheet so that the garlic pieces cool down. And after that - we transfer the garlic to the jar by hand and close the lid tightly. The lid must be tightly closed to the jar, since garlic can be stored for a year. And if the smell disappears from the jar or moisture gets in, the taste and beneficial properties of garlic will be lost, and our work will be in vain.

Step 3: Serve the garlic.

Garlic is added to various meat dishes, sauces, salads and soups. No wonder the Caucasus is famous for its meat masterpieces, and India is called the country of spices. Therefore, when some dish is being prepared, in which it is appropriate to put garlic for aroma and piquancy of taste, it is unforgettable that we have a jar of this wonderful plant. To make dried garlic powder, take a few pinches of garlic chips and put it in the most ordinary coffee grinder. And if there is no such inventory at hand, then a blender or an ordinary hand mortar will also work. Enjoy your meal!

- - In order for the garlic to turn out more fragrant, it is better to take spicy varieties garlic.

- - If you still decide to use the drying in the country with the help of a real summer sun, then the cooking process will be changed. We cut the cloves into two halves and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment, or foil, or a regular cloth, so that the core of the garlic looks up into the sun. Thus, the juice will not flow out and will not be absorbed, for example, into the fabric. The drying time of garlic in the country will take from three to five days in good sunny weather. And at the same time, it is necessary to check the garlic for the degree of readiness. If it crunches, it means that it has already dried enough.

- - To dry the plant, you must use ripe garlic. Therefore, after cleaning from the husk, it is necessary to look at each clove and, if necessary, cut off the spoiled places.

- - In the process of preparing garlic in any way, the ingredient must be mixed from time to time with a wooden spatula so that it can dry on all sides.
