
Honey mushrooms in an electric dryer: the secrets of proper drying. Dried mushroom soup

  1. I soak overnight and cook for 40 minutes. Honey mushrooms dried herself
  2. soak and boil for 5-10 minutes
  3. 15 minutes
  4. Like any dried mushrooms: 15-20 min. until half ready. 40 min. until ready.

how to cook soup from dried mushrooms?

  1. mushroom soup
  2. Put 2 handfuls of dried mushrooms in a 1.5 liter saucepan, pour warm water, let stand for 40 minutes. Remove, crumble, put back and cook for 50 minutes, add 3 diced potatoes fried in butter, 1 large grated carrot and 1 finely chopped medium-sized onion, a handful of thin vermicelli, salt or add a cube of mushroom broth.

    Serve with sour cream and croutons.

  3. like a normal mushroom
  4. first they need to be soaked for about an hour, and then cook longer so that they are not tough, and cook the rest as usual
  5. mushroom soup
  6. mushrooms (summer, autumn, winter) - 300g

    buckwheat - 2-3 tablespoons

    onion - 1 bulb

    milk - 1/2 cup or 2 tbsp. sour cream

    herbs, salt - to taste

    Sort the mushrooms, cut off the legs, wash, finely chop, put in a saucepan and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then add buckwheat, add chopped onions, salt and cook until the groats are ready. Season the soup with sour cream or milk. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

  7. boil the water until it is about to boil - peel a few potatoes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion, parsley. In the boiling water, put the potatoes, mushrooms and reduce the heat. At this time, sauté the onions and carrots over low heat in the oil that you like - vegetable, olive, creamy ... After 10 minutes of boiling - add onions with carrots after five minutes - a stirred egg, stirring vigorously all the time. Pour parsley, close the lid and let it brew for 20 minutes. Soup - ready!
  8. I soak mushrooms, most often in the evening,
  9. (if they immediately swelled well, but ahead of time,

    can be put in the refrigerator until morning) and then

    I fry onions, carrots in a pan, put soaked mushrooms

    and also lightly fry and languish them, then pour water from them there,

    in which they stood, and carcass a little.

    I add all this to the pan when the potatoes are cooked until semi-soft.

    I often cook mushroom soup with rice. (The mother-in-law loved pearl barley).

    \ sometimes I add pickles, as in a pickle. Tasty.

    I add dill, sometimes parsley.

    Bon appetit

    Then the soup is alive, ruddy and fragrant.

Recipes from - how to cook mushrooms at home

Among all the variety, there are useful and conditionally useful species. Although mushrooms belong to the second category, this does not make them less popular among housewives and mushroom pickers. Honey mushrooms, which are listed below, have a number of advantages. For example, mushroom dishes are rich in minerals and vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. According to some scientists, mushrooms contain substances that help the body fight cancer cells. In folk medicine, mushrooms have long been used as a laxative, and with the help of juice, mushrooms got rid of warts. Since mushrooms are low in calories (22 kcal), they are often included in diets.

How to cook mushrooms? These mushrooms are mainly consumed pickled, fried, boiled. Some prefer to harvest mushrooms in dried form. Skillful housewives know how to cook mushrooms in such a way as to serve them to the festive table, adding various spices. But there is always one important rule for eating these mushrooms: cooking mushrooms begins with boiling them in order to destroy the toxic substances contained in their hats.

What to cook from mushrooms. recipes with mushrooms: pickled, frozen mushrooms, other dishes with mushrooms. - site about plants

Pickled mushrooms are loved by everyone - this is the most famous dish of mushrooms. There is no better winter snack! Although mushrooms are also good and fried, and stewed, and boiled. They give each dish an unusual mushroom aroma and fill it with a unique taste. What to cook from mushrooms? See recipes with and others on this page, as well as in other materials about mushrooms.

You are reading the continuation of the article about autumn mushrooms.

Since mushrooms bear fruit en masse and are harvested in large quantities, they are mainly harvested for future use. Pickled mushrooms are good, salty, frozen and dried. Despite the fact that mushrooms belong to the third category of mushrooms, they are very nutritious and healthy. Honey mushrooms surpass many food products in terms of the content of certain vitamins, and the substances that make up them heal the body. Honey mushrooms contain proteins, glycogen, lecithin, sugars, nitrogenous compounds, fatty acids, and minerals. There is especially a lot of copper and zinc in mushrooms, 100 g contains a daily dose of these minerals. Extractive substances in mushrooms stimulate appetite and increase the digestibility of food. Enzymes contained in honey mushrooms help regulate the metabolic process in the body. Being a low-calorie product, mushrooms contribute to weight loss. Protein in mushrooms (as in all mushrooms) is hard to digest. More calories are spent on its assimilation than mushrooms give. It also promotes weight loss. On the other hand, this determines contraindications for the use of honey mushrooms. Mushrooms should not be eaten by children and elderly people, as well as people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver and kidneys.

In the photo: autumn, or real, mushrooms.

Mainly used in cooking young mushrooms: hat and leg. In old mushrooms, only a hat is used for food. First, the mushrooms are sorted and washed in several waters or under running water so that the mushroom aroma does not disappear, after which large mushrooms are cut. Mushrooms are washed quickly so that the mushroom aroma does not disappear. The recipes below with mushrooms will help diversify your menu and make delicious preparations for the winter.

What to cook from mushrooms. Recipes with mushrooms.

Pickled mushrooms. Recipe.

Put the washed mushrooms into a saucepan, bring to a boil while stirring. There is no need to add water, it is enough on the mushrooms after washing. It is necessary to cook mushrooms at a low boil, removing the foam, stirring occasionally. Shortly before the end of cooking, put bay leaves, sweet peas, cloves (a little), salt to taste in a saucepan with mushrooms. When the mushrooms settle to the bottom, and the marinade becomes transparent, pour 9% table vinegar into the pan at the rate of 50-75 g per 3-liter jar, and mix. When hot, put the mushrooms into prepared sterilized hot jars and roll them up with boiled lids. Turn the jars upside down. Pickled mushrooms are served on the table chilled, seasoned with vegetable oil, with onions or garlic.

Honey mushrooms are frozen. Recipe.

Option 1. Sort mushrooms, rinse, boil for 15 minutes, preferably without adding water. During the cooking process, add salt to taste, spices (optional). The cooled mushrooms are laid out in containers or plastic bags in small portions. Place in the freezer in the "Quick Freeze" mode. After freezing, the mode is changed to normal. Frozen mushrooms are used as needed. After defrosting, they are cooked or eaten, seasoned with vegetable oil, onions or garlic.

Option 2. Boil mushrooms in salted water, put in a colander, cool. Unpack and freeze.

Honey mushrooms stewed with celery. Recipe.

Cut the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Add chopped celery root and mushrooms (can be defrosted), salt. Simmer over low heat until done. Sprinkle with chopped dill before serving.

Caviar from pickled, frozen or fresh mushrooms.

Option 1. Marinated, frozen (after defrosting) or boiled fresh (cooled) mushrooms pass through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Mix cooled onions with mushrooms. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix, put in a salad bowl.

Option 2. Dried mushrooms (25-30 g) (or other mushrooms) soak for several hours in water, rinse, boil and cool. Mushrooms, salted (3 pcs.), seaweed 150 g, onion (2 heads) finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Salt, pepper, mix well and refrigerate.

Broth with mushrooms and onions.

Cook broth from dry mushrooms. Take out the mushrooms, cool, cut. Fry them together with chopped onion in vegetable oil. Add butter to the broth and heat up. Put mushrooms with onions in a plate and pour in the broth. Sprinkle finely chopped dill or parsley on top.

Borscht with fresh or frozen mushrooms. Recipe.

From fresh (or frozen) mushrooms (large caps cut into strips) cook the broth by adding fried finely chopped onions, parsley root and celery. Boil the washed unpeeled beets (can be in the microwave) or bake. Peel the slightly cooled beets, cut into strips, sprinkle with vinegar and mix. Put beets in hot broth with mushrooms, add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt, sugar. Borscht bring to a boil, add sour cream (100-150 g) and cook for another 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Soup with mushrooms (fresh or frozen). Recipe.

Mushrooms (300 g) rinse, cut, boil for 40 minutes, frozen mushrooms are cooked less. Add washed buckwheat (4 tablespoons), fried onions to the broth and cook until cooked, season with salt to taste. At the end of cooking, pour half a glass of milk into the soup or put 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Serve on the table, sprinkled with herbs.

Honey mushrooms, fresh or frozen, fried in sour cream. Recipe.

Boil mushrooms (half a kilo) for 5 minutes, put in a colander, cut into strips. Defrost frozen mushrooms, cut. Fry mushrooms with onions (1-2 heads) in vegetable oil, salt and pepper. At the end, pour 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream into the pan. Serve on the table, sprinkled with herbs.

Stuffing from mushrooms for pancakes and pies. Recipe.

Rinse mushrooms, finely chop, stew in their own juice. Salt, add vegetable oil and fry. Separately, fry finely chopped onion. Mix everything and fill pancakes or pies.

Bon appetit!

Dried mushroom soup can be prepared at any time of the year. It will not be replaced in fasting and even vegetarians will like it. You can add any cereals, pasta to your taste in mushroom soup, as well as cook it in meat broth. Mushrooms for soup, you can take a variety of what is available. I have dried mushrooms. The main condition in the preparation of mushroom soup is high-quality washing of dry mushrooms.


Rinse dry mushrooms many times with hot water and pour boiling water over them. Leave for two hours to soften.

When the mushrooms are soft cut them into small pieces.

Put chopped mushrooms in a saucepan with clean water, add the water in which they were soaked and bring to a boil. If necessary, remove the foam, salt, add bay leaf. Cook mushrooms for about an hour until desired softness.

Peel potatoes and cut into small pieces. Add potatoes to mushroom broth after 40 minutes of boiling. I love boiled potatoes, so I add it first.

Peel and cut onions and carrots.

Fry the onion in a little oil first.

Then add carrots. Fry everything together until a nice golden color.

When the mushrooms and potatoes are soft, put the fry into the soup. I added 6 green olives to the soup. They give the soup a special piquancy.

I wanted to add some noodles to the soup, just a little bit. It is added 3 minutes before the fire is turned off.

Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms can be served with herbs and sour cream, if desired. Bon appetit!

How to dry mushrooms correctly?

Preparing mushrooms for drying

Before proceeding directly to drying, you need to understand the rules for pre-treatment of products.

  • Only high-quality mushrooms are chosen for drying. The hat should be without wormholes, the leg should be whole.
  • Do not wash mushrooms before drying. They absorb moisture, which worsens their taste and appearance.
  • Choose medium-sized mushrooms, large ones take a long time to dry, and small ones can become completely tasteless.
  • If in doubt that a mushroom is edible, discard it. False mushrooms can be very similar to their edible counterparts, don't risk your health.

Honey mushrooms are rather small mushrooms, therefore, before drying, they cut off the leg. Usually leave a couple of centimeters at the hat.

How to dry mushrooms for the winter

Mushrooms can be dried in several ways. Previously, they were strung on threads and hung near the stove. Its natural dry heat created an optimal microclimate. Residents of modern private houses can use a fireplace or an ordinary stove, but there are other ways:

  • hanging on a thread in a dry room;
  • hanging in the sun, but this method is only suitable for dry and clear days;
  • in a special dryer for vegetables;
  • in a conventional oven.

The latter method is applicable almost everywhere.

Let's take a closer look at how to cook dried mushrooms using the oven. You will need strong mushrooms of medium size.

  1. Carefully sort out the crop and select only high-quality material for further harvesting.
  2. Wipe the selected mushrooms with a soft, slightly damp cloth or sponge and allow them to dry slightly. If there is a lot of dirt, then you can rinse with running water.
  3. Cut off the long legs. They dry faster than hats, they can be frozen, spawned or fried while fresh.
  4. Preheat oven to 70°C. It is very important that the temperature is optimal, mushrooms should be dried, but not baked. After about an hour, the heat is reduced and the door is slightly opened.
  5. Cooking time from 3 to 8 hours depending on the size and juiciness of the caps.

Similarly, you can use a home electric dryer. Its advantage is always the optimum temperature.

First of all, from the collected mushrooms, you should choose the freshest, healthiest and strongest. Be sure to make sure that there are no wormholes in the mushroom. If you bought mushrooms, check that there are no inedible “doubles” among them - for example, poisonous

It is not recommended to wash mushrooms before drying, because the drying process is slower due to water and the mushrooms tend to darken. Mushrooms must be wiped with a sponge or cloth, clearing them of litter. Honey mushrooms are small mushrooms, so when drying them, you don’t have to cut them. Basically, when drying mushrooms, only the caps of these mushrooms are used, but no one will forbid you to dry them together with the legs.

There are different mushrooms for drying mushrooms at home. Mushrooms can be dried in the open air, in the sun, in an oven, in an oven (both gas and electric), or you can use special devices for drying mushrooms. The main thing in this process is gradualness, because the mushrooms should dry out, and not boil or bake. At the same time, it is better to set a high temperature for drying mushrooms, since mushrooms that dry slowly can deteriorate. It is also desirable to ensure constant air circulation so that the mushrooms dry quickly and evenly. In this situation, a convection oven will be a good helper.

In the open air, mushrooms are dried in clear and hot weather. Drying mushrooms in the sun lasts at least a week. Honey mushrooms are strung on a strong thread or fishing line and hung in the sunniest places. If desired, mushrooms can be covered with gauze: this will protect them from dust and insects.

Dishes from dried mushrooms

The simplest thing you can do with dried mushrooms - sauce. To prepare it you will need:

  • dried mushrooms- 150 g;
  • \ flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l. (20- 30 g);
  • onion - 1 medium onion;
  • greenery;
  • olive or vegetable oil;
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Dried mushroomsrinse and soak in cold water for 5- 6 hours. Then boil the mushrooms in the same water, no need to salt. Fry the flour in butter and add 3 tbsp. mushroom broth. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. We clean the onion, chop finely and fry, gradually adding mushrooms. We combine everything, mixing thoroughly. Add sour cream and chopped greens, salt. The resulting mixture must be boiled, and then it can be served at the table.

Dried mushroomsIt would also be appropriate to add to soup. To prepare the soup you will need:

  • dried mushrooms - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 3 - 4 pcs;
  • onion - 1 medium onion;
  • pearl barley or rice- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable or olive oil- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

We wash the mushrooms well, fill them with water and boil for 20 minutes. Peel potatoes and onions and chop them. Add chopped potatoes and washed rice or pearl barley to the mushrooms. Fry the onion in a pan in olive or vegetable oil until golden brown and add to the soup, salt. Boil the soup until cooked, decorate with herbs. Serve to the table, adding sour cream.

Fresh mushrooms are not always on the table, and they are stored for a very short time. In season again, you can stock up on a large number of mushrooms. They are pickled, soaked, frozen, or you can just dry them for future use. Dried mushrooms are suitable for cooking various dishes, sauces.

How to dry mushrooms correctly?

First of all, the collected mushrooms need to be sorted out, leaving the freshest, strongest and most healthy. Mushrooms with wormholes and severely damaged are not suitable for drying. If you acquired mushrooms in the nearest market, you need to carefully check each mushroom, excluding the possibility of inedible “twins” falling into the total mass, an example of which is a false honey agaric or bordered galerina.

Honey mushrooms are not washed before drying, as water slows down the drying process, and the mushrooms themselves darken. The collected mushrooms are cleaned of dirt, their hats are wiped with a sponge or cloth. The small size of mushrooms allows them to be dried whole, without cutting them into pieces. As a rule, mushroom caps go for drying, however, if desired, mushroom legs can also be dried. The film hidden under the hat does not need to be removed, since its presence does not affect the taste of dry mushrooms in any way.

In ancient times, mushrooms were dried simply: they were strung on a thread and the resulting bundle was hung along the stove or in the sun. To date, there are more ways to dry mushrooms at home.

Drying of mushrooms is carried out in the open air, in an oven, in the sun, in an oven or in special devices, for example, in electric dryers. It is important to observe the degree of the process, since the mushrooms should be dried gradually, not baked or boiled. To prevent the possibility of spoilage of mushrooms, initially a high temperature is set for drying, there must be constant air circulation. This will allow the mushrooms to dry evenly and quickly. The convection oven is the optimal device for drying mushrooms.

If you choose open air for drying, the main thing is that the weather is dry and hot. Under such conditions, mushrooms dry out in at least a week. Large hats of mushrooms are strung on a thin fishing line or nylon thread and hung in sunny places with good ventilation. If you put a thin gauze over the ligaments, this will protect the fungus from getting insects and dust on them. It is important that the mushrooms do not come into contact with each other, otherwise, if they are tightly planted on the thread, rot will develop in places where the mushrooms accumulate. Similarly, mushrooms are laid out on a horizontal surface for drying.
