
How to cook rosehip compote. Dried rosehip compote

It is difficult to find a good recipe for compote from dried rose hips, because many uninitiated people confuse tea and compote, and strongly recommend steaming berries overnight in a thermos in order to subsequently drink this drink under the guise of compote. There are more than 400 varieties of wild rose, also known as rosehip, and all of them have well-known medicinal properties.

These features of the plant have been used by different civilizations for many centuries. It is recommended to be brewed for medicinal purposes by both conservative and traditional medicine. Tea and decoction are prepared only from wild rose or additional ingredients are added to enhance the effect of brewed berries.

For people with limited financial resources, berries picked in the park can not only replace expensive imported lemons, but also have a more pronounced effect.

Delicious and simple rosehip compote

Rosehip tea is recommended for many diseases, berries are combined with hawthorn for cores. It is prescribed for those diagnosed with kidney disease as a diuretic, decongestant, and stimulant. Some people steam it with raisins to replenish potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K, which is responsible for the synthesis of prothrombin in the body and prevents the risk of blood clots.

Delicious and healthy rosehip compote

The recipe for a delicious dried rosehip compote differs from tea and decoction (it is brewed instead of medicine or morning energy drink, which successfully replaces coffee and contains certain features in preparation). It differs from infusion and decoction in that you can add sugar, honey and other ingredients to it, and drink compote chilled or at room temperature.

In the season when rose hips ripen, there are many other fruits and berries from which compote is cooked, so it makes sense to simply collect ripe berries and flower petals and harvest them for future use. A nice feature of wild rose fruits is that even when dried, they contain 50 times more vitamin C and other useful components, and 10 times more than currants.

Berries can be picked anywhere, away from industrial enterprises and busy roads, and dried in a special dryer, a simple oven at a low temperature, and even just on a windowsill, on paper. In winter, the stock is useful both for medicinal purposes and for making compote, which, like tea, can be prepared with the addition of various ingredients.

Rosehip compote contains a large amount of vitamins

Only real herbalists know that rose hips give the greatest amount of vitamins during the third steaming. Therefore, advice on how to soak it overnight and cook it in the morning can be safely forgotten. The simplest and most delicious recipe for dried berry compote is made from dried petals collected during the flowering season and dried on the windowsill, as well as fruits harvested in the fall. Of the remaining ingredients, you may need sugar or honey. Cinnamon is not added to this recipe in any case, but vanilla or dried tea rose can be added.


  • 150 g dried rose hips,
  • 2 tbsp. filtered water
  • 300 g sugar
  • 2 handfuls of rosehip or tea rose petals
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.


  1. The berries are left for an hour in an enamel bowl or glass jar, filled with boiling water.
  2. The first water is drained simply into the sink. It is not needed for compote, its purpose was to awaken its natural properties in the rosehip and remove impurities.
  3. The berries are again poured with boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes after they are brought to a boil. The broth is decanted into a separate pan and closed with a lid after dried petals have been added to it.
  4. At the same time, almost ready-made fruits are boiled for 5 minutes in basic water, which is added to a 3-liter pan by about ¾.
  5. The water is filtered through a colander-mesh, or gauze, the berries are squeezed and discarded.
  6. They do the same with the second broth, which was infused on the petals, after which they are combined in a saucepan, plain sugar and vanilla sugar are added, allowed to boil, tightly closed with a lid and set to cool.

Rosehip compote with spices

There is an old family recipe for compote from dried rose hips with a photo that does not require overnight soaking or manual cleaning of berries from seeds and villi. After the compote has cooled, it must be filtered again (this time through cheesecloth, poured into glassware and set to cool). Strain carefully so as not to disturb the suspension, which will inevitably end up at the bottom of the pan.

It must be poured out without regret. Indeed, such a compote is especially tasty when drunk chilled, but at room temperature it also leaves the taste of sweet summer, a tea rose bush in the mouth and replenishes the body with all the useful components that the plant gives completely in such a cooking recipe.

This compote made from dried raw materials is a great recipe for children who drink it with great pleasure and ask for more. No additives in the form of lemon or currant are required. This is a real compote, not tea and not a decoction, which must be consumed in doses.

Other compote recipes are simple and delicious

There are many recipes for making rosehip compote. There are even those when the berries roll up for the winter. They certainly contain advice to add a slice of lemon, a cinnamon stick, currants, raspberries and other dominant ingredients that destroy the natural taste of a wild rose.

Only the same dried berries and dried fruits are truly compatible with the fruits of the shrub. They exist separately in the aftertaste, not clogging, but complementing each other. All three options (hawthorn, dried apples, or a mixture of apples, pears and plums) are steamed for 10 hours in a handful in half a liter of water, and then boiled for 5 minutes over low heat after boiling.

Rosehip compote with apples

Then sugar is added, again allowed to boil and tightly covered with a lid. After 3-10 minutes, you can filter, cool and drink. Sugar is added to taste. Someone likes sweet, and someone not so much.

In the same way, you can prepare a drink from dried barberry and rose hips. If you add 2 g of citric acid or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of squeezed lemon juice, it successfully replaces cranberry juice, both in taste and in the content of nutrients.

Compotes have a general tonic, immunostimulating and preventive effect. They quench thirst well and make up for the lack of vitamins. The most delicious and healthy - triple cooking, with petals. For medicinal purposes, tea or decoction is used. They are served hot and prepared in different ways.

Source: diwis.ru

Dried rosehip compote. Drink recipe for a child

Our distant ancestors have been collecting various methods of preparing delicious and healthy drinks, dishes and medicinal decoctions since ancient times.

The beneficial properties of various plants and shrubs, proven for more than one century, no longer raise doubts in the effectiveness and efficiency of the treatment and prevention of various diseases. One of these plants is the wild rose, known to everyone since childhood.

How to make rosehip compote

A dessert drink made from rose hips is not only a delicious compote, but also a healthy decoction containing many useful vitamins and minerals that can not only quench your thirst and please with a pleasant taste, but also help to cope with many diseases.

The constant use of this healing infusion has a beneficial effect on the human body and has the following effect:

  • immunity becomes stronger, increases protective functions,
  • capillaries and blood vessels are strengthened,
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized,
  • the level of toxins in the blood decreases, the body is cleansed of toxins,
  • tone returns to normal
  • excess fluid is excreted from the body.

Contraindications for use

Like any product that has medicinal properties, dried rosehip compote has its own contraindications. Excessive and uncontrolled consumption of this drink can both help and harm:

  1. With caution and under supervision, people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract should take it. Especially during an exacerbation.
  2. Since the decoction has diuretic properties, dried rosehip compote is contraindicated in patients with kidney disease.
  3. Adults and children prone to allergic reactions should drink compote with caution, since rose hips contain the strongest allergen - vitamin C.

It is precisely because of the large amount of this vitamin that after drinking the drink, you should rinse your mouth well with water, because the acid in the composition can destroy tooth enamel.

compote recipe

There are many ways to prepare a healthy decoction, one of them is classic.

It will take only 500 ml of water and 10 pieces of berries. Moreover, you can use both fresh and dried fruits.

Cooking scheme

The drink prepared in this way can be consumed just like that or you can add sugar or honey to taste. Rosehip compote is just as useful for children as it is for adults.

Compote of dried fruits and dried rose hips

You can also make a drink from dried fruits and dried rose hips. The recipe does not differ in complexity either. This is a very healthy and vitamin drink suitable for a period of lack of vitamins. It can be consumed both warm and chilled.

Tasty and healthy compote will appeal to many lovers of drinks from dried berries. It takes quite a bit of time to prepare this decoction, and the output is a fragrant and vitamin compote.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Dried fruits from any berries, including dried apricots, raisins, prunes - 40 gr,
  2. Dry rose hips - 10-15 gr,
  3. Sugar, or other sweetener of your choice
  4. Water - 200-250 gr,

Cooking scheme:

Dried fruits selected for the drink must be washed well. Water should be changed several times. After that, leave the fruit for several hours in clean water to swell. Then, when the fruits swell, bring them to a boil. While the dried fruits are cooking, you can prepare the dried rose hips. It must be washed, cleaned of seeds and ceiling in a mortar. Prepared in this way, add the berries to the compote boiling on the fire. Use sugar to taste. Boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat. This drink can be consumed cold or warm.

Recipe using apples

A very tasty and healthy drink is obtained from rose hips and fresh apples. The set of products for this decoction is minimal and accessible to everyone. You can use apples of different varieties. Suitable for both sour and sweet apples. It will not affect the taste of the compote in any way.

Compote Ingredients:

  • Water - 3 liters,
  • Fresh apples - 3-4 pieces,
  • Dried fruits - 2-3 handfuls,
  • Sugar or honey - optional

Cooking method:

Sort dried berries, rinse, remove seeds and inflorescences. In a mortar, lightly crush the fruits and pour them with water. Bring the broth to a boil. While the compote is cooking, prepare the apples. Fruits need to be washed, cut into pieces. Be sure to remove the core from the apples so that the bones do not give their bitterness to the drink. As soon as the water with berries boils, add chopped apples to them. After boiling, simmer the compote for 5-8 minutes. Turn off, add sweetener to taste. Such a drink should be infused for some time. After the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and can be consumed. If you wish, you can add a slice of lemon.

It is not necessary to boil dried berries on fire, it is enough to steam them in a thermos and leave until the morning. During the night, a delicious and vitamin drink will also be prepared, which can be drunk as tea with honey, lemon or jam.

Source: tomat.guru

Useful recipes for compotes from fresh or dried rose hips

Rose hips contain many useful substances, especially vitamin C, which is noticeable in the taste of berries, so it is not recommended to cook them for a long time. Vitamin C does not like high temperatures and interaction with metal objects; under their influence, it quickly collapses. So it turns out that for cooking compote, the berries need to be crushed so that they quickly give the necessary substances to the water. But you need to do this without metal, it is best to use wooden or porcelain mortars, in which you need to grind with the same crushers - wooden or porcelain.

When making decoctions or infusions from fresh berries, it is sometimes recommended to remove the seeds - they contain essential oils, which often cause allergies. It can be problematic to extract seeds from dried fruits, so they are fully used.

Rosehip drinks are known as immunomodulatory, tonic, choleretic, diuretic, which strengthens blood vessels, cleanses the body of toxins, and normalizes high blood pressure. But they are not given to children under a year old (with the permission of a doctor, it is possible from 7 months), hypotensive patients, patients with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, during an exacerbation of gastritis.

Delicious Recipes

Rosehip is boiled, brewed and insisted, getting a pleasant sour drink, the saturation depends on the proportions. You can sweeten it with honey (for greater benefit), sugar or any sweetener, or you can simply combine it with sweet fruits, add aromatic herbs and spices. There are any number of recipes. If you master the basic ones, then you can then invent new ones based on the preferences of your family.


It is believed that the proportion of 10 fresh berries per half liter of water will not harm anyone, so this is how compote is cooked for those who have not yet drunk it or are afraid of unpleasant consequences. But it is precisely this amount of berries, boiled in water for several minutes, that will make the drink tasty, invigorating, and give the body a good portion of vitamins.

So, 10 fresh rose hips are washed, crushed in a mortar, breaking into pieces, and then thrown into 500 ml of boiling water. You need to boil for 5-7 minutes, after that the fire is turned off, and the compote is insisted under the lid until it cools to the desired temperature. Then filter or squeeze through several times folded gauze. Honey is dissolved in the cooled liquid, and sugar, if desired, can be added to the hot one.

Fresh berries can not be crushed, but cut into pieces, only you need to use a ceramic fruit knife, and not an iron one.

According to the same recipe, you can cook and preserve compote for the winter. It will only take 15 minutes to cook, and before turning off, add at least 2 g of citric acid per liter. But this is rarely done, it is easier and more useful to dry the berries, and brew them in winter.

It is advisable for a child from 1 to 3 years old to drink no more than 1 glass of rosehip compote per day, and up to a year - only after the doctor's permission.

Children are happy to drink sour drinks, but adults try to enrich and diversify tastes for them. For example, children really like rosehip, raspberry and mulberry compote; most likely, you don’t even have to add sugar to it.

So, for 1.5 liters of water, take 1 glass of wild rose and half a glass of raspberries and mulberries. The berries are washed, the wild rose is cut with a ceramic knife (or crushed), the villi with seeds are taken out. Berries are thrown into boiling water, let them boil for 5 minutes, removed from heat, left to brew under the lid, then filtered. If there is a need to add sugar, then it is poured into a still boiling liquid, dissolved, and after boiling again, it is turned off.

One wild rose, especially dried, can not be boiled, but insisted in a thermos. Berries are crushed in the same way, poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water, closed, left overnight, and then filtered, honey is added.

With dried fruits

Just a wonderful dessert will turn out if you cook it with the addition of dried fruits. You can take raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears (any composition) in the amount of 80 g per half liter of water, and take 40 g of wild rose. Wash the fruits, then pour cold water for a couple of hours to get wet. Dried fruits saturated with water are put on fire, after boiling, crushed rose hips are poured out, boiled for no more than 7 minutes, turn off the fire, insist until cool. Sweeten if necessary.

Such a dessert with undigested fruits can not even be filtered, but served with them, especially if the rosehip was previously cleaned of seeds and villi.

with apples

Such a drink is relevant all year round: in summer they drink it without sugar with ice cubes, and in winter (or to recover from colds and flu faster) they prefer hot, you can with a cinnamon stick and a lemon slice. It saves from beriberi, increases the overall tone of the body, resistance to seasonal colds.

A handful of crushed berries are thrown into a liter of boiling water, and after 5 minutes a couple of apples, cut into small slices, are added to them. Let it boil for another 2 minutes, turn it off, leave it under the lid until it cools. After reaching the desired temperature, the drink is filtered or squeezed. If you need sugar, then it is better to add it to the still boiling compote.

From dried stock

Dry berries are a wonderful vitamin preparation for the winter, they will help to avoid beriberi, reduce the total number of colds. For 1 liter of water take only 3 tbsp. l. fruits. Before cooking a healthy compote from dried rose hips, the berries must be crushed in a mortar, not turned into powder, but simply crushed.

Berries are poured with three glasses of water, brought to a boil, turn off the heat, let it brew for 20 minutes. After that, the infusion is filtered, and the berries are poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted again for 20 minutes, then squeezed through cheesecloth. Both infusions are mixed, honey or sugar is added, if necessary.

You can prepare an infusion in a thermos, filling crushed dry fruits with boiling water. It is kept for 10-12 hours, and then filtered.

With hawthorn

The combination of wild rose with hawthorn is very useful for hypertensive patients and everyone who has problems with the cardiovascular system. Such a tandem is not boiled, but insisted using a thermos for this purpose. The fruits can be either fresh or dried.

Berries are taken in half a glass, crushed in a mortar, poured into a thermos. Pour boiling water (700 ml), close, leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, the infusion is filtered, if necessary, honey is added (if we talk about the benefits, it is more beneficial for the cores than sugar).

Rosehip goes well with any berries and fruits, it is brewed with fresh, dried or frozen fruits. On its infusion, you can brew coffee or brew green tea, adding an unusual taste and vitamin content.

The benefits of rosehip lies in its fruits. Harvested from the beginning of early autumn until frost. The vitamin drink itself is used all year round. In summer, a decoction can be made from flowers, and in other seasons, already from dried fruits. The popular drink benefits adults and kids, sick and healthy people. Compote is drunk to improve health, normalize the functioning of internal organs. The drink is contraindicated for a few, more precisely: for people with allergic reactions, peptic ulcers and high blood pressure.

Required Ingredients

Preparing a healing drink is easy. The following ingredients are used:

  • 18-20 dried rose hips;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1-2 teaspoons honey (to taste)
  • juice of ¼ lemon.

Dried rosehip compote recipe

  1. Before cooking, soak dry fruits for 2 hours in a container of water at room temperature. Then rinse out under running water. Pour a liter of water into the pan, bring to a boil, add the washed fruits.
  2. After boiling the compote, keep boiling on low heat for another 5 minutes. Rosehips do not boil longer, because vitamin C, which is part of it, is destroyed, and consequently, the value of the drink decreases.
  3. Cover the broth, leave to cool and infuse. After 20 minutes, filter, add honey and lemon juice.

Important! Honey is added only at a compote temperature of 40°C, at values ​​above this indicator, the beneficial substances of honey will be lost.

Adults are allowed to steam berries in a thermos for 10 hours.

For children, such a compote is cooked in a smaller proportion: 5 rose hips without seeds are added to half a liter of water. To improve the taste, the drink is brewed with the addition of an apple slice. After cooling, it can be sweetened with 1 teaspoon of honey.

You can prepare compote from dried rose hips for the future, for the winter, but it is better to store dried fruits and make a fresh drink every time.

Vitamin decoction is used not only as an element of the diet, but also as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Regular intake of it will bring undeniable benefits to the body.

It is difficult to find a good recipe for compote from dried rose hips, because many uninitiated people confuse tea and compote, and strongly recommend steaming berries overnight in a thermos in order to subsequently drink this drink under the guise of compote. There are more than 400 varieties of wild rose, also known as rosehip, and all of them have well-known medicinal properties.

These features of the plant have been used by different civilizations for many centuries. It is recommended to be brewed for medicinal purposes by both conservative and traditional medicine. Tea and decoction are prepared only from wild rose or additional ingredients are added to enhance the effect of brewed berries.

For people with limited financial resources, berries picked in the park can not only replace expensive imported lemons, but also have a more pronounced effect.

Rosehip tea is recommended for many diseases, berries are combined with hawthorn for cores. It is prescribed for those diagnosed with kidney disease as a diuretic, decongestant, and stimulant. Some people steam it with raisins to replenish potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K, which is responsible for the synthesis of prothrombin in the body and prevents the risk of blood clots.

The recipe for a delicious dried rosehip compote differs from tea and decoction (it is brewed instead of medicine or morning energy drink, which successfully replaces coffee and contains certain features in preparation). It differs from infusion and decoction in that you can add sugar, honey and other ingredients to it, and drink compote chilled or at room temperature.

In the season when rose hips ripen, there are many other fruits and berries from which compote is cooked, so it makes sense to simply collect ripe berries and flower petals and harvest them for future use. A nice feature of wild rose fruits is that even when dried, they contain 50 times more vitamin C and other useful components, and 10 times more than currants.

Berries can be picked anywhere, away from industrial enterprises and busy roads, and dried in a special dryer, a simple oven at a low temperature, and even just on a windowsill, on paper. In winter, the stock is useful both for medicinal purposes and for making compote, which, like tea, can be prepared with the addition of various ingredients.

Only real herbalists know that rose hips give the greatest amount of vitamins during the third steaming. Therefore, advice on how to soak it overnight and cook it in the morning can be safely forgotten. The simplest and most delicious recipe for dried berry compote is made from dried petals collected during the flowering season and dried on the windowsill, as well as fruits harvested in the fall. Of the remaining ingredients, you may need sugar or honey. Cinnamon is not added to this recipe in any case, but vanilla or dried tea rose can be added.


  • 150 g of dried rose hips;
  • 2 tbsp. filtered water;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 2 handfuls of rosehip or tea rose petals;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.


  1. The berries are left for an hour in an enamel bowl or glass jar, filled with boiling water.
  2. The first water is drained simply into the sink. It is not needed for compote, its purpose was to awaken its natural properties in the rosehip and remove impurities.
  3. The berries are again poured with boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes after they are brought to a boil. The broth is decanted into a separate pan and closed with a lid after dried petals have been added to it.
  4. At the same time, almost ready-made fruits are boiled for 5 minutes in basic water, which is added to a 3-liter pan by about ¾.
  5. The water is filtered through a colander-mesh, or gauze, the berries are squeezed and discarded.
  6. They do the same with the second broth, which was infused on the petals, after which they are combined in a saucepan, plain sugar and vanilla sugar are added, allowed to boil, tightly closed with a lid and set to cool.

There is an old family recipe for compote from dried rose hips with a photo that does not require overnight soaking or manual cleaning of berries from seeds and villi. After the compote has cooled, it must be filtered again (this time through cheesecloth, poured into glassware and set to cool). Strain carefully so as not to disturb the suspension, which will inevitably end up at the bottom of the pan.

It must be poured out without regret. Indeed, such a compote is especially tasty when drunk chilled, but at room temperature it also leaves the taste of sweet summer, a tea rose bush in the mouth and replenishes the body with all the useful components that the plant gives completely in such a cooking recipe.

This compote made from dried raw materials is a great recipe for children who drink it with great pleasure and ask for more. No additives in the form of lemon or currant are required. This is a real compote, not tea and not a decoction, which must be consumed in doses.

Other compote recipes are simple and delicious

There are many recipes for making rosehip compote. There are even those when the berries roll up for the winter. They certainly contain advice to add a slice of lemon, a cinnamon stick, currants, raspberries and other dominant ingredients that destroy the natural taste of a wild rose.

Only the same dried berries and dried fruits are truly compatible with the fruits of the shrub. They exist separately in the aftertaste, not clogging, but complementing each other. All three options (hawthorn, dried apples, or a mixture of apples, pears and plums) are steamed for 10 hours in a handful in half a liter of water, and then boiled for 5 minutes over low heat after boiling.

Then sugar is added, again allowed to boil and tightly covered with a lid. After 3-10 minutes, you can filter, cool and drink. Sugar is added to taste. Someone likes sweet, and someone not so much.

In the same way, you can prepare a drink from dried barberry and rose hips. If you add 2 g of citric acid or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of squeezed lemon juice, it successfully replaces cranberry juice, both in taste and in the content of nutrients.

Compotes have a general tonic, immunostimulating and preventive effect. They quench thirst well and make up for the lack of vitamins. The most delicious and healthy - triple cooking, with petals. For medicinal purposes, tea or decoction is used. They are served hot and prepared in different ways.

The medicinal properties of wild rose have been known for a long time. Therefore, useful fruits are sold all year round in a pharmacy. But those who have their own harvest of these berries can use them in preservation for the winter, brew them into tea fresh, dried or dried, make infusions, juices, decoctions and compotes.

It is easy to prepare rosehip compote, it always turns out very tasty and brings great benefits to the body. You just need to take the correct proportions of all the ingredients. Let's try to brew this healing drink using our step-by-step photo tips.


Servings: - + 12

  • rose hip 300 g
  • water 2 l
  • sugar 3 tbsp
  • cinnamon 1 stick
  • orange 1 PC.

per serving

Calories: 17 kcal

Proteins: 0.22 g

Fats: 0.01 g

Carbohydrates: 4.45 g

60 min. Video recipe Print

    The fruits must be prepared. We sort out the rose hips, remove debris, rinse thoroughly.

    Pour the fruits with cold water and leave to brew for about 12 hours. To speed up the process, you can put the berries in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for 30-40 minutes. Thus, a rosehip infusion is obtained, on the basis of which compote is cooked.

    After the required time has elapsed, pour the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, cinnamon and orange zest and bring to a boil over medium heat.

    After boiling, cook for another three minutes, and then remove from the stove and, having covered the dishes with a lid (this is necessary so that the drink is better infused), leave to cool.

    Vitamin and extraordinarily tasty rosehip compote is ready! You can pour it into a jar or into a decanter and serve it on the table, if desired, cool it in the refrigerator.

    The benefits and harms of rosehip compote

    Rosehip compote contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as carotene, riboflavin, vitamins P, B2, K, E, malic and citric acids, sugars, essential oils, tannins, salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and many more useful substances . When preparing compote, all of them are preserved. This means that this drink not only perfectly strengthens the immune system, but also has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effect.

    Dried rosehip compote is a good prophylactic for flu and colds, and also helps with liver problems, cholecystitis, and is useful for diabetes. With pancreatitis, a decoction is often used.

    However, like any medicine, it has its contraindications. This drink should not be drunk by people suffering from gastritis or ulcers, hypertension. And it is categorically not recommended for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, any problems with blood circulation. The acids contained in rosehip berries have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, therefore, after drinking a concentrated infusion, it is advisable to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

    Is it possible to compote from rose hips for children

    Rosehip infusion is allowed to be given to children, but some caution must be observed in this matter.

  1. Compote can be started to give the baby in the first year of life, but only after 5 months. Before this, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician, so that in case of individual contraindications, do not harm the child's body.
  2. The standard dosage for children up to six months is 2 teaspoons per day. Children over 6 months old can increase the amount to 1 tablespoon 2-3 times daily before meals. A one-year-old child can drink up to a quarter cup of the drink daily, or a little more in a diluted form. However, only a specialist will prescribe the exact dosage.
  3. If the doctor has allowed a child under 3 years of age to use rosehip drink, then various sweeteners or lemon should be excluded from the recipe.

Rosehip compote during breastfeeding and pregnancy

It is no secret that the health and development of a child directly depends on what his mother eats and drinks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, the diet of such a woman should be balanced and bring maximum benefit.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of rosehip compote. You can drink it and even need it, but in moderate dosages. During the period of active development of the fetus, it is better to exclude rosehips from the diet - a woman at this moment experiences an acute lack of calcium, and the harmful effects of rosehip juice on tooth enamel can aggravate the situation. The rest of the time, this drink is very useful if the pregnant woman herself does not have individual contraindications.

When breastfeeding

Rosehip compote is very useful during lactation, mainly due to the content of iron and phosphorus in it. All these trace elements, together with milk, are received by the baby, and this is important for him. Iron maintains the required level of hemoglobin and improves oxygen circulation, and phosphorus, in turn, is involved in the development of baby's brain cells.

In addition, rosehip improves blood clotting, which is an excellent prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. It is known that many medicines are contraindicated for a nursing mother, so rosehip compote with its antiviral and immunostimulating effect will help a woman with a cold.

Also, rose hips are an excellent lactation stimulant; when consumed, the amount of breast milk increases.

Do not forget about the beneficial effect of wild rose on the nervous system, which is very good for a woman during postpartum depression. But you still need to drink rosehip compote while breastfeeding with caution. If consumed in excess, it can cause an allergic reaction. To begin with, it is worth taking only 1 teaspoon of compote, after which you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body. If the allergy does not manifest itself, you can gradually increase the dosage to 1 liter, if necessary, otherwise it is better to limit yourself to 1 glass of drink per day.

Features of preparing compote from dried rose hips

In order to cook compote from dried rose hips, fill it with cold water and put the pan on medium heat. After boiling, cook it for about half an hour. Berries should give the drink color and sour taste. Then you need to add sugar. Its amount depends only on your taste preferences - someone likes it sour, and someone likes it sweeter. If desired, you can put cinnamon or lemon. After that, cook for another 5 minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Berries in it is better to ceiling. Cover with a lid and leave the compote to infuse. After complete cooling, the drink must be filtered, and it is ready to drink. You can drink it as is or chill it slightly.

Advice: to speed up the process, it is better to use a slow cooker. To infuse the drink, the “Heating” mode will be convenient.

Now you know how to cook rosehip compote. It's easy to do, but what a benefit you can get! With the help of various additives, the drink is given new taste qualities. It will go well with dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits. For example, an orange will give the drink a more zesty citrus flavor. You can safely experiment and please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious vitamin drink at any time of the year.

Rosehip broth, drink - a universal remedy for raising immunity and a cure for beriberi. If you have only cooked or until now, it's time to take note of rosehip jam and learn how to cook.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you have dry berries, fresh, rosehip compote - the recipe is so simple and ingenious that it is prepared both from shrub fruits alone and in combination with berries and dried fruits.

And now it's time to learn how to make fresh rosehip compote. Cooking is not much different from ordinary blanks, but there are some nuances.

Many mothers prefer to cook fruit compotes, not knowing whether it is possible to add rose hips to the compote. Can! Moreover, both dry and fresh berries. But you need to understand that, for example, ground rosehip compote sometimes causes allergies, so carefully monitor your health. And now the recipe for the drink, what you need:

  • 1 st. fresh berries;
  • 500-600 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to cook:

1. Sort the berries, rinse and dry;

2. Cut each berry in half, select the seeds with a spoon, rinse from the villi;

3. Boil water with sugar, boil the syrup for about 6-8 minutes;

4. Put berries in syrup, add lemon juice, boil on low heat for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

It turns out a very rich compote, and to turn it into a familiar drink, you just need to dilute the thick syrup with a liter or two of boiled water. How to cook rosehip compote with lemon? Instead of lemon juice, take half a whole lemon, peel and cut into pieces. Add lemon to berries in syrup and boil for 6-7 minutes. After corking in jars and you can store the drink in a dark cool place.

A recipe with a photo will tell you how to cook rosehip compote in a slow cooker. The composition of the ingredients remains the same, but the process is slightly different:

1. Clean the fruits from seeds and villi, pour water into the slow cooker, add sugar and turn on the “cooking” mode;

2. As soon as the syrup starts to boil, you can lay out the berries. How much to cook rosehip for compote in a slow cooker, see for yourself. The optimal time is 40-45 minutes, no more.

Now you know how and how to properly cook rosehip compote in a slow cooker, so feel free to proceed to the next apple and rosehip drink - a recipe for your kids. What do you need:

  • 2 large fresh sweet apples;
  • 1 st. fresh rose hips;
  • 500 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice.


1. Rinse and peel the apples, remove the core, cut into slices and sprinkle a little with lemon juice;

2. Rinse the berries, cut in half and clean from villi, seeds;

3. Boil water with sugar, boil the syrup until completely transparent (5-7 minutes), dip slices of apples and berries into it;

4. On low heat, bring the drink to a boil, but only with the quietest “gurgles”, boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove.

Question: how much to cook rose hips for compote worries many hostesses. If you have unpeeled berries, cook for at least 10 minutes, and 5-7 minutes are enough for peeled berries. Now you know how to properly cook compote from fresh rose hips with any fruit, citrus, but there is a recipe with dry fruits.

Is it possible to cook rose hips as a compote if the berries are dry? Of course you can, but with the addition of dried fruits, you get an excellent compote drink from dried rose hips, the recipe with a photo of which we provide you with. What do you need:

  • 1 st. dry apples;
  • 1/2 st. dry rose hips;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 handful of raisins;
  • 1 pinch of vanilla.

How to cook dried rosehip compote:

1. To make the drink clean, all dry ingredients must be thoroughly washed. It is better to do this with hot water or leave apples, raisins and berries to soften in water for a couple of hours, and then rinse under running cold water;

2. When washing, you need to sort out berries and fruits so that spoiled foods do not get into the drink from dried fruits with rose hips;

3. Again, pour all the water according to the recipe, put on the stove and bring to a boil;

4. After boiling the drink until the fruits are soft, add sugar;

5. Warm up over low heat for another 15 minutes, add vanillin or vanilla sugar, turn off and let the drink brew under the lid so that the dry rosehip compote picks up its flavors.

You know how to make dry rosehip compote, and any dried fruits you like can act as an additive. And here are some tips on how to cook dried rosehip compote, the recipe of which is known:

1. Dry berries are always with grains and villi, so fruit soaking is a must;

2. It is better to pour dry berries with boiling water, leaving them to soak. Blanching the berries is not worth it, the recipe already requires a fairly long cooking time, you should not boil down the nutrients;

3. If you want to add fresh fruits to the drink, the berries should be soaked, washed and dried beforehand. Then cook as indicated in the recipe;

4. Fresh berries are also suitable for compote of dried apples and dry rose hips. In this case, the berries can be peeled, but they must be dipped in pre-boiled syrup with dried fruits and then boiled for no longer than 5 minutes.

Compote of dry rose hips and dried apples - a recipe where fragrant spices are appropriate. Add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom or vanillin, you will get a very tasty compote of dried apples and rose hips, which will delight the children with its unusual taste and aroma. Is it possible to cook rose hips as a compote only from dry berries? Of course you can, soak the fruits with hot water, rinse and boil with sugar (to taste) for about 15 minutes. As soon as the berries are boiled, an excellent compote of dry rose hips is ready. The recipe is proven and simple. And here is a new recipe for you: a compote of dried rose hips and berries with dried apricots. What you need in a compote of dried apricots and rose hips and raisins:

  • 1/2 st. rose hips;
  • 5-6 pcs. dried apricots;
  • 1/4 st. raisins;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. sugar (or less).

To begin with, in a compote of dried rose hips and dried apricots and raisins, you need to prepare the ingredients:

1. Soak dried apricots, raisins, dry rose hips in hot water, let stand and rinse under running cold water;

2. Pour the ingredients with a liter of clean water, put on the stove and bring to a boil on low heat;

3. Boil the drink until dried apricots are completely soft, add sugar, boil again and you can remove from heat.

The drink is ready, but you can add fresh rose hips. You need to lower them into the syrup at the very last moment, then boil the drink for 5 minutes and turn it off.

And now, how to cook compote from dried wild rose and hawthorn:

  • 20 dry rose hips;
  • 10 hawthorn berries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • Water.

How to make dry rosehip and hawthorn compote:

1. Rinse the berries;

2. Put everything in a thermos, cover with sugar;

3. Top up with boiling water and let it brew for about 6 hours.

You can not add sugar immediately, but put it in cups when the drink is ready. It turns out an excellent compote of wild rose and berries - a tonic and antipyretic.

Dried apple and rosehip compote is delicious, but there is another recipe: prunes and rosehip compote. What do you need:

  • 6 pcs. pitted prunes;
  • 10 rose hips;
  • 0.7 l of water;
  • Sugar to taste.

How to cook compote from dried rose hips and prunes:

1. Rinse the ingredients under running water;

2. Place in a bowl and add water (may be more or less);

3. On low heat, bring to a boil, boil until soft and add sugar to taste.

It is possible to cook compote from rose hips in this way, but how to cook compote from prunes and rose hips, retaining all the useful substances? Put the washed berries in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 5-6 hours. After spice the drink with sugar and drink to your heart's content! You know how to cook compote from dried rose hips correctly and whether it is possible to add rose hips to compote - also not a question, of course you can!

Remember, if the stove does not work, cook rosehip compote in a slow cooker, the recipe is very tasty, fragrant and incredibly refreshing. But before we learn how to make rosehip compote, let's talk about how the product is useful and who is shown to drink fresh rosehip compote without sugar or with it, and to whom the drink will harm.

Useful and harmful properties of rosehip compote have long been discussed by doctors. Many professionals say that rosehip compote is a recipe for a panacea for all ills, but a drink made from tart berries is not for everyone. But still, what is rosehip compote, what are the benefits and harms of the product. So the pros:

1. Immunomodulator. Compote from fresh rose hips is indicated for problems with the immune system, and the drink can correct even serious health problems;

2. Vitamin complex. Compote of fresh, dry apples and rose hips, the recipe of which we have provided, is a real pantry of vitamins. There are groups such as A, B, E, PP, and there is much more vitamin C in berries than in lemon. By the way, fragrant rosehip compote with lemon can be an excellent medicine when the temperature rises;

4. Compote of rose hips and apples without sugar is an ideal remedy for diabetics. It normalizes blood sugar, fights cholesterol plaques and removes toxins.

What is useful compote from rose hips is understandable, but who is it harmful to use fragrant drink? Anyone who has kidney problems, increased acidity of gastric juice and sick with jaundice should drink the drink in very small doses and it is better to consult with your doctor. In addition, compote from rose hips and apples should be taken very carefully by hypotensive patients, people with a tendency to constipation and patients with high blood pressure.

There can be no more discussion on the topic of how useful rosehip compote is, and therefore, take note of all the recipes and be healthy!
