
Tuna oily fish or not. Tuna: the benefits and harms of fried, baked and canned fish

He, of course, does not know how to fulfill cherished desires. But at the same time, it is worth its weight in gold all over the world. Huge benefit And unique properties tuna is that he's on his own nutritional qualities and the protein content is equivalent to meat! Moreover, it is a protein that is almost completely absorbed by the body. Isn't it a miracle?

However, tuna fillet has a lot of advantages. It is no coincidence that this fish is a frequent guest in the kitchens and adherents healthy lifestyle life, and chefs of the most famous restaurants in the world. What is its use and can its use harm the body?

For all outward signs- of course, fish. It lives mainly in ocean waters. The consumption of tuna is increasing day by day. In Japan alone, a country where seafood is in a special honor, 43 thousand tons are caught per year!

Why is the fillet so rich red and so rich in protein? The answer is simple. In search of food, tuna travels huge distances every day: a school of fish can reach speeds of up to 75 km / h! A large load on the muscles contributes to the formation of myoglobin, which gives the red color. And developed muscles are in pure form protein.

What's the use?

This product has been proven numerous studies scientists - and millions of women who are happy to add dishes from it to the menu:

There are very few contraindications, but they still exist. In certain cases, fillet can really harm a person:

  1. Tuna belongs to the mackerel family and causes allergies in people with food sensitivities to this species. It is also obvious that for those whose body reacts sharply to any fish, it is contraindicated - although the fillet is red, it is still not meat.
  2. Due to the high protein content, the product may be harmful to people with kidney failure- Their body is simply not able to absorb it.
  3. One feature of tuna is not at all good for people: mercury accumulates in its body over the years. Therefore, from buying too much big fish(and the weight of a mature individual can reach up to half a ton) it would be wiser to refuse.
  4. Despite all its advantages, tuna is better not to include in the menu of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as children under 3 years old: the same mercury can cause great harm to their weakened body.

How to choose canned tuna?

In Russia, alas, you will not find freshly caught tuna on the counter: this fish is very tender and can be stored for only 3-4 days. But there is a way out. Canned tuna is a worthy alternative to fillets. In the wake of the popularity of this product, many began to make canned tuna. Who should be given preference and not harm the body?

There are two types of canned tuna on sale: in oil and in own juice. If your food budget is low, opt for canned food in oil, which is usually cheaper. But this is perhaps their only advantage. But the fillet cooked in its own juice has a lot of them. In a product preserved in this way, all the benefits of fresh fish are preserved, it tastes good and contains a minimum of fat.

Another interesting detail: sometimes manufacturers mix in tin can fillets of young and older individuals. And to even out the shades of taste, pour the pieces with vegetable oil. Do you want to see only a gentle healthy product on your plate? Then you need canned tuna in its own juice.

How to cook tuna properly?

What to do with semi-finished products is clear: canned tuna can be found in the list of ingredients of many salads, sauces, multi-layered sandwiches. But what about fresh fillets?

It is no coincidence that French chefs call tuna sea veal. Baked with vegetables, he is able to give true pleasure gourmets. He's good on pizza too. Fish soup with tuna - great choice first course. But the Japanese prefer raw fillet- part of the world famous sushi.

But for the lovers fried fish you need to remember one simple rule: the frying time on each side is no more than a minute. Inside the piece should remain raw. Otherwise, instead of fragrant dish With fine taste you will get something dry, very hard and not very edible.


Tuna is one of the most valuable commercial fish, a close relative of mackerel, has an unsurpassed taste.

It is called "sea calf" or "sea chicken" for its atypical taste for fish.

Mackerels are active swimmers, their muscles contain a large amount of myoglobin, which gives the product an unusual color.

About the benefits and harms of tuna meat for the body of men, women and children, the composition and calorie content per 100 grams, contraindications, as well as methods of cooking fish - our publication.

How to choose a quality product

Tuna is sold fresh, frozen and canned.. The shelf life of fresh and frozen products is limited, fresh fillet stored no more than 4 days, frozen - up to 2 weeks.

Fresh tuna fillet is similar in color to beef. The uneven shade of the vending piece indicates dubious freshness.

It is even worse if brownish spots are visible on it.

When choosing a packaged product, you should carefully study the information on the package. and pay attention to the expiration date. Best time for such purchases - May-August.

More affordable canned tuna, in its own juice and in oil. Fish in its own juice retains more useful properties than canned in oil.

If we are talking about the product for diet food, it should be noted that the addition of oil increases the calorie content of the product.

When choosing canned food, the first thing to do is carefully inspect the packaging. Banks deformed, swollen and with traces of rust do not deserve your attention.

Then you need to pay attention to the labeling and information on the label. The marking can be embossed from the inside or applied with indelible paint.

Fuzzy characters and poor quality paint are a fairly significant sign of not being best quality canned food. The most reliable marking is convex, since it is applied during the production process, after which forgery becomes impossible.

In the first row of characters the assortment code is indicated, in the case of tuna it will be the abbreviation GTN. In the second row of symbols the date of manufacture is indicated.

Other things being equal it is better to give preference to a product released more than 3 months ago. During this time, canned tuna acquires a rich taste.

In addition, it makes sense to shake the jar and approximately estimate the ratio of fish and liquid.

Canned tuna contains only fish meat, salt and vegetable oil if you choose canned food with oil added. Products in their own juice retain more useful properties and are richer in taste.

In addition, canned food in oil has another "pitfall"- some producers mix old and young individuals, and the oil masks the differences in taste.

There are also some ethical restrictions. When choosing canned products, it is advisable to look for the one on the label of which is marked "dolphin friendly".

This means that the catch was carried out legally, without violating technology and did not lead to the death of dolphins.

Tips for consumers how to choose canned tuna:

Chemical composition, nutritional and energy value

Tuna - harmful or useful? Fish is in high demand and this is not at all surprising. The meat of these giant mackerels contains great amount nutrients ranging from essential amino acids and ending with a rich complex of trace elements.

Its composition contains, manganese, and sodium.

In addition to microelements, vitamins were found in tuna(in terms of 100 g of product):

Tuna contains a small amount of fat, which includes polyunsaturated fatty acid known as omega-3 and omega-6. These compounds support normal blood flow and cardiovascular function.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids improve vision, stimulate the brain, support the functions of the reproductive system. The presence of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats help to strengthen the skin, hair and nails.

There are no carbohydrates in tuna meat and due to this feature, the product is low-calorie. Energy value- 139 - 145 kcal / 100 g of product.

The calorie content of fish canned in its own juice is lower than that of fresh product- about 110 kcal / 100 g.

Glycemic index canned product – 96.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of tuna meat are determined by its chemical composition. Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 effectively lowers the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

This significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases. cardiovascular disease, developing as a result of circulatory disorders against the background of atherosclerotic lesions.

Daily use 30 g of this fish reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease(in particular, hypertension) approximately doubled.

With the systematic use of tuna, metabolic processes are normalized, which is especially important for people prone to allergic reactions and other diseases associated with impaired plastic metabolism, age-related changes slow down.

Tuna dishes - an indispensable addition to the diet for arthritis and other joint diseases. Substances with antioxidant activity protect cell membranes from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Oxidative processes are one of key points in the processes of aging and malignant transformation of cells. That is, this fish is one of effective means prolongation of youth and prevention oncological diseases.

Antioxidants strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to various toxic effects.

The antitoxic effect of the product is due to the presence of chromium and selenium, trace elements that help cleanse the liver.

Chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Phosphorus stimulates brain activity, strengthens muscles and improves eyesight. Iodine is essential for the prevention of thyroid diseases.

A unique complex of B vitamins improves skin condition, stimulates regeneration processes. Tuna will come in handy for people with skin lesions of various origins.

Vitamin A is good for the retina, E is indispensable for young couples planning to have children.

Useful properties of tuna will be revealed by the program “Food: living and dead” No.:

What is good for health

For adult men and women

Prevention is always cheaper and more effective than treatment. This common truth applies to both diseases and natural age-related changes.

In addition, one product and no technology can fully restore lost health and beauty.

Healthy food containing sufficient amounts of nutrients and biologically active substances, - one of key conditions prolongation of body youth.

Tuna is a high protein food Therefore, it is recommended to include it in specialized diets for athletes and people seeking to get rid of excess weight.

Men will appreciate this fish for strengthening male power and maintenance muscle mass.

Women will like the high nutritional value of the product more combined with low calorie content. Vitamin complex, which is contained in this fish - real gift nature for beautiful ladies, preserving their attractiveness.

Vitamin E not only improves skin condition, but also supports the fertility of both sexes.

During pregnancy

Is tuna good for expectant mothers? Contrary to expectations, eating this nutritious and healthy the product is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

During pregnancy, many women experience transient kidney problems. In such cases high content protein in food from an undoubted advantage turns into an equally undoubted disadvantage.

In uncomplicated pregnancy, tuna can be included in the diet, but in very limited quantities, no more than 200 g per day and no more than twice a week.

Before making a final decision regarding this delicacy, you should consult your doctor.

For children

This fish is included in the children's diet only after 3 years, due to the potential hazard of mercury content. For older children, tuna can be given according to age-specific recommended intakes.

This product contributes to the normal harmonious development of the mental and physical abilities of the baby.

A complete animal protein fully satisfies the needs of a growing organism for essential amino acids.

One serving contains approximately half daily allowance vitamins in particular the group B.

Phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D contribute to the normal development of the skeleton, iodine is necessary for the development of intelligence.

For the elderly

In old age, foods that inhibit the development of cardiovascular and other diseases come to the fore. Tuna is famous for its ability to normalize metabolic processes, in particular, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

The use of this delicious product slows down the progression of atherosclerosis and reduces the likelihood of oncological processes.

Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements, the products are necessary to slow down age-related changes in cartilage tissue.

Vitamin D in a complex with calcium and phosphorus in an easily digestible form- practically ideal remedy prevention of osteoporosis.

Potential danger and contraindications

Any product with excessive use can be harmful, but there are some categories of people for whom tuna is not recommended or contraindicated.

First of all, these are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 3 years old. Why is tuna bad?

Because the this fish accumulates mercury in tissues, it is better to refuse its use. If expectant mothers can occasionally enjoy this delicacy, then young children are introduced to it only at the age of 4.

High protein can harm people with kidney disease. Dishes from tuna meat are contraindicated in severe renal failure. Some restrictions may be introduced for other kidney diseases.

How dangerous tuna can be, the program “Live healthy!” will tell:

How much and how to eat

We are more familiar with dishes in which the fish undergoes preliminary heat treatment. Tuna can be boiled, fried, baked, canned food is used to make salads.

The daily intake of fish for adults is about 50 g per day, but not more than 360 g per week. Nutritionists recommend serving it on the table at least twice a week, older people - up to 4 times.

Tuna belongs to dietary products, it is included in therapeutic and preventive diets recommended for cardiovascular and some other diseases.

This perfect product for sports nutrition and correction of body weight.

The almost complete absence of carbohydrates means that it can be safely included in special diet for people suffering.

If you still don't know how useful sea ​​kale for the body

Tuna salad with grapes. For cooking, you will need tuna fillet (400 g), yogurt (150 g), a bunch of grapes, a glass walnuts, 1 lemon.

Sprinkle the fish with grated zest, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Finished fillet crush with a fork until small pieces remain.

Lightly fry the nuts, chop, mix with grapes, cut in halves, mix with unsweetened yogurt. Add chopped fish, mix, transfer to a salad bowl, decorate lemon zest and grapes.

stuffed tuna. For cooking you will need: tuna carcass (2-2.5 kg), carrots (300 g) one onion, butter (170 g), 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, (400 g), salt, bay leaf, spices.

Wash the fish, carefully remove the skin, remove the bones and cut. Grate carrots and tomatoes, finely chop the onion. Fry onions and carrots separately in vegetable oil.

In contact with

More and more people around the world are beginning to give up unhealthy foods, switching to foods that will only benefit the body. Although today it is not so easy to choose absolutely harmless food. Therefore, it is worth deciding on the one from which the benefits will be greater than the harm.


The fact that seafood has a large amount of substances necessary for the body has long been known. Therefore, their presence in the menu is mandatory. Their use is used in the preparation of menus by doctors for their patients in case of various diseases. To date, one of the most affordable representatives among the marine fauna is canned tuna. Its use is recommended for almost all groups of people. Be sure to use canned tuna for those who have problems with such organs:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • thyroid gland;
  • vision;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • brain.

The benefits of tuna, which is equated by many experts with the action of some medicines, can have a beneficial effect in cases of such diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • very weak immunity;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • different stages of goiter.

The use of tuna is also recommended for the prevention of diseases. The elements that make up this marine life, contribute to the activation of brain activity, helps to avoid heart attacks, improves metabolic processes in the body. In addition, tuna gives strength, and also increases efficiency, if consumed in enough but do not exceed the recommended limits.

Also, this seafood has a low calorie content, therefore, it contributes to weight loss.

The beneficial properties of seafood are also used in ophthalmology. As for canned tuna, it is characterized by the following qualities:

  • protects the retina from moisture loss and drying;
  • prevents the formation of glaucoma;
  • prevents degeneration at the macular level.

Another terrible disease of our time is cancer. The beneficial properties of canned tuna are also used in the fight against this disease. The use of this product at least once a week will be a good prevention of breast cancer, oral cavity, chest, organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, omega-3 acids, which are present in canned tuna, give it the properties of an antidepressant, normalize hormonal background. By activating brain activity By improving the blood supply to organs, this seafood helps to overcome stressful situations, avoid Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of this plan.

The taste properties of canned tuna benefit many gourmets of the world. The use of seafood for cooking has long been a popular phenomenon. Tuna is one of the most useful and affordable ones. True, it is best to buy this seafood in its own juice.


Certainly, beneficial features canned tuna is undeniable, but it also has negative characteristics that can harm the body. First of all, it is worth noting that any food preserved in the form of canned food already has preservatives, from which there is zero benefit. Therefore, doctors recommend eating fresh tuna.

Harm can bring the body and mercury, which accumulates in tuna through the integument of the body. Daily use of this seafood can provoke problems with the vestibular apparatus, with the organs of hearing, vision, worsen speech, worsen memory. They manifest themselves through the following symptoms:

  • sensory disorders;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • imbalance.

It also happens that an excess of this seafood in the diet contributes to the development of diseases of the nervous system, cause diseases of the urinary tract, gout, and lead to intoxication.

But, if you improve nutrition and stop eating canned tuna every day, then the symptoms disappear and over time, all disorders in the work of certain organs stop.

The presence of a certain amount of mercury in tuna is not at all a reason to completely abandon it from the menu. Repeated studies have proven that the harm from it is minimal, especially in comparison with the benefits. Therefore, this seafood should not be excluded from the diet.

Although it sometimes happens that the amount of mercury exceeds the norm, and this leads to severe poisoning body with a toxic substance, providing great harm health. In such cases, the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling of the larynx;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • rashes.

These signs require a doctor's examination, so you should immediately go to the hospital.


Seafood is known for its nutritional properties. But at the same time, their use will not lead to obtaining more energy. Their calorie content is quite low. Canned tuna is no exception. Its calorie content is less meat or other products with similar beneficial ingredients. But at the same time, tuna does not lose its exquisite taste characteristics. Such properties make it possible to use it during diets in order to receive all the necessary substances and not harm the body. A more detailed breakdown of information about the calorie content of canned tuna is given in the table below:

Tuna in own juice:

100 gr. 1 glass 1 tbsp 1 tsp
calories 96 192 24 6,7
Squirrels 21.0 42,0 5,2 1,5
Fats 1.2 2,4 0,3 0,1
Carbohydrates 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Tuna in oil:

100 gr. 1 glass 1 tbsp 1 tsp
calories 197.9 395,8 49,5 13,8
Squirrels 29.1 29,1 7,3 2,0
Fats 8.2 16,4 2,0 0,6
Carbohydrates 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Eating canned tuna provides a lot of daily allowance essential proteins and fats. But it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to eat it daily in order to avoid some health problems.


Seafood is very useful product. They are recommended to use frequently. But there are categories of people who should not get involved in canned tuna. As already mentioned, this is due to the presence of a certain amount of mercury in it, as well as other individual signs of intolerance.

Contraindications for canned tuna are:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • asthma patients;
  • those who have kidney problems.

These recommendations are rather relative. Each person must independently determine the reaction of his body to this seafood. But, besides this, contraindications include the fact that it is not recommended to eat it more often than 1-2 times a week.


Closed canned tuna have good handling and stored in closed up to 3 years. You can find out in more detail the expiration date of a particular canned food from the information on the jar itself. At home, canned tuna is best placed in a dark, cool place.

After opening canned tuna, the contents must be transferred to glass jar and close tightly with a lid so that air does not get inside. You need to store it in the refrigerator, but not more than a day, that is, 24 hours from the moment of opening.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value tuna is of great importance for the human body. Despite the fact that this seafood contains absolutely no carbohydrates, and it also has low calorie, contained in the proteins and fats, as well as other substances compensate for them.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are especially beneficial. The nutritional value also increases due to amino acids, as well as other elements. In more detail, you can find out about their number in 100 gr. from the table:

Tuna in own juice:

Tuna in oil:

Canned tuna is considered one of the most popular seafood in terms of nutritional value. The value is associated with the presence a large number in him useful elements, as well as availability in shops and supermarkets.

Vitamins and minerals

As with many other seafood, canned tuna has many different vitamins and minerals in its composition. It is thanks to their presence that such a benefit is obtained from this seafood.


Tuna in own juice:

Name Weight in 100 gr., mg
1 Vitamin PP 9,80
2 Vitamin B1 0,05
3 Vitamin B2 0,15
4 Vitamin E (TE) 0,20
5 Vitamin PP 14,00

Tuna in oil:

Name Weight in 100 gr., mg
1 Vitamin PP 9,20
2 Vitamin B1 0,04
3 Vitamin B2 0,12
4 Vitamin E (TE) 6,10
5 Vitamin PP 13,20


Tuna in own juice:

Name Content in 100 gr.
1 Calcium 24.0 mg
2 Magnesium 24.0 mg
Sodium 960.0 mg
3 Potassium 296.0 mg
4 Phosphorus 228.0 mg
5 Chlorine 165.0 mg
6 Sulfur 225.0 mg
7 Iron 1.2 mg
8 Zinc 0.7 mg
9 Chromium 55.0 mcg
10 Fluorine 430.0 mcg
11 Molybdenum 4.0 µg
12 Nickel 6.0 μg

Tuna in oil:

Name Content in 100 gr.
1 Calcium 25.0 mg
2 Magnesium 25.0 mg
Sodium 961.0 mg
3 Potassium 298.0 mg
4 Phosphorus 238.0 mg
5 Chlorine 165.0 mg
6 Sulfur 220.0 mg
7 Iron 0.8 mg
8 Zinc 0.7 mg
9 Chromium 55.0 mcg
10 Fluorine 430.0 mcg
11 Molybdenum 4.0 µg
12 Nickel 6.0 μg

Magnesium and iron are able to fill the lack of these necessary for the body. minerals, which largely affect the functioning of all organs. B-group vitamins are great medicine against depression, significantly strengthen nervous system. The use of canned tuna can satisfy the need for essential substances.

Canned tuna is a seafood that has entered the homes of many people. It has many useful properties that are perfectly preserved even in canned form. In addition, this is one of the most accessible forms of this delicacy. Not everyone can afford fresh tuna. But everyone needs useful elements, so canned food will be an excellent analogue, but cheaper.

However, it should never be forgotten that this delicious seafood, even in processed form, should not be consumed daily. Otherwise, you can harm your health, more benefit. Nutritionists and other medical professionals recommend pampering yourself no more than once a week.

This fish is also known in America: in the industry of this country, it makes up half of all processed fish.

The beneficial properties of tuna are preserved in canned food, but nothing tastes better than freshly cooked fish. If you have to buy canned tuna fillets, then it is better to take one that is cooked in its own juice (its benefits are more noticeable), and not in oil.

Today, tuna is one of the most popular types fish. The value of tuna is increasing as its population is threatened with depopulation and trapping is controlled in many countries. And this fish is also considered the "rose of the seas", because its meat has a pink or red color. Such staining occurs under the influence of myoglobin, which is produced during muscle load, when the tuna moves at high speed (about 75 km / h).

Nutritional value of tuna

There are so many useful substances in this fish that it can rightly be called a favorite. The main ingredient is Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFAs, which have an effective effect on the heart and blood vessels, activate the brain, improve the condition of hair and skin. The composition of tuna meat contains many vitamins of different groups and amino acids, as well as many trace elements: calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. Such components perfectly strengthen the skeletal system, and also increase immunity.

100 g of meat contains about 140 kcal, so this product is one of the most recommended products for diet therapy. And in Japan and China, separate shelves on the shelves are assigned for this fish to draw attention to its status.

What is useful tuna

Tuna meat is a real source of protein, multivitamins and minerals, but there is very little fat in its composition. So, mainly such fish is used as a dietary product, therefore, for those who want to reduce their body weight without losing muscle mass, its benefits will be very tangible.

With the constant use of tuna meat in the body, metabolic processes are established, and sugar also returns to normal.

The benefits of tuna are also invaluable in the fight against pain in diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. It is recommended to consume tuna fillet for those who are prone to allergies, as well as for people who have a predisposition to cancer. And in general, the benefit of this big fish with pleasant peculiar taste cannot be overestimated.

I must say that regular consumption of tuna fillet prevents vision loss and improves brain function. Since tuna contains a lot of 95 percent digestible protein (somewhere around 24 grams per 100 g of fish), fish has become an indispensable and favorite product in the diet of people involved in sports who stubbornly strive to gain muscle mass.

Enrich the body useful substances tuna is also able. It is able to provide 80 percent of the daily requirement of the human body for vitamin B12, as well as about 30 percent for vitamin B6. In addition, the body will receive the necessary dose of niacin and a certain amount of various vitamins (A, D and E). Enriched with tuna and many macro- and microelements. We should especially mention the presence of selenium in fish, because this microelement plays a very important role, as it cleanses the liver of toxic substances, reducing their harm. This has a beneficial effect on the entire body, because the liver is a kind of “chemical factory”, the work of which is concentrated between the digestive and circulatory systems ami, it becomes clear that malfunctions in the liver lead to diseases of these systems of the human body.

The peculiar benefit of tuna is that it perfectly strengthens immune system by producing antibodies that reduce the number of allergic manifestations in human body. As we see, at frequent use tuna fish benefits for the body will be significant.

Application in cooking

The peculiarity of this fish of the mackerel family is that it is nutritious like meat, but at the same time it is the owner of the beneficial properties of fish. How cooking masterpiece Tuna can be served hot or cold and this will not diminish its benefits. And from it are obtained delicious canned food and pates. And it’s unnecessary to remind that tuna is delicious and baked, and fried, and boiled, and salted. This delicacy is also added to salads and sauces, and they also make minced meat for sushi, rolls and pies. With tuna meat, you get mouth-watering sandwiches and pizzas.

Is tuna bad

Needless to say, this fish has its drawbacks. Undoubtedly, like any other product, tuna can bring both benefits and, unfortunately, harm, especially in canned form. Yes and fresh fish can harm a woman's body during pregnancy, lactation, as well as patients with kidney dysfunction. Allergics on the fillet of mackerel fish are also not recommended to use tuna, as it can harm their body.

Harm is minimized if you consume fish daily in small quantities. Babies should not be given tuna meat, it is introduced into the child's menu, starting from the age of 3.

The disadvantage of this valuable fish is that mercury accumulates in the meat of huge individuals, which is harmful to the human body.

Video about the benefits and harms of tuna:

The largest five-meter fish, chasing around the world's waters at the speed of a submarine, is tuna. A predator that has become the object of research by nutritionists and doctors for the beneficial properties of meat.

Tuna is a commercial fish with 15 subspecies (from 1.8 kg to 684 kg). The name (from the ancient Greek “throw”, “throw”) reflects the habits of these predators constantly rushing in search of food. Tunas grow up by eating fish, crustaceans and molluscs. The veins and arteries, encircling the sides of the muscular spindle-shaped body, paint in pink-red tones the muscle tissue that covers the white meat, rich in protein.

This predator for useful and taste properties in France it is nicknamed "sea veal". In Japan, the famous sushi is made from it. It is the object of a real hunt among anglers, which has put a number of its valuable subspecies on the brink of extinction. At present, artificial cultivation of valuable tuna species is practiced in a number of countries.

The nutritional value

Tuna is eaten raw, fried, stewed, smoked, baked and canned species. The benefits of fish after canning practically remain. Useful properties of tuna meat (per 100 grams) are unique:

  • Calorie content - 139 Kcal
  • Energy value (proteins / fats / carbohydrates) - in percentage 70/30/0, in calories 98/41/0 (average), in grams 24.4/41/0
  • Trace elements - iron, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, iodine
  • Macronutrients - magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium
  • Polyunsaturated acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) - 0.21-1.1 g.
  • Vitamins - A, B (1,2,3,4,6,12), D, E, PP (niacin), folic acid
  • Cholesterol - almost absent (in canned form - 17.5 mg)
  • Water - 68 g.
  • Ash - 1.2 g.

Healthy calories, high fat levels and no carbs make this fish dietary product, the benefits of which are for all age categories, including the growing body of children.

Tuna is a unique fish that gives people health. Where is the source of its healing properties? Chemical composition its meat strikes with an abundance of useful elements that can reverse any disease. Researchers have proven the healing effects of tuna food in combination with the treatment of a person from an illness.

The source of miraculous power is tuna meat and its vital elements - Omega-3, Omega-6, amino acids, micro and macro elements that stimulate the immune system.

How much tuna meat should be eaten per day? The benefits of daily addition of even 30 grams of tuna to the diet is manifested in the recovery of a person from a number of diseases, including those associated with diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and circulatory systems. It is expressed in the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis, various tumors, and thrombus formation processes.

vitamins in fish

Useful properties of fish are found in parallel with the treatment of vision, osteoporosis, diabetes and hypertension. There is a “targeted” benefit for a person of selenium, which cleanses the liver, as well as vitamins that answer:

B1 - for fat and carbohydrate metabolism

B2 - for the condition of the skin, nails, hair

B3 - for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar

B4 - for normalization of weight and liver support

B6 - for the general metabolism.

B12 - for salvation from anemia and mental disorders,

"E" - supports the reproductive function of men.

"A" - for the elderly serves as an anti-aging drug, and for women and girls - cosmetic body rejuvenation.

"D" - serves as a reliable prevention of rickets in children.

For scientists and students, the properties of healing components help to increase brain activity. Amino acids involved in the construction of muscle cells are good as a diet for athletes.

Finally, the product is needed by children. They grow healthy if taken daily " fish fat", since Omega class acids help reduce allergic reactions, stimulate the development of the brain, heart, all subsystems of the body, and micro and macro elements strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

All these useful properties are not produced in the human body, but are vital to it and are supplied from the outside. Such a dense accumulation of healing elements makes tuna unsurpassed valuable product therapeutic and dietary nutrition, which has the power to stop a serious illness. To restore and maintain health, you need to eat foods with the addition of tuna.

Possible health hazards

The main contraindications for eating sea giant meat are associated with individual intolerance. Harm manifests itself as an allergic effect of one or another element of tuna meat.

The older the tuna, the more mercury accumulates in its meat, causing contraindications, which can cause some harm to children up to three years. Such fish meat should not be added to the food of patients with renal insufficiency. Vitamin "A" and fatty acids can harm women during pregnancy (fetal pathology, toxicosis).

In the event of a violation of the technology of freezing and thawing tuna, histamine (combrotoxin) may appear in its meat, which can harm even a healthy body.

In all other respects, eating tuna for food is only good.

Selection and storage rules

Where and when can you buy tuna? This valuable fish can be bought from spring to autumn (trapping period). Tuna can be sold in the form of fillets, steaks and minced meat. Although in Russia it is unlikely to be found on the counter in fresh but the demand for it is growing every year. Worthy alternative are canned. It is better to choose in their own juice - they are more expensive than in oil, but they contain everything valuable qualities product, therefore maximum benefit body.

Canned tuna is stored in a cold dark place for several months, but after opening - no more than a day. Tuna fillet in the refrigerator will lie no more four days, V freezer- two weeks. Thawed meat must be cooked immediately and consumed within one day.

Cooking method

Tuna is eaten raw, fried, stewed, smoked, baked and canned. The benefits of fish after canning practically remain.

The fillets are defrosted (in vacuum packed), wipe dry, then pickle and cook. Heat treatment should continue on each side for more than 2 minutes, until the formation golden brown. To stew tuna, 15 minutes is enough. Excessively long heat treatment does meat tough dry and not tasty.

The use of fish for weight loss

Tuna dishes are called the dream of girls, women and athletes. It contains in sufficient quantities: easily digestible protein, useful minerals, vitamins with a minimum index of fat and a complete absence of carbohydrates.

Diet food using tuna is:

  • Losing weight without the effect of "flabbiness" of the skin (the "correct" fats contained in tuna activate metabolic processes in the body, from which only calories and excess fat are burned, but not muscle mass).
  • Weight loss plus excellent physical shape (a diet with tuna does not provoke weight gain).

That's why nutritionists, trainers and doctors advise including tuna in diets for the sake of your own health.
