
Apricot - composition and useful properties of dried apricot; its benefits and harms; contraindications for use; recipes. Apricot - a gift from Allah or why the inhabitants of Eastern countries call it a panacea for all diseases

Dried apricots- this is a dried apricot that has dried right on the tree, which is why, unlike other dried apricot fruits - dried apricots and kaisa - it contains a stone inside.

Among all types of dried apricots, apricots are considered the most useful., since the process of ripening of the fruit and its shrinkage occurs directly on the branch, due to which all useful properties are fully preserved, and valuable components of the composition are concentrated.

The only drawback of apricot is its outwardly unsightly appearance, because, drying on a tree, the fruit shrinks, and its beautiful bright yellow (even orange) skin acquires an indistinct brown tint (see photo). And the presence of a bone inside a dried fruit does not please everyone. For this reason, those who have never encountered apricots before prefer the prettier-looking dried apricots. And in vain, because the percentage of nutrients in dried apricots is an order of magnitude higher. In addition, it does not contain chemicals harmful to human health (for example, sulfur dioxide), which are used when drying dried apricots, in order to preserve their beautiful color. In a word, apricot is the case when dried fruit, the uglier, the better.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of apricots are multifaceted and varied due to the unique composition of the dried fruit.

Especially a lot of vitamin A in it (it is he who gives apricots a pleasant yellow-orange color) in the form of beta-carotene and retinol. Suffice it to say that 100 g of the product contains up to 70% of the daily norm of the first and up to 65% of the second. Beta-carotene inhibits the body's production of free radicals and is a natural immunomodulator. And retinol acts as a powerful antioxidant, slowing down the aging process. In this, it is supported by another vitamin of youth and beauty - E, which in 100 g of apricots is almost 37% of the daily requirement. Together, vitamins A and E protect cells from active oxygen, normalize metabolic processes, increase the body's defenses, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and sharpen vision. Apricots also contain a lot of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The mineral composition of apricots is in no way inferior to that of vitamins. There is especially a lot of potassium in this dried fruit (a little more than 71% of the daily requirement) - the main regulator of the spread of nerve impulses in the body. Potassium maintains normal contractility of the heart muscle, removes excess moisture from the body, and exhibits anti-sclerotic activity. In addition, apricots are rich in calcium (16.5% of the daily requirement), magnesium (27.3%), phosphorus (19%) and iron (18%). It also contains sodium in small amounts (1.3%).

And vegetable fiber helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, removes harmful waste products from the body and promotes weight loss.

Use in cooking

Apricot is widely used in cooking, especially oriental, as a natural food coloring and sweetener for dishes, which, due to its presence in the composition, become not only brighter and tastier, but also healthy.

In Central Asia, apricot is a popular ingredient in pilaf. It is also put in cereals and added to drinks. And we are talking not only about compotes, for which apricots are a natural component. Kvass, spirit tinctures, liquors are also made on its basis. It is even put in tea instead of sugar. And what kind of jam is obtained from apricots! Sweet, tender, fragrant, with a pleasant aftertaste…

You can also make a wonderful filling for pies from apricots. To do this, dry fruits are first kept in warm water for half an hour so that they soften. Then the bones are taken out, and the pulp is mixed with granulated sugar and set aside for 15 minutes to thicken. After that, the wonderful sweet apricot filling is ready, and you can fill pies and pies with it.

The benefits of apricots and treatment

Even ancient healers knew about the benefits of apricots for the human body and successfully used it in the treatment of many diseases. Modern medicine also does not refuse this unique storehouse of useful substances.

Due to the presence of iron apricots effectively fights anemia. It will also be useful for various circulatory disorders and for normalizing blood pressure.

Uryuk successfully removes excess moisture from the body along with its sodium accumulator, which means useful for swelling.

It sharpens eyesight, saves from migraines, calms nerves and normalizes cardiac activity.

With the help of apricot, you can enhance digestion and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time remove toxins, poisons, toxins from the body and even lose weight.

Regular consumption of apricots in food strengthens the immune system and generally heals and rejuvenates the body.

Harm of apricots and contraindications

Sometimes apricots can harm the human body, but there are few contraindications for its use. And basically we are talking about individual intolerance to this product and allergies to the components of its composition. For example, apricot contraindicated in people allergic to beta-carotene.

In addition, this dried fruit is quite high in calories (242 kcal per 100 g of product) and is saturated with carbohydrates, which means that if abused, it can lead to extra pounds.

From him recommended for diabetics, although in fairness it must be said that the sugars contained in apricots are quickly and easily absorbed by the body, almost immediately turning into energy.

Dried apricots and apricots are dried fruits made from apricots. The only difference is that apricot is an apricot with a stone, and dried apricots are dried halves of a delicious fruit. Dried apricots and apricots are a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. In these fruits, even after drying, most of the valuable elements are preserved.

The benefits of dried fruits

Dried apricots and apricots do not contain as many vitamins and minerals as fresh apricots. But dried fruits are also rich in B, PP, A and C vitamins. They contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Dried fruits are rich in fiber, which improves the absorption of the product.

Doctors advise for the prevention of beriberi, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as anemia every day to use five pieces of dried apricots or apricots. Dried fruits will be even more useful if you eat them with honey. Dried apricots have a positive effect on human hormones and lower cholesterol levels. It is useful to use dried apricots for diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland and diabetes.

It has been established that dried apricots actively fight cancer cells. To do this, it is best to eat it with walnuts and prunes. Dried fruits are very finely chopped, honey is added to them and eaten before breakfast, one spoon at a time. Dried apricots remove harmful substances from the body and purify the blood. Dried apricots are often consumed during diets. It gives a feeling of satiety and speeds up the metabolism.

But do not eat dried apricots in large quantities - this can lead to indigestion. Some people cannot eat apricots because they are allergic to them. If after eating an apricot you feel discomfort, it is better to refuse the fruit. Sometimes children have skin irritations and poisoning after dried apricots. Dried fruit lowers blood pressure and should not be eaten with asthma.

What is the difference between apricots and dried apricots?

In order to dry dried apricots, the stone is removed and the fruit is divided into two parts. In order for it to be stored for a long time, the fruit is often dried using a variety of chemicals. Although initially apricots were dried under the open sun for 10 days.

Apricots, unlike dried apricots, are dried in natural conditions. The apricot is not removed from the tree until it has completely lost moisture. Thus, it retains most of the nutrients and vitamins that apricot is rich in.

Since dried apricots are often not dried naturally, they contain fewer vitamins and minerals. In addition, during the cooking process, the fruit is cut, which violates its integrity. As a result, many useful substances are not preserved.

The most useful are more natural products. Apricot will be more useful than dried apricots and apricots. But in turn, apricot is less susceptible to processing and retains almost all the beneficial properties that an apricot is endowed with. When choosing between these dried fruits, it is worth giving preference to apricots.

Many people know that it is obtained from an apricot during the drying process. But such dried fruits as apricots, kaisa, ashtak and whispers are almost unknown to our compatriots, and all the listed dried fruits are also obtained from apricots. Today we will try to clarify what apricot is, how it differs from other apricot products and how it can be used for health benefits.

What is this?

Apricot is a naturally dried apricot fruit that has not been pitted. The countries of Central Asia are the birthplace of dried fruit: Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan - in these parts, fresh apricot fruits, most suitable for drying in a similar way, are called “apricots”. At home, this fruit is very revered and considered a gift from God.

How is apricot

Iyak, we figured out the name of a dried apricot with a stone. Apricots are obtained from apricots in the most natural, harmless way - in the process of natural drying on or special drying in the shade, while no special substances or devices for drying are used. Sometimes the fruits remain to the last and dry right on the branches, in which case they just need to be collected on time.

Did you know?The apricot tree has long been shrouded in numerous myths and legends. So, according to the biblical version, the apricot tree was the only one that survived after the Great Flood. According to another legend, apricot fruits are the children of the sun descended from the sky. There is also a beautiful myth that an apricot is a plum that the Firebird tasted.

You can also collect ripe, sweet, elastic fruits and dry them under the scorching sun or in the shade on special trays or grates. Usually, small varieties of apricots are suitable for the preparation of this dried fruit, in which the stone is poorly separated from the pulp. The main condition is a high level, which will make the final sweet. However, large sweet varieties can also be used.

Differences from dried apricots and kaisa

The difference between apricots and kaisa, ashtak, sears and dried apricots lies in the features of the drying technology:

  1. Dried apricots are obtained in the process of drying, while the fruits are cut into two halves and the stone is removed.
  2. When preparing kaisa, the stone is removed through a small hole in the apricot, leaving space inside.
  3. Sheptala is a dried apricot.
  4. Ashtak is prepared in the following way: a stone is removed from a fresh fruit, it is dried, and at the end of the process the stone is returned back. It is believed that such a trick gives the dried fruit a unique piquant taste.
  5. To obtain apricots, fresh fruits, along with the bone, are dried naturally.

The differences between dried fruits do not end there. The final products also differ in color - the “unpresentable” dark brown color of apricots is significantly inferior to the bright orange, appetizing shade of dried apricots. But few people know that in order to give such a juicy color, the fruits are treated with a dangerous gas - sulfur dioxide, and drying is carried out in special ovens or using burners. Ultimately, dried apricots become more “artificial”, poor in quality, and sometimes even dangerous, in contrast to completely natural apricots. In addition, a complex technological process causes a higher price for dried apricots. In Europe, this type of dried apricots has not received recognition and wide distribution, unlike dried apricots. But apricots are highly valued in their homeland - they are little exported and widely used in national and folk medicine as a remedy for many.

Composition and calories

As mentioned earlier, this dried fruit, due to the peculiarities of preparation, does not lose nutrients at all, but on the contrary, it becomes their rich concentration.
So, 100 g of apricot contains the following vitamins and nutrients:

  • vitamins A, E;
  • macro- and microelements:,;
  • beta carotene;
  • 17 g of dietary fiber;
  • 18 g of water;
  • as well as saturated fatty acids, organic acids, disaccharides and polysaccharides.
Eating 100 g of dried fruit, you can get more than 240 kcal, as well as 53 g of carbohydrates and 5 g of proteins, and apricot contains practically no fat.

About the benefits of using

A rich set of useful substances is successfully used to maintain health and good condition in children, as well as in childhood.

For children

By adding this dried fruit to the children's diet, it will be possible to insure against the following ailments:

  • problems with, which is especially important during intensive study;
  • th and infections;
  • and digestive problems.
Possessing a sweet taste, apricots in the composition and baking may well replace harmful white sugar. In addition, compotes can be brewed from it instead of caffeinated black and green.

In cooking

The use of apricots in cooking is very diverse.
So, dried fruit can serve as a spicy additive in the following dishes:

  • meat and vegetable soups, side dishes; in Uzbekistan, dried apricot with a stone is an essential ingredient for cooking;
  • as a filling, apricots are added to pastries: pies and pies, samsa, pancakes;
  • jams and preserves are made from it;
  • Uzvara and infusions are cooked on the basis of apricots.

Did you know?In the countries of Central Asia, apricot pits are by no means thrown away, but are used to make a popular delicacy called« shurdanak» . For this, the bones of the fetus are baked in ash with the addition of. From high temperature, they open, which indicates readiness for use.

Of course, dried fruit can be consumed without adding to dishes, but as an independent delicacy with herbal teas and pastries.

In cosmetology

Regularly using apricots, you can put in order the state,. However, dried fruit is also used topically in care products:

  1. So, apricots can be added to masks for moisturizing and toning. Dried fruit goes well with oatmeal, egg yolk or cottage cheese. Before use, it can be steamed for a few minutes to soften.
  2. Also, dried fruit can be used in soap making at home. Ready at the same time will have a beautiful golden-pink hue and a pleasant smell.
  3. To prepare the scrub, you can use apricot seeds, crushed in a coffee grinder. However, remember that the scrub at the same time turns out to be rather rough and is only suitable for caring for and feet, but not for tender ones.

Using apricots at home, you will be completely confident in its natural and healthy composition.

In medicine

One of the main macronutrients in apricots is potassium (K) - a conductor of nerve impulses at the cellular level, due to which dried fruit is used for such ailments:

  • high blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • increased formation of edema;
  • other disorders of work and blood vessels.
Due to the mild laxative effect, fresh apricots or in the form of infusion are taken to normalize the stool. Due to the high content of beta-carotene, dried fruit protects the body from free radicals, which means it prevents the formation of cancer cells. Vitamin A is formed from beta-carotene, which contributes to the rapid renewal of cells, the healing of wounds and scars. Vitamin A is indispensable for many skin diseases. The use of apricots prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the vessels, therefore it is an excellent prevention of coronary artery disease.

In dietetics

Despite the high calorie content, this product is successfully used in the diet for people who want to normalize their weight. Dried fruit has the ability to burn body fat. And since even a small handful of this dried fruit can saturate well, you won’t be able to overeat it and you can forget about the feeling for a long time. If you decide to give up white sugar, dried apricots can be a great healthy alternative. However, if you buy store-bought dried fruit mixes, check the composition - manufacturers often add sugar to them, which means you should not expect any benefit from this.

Choose a product when buying

As we understand, the benefits of apricots are enormous, but choosing the wrong dried fruit can cause damage and harm to your condition. When choosing a product, remember the following criteria:

  1. Color. This is the main criterion for choosing a quality product. The color should be dark brown, brown, with a slight coating, as natural as possible. Avoid bright, attractive dried fruits - they have been chemically processed. Remember what kind of autumn the apricots that remained hanging on the tree have - this is the color that a real apricot should have.
  2. Consistency. Naturally dried apricots are slightly hard and firm to the touch. Before use, it must be steamed. By the way, do not pour the water in which the dried fruit soaks into the sink - it can be used as an immunostimulating agent in the autumn-winter period.
  3. it is possible at a temperature of about 20 ° C - in this case it will be usable for up to 2 months. If, however, the temperature is reduced to 10 ° C (for example, by placing the workpiece in and eliminating any contraindications before feasting on dried fruit. family.

There are two types of dried apricots - dried apricots and apricots. These dried fruits are often confused, and sometimes not recognized at all for apricots. Let's try to figure out what is their difference and what is more useful.

Features of orange dried fruit

Everyone knows that dried apricots are the same apricot, only dried. Accordingly, dried apricots are dried fruits. The taste of dried apricots is sweet and sour, and the homeland is China. In her homeland, dried apricots are generally valued much less than apricots - after all, the bone, which is considered the heart of the fetus in Central Asia, is removed from her. And dried "heartless" apricot is most often sent for import.

Since ancient times, dried apricots have been cooked like this: ripe apricots were picked, washed, pitted and laid in the sun or in the shade - and they were laid so that the fruits were also blown by the wind. The sun and air were the main "cooks" in the case of dried apricots.

Of course, now dried apricots are prepared in a completely different way - ovens are used, as well as various chemical additives, such as sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, which gives the product a rich bright orange hue to attract buyers. That is why you should not buy acid-orange dried apricots - moreover, natural dried apricots have a gray tint, gray-orange, slightly dull, but not bright either.

After buying dried apricots, soak for ten minutes in cold water, and then rinse. If it has been dyed, during this time some of the dyes will be washed off, and you will remember that you should no longer take dried apricots from this manufacturer.

One hundred grams of dried apricots contains a little more than 200 kilocalories, 5 g of protein, very little fat - 0.3–0.5 g, - 25 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of water and 4 g of dietary fiber. Moreover, dried apricots are included in many diets, since, like any product with a rich natural composition, it is able to support the immune system and give it the right amount of nutrients. It also satisfies hunger very well.

During drying, it loses a certain amount of vitamins and minerals, however, it still remains a very useful product. So, it is considered the champion in potassium content - one hundred grams contains about 450 mg. In addition to potassium, dried apricots contain trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. Dried apricots are one of the main components of various homeopathic remedies and are widely used in folk medicine.

Due to the higher content of various dietary fibers, dried apricots have a beneficial effect on the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, it restores and normalizes kidney function, cleanses them. Dried apricots are able to lower cholesterol levels, and also prevent diseases such as heart attack and stroke, normalize blood pressure and the growth of blood cells. It is no less useful for people with thyroid diseases and those who suffer from diabetes.

Dried apricots are rich in amino acids and vitamins such as C, B vitamins, PP, E, as well as vitamin A, better known as retinol. Vitamin C in combination with vitamin E has a beneficial effect on human skin, hair and nails, nourishes memory and speeds up brain and metabolic processes. Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, rejuvenates the body and keeps it in balance. Beta-carotene maintains vision in a normal state, helps to quickly recover after eye surgery.

Another version of dried apricot

Uryuk, by the way, is also an apricot. It only dries along with the stone and has a brown-saturated hue as opposed to orange dried apricots. Perhaps, for an inexperienced buyer, apricot is a more exotic dried fruit, and one should dwell on its description in a little more detail.

Outwardly, apricots are more like dried apricots than dried apricots. Due to the fact that it dries along with the bone, its shape before and after processing is virtually the same.

Apricot is very much appreciated in the countries of Central Asia, for example, in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - they use it in compotes, infusions, even add it to pilaf. It is even sung in a number of folk tales, songs and poems of Asian countries.

As for the benefits of apricot, it contains the same vitamins, microelements and amino acids as dried apricots - after all, they both adopt them from the apricot ancestor. However, due to significant differences in manufacturing, it is generally accepted that apricots are more useful - they simply do not undergo chemical treatment and retain their properties more fully.

Apricot helps with circulatory disorders and anemia, strengthens body tissues, including bone. It is an excellent tool in the prevention of cancer, relieves swelling and is recognized as a good diuretic.

Apricots come in both sweet and sour varieties. Sour ones are suitable for the prevention of colds and migraines, and sweet ones have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

To the touch, apricots are hard and dry, and these are one of the main criteria for selecting a quality product. It should not have various kinds of spots, plaque, it should not be wet and stick to the "neighbors". Wet apricots are stored much less, this also hints at a mismatch with storage conditions. Apricots are very often stored in rag bags and sold in portions.


Both apricots and dried apricots are made from the fruits of the apricot tree - from juicy apricots. They ripen in June-August, they are a round or ovoid single-stone fruit (one stone is contained inside), they can be from yellow to almost red, pink. Apricots are velvety to the touch, they look “tanned”. Apricot pulp is very soft, sweet and sour, and dried apricots and apricots take on its taste.

Both dried apricots and apricots are low-calorie foods that are part of many diets and are consumed during fasting days. Compotes are cooked from them, added to cereals, pilaf, cottage cheese and used in baking. Perhaps this is where their common features end.

As for the difference, dried apricots and apricots are completely different in appearance. Dried apricots are orange, it can be gray-orange (if made naturally), or it can be bright orange (if made artificially using dyes and additives). A stone is taken out of apricots, if we are talking about dried apricots, in the same ones that are sent for the manufacture of apricots, the stone remains. Based on this, one more difference can be found - dried apricots are flat and more elongated, and apricots are similar in shape to a nut.

Apricot is more popular than dried apricots in their homeland - in Central Asia, while dried apricots are better known in Europe. A very important point is that apricots are prepared only naturally. This is especially important for healthy food lovers and allergy sufferers, and in general for people who do not want to consume chemical additives in food. Dried apricots often undergo a number of treatments for a better presentation.

However, both dried apricots and apricots can be cooked at home. To do this, you need to take apricots bought or harvested in your garden. They can be of any size, the main thing is that they retain their integrity and good appearance. Apricots are washed several times, rinsed. Further, if desired, the bones are either pulled out or left, depending on the final product.

In order for dried apricots or apricots to retain their beautiful natural color, they should be kept for about 5–10 minutes in a colander over boiling water. Next, the apricots are dried on a clean surface and placed in the oven for 10 hours at a temperature of about 70 degrees. After that, the apricots change their location again - they must spend three weeks in a tight box that closes on all sides.

It should be wooden, but in no case spruce or pine.

Summing up, we can say that apricots are a little more useful than dried apricots. It is made in a natural way, it retains more healing substances and is not exposed to harmful chemicals.

About what is more useful: dried apricots or apricots, see the next video.

richest gifts of Uzbekistan- these are juicy and sweet fruits, berries and vegetables, which from early spring to late autumn delight the eye and the insatiable womb. One of the first fruit trees to bloom dried apricots. What is an apricot? Mmm, this is a very tasty, sweet and sunny fruit!

Dried apricots(uzb. urik) is essentially the same apricot, but its Central Asian varieties have some species and taste differences. Smaller varieties are called apricots, and apricots are large and beautiful fruits. Some people think that dried apricots suitable only for drying, but this is far from the truth, because. Apricot is, first of all, enjoying the bright taste, aroma and juiciness of a hot summer.

Early apricot varieties they begin to bloom in March, at the same time snow may fall - a striking picture of the struggle between winter and spring is obtained: blooming apricot and snowflakes, which, however, will melt in a couple of days. Cities and suburbs fill with divine scents flowering apricots, they are replaced by cherry and plum trees, cherry plum, apple trees, quince and much more.

Uryuk begins to ripen already in the spring, or rather, he tries to keep up, as the children cut him off while still in a green, unripe form - a green delicacy of noisy children of all times. Since demand creates supply, such an unripe product can even be found on sale. Markets often sell small apricot with "freckles" (brown small dots), they should not confuse you, it is just as tasty and harmless.

Favorable natural conditions make it possible to grow in Uzbekistan various varieties of apricots - from early spring varieties to late autumn ones (Sentyabrsky, Namagansky), as well as to dry it in nature - in the shade under the wings of a warm breeze. There are mainly apricot orchards in the Ferghana Green Valley, Tashkent, Surkhandarya and Zarafshan regions.

There are many varieties of apricots, differing in shape, color and taste. Apricots can be large and very small (smaller than a walnut), bright orange and whitish, with or without a red blush, a little hairy and "bald".

Separate apricot varieties great for drying. These are varieties such as Isfarak, Mirsanjali, while other varieties are table and are used for food and compotes. Apricot, which is used for drying, is very fleshy, has a dense pulp, and therefore, when dried, the fruit is preserved almost entirely. There are varieties of apricots that are easily divided into two halves, and their bone quickly separates from the pulp, while in others the bone is tightly immersed in the pulp - such apricots are dried along with the bone. There are a few main types of dried apricots(apricot): without removing from the tree until they are completely dry (apricot fruits are dried along with the bone); in natural conditions in nature (in the shade or in the sun) - it turns out kaisa- taken from the tree and dried whole apricots without pits; halves of apricots are fumigated with sulfur - it turns out soft and juicy dried apricots.

golden orange dried apricots And dried apricots very beneficial for health. Thanks to special processing, this type of dried fruit is preserved for a long time and does not lose its presentation during long-term transportation. Before using dried apricots, it is better to rinse in boiling water. To make dried apricots soft, it can be soaked in hot water for a longer time, and the resulting infusion is also very tasty and healthy.

Dried fruits is a concentrate of vitamins. Moisture evaporates from the fruit, and only the most relish remains. Therefore, it is useful to eat dried fruits in winter, replacing artificial pharmacy vitamins with natural ones. Dried fruits are eaten in their pure form, used in baking, or they are used to make delicious compote. If you want to weld dried fruits compote, we recommend adding sugar after the compote is cooked and filtered. Although for those who do not like the sugary taste, sugar can not be added at all - there is enough sweetness in dried fruits.

dried apricots and generally speaking dried fruits it is better to store in a rag bag so that they "breathe". A little moisture remains in dried fruits, so they can quickly become moldy in plastic bags.

Table varieties of apricot contain more juice, so they are not subject to drying - even if such fruits are dried, only a hard, inedible skin will remain of them. Therefore, if you have tried to dry apricots (apricot) in your garden plots and you did not succeed, do not be disappointed - it just requires certain Central Asian varieties.

Uryuk contains a large amount useful substances: organic acids, vitamins, minerals, alimentary fiber, vegetable protein And complex carbohydrates. Despite the fact that apricot is very sweet, it is a natural "fat burner", and the complex carbohydrates that make up its composition are easily digested and do not turn into fat.

Apricots are eaten raw, they make a drink out of it - urik sharbati(apricot juice), dried (turshak, kaisa, dried apricots), cook (jams, preserves, compotes), prepare marshmallows. I often use apricot jams in sweet samsas, pancakes and pies. Uryuk is good to eat with something bread, for example, with hot Uzbek flatbread.

Used and apricot bones, of which they make shurdanak- incomparable yummy of Central Asia - these are unpeeled salted apricot kernels grayish (white) color, slightly split along the seam. They acquire this color during cooking - salted apricot kernels baked in ash. It is almost impossible to break away from eating such bones! In addition, the bazaars sell peeled apricot bones and various oriental sweets of them.

